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1.1.1 Benefits of taking part in physical activity 1.1.

1 Healthy Active Lifestyle S-Self esteem Health: a lifestyle that contributes to physical, mental, social wellbeing and includes regular exercise In order to be healthy your lifestyle needs to combine these three factors: Physical increase fitness Mental- relieve stress Social-make friends M-Mental challenge E-Enjoyment R-Relieve stress F-Fitness I-Improve health


1.1.1 Reasons for taking part in physical activity Reasons = PACCS Physical Challenge- set a goal to achieve Aesthetic Appreciation recognition of beauty Competition - motivates Cooperation work as a team Social mixing improve communication skills 1.1.2 Influences on taking part


Cultural - age, race, disability, gender Health physical, mental, social Image fashion, media coverage, Resources- availability, location, access, time People family, peers, role models Socio-economic cost, status


1.1.2 Opportunities for getting involved in sport Initiatives action plan

1.1.2 Sports Participation Pyramid

Excellence Regional/National clubs Performance - Sports

PESSCL to increase opportunities for 5-16yrs Sport England stay, start, and succeed

club with coaching

Participation - sports club

Youth Sport Trust - top link /top programmes Sainsbury Active Kids programme -vouchers
Foundation primary PE lesson

1.1.3 Health, Exercise, Fitness and Performance Fitness ability to meet the demands of the environment Health a state of complete mental, physical, social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. Exercise a form of physical activity which maintains or improves health and/or physical fitness Performance How well a task is completed?

1.1.3 The six components of skill-related fitness

Coordination the ability to use two or more body parts together Reaction Time time between the stimulus and the movement Agility the ability to change direction quickly Balance the ability to retain the centre of mass of the body Speed to cover a distance in a period of time Power Strength x Speed


1.1.3 The five components of health related fitness

Cardiovascular Endurance - the ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time Muscular Endurance- the ability to use voluntary muscles many times without tiring Muscular Strength- the amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance Body Composition the % of body weight that is fat, muscle and bone Flexibility- the range of movement around a joint

1.1.4 The principles of Training

Specificity matching training to the requirements of an activity

S P Individual Needs the training needs to be suitable for the person training I Rest and Recovery- REST the period of time allocated to recovery. R R RECOVERY the time required to repair damage to the body caused by training or
Progressive overload-gradually increasing the amount of overload so as to gain fitness competition Reversibility fitness is reduced due to injury, lack of training, out of season

Come, Meet, My, Best, Friend

1.1.4 Goal Setting Specific-knowing what the goal is Measurable its easy to know when a goal has been achieved Achievable- can have a degree of success Realistic- can the goal be carried out effectively Time Bound- how long to achieve goal 1.1.4 FITT Principles Frequency how many sessions? Intensity how hard? Time- how long?


Type- Methods of training (Circuit, Continuous, Interval, Weight, Cross, Fartlek)


1.1.4 Analysing Training Sessions

1.1.4 The Exercise Session Warm up pulse raising, stretching, skill Main Activity skill, drills, game Cool-Down jogging, stretching Aerobic- With Oxygen, Marathon runner Anaerobic Without oxygen, Sprinter

Heart Rate the number of times the heart beats per minute Resting Heart Rate lowest heart rate Working Heart Rate measurement of heart rate during or immediately after exercise Maximum Heart Rate 220-Age Target Heart Rate or target Zone- 60-80% of MHR Recovery Rate- how long it takes for a persons heart rate to return to resting level.

1.1.4 Method of training

Interval - Alternating periods of high intensity work, with rest (SPEED) Continuous - Working for a sustained time without resting. (CVE) Fartlek - Varying the speed and terrain during your training. You may run, walk, cycle or even ski. (CVE, ME, SPEED, AGILITY) Circuit- Involves exercising over a series of stations for equal amounts of time. (CVE, ME, MS, POWER) Weight - Muscular strength (high weight, low rep) Muscular endurance (low weight, high reps) Power = strength x speed Cross - Using a variety of training methods in one session.

1.1.4 Assessing your fitness levels PAR-Q Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire

Health Related Fitness Tests: Cooper 12 minute Run, Hand Grip Strength, Sit and Reach, Harvard Step Test, Bleep test Skill Related Fitness Tests: Illinois Agility Test, Standing Stork Test, Sergeant Jump Test, Standing Broad Jump, Ruler Drop Test, 30 Metre Sprint, Three Ball Juggle

1.1.5 DIET

MACRO NUTRIENTS 1.1.5 Links between Diet, Rest, Work and Exercise Carbohydrates complex (pasta), simple (cake), 50% Fats butter, cheese, 30% Growth - proteins Protein Animal, Plant Repair - proteins MICRO NUTRIENTS Energy carbohydrates, fats, protein Calcium, Iron, Vitamins, Fibre, Water General Health vitamins, minerals, water, fibre


1.2.1 Different Body Types Somatypes: (BIG End) Endomorph fatness- sumo wrestler Ectomorph thinness long distance runner Mesomorph - Muscularity 100m sprint OPTIMUM WEIGHT- use BMI, Factors which effect optimum weight are: Height, Gender, Bone Structure and Muscle Girth 1.2.1 Performance Enhancing Drugs 1.2.1 Weight Related Conditions
Beta Blockershelps target sports reduce heart- Snooker Anabolic Steroidsincrease muscle-aggression-Sprinter

1.1.5 Dietary intake and performance

Carbo-loading mainly for endurance athletes Before During After

BLOOD SHUNTING-redistribution of blood during exercise

Anorexic- loss of appetite Obese people who are over fat Over fat- having body fat in excess of normal Overweight- excess of normal but not harmful

Diuretics-loss of weight-Jockey-dehydration Stimulants-increase alertness--insomnia


Narcotic analgesicspainkiller-loss of concentration Peptide Hormones-increase red blood cells-long distance athletes

1.2.1 Recreational Drugs 1.2.1 Risk Assessment Warming Up/Cooling Down Check equipment and facilities Protective equipment and clothing Adherence to rules Footwear Balanced Competition - to make competition safe and fair by age, gender, weight, level of ability.
Smoking effects: Coronary heart disease High blood pressure Raise heart rate Alcohol effects: Dehydration Liver damage

1.2.2 Cardiovascular System

1.2.2 Cardiovascular System

Decreased heart rate Increased cardiac output Increased stroke volume Faster recovery Increased size heart Healthy veins and arteries

Immediate effects of exercise: Increased heart rate Increased Blood Pressure Increase systolic blood pressure

1.2.2 Cardiovascular System

1.2.2 Cardiovascular System

REST- the period of time allocated to recovery allows heart to grow in size and thickness

Cardiac Output-the amount of blood ejected from the heart in one minute Stroke Volume x Heart Rate = Cardiac Output Stroke Volume-the volume of blood pumped out of the heart by each ventricle Heart Rate the amount of times the heart beats in one minute Blood Pressure- the force exerted by circulating blood on walls of the blood vessels

capillaries increase EXAMPLE- two days training followed by a days rest

1.2.2 Cardiovascular System Diet Fat and cholesterol deposits on the inside the walls of arteries. People who suffer from this are: -short of breath -suffer from chest pains (angina) -Increased blood pressure due to narrowing of arteries Diet HDL (good cholesterol)-high density lipoprotein (contains more protein than fat) LDL (bad cholesterol) -Contains mainly fat 1.2.2 Cardiovascular System

1.2.3 Respiratory System 1.2.2 Cardiovascular System

Immediate effects of exercise: Recreational Drugs Smoking: Lowers HDL, Increase chances of blood clot resulting in heart attack or stroke, increase blood pressure Alcohol: in moderation, is thought to increase HDL and therefore lower s blood pressure Increased breathing rate Increased depth of breathing Oxygen debt- When working very hard the body needs more oxygen than it can get!

1.2.3 Respiratory System 1.2.3 Respiratory System Long term effects of exercise: Increased lung capacity Increased Vital capacity- the greatest amount of air that can be made to pass into and out of the lungs by the most forceful inspiration and expiration Effects of Smoking on the alveoli: They become less stretchy and efficient, and then it becomes difficult to get oxygen in and carbon dioxide out.

1.2.4 Muscular System Immediate effects of exercise: Isometric Muscle contraction which results in increased tension but the length does not alter. Isotonic (bubbles in tonic which move!) Muscle contraction that results in limb movement Increased fuel/energy demands - as exercise increases the body demands more O2 and glycogen. Lactic Acid- begins to build up. Long term effects of exercise: Increased muscle size Hypertrophy Increased Muscular Strength 1.2.4 Muscular System

1.2.4 Muscular System Potential Injuries Muscle Strain SOS-stretching over strain Muscle Atrophy (smaller) Treatment: RICE Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

1.2.4 Muscular System REST: Cutting down the amount of training sessions each week DIET: For muscles to recover they need protein to repair and rebuild DRUGS: use of steroids to aid muscle building and recovery

1.2.4 Muscular System

Deltoid Trapezius Latissimus Dorsi Pectorals Biceps Triceps Abdominals Quadriceps Hamstrings Gluteals Gastrocnemius

1.2.4 Muscular System Agonist and Antagonist Pairs Muscle work in pairs. As one muscle contracts (agonist) the other relaxes (antagonist)

1.2.4 Skeletal System Long term effects of exercise: Increased bone density Increased strength of ligaments and tendons Ligaments = bone to bone Tendons = muscle to bone 1.2.4 Skeletal System Functions of skeletal: Movement the bones, joints and muscles work together to move Support vertebrae supports the head Protection cranium protects the brain

1.2.4 Skeletal System Ranges of movement: Hinge joint at elbow and knee: flexion, extension

1.2.4 Skeletal System

Importance of weight-bearing exercise Exercises such as walking, running, tennis and aerobics can prevent osteoporosis

Ball and Socket joint at the shoulder: flexion, extension, rotation, abduction, adduction

Diet Calcium and vitamin D strengthens bones.

1.2.4 Skeletal System 1.2.4 Skeletal System

Injuries: Fractures: compound, greenstick, simple, stress Joint injuries: tennis elbow, golfers elbow, dislocation, sprain, torn cartilage Treatment: RICE : rest, ice, compression, elevation

Movements at a joint: Flexion, Extension, Adduction, Abduction, Rotation

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