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OS Borrower: |QU Lending String: "WYU,KKU,AY,AFU,KKS Patron: Larach, Gustavo Journal Title: Prisms / Volume: Issue: Month/Year: 1983Pages: 17-34 Article Author: Adorno, Theodor W., 1903-1969. Article Title: T W Adorno; Cultural Criticism and ty Call#: HM 101 .A4513 1981 Location: Coe Stacks ODYSSEY ENABLED Charge Maxcost: 25.001FM Shipping Address: University of New Mexico Zimmerman Library J Interlibrary Loan MSCO5 3020/1 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001 University of Wyoming Libraries ILL gy & imorint: Cambro, ass; ta res, 1961, 2%, sao zggn0 B cre Email: Holl@unmedu £ ILL Number: s99g 3 i 4 2 —_———— _ 7 ee WARNING CONCERNING COPYRIGHT RESTRICTIONS The Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyright material. Under certaln conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified.conditions is that the photocopy or other reproduction is not to be “used of any purpose other than private study, scholarships or research”. Ifa user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or other reproduction for purposes In excess of ‘falr use’, that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves the right to refuse a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would Involve violations of copyright law. Stalies in Contemporary German Social Thought ‘Thomas MeCurthy. general eitot Alfcd Schmidt History and Strcture: An Essry om Hegelian Marsist and Sractarala Theories of Mstors. 1984 Hans-Georg Gadamer, Reason I the Ae of Science, 1982 Joachim Ritter, Hegel ond he French Revolt: Boers. The Philosophy of Right 1982 Theodor W Adorno, Prisms, 192 PRISMS ‘THEODOR W ADORNO Translated fiom the German by SAMUEL and SHIERRY WEBER ‘The MIT Press ‘Cambridge, Massachusets First MEF Press eto, 1981 ‘opyrake @ Theodor W Adorno 1967 Alrights reserved, No pat of his Book may be reproduce in any frm ‘orby any means elestoni or meshana.ncating photocopying ording, of by any information storage and reieval System, without etmision in writing fom the pusher. ‘sntd ad bound inthe United States of Amerie Library of Congzess Cataloging ia Publatlon Data Adorno, Theodor W. 05-198, iam, (Studs in contemporary German til thovsht) Calture. TE Tile IL Serie. Srisei3 ‘AACR MMIOLAGSIS I9H1 306 ISBN 0263. 0)064- CONTENTS FOREWORD by Theodor W. Adorno INTRODUCTION Traslaing the Untanltable by Samuel 'M. Weber 7 (Cuturat Crcism and Society ‘The Sociology of Knowledge and tts Consciousness Spengler afte the Decline Veblen’s Auack on Cultare Aldous Huxley and Utopia Perennial Fashion —Jezz Bach Defended agsinst his Devotees Arnold Schoenberg, 1874-1981 Valéry Proust Museum ‘The George-Hofmannathal Correspondence, 1891-1906 A Porteit of Walter Benamin Notes on Kafka 3s st n 9s 119 13 wr 187 2 28

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