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Requirement Specification sets out the system services and constraints in detail which are abstract in requirement definition. It should state what the system should do, not how it should be implemented. It can be described as functional and non-functional requirements. Functional requirements of proposed system are as below:4.1.1 Functional Requirements

ADMIN R1: Login Description: When user starts application home page is displayed, from where users can log into the application according to their role. According to role, link is given to redirect on appropriate page. User can log-in into the application according to their role. The user id and password both are mandatory. The page would display an error if an incorrect user id or password is entered. Upon successful login the user will be redirected to the respective home page according to the role of the user. R1.1: Enter user credentials Input: User Name and Password Output: Depending on the username and password, login status is given to user. If either of information is incorrect than error message is shown on the page and if both information are correct than re-direct to the home page of admin.

R2: User Management

Description: In user management, administrator can see list of all the users with their name, registration date, status of account and user category. Administrator can activate, reset password and delete existing users. R2.1: Activate User Input: Click on the Activate option. Output: Show successful activation message and send activation message of user account to respective user. Change status of user account into database. R2.2 Reset password of user

Input: Click on reset password option. Output: Show successful reset password message and send new reset password to the respective user. Change new password into database. R2.3 Delete user

Input: Click on Delete option. Output: Show confirmation message in new pop-up box that you really want to delete this user. If yes is pressed then user account will be deleted and database will be updated. If cancel is pressed then nothing will happen.

R3: Job seekers management Description: Administrator can see list of all job seekers name with their job title, date applied for that job, closing date for that job and organization name under which he has registered. Administrator can view CV and delete job seeker for that job title. R3.1: View CV Input: Click on view CV option. Output: It will open CV of job seeker in new tab. R3.2: Delete Job seeker Input: Click on view Delete option. Output: It will show successful message of entry deletion. According to this database will also be updated.

R4: Job Recruiters management Description: Administrator can see list of all job recruiters of the application with their organization name, website, e-mail address and so on. Administrator can see employers details and update it. Administrator also can delete Job recruiters entry. R4.1 Employers details Input: Click on Employers Details option. Output: Re-direct to employers details page where admin can change information if it is necessary. Changes will be reflected into database after pressing on Update & Continue button. R4.2 Delete Job Recruiter Input: Click on Delete option. Output: It will show successful message of entry deletion. According to this database will also be updated.

R5: Admin Profile Description: Show all the details of the admin including his/her organization name, job title, contact information, postal address and so on. R5.1: Add details. Input: Enter details in different fields where it is necessary. Then click on Save & Continue button. Output: Details will be changed. It will be reflected into the database. R5.2: Update details. Input: Update details in different fields where it is necessary. Then click on Update& Continue button. Output: Details will be changed. It will be reflected into the database.

R6: Post jobs

Description: Administrator can add new jobs for his organization. He can also view previous jobs details, edit and delete it. R6.1: Add new job Input: Addjob title, job category, location, summary of job, requirements, opening and closing date and other information. Click on Save & Continue button. Output: If required fields are missing than show pop-up box that There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message of new job addition and database will be updated. R6.2: View Job Input: Click on View option. Output: Open a page in new tab with all information regarding to job. R6.3: Edit Job Input: Click on Edit option. Output: Edit details wherever it is necessary and press Update & Continue button. Details will be changed and it will also be reflected into database. R6.4: Delete Job Input: Click on Delete option. Output: Open a pop-up box sayingAre you sure you want Delete this Record?. If yes is pressed that job is deleted and record is deleted from database. And if cancel is pressed than nothing will happen.

R7: Manage Applicant Description: Administrator can see list of applicants who have applied for his job and delete his entry. R7.1: View CV Input: Click on view CV option. Output: It will open CV of applicant in new tab. R7.2: Delete applicant

Input: Click on Delete option. Output: Open a pop-up box saying Are you sure you want Delete this Record?. If yes is pressed that job is deleted and record is deleted from database. And if cancel is pressed than nothing will happen.

R8: Manage Posted Jobs Description: List of previously posted jobs with additional information like when it is posted, job title, last date for application and so on. Administrator can edit, view and delete previously posted job. R8.1: View Job Input: Click on View option. Output: Open a page in new tab with all information regarding to job. R8.2: Edit Job Input: Click on Edit option. Output: Edit details wherever it is necessary and press Update & Continue button. Details will be changed and it will also be reflected into database. R8.3: Delete Job Input: Click on Delete option. Output: Open a pop-up box saying Are you sure you want Delete this Record?. If yes is pressed that job is deleted and record is deleted from database. And if cancel is pressed than nothing will happen.

R9: Change Password Description: Administrator can change the password of his/her account. R9.1: Click on Account option Input: Enter the old password and new password. Output: Show message that Password changed successfully.

R10: Log Out Description: Once the user has logged in then he would be allowed to click on the Log out option. Clicking on this button will allow him to log out from his account. R10.1: Select Log out option. Input: Click on the Log out option. Output: The user will logged out of the application and home page will be displayed form where he can log in again.

EMPLOYER R1: Login Description: When user starts application home page is displayed, from where users can log into the application according to their role and according to role link is given to redirect on appropriate page. User can log-in into the application according to their role. The user id and password both are mandatory. The page would display an error if an incorrect user id or password is entered. Upon successful login the user will be redirected to the respective home page according to the role of the user. R1.1: Enter user credentials Input: User Name and Password Output: Depending on the username and password, login status is given to user. If either of information is incorrect than error message is shown on the page and if both information are correct than re-direct to the home page of admin.

R2: Employers Registration Description: Fill registration form with appropriate details and after successful registration, confirmation message will be sent to given e-mail address and after admin activates account employer can use it. R2.1: Register for new employer Input: Click on register button.

Output: Validation is used to check if all required fields are filled or not. If all fields are filled with appropriate data then successful registration message is sent to appropriate account. After admin activates account, employer can use it to post jobs.

R3: Employer Profile Description: Show details of the employer like his/her organization name, job title, contact information, postal address and so on. R3.1: Add details. Input: Enter details in different fields where it is necessary. Then click on Save & Continue button. Output: Details will be changed. It will be reflected into the database. R3.2: Update details. Input: Update details in different fields where it is necessary. Then click on Update & Continue button. Output: Details will be changed. It will be reflected into the database.

R4: Post jobs Description: Employer can add new jobs for his organization. He can also view previous jobs details and make changes in that and delete it if closing date is passed. R4.1: Add new job Input: Add job title, job category, location, summary of job, requirements, opening and closing date and other information. Click on Save & Continue button. Output: If some fields are missing than show pop-up box that There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message of new job addition. R4.2: View Job Input: Click on View option. Output: Open a page in new tab with all information regarding to job.

R4.3: Edit Job Input: Click on Edit option. Output: Edit details wherever it is necessary and press Update & Continue button. Details will be changed and it will also be reflected into database. R4.4: Delete Job Input: Click on Delete option. Output: Open a pop-up box saying Are you sure you want Delete this Record?. If yes is pressed that job is deleted and record is deleted from database. And if cancel is pressed than nothing will happen.

R5: Manage Applicant Description: Administrator can see list of applicants who have applied for his job and delete their entry. R5.1: View CV Input: Click on view CV option. Output: It will open CV of job seeker in new tab. R5.2: Delete Job seeker Input: Click on Delete option. Output: Open a pop-up box saying Are you sure you want Delete this Record?. If yes is pressed that job is deleted and record is deleted from database. And if cancel is pressed than nothing will happen.

R6: Manage Posted Jobs Description: List of previously posted jobs with additional information like when it is posted, job title, last date for application and so on. Employer can edit, view and delete previously posted job. R6.1: View Job Input: Click on View option.

Output: Open a page in new tab with all information regarding to job. R6.2: Edit Job Input: Click on Edit option. Output: Edit details wherever it is necessary and press Update & Continue button. Details will be changed and it will also be reflected into database. R6.3: Delete Job Input: Click on Delete option. Output: Open a pop-up box saying Are you sure you want Delete this Record?. If yes is pressed that job is deleted and record is deleted from database. And if cancel is pressed than nothing will happen.

R7: Change Password Description: Employer can change the password of his/her account. R7.1: Click on Account option Input: Enter the old password and new password. Output: Show message that Password changed successfully.

R8: Log Out Description: Once the user has logged in then he would be allowed to click on the Log out option. Clicking on this button will allow him to log out from his account. R8.1: Select Log out option. Input: Click on the Log out option. Output: The user will logged out of the application and home page will be displayed form where he can log in again.


R1: Login Description: When user starts application home page is displayed, from where users can log into the application according to their role and according to role link is given to redirect on appropriate page. User can log-in into the application according to their role. The user id and password both are mandatory. The page would display an error if an incorrect user id or password is entered. Upon successful login the user will be redirected to the respective home page according to the role of the user. R1.1: Enter user credentials Input: User Name and Password Output: Depending on the username and password, login status is given to user. If either of information is incorrect than error message is shown on the page and if both information are correct than re-direct to the home page of admin.

R2: Applicants Registration Description: Fill registration form with appropriate details and confirmation message will be sent to given e-mail address and after admin activates account applicant can use it. R2.1: Register for new applicant Input: Add details specified and Click on register button. Output: Validation is used to check if all required fields are filled or not. If all fields are filled with appropriate data then successful registration message is sent to appropriate account. After admin activates account, employer can use it to post jobs.

R3: Applied Jobs Description: Show list of all jobs for which he/she has been applied with job title, applied date, closing date and so on. R3.1: View Job Input: Click on view option. Output: Open a page in new tab with all information regarding to job.

R3.2: Delete Job Input: Click on Delete option. Output: Open a pop-up box saying Are you sure you want Delete this Record?. If yes is pressed that job is deleted and record is deleted from database. And if cancel is pressed than nothing will happen. R4: Build or Edit CV Description: Build CV directly from the applied details like Personal Data, Career Objective, Education, Language skills and so on. R4.1: Personal Data Input: Add details like name, marital status, date of birth, home address, office address and so on then click on Save& Continue button or update details and click on Update & Continue button. Output: If required fields are missing then show pop-up box There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly and re-direct to career objective page. R4.2: Career objective R4.2.1: Add new career objective Input: Add objective, career level and click on Save & Continue button. Output: If required fields are missing then show pop-up box There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required fields, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly and redirect to summary of qualification page. R4.2.2: Edit career objective Input: Click on edit option and after editing details click on Update& Continue button. Output: If required fields are missing than show pop-up box There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly and re-direct to summary of qualification page. R4.2.3: Delete career objective

Input: Click on Delete option. Output: Open a pop-up box saying Are you sure you want Delete this Record?. If yes is pressed that job is deleted and record is deleted from database. And if cancel is pressed than nothing will happen. R4.3: Summary of qualifications R4.3.1: Add new summary of qualification Input: Add details as specified and click on Save & Continue button. Output: After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly and re-direct to professional experience page. R4.3.2: Editsummary of qualification Input: Click on edit option and after editing details click on Update & Continue button. Output: After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly and re-direct to summary of qualification page. R4.3.3: Deletesummary of qualification Input: Click on Delete option. Output: Open a pop-up box saying Are you sure you want Delete this Record?. If yes is pressed that job is deleted and record is deleted from database. And if cancel is pressed than nothing will happen. . R4.4: Professional experience R4.4.1: Add newprofessional experience Input: Add organization name, start date, end date, starting salary and so on then click on Save& add another button. Output: If required fields are missing than show pop-up box There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly.

R4.4.2: Editprofessional experience Input: Click on edit option and after editing details click on Update & Continue button. Output: If required fields are missing than show pop-up box There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly. R4.4.3: Deleteprofessional experience Input: Click on Delete option. Output: Open a pop-up box saying Are you sure you want Delete this Record?. If yes is pressed that job is deleted and record is deleted from database. And if cancel is pressed than nothing will happen. R4.5: Education details R4.5.1: Add new education details Input: Add institution name, award, field of study, year of graduation and so on then click on Save& add another button. Output: If required fields are missing than show pop-up box There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly. R4.5.2: Edit education details Input: Click on edit option and after editing details click on Update & Continue button. Output: If required fields are missing than show pop-up box There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly. R4.5.3: Delete education details Input: Click on Delete option.

Output: Open a pop-up box saying Are you sure you want Delete this Record?. If yes is pressed that job is deleted and record is deleted from database. And if cancel is pressed than nothing will happen. R4.6: Training/Workshops R4.6.1: Add new training details Input: Add training title, training institute, start date, end date and so on then click on Save & add another button. Output: If required fields are missing than show pop-up box There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly. R4.6.2: Edit training details Input: Click on edit option and after editing details click on Update & Continue button. Output: If required fields are missing than show pop-up box There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly and. R4.6.3: Delete training details Input: Click on Delete option. Output: Open a pop-up box saying Are you sure you want Delete this Record?. If yes is pressed that job is deleted and record is deleted from database. And if cancel is pressed than nothing will happen. R4.7: Publications R4.7.1: Add new publications details Input: Add title, date and brief information then click on Save &add another button. Output: If required fields are missing than show pop-up box There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly.

R4.7.2: Editpublications details Input: Click on edit option and after editing details click on Update & Continue button. Output: If required fields are missing than show pop-up box There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly. R4.7.3: Delete publicationsdetails Input: Click on Delete option. Output: Open a pop-up box saying Are you sure you want Delete this Record?. If yes is pressed that job is deleted and record is deleted from database. And if cancel is pressed than nothing will happen. R4.8: Professional memberships R4.8.1: Add newProfessional memberships details Input: Add association name, title and member since then click on Save&add another button. Output: If required fields are missing than show pop-up box There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly. R4.8.2: EditProfessional memberships details Input: Click on edit option and after editing details click on Update & Continue button. Output: If required fields are missing than show pop-up box There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly. R4.8.3: DeleteProfessional memberships details Input: Click on Delete option.

Output: Open a pop-up box saying Are you sure you want Delete this Record?. If yes is pressed that job is deleted and record is deleted from database. And if cancel is pressed than nothing will happen. R4.9: Language skills R4.9.1: Add newLanguage skillsdetails Input: Add language name and language level then click on Save &add another button. Output: If required fields are missing than show pop-up box There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly. R4.9.2: EditLanguage skills details Input: Click on edit option and after editing details click on Update & Continue button. Output: If required fields are missing than show pop-up box There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly. R4.9.3: DeleteLanguage skills details Input: Click on Delete option. Output: Open a pop-up box saying Are you sure you want Delete this Record?. If yes is pressed that job is deleted and record is deleted from database. And if cancel is pressed than nothing will happen. R4.10: Reference R4.10.1: Add new reference details Input: Add name of reference, organization name, position in company, contact details and relation with applicant then click on Save &add another button. Output: If required fields are missing than show pop-up box There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly.

R4.10.2: Edit reference details Input: Click on edit option and after editing details click on Update & Continue button. Output: If required fields are missing than show pop-up box There are fields which need correction before sending. After addition of required information, Show successful message and database will be updated accordingly. R4.10.3: Delete reference details Input: Click on Delete option. Output: Open a pop-up box saying Are you sure you want Delete this Record?. If yes is pressed that job is deleted and record is deleted from database. And if cancel is pressed than nothing will happen. R4.11: Status R4.11.1: Show status of different fields Input: Click on status option. Output: It will show that which fields you have filled information and which fields you have left blank. It also shows that which fields are mandatory and which are optional. R4.12: Preview CV R4.12.1: Show format of CV Input: Click on preview my CV option. Output: It will open your CV in new tab that how it will look like. R5: Change Password Description: Applicant can change the password of his/her account. R5.1: Click on Account option Input: Enter the old password and new password. Output: Show message that Password changed successfully.

R6: Log Out Description: Once the applicant has logged in then he would be allowed to click on the Log out option. Clicking on this button will allow him to log out from his account. R6.1: Select Log out option. Input: Click on the Log out option. Output: The user will logged out of the application and home page will be displayed form where he can log in again if he wishes so.

4.1.2 Non-Functional Requirements Product Requirements: R1:System should provide user-interface, which is easy to understand and use. R2:System must take very less time when it is being executed. Organizational Requirements: R1:System must be delivered within the allocated time. External Requirements: R1:System must provide different access rights to users based on user levels. R2:System should maintain co-ordination between Project Development. Performance Requirements: R1:Time taken during the processing must be less. R2:Memory utilization must be less.

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