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Chipstead Valley Primary School Year 6

Dear Parents/ Guardians

This newsletter has been produced to inform you of the topics your child will be covering in all curriculum areas this Summer Term. Please note that this is a brief overview and if you wish to know more about the curriculum of Year Six.


Every day in maths sets, pupils will practise and develop oral and mental skills, e.g. mental strategies and rapid recall. They will continue revising topics for the SATs. They will be covering estimation and approximation and division of whole and decimal numbers. By using the four operations (x, +, -, ), they will solve word problems and convert fractions to decimals by using division. They will also learn how to use a calculator effectively.

In literacy this term, pupils will be using ICT programs such as Publisher and PowerPoint to present their literacy work in the form of leaflets, brochures and posters. We will also be working on an end of Year 6 Memory Book to reflect on their time at Chipstead Valley so any photos of the children in other year groups would be useful to borrow for inclusion. Shortly after SATs, we will begin auditioning for our Year 6 production which we hope will be a great success! We will be requesting help with props and costumes from parents and grandparents so any volunteers would be very much appreciated!

Science / PSHE

After the SATs the children will further develop their understanding of the topic of Life Processes and Living Things by investigating how the body changes through the human lifecycle. They will be asked to reflect upon relationships and sexual reproduction leading to childbirth. Some of the discussions will be based upon seeing a DVD. If you wish to view the DVD please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher. We will also consider how sexual images are portrayed in the media and how these are not always an accurate or healthy representation. The outside learning area will be used for investigating the life cycles and interaction of living organisms in places such as the Woodland Walk and the pond.

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R.E. Pupils will be exploring issues of individual responsibility, citizenship and democracy.

We hope that this curriculum newsletter has been of interest to you. Year 6 teachers: Joanne Atkinson And Lauren Brookman

Pupils will continue to extend their knowledge of MS Excel and advance their skills in the new Revelation Natural Art program. Also, the children will be reminded of the importance of internet safety.

Art & Design Pupils will be working on props and set design for the forthcoming production and they will be studying the artist Antony Gormely. Pupils will experiment with creating wire sculptures of their own. Music The pupils will be creating music to tell a story and will be preparing for the upcoming Year 6 production.

SATs The children will be sitting their SATs during the week beginning 14th May. Please ensure that your child is not absent during that week. If they fall ill please call the office to discuss options. If you need to make a doctor or dentist appointment, please arrange it for the afternoon. The children have worked extremely hard to prepare for these tests and deserve to do well. Many thanks for all your support.

P.E./Games Pupils will be participating in athletics; they will be taught to develop their skills in running, jumping and throwing in preparation for Sports Day. Please ensure your child has adequate protection from the sun and brings a refillable drinks container. Children will also be developing their rounders skills throughout this term. Full PE kit is expected for all PE lessons, which includes: A house Tshirt, navy blue shorts, socks and a suitable pair of trainers for outdoor PE lessons.

Trip The pupils will be visiting Wingrave Vets as part of PSHE and citizenship after half term. We would very much appreciate any parent helpers to walk the children to the vets and back! Homework English given out every Thursday, expected in on Monday. Maths given out on Thursday, expected in on Monday.

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