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A cuyo efecto: For this purpose A fin de que se libre exhorto: With the purpose that an official letter be issued A fin de que: So that A partir de ese momento: From that moment onwards A primera vista: Initially A razn de una tercera parte: By one-thirds A requisicin de las autoridades constituidas: Upon the request of the authorities set up therein A saber: Namely / To wit A su juicio: According to his opinion / To his mind A su luz: From his/their point of view A su vez: In turn A tener del pliego: According to and answer to the interrogatory A V.S. digo: I hereby express to Your Honor the following Abrir a prueba las actuaciones: This case be called for trial Absolucin de posiciones: Testimony of the defendant Absolver posiciones: To appear to give testimony / To give testimony of what he knows / To appear and answer the interrogatory Acarrear: To bring about Acceso a una vivienda digna: Access to a worthy dwelling Accin de Amparo: Action for the protection of constitutional rights other than those protected by the writ of Habeas Corpus (accin de amparo) Acoger la demanda en todas sus partes: Sustain the complaint in all respects Acoger una postura amplia: Include a comprehensive position Acompaar con la demanda: Attach to the complaint Acompaar el pliego de posiciones: To enclose the interrogatory herewith Acompaar: Be filed / Enclose herewith / Attach hereto Acordar por ley: To grant by law Acreedor: Creditor Acto justo: Fair act Acto u omisin lesiva: Harmful act or omission Acto: proceedings Acudir: To resort to Acusado: Accused Administrar: To manage Admitir: To acknowledge Aduana: Customs Office Advertir: To be focused on Afianzar la justicia: To establish justice Afirmar: To assert Agregar: To file in the record Ahora bien: Now then Al establecer: When establishing Alcanzar a realizar: To manage to achieve Alejarse: To move away Allanamiento: Seizure Ambito: Scope

Ampliar: To extend Angulos distintos: Unlike perspective Anualmente: On an annual basis Aparecer impuesto por una voluntad superior: As it is ordered by a superior will Apartar: To move away from Apertura a prueba: (in civil law) Trial Aplicacin judicial: Legal enforcement Aplicar una multa: To be liable for a fine Aportes: Contributions Aprobar (leyes): Enact / Pass Aprobar por el Congreso: To enact by the Congress Aprovechamiento: Profitable use Archivese: File in the archives Articulacion: Structure Articulado: Whole body Artculo: Section Asegurar: Guarantee Asignacin: Allocation As lo otorga: In such manners he executes Asociaciones que tengan por objeto: Associations the purpose of which is Asociarse: To gather Atmsfera: Climate / Context Audiencia: Hearing Aun cuando: Even though Auto que ordena el presente dice as: The ruling that orders these letters rogatory reads as follows Autonoma financiera y econmica: Financial and economic authonomy Autoridades dotadas de facultades legislativas: Authorities vested with legal powers Autos: Case Bajo apercibimiento de las penalidades de ley: Under the penalties prescribed by law Bajo apercibimiento de tenerlo por confeso en caso de incomparencia injustificada: Woth the warning that he/she is considered as having answered in the affirmative in case of failure to appear without justified reason Bajo estas condiciones: Provided these conditions are met Bajo pena de nulidad: Under penalty of being considered null and void Bancas: Seats Beneficios de la libertad: Benefits of liberty Bien comn: Common good / Public welfare Bien de familia: Homestead Bien general: General good Bienes races: Real property Bienestar general: General welfare Bienestar individual: Individual good Bienestar social: Social welfare C/: Against Caber: To be suitable Clculo de recursos: Estimate of resources Cmara de Diputados: House of Deputies

Cmaras: Houses Campo de las relaciones exteriores: Foreign affaire field Carcter general: General nature Carcter irrenunciable: To be not waived Carcter obligatorio: Binding character Cargas pblicas: Public burdens Caso a decidir: Case to be decided Casos litigiosos que se encuentran sometidos a su consideracin: Cases brought before them Ceder ante el avance del derecho legislado: To give way to the advance of statutory law Ceder lugar: To give way to Cdula de citacin de testigos: Judicial Subpoena Censura previa: Previous censorship Censura: Censorship Centro del poder: Core power Citar a los demandados a absolver posiciones: I request that the defendants be subpoenaed to appear to give testimony Citar: To request to be subpoenaed / To subpoene Ciudad que se declare: City that is to be declared Ciudadana en ejercicio: Exercise citizenship Coactivamente: By coercion Cobrar: Collect Cobro de una suma de pesos/dlares: Recovery of a sum of money Cdigo de comercio: Code of commerce Cdigo de procedimiento: Code of procedure Cdigo penal: Criminal code Cdigo procesal: Code of procedure Comandante en jefe de las fuerzas militares: Commander in chief of the military Comisiones especiales: Special committes Como se acredita/ con: As it was/is evidenced by means of Comparecer a prestar declaracin: Appear to give testimony/ file an appearence Compensacin econmica familiar: Family allowances Complejo de hechos y circunstancias: Complex of facts and circumstances Componer: To form part Comprar bienes races: To purchase real property Concertado: Agreed Con arreglo al mismo: In accordance therewith Con el objeto de: In order to Con el patrocinio (letrado) de XX: Having retained XX as counsel Con referencia a: With reference to Concertar convenios colectivos de trabajo: Enter into collective bargaining agreements Concesiones: Grants Condenar a pagar a la actora: Order defendant to pay plaintiff the sum of Condiciones dignas y equitativas de labor: Dignified and fair labor conditions Configuracin: Shape Confiscacin de bienes: Seizure of property Conflictos: Disputes Conforme a: Pursuant to

Conforme al/a la cual: According to which/ in accordance with/ according to Congreso: Parliament / Congress Conjuntamente: Jointly Conocerse bajo el nombre: Be known as Consecuencias perjudiciales: Negative consequences Conservacin: Preservation Considerar: Analyze / Deem / Look into Consistir: To entail Consta por el presente: Know all men by this present Constitucin positiva: Written constitution Constituido y nombrado: Have made constituted and appointed Constituir domicilio en: To establish domicile at Constituir: To set up Contar con media sancin legislativa: To have only been passed by one of the houses Contestar la demanda: Answer the complaint Contra: Versus / vs. Contractualmente y bajo un vnculo de subordinacin: Under a contract and a subordination relationship Contraer emprstitos: To borrow money Contratar un abogado: To retain an attorney Contribuciones indirectas: Indirect taxes Contribuciones: Taxes Convenir (a mi parte) que la demandada sea citada a absolver posiciones Convocar a sesin conjunta: To call to hold a joint session Convocar extraordinariamente: To call for a special session Convocar: Summon Cnyuge: Spouse Coparticipables: To be subject to revenue sharing Correpondiente: Respective Correr traslado del presente escrito: To serve notice hereof upon defendants Corresponde a: To be empowered to Corresponde al Congreso: Congress shall have the power to Correspondencia epistolar: Letter correspondence Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nacin: Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation Costas al demandado: The defendant is charged with costs Crear o suprimir aduanas: Set up or supress customs officies Cuenta de inversin: Investment account Cuerpos jurdicos: Legal bodies Cuidar que las leyes sean acatadas fielmente: To watch the close observance of the laws Culto: Religion Cumplimiento del derecho: Observance of the law Cumplimiento: Fulfillment / Performing Cumplir ciertos requisitos: Comply with certain requirements Cuya forma y significado: The form and meaning of which Cuyo testimonio acompao: The certified copy of which I attach hereto Dado/ expedido: Issued Dar a cada uno lo que le corresponde: To give each person what he/she righthfully deserves

Dar curso de una rogatoria: To execute a letter rogatory Dar lugar a: To give rise to De acuerdo con: Pursuant to De este artculo: Herein De este modo: Thus De los que resulta: From which it appears that De ningn modo: In no way De oficio: At the initiative of the judge De sus instituciones: Of the institutions thereof Deber moral: Moral duty Debida anticipacin: In due time Debiendo asistir: You are to appear Debindose librar a sus efectos el exhorto correspondiente: Issuing the corresponding letter rogatory for such purpose Decisiones judiciales: Legal decisions Declaraciones: Declarations Declarar contra s mismo: To be a witness against oneself Declarar en rebelda: To be declared in default Declarar: Testify Decretar contra el demandado el embargo preventivo solicitado: Requested preliminary attachment on property is hereby ordered to be levied against the defendant Decretar el divorcio: Pronounce a divorce Decretar: Enact / Regulate Defensa comn: Common defense Defensa del bien de familia: Protection of the homestead Defensa en juicio: Defense within the trial Defensa: Protection Defensor del pueblo: Ombudsman Demandado: Defendant Dentro de diez das de notificado: Within ten days from service of this judgement Deponer: To remove Depuestas: Removed Derecho a huelga: Right to strike Derecho administrativo: Administrative law Derecho de la costumbre: Customary law Derecho de origen judicial: Judge made Law Derecho escrito: Written law Derecho legislado: Statute law / Statutory Law Derecho natural: Natural law Derecho no escrito: Unwritten law Derecho norteamericano: American Law Derecho positivo: Positive law Derecho romanstico: Civil law Derechos alcanzados: Rights covered Derechos consagrados en: Rights included in Derechos de importacin y exportacin: Imports and exports duties Derechos de jerarqua constitucional: Constitutional rights Derechos individuales: Personal rights Derechos: Rights

Descanso y vacaciones pagas: Paid rest and holidays Desconocer: Not to admit Desde: As from Desechar: To reject Designar / Sealar audiencia pblica: A hearing be called Designar audiencia: To request that a hearing be called Designar perito contador: To request that an accounting expert be appointed Designar: Designate / Appoint Despido arbitrario: Arbitrary dismissal Destinada a: Meant for / Intended to Destinatarios: Addresses Determinado por el derecho: Stipulated by law Determinado: Definite Determinar: Set (forth) Deudor: Debtor Dictar (leyes): Enact Dictar sentencia haciendo lugar a la demanda en la forma pedida en el exhorto: Judgement be duly pronounced sustaining the complaint, as requested in the prayer Dictar sentencia haciendo lugar a la demanda: Judgement be pronounced for plaintiff Dictar sentencia: To render / Pronounce judgement Dictar: To enact / To pronounce Difusin: Spread Diligenciar la presente rogatoria: To appear before your honor and to take all the necessary steps for the execution of this letter rogatory Diputados: Deputees/ties Direction: Management Dirigir la poltica exterior: To run the foreign policy Dirigir: To manage Discutida: Controversial Disfrutar de una renta anual de XX: To have an annual income of XX Disposiciones: Provisions Domicilio constituido en: Having established domicile ad litem at Domicilio constituido: Indicated domicile ad litem be considered duly established Domicilio denunciado: Domiciled denunced in the record Dotar: To vest Durar en el ejercicio de un mandato: To hold office Durar en su representacin: To hold office Ejercer el Gobierno: To be in charge of the Government Ejercicio de un derecho: Exercise of a right Ejercitar sobre: To apply over Electorado: Electorate Elegidos en forma directa y conjunta: Directly and jointly elected Embargo preventivo: Preliminary attachment on property Embargo: Attachment Empleado pblico: Civil servant Empresa de utilidad nacional: Company of national utility Emprstito: Loan En base a: Based upon

En cambio: Instead / Otherwise / Whereas En caso de no poder concurrir: In case of failure to file an appearence En concepto de indemnizacin por daos y perjuicios: As compensation for damages En cuanto a: As to En cuanto: In the sense that En cumplimiento de: Pursuant to En defensa de: To safeguard En efecto: Actually En el ejercicio de sus funciones: While in session En general: In a broad sense En gran parte: Mainly / Mostly En la audiencia que V.S. se sirva sealar al efecto: In the hearing that Your Honour should call for that purpose En la audiencia: At the hearing En la forma pedida en el exhorto: As requested in the prayer En lo que se refiere a: As regards / Regarding En los autos caratulados: In the case En materia aduanera: Regarding customs matters En mayor o menor medida: To a larger or lesser extent En mi carcter de: As / In my capacity of En otros trminos: In other words En primer trmino: Firstly En que se funda: Upon which is based En representacin de: On behalf of En tal carcter: In such capacity En tanto: If En trmino: In due time En todo el territorio: Throughout the whole territory En ltima instancia: In the last resort En uso del poder especial: By virtue of the special power of attorney / Pursuant to the special power of attorney Enajenacin: Disposal Enajenar bienes races: To dispose of real property Encabezar el gobierno: To lead the government Encabezar: To head Entrar en vigor: To become enforceable / To come into force Equilibrar: To balance Es correlativa de: To have a correspondence with Escribano: Notary Public Establecer: To lay down / To set forth / To establish Estar a cargo: To be under the control Este procedimiento: These proceedings Evaluaciones: Assessments Exigir auxilio: To demand aid Exigir: To demand / To enforce / To require Expedirse sobre los siguientes puntos de pericia: To give an opinion as to the following questions Expresin de que se confiere poder con el nombre del mandatario: Statement that a Power of Attorney is granted, and the name of the Attorney

Extranjero: Alien Factor de iniquidad: Factor of iniquity Facultad - Deber: Power - Duty Facultad de emitir moneda: Empowered to issue money Facultad: Capacity / Power Facultades discrecionales: Discretional powers Facultado: Empowered Fallar: To be adjudged Fijar para la siguiente fecha y hora: To be held on the following date and time Fijar: To fix Fines tiles: Useful purposes Fondos del tesoro nacional: Funds of the national treasury Fondos: Funds Forma representativa, republicana y federal: Representative, republican and federal form Formacin profesional de los trabajadores: Professional training of workers Formardo de: Composed of Forzoso: Compulsory Fueros personales: Personal jurisdiction Fuerza pblica: Police Fuerzas militares. Military forces Funcionario diplomtico: Diplomatic oficial Funcionario: Official Funcionarios y empleados administrativos: Administrative officials and employees Fundada en ley: Grounded on law / Based on law Fundamento: Basis Fundar el derecho de mi demandante: To ground the right of action of my principal Fundarse en: To be based on Garanta: Guaranty Garantias reconocidas expresamente: Guarantees expressly acknowledged Garantizar: Secure / Guarantee Gastos: Expenditures Generacin de empleo: Creation of employment Gestin sindical: Union tasks Goce y ejercicio de un derecho: Enjoyment and exercise of a right Goce: Enjoyment / Use Gremios: Trade unions Grosera injusticia: Gross injustice Habeas Corpus: Writ of Habeas Corpus Haber cumplido la edad de .... : To have attained the age of Haber sido ciudadano de la Nacin: To have been citizen of the Nation Hbil para hacer cesar la violacin: Capable of ceasing the breach Habitar: Dwell Hace constar que: To be it known that Hacer lugar a la demanda: The complaint is hereby sustained / To sustain the complaint Hacer lugar a la reconvencin: The counterclaim be sustained / To sustain the counterclaim

Hacer responsable: To render responsible Hacer saber: To hereby give notice Hacer sellar moneda: To coin money Hallarse reunidos en autos: Be herein met Hecho conducente: Leading fact Hecho de la causa: Issue of the case Hecho del proceso: Issue of the process Hipoteca: Mortgage Identificar: To match with Idnea: Proper Idoneidad: Eligibility Igual remuneracin por igual tarea: The same wages for the same task Impedir: To prevent Imponer pautas limitativas: To impose restrictive guidelines Imponer: To levy Impuesto: Tax / Taxation Impulsar: To force Impunidad: Impunity Inasistencia a una audiencia: Absence to a hearing Incidir sobre: To have implications upon Inciso: Subsection/ paragraph Inconstitucionalidad de oficio: Unconstitutionality at initiative of the court Incumplimiento de la norma: Breach of rule Indefectiblemente: Without excuse Indemnizaciones: Compensations Indemnizar: Compensate Inexistencia: Lack of existence / Non-existence Insrtese: To enter in the record Integrar: To make up Interesado: Party Concerned Interposicin de una accin: Filling an action Interposicin: Filling Intimar: To demand Intimidad: Intimacy Investido: Vested Investir: To vest Jefe de Estado: Head of State Jefe titular y Jefe responsable del Gobierno: Chief executive officer of the Government Jerarqua constitutional: Constitutional hierarchy Jornada limitada: Limited working days Jubilaciones y pensiones mviles: Adjustable retirement and old-age pensions Jubilaciones: Adjustable pensions Juez nacional de primera instancia en lo comercial: National Judge of first instance having jurisdiction in commercial matters Juez nacional en lo comercial: National Judge in commercial matters Juicio ordinario: Ordinary proceedings Juicio previo fundado en ley: Previous trial based on law Juicio pblico: Open proceedings / Public trial

Juicio sumario: "summary proceedings" is a proceedings that is briefer than the ordinary one and includes the trial of the case Jura: Oath Jurar: To take oath / To swear Jurisdiccin determinada: Certain jurisdiction Jurisprudencia: Case law Justificar la inasistencia: To justify the absence Justificativos: Grounds Juzgado nacional a mi cargo: National Court of first instance where I sit Juzgado: Tried party Legislacin: Legislation Legislar: To make rules Legislaturas estaduales: State legislatures Legislaturas provinciales: Provincial legislatures Legitimar para deducir = estar facultado para iniciar: To be empowered to file Lesiva: Harmful Letrado apoderado de la parte actora: Attorney representing plaintiff Letrado patrocinante: Attorney Ley de matrimonio civil: Civil marriage act Ley: Act / Statute / Legislation Libre albedro: Free will Libros contables: Accounting records Lcito/a: Legal Ligada: Linked Limitaciones: Restrictions Limitativas: Restrictive Litigante declarado en rebelda: Party declared in default Litigio: Lawsuit Lo que puede haber de virtud: The level of virtue Lograr la finalidad: To obtain the purpose Luego de reunirse: After having have started session Magistrado: Judge Mandato: Order Manifestarse: To be shown Ms sus intereses y costas: Plus interests thereof and costs Materia: Subject Mayor nmero de votos: Majority of votes Mediante: By means of Medidas precautorias: Preliminary injunctions Medio judicial hbil para hacer cesar la violacin: Judicial means capable of ceasing the breach Mtodos interpretativos y del razonamiento judicial: Methods of interpretation and judicial reasoning Modalidades: Characteristics Monedas extranjeras: Foreign currencies Moniciones o proclamas: Banns Nacional: Native Nombrar: To elect Noneamericano: American Norma: Rule

Normas jurdicas: Legal standards Notables: Remarkable Notificacin de la demanda: Service of the complaint Notifquese: To serve notice Objeto: Purpose Obligacin de nuestra conciencia: Obligation arising from our conscience Obligacin jurdica: Legal duty Obligacin: Commitment / Duty Obligar: To force / To ompel / To oblige Obligatoria: Binding / Obligatory / Compulsory Obrar: To act Ocupacin: Possession Ofrecer reciprocidad en casos anlogos: To will to do the same for similar cases Operaciones de crdito: Credit operations Operar: To take place Oportunamente: In due time Orden interno: Internal nature Ordenamiento jurdico: Legal set of rules Ordenar el traslado de la demanda: The complaint be served upon defendant Ordenar la agregacin de los documentos acompaados: That the filing of the documents in the record be ordered Ordenar: To set Organizacin sindical libre y democrtica: Free and democratic labor unions Organos de la administracin pblica: Bodies of the Public Administration Otorgar impunidad: To grant impunity Otorgamiento: Granting Otorgar: To grant Para que la justicia se realice: For justice to be performed Parte actora: Plaintiff Parte pertinente: Relevant part Partes que celebran: The parties thereto Participacin en las ganancias de la empresa: Participation in the profits of the company Participacin en las ganancias de la empresa: Sharing in the income of the company Partidismo poltico: Political partisanship Partido poltico que siga en nmero de votos: Second political party in number of votes Partido poltico: Political party Pasar a ser ley: To become act Pautas: Guidelines / Rules Penar: To punish Permanecer: To remain in Petitorio: Prayer Plan de inversiones pblicas: Public investment plan Poblamiento del territorio: Increase of population Poltica exterior: Foreign policy Poltica interna y exterior: Domestic and foreign policy Por derecho propio: Pro se Por el contrario: On the contrary

Por el trmino y bajo apercibimiento de ley: Within the term and under the penalties prescribed by law Por ello: Now therefore Por ende: Therefore Por la simple: By the mere Por las causales de ... : Based on the grounds contemplated in ... Por obra de los jueces: By the judges' task Por ser justicia: in furtherance of justice Por todo ello: Now therefore Por todo lo expuesto a V.S. solicito: Wherefore I hereby request Your Honor that Poseer bienes races: To hold real property; comprarlos y enajenarlos: purchase and dispose of it Posicin que el sujeto ocupa en la sociedad: Social status the individual may hold Posteriormente: Later on Precedentes jurisprudenciales: Judicial precedents Precepto jurdico: Legal rule Precitada: Mentioned above Prerrogativas de sangre y nacimiento: Blood and birth prerogatives Prescindiendo de: Regardless of Prescribir: To prescribe Prescripta: Prescribed Presentar proyectos de ley: To introduce bills Presentar: To introduce / To show Presentarse por apoderado: To appear represented through its attorney Presidente de la Corte Suprema: Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Presionar: To press upon Prestar declaracin: To give testimony Prestar juramento: To take an oath Presupuestada para intereses y costas: Estimated for interest and costs Pretexto de precaucin: Claiming to be a precaution Previa cesin: Afler a granting Previsto por ley: Provided by law Primer Ministro: Prime Minister Primera etapa: First phase Primera legislatura: First legislative session Principal: Main Privado de: Precluded from Proceder: To be possible Procedimiento: Proceedings Proceso sumarsimo: Speedy summary proceedings Proclamas o Moniciones: Banns Producto de derechos de importacin y exportacin: Product of import and export duties Producto: Proceeds Profesar libremente el culto: To profess the religion freely Promover demanda ordinaria contra : To fill a complaint in ordinary proceedings against Promover: To foster / To promote Propiamente dichas: In their strict sense Prorrogar sesiones: To adjourn the regular sessions

Proveer a los gastos de la Nacin: To finance the expenditures of the Nation Proveer conforme a la misma: What is herein requested be ordered Proveer lo conducente a la prosperidad: To provide all the measures and regulations leading to the prosperity Proveer V.S. de conformidad a lo solicitado por ser Justicia: May Your Honor grant what is herein requested, in doing so Justice shall be done Proveer: To finance Proveer: To set measures for Provenir de: To arise from Proyecto de ley: Bill Proyecto: Bill Prueba confesional: Testimony of the defendants Prueba documental: Documentary evidence Prueba instrumental: Documentary evidence Prueba pericial contable: Accounting expert opinion Prueba que hace a mi derecho: Evidence which supports my right of action Prueba testimonial: Testimony of the witnesses Pruebas de informes: Evidence consisting of information Pruebas relativas al derecho de mi mandante: Evidence that supports the right of action of my principal Pruebas: Evidence/ exhibit (en derecho penal) Pueblo: People Pueblos: Countries Puerto: Port Puntos de vista: View points Que a continuacin se transcribe en su parte pertinente: Which is herein below transcribed in its relevant part Quedar fuera: To be left out Quedar libre: To be set free Quedar notificado: You are hereby given notice Radicar: To lie / To be vested in Radio: Venue Ramas del Derecho: Branches of Law Ramas: Branches Ratificar como ley: Become act Razonamiento judicial: Judicial reasoning Realizacin de un censo: Completion of a census Rebelde: Party in default Recaer: To levy Rechazar la demanda: Dismiss the complaint Recibir la causa a prueba: To set the case for trial Recompensas de estmulo: Stimulating rewards Reconocer documentos: To acknowledge the documents Reconocer telegramas: To admit telegrams Reconocer: To acknowledge Recopilaciones: Compilations Recurrir a la conciliacin y al arbitraje: To resort to settlement and arbitration Redaccin de leyes: Law-making Reelegible indefinidamente: Indefinitely re-elected Referidas: Related

Rgimen municipal: Municipal regime Regir: To govern Registro de la Propiedad: Registry of the Real Property Reglamentar: To govern Reglamentar: To provide regulations on Reglamentar: To regulate Reglamentos: Regulations Relaciones econmicas: Economic relations Relaciones exteriores: Foreign affaire / Foreign relations Renovar por mitad: To renew by halves Renta de correos: Revenue of mail officies Reos detenidos: Criminals under arrest Representantes gremiales: Union representatives Res judicata: "res judicata" Residir: To dwell / To reside Resolver: To decide Respecto de: With respect to / Regarding / As regards Respecto del Estado: With respect to the State Restriccin ilegtima: Illegal restriction Retribucin justa: Fair wages Reunir las condiciones: To meet the conditions Reunirse: To assemble / To hold sessions Revestir: To vest Rogatoria: Letter rogatory / Rogatory: Letter Rogatory S/ cobro de pesos: For the recovery of a sum of money Sala: House Salario mnimo vital y mvil: Minimum vital and adjustable salary Saluda y hace saber: Greetings Salvo que: Except when Salvo: Save from Sancin del orden jurdico: Legal sanction Sancionar: Pass / Enact Se me tenga por parte: I be considered a party hereto Se tenga por contestada la demanda y por opuesta la reconvencin: That the answer and counterclaim be considered duly filed Se tenga por ofrecida la documentacin acompaada con el escrito de demanda: I request that the documents attached to the complaint he considered duly offered Se tenga por ofrecida la prueba: The evidence be considered duly offered Secretara: Clerk office Sedicin: Sedition Segn lo establece la presente constitucin: Pursuant to this Constitution Segn: According to / Pursuant to Seguro social obligatorio: Compulsory social insurance Senado: Senate Seor Juez Nacional en lo civil: Your Honour National Judge in civil matters Seor Juez: Honorable Judge / Your Honor Sentencia de primera instancia: Judgement pronounced in a court of first instance Sentencia del pasado: Judgement pronounced in the past

Sentencia judicial: Judgement Sentencia precedente: Judicial precedents / Preceding judgement Separacin de bienes: Settlement of community property Ser competente en razn de monto y materia.del juicio: To have jurisdiction as regards the sum claimed and the subject matter of the case Ser inviolable: Not to be violated Ser mandatario: To represent Ser natural (de una provincia): To be native Ser ofrecido como testigo de la parte actora: To be offered as witness for plaintiff Sesin conjunta: Joint session Sesiones ordinarias: Regular sessions Si bien: Although / Even if Siempre que: Provided that Significando as: Thus meaning Simple pluralidad de sufragios: Simple majority of votes Sin embargo: Nevertheless Sin nmero: Endless Sin que pueda existir superposicin de aportes: Without the possibility of having superposition of contributions Sito en: Located at / Situated at Soberano: Sovereign Sobrante: Remaining Sobre el inmueble de la propiedad del demandado: Against the real property owned by defendant Solicitar absolucin de posiciones: Motion for the examination of the parties Solicitar que se libre oficio a ..... : Hereby request that the official letter be addressed to Solo consiste en: Merely consists in Solicitar: Request Solicito de V.S: I request from Your Honor Someterse a: To be abided by Sometidos a su consideracin: To be brought before them Sortear: To draw lots Sostener: To hold / To say / To maintain Su Seora: Honorable Subsecretaria de comunicaciones del ministerio de obras y servicios pblicos de la Nacin: Office of the undersecretary of communications of the ministry of public works and services of the Nation Subsumida: Subsummed Suma reclamada: Sum of money claimed Sumarsimo: Summary Suponer: To presume Surgir de: To arise from Suscitar entre: To come up among Suscripto: Undersigned Tanto en lo que se refiere: As regards Tener carcter de integral e irrenunciable: To be integral and may not be waived Tener cuatro aos de ciudadana en ejercicio: To have been an actual citizen for four years Tener la obligacin de: To be obliged to / To be due to Tener por objeto: To have as purpose

Tener por presentada la prueba ofrecida: The evidence offered be considered duly filed Tener un voto: To be entitled to cast a vote Tenerme por presentado: I be considered as having appeared Tercero: Third party Trminos kelsenianos: In Kelsen's terms Terreno: Field Testar: To write wills Toda vez que: Whenever Todo con costas a la actora: To charge the plaintiff with costs Tomar nota del embargo: To enter an attachment Tomo: Volume Total del electorado: Whole electorate Trabajo: Labor Trabar: To levy Tramitar ante el Juzgado Nacional: Be pending at the National Court / That is heard before the National Court Tramitar los autos caratulados : The case entitled is pending Transformar: To become Trasladar a la actora: To serve upon the plaintiff Trasladar la demanda para que sea contestada en trmino: That the complaint be served upon the defendant to be answered in due time Tratado: Treaty Tribunal : Court Tribunal a cargo del Dr. XX: Where Judge XX sits Ultima instancia: Last resort V.S.: Vuestra Seora / Your Honor Valor de la moneda: Currency value Vengo a contestar la demanda y reconvenir: I hereby answer the complaint and find a counterclaim Vengo a demandar: I hereby file a complaint Vengo a promover demanda: I hereby file a complaint Venta o locacin de tierras de propiedad national: Sale or lease of lots of land of national property Venta y locacin de tierras: Sale or lease of lands Va idnea: Proper means Vicio: Defect Vicios de la ley: Defects of an act Vigente: In force Violacin de una norma: Breach of a rule Virtud moral: Moral virtue Vistos: Whereas Vocero de la Nacin: Speaker of the Nation Votante: Voter Ya que: As Ya sea: Whether

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