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Seguro que piensas mucho. Tratas de entender el mundo que te rodea, y a lo largo del da tienes cantidad de experiencias interesantes.

You probably think a lot. Your mind is busy trying to understand the world around you, and your day is filled with interesting things.

Construiste alguna cosa hoy? Participaste en algn juego estupendo? Conociste a alguna persona nueva?

Did you build something today? Did you play an amazing game? Did you meet a new person?

Es agradable contar todas esas cosas a alguna persona, decirle cmo te sientes, qu cosas te hacen feliz, qu hiciste o qu quieres hacer.

Its fun to talk to someone about all those things. To tell them how you feel, what you are happy about, what you did, what you want to do.

Tambin es bueno hablar con alguien si alguna cosa te inquieta o te asusta. Es importante contar esas cosas. Generalmente nos sentimos ms tranquilos despus.

Its also good to tell someone if anything bothers you or makes you afraid. Talking about these things is important. Usually it makes us feel better.

Con quin te gusta hablar a ti? Con algn amigo? Con tus padres? Con tus maestros? Ellos te escuchan con inters. Te dedican tiempo porque eres importante.

Who do you like to talk to? Your friend? Your parents? Your teacher? They are good listeners. They take time for you, because you are important.

Hay otra Persona que quiere escucharte. A Jess le gusta mucho que le hables.

Someone else wants to listen. Jesus enjoys hearing from you.

Le gusta que le cuentes qu te hace feliz y qu has hecho.

He likes it when you tell Him what makes you happy, and what you have been doing.

Jess tambin quiere saber qu cosas te preocupan. Pasa ratitos conversando con l. Habla con Jess como lo haras con cualquier otra persona.

Jesus also wants to know what bothers you. Take time to visit with Him. Talk to Jesus as you would talk to anyone else.

A Jess le gusta hablar contigo todos los das.

Jesus enjoys talking to you every day.

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