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Little Sprouts Home Day Care

Contract Agreement


• Hours of Operation
• Fees
• Absence Policy
• Child Illness Policy
• Provider’s Vacation
• Holidays and Provider’s Sick Time
• Termination of Agreement
• Probationary Period
• Discipline Policy
• Duty to Report Child Abuse
• Articles to be Supplied by Parents
• Photographs
• Forms
• Signatures
Hours of Operation
Services are available Monday through Friday from 6:30am - 6:30pm, but these times are flexible based on
your needs.

Fees & Tuition

• There is a $20 (non refundable) enrollment fee to cover admin. expenses.

• 2 years – up to 3 years: $70 per week or $25 per day drop in rate
• 3 years - up to 4 years: $65 per week or $25 per day drop in rate
• 5 years and up: $60 per week, or $20 per day drop in rate
• Sibling discount of $15 per week for full time care only.
• Late pickup fee of $5 for every 15 minutes after 1 30 minutes.
• Payment for each week is due in advance, on the Monday of the same week, no exceptions.
• No checks accepted! - Payment is to be cash or Paypal via our website.

Absence Policy

1. Parents must call provider if child is to be absent.

Child Illness Policy

Child must be excluded from day care if any of the following occur:
Temperature of 100 degrees orally, or 99 degrees or higher plus one of the following:
severe cold with yellow-green discharge
sore throat
swollen glands
skin rash other than mild diaper rash
any specific signs and symptoms of a communicable disease to which the child has been exposed
Drainage from ear(s)
Skin lesions (impetigo, ringworm, scabies)
Vomiting, upset stomach – more than usual infant “spitting up”
Diarrhea (two or more loose, watery stools per day for two consecutive days)
Fainting or seizures or general signs of listlessness, weakness, drowsiness, flushed face, headache, or stiff
Child may be readmitted:
After free of fever for 24 hours
All discharge from eye has ceased
After free of lice and nits
After skin sores are dry and crusted
Free of upset stomach and vomiting for 24 hours
Free of diarrhea for 24 hours
Free of all other symptoms or with a written doctor’s note.
Medication will be dispensed only with signed permission from parent and only prescription medicine with
child’s name.
If provider’s children are ill, business will resume as normal. However, if a parent sees fit not to have their
child attend because of this illness no fees will be assessed for that period.
Provider’s ill child will be kept away from other children as much as possible throughout the business day.
Provider’s Vacation

At least six weeks notice will be given prior to no more than a one week per calendar year vacation
During this time no fees will be charged
An effort will be made to help refer and find temporary care during this time
Any other days throughout the year, not related to holidays, that must be taken off, will not require fees, and
as much notice as possible will be given

Holidays and Provider’s Sick Time

The following are paid holidays when they fall on a day regularly scheduled for care:
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
The following are non-paid days off related to holidays when they fall on a day regularly
scheduled for care:
Day after Thanksgiving
Day after Christmas
If provider is too ill to care for children, a substitute will try to be assigned, or other temporary
care arranged. No fees will be charged due to provider’s illness.

Termination of Agreement

This contract may be terminated by either parent/guardian or provider by giving three weeks written notice
in advance of the ending date.
Payment by parent/guardian is due for the notice period, whether or not the child is brought to the provider
for care.
The provider may terminate the contract without giving any notice if the parent/guardian does not make
payments when due.
Failure by the provider to enforce one or more terms of the contract does not waive the right of the provider
to enforce any other terms of the contract.

Probationary Period

A two week probationary period is given to allow parents or provider to change their minds about whether
the child care arrangement is going to work.
There will be no penalties if care is terminated by either party during the probationary period.
Discipline Policy

Guidance for Toddlers

Distraction away from the activity that is not desired by attracting the child with a better
Ignore the behavior, if it is not dangerous or causing someone else to be in danger.
Removal of any tempting items that are off limits.
“No” will be used sparingly.
Guidance for Preschool Age Children
Give the child the opportunity to make the right choice, helping by making suggestions.
If a disagreement is in progress between preschool age children, allow them to resolve the
issue on their own, as long as no one is in danger.
Repetition of Day Care rules on a regular basis.
Instead of telling children what they can’t do, tell them what they can or should do instead.
Time-out will only be used as a last resort for the amount of minutes equivalent to the
child’s age.
Time-out spot will be in a supervised area.
After time is up, a recap of why time-out was given will be discussed as well as what the
proper choice should have been, followed by a hug.

Duty to Report Child Abuse

Florida law requires a provider to report promptly to the Department of Children and Families if they have
any reason to suspect that a child brought for care has been injured as a result of physical, mental, or
emotional abuse or neglect, or sexual abuse.

Articles to be Supplied by Parents

Two changes of clothes
Formula or breast milk for infants
Two bottles for infants


Photographs of children in care will only be taken with signed permission by parent.
Photographs will solely be used for Day Care Business as granted by parent (website, crafts, keepsakes,

All required forms will be given to the parent on the child’s start date and must be completed in entirety and
returned to provider within the same week.

By signing this contract, parent(s)/guardian(s) agree to abide by the written policies of the provider. The
provider may amend the policies by giving the parent(s)/guardian(s) a copy of the changed policies at least
two weeks before they go into effect.

Provider’s Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date:


Mother/Legal Guardian’s Signature: ____________________________________________ Date:


Father/Legal Guardian’s Signature: _____________________________________________ Date:


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