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Local Economy
Merits, problems and 26(6–7) 544–561
! The Author(s) 2011

paradoxes of regional Reprints and permissions:


innovation policies DOI: 10.1177/0269094211417161


Francesco Grillo
Vision and Value, Italy; The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK

Mikel Landabaso1
European Commission, Belgium

Public investments in innovation and research assets have been recently perceived by policy
makers as an effective tool for the development of less developed regions. This has been parti-
cularly true in the case of the European cohesion policies and the structural funds expenditures.
However, the expectations have not always been matched by effective results. This article will
examine the problem in three main sections. In the first we will review the debate about whether
regional imbalances can be corrected by market forces and what is, eventually, the role that
regional innovation strategies can play within cohesion programmes. In the second we will discuss
the so called ‘regional innovation paradox’ and the problems of designing and implementing
strategies within less developed regions. In the third we will identify 10 criteria that programme
managers at EU, national and regional levels should consider as they try to solve those problems.

cohesion policies, Europe, innovation, public investments in R&D, R&D, regional development,
regional innovation strategies, structural funds

Introduction of policy choices based on only a few inter-

connected economic problems. Most of the
Most economists, when confronted with the time we are aware of the limitations of our
challenge of designing regional economic efforts and we feel somehow frustrated by
development policies, would acknowledge our inability to understand the problem in
the sheer difficulty of the task due to its com-
plexity and multifaceted character. Most
Corresponding author:
would focus on one particular aspect of the Francesco Grillo, Vision and Value, Via di Ponziano 15,
economic development process, with the 00152 Rome, Italy.
result being an economic analysis and set Email: francesco.grillo@visionandvalue.com
Grillo and Landabaso 545

its wholeness and provide a satisfactory development economists might have a hard
response which will offer a comprehensive time accepting this act of economic faith.
solution. They might be reminded of pioneer develop-
This article will examine this problem ment economists like Myrdal or Hirschman,
in three main sections. In the first we will or even impatient ones like Keynes or
identify the main elements of the debate Krugman, who have argued pessimistically
about whether regional imbalances require that curves may run wild opening up ever
a specific policy on interventions or whether widening disparities among regions through
they tend to be corrected by market forces, absolute disadvantage, and that time is a
and what is, then, the role that regional inno- concept of little help to those who cannot
vation policy can play within cohesion afford to wait.
programmes. In the second we will discuss In Europe, we see that the limits to
the problems of designing and implementing workers’ mobility in a European Union
regional innovation strategies. In the third with an incomplete internal market, more
we will elaborate on some of the components than 20 different languages and nearly 300
that programme managers at European regions in 27 countries, is a very different
Union (EU), national and regional levels entity from the more homogeneous market,
should consider as they seek to solve these institutional and cultural framework in the
problems. US, where many of these orthodox economic
recipes come from.
Is there a market failure to In fact, it is interesting to see how the
which regional development perception of regional economic context and
policy respond? The role its diversity, including economic, institu-
of innovation strategies tional, historical and cultural features, have
largely influenced the recent debate on the
The question which is preliminary to our relevance of place for regional policy, between
analysis is this: is calling for more labour those that think that regional policies should
market flexibility, de-regulation, lower sala- be people centred as opposed to place based
ries and tax rebates to attract foreign direct (Gill, 2010) and those that think that these
investment, in regions with high levels of policies need to be place based in order to be
unemployment and little or no influence people centred (Barca and McCann, 2010;
over macroeconomic policy tools, the best Garcilazo et al., 2010). At the centre of the
we can do to create jobs and stimulate debate is of course the concept of agglomera-
economic growth? Or, are we in reality, tion and its role in speeding up development,
simply asking the unemployed to emigrate, as well as the extent either to which it can be
explaining, of course, that in time the market influenced by public policy, or to which this is
will adjust and that development will even- desirable.
tually take place in those regions they have What is in question are not the benefits of
left behind? This latter school of thought agglomeration processes themselves (econo-
argues that after some unavoidable adjust- mies of scale, concentration of the brains of
ments these regions will start catching industry in globally connected high-tech
up faster, surpassing others, and eventually hubs, etc.) but its scale, pace and connected-
being ranked, in line with their comparative ness to its wider geography, including its
advantage (see, for example, World Bank’s limits in terms of environmental (pollution),
Reshaping Economic Geography, 2009). economic (inflationary pressures), social
Graphs will show curves nicely crossing (security) and accessibility considerations,
each other again in the right places. Some not to mention ‘beyond GDP’ issues in
546 Local Economy 26(6–7)

terms of human dimension and shared But in developing economies, the price
community values. paid by most of those forced to emigrate in
In terms of policies, one could argue that terms of changing culture, leaving behind
in the early stages of development (e.g. some family, loss of identity, isolation and plain
of the new EU members from south-eastern human distress is difficult to measure in eco-
Europe) public policies should accompany nomic terms. As economists we also have to
the process of agglomeration while ensuring consider the deserted underdeveloped
that trickle down effects in its wider hinter- regions left behind and deprived of their
lands do take place in order to maximize younger and more entrepreneurial people
growth country wide. In more advanced or of those latent economic capacities left
stages, public policies should turn their unexploited. Here history and geography
efforts to developing a balanced, multi- matter, even if they are quite difficult to fit
polar growth structure and ensuring connec- as such in the neoclassical growth function.
tivity, both amongst these poles and between Thus, one of the public policy dilemmas
them and the global economy in order to for many governments comes down to
develop a harmonious development process two main questions. On the one hand,
which does not leave any region behind and either they help to exploit underutilised eco-
exploits overall economic capacities to their nomic resources in backward regions by
full, wherever they are to be found. Regional proactively building capacities—intention-
development policy should not become a ally creating competitive advantage—in
social policy in the form of charitable fis- order to maximize overall national economic
cal transfers if it is to have a truly lasting potential to its full or they are likely to have
development impact. Regional policy is to face a sub-optimal and unbalanced geo-
about sharing growth efforts and helping graphical distribution of economic activity in
regions help themselves, not just about their territories, which misses out latent eco-
redistribution. nomic opportunities. On the other hand,
In terms of agglomeration processes, no either they help underdeveloped regions
one can deny the advantages of a more flex- and countries develop or they are doomed
ible and therefore mobile labour market, in to confront higher unwanted migration pres-
particular in those advanced economies sures which can create all sorts of political
which work with the safety nets of low tensions if, as is the case today, integration
unemployment and generous social security efforts do not keep pace. The dilemma is
systems. In these economies people may be made more complex since the European
able to choose to emigrate in search for Union cannot afford to lose members of its
better job opportunities, enrich themselves working population, needed to sustain
by exposure to multi-cultural experiences or increasingly expensive health and pension
take chances with their present jobs by trying bills of an ageing population.2
more promising avenues. Moreover, the One might think that out of developmen-
economic adaptation to an ever changing tal considerations, a more geographically
market demand, fuelled by an accelerated balanced and connected distribution of eco-
process of ‘creative destruction’, will be nomic activity throughout a territory might
much facilitated by this flexibility and, in favour overall economic competitiveness
the long run, will probably help limit and and, among other things, improve social
minimize its social costs. Moreover, this cohesion by helping people to work where
adaptation might be particularly useful in a they choose to live. This way we might also
context of globalization and open war for contribute to preserving communities and a
the talent of highly educated people. rich regional diversity that counts positively
Grillo and Landabaso 547

in an economy driven more and more by feet do get value for their money. In time,
innovation. Such an approach may eventu- their economies will benefit through
ally help unleash economic potential where it increased, more stable and diversified
is currently most under-utilized, including demand for goods, know-how and a
reducing environmental problems and exter- market for higher value added products for
nal diseconomies in central regions and which they have consolidated their competi-
urban centres (e.g. price of housing and tive advantage (EC, 2010a).
traffic congestion). So the key question becomes can we do
One simple and interesting argument something (else) about underdevelopment in
in favour of this consideration revolves less favoured regions or should we continue
around the nature of the new knowledge- to promote faster, more balanced and
based economy in the making, with intelli- environmentally friendly developmental
gence as the key raw material of economic trajectories in already advanced regions
activity and regional competitiveness. and countries? Fundamentally, is there a
Fortunately, and in contrast with the type real case to be made for developing public
of raw materials on which past industrial policy interventions in the form of regional
revolutions depended on, intelligence is the policy? Many economic policies are based on
one economic resource that is geographically the assumption that public action in other
evenly distributed. Therefore it might be safe realms of economic life, away from macro-
to assume that regional differences will economic policy management, health, educa-
progressively rest in the future on the way tion and basic public infrastructures, might
this intelligence is valorized or left idle. In not only be inefficient but even counterpro-
other words regional differences will ductive, notably by crowding-out private
depend more and more on regions having investment and other undesired macroeco-
the infrastructures (schools, vocational train- nomic effects of budget deficits.4 In other
ing centres, universities and technology words doing nothing may be better than
centres and R&D laboratories), policies doing something, in the form of industrial
and business environment to effectively or regional policy, since the invisible hand
transform and exploit intelligence in the of the market always produces better out-
form of innovation, and which are capable comes than what an intelligent public
of attracting more talent from elsewhere. policy mind could do: possibly because eco-
The so-called digital divide3 and similar nomic intelligence and the public mind could
other new technology and education-related sometimes be considered as a contradiction
divides we are increasingly hearing about are in terms!
the offsprings of this situation. Thus, planners and politicians in particu-
Another way of looking at this is to say lar have often been left with very few alter-
that we will all be better off if we help natives. They are told to pursue an orthodox
develop the opportunities for people who economic policy which is better left in the
need it most where they are in order to hands of a small group of high level econo-
prevent unwanted social, economic and mists (do not touch it if you do not under-
political problems in our own (developed) stand it), often sitting in national ministries,
countries and regions. Simply put, the cake reputable international consultancies, or
can be made bigger; there will be more to even better, independent organizations such
redistribute, leading to a win-win situation as central banks (the least you touch it the
for both richer and poorer regions. As better) usually located in the capital cities
European regional policy has demonstrated, and leading financial centres of central
those assist others stand on their (economic) regions. Monetary and fiscal policies have
548 Local Economy 26(6–7)

therefore concentrated most of the debate solutions are long, never easy and require
and the role of the public sector in these deep pockets. Politicians may get very
fields is widely acknowledged and well nervous if we tell them that trying to create
established. a new Silicon Valley is not only not possible,
And quite rightly so because a reasonably but might well be a waste of time and
healthy macroeconomic framework, with resources. All this usually tends to confirm
inflation under control and lower interest the politicians’ suspicion that the only really
rates in particular, is a necessary pre- serious economic policy options are the ones
condition for any regional or industrial that work at the macro level and talk about
policy to succeed, even if the later can, in interest/exchange rates, money printing or
turn, contribute to achieving the former taxes with a clear-cut advice on a x%
objectives. increase/decrease of such and such monetary
The real issue here is about the ‘else’ part: or fiscal variable. In this context, from the
what else should be done once the macroeco- point of view of regional policy, economics
nomic picture is more or less right? Is there can certainly seem like a dismal science.
anything else that can be done through The need is therefore for a policy specifi-
public intervention to promote economic cally addressed to correct regional imbalances
development? The issue is not to oppose that can legitimately call for taxpayers’
macroeconomic policies and mesoeconomic money to be spent on initiatives directed at
policies (regional policy) as excluding alter- achieving goals such as the European cohe-
natives. The problem arises when all public sion objectives. Such a policy does, however,
economic policy is based exclusively on need to be clearly defined: as Romer (1994: 2)
the first type of policies and the second is puts it ‘the most important job for economic
discarded on the grounds of orthodox policy is to create an institutional environ-
economic doctrine. By pursuing this route, ment that supports technological change’.
possible synergies are, at best, not maxi- In the next section we will first identify the
mized, and at worst, simply lost. problems associated with traditional regio-
Moreover, our problem increases when nal development policies. We will then dis-
our political masters look for proven stan- cuss the merits of strategies of development
dard economic development recipes (non- that are based on innovation and we will
contested economically or politically) that finally discuss the problems that these strat-
are easy and fast (within their political egies create.
cycle) to implement. An inward investment
policy, based on subsidies or tax rebates, to The paradox of regional
attract foreign multinational companies innovation strategies
which can create a significant number of
clearly identifiable new jobs the day after We would still like to think that we can do
tomorrow and bring new technology with something more through having effective
them is a good example of what it is meant regional policies. In a nutshell, the argument
by the latter. Unfortunately the increasing goes as follows: in all regions, but in those of
scarcity of this type of foreign direct invest- more developed countries in particular, we
ment opportunities for Europe’s less need a new regional development policy
favoured regions is making policy makers driven mainly by the promotion of innova-
look for more complex policy options. tion which is based on strong public-private
Finally, the really big problem starts partnerships with inclusive planning and
when economists simply proclaim that implementation processes, including a
there are no easy recipes and that proposed shared vision for the region: a regional
Grillo and Landabaso 549

development policy driven by innovation barriers, often non-tariff barriers that

and based on smart specialization strategies provided a breathing space that was
(Barca, 2009; Foray et al., 2009). only occasionally used to lay the founda-
In order to be able to argue for a new tions for sustained growth in the sector
regional innovation policy, we must first concerned, by actively identifying and
identify how such a policy, with new objec- reinforcing new factors for regional
tives, instruments and forms of implementa- competitiveness.
tion, differs from traditional industrial . Concentrating efforts on attracting direct
policies. It might be helpful, therefore, to foreign investment from big multina-
summarize why traditional regional policies tional companies, using tax policy in
often do not address adequately the develop- competition with other regions, rather
mental needs of less favoured regions in than attracting talent and promoting
particular. bottom-up endogenous growth in
The old industrial and regional policies SMEs. Almost all regional development
have been subject to heavy criticism for agencies in Europe have placed great
their lack of cost-effectiveness, having often emphasis and money on attracting for-
been based on several of the following (the eign investments, which have been
list is not exhaustive) (Landabaso and found to be highly volatile, sometimes
Mouton, 2005): bringing more problems when they are
withdrawn than benefits when they
. Selecting and positively discriminating in arrive. This is particularly the case if
favour of a few winners (businesses, sec- they are branch plants with little or no
tors or technologies) by means of public R&D and technological internal capacity
grants from the national/regional public based on exploiting low labour costs and
authorities. These are awarded on the there are no active accompanying mea-
basis of administrative decisions made sures to root the investments in the
by officials and/or politicians without ade- region, something which requires more
quate entrepreneurial or technological than just offering low wages and taxes.
know-how. There may be a lack of a . Horizontal, automatic and non-discrimi-
long-term strategic approach and insuffi- natory public aid schemes intended to
cient consultation with other key eco- reduce business costs temporarily without
nomic actors in the region. substantially changing firms’ strategic
. Excessive reliance on direct individual behaviour. In addition, they have in cer-
subsidies rather than the establishment tain cases created business networks that
of market-based financial instruments tend to become self-perpetuating, and
and the provision of collective services to generate a market of specialized consul-
groups of firms (e.g. technology centres tancy which is all dependent on continu-
and clusters). Moreover, entrepreneur- ing public aid.
ship promotion has often been neglected . On the business side, the excessively
in favour of achieving more short-term bureaucratic and complex nature of the
economic success in old established busi- application procedures and the time
nesses. In this sense, big industry in tradi- taken to evaluate applications and grant
tional sectors has often received more aid have made firms regard aid more as
attention than homegrown SMEs, includ- rebates on the cost of investments which
ing those in promising new sectors. they would have made anyway, rather
. Protecting domestic industry from inter- than as real incentives to make high-risk
national competition with artificial investments they would not have made
550 Local Economy 26(6–7)

without aid. Thus, the principle of addi- innovation paradox refers to the apparent
tionality of public aid has often not contradiction between the comparatively
been applied because of administrative greater need for investment in innovation in
complexities. the less developed regions to enable them to
. Sometimes, industrial policies have in fact compete more effectively, globally, despite
been just reconversion policies with an their relatively smaller capacity compared
exclusively redistributive accent, designed with more developed regions, and to absorb
more to compensate ex-post negatively public funds earmarked for the promotion of
affected social groups with lobbying innovation. That is to say that often, the
powers in the short term than to promote more a region needs innovation to maintain
economic development of territories in and improve the competitive position of its
the long term. businesses in an increasingly globalized econ-
omy, the more difficult it is to invest there
More generally, these policies have been effectively and to absorb public funds to pro-
criticized because of their short-term mote innovation. One might expect that once
nature, short-sightedness in terms of the the need (the innovation gap) is acknowl-
wider economic context and their sometimes edged/identified and the possibility exists,
limited anti-cyclical impact. Thus, new regio- through public means, to respond to it,
nal development policies based on innova- such regions would have a greater capacity
tion must be considered neither as a lesser to absorb these resources, since they are
evil nor as a miracle cure but rather as starting at a very low level, with everything
stable, inclusive and incremental policies, still to be done. However, experience shows
taking into account interrelated historical, that these regions have serious difficulties in
economic, cultural and sociological aspects, absorbing the public money available for
including business culture and existing public innovation and, often, new available funds
institutions in a given region or country. In are captured instead by already well-estab-
some cases, these policies depend and are lished lobbies (e.g. science academies) which
built on territorial capital. Moreover, by may divert their use away from innovation
their very nature the effects of these policies into basic, sometimes second-rate, R&D
may take time to emerge and need deep pock- efforts. The main reason for this apparent
ets to sustain them, thus making them hard to paradox is not that public funds are not avail-
sell politically. able for innovation in the less favoured
New regional development policies based regions. The explanation lies instead in the
on innovation are now much more about nature of the regional innovation system
empowerment: helping regions to help them- and the institutional capacity in these
selves. They are also about helping regions regions, including the availability of profes-
reach their full potential whatever their level, sional intermediaries (Grillo, 2010) such as
rather than establishing a standard goal for regional development/innovation agencies,
all, or creating rankings within a single technology centres with private participation
narrow developmental path. These policies or technology transfer organizations.
are much more about levelling the playing More broadly public administrations (not
field at the start than equalizing the out- only, but especially those in the less devel-
comes at the end. oped regions) suffer two problems when it
Regional innovation policies for less comes to managing innovation strategies.
developed regions are faced with a special The first is that they lack some of the skills.
difficulty: the so-called regional innovation An analysis of regional innovation strategies
paradox (Oughton et al., 2001). The regional in different countries (Grillo, 2010) shows a
Grillo and Landabaso 551

lack of the specific expertise normally have been progressively recognized as being
required in the innovation management pro- spatially bounded, not least because of the
cess. At the macro level this may be a lack of tacit and sticky nature of certain types of
knowledge of global markets for innovation knowledge and the territorial nature of
which is necessary to identify the niches much of the process of knowledge accumu-
where a certain region can develop its advan- lation and learning. This is so once the
tage. At the micro level, it may be a weak circular and systemic model of innovation,
capability to identify, along the value chain rather than the linear model, is used for
of the industries we want to promote at regio- regional policy planning as a more realistic
nal level, the specific areas that need invest- guide to what goes on in reality in the busi-
ment. The second is that public officials may ness world. The latter is particularly true in
also lack the ability to manage risk in choos- the case of less developed regions, with rela-
ing amongst the demands of different inno- tively lower rates of formal R&D investment
vation options (Porter, 1990). and personnel, and where innovation is more
More specifically, according to the Barca incremental, often based on the adoption and
report (2009) regional innovation strategies adaptation of generic technologies, and less
display in the experience of EU cohesion radical and science-based, as may be the case
policies three specific problems: in more advanced regions. The latter con-
centrate most of the excellence of R&TDI
. first, they have been used by some regions (Research and Technology Development
and countries as a redistributive mecha- Innovation) infrastructures and leading uni-
nism with an even distribution amongst versities and they are naturally where high-
different geographic areas, industries and tech industries and knowledge intensive
research domains whereas such a strategy services are overwhelmingly located, thus pro-
should be about making evidence-based ducing the highest number of patents.
decisions when it comes to allocating Within this framework, ‘intra-regional
resources; knowledge spillovers are considered to arise
. second, these strategies can be captured by when actors involved in the innovation pro-
actors that have higher bargaining power cess such as universities, the business sector
because of an advantage in terms of know- and the government sector tie close links lead-
how and, therefore, they may fail to ing to fertilizations and feedback relations’
encourage the emergence of new compet- (Greunz, 2004: 2). In short, knowledge spill-
itors/ideas that may disrupt current com- overs are generated and further developed
petitiveness equilibria; within efficient regional innovation systems,
. third, many regions may tend to imitate which facilitate links and cross-fertilization
other regional contexts and this may among the key innovation players, not least
again undermine the very purpose of by connecting SMEs to a responsive R&TDI
expenditures on innovation that are knowledge base. Thus, public-private cooper-
meant to increase the distinctiveness of a ation, business networks, university-enter-
certain region as opposed to others. prise connections and clusters can be of
outmost importance in generating these
One way of understanding this problem spillovers and therefore in increasing the
might be the following: within new growth knowledge generation, diffusion and absorp-
theory, the main explanation for increasing tion capacities in a region. This is precisely
returns to production factors, which is key to what is most lacking in less favoured regions
explain cumulative processes of economic and therefore largely explains the regional
growth, is knowledge spillovers. The latter innovation paradox outlined earlier.
552 Local Economy 26(6–7)

These considerations lead us to identify However, increasing investment capacities

some insights that can be useful in develop- and open markets, better educated human
ing successful regional innovation strategies. capital, enhanced attractiveness for foreign
direct investment, new technology-based
The success factors for a new companies and an entrepreneurial business
generation of regional culture cannot by themselves explain regio-
innovation strategies nal economic development. Neither can
Richard Florida’s famous 3Ts (technology,
From a policy perspective, what we said also talent and tolerance) (Florida, 2002) which
means that action-oriented, open, consensus- very elegantly and intelligently captures
based and participative strategic planning important parts of the complexity of knowl-
processes led by regional authorities with a edge-driven economic development. Indeed,
sufficient degree of autonomy/power, and it is difficult to distinguish which of the
acting within a ‘development coalition’ above are inputs or outputs of process of
(Asheim, 2001) with the private sector economic development. Possibly a fourth
and the knowledge base, can become key T, in the form of territorial capital, would
ingredients of the process of generating give us better insight.
knowledge spillovers. This includes an inno- By territorial capital we mean a form of
vation-friendly business environment under- ‘social capital’ (as in Putnam et al., 1993)
pinned by sound regional governance that is explicitly oriented to create sustain-
structures, including the collective capacity able, embedded innovation. This would be
of key socio-economic players in the region focused social capital that requires the pres-
(e.g. companies, local or regional authorities, ence of companies, research centres, govern-
research centres, business support agencies, ments and civil society that work together
universities, etc.). The key is to form and through partnership to the solution of
effectively use networks or other forms of problems that involve leading edge change,
cooperation on the basis of shared interest, and hence, innovation (Grillo, 2010; but also
trust and reciprocity in order to enable and Wilson, 2004).
accelerate the process of regional learning This explains why the word ‘region’ is
and knowledge-based development. important when we talk about public poli-
Thus, institutions and the way in which cies to promote economic development:
regional key players learn to interact among regional policy is neither national policy at
themselves matter (Bellini and Landabaso, smaller scale nor public policy applied to a
2007). This explains why some regions shoot territory which has been artificially identified
ahead through innovation while others are as a region. Territorial capital cannot fit into
left behind in the developmental race, even administratively determined boundaries.
in the presence of similar endowments of In order to tackle the regional innovation
those factors that have been traditionally con- paradox: big demands, big money and
sidered by economists as key to economic limited capacity in less favoured regions, it
development efforts. Thus, the most impor- is of utmost importance to prepare the
tant long-term keys to economic development ground before any public money is invested.
are not the availability of strategic raw mate- Moreover, this is even more important with
rials, proximity to central markets, transport/ the current economic crisis, which has led to
logistics axis or providential foreign invest- increases in the innovation gaps between
ment. No one really knows how the virtuous developed and less developed regions, or
circle of higher productivity and better qual- ‘to a reversal of the convergence between
ity jobs is sparked and maintained. EU countries in innovation performance,
Grillo and Landabaso 553

. . . with firms which are already more inno- Promoting innovation-led regional
vative being less likely to cut back on inno- development is not first and foremost
vation expenditure’ (Kanerva and about increasing R&D excellence and
Hollanders, 2009: 2–3). R&TD infrastructures (supply push)
Preparing the ground involves the but is also about new partnerships
strengthening of planning capacities, the where efficient innovation systems
identification of policy intermediaries for (demand pull) mobilize the intellectual
the implementation of the policy (public and entrepreneurial capacities to create
or semi-public innovation or development an innovation friendly business environ-
agencies) and establishing appropriate coop- ment, for SMEs in particular, in all
eration with the private sector and the knowl- regions and covering all sectors (not
edge base simultaneously. In other words, just high-tech). This is not to say that
the design of smart specialization strategies R&D excellence is not important or
should be a pre-condition for any public that regional innovation policies
investment in this field. ‘Regions should should not concentrate scarce public
develop integrated and tailor-made strate- resources in a few promising fields
gies pursuing ‘‘smart specialisation’’ by which fit each region’s competitive
defining a few research and innovation prior- assets, both in terms of sectors and
ities based on the European objectives and on R&I (Research and Innovation) capac-
their needs and potentials, identified in part- ities. On the contrary, the only R&D
nership with stakeholders, and concentrate efforts which are worth supporting
earmarked EU resources on these identified through regional policy should be
priorities’ (WIRE, 2010: 1). based on excellence, which by their
In this sense, place-based regional innova- own nature are international in perspec-
tion strategies and action plans integrating tive. Regional is not parochial. Regional
multi-level governance (international- innovation policy cannot and should
national-regional) and horizontal (inter- not be considered as supporting
ministerial) cooperation are a necessary first second-rate R&D efforts of those not
step. Grassroots ownership of the strategy is able to reach the top rankings.
of paramount importance. This means that Instead, complementary efforts in
consultants and international expertise are R&D and innovation are needed, with
useful but they should not be in the driving a particular emphasis on the latter in less
seat of the design of smart specialization favoured regions, as the OECD (2010:
strategies, as the evaluation of the first wave 16) has put it:
of regional innovation strategies launched by
the European Commission (EC) during the Policies need to distinguish clearly
1990s clearly shows (Charles et al., 2000). between a few highly innovative and
In this next section, we examine what high growth potential firms and the
these new policies should look like, based great majority of SMEs, reflecting
on lessons learnt in the field from the expe- the different ways in which they inno-
vate. The different needs can be char-
riences of European regional policy over the
acterized by a distinction between
last 20 years. This can be summed up in 10
Science, Technology and Innovation
general conclusions: mode of innovation on the one hand,
focused on R&D and breakthrough
(1) Innovation policy is not only about sup- innovation and Doing, Using and
porting R&D policy, simply because Interacting mode of innovation on
R&D on its own is not innovation. the other, focused on incremental
554 Local Economy 26(6–7)

innovation in the ‘ordinary’ SME. services and open innovation. This is

Both must be encouraged. because regional innovation capacities
are much more about personal commit-
This actually coincides with how busi- ments, institutions, networks, coopera-
ness associations (UEAPME,5 2010: 2) tion,6 including social capital, than it is
see the process of innovation in SMEs: about narrowly focused science
and technology efforts. In short, reinfor-
Innovation processes in crafts and
SMEs in Europe are characterized cing through the policy triple helix –
more by on-going permanent pro- knowledge triangle, clusters and univer-
cesses and less by linear technical- sity-enterprise is key for regional
driven inventions. In most SMEs innovation.
the innovation process is based on Innovation for most regions in the
available technologies, which are EU is more about knowledge absorp-
used in a new and sophisticated tion (education and training, advanced
way; based on the experiences and business services) and diffusion (tech-
the knowledge of persons in and nology transfer, ICT, entrepreneurship)
around the company; supported by
than about knowledge generation (sci-
highly qualified employees and the
ence efforts). Moreover, since innova-
entrepreneurial spirit of the business
owner; based on highly flexible, but tion has a strong territorial dimension
long lasting, customer and supplier (OECD, 2009) largely based on tacit
relations and supported by existing knowledge exchanged through a net-
networks and clusters. worked economy there is no one size
fits all innovation policy: regional diver-
Thus, R&D excellence and regional sity is an asset that calls for different
innovation are complementary and routes to growth through innovation.
both are required: exploiting agglomer- In this sense, ‘regional diversity calls
ation and economies of scale is impor- for different policies, in order to maxi-
tant (centripetal forces) within the mize the potential of the variety of regio-
European Research Area to ensure a nal knowledge economies in Europe
competitive edge vis-à-vis our trade (Wintjes and Hollanders, 2010: 46).
competitors. However, the diffusion (2) Targeting of public sector investment
and absorption mechanisms based on in research is necessary and so we
regional innovation potential (centrifu- expect that certain industry or aca-
gal forces) is also necessary in order to demic sectors and geographical areas
disseminate R&D efforts throughout will be over-represented in the portfo-
the entire territory as well as the oppor- lio of projects that are being financed.
tunities to link into R&I international The expectation of the new eco-
partnerships. nomic geography is thus confirmed:
Thus, from a policy perspective it is to achieve a competitive advantage
important to emphasize that the linear in the global market of innovation, a
model (from R&D to the market) is minimum quantity of R&D assets is
much less relevant for policy design necessary. The consequence is that pro-
than the systemic or interactive model: gramme managers should avoid using
not just patents but economic exploita- R&D as a redistributive tool so that
tion of talent and new ideas—not just investments get distributed to all stake-
manufacturing industry and big firms holders and areas internal to a region
with R&D but also innovation in in proportional amounts. Preferences
Grillo and Landabaso 555

should go to the sectors where compet- mechanisms, such as procurement pro-

itive advantages can be achieved more cedures, are necessary to introduce
quickly; at the same time, mechanisms novel ways to help inexperienced
that ensure that the rest of the econ- public administrations, especially in
omy interacts with the cluster of inno- less developed regions to find and
vation that has been created should be develop effective innovation strategies.
developed. (5) Partnerships are key to success but
(3) In order to define these choices, as well they must be carefully set up so that
as to implement them, a mix of local they are focused on problem solving
knowledge and international perspectives and sharing information, and repre-
is necessary. Obtaining information on sent a real coalition of innovators.
which are the niches where the region Programme managers should leverage
can manage to be state-of-the-art, will on existing partnerships as much as
require the involvement of the potential possible. The experiences of a number
local innovators, even if they may be of regions demonstrate that construct-
small or not yet successful because the ing new partnerships for the purpose of
system lacks other conditions for them implementing a specific, time-limited
to flourish, not adequately represented programme are very difficult to set up
by mainstream entrepreneur associa- and to sustain for the medium term
tions and sometimes not even fully (see for instance Grillo 2010 and also
aware of their potential. This will, how- Technopolis, 2006—taking examples
ever, have to be complemented with a from programmes involving structural
vision of the characteristics of markets, funds). Coalitions must also be con-
competitors and possible partners in the structed on the basis of available
international arena. Examples of these skills and must have the specific objec-
capabilities—dialogue between public tive of producing certain innovation in
administration and innovators and, business, society or academia. The for-
more importantly, amongst innovators malistic application of the partnership
themselves—are what the technology principle imposed by EU structural
parks have been providing for a funds may have had the effect of pro-
decade in a number of regions, such as moting coalitions where all stake-
Castilla Y Leon and Catalunya in holders are represented and this may
Spain. not be necessarily positive in achieving
(4) Diversity amongst regional innovation a good outcome. Innovation is about
strategies and amongst different mech- change and, thus, may create a chal-
anisms of implementing them should lenge for incumbents: trying to involve
be encouraged. An excess of consis- everybody may increase the risk of the
tency between European, national implementation process being captured
and regional guidelines may have the or influenced by those who may
side effect (especially in regions with have interests that conflict with the
less experience and lower institutional objective.
capabilities) of creating imitation. (6) Indicators for detecting early success
Differences in choices are an obvious or failure of the innovation strategies
consequence of our previous comments appear difficult to establish because
about specialization to maximize the the outcomes of the R&D investments
opportunities for innovation in many may require years to be realized.
regions. Differences in implementation However, the likelihood of R&D
556 Local Economy 26(6–7)

investments working out is effectively institutions (venture capitalists, mer-

signalled by the amount of private chant banks) who may be willing to
money being attracted into or alongside select the projects to be financed, and
public investments (Grillo, 2010). This to share the risk and the funding to be
indicator may well become the most provided to the firms and universities to
important to which accountability of be supported. Return on the invest-
managers in R&D programmes could ments should, then, be split between
be attached. the financial operator and the public
(7) Public administrations working alone investor with the aim of compensating
rarely have the skills to successfully the private investor for the higher risk
develop and implement innovation of investing into a less developed
strategies—they need to work with region.
appropriately experienced develop- Within this framework the region/
ment agencies or commercial partners policy maker should be responsible
after setting the strategic priorities. for: the main choices in terms of indus-
Because successful innovation strat- try and academic sector to be targeted;
egies depend on the understanding of the definition of criteria (e.g. size of the
how a region is positioned commer- firms, share of start-ups) in the project
cially, in a global context, public offi- selection that may increase the linkage
cials may not have the skills or of the investment to local economy and
experience to do this alone. This is research base; the identification and
work which requires an ability to selection of the banks and the establish-
select the right sectors, the firms to be ment of the compensation system; and
targeted within these sectors, and an the creation of the public infrastructure
appreciation of the global market (e.g. telecommunication and transpor-
processes which drive the innovation. tation, red tape cutting) for research
Political choices and leadership are projects to happen. The development
required, but the full portfolio of com- agency or the private operator should
mercial skills does not often occur then operate within this framework of
within the competences, or profes- choices imposed through obligations
sional development, of public officials. or incentives.
There is also an issue of what we can (8) Integration of various development
broadly call culture: to conceive and to strategies appears to be essential. In
realize innovation strategies requires order to for this to happen, however,
an attitude to risk-taking which is for- integration needs three conditions: an
eign to the ethos of many public institutional setting, a focus on the
administrators. Research (for instance, project level and demand from the
Leydesdorff, 2000; Lundvall 1992) sug- local economy.
gests that intermediary organizations Normally, the design of innovation
(development agencies and similar) can strategies is led either by an agency or
be an effective solution if they are held by a political body that is responsible for
accountable for their results (mea- the entire innovation policy. However,
sured, for instance, on the volume of it is at the project level where the collab-
private investment being mobilized). oration between universities, firms and
A further development for the government appears to be particularly
future might be to involve specialized, important. As already stated, this is
internationally experienced financial most likely to happen through the
Grillo and Landabaso 557

maintenance of partnerships already to one managed by single member

engaged in initiatives that pre-existed states. This, however, would mean
the launch of the publicly funded that: (a) the EC develops a proper
programmes. knowledge management system through
(9) Leadership also appears necessary for which projects become possible solu-
innovation strategies to succeed (as the tions to well-identified research or
literature—for instance Wilson, 2004, industry problems and their effective-
but also Porter, 1990—on innova- ness is measured so that knowledge pro-
tion demonstrates, and not only in duced gets maximized; that (b) projects
Europe). The solution to a lack of an (or part of them) are, also, seen as exper-
already established champion of inno- iments and that therefore failures—and
vation is either to search within indus- the reasons for them—are recognized
try, government, research or civil and diversity is maximized. This will
society for leaders that are not yet vis- also require (as the Barca report, 2009,
ible or to attract from elsewhere, even reminds us) a modification of the pro-
from abroad, people from leading edge curement procedures and the mecha-
organizations that may provide skills, nisms through which programme
technologies or advice to the region. managers can engage with innovators.
(10) Systems to generate knowledge from
programmes should be developed and In general, the key questions about regio-
this is likely to be the area where inter- nal innovation policies are no longer about
national organizations, like the EC can what to do or why, but chiefly about how
provide added value (as per the defini- and who (EC, 2010b) should do it and
tion of European added value that we through which mechanisms. These policies
find in, for instance, Mairate, 2006). need experimentation and institutionalized
Public investment in research, just like learning processes in the form of (ongoing)
private investment, faces an unavoid- evaluations, including appropriate input as
able uncertainty due to the nature of well as output indicators. Such indicators
the projects to be financed. By defini- should go well beyond R&D expenditure
tion, there are many unknowns both and patents. Admittedly, the necessary
in terms of the implementation of the indicators for properly characterizing regio-
innovation strategy and its governing nal innovation potential or measure policy
mechanisms upon which this work impact are still lacking with much work
has contributed useful findings. This remaining to be done in this area.
means that it is necessary that continu- In terms of experimentation, these poli-
ity of research is ensured and that cies should favour a culture of public
policy makers and public administra- policy risk taking and allow for tests through
tions develop systematic mechanisms pilots and failure. This could be seen as a
to learn from experience. This is an sort of public venture capital which invests
opportunity especially for cohesion in latent innovation capacities to make them
policies and for the EC: the volume happen and support them in their early
of the investments, the number of proj- stages. Innovation policies require risk
ects, the difference in governing mech- taking, trial and error and sound evaluation
anisms is such that comparisons as well as funding and long lead times, with
amongst different member states and political consensus as a plus.
regions may be the added value of a Since ‘innovation cannot be dictated
policy governed by the EC as opposed but . . . can be cultivated’ (Sallet et al.,
558 Local Economy 26(6–7)

2009: 1), policy makers need businesses as Furthermore, a broad menu adapted to the
well as professional intermediaries such as characteristics of a particular innovation
regional development agencies, technology investment which is generally characterized
centres, technology parks and incubator by being risky, long term and based on intan-
managers, technology transfer offices, gibles is also needed. These three charac-
working as soldiers on the front line. In teristics are not particularly attractive to
this sense, it is important that the public traditional financial institutions, which on
sector understands its role in providing top of this often lack the expertise to properly
shared leadership and vision, rather than assess the innovation projects submitted to
control, and in catalysing economic devel- them. This market failure, with serious devel-
opment by promoting new ideas and part- opmental consequences, can justify timely
nerships with the private sector. In other public action to support these types of
words, ‘regional governments and their investments.
development related agencies play a key Additionally, public procurement, which
role in animating regional innovation sys- is green and innovation driven, is also an
tems to stimulate the learning processes’ important tool to consider, given the sheer
(Runiewicz-Wardyn, 2009: 6). scale of the resources at stake (16 percent of
It is important to underline that innova- GDP in Europe) which ‘is potentially one of
tion policies cannot be ‘for them but without the most powerful levers for effecting beha-
them’. This is also why innovation support vioural change amongst private sector
schemes must be stable, understandable and suppliers’ (Morgan, 2010: 90). Finally, it is
readily accessible by SMEs. Administrative also worth considering amongst new policy
simplification and short awarding times are tools building up territorial capital through
not simply an option in this field but an regional branding and image (e.g. the
absolute requirement for policy efficiency Guggenheim effect), which is key to culti-
and business recognition. vating, retaining and attracting the talent
Policy makers should aim at matching which fuels innovation.
business demand, as the starting point,
with R&TD supply and not the other way Conclusions
round. Innovation is a market phenomenon
which transforms creativity, ideas and While public policy can make a difference in
knowledge into development opportunities. the pace and direction of regional develop-
R&D policy takes the same path in the ment, current policy practice needs a funda-
opposite direction: innovation earns money mental rethink in terms of objectives,
by transforming new or existing knowledge instruments and policy delivery systems.
into business; R&D spends money to gener- In terms of objectives, regional policy has
ate new knowledge. to move on from a narrow interpretation of
In terms of policy tools, innovation policy cohesion in terms of redistribution and dis-
requires new and better forms of support over parities, into supporting latent growth capa-
and above direct individual subsidies to bilities wherever these are to be found. In
ensure stronger financial discipline on the this sense, it is essential for decision makers
side of firms. Venture capital, business to understand the role played by innovation
angels, soft loans, guarantees, equity partici- and technological development in regional
pation and other forms of financial engineer- development trajectories.
ing are better than grants and tax incentives Micro- and mesoeconomic competitive-
although in most cases there is need for com- ness problems cannot be efficiently tackled
bination of these approaches (EC, 2010c). by overdoses of macroeconomic or sector-
Grillo and Landabaso 559

based policies but by integrated, place-based encouraging diversity amongst regional strat-
regional policies which focus on the promo- egies; the encouragement and care afforded to
tion of innovation. Place-based regional pol- the leaders who are sponsoring the strategy
icies should not mean parochial or inward and the partnership of innovators who are
looking. Place-based means understanding focused on delivering it; the development of
institutions, history and business culture, a system of performance indicators to give
which are precisely the key features that early indications of success or failure; the
define a region. Regions are neither artificial involvement of development agencies and
administrative constructs nor independent banks in the selection of investments to be
institutional frameworks but links in a gover- financed according to the priorities of the
nance chain where public policy can some- strategy; the development of knowledge sys-
times be more effectively developed because tems which will enable the continuing
of its closeness in understanding economic improvement of strategies over time.
needs and ability to mobilize capabilities. Public policy to promote regional devel-
The objectives of these policies, with their opment cannot be left solely in the hands of
feet solidly rooted in their territories should the national or regional ministries of the
be to have regional heads above the clouds or economy. It requires horizontal and vertical
nearby valleys and into the global economy, governance structures cutting across admin-
where they should aspire to become competi- istrative boundaries and power structures.
tive players in their own terms. Budgetary, audit and accounting consider-
In terms of instruments, public policy ations should only be at the service of
effectiveness is about having the right policy strategic planning capabilities and not the
mix adapted to each regional context: there other way round: ideas and cooperation
are no set recipes, and good practice only first, public money after.
exists for those willing to learn and experi- In terms of policy delivery systems, regio-
ment. The capacity of key regional players nal policy cannot continue to be treated as
to interact, share a vision and jointly simply a funding strand but must be seen as
commit efforts and resources is an integral a public investment framework with specific
part of any public policy trying to promote requirements. It requires much stronger
regional development. Regions which are conditionality and a healthy degree of com-
able to develop the institutions and policies petition to access scarce public funds.
which promote these interactions through In conclusion, the best thing one could
public-private partnerships and across the probably say about public policy for regional
governance ladder are likely to be successful development is that it can make economic
in developing a process of sustained and development a non-zero-sum game where all
sustainable growth, no matter what their cur- stand to gain.
rent development level, natural endowments
or inherited comparative advantage. Funding
More specifically for regional innovation
strategies, success will require: the adoption This research received no specific grant
of a broader definition of what innovation from any funding agency in the public, com-
(meant as a unique feature of a region able mercial or not-for-profit sectors.
to give it competitive advantage) is; a con-
centration of resources in areas where the Notes
potential is highest; making an effective 1. The responsibility for the accuracy of the
relationship between local knowledge and analysis and for the judgements expressed
the requirements of international markets; lies with the authors alone; this document
560 Local Economy 26(6–7)

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