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Barnes Method French with The Language Menu the best methods meet the best specialist materials

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Tlphoner en franais
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particularmente temos amizade com um ingles que esta com um projeto excelente direcionado para o mercado brasileiro, ele criou um novo metodo de ensinar ingles mais rapido que o metodo Callan, vale a pena conferir, eh um metodo de conexoes de palavras em ingles similares as palavras em portugues, metodo que ja esta fazendo ele mesmo quase falar portugues fluente. Particularly we have friendship with an English guy that is with a directed excellent project for the Brazilian market, he created new method to teach English quicker than method Callan, valley the penalty to confer, eh one method of connection of similar words in English to the words in Portuguese, method that already this making he himself almost to say Portuguese fluent. Darlene http://www.scribd.com/doc/7689063/Brasil-in-London-The-Guide-for-Brazilians-in-London

Barnes English Class Experience, I have been taking English classes with the Barnes English Institution for three months. Hence, I had taken a lot of classes in the past: almost two years in my native country. However, experience in Barnes English is great. I have learned key fundamentals in my pronunciation. The most important thing is the practice of English language which is the main objective during the class. Having personal classes, face to face, is an excellent opportunity to improve and to have stable confidence. Thanks, Jorge

Here's some great tips on language learning from Dr Barnes. Thanks perry!!! http://ttoll.blogspot.com/2008/12/interesting-tips-on-language-learning.html

Hi my dear teacher, Thank you soooooo much for this e_mail, will be really usefull for me and i have a couple of friend is interesting to have class with you on Sunday. How about my certificate??? Good night Fernanda "Hi. How are you? I've got the cards you sent to me. Thank you so much. I'm happy to say to you I've passed my test. Thank you so much for your big help Aurea". Aurea was Successful with the Life in the UK test after 2 classes with us

Ivanir says: voce e o melhor Ivanir says: voce e um professor" estraordinario" Ivanir says: my book is full of new words that you gave me Ivanir says: adorei esta aula... Ivanir: ivanirdornelles@hotmail.com [19:54:37] Kelma says: seu livro muito bom http://www.scribd.com/doc/6483186/METODO-BARNES-PARA-APRENDER-INGLES eu vou precisar imprimir parabns pelo seu livro [20:00:46] Kelma says: eu falei para um amigo meu encontrei o melhor professor de ingls no site shared talk

Maybe you do not want to be my friend that is ok I just want to thank you for your help in my Environmental research project I passed with 2 honours bachelor class. Thanks feel free to contact me when you want Cristiane When he 1st came they spoke nothing, now, complete opposite. Father: after me teaching his children (Amer and Amar) for 2 months. Luis, my teacher, is a nice guy and I find it pleasant to have my classes with him. A beautiful Luis' idea is associating words with distances and now I'm going to write few examples: here is my laptop but your one is there this car is badly parked but that one and these, and those others aren't My English is improving rapidly and I'm really happy that this is happening He use a particular method more based on strong intuition rather than on rigid grammar rules Andrea (Italian) I got a friend from UK , and he is an English Teacher, he has wonderful books of English! Please take a look on his books! by Ricardo Almeida Barbosa Julio says:

I've searched on google about your "Barnes Method" Julio says: it seems nice ! Julio says: I'm reading it right now... Julio says: I like your timeline table http://www.scribd.com/doc/5364699/Timeline-English-c-Perry-Barnes-2008 Ash says: I certify you are a good teacher underline the above sentence and put it on ur website Cti says: i'm reading barnes institute Cti says: yes Cti says: i print Cti says: im reading the 1st class english Cti says: your book is amazing katy_deep@hotmail.com [c=6]Fernanda Rodrigues[/c] says: these exercises are good, actually grat [c=6]Fernanda Rodrigues[/c] says: **great I like the affirmations part: ''...I'm a genius ...'' pet.trench@orangemail.es Barnes Method English @ 2nd Edition available here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/6463858/Barnes-Method-English-2nd-Edition I spoke to my friend yesterday and she said my english is much clearer, so I want to thank you for what you do silmara_b@msn.com

Barnes Method Introduction

Thanks so much to Veronica Gilhooley she made me a happy man when she agreed to let a certain guy combine our books together. Barnes Method is about the best methods to learn languages... the methods that the top 5% of learners know which enable you to learn in fast times that seem impossible to most learners. Our methods combined with the fantastic materials that the language menu produces can take you to the next level or move you forward some of the newest and the tested barnes method tested will be listed here so that you can make the most of the materials which follow Dr Barnes 2012

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1st a person needs a way to memorize the information they want to learn a memory system that I use with students which enables them to learn all the things identified in the 1st class test is 1. practise what you learn immediately >make examples, use it in 1 sentence, meet someone using the words 2. practise or test yourself after 30 minutes >a teacher can do this for you, although its best to be proactive and do it yourself 3. study the notes or materials from your class later that day OR the next day >this will force you to remember 4. test yourself OR your teacher tests you in the next class >or 7 days later its not that important which materials or teacher you use... its more important to have a memory system

2nd learn with something you love

examples >you love/like your teacher >read a book you already love in your language >study for your job (if you Love it) >learn from songs if you love music (some of my students are musicians and they write songs in english then ask a native speaker to check the grammar) 3rd use money as a motivation learn for your job have someone check your emails from work learn to sell something in the new language i've learned so many languages using this one, highly recommended be a genius, like me (confident, or too much... who cares, we're learning something here) 4th learn the similar words between your language and the new language this idea works great with some languages... >learning between all the latin languages >learning between all the germanic (german) languages >learning between the russian/bulgarian languages >the world language (english) has links between the latin languages and the latin languages, so it works with the most popular 2nd language (apparantly spanish is the most spoken 1st language)

a more barnes method books here... our goal this year is to get 1 million views for barnes method books right now we have 300,000 views!!!! http://www.scribd.com/barnes%20method%20books %20international online english classes with skype add genius7001 to your skype www.google.com download skype more language menu documents/resources here... http://www.learnwell.fi/ http://teachers.thelanguagemenu.com/

SOMMAIRE: 1. Introduction 2. tiquette tlphonique 3. Les bons mots pour:

Rpondre au tlphone, se prsenter Demander parler quelqu'un Le numro de tlphone est faux Transfrer lappel Le correspondant est en ligne Le correspondant est absent / est l Problmes de comprhension Demander le nom du correspondant Demander au correspondant de rpter son

nom Prendre un message Commencer et conclure une conversation Rpondeur tlphonique 3. Exercices oraux 4. Alphabet tlphonique international 5. Prononciation des nombres et des symboles 6. Exercices oraux & discussions
Learnwell Oy

TLPHONE [te.le.fn] subst. masc. Appareil utilis par deux personnes pour mener une conversation distance. Peut-tre fixe (reli un rseau cbl) ou mobile (communiquant via des ondes radios). TLPHONER verbe Communiquer par tlphone, adresser, passer un appel tlphonique Synonymes: fam. donner un coup de fil/ tlphone, passer un coup de fil Idiomes: fam. tre pendu au tlphone/passer sa vie au tlphone (tlphoner longtemps ou trs frquemment) tymologie : Tele- provient du grec tele- , signifiant loin, et phone provient du grec phon- - voix, son
Learnwell Oy

On tlphone qqn. pour qqc. Noubliez pas: On dcroche le rcepteur On compose un numro de tlphone On tlphone quelquun On passe un coup de tlphone qqn On passe un coup de fil qqn On rpond au tlphone On a qqn. au tlphone (fam. avoir qqn. au bout du fil) On est au tlphone (en ligne) On passe une heure au tlphone On appelle quelquun au tlphone On raccroche le rcepteur Quest-ce que a signifie?
Lannuaire Les pages jaunes La liste rouge 4

LA MANIRE DE PARLER Parlez dune voix riche et dtendue. Efforcez-vous de sourire, cela rend la voix plus agrable! Parlez dune voix autant que possible mlodieuse et peu monotone Parlez hauteur modre et dans un rythme ni trop lent, ni trop rapide

variez le ton de la voix en fonction du type de discours COMBIEN DE SONNERIES? Rpondez avant la troisime sonnerie Laissez de cot tout autre activit (ne mangez pas, ne mchez pas du chewing-gum pendant que vous parlez au tlphone) RUSSIR LA PREMIRE IMPRESSION Prsentez-vous: donnez votre nom Indiquez le nom de votre entreprise et de votre service Noubliez correspondant premire impression pas: il aura est possible longtemps avec votre que aprs vous service. avoir soyez Votre raccroch le premier correspondant ou le seul contact gardera que cette le Lorsque pas de prvenir vous transfrez votre correspondant la communication en indiquant vers le galement service comptent, le nom du noubliez s ervice Si dapprendre le correspondant quel est sest le service tromp recherch. de numro, Votre soyez geste aimable. sera srement Si possible, apprci! essayez
Learnwell Oy "Fhe Language I Menu


RPONDRE AU TLPHONE Socit X, bonjour! Socit X, je vous coute... Socit X, Marie Boyer lappareil Bonjour, ici Marie Boyer, de la socit X. SE PRSENTER Bonjour, Marc Durand lappareil. Bonsoir. Je me prsente: Marc Durand, je vous tlphone de la part de la socit X All. Bonjour madame/monsieur, ici Marc Durand, de la socit X.
Russir la premire impression Indiquez votre nom Indiquez votre socit et service
Learnwell Oy


DEMANDER PARLER QUELQUUN Pourrais-je parler M. Durand? Je voudrais parler M. Durand, sil vous plat. Jessaie de contacter M. Durand. Pourriezvous me passer le service des ressources humaines ? Pourriez-vous me dire quand est-ce que je peux joindre M. le Directeur? Pourriez-vous me passer le responsable facturation? Je voudrais le poste 34, sil vous plat. Est-ce que M. Durand est disponible, sil vous plat? Je voudrais le service des ventes, sil vous plat.
Learnwell Oy

LE CORRESPONDANT EST ABSENT Je regrette, mais il/elle ne travaille plus chez nous. Je regrette, mais il est sorti la retraite. Dsole(), il ny a personne de ce nom qui travaille ici. Je regrette, mais il a change de numro. Son

nouveau numro est le 122 078 Voudriez-vous parler quelquun dautre? Excusez-moi, mais vous vous trompez de numro. Dsol(e), mais vous tes au poste 232 et non pas 323.


Le arnwell Oy
The Language I I Menu

.1...TRANSFRER LAPPEL Excusez-moi de vous

faire attendre, je vous passe M. Durand maintenant. Ne quittez pas, je vous passe M. Durand. Un moment, sil vous plat. Je vais le/la chercher. Je vous met en ligne. Restez en ligne, je vais le/la chercher.


Learnwell Oy

LA PERSONNE NEST PAS DISPONIBLE Je suis dsol (e), M. Durand n'est pas disponible pour le moment Dsol (e), mais M. Durand n'est pas l aujourdhui Dsol (e), mais M. Durand est dans une runion Dsol (e), mais M. Durand est en vacances Dsol (e), mais M. Durand est sorti prendre le dner Je regrette, mais M. Durand est en cong de convalescence/en cong de paternit Dsol (e), mais M. Durand est pris en ce moment Je regrette, mais M. Durand vient juste de quitter le bureau. Il ne sera de retour quavant 16h Je regrette, mais M. Durand est en dplacement. Dsol (e), mais votre correspondant ne rpond pas Dsol (e), mais votre correspondant nest pas disponible ce matin. Pourriez-vous rappeler plus tard? Il sera disponible aprs 14h


Dsol (e), mais M. Durand est sorti/est ltranger pour quelques jours
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