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7 CHARKA VIBRATIONAL VIEW: Shows the vibrating colors of the seven centers.



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WinAura COPYRIGHT 1996-2004 AURA Aura Imaging Tel: (800) 321-

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CROWN (Cosmic Connection): VIOLET THIRD EYE (Experience): - WHITE RIGHT SIDE (Expression): - VIOLET THROAT (Communication): - LAVENDER SOLAR PLEXUS (Power): - LIGHT VIOLET ROOT (Grounding): - VIOLET LEFT SIDE (Future): - ULTRA VIOLET HEART (Empathy): - LIGHT VIOLET SEX (Creativity): - VIOLET

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AURA PHOTO: Shows the auric energy emanating from your body.



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WinAura COPYRIGHT 1996-2004 AURA

Aura Imaging

Tel: (800) 321-

Put your name or your business's name here. Place Your Address here.

CROWN (Cosmic Connection): VIOLET THIRD EYE (Experience): - WHITE

RIGHT SIDE (Expression): - VIOLET THROAT (Communication): - LAVENDER SOLAR PLEXUS (Power): - LIGHT VIOLET ROOT (Grounding): - VIOLET


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STAR IMAGE PERSPECTIVE: Full body aura upper arms and outer legs, front view. Lower arms and inner legs show back view.



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WinAura COPYRIGHT 1996-2004 AURA

Aura Imaging

Tel: (800) 321-

Put your name or your business's name here. Place Your Address here.

CROWN (Cosmic Connection): VIOLET THIRD EYE (Experience): - WHITE

RIGHT SIDE (Expression): - VIOLET THROAT (Communication): - LAVENDER SOLAR PLEXUS (Power): - LIGHT VIOLET ROOT (Grounding): - VIOLET


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TEXT BY: Aura Imaging Demonstration System.

CROWN (COSMIC CONNECTION): The crown chakra summarizes your total energy state. When we are experiencing changes, colors in our energy field will fluctuate wildly. However, colors in the crown chakra will reflect our resonant color.

VIOLET CROWN: You are like a fairy or leprechaun magically creating love wherever possible. You would rather talk about magic, and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow than anything ordinary or mundane with your partners. The beautiful world of romantic fantasy makes you feel safe and happy. However, your desire to share your miraculous visions with others may attract you to a complimentary and physical partner with golden colored energy who you might feel may help you to manifest your dreams. However, such a person might occasionally feel that the dreamlike energy that defines you is easily lead, but that person may not see the inner strength that you know as your own. Although you find that a partner with similar colors in the light blue and violet range may allow you to really be your own person, you may find that your financial success is greater with someone who has golden tones.

THIRD EYE (EXPERIENCE): The color seen over your brow is what you now experience for yourself. It's the color that would best describe your spiritual vision.

WHITE THIRD EYE: You are a natural, clear conduit for spiritual healing energy. In your present state you channel pure, divine, white light and heal others with your presence. You have a need for quiet, harmony, and peace in your life. You must allow plenty of time for rest, reflection and meditation. Your primary focus in life at this point is spiritual. Everyday matters hold little importance compared with your spiritual and meditative activities.


The color on the left side is normally the vibration coming into your being. The closer it is to you the sooner it will be felt. Perhaps within a few moments, hours or as long as a few months.

ULTRA VIOLET LEFT: This color may mean one of several things: You may be entering a period of illness, stress, emotional upset, or most likely will be experiencing profound visions. You are truly a "child of the new age". Shortly, you may be coming into your power as a spiritual beacon, visionary and guiding light while communicating to people a new way of living, thinking and being in the world. Spiritual evolution is in store for you. Ultra violet on the left side of your aura indicates a time in your life in which you will be able to attain unlimited spiritual knowledge. You will encounter the rays of benevolent guide energies and, in turn, share your enlightenment with others.

RIGHT SIDE (EXPRESSION): The color on the right side is traditionally the energy being expressed. It is the vibrational frequency most likely seen or felt by others around you. Many times your friends will think this is the energy that you are made of, however, it is what you are putting out to the world.

VIOLET RIGHT: The world cannot help but notice your glorious inner light. Your aura shines and radiates outward towards others with loving, healing energy. You put the highest vibrational frequency out into the world. Violet symbolizes magic, mysticism and visionary capacity and also indicates a person who is profoundly insightful and keenly aware of their spiritual path. You have the ability to be a charismatic spiritual leader.

THROAT (COMMUNICATION): The color of the throat chakra is traditionally the energy being expressed. The vibrational frequency most likely seen or felt by others around you. Many times your friends will think this is the energy that you are made of. However, it is the energy you are putting out into the world.

LAVENDER THROAT: You radiate a mysterious and magical inner peace. People are magnetically drawn to your mysteriously ethereal and deeply serene personality. They know there's something wonderfully different about you. Through your lavender throat chakra we can see that you naturally express your spirituality and powerful healing abilities. You trust your inner knowing and follow your intuition. Guided by your sixth sense rather than by logic, you have an ability to negotiate obstacles and problems as if by sheer magic.

HEART (EMPATHY): The color on the heart chakra center represents your vibration of connection, affinity, compassion and empathy. How you feel about yourself and others is reflected here. If you feel intense passion for someone or something the energy in this center will be very strong.

LIGHT VIOLET HEART: Like a fairy or leprechaun, you express yourself magically. You glow with a mysterious inner light and are an inspiration to others as you prove anything is possible. You may be a talented clairvoyant, artist or visionary. Your thoughts and dreams are of another world. The spiritual, the metaphysical and the divine are what hold your attention. The everyday and the mundane are a bore to you as well as harsh and ugly. You prefer to shift your attention and desires into a higher dimension.

SOLAR PLEXUS (POWER): The color on the solar plexus is normally the center vibration of your being. The Solar Plexus is associated with poweror wealth, and is called the "money pot" by the Hindus. This is the center of self-esteem and ego.

LIGHT VIOLET SOLAR PLEXUS: There is magic, enchantment and deep spiritual bliss resonating in the center of your being. Violet symbolizes magic, whimsy, and clairvoyance. White represents highly charged spiritual and healing energy. A whitish violet in the solar plexus area signifies divine transformation unfolding in the deepest part of your soul. Don't be shocked as your

psychic abilities are awakened. You are feeling and understanding how synchronicity works in your life.

SEX (CREATIVITY): This energy center of the body is about Playfulness, sociability, one's emotional life and sexuality. Sex is a profound source of creativity, joy and pleasure that is nurturing, healing and bonding. Many religions consider sex sinful. This belief can create a source of guilt, fear and shame. When the energy in this area is balanced, the person will probably have a healthy positive attitude toward basic love. The sexual center is the position from which one reaches out, expands and relates to others.

VIOLET SEX: "Magical" would best describe your life and your way of operating in the world at this point. You'd rather talk about miracles, magic, and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow than anything ordinary or mundane. You want to share your miraculous visions with others. The beautiful world of fantasy, art, and the imagination is where you feel safest and happiest. You create a magical environment for yourself and others in which to live. Your psychic abilities are also strong now. Others can feel your powerful vibrations.

ROOT (GROUNDING): The color in the area of the root chakra is traditionally the energy of the physical plane and material reality. People with strong energy in this center usually have a red color and possess good survival skills. This is also the center of manifestation. If you are trying to succeed in the world either by making more money, establishing a business, or accumulating possessions, you will be focusing your energy here. This is also the place from which passion flows. It is the source of power and ego development.

VIOLET ROOT: Your aura shines and radiates outward towards others with loving, healing energy. You put out the highest vibrational frequency into the world. Violet in the root chakra symbolizes magic, mysticism and visionary capacity. At this point in your life, things are probably flowing easily. You are efficient and relaxed in your worldly dealings. This is probably a time of ease rather than struggle. You have taken care of the most practical

aspects of your life and now can concentrate on your spirituality, creativity, and artistic pursuits.
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AURA SIZE: Your Aura size is made up of frequency and volume. These qualities can show how far your influence and energy can extend, the strength of your energy, and the quality of your vibrations. FREQUENCY: The higher your frequency the more distance your aura can travel.

Very high frequency. Far-reaching and subtle influence. High frequency shows you have a strong social presence. Your influence often extends a good distance. Low frequency shows limited distance of influence. VOLUME: Volume shows the amount of energy you project, the intensity of your auric influence on physical things close to you, the strength of your aura, and the level of protection your energy provides.

High level. Strong physical influence limited to the material realm. Moderate level brings out your charismatic presence. Reduced energy level indicates an ability to develop the magical energy you can easily radiate.


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THE ENERGY OF YOUR CHAKRAS: As you learn more about your chakras and life energy that flows in them you will be able to find the remedies that best suit you. ROOT CHAKRA: This Chakra is located at the base of the spine. The energies that physically manifests as physical stamina, wealth or business success arise here.

High energy in the root chakra. Good energy in your root chakra.

Your root chakra energy is low.

NAVEL (SEX) CHAKRA: Located below the navel. The energies concerning creativity, sociability, and sexual vitality flow here.

Much energy in the navel chakra. Energy level good in navel chakra.

Diminished navel chakra energy.


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SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA: Located in the physical solar plexus, this chakra is our seat of self-esteem and ego. The energy of our creative and personal power flows here.

Solar plexus chakra energy high. Solar plexus chakra is normal.

Solar plexus chakra energy is low.

HEART CHAKRA: This chakra surrounds the heart and bathes the physical organ with its energy. Our energies of love and spiritual growth originate here. Colors seen in the heart chakra often relate to influences coming into your life.

Powerful heart chakra energy. Normal heart chakra energy.

Reduced heart chakra energy.


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THROAT CHAKRA: The chakra surrounds the throat and vocal organs.The energy here manifests in our vocal, communicative,and social qualities. Colors seen here sometimes relate to feelings we wish to express, but are not yet able to. Or they can relate to our level of need to communicate. High energy in the throat chakra. Good energy in the throat chakra.

Throat chakra energy is reduced.

THIRD EYE CHAKRA: The chakra is located between our eyes. Running through this chakra are the energies governing intuition, psychic abilities, and vision into the non-physical realms.

Amplified third eye energy. Good energy in the third eye.

Third eye chakra holds low energy.


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CROWN CHAKRA: The light here is the energy bonding us with the Divine. Our enlightening and spiritual energy develops here.

High level of energy in the crown Chakra. Crown chakra is normal and balanced.

Your crown chakra energy low.

BALANCE: Graph shows Resonant balance.

Very balanced very harmonious aura. Balanced harmonious energy.

Energy leans toward the spiritual. To balance try physical endeavors.


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AVERAGE (OVERALL): The following bar graphs summarize the color intensities of various elements of your Aura. Your average aura color is a balancing point. For example if your aura is vibrating between red and purple or white at the other end of the color spectrum, your balancing point would be right in the middle at green. Changes in our life will fluctuate colors wildly between opposite ends of the color spectrum. When we settle ourselves the aura color may begin to resonate at the balancing point or average color, and the aura may show more consistent, resonant single colors.



VIOLET OVERALL: Spiritual evolution is in store for you. Violet is a mix of blue, a color which symbolizes unlimited knowledge, and red, which represents activity and power. Violet, then, indicates a time in your life in which you will be able to attain unlimited spiritual knowledge. You will encounter the spirit guides. The highest vibrational energies will be bestowed upon you.
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This mind, body, and spirit graph shows in what proportions you are focusing the predominance of your energy. If the circle or pie is cut into equal sections you are a multifaceted, adaptable person, able to enjoy many various and divergent activities. You have an open mind, and are not attached to a single way of thinking or being. You are easily able to shift your awareness from one state to another without resistance. A predominance of Mind indicates that at this point in time your focus is cerebral, and you are probably mainly concerned with knowledge, new ideas, problem solving, intellectual communication and creativity. You may enjoy working with computers and organizing data. You feel most comfortable when you can use logic, systems and statistics to substantiate your ideas and theories. You may see green or yellow in your aura. A predominance of Body indicates that at this time you are primarily relating to the world through your five physical senses and body sensations. You feel your emotions through your body, especially the solar plexus center, or third chakra. You may see more of the warmer colors in your aura such as red, yellow and orange. This may also be a time when you are feeling full of energy and able to enjoy and appreciate the natural world more. You may like to exercise outdoors or go camping, fishing, hiking, etc. Your physical wellbeing and natural environment are very important to you now. A predominance of Spirit indicates that your dreams, imagination, wishes, fantasies, artistic projects, self expression, and spiritual life are most important to you at this point in time. The practical realities of life probably hold little interest to you now. You march to the beat of your own inner drummer. You may enjoy deep meditation, prayer, or artistic pursuits. Your psychic and clairvoyant abilities may be awakening, and your synchronistic experiences may be truly miraculous. You may see more of the cooler colors in your aura such as blue, purple or white.
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YOUR SOUL MATE: Your love color can be useful for selecting a new mate or recognizing your soul mate. It can also be helpful for understanding your close relationships. Most of us are attracted to people whose colors compliment ours, because diverging colors often fill missing qualities. Couples with similar love colors tend to experience more harmony in their relationships.

VIOLET LOVE: You are like a fairy or leprechaun magically creating love wherever possible. You would rather talk about magic, and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow than anything ordinary or mundane with your partners. The beautiful world of romantic fantasy makes you feel safe and happy. However, your desire to share your miraculous visions with others may attract you to a complimentary and physical partner with golden colored energy who you might feel may help you to manifest your dreams. However, such a person might occasionally feel that the dreamlike energy that defines you is easily lead, but that person may not see the inner strength that you know as your own. Although you find that a partner with similar colors in the light blue and violet range may allow you to really be your own person, you may find that your financial success is greater with someone who has golden tones.


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YOUR COLOR SIGN: If you begin using Aura Imaging regularly you will soon notice a predominant color. You can analyse your color sign or overall color on the Bar graph page. We also call this your resonant color. This particular color is similar to your astrological sun sign because it describes your general personal makeup or personality. The color in the Aura may change dramatically due to stress, relaxation, or life transitions, but will usually return to the original pattern and predominant color once you return to a more balanced state.

COLOR SIGN VIOLET: Yours is a cool, Secondary color combining the qualities of red and blue creating a receding color. Violet is special in that it indicates that you may be highly spiritual. Your closest resonant planet is Neptune. This is a very intuitive and mystical vibration.

BALANCE: Graph shows left-right or YIN-YANG energy. If the right is higher than the left you have a predominance of YIN(passive energy). If the left is higher you tend towards YANG(active energy).



Heart Chraka



lower Throat



Right Arm

Left Arm





Middle Stomach

Lower Stomach


lower Chest

Mid Rt Top torso

Lower back

Mid Rt/low torso

Low/Mid torso

Low Middle

Bottom Middle


Right Leg

Left Leg





DISCLAIMER: This device measures biological changes and depicts these values as an AURA. This device is not approved or recommended for medical diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. The intended application is for the study of human energy , relaxation and spiritual development. Organs show the locations of surface area only.

Analyze Your Resonant Color: If you begin using Aura Imaging regularly you will soon notice a predominant color. You can find your color sign or overall color on the Bar Graph page. We also call this your resonant color. This particular color is similar to your astrological sun sign because it relates to your general personal makeup or personality. The color in the aura may change dramatically due to stress, relaxation, or life transitions, but will usually return to the original pattern and predominant color once you return to a more balanced state. The more you use Aura Imaging, the easier it will be to discover your color sign. As you become aware of what your color sign is, you begin to be able to know yourself much better. You become more able to negotiate change, communicate more effectively, and plan your future in harmony with true knowledge of your deepest self. If you would like a personal photo session or have a camera at your event call Aura Imaging at (800) 321-AURA or 321-2872. If you are the owner of this system and wish to put your own message on this page, open Vendor.txt from the lang folder located in your WinAura folder. The path is C:\program files\winaura\lang\vendor.txt. Or if you are using Windows XP you can just click on the blue green box called "Edit your text" from the startup window of WinAura and make changes to the files starting form the bottom up Zip.txt, Vendor.txt, Telephone.txt, Street.txt, State.txt, Photoline2.txt, Photoline1.txt, Company.txt and Country.txt. If your message is too long it may not print.

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