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Some Electronically Available Journals Relevant to International Theological Educators

Matthias Drochner | Pucallpa, Peru, Apr. 22, 2012

Journals: Theology/ Bible: Evangelical

Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (USA) CIU Database: ATLAS Bibliotheca Sacra (by Dallas Theological Seminary; USA) (Dispensational, Calvinist) CIU Database: ATLAS Evangelical Review of Theology (by World Evangelical Association WEA) CIU Database: ATLAS Westminster Theological Journal (by Westminster Theological Seminary; USA) (Amillenial, Calvinist) CIU Database: ATLAS Kairs (in Spanish; from Seminario Teolgico Centroamericano; Guatemala) CIU Database: ATLAS Masters Seminary Journal (by The Masters Seminary) (Dispensational, Calvinist; USA) CIU Database: ATLAS Mid-America Journal of Theology (by Mid-America Reformed Seminary; USA) (Reformed) http://www.midamerica.edu/resources/journal.htm The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology (by Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; USA) (Baptist) http://www.sbts.edu/resources/publications/journal-of-theology Concordia Theological Quarterly (by Concordia Theological Seminary; USA) (Lutheran) http://www.ctsfw.edu/Page.aspx?pid=679 Tyndale Bulletin (by Tyndale House, Cambridge, England) http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/index.php?page=frame&add=http://www.tyndalehouse.com/TynB ul/Library/00_TyndaleBulletin_ByDate.htm OR: http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/index.php?page=full-text-of-past-issues Conspectus (by South African Theological Seminary) http://www.satsonline.org/content/theological-research-conspectus-archive Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament (doctrinal basis similar to Lausanne Covenant; USA) http://jesot.org Eleutheria (by Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary; USA; writers, reviewers, and editors are graduate students) http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/eleu/all_issues.html

Journals: Education: General

Also cf. the journal list from the WilsonSelectPlus database (through CIU) in a separate document <Journals Published by WilsonSelectPlus Database, Via CIU. Stand 08-11-01. 02.docx>.

Journals: Education: Higher Education: Teaching in HEd, Faculty Development, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice (by University of Wollongong, Australia) http://ro.uow.edu.au/jutlp/all_issues.html

Journals: Education: Christian (incl. Theological Education, Christian Higher Education, Christian Education)
Teaching Theology & Religion (mostly non-evangelical) CIU Database: ATLAS Journal of Education & Christian Belief (mixed doctrinal positions) CIU Database: ATLAS Theological Education (mostly non-evangelical) CIU Database: ATLAS Journal of Research on Christian Education (by School of Education at Andrews University, a SeventhDay Adventist institution, but includes non-Adventist evangelical contributions; USA) CIU Database: AcademicSearchPrimer Christian Higher Education (not all articles available with full text; mixed doctrinal positions; USA) CIU Database: Academic Search Primer

Journals: Education: Christian: Evangelical (incl. Theological Education, Christian Higher Education, Christian Education)
Christian Perspectives in Education (by Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, and Liberty University; USA) (Baptist) http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/cpe/all_issues.html Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Christian Higher Education (by Oral Roberts University; USA) http://sotl_ched.oru.edu/ Christian Education Journal (by Talbot School of Theology, at Biola International University; USA) Not available for free. Individual articles can be purchased over the internet for a moderately high price. However, due to the importance and relevance of this journal for evangelical education, it might be worth to invest 50 US$ to purchase the journals 25-year CD-ROM which includes PDFs of all issues published from 19802008. http://journals.biola.edu/cej

Journals: Missiology
[The Evangelical Missions Quarterly is not available online without a subscription. However, some mission organizations are providing a subscription for their missionaries.] International Bulletin of Missionary Research (by Overseas Ministries Study Center, OMSC, USA) (mixed doctrinal positions) free subscription http://www.internationalbulletin.org/ Also cf. the journal list from the WilsonSelectPlus database (through CIU) in a separate document <Journals Published by WilsonSelectPlus Database, Via CIU. Stand 08-11-01. 02.docx>.

Journals: Anthropology: Secular

Also cf. the journal list from the WilsonSelectPlus database (through CIU) in a separate document.

Journals: Varied Topics Relevant to Christians

Common Ground Journal (usually evangelical) www.commongroundjournal.org Also cf. the journal list from the WilsonSelectPlus database (through CIU) in a separate document.

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