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1. What is the basic problem Madison is discussing?

The division of power between the federal authority and the states is the key issue Madison addresses. -What seems to be his view of human nature that guides his design for gov? He feels humans are naturally corrupt causing him to seek a government that has branches and departments independent of each other. -Give a quote that reflects this feeling. In order to lay a due foundation for that separate and distinct exercise of the different powers of government, which to a certain extent is admitted on all hands to be essential to the preservation of liberty, it is evident that each department should have a will of its own

2. What branch does he say may need its members chosen by another branch? Why? And,
what does he say makes this not too much of a problem? The Judiciary Branch should be chosen by members of another branch because the jobs are permanent in the judiciary. This is not too much of a problem because there is no dependence on other departments from the judicial branch 3. What is the main check on the gov., or part of it, getting too much power?

The people provide the main check of power. 4. What is used to counteract the ambition of men in power? The power of society counteracts the ambition of influential and powerful men. 5. If Men were Angels Make sure you can complete this quote. NO GOVERNMENT WOULD BE NECESSARY

6. the private interest of every individual may be a sentinel over the public rights. -Try
to explain what he means with the above statement Our greed can be a tool to the public good of our society and the preservation of liberties. 7. What branch is naturally the strongestand how does he say this dealt with (give two ways) The executive branch is the strongest and is dealt with by the will of the people and control from other branches. 8. How does the federal system as laid out in the Constitution create a double security against corruption? The federal system establishes a system of politics that requires the popular will of the people as well as a system of checks and balances among the departments.

9. What does he mean by guard one part of society against the injustice of the other part? To guard one part of the society against the injustice of another means to keep one departments corruption isolated from another department.

10. What does he say can be done, but SHOULDNT be done , and why not?
The establishment of a unitary form of government can be done but should not be done because it would fall under the corruption of a single ruler more often than not. 11. What does he Say America can do to deal with this problem? He says America can expand and establish diversity in interests to escape corruption of a federal power.

12. The degree of security in both cases will depend on the number of interests and sects What does he mean with this section? -In a big country like America, what type of policies are most likely to gain support of the majority?
He means that diversity and varying interests in the public will help the security of a form of selfgovernment in America. Policies that engulf the opinions of minorities would likely win and gain support of a majority.

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