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Writing a Master's Thesis or Dissertation Proposal

The proposal for a thesis or dissertation is essentially an outline of the research kind of like an architectural blueprint for building a house. The clearer the plan, the more timely and successful the completion of the house. And the clearer the plan, the more likely it is that it will be approved by your advisor or dissertation committee, with a high probability that the final paper will also be accepted. A well - done, acceptable proposal, therefore, is a kind of personal contract between you the candidate, and your committee. The challenge lies - as usual - in deciding exactly what topic you want to propose! It is true that some fortunate students may be offered a specific topic or problem to pursue by a mentor whose preferences agree with the student's own. But more often, your job is to come up with a specific topic or research question that shows promise for extended study. Do not worry if a topic does not suggest itself to you immediately. Be ready and willing to try out a number of possibilities to see how they develop. How do you "try out" a topic? - by doing a topic analysis. This is really a simplified proposal form that includes the following parts: 1. Problem, hypothesis, or question 2. Importance of research 3. Significant prior research 4. Possible research approach or methodology 5. Potential outcomes of research and importance of each Analyzing a potentially useful topic in this step-by-step way forces you to look at it objectively and precisely within two to four pages. Here are some points to watch for: 1. If you are unable to write your topic in either the form of a hypothesis or a clear statement, you need to refine and clarify the topic. It must be stated specifically, not in vague, imprecise terms. 2. You'll need to be able to justify what you're doing and prove that it's worthy of your time and energy. It's always handy if you can quote a major authority who is stating a need for the research. But if you don't have an authority on hand, try to demonstrate that your research is in some way significant to a major activity.

3. Be sure you have a reasonable (if not exhaustive) grasp of what's been done before. This will help support #2. 4. Extremely important part! Exactly how do you plan to approach the research? Try to explain as precisely as possible, and include an alternative methodology. This part may still be in rough form, but it should indicate the likely nature of your approach. 5. This will be important in assessing the worth of your topic. For example, let's say you might propose the use of a questionnaire to collect evidence. You would then need to analyze the results of the questionnaire. Your potential outcomes (speaking generally) might be a positive correlation between two factors, a negative one, none at all, or unsatisfactory responses. Perhaps only one of these outcomes could lead to a dissertation. That result could suggest the need for a different approach to the issue, which in turn could lead you down a more productive path.

Let's say that's what has happened, and you're now in the happy position of writing the first draft of your formal proposal. This is an expansion of the topic analysis and will be your final work plan, so it will probably end up being anywhere from ten to forty pages. Again, here's a generally accepted proposal with an idea of expected page length: Section of Proposal 1. Summary 2. Hypothesis, problem or question 3. Importance of topic 4. Prior research on topic 5. Research approach or methodology 6. Limitations and key assumptions 7. Contributions to knowledge (for each potential outcome,if there are more than one) 8. Descriptions of proposed chapters in dissertation Page Length 1-2 1-3 1-2 1-7 2-8 1-2 1-3 2-3

Note: A master's thesis can often be less detailed and elaborate than the above plan. Also, individual departments usually have their own unique preferences. The above plan is meant only as a general guide. Always check with your own department for specific Guidelines! (1-4) the first four sections are about the same as those in your topic analysis, only amplified and refined. The prior research section in particular must be more comprehensive, although you may certainly summarize your report of prior research if there is a great deal of it. Your actual dissertation will be the obvious place to go into more detail. The research approach or methodology section (5) should be explained explicitly. For example, what questions will you include on your questionnaire? If your work includes an experiment, what apparatus will you use, what procedures will you follow, what data do you intend to collect, and what instruments will you use in data collection? List any major questions yet to be decided.

In the limitations section (6) make clear what your study will not attempt to do. The contributions section (7) will simply be more detailed than in your topic analysis, and your chapter descriptions (8) should be as specific as possible. Just remember this is a proposal, so keep descriptions brief, and try to highlight the structure of each chapter. Most dissertations follow a standard chapter format: 1. Introduction (general problem area, specific problem, importance of topic, research approach, limitations, key assumptions, and contribution to research) 2. Description of what has been done in the past. (a.k.a. literature review; this documents that your own research has not already been covered.) 3. Description of the research methodology. (how your research was conducted). 4. Research results. (What you found out). 5. Analysis of the results (explains the conclusions that can be drawn from data, and implications of a theory). 6. Summary and conclusions (emphasize the results obtained and contribution made. Outline suggestions for further research.) With this general framework in mind, along with the specific characteristics of your own dissertation, you can define your chapters clearly for your formal proposal.

Remember that it's often necessary to refine the first proposal, most likely by narrowing the scope of your study. But this is all part of the essential process of formulating a working plan for a dissertation that will yield a successful result. If you think of your proposal in this light, you're more apt to remain patient as you, work your way to the final draft. A checklist for self-appraisal, from Davis & Parker: 1. Does the proposal have imagination? 2. Is the problem stated clearly? (a) hypothesis clear? testable? (b) if no hypothesis, are objectives clearly stated? Can they be accomplished? (c) problem perhaps too large? 3. Is the methodology feasible? (a) can data be collected? (b) how will data be analyzed? (c) will the analysis allow the acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis? (d) is the sample population overused? 4. What might the results of the analysis look like? (tables, graphs, etc.) 5. What are the consequences if (a) the experiment fails; (b) data cannot be obtained; (c) analysis is inconclusive; (d) hypothesis is rejected or accepted? 6. Can major research activities be listed? 7. Can a time estimate be made for each activity? 8. Again, are the dimensions of the project manageable?

Designing a Workable Plan for Your Thesis or Dissertation &sup7;You're looking at the title of this document and thinking, "What does that mean --'Designing a Workable Plan'?" And the answer is, "whatever it takes to help you write your magnum opus with a positive attitude and on schedule." This can include time management, financial planning, effective interaction with an advisor and committee, and management of dissertation activities. Under ideal conditions, you will facilitate your own progress if you can lay out a written plan for your work, much as a professor writes a course syllabus including specific dates and the work planned for those dates. This gives your work a structure that can serve as a guide. Even if unforeseen trouble arises - your own illness or a family member's, a job change, etc. --you will still have a concrete, written plan to return to. A plan for time management is an excellent starting point, something you can do even as you are refining your proposal. More often than not, students seriously underestimate the amount of time required to complete a thesis or dissertation. You'll find it helpful, therefore, to make specific time estimates of various stages of your work, even if your estimates are subject to change. You may also find it helpful to discuss time management with other degree candidates to grasp more clearly how much time may be required. First, the gross time estimate: Page length Total effective work months from topic search to acceptance Breakdown by work months: - Topic search & proposal - Search prior research - Research & analysis - Writing, editing, proofing Elapsed time, allowing for delays, in full-time work - from topic search to acceptance 16 3 1 5 5 225 14

- from approved proposal to acceptance Next, gross time, broken into component parts:


Refining of dissertation structure (This can include preparation of revised proposal and a detailed, chapter-by-chapter outline of your dissertation.) Further search of the literature for prior research (broken down by journals, books, other dissertations, government documents, etc.) Research activities (make a list as specific as "preparing instruments" and "testing instruments") Writing, editing, proofing (each chapter)

All of this will also help you to visualize the task that lies before you. But breaking the whole down into its parts allows you to see how you can approach it. The final stage: scheduling activities and assigning dates: 9/3 Activity 1. Refining Dissertation structure A B C 2. Literature Review A etc. etc. 9/10 9/17 9/24 9/31

Dates may change, but plan on some major review points that you can schedule ahead with your advisor. Meeting these deadlines will help keep you focused and on schedule. ### On to financial planning! Even if you're on a grant, you'll usually have to cover many costs on your own. These can include postage, telephone, copies, data conversion expenses, typing, and so on. Set up a pool of savings so that these costs (which can exceed $1000) will not represent an unpleasant surprise.

Working with an advisor and a committee can be a tricky business. Every student would like to think that all will go smoothly, and occasionally perhaps it does. But you are dealing with human beings who are usually exceptionally busy, whose time is constantly in demand, who have likes and dislikes - and lives - of their own. Much can happen, and you cannot realistically expect to control events. You can, however, attempt to behave in a professional manner and treat everyone concerned politely and pleasantly. Such behavior is usually beneficial to your ultimate success. What follows is a list of suggestions of aids that might encourage effective interaction with an advisor and a committee. Only you can judge whether one or more of these suggestions could be appropriate to your situation. 1. Take notes from your meetings with either your advisor or committee. Then summarize them, including any conclusions or decisions reached, type them, and send a copy to your advisor and if desired, to your committee members. This will ensure communication among all participants, even if it means a little extra work for you. 2. When you hand in a substantial chunk of writing, or an entire chapter, consider providing some useful attachments: a note that identifies your materials, along with a reminder (gentle) of the date by which your advisor/committee has agreed to return comments.

a brief statement that tells the contents of your materials and earmarks any particular sections where you would especially welcome comments. an outline of major chapter headings; perhaps also an outline of all chapters to provide a context. Be certain you have a control copy for yourself (always doublespaced and typed).

3. Try to get everyone to plan ahead and schedule necessary meetings in advance. An easy way is to schedule the next meeting at the end of the current meeting, so all involved can work out schedule conflicts on the spot (ideally). Send a separate reminder notice of each meeting (yes indeed, committee members have been known to forget!).

4. Some people advise writing a short agenda for each meeting, stating the objectives, then having the advisor approve it and including it with your reminder notice. 5. If there is any possibility that meetings may not occur for an extended time, sending periodic progress reports is highly recommended! Do not allow yourself to fall into the category of "out of sight, out of mind"!


Finally, to management of dissertation activities (used in the generic sense). The detailed specifics of how to organize your work is very much an individual matter, but a few important generalizations still apply. Number One Rule: Never trust your memory when you're doing research! Keep accurate and complete records of everything you read and do. An excellent tool is an "investigator's journal" which over time will form a chronological diary and record of work you've done, along with ideas, suggestions and comments about your work. These entries will form the basis for the written communications you'll be sending periodically to your advisor/ committee. They can also answer any questions that may arise. Number Two Rule: Early on, establish an efficient, expandable coding and filing system for keeping all your work in order. At the minimum, keep materials divided according to chapter, then according to subtitles within the chapter. Use sturdy file folders. Clearly label all information as to source and date you obtained it, and note which file it belongs in. Sometimes color-coding is especially helpful. Number Three Rule: Keep a back-up copy of all drafts of all chapters in a location separate from the rest of your records. Fires do happen! Some additional tips: 1. Remember that schedule of proposed activities you constructed? Pin it up in an obvious place and use it! Structure your work schedule so that each day you have a sense of routine. Begin each week with a planning hour and establish goals for that week. Stick to them. 2. From the beginning, know what bibliographic and reference style you'll be expected to use. It's a lot easier to set it up right the first time than it is to change it later! Also decide on an acceptable format for chapter headings, and various subdivisions. Follow your pattern consistently (or instruct your typist to do so). 3. Outline each chapter before you write. You'll find your writing will be more coherent and cohesive. Remember that a first or even second draft won't be perfect, and that's ok! Just get started, and edit later. 4. Rest, eat well, relax periodically. It's not a "waste of time"! Your work will progress as you thrive, and only then.

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