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Heat of Neutralization of a Strong Acid with a Strong Base 15 September 2009 Sulaiman Jacobs 2766456 Chemistry 231 Locker

Number: 44 Instructor: Fanelwa Ngece


The aim of the experiment was to investigate the heats of ionization of strong acids with strong bases in a closed system. The methods employed in the experiment were the observations of temperature changes during physical and chemical processes. The heats of neutralizations of the two strong acids that were tested were with in the same range; where as the weak acid that was tested has a slightly higher heat of neutralization.


Chemical and physical changes of substances are almost always accompanied by a transfer of energy. Most chemical reactions that take place in a laboratory do not produce a significant amount of work; it is therefore assumed that the energy gained or lost is in the form of heat. Chemical processes are qualitatively classified based on whether heat is absorbed or released. A process which would require heat in order occur is known as an exothermic reaction. An endothermic process is one that expels air as the reaction proceeds. A change in heat that accompanies a chemical process can be measured quantitatively using a calorimeter. In the closed system of the calorimeter the reactants would undergo a chemical change, and the change in temperature is due to the physical and chemical changes that occur. This is according to:

qprocess = qreactants


To calculate the heat evolved or absorbed by the reactants, two properties of the reactants need to be known. A known quantity of substance must be given, in grams or moles, and the heat capacity of the reactants must be known. The heat capacity of a substance is the quantity of heat required to increase one gram (or mole) of substance by 1oC. The mathematical relationship between heat and temperature is given by: q = mc (Tf Ti ) = mcT (2)

The value q depicts the heat transfer, and m is the quantity of substance given.

Materials and Methods:

The heat capacity of the calorimeter was determined by adding 200 mL of distilled water at room temperature to a vacuum flask (Dewar flask). The temperature of the water was measured every 30 seconds after stirring the water at a moderate rate, the temperature was measured until it was constant to 0.050C. A chilled pipette was used to introduce 75 mL of ice water of known temperature into the flask. The mixture was moderately stirred and its temperature measured in 30 second intervals until it was constant to 0.050C.

The Dewar flask was thoroughly cleaned and dried out, to it 250 mL of 0.25 M HCl the solution was stirred and its temperature recorded. 25 mL of 2.5 M NaOH of similar temperature was quickly added to the HCl solution, the change in temperature was immediately recorded. The process was repeated for H2SO4 and CH3COOH.


Heat Capacity of Ice: CJ = CMT = (75 x 10-3) (4186) (273 - 287) -3453.45 J Heat Capacity of Calorimeter: C = CJ + (200 x 10-3) (4186) (287 290) -941.85 J Heat Capacity HCl + NaOH: C = C + (75 x 10-3) (4186) -1255.8 JK-1 HNeutralization (HCl): (CTfinal) / Mol = ((1255.8) (21 +273)) / 0.0625 = -5.91 x 106 J/mol HNeutralization (H2SO4): (CTfinal) / Mol = ((1255.8) (21 +273)) / 0.0625

= 5.91 x 106 J/mol HNeutralization (CH3COOH): (CTfinal) / Mol = ((1255.8) (22 +273)) / 0.0625 = 5.93 x 106 J/mol


The heats of vaporization involving strong acids and bases are roughly the same, this is due to the fact that water is being formed.

1. http://www.cerlabs.com/experiments/10875406092.pdf 2. http://www.apsu.edu/chem_page/General%20Chemistry%20labs/10.%20HEAT%20OF%20N EUTRALIZATION.pdf 3. Chemistry 231 Manual, U.W.C

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