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It is necessary to know grammar, and it is better to write grammatically than not, but it is well to remember that grammar is speech formulated. Usage is the only test.
William Somerset Maugham, The Summing Up, 1938

Just to make this quote clear, think about the word party. What are the ideas that come up as soon as you hear it? Friends, music, drinks, food, fun and a good feeling of comfort. However, as strange as it may sound, it comes from a not so funny word grammar!. What I mean is that words combine in a sentence, phrase or clause - syntax- in order to convey meaning semantics. According to Crystal In Word and Deed (2004) The more we are aware of how it works, the more we can monitor the meaning and effectiveness of the way we and others use language. It can help foster precision, detect ambiguity, and exploit the richness of expression available in English.

Present simple
This is a very important tense. We use the present simple to talk about actions we consider as long term or permanent. When we want to talk about regular actions or events. Brenda walks to her office every day. Sophie does not go dancing very often. Peter arrives home at 6.00 every evening. What do you usually have for breakfast? When we talk about facts. Warren has two dogs. Water boils at 100 C. Where do you live? London is the capital city of England. When we talk about future facts, usually found in a timetable or a schedule. My birthday falls on a Sunday this year. The train to London leaves at 5.00 tomorrow morning. Mr. Gordon speaks at 9.00 am, he is the first lecturer. I meet my psychologist in the evening this week. When we talk about states. They are always against any comment. I think Peter is wrong. She is reluctant to do it. I dont understand what you mean.

How do we make the Simple Present Tense?

Look at these examples with the main verb work: Affirmative I You We they He, she, it Negative I you we they He, she, it do no t


work s


does Interrogative

no t



I you we they he, she, it




Look at these examples with the main verb be. Notice that there is no auxiliary: AFFIRMATIVE I You we they He, she, it am are Dutch. Dutch.






t You we they He, she, it are no t no t sad.



INTERROGATIVE Am Are I You we they he, she, it late? late?



IRREGULAR VERBS (3RD PERSON SINGULAR) Verbs ending in: ss, x, sh, ch, o form the 3rd person singular adding es verb MISS he/she/it FIX .. he/she/it BRUSH he/she/it CATCH .. he/she/it GO he/she/it MISSES FIXES BRUSHES CATCHES GOES

y after a vowel add s Pay pays y after a consonant drop it and add ies Study . Studies

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