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28 U.S.C.

WALL, Plaintiff-Appellant v. LOCAL 230 ET AL Defendant-Appellees CASE NO. 06-1264CV

AFFIDAVIT OF GARY R. WALL 28 U.S.C. 144 Dated, September 21, 2007 28 U.S.C. 144 AFFIDAVIT

I, Gary R. Wall, plaintiff-appellant 06-1264CV being duly sworn and deposed states: 1. I am over 18 years of age and understand the obligation of an oath. I reside at 60 Carriage Hill Drive, Wethersfield, CT. 06109. 2. I am a plaintiff-appellant in 06-1264CV. I make this affidavit in support of an Application to disqualify Chief Judge Dennis Jacobs. 3. In this matter, 28 U.S.C. 455s Extra Judicial Source Rule involves Circuit Judge Jacobs in his capacity under Judicial Council Rule 18(e) by reason of his fact fraud filing of (5) 28 U.S.C. 351 Complaints to the Supreme Courts Conduct

Committee, the Judicial Conference and the Congressional Oversight of the Conduct Committee. Complaint numbers and names; 05-8537 District Judge Janet C. Hall 05-8538 Chief Judge Second Circuit (at the time) John M. Walker, Jr. 05-8539 Active District Judge S.D.N.Y. Michael B. Mukasey sitting by Walker set-up designation on Circuit Panel 03-3117 facilitating on the circuit panel the fraud and docket obstruction of a Civil Rights Act Complaint involving the Department of Justice 05-8540 Senior Judge Alan Nevas, Bridgeport Division insidious D.O.J. corrupt influence on the Bridgeport Division 05-8541 Senior Judge Bridgeport Division Warren M. Eginton allowing the corrupt use of his name and signature on fact fraud obstructions and Rulings in district case number 3:04CV91(WWE), Bridgeport Division. These fraud charges are pending see attached Submission Document to Chief of the Judicial Conference, Honorable John Roberts and the 351 Conduct Committee. 4. The Extra Judicial Source Rule also involves Circuit Judge Jacobs fact fraud Ruling in 06-2810CV and its obstruction scheme to the Supervisory Staff Attorney and Walker Set-up Panel. 5. Judge Jacobs has illustrated by his actions an indisputable pattern of fact fraud, docket fraud in order to obstruct pleadings that involve the continuation of Chief Judge Walkers protection of the Department of Justice corrupt agreement with the Laborers International Union of North America Operating Agreement. 6. Indisputable facts and occurrences show clear evidence that an OCCA/RICO Enterprise has contaminated multiple circuit judges in a chain link protection of the cause of all the corruption; that being, the corrupt Procurement and

Administration of the Organized Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1970 (RICO). In compliance with 28 U.S.C. 144 Affiant Wall swears all the statements and averments in the attached 28 U.S.C. 455(a) Application of Disqualification of Chief Judge Jacobs and this 28 U.S.C. 144 Affidavit are the absolute truth I swear under penalty of perjury.

__________________________________ GARY R. WALL, 28 U.S.C. 144 Affiant 60 Carriage Hill Drive Wethersfield, CT. 06109 860-529-2651

State of Connecticut ___________________________________ Subscribed and Sworn to me on this ______ day of _____________________2007. __________________________________________ Notary Public

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