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Parameterized plots | TikZ example


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Example: Parameterized plots

Published 2009-09-13 | Author: Yves Delhaye As a math teacher, I have to explain how parameters affect the graph of a function. By putting the tikzpicture inside a LaTeX macro, it is very easy and fast to create multiple graphs by modifying only the parameters and calling the macro. Download as: [PDF] [TEX]

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Foreach76 Mathematical engine31 Plotting17

Annotations7 Axes9 GNUPLOT9 Macros10 Plots28

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% under Creative Commons attribution license. % A work by Yves Delhaye % Requires GNUPLOT and shell-escape enabled \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,shapes} \usepackage{xifthen} \begin{document} % Macros for cst. They have to \newcommand{\cA}{1}% Cste . \newcommand{\cB}{0}% Cste + \newcommand{\cC}{1}% Cste . \newcommand{\cD}{0}% Cste + be redefined each time. See inside document fct fct var var

%LaTeX Macro for drawing fct with pgf/tikz. Define once, use many! \newcommand{\FctAss}{ \begin{tikzpicture}[domain=0:8] \pgfmathparse{0.1+\cA*1.1 +\cB} \pgfmathresult \let\maxY\pgfmathresult% evaluate maxY

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Parameterized plots | TikZ example


\pgfmathparse{-0.1-\cA*1.1 +\cB} \pgfmathresult \let\minY\pgfmathresult% evaluate minY \pgfmathparse{\maxY < 1} \pgfmathresult \let\BmaxY\pgfmathresult% What if maxY < 1? Then set Boolean to 1 \ifthenelse{\equal{\BmaxY}{1.0}}{% \pgfmathparse{1.2} \pgfmathresult \let\maxY\pgfmathresult% Correct maxY to have correct graph }{} \pgfmathparse{\minY > 0} \pgfmathresult \let\BminY\pgfmathresult% What if minY > 0? Then set Boolean to 1 \ifthenelse{\equal{\BminY}{1.0}}{% \pgfmathparse{0} \pgfmathresult \let\minY\pgfmathresult% Correct minY to have correct graph % }{} DRAW the graph of the function from here on \draw[very thin,color=gray] (-0.1,\minY) grid (7.9,\maxY);% GRID use minY & maxY

\draw[->] (-0.2,0) -- (8.2,0) node[right] {$x$}; \draw[->] (0,\minY) -- (0,\maxY) node[above] {$f(x)$};% y axis use minY & maxY too \draw[smooth,samples=200,color=blue] plot function{(\cA)* (cos((\cC)*x+(\cD))) + \cB} node[right] {$f(x) = \cA{} . cos(\cC{} . x + \cD{}) + \cB{}$}; % units for cartesian reference frame \foreach \x in {0,1} \draw (\x cm,1pt) -- (\x cm,-3pt) node[anchor=north,xshift=-0.15cm] {$\x$}; \foreach \y/\ytext in {1} \draw (1pt,\y cm) -- (-3pt,\y cm) node[anchor=east] {$\ytext$}; \end{tikzpicture} } % END of macro % And now use it! \FctAss{} % Change the parameters \renewcommand{\cA}{3} \renewcommand{\cB}{0} \renewcommand{\cC}{1} \renewcommand{\cD}{0} % WITHOUT rewriting the code for the picture \FctAss{} % % And do it again \renewcommand{\cA}{1} \renewcommand{\cB}{0} \renewcommand{\cC}{4} \renewcommand{\cD}{0} \FctAss{} % And again \renewcommand{\cA}{1} \renewcommand{\cB}{0.5} \renewcommand{\cC}{1} \renewcommand{\cD}{0} \FctAss{} % And again \renewcommand{\cA}{1} \renewcommand{\cB}{0} \renewcommand{\cC}{1} \renewcommand{\cD}{2} \FctAss{} % UNCOMMENT IF YOU WANT TO SEE MORE % % This is where the test on maxY is useful. % \renewcommand{\cA}{3} % \renewcommand{\cB}{-14} % \renewcommand{\cC}{2} % \renewcommand{\cD}{-2} % % \FctAss{} % % % And here the test on minY is useful. % \renewcommand{\cA}{3}

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Parameterized plots | TikZ example


% % % %

\renewcommand{\cB}{14} \renewcommand{\cC}{2} \renewcommand{\cD}{-2}

% \FctAss{} % \end{document}

#1 David Olivieri, September 24, 2009 at 11:21 p.m. Great Site!! Thanks for the help. This example is exactly what I was looking for... Cheers. #2 Dominik, October 19, 2009 at 12:18 a.m. You could improve the \FctAss command by parameterize it itself:

\newcommand{\FctAss}[4]{ ... }

This allows you to use #1-#4 inside the command definition and \FctAss{1}{0}{1}{0} for the typesetting. Alway performing a \renewcommand before the use of \FctAss isn't intuituve ;-) --Dominik #3 ben, February 3, 2010 at 2:25 p.m. Hey everyone and thanks !! you guys are helping me pretty much on a daily basis... anyway, I'd like to plot a function that shows an hysteresis, and putting arrow to show what side of the curve means x going up or down... Scilab does that pretty easily, but I couldn't find a way to do it conveniently with tikz. thanks for your help ! #4 Michel AlSharidah, February 3, 2012 at 2:52 a.m. Hi This is a great example but i could not get the function plot on the graphs, the only thing that shows is the axis, grid, and the text but no plot. am i missing something? I just noticed the below, pls help thanks Preview: Fontsize 10pt Preview: PDFoutput 1 Package pgf Warning: Plot data file `parameterized-plots.pgf-plot.table' not found. on input line 59. Package pgf Warning: Plot data file `parameterized-plots.pgf-plot.table' not found. on input line 67. Package pgf Warning: Plot data file `parameterized-plots.pgf-plot.table' not found. on input line 75. Package pgf Warning: Plot data file `parameterized-plots.pgf-plot.table' not found. on input line 83. Package pgf Warning: Plot data file `parameterized-plots.pgf-plot.table' not found. on input line 91.

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Parameterized plots | TikZ example



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