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Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council Meeting

held on Thursday 15th March, 2012 at 19.30 hours in Tanworth Village Hall. Public Forum 8 members of the public together with District Councillor Atkinson and County Council Perry were present at the meeting. District Councillor Oakley arrived later because he had been at another meeting. Caroline Cotterill stated that the notice board at Forshaw Heath required some attention. It is shabby and the perspex needs cleaning. Mrs Cotterill also reported that the meeting dates on the website are for 2011 and need updating. Angus Heindrich reported that the villagers recently had a meeting about putting on a celebration for the Queens Diamond Jubilee. A group has been formed and the intention is to put on a celebration on Monday 4th June from midday until the evening. A picnic on The Green is planned, there will be a flower display in the church and childrens entertainers will be present. They are approaching community based groups for funding but would like financial assistance from the parish council to make the occasion a memorable one. Ray Greening said that the gypsy site in Poolhead Lane was granted a temporary permission for 2 years in January 2010 which had now expired and he wanted to know what the procedure is now for following this up? Mr Greening also reported that lorries are taking a wrong turn for the motorway and turning in Poolhead Lane and Forshaw Heath Lane and causing a problem. Mr Greening also enquired about a recent article in a Residents Association newsletter which mentioned a possible Park and Ride at Wood End Station. Jenny Buckley from Earlswood and Forshaw Heath Residents Association asked if money were to be donated towards the Olympic Torch celebration should it go through the Residents Associations bank account or Parish Councils bank account. Councillor Willmott said that he was happy for it to go through the Parish Council account although the Clerk said that it can take up to a month to get cheques signed which may prove a problem. It was agreed that if money were to be donated, the money would go through the Earlswood and Forshaw Heath Residents Associations account. Report from County Councillor Perry: 1. Warwickshire Fire and Rescue have been awarded 1.8m to improve the control room and facilitate services. 2. The County Council is offering school support packs for the Diamond Jubilee. The County Forester is available to offer advice on planting trees to commemorate the Jubilee. Beacons need to be registered by 4th June. Street parties are being encouraged by the County Council. 3. Bridleway SD268 has been investigated and is going to be tidied up. 4. With reference to the mention of the possible Park and Ride at Wood End. Councillor Perry confirmed that there has been no notification of any form at Warwickshire County Council about this. 5. The 15,000 worth of extra signage at Forshaw Heath Road should be installed by April and will hopefully make a difference. Report from District Councillor Atkinson: 1. Councillor Atkinson said that he will deal with the issue of the gipsy site as a matter of priority. 2. As the Draft Core Strategy is quite difficult to understand and it is important that residents respond, Councillor Atkinson is asking for a couple of weeks grace. Councillor Atkinson said that he has liaised with both Residents Associations over the Draft Core Strategy.
Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 15th March 2012 2012

759 3. At a recent planning meeting, Poplars Farm was given permission to change the use of units 3 & 4 from agricultural use to Classes B1 and B8. There was no issue of Greenbelt restraints as the structures are already in place. There were no Highways issues and no residents issues. Ullenhall Cottage was not granted permission for a 2 storey extension. 4. Councillor OBrien asked for Councillor Atkinsons comments regarding the fact that in the Housing Provision Options Study by G L Hearne it was identified that 74% of employment opportunities would be in urban areas so would it not be logical that new housing should be alongside proposed employment opportunities. Councillor OBrien questioned where the dispersal option had come from. Councillor Atkinson responded that Stratford District has a number of housing demands and the dispersal policy recognises that Stratford town has had a blitz of new housing developments. Councillor OBrien felt that if there were job opportunities in urban areas why should new housing be passed to rural areas, he also pointed out there were no more new houses in Stratford town in percentage terms. Councillor OBrien also questioned who makes up the Development Working Group that makes these recommendations. Councillor Atkinson said that it is made up of cross party members who come up with the recommendations and these then go to consultation and are checked by a Government Inspector when complete. Councillor OBrien felt that our end of the County is not represented and it is his understanding that the Development Working Group had 3 representatives on it from Stratford Town which appeared to by top heavy. Councillor Atkinson was asked to find out who makes up the Working Group and to let the Parish Council know. Councillor Ross then showed an official document handed out at the Draft Core Strategy Workshop which missed our parish off the map altogether. Councillor Ross asked District Councillor Atkinson about the 30% maximum threshold and whose decision it was to try and do away with it i.e. had it come from Planning Officers or Councillors? Councillor Atkinson responded that using the 30% guideline for planning applications was not introduced until 2006. Some councils use 30%, some use 40% and some use none. Councillor Atkinson felt that one should look rationally at each case. There is no case law to determine what materially larger means. Councillor Atkinson was asked by Councillor Ross if he was in favour of the removal of the 30% policy. Councillor Atkinson confirmed that he was in favour of scrapping the 30% policy. He said that he must support his residents and if an application over 30% was justifiable with no adverse impact then he will support it. Councillor Atkinson feels that the 30% policy is contradictory and irrational and when questioned if he thought that its abolition would create an open minefield Councillor Atkinson responded did not feel that this would be the case as it hadnt been a problem before its introduction in 2006. Councillor Stanton said the authorities must have a mixture of housing and if the smaller houses are allowed to get bigger and bigger then no one will be able to afford to live in the area. Jenny Buckley said that with the 30% policy it gives us something to work on otherwise whats appropriate or inappropriate is just someones opinion. Councillor Atkinson said that if the 30% was a guideline and not policy it would be more workable. The public forum closed at 20.15pm

Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 15th March 2012 2012


Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council Meeting

held on Thursday 15th March at Earlswood Village Hall. Present: Councillor Willmott (Chairman), Councillor Stanton, Councillor Keogh, Councillor Ross, Councillor OBrien, Councillor Fitzpatrick, Councillor Oakley (arrived at 20.35 because he had been at another meeting). In Attendance: Julie White Clerk to the Council 11/12/188- Apologies for absence Councillor Jones, Councillor Waters and Councillor Instone. The reasons given for absence were accepted by the Parish Council. 11/12/189- Declarations of Personal or Prejudicial Interest none. 11/12/190- To Confirm and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 16th February 2012 It was proposed by Councillor Ross and seconded by Councillor Stanton that the minutes were a true and accurate record. All those present at the last meeting were in favour. Councillor Willmott signed the minutes of the last meeting. 11/12/191 - Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise dealt with none 11/12/192- Matters raised in the Public Forum It was proposed by Councillor OBrien and seconded by Councillor Stanton that Councillor Willmott would ask Ray Tunstall to scrub the notice boards and Perspex and clean them up. All in favour. The clerk explained that the meeting dates cant be updated in the office, Councillor Bettam has been asked to update the meeting dates on the website. We are currently in the process of changing the website. The Jubilee Committee grant application to be discussed later on in the meeting. Councillor Willmott asked The Clerk to follow up the gipsy site with SDC It was agreed to wait until the new signage was in place at Forshaw Heath Road to see if this improved matters. Park and Ride - the parish council will make representation in our response to the Draft Core Strategy. 11/12/193 - To Note Items of Correspondence Received 6.214 Robert Weeks reply re White Gables 07/02413/FUL & Danzey Farm 09/01515/FUL 6.95 - Contact details of Coventry Ramblers who are carrying out maintenance to our footpaths. The Clerk was asked to write a letter and thank them for their efforts. 6.156 - Details of course on April 21st at Leek Wootton. Councillor Jones has expressed an interest in attending and the course fee of 45 is detailed on payments list. Members were asked to approve this expenditure. All in favour. 6.213 Copy of letter from K Edwards to Johnsons Coaches regarding the size and speed of the school-run coach. The correspondence list was received and noted. 11/12/194 - Finance i) Councillor Willmott proposed that we adopt the minutes of the Finance Committee from 2nd February
Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 15th March 2012 2012

761 2012. Seconded by Councillor Stanton. All in favour. ii) Chairmans report: It was a long meeting and lots of business was dealt with. iii) Items for payment: It was proposed by Councillor Willmott and seconded by Councillor Ross that the payments were taken en bloc. All in favour. iv) The third quarter monitoring report and Decembers bank reconciliation were received and noted by members. 11/12/195 - Planning i) Councillor OBrien proposed that we adopt the minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting from 2nd February 2012, seconded by Councillor Stanton. All in favour. ii) Report from the Chairman of Planning: No report, but Councillor OBrien did ask for The Meaning of No Representation to be placed on the next planning agenda. iii) To note decision notices received. 11/02132/FUL Ullenhall Cottage Refusal 10/01642/FUL Oldberrow Stud Permission with conditions 11/02604/FUL - Wayside Refusal 10/02537/FUL - Units 3 & 4 Poplars Farm change of use Permission with conditions 12/00143/FUL - Oakhurst Refusal iv) To consider the following Planning Applications: a) 12/00072/EXT St Merryn, Broad Lane No Representation Councillor Oakley joined the meeting. The Chairman temporarily adjourned the meeting to allow Councillor Oakley to give his report: Report from District Councillor Oakley: Councillor Oakley said that he had just come from a very interesting presentation given by a poacher turned gamekeeper concerning agricultural buildings. He reported that he could think of two applications where we could have had grounds to object if we had had a better understanding of policies concerning agricultural buildings. Possible changes affecting the rules of agricultural buildings could have a dramatic effect in this area. It was agreed to discuss this in more detail at the next meeting. 11/12/196 - To Receive an Update from the Village Green Tree/Jubilee Working Party
Councillor Ross reported that he has spoken to the County Forester and he has offered help in sourcing a tree, advice on when to plant, what soil to use, etc. The County Forester advises that excavation of more than 1m will not be necessary. The well is not by the tree so wont cause a problem. To be discussed at next committee meeting.

11/12/197 To Consider Allowing a Wooden Cross on the Village Green during the Easter Period It was proposed by Councillor Willmott and seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick that permission is granted to erect a wooden cross on The Green over the Easter period. All in favour. 11/12/198 To Approve the Design and Positioning of the Memorial Bench in Malthouse Lane Leisure Park Details of the proposed bench were circulated. Councillor OBrien to ask the suppliers of the bench, Earlswood Nurseries, if they are prepared to provide a concrete base for the bench. Councillor OBrien explained that it is proposed to site the bench further along from the other bench by the play area.
Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 15th March 2012 2012

762 Councillor Willmott proposed that the design and positioning of the bench is approved. Seconded by Councillor OBrien. All in favour. 11/12/199 To Consider the Recommendation of the Finance and General Purposes Committee to Accept the Proposed Street Lighting Maintenance Contract for 2012/13 It was proposed by Councillor Willmott and seconded by Councillor Stanton that the recommendation of the Finance and General Purposes Committee is accepted and we accept the Street Lighting Maintenance contract for 2012/13 from WCC. All in favour. Councillor Ross temporarily left the meeting at this point. 11/12/200 - To Consider the Recommendation of the Finance and General Purposes Committee to Appoint a Contractor to Put in a Disabled Access to the Village Green War Memorial It was proposed by Councillor Willmott and seconded by Councillor Stanton that the recommendation of the Finance and General Purposes Committee is accepted and Access Diggers are appointed to put in a disabled ramp to allow access to the war memorial. All in favour (Councillor Ross did not vote as he was not present at this time). Councillor Ross rejoined the meeting. 11/12/201 To Consider the Grant Application from Tanworth in Arden Village Hall This item was deferred until next month. 11/12/202 - To Consider the Grant Application from Tanworth in Arden Diamond Jubilee Celebration Committee Following the representation made in the public forum, members considered the grant application for 500 to help with the celebrations for the diamond jubilee celebrations. Councillor Keogh asked if audited accounts were going to be presented after the event. Councillor OBrien said that money had been given last year towards a fete and questioned if it was appropriate to give money again. Councillor Ross proposed that the 500 was given as a donation. Councillor Willmott seconded the proposal. 5 votes in favour with one objection and one abstention. 11/12/203 To Receive a Recommendation from the Finance and General Purpose Committee to Rescind the Resolution made in October 2011 in relation to the Rest Area on the A435 by Alderhanger Lane and a New Proposal to be Received. Following the recommendation of the Finance and General Purpose Committee, it was proposed by Councillor Ross and seconded by Councillor Keogh that the resolution passed in October 2011 was rescinded under Standing Order 36 detailed below. 5 votes for. 0 votes against. 2 abstentions. 36. (a) A decision (whether affirmative or negative) of the Council shall not be reversed within six months except either by a special resolution, the written notice whereof bears the names of at least three members of the Council, or by a resolution moved in pursuance of the report or recommendation of a committee. (b) When a special resolution or any other resolution moved under the provisions of paragraph (a) of this Order has been disposed of, no similar resolution may be moved within a further six months. Councillor Ross then proposed the following resolution:
Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 15th March 2012 2012

763 The Parish Council recognises that the decision to re-open the lay-by on the A435 was taken by Worcestershire County Council and as such was outside its control or influence. This Council remains committed to supporting local residents in their search for a permanent solution to the long standing problems at the site. Seconded by Councillor Keogh. 5 votes for. 0 votes against. 2 abstentions. 11/12/204 To Agree our Response to the Draft Core Strategy It was agreed that a combined collective foreword will be submitted on behalf of the Parish Council with the support of both Residents Associations and District Councillor Oakley. Both Residents Associations will submit separate submissions also encouraging individual residents to put in a response. The Parish Council response will be in two parts: Part One will be co-ordinated by Councillor Ross and will be along the lines of the draft previously circulated. Any comments, suggestions and possible additions are to be sent to Councillor Ross by Wednesday 21 March. Part Two will be co-ordinated by Councillor OBrien and will give specific replies to the relevant questions posed in the Draft Core Strategy. Any suggestions or comments to any questions are to be sent to Councillor OBrien by Wednesday 21 March. The Clerk will be responsible for putting the two parts together and submitting to SDC by March 31st. 11/12/205 - Any Items for Community Forum The Clerk confirmed that night fishing at Earlswood Lakes has already been submitted. 11/12/206 Work Around the Parish Councillor OBrien said that Valley Road has been swept and asked the Clerk to thank Highways. 11/12/207 - Items for Future Agenda Is the replacement tree on the village green a jubilee tree? Agricultural buildings The meaning of No Representation 11/12/208 To Note date, place and time of next Meeting: Thursday, 19th April 2012. (Please note that Balvinder Heran from Stratford District Council will be addressing the Parish Council about Broadband at 7pm on April 19th) The meeting closed at 21.45hrs

Signed___________________________ Chairman of meeting

_________________ Date

Minutes of the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 15th March 2012 2012

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