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Mucuna Pruriens or Kaucha

By MM.Chinoy

Mucuna pruriens is a shrub which uses it vines as support to climb and grow. When Mucuna pruriens are young they are covered with hair which disappears as the plant gets old. The leaves of Mucuna pruriens are of various shapes like ovate, tripinnate and rhombus shape. The tips of the leaves are pointed and the sides are grooved. When the Mucuna pruriens plants are young, you can find hairs on both sides of the leaves. The plant grows well in tropical areas of India, West Indies and Africa. There are many regions in Africa where the quality of the soil is degraded because of intensified agriculture. Mucuna pruriens grows in these areas to weed out infestation and restore soil fertility. It is common to find purple, white and lavender flowers on Mucuna pruriens. Avoid touching the seed pod of Mucuna pruriens plants as it s known to cause severe itch. The pod is about 10 cm long and is covered with orange hairs. The itch caused by the pod is due to the presence of proteins serotonin and mucunain. The benefits of mucuna pruriens are numerous. The amazing herbal adaptogen that is mucuna pruriens is well known for it's wide range of tonifying, strengthening and all around beneficial properties. Perhaps it is best known as a potent herbal aphrodisiac. This Indian herb is known by many names, some of which are cowitch, cowhage, velvet beans, sea beans, buffalo beans, Kapikachu, Atmagupta and many more! The prickly orange hairs on the outside of the pod cause severe itching when they come in contact with the skin. The doctrine of signatures can give us a clue here since the velvet bean's pods can be used to treat snake bite! The main medicinal effects attributed to mucuna pruriens come from the seeds, but the pod and its hairs and the plant's roots can also be used in herbal preparations. The velvet beans are "drift seeds", which is a name given to any seeds that can float away on ocean currents to grow in other regions of the world.

Traditional properties:
~Sweet, bitter and hot

~Heavy and unctuous (oily or greasing quality) ~Balancing to all three doshas! (a rare quality even amongst herbal adaptogens, ginseng and gotu kola are also known for this) ~Builds fertility in men (Increases semen volume, sperm count and sperm motility, better double up boys...) ~Very potent at increasing libido for both men and women ~Treats leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge), menorrhagia (excessive menstrual bleeding) and spermatorrhoea (involuntary ejaculation) which are all signs of leakage of Jing/Ojas, which is the foundational essence of health ~Helps men last longer sexually ~Used to build muscle in those who are weak ~Helps women increase lactation when breastfeeding ~Prevents and or lowers the effects of poisonous snake bites ~Treats Parkinson's disease ~Treats depression ~Treats insomnia and generally deepens sleep ~The hairs on the mucuna pod are used to treat several species of parasitic worms (excluding tapeworms) ~Helps digestion without increasing pitta (fire)

Scientific properties:
Mucuna pruriens contains 40mg/g of a compound called L-DOPA which is a direct precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine works as one of the best natural hgh releasers (human growth hormone) by stimulating the pituitary gland to increase it's production. High levels throughout life of the body's own natural growth hormone (not hormones from the synthetic injections) is known as a major key for human longevity. Dopamine also increases other youth hormones such as testosterone (it must be mentioned that these increases are never throwing the endocrine system out of balance, merely improving levels which tend to decrease over time in the average person). These resulting increased levels of these hormones from the use of mucuna pruriens extracts, powders and/or raw herbs explains its association with increasing libido, fertility, lean muscle mass, reducing signs of aging such as wrinkles and body fat, increasing bone density and even boosting overall energy levels. Animal studies have shown powerful results such as a ten fold increase in mounting frequency by male rats! Also a decrease in post ejaculatory intervals have been observed, meaning that the animals being studied are more quickly able to return to "the task at hand". This could be due to the fact that mucuna pruriens extract basically cures premature ejaculation and the amount of downtown between ejaculations by reducing hypersensitivity in the genitals. L-DOPA from mucuna pruriens has been shown to be safer and more effective for controlling Parkinson's disease than the pharmaceutical drugs Levodopa and Carbidopa. This is because the vast array of other chemical constituents that accompany L-DOPA in the unprocessed plant also play a role in its ability to manage Parkinson's disease. Since Parkinson's is in large part a deficiency of the neurotransmitter dopamine, this adaptogenic herb is crucial for anyone looking to manage this disease. It also looks to be very promising as a treatment for recovering drug addicts and people suffering from depression related illness, since these people have deficiencies of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine (which the velvet beans contain and help balance in the human body).

This herbal adaptogen can also be used by anyone simply wanting to have fun. The abundance of bliss chemicals combined with the velvet beans adept ability at helping men last longer sexually and increasing libido for both genders makes this a safe and hilariously fun herb to use recreationally. It is also quickly becoming popular as a natural bodybuilding hgh secretagogue. This is much safer to use than synthetic human growth hormone which is quickly gaining a reputation as a carcinogenic "steroid-like" performance enhancer. The great thing with this herb is that it gets your body to make growth hormone itself and thus control the amount it makes and avoid the problems associated with elevated levels of hgh. One of the most important secrets of longevity is maintaining optimal levels of key hormones as well as other phytochemical factors in your bloodstream. This article has already covered how mucuna pruriens is a natural growth hormone secretagogue (hgh) as well as a booster of other hormones of youth that tend to diminish with time. It has been found that blood plasma levels of some of the top antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (an enzyme that prevents your hair from going gray!), glutathione (GSH) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) are kept elevated in those who take this adaptogenic herbal aphrodisiac The powerful benefits of mucuna pruriens extract and whole herb should be temporarily avoided while pregnant or suffering from diabetes (it has blood sugar lowering properties). It should also be avoided by anyone with schizophrenia. If you choose to use adaptogenic herbs to manage or reverse any disease or disorder, always work with a knowledgeable health care practitioner. There is no specifically determined dosage for this herbal aphrodisiac, however most people agree on 15-30 grams a day for adults as a safe and effective amount.

How to Grow Mucuna Pruriens Seeds

The Mucuna Pruriens is a species of plant that is indigenous to tropical climates. It is an annual shrub with climbing tendencies, belonging to the Fabaceae family. Mucuna Pruriens grows a legume-style fruit and the plant is often referred to as Velvet bean, Cowhage, Pica (or Pica-Pica), Cowitch, or Yoruba. Growing Mucuna Pruriens isn't particularly difficult if you know when and where to plant it and how to cultivate it

Start your Mucuna Pruriens seeds indoors, in pots, unless you live in a tropical climate. You'll need to pot the plants in early Spring and then transplant them outdoors after all threat of frost is gone unless you live in a very warm climate.

Choose a moderately-shaded area for planting. Mucuna Pruriens plants do like a lot of sun, but too much can burn them, especially when they're young. Remember, some plants can have vines that reach up to 15 feet in length, so they'll definitely reach towards the sun and get more sunlight as they grow. Prepare the soil in the area you've chosen by tilling a large amount of compost under and making sure that the soil is very rich. Remember, as a tropical plant Mucuna Pruriens prefers a dark, rich soil and will struggle without it. Place a trellis along the area where you'll be planting your Mucuna Pruriens. These climbing shrubs needs something to hold on to in order to grow tall and strong. Plant the seeds about an inch or so from your trellis, roughly 3/4-inch under the soil, and water the area liberally until the ground is thoroughly soaked. Leave at least 6 inches between each plant. Keep your Mucuna Pruriens plants well-watered, watering at least every other day. This is especially crucial when they're young and just beginning to develop

Indoor Germinating for Mucuna Pruriens

Mucuna pruriens is commonly called cowitch or velvet bean. It is a tropical vining legume that produces purple or white flowers followed by 2- to 5-inch long bean pods. Velvet bean is commonly grown as a green manure crop or for animal feed. While usually seeded directly into the garden or field, Mucuna pruriens seeds can be germinated indoors.

Soil Temperature

Mucuna pruriens seeds need warm soil temperatures to germinate. In cold-winter climates with short growing seasons, they are not likely to germinate unless they are planted in late spring or early summer. The soil must be 65 to 70 degrees F. and remain at those temperatures or higher for the seed to germinate. Start the seed indoors in late winter or early spring and transplant the seedlings outdoors after all danger of frost has passed.


Mucuna pruriens seeds are in a dormant state when they are sold. In order to overcome this dormant state, their hard outer coating must be scarified to allow the seeds to germinate. Many types of seeds are scarified by simply nicking the outer

coating with a sharp knife and then soaking the seeds in water. This technique is not reliably successful with Mucuna pruriens seeds. The most reliable technique for these seeds is sanding the outer shell for about 20 minutes with fine-grit sandpaper. They should not be soaked prior to sowing as this will commonly cause these seeds to rot.

Potting Mix

A peat-based potting mix that contains compost, organic matter and sand, perlite or vermiculite for good drainage should be used for germinating the Mucuna pruriens seeds. Cowitch plants are fairly tolerant of sandy soils that are low in nutrients; however, they grow best in fertile soil that is high in organic matter. Germinating the seeds in a potting mix that is high in nutrients and organic matter will give the seedlings a good, strong start. Moisten the potting mix thoroughly before planting the seeds.

Seed Planting

Either 3-inch pots or a rectangular 3- to 4-inch deep flat with drain holes in the bottom can be used as containers to germinate the seeds. The seeds should be planted 1/4- to 1/2-deep in the potting mix with the eye on the seed facing down. Space the seeds three to four inches apart when planting them in a flat or rectangular container. The soil must be kept warm, which may require a heat coil or warming mat beneath the containers. Warming can also be accomplished by setting the containers on an appliance that stays warm or by placing lights below the containers. Consistent soil temperatures between 75 and 80 degrees F are best for quick germination.

Light and Water

The containers should be kept in a bright location but not in direct sunlight. Water them from below when the top of the soil begins to dry. Growers should do this by setting the containers in a few inches of warm water until the water soaks up to the top of the soil. The water should be 75 to 80 degrees F to avoid chilling the soil. The Mucuna pruriens seeds may germinate within two weeks but can take as long as three months.

Sexual Enhancement

Mucuna might increase sexual desire because of its ability to produce dopamine in the body. Dopamine is involved with the brain's pleasure system and enhances a person's urge to experience pleasure, including sexual intercourse. Mucuna has been used in folk medicine to increase libido and stamina, as well as sexual sensations.

Those who sell mucuna pruriens as a dietary supplement purport that it increases sexual performance and boosts libido, although there is no research to support these claims. Additionally, mucuna pruriens purportedly permits males to sustain sexual activity for longer periods of time, delaying premature ejaculation. This is because mucuna pruriens has central depressant qualities that result in decreased sensitivity of the genital area. Unsubstantiated claims have been made that mucuna pruriens increases testosterone levels, leading to higher sperm count and increased testicle size.

Other Health Claims

Mucuna pruriens claims to stimulate growth hormones that result in increased muscle growth. It purportedly also helps the body burn fat.

Mucuna Vine Plants

The mucuna variety is a family of special vines that love hot, humid climates. Although the vines are not a true parasite, they are almost always found twisting around trees and branches to gain more elevation. There are several species found throughout the world. The mucuna vine cannot usually be transplanted and does not grow well outside of its natural habitat, although it is sometimes used in semi-tropical zones as a garden adornment.


The mucuna vine is actually a legume, defined by the large seed pods it creates after pollination. The vine is made mostly of a woody stem known as a liana that twists through the lower branches of tropical trees. It is typically a lighter color of green than the surrounding trees and can be picked up easily by its hanging flowers and seed pods, suspended many feet above the ground.

Pollination and Pods

The mucuna vine produces hanging flower clusters that are pollinated by jungle bats, which flit back and forth from the flowers in search of food. Once pollinated, the flowers produce long, jagged pods filled with seeds. These pods are extremely well protected, and those that do not have spines discouraging foragers have small, needle-like hairs known as tricomes that stick and sting any creatures that come in contact with them.


The seeds of the mucuna vine are round or oval, dark and very hard. Many have a dark scar running around the outside of the shell. These very tough seeds are known

sometimes as "sea beans" for their ability to float on water (using inner air pockets) until they reach a suitable environment.


The mucuna vine is sometimes used for garden decoration, but unlike some legumes its pods and seeds are not edible. Sometimes the stinging hairs of the pods are made into concoctions to treat stomach diseases.

The side effects of taking Mucuna pruriens are not yet known. Mucuna pruriens beans should not be taken by pregnant women as it causes a rise in body temperature which could cause harm to both the baby and the mother. So before you take Mucuna pruriens beans consult your doctor. The beans of Mucuna pruriens is being used on sportspersons to increase their muscle mass. These seeds also help in improving the memory power and help to gain weight which is lost due to excessive exercise. Mucuna pruriens have been long used to increase the sexual libido in both men and women. Prolactin is a hormone released by the pituitary gland which is considered to be the cause for erection failure in men. The beans of Mucuna pruriens are known to release L-dopa which combines with dopamine to restrict the release of prolactin hormone by the pituitary glands. Oral intake of Mucuna pruriens seed helps in promoting fertility and improves erection. Some people also use Mucuna pruriens seeds for treating intestinal gas, diarrhea, cough, rheumatic disorder, muscular pain, diabetes, menstrual pain and tuberculosis

By MMChinoy.

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