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Is the medical and psychiatric community practicing pseudoscience?

It is my firm believe that only when the medical and psychiatric community recognize that the signs and symptoms attributed to depression, bipolar, schizophrenia and other forms of so called 'mental illnesses' and issues such as autism, ADD, ADHD and OCD can be vastly improved or in some cases eliminated altogether with Orthomolecular Medicine, only then will true progress into these classifications of [perceived] disorders be realized. The medical and psychiatric community backed by the pharmaceutical industry have created millions of white papers and reports that indorse their main stream position and Governments are reluctant to suggest or fund any alternatives. Governments evaluate current main stream mental health care on the basis of cost effectiveness but the past few decades have proven that the physical side effects of psychiatric medications such as obesity, diabetes, heart, liver and kidney disease have increased and so too have the costs to address these issues. 'Psychiatry is not a science' and their unholy alliance with the pharmaceutical industry is designed to only treat symptoms it's a 'cash cow'. The science of Orthomolecular medicine researches the cause of symptoms and applies the principals of natural biochemistry to address the core issue and allow the body to begin the healing process with nil side effects, unlike conventional mainstream psychiatric methods that encounter a myriad of (sometimes life threatening) side effects. It isn't surprising to find most research trials are in some way connected to and or funded by large pharmaceutical companies. In addition the current evidence shows that psychiatrists and eminent professors are entangled or embedded in the pharmaceutical industry yet when they are required to make a disclosure they inevitably say that their connections to drug manufacturers in no way is a conflict of interest. I find this very hard to believe, no one can serve two masters or in this case, serve the interest of their patients who want to get better and the pharmaceutical industry who just want to sell their products. I see a tremendous conflict of interest. Antipsychotics, such as Risperdal, Zyprexa (Olanzapine), and Seroquel, three of the seven medications psychiatrists fondly call the 'chemical lobotomy' have replaced cholesterol-lowering agents as the topselling class of drugs in the US a trend that has now gone global. [http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/addiction-in-society/201106/the-psychiatric-revolution-is-over ] These antipsychotic medications (drugs) are being use OFF LABEL and it would seem it's simply to boost sales. These are the same drug Professor Patrick McGorry is using in his [worldwide] pre-phycosis programs like the Australian Government initiative Headspace and both his EPPIC and PACE programs that have been given 400 million dollars of Australian Tax payers money. I have to ask this question...where does the oath all doctors take, to do no harm' come into this? Has it been supplemented with, if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk? Who decides the 'rick'? The doctor? The psychiatrist? Or the pharmaceutical industry out to sell their products? Orthomolecular medicine, as conceptualized by double Nobel laureate Linus Pauling, aims to restore the optimum environment of the body by correcting imbalances or deficiencies based on individual biochemistry, using substances natural to the body such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, trace

elements and fatty acids. It's the practice of preventing and treating disease by providing the body with optimal amounts of substances which are natural to the body. As long as Governments and insurance companies have total decision making power over payments for biochemical testing and subsidies for nutrient therapies, these conditions will remain a 'psychiatric condition' when most (if not all) can be shown through proper testing to be related to one or more core biochemistry imbalances. Without funding through the Medicare/Medicaid system a large number of children, adolescents and adults who would have benefited from genuine science and not the Voodoo Science & Snake Oil currently on offer will continue to suffer now and in the future, the outcome will be a dependency on mind altering medication. In this current situation core based interventions will not be widely available to the general public and millions of people will forever remain in the dark, migrating from one (supposed) pharmaceutical cure to another. It's time to make a change and return to the benefits real science can offer. Orthomolecular medicine and Orthomolecular psychiatric practices not only addresses disabling mental issues, it has a tremendous benefit in that the physical body becomes resilient, that can't be said for conventional mainstream psychiatric methods and the medical and psychiatric community know this but they don't want you to know because it may put them out of business. The evidence shows that the mental health epidemic has been fueled by the DSM (the Billing Bible of Psychiatry) how do we know this? Psychiatrists in the last two decades have been reaching for the prescription pad rather than engaging in talk therapy with their patients...why? Because the prevailing theory that became broadly accepted and promoted in the media was that treatment with psychoactive mind altering drugs was the only method available and that it saved time for the doctor and money for the government. The theory that mental illness is caused primarily by chemical imbalances in the brain that can be corrected by specific pharmaceutical drugs is misleading and the medical and psychiatric community and the pharmaceutical industry know it and now you do too. The brain is not separate from the body and although no definitive main stream trials have been conducted due to the lack of funding, there are studies conducted by Dr Bill Walsh that show a correlation between a number of mental health issues and the level of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, trace elements and fatty acids. Back to the story... When scientist found that psychoactive drugs affect neurotransmitter levels in the brain, the theory developed that the cause of mental illness was an abnormality in the brains concentration of chemicals. This is where it gets tricky. Thorazine was found to lower dopamine levels in the brain, it was presumed that psychoses like schizophrenia may be caused by too much dopamine. It was a theory not a fact at the time. Then it was found that a class of antidepressants called SSRIs increase the brain's level of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Well the original theory changed to one of too little serotonin as the cause of depression...Yet...Prozac came to market in 1987 and was intensively promoted as a corrective for a deficiency of serotonin in the

brain and is still in use today (!). It would seem that instead of developing a drug to treat an abnormality, an abnormality was designed to fit the pharmaceutical industry's drug. Now the hypothesis was the drugs would affect the neurotransmitter levels and therefore could relieve the symptoms of depression and psychoses like schizophrenia. This must have made the medical and psychiatric community and the pharmaceutical very happy indeed. One key point they left of was that the neurotransmitters had nothing to do with the illness in the first place. Here's the punch line...even the very best scientists and pharmacologists hired by the pharmaceutical industry they still have no reliable evidence to support the theory even after decades of expensive research and human trials. Why? Because the neurotransmitter function seems to be normal in people with mental illness before treatment. So at this point I have to ask...are antidepressants merely a placebo with side effects? Was it just a way for the psychiatric profession to raise from the lowly depths of medicine in the 1950s and reach their goal of dominating the profession? Was it one of the greatest marketing scams ever perpetrated by a greedy pharmaceutical industry? Yes...yes...yes. Katherine McCormick CEO Utopia research Institute www.utopia.edu.au

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