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(Gua prctica para el desarrollo de reuniones internacionales, actos
sociales, presentaciones y correspondencia en ingls)
... _ ' .. _ lo' -" 11 ..., ". _ ., .. _ ' _ "o. '. ...' ..
El presente manual es un extracto de un trabajo que el General italiano Vicenz,? Cavaliere
public como suplemento de la revista "INFORMAZIONI DELLA DIFESA" de Mayo/Junio de
1.983 titulado "IN SERVICIO NELLA HATO" y que fue traducido en Mayo de 1.994 por el
. . .
CN. DON ANTONIO PELLICR CARAVACA con el ttulo "Comisin de Servicio OTAN".
Con este manual se trata .de instruir a los Oficiales de la Armada que efectan cursos de
perfeccionamiento de ingls:en la ECIA, en la inglesa al uso en reuniones, grupos
de trabajo y actos sociales intemacionalesc
Para aquellos que deseen profundizar yampliar sus conocimientos en el desarrollo de las citadas
actividades en el seno de la OTAN, se leremiteJJ a las citadas obras as como a las siguientes
publicaciones rAN:
* AAP-4
\la relacin de todos los 8TANAG en vigor y de todas las
publicaciones aliadas con excepcin de los ACPs (Allied Cornmunications
Publications, relacionadas en el ACP-198) y de los AM8Ps. (Allied
Military Publications, relacionados en el AMSG-600).
* STANAG-20] 4 :
* STAJ."'IAG-2016 :
* Ai\P..20
1.1.-Terminologia generalmente empleada por los Chairman 1
1.2.- Opening a meeting 7
1.3.- Closing remarks: : 8
1.4.- Como reconducir las discusiones al tema centraV al verdadero asunto.
Bringing the discussion back to the point................. 10
1.5.. - Como ternext Iminar la discusin de un punto y pasar al siguiente - Closing
discussion and passing to the next Item. 11
1.6.- Como restablecer "el orden"rla calma", durante las discusiones. Calming
1.7.- Como solicitar/provocar opiniones. (Asking forf Eliciting opinions) 12
1.8.- Resumen y presentacion de las conclusiones de una discusin (Summing
up the discussion) 14
2.4.- Como ratificar lo expuesto y superar las objecciones (Reassuring and
.2.5.- Como manifestarse a favor de alguien o de algo (Expressing support) 21
2.1.- Presentar un plan o hacer una propuestalpresenting a plan or propasal.. 18
2.2.- Como introducir una nueva idea o como hacer una sugerencia. (Introducing
ideas or 19
2.3.- Como pedir explicaciones o aclaraciones. (Asking for explanation or
clarification) ,............... 19
dealing with objections) 20
2.6.- ComoCompulsion manifestar el desacuerdo (Expressing disagreement) 22
2.6.1.- Manifestar el desacuerdo en 'trminos suaves" (Disagreeing politely)...... 22
2.6.2.- Manifestar el desacuerdo en "tenninos nonnales" (Disagreeing
nOfTIlal'y) 23
Man.ifestar el d.e.sacuerdo "energicamente". (Disa.greelng strongly) ................. 24
2.7.- Expresar reservas ganar tiempo (Raising objections
gaining time) -. 25
) 2.8.- Como evitar responder (Expressing unwillingness to answer questions) u 27 u
2.9.- Como invalidar/retirar una reserva. (Lifting a reservation) 27
3.1. Introducing subjects and opinions 28 CO' OO 04.
3.2.- ExpandinglChanging the subject 28 nu 90 CO u.
3.3.- Emphasizing "O 28 D
3.4.- Agreeing "............................... 29
3.5.- Accepting " 29
ti Isagreelng .. . " " c.,. ;s 29
36- D' .
P "
S.6. Discurso 'de un acto social ofrecido a un Pas anfitrin : 58
S.7. Discurso Utodo terreno" para una sobremesa o como hablar mucho sin decir nada 58
S. 8. Discurso de agradecimiento tras una visita a una industria 59
5. 9. Discurso de apertura de un siInposium 60
S.10. Cmo preparar un brindis 61
5.11. Cmo' responder un brindis 0 62

Anln de la necesidad de afrontar las situaciones que examinaremos en este
folleto. tales como: abrir y una reunin, solicitar intervenciones, sacar
etc., el Chairman debe estar muy impuesto en el dominio de la terminologa de uso ms
frecuente. en la conduccin de las reuniones. para conceder o retirar el uso de la palabra,
para agradecer las intervenciones y para, en suma, resolver los problemas corrientes de
una reunin. Situaciones como. por ejemplo: "A meeting is called to arder by the
Chairman. To do this he may use his gavel and tap for arder, or he may say: WiU
the meeting, please, come to arder?
1.1.- Terminologa generalmente empleada por los
Una vez abierta la reunin, los Chahmen suelen utilizar una serie de
expresiones, que la costumbre ha consagrado, tales como:
-The first Item on the Agenda is the meeting schedule for 1994.
-A handout.has been distributed and is in front of you, gentlemen. To whom
may I offer the floor?
-is there anyone who wouid like to start?
-Who would like to have the floor first?
-Who would like to begin?
-Who would like fa keep the ball rollinq1?
-This Item was proposed by Germany. May I ask the Gennan representative
to introduce it1.
-May I ask Mr. "X" to introduce his baby?
-1 am sure, gentlemen, that this Item is very controversial and we are going
to have a very spirited session: Who would like to start shooting?
-Thank you very muen, UK, for your presentation.. Are there any
-Any other comments in response to the UK presentation?
-Gennany go ahead, pi e-a.seo
-Thank you very much. Germany,'for your comments.
..Are there any questions or comments conceming the item presented? If
not we will adjoum
for lunch.
...Mine is a comment, rather than a question.?
1 keeplset lile baU rolling.-To start or t9 contlnue the meeting.
2 I2 adiournD=To stop the meeting for a short .time"
..Daes anyone have comments about ? If not; the Chainnan has got one
cornment and two questions. The comment is 111e questions are
Thank you for those useful points which were made.
-Thank you very much, Spanish representative, for your presentation. I
would appreciate if you could provide t.he secretary with hard copies of
what you have shown on the sUdes.
-Gentlemen, the scheduled cut-off time of the meeting is Friday, 1230 h., I
would like lo stress my concem about the limited progress we have so far
achieved. If we,are going to accomplish anything and move on, I would
suggest the following approach.
-1 would like now to ask for concurrence around the table on this approach.
Is it satisflctOry to you? Or, otheJWise, what altemate proposal have you
-1 would like to solicit your ideas on the implementation phases suggested
by US. 15 it an acceptable time-frame? Do you consider it (a)realistic(time
-May I ask the representatives/delegates to think about this problem
ovemight and let me know their position tomorrow.
-1 would like to leave it for your consideration until tomorrow moming after
lunch, when I will go around the table to hear what your positions are.
-1 appreciate your cornments/your pointsl your suggestions/your offer.
-Thank you, Sp., tor alluding to all the things which should be done.You
helped me a lol.
-Thank you, "Germany. for spotting all this e/erieaf mistakes, in the
-1 would like to comment on that myself.
-Thank you, France. You have v/isely reminded us of the need to conside
this problem in the wider context of the overall plan on communications.
-Thank you very much, for your concise and valid cornment.
-Thank you, that clarifies the point.
1 would say that what has been suggested makes sense/sound
reasonable to me"
-1 don't think that at the present stage we should enter nto detalle
comments. I woutd appreciate if you could provide just your general view
-On the general views, befare entering' nto detailed discussion, to who/
may I give the floor?
-An'y other general comment at this stage1.
) _..
.I'dontt want to be unfair to the UK representative. but this proposal o'pens
-1 would like to give first rny own interpretation and then ask for comments
around the table. .
.;.There are two or three points which I would like to make
..1would like to make a ples
to all Nations.
-Befare discussing the item I would like ta make sorne introductory
remarks ...May I now invite any general comment from the floor
..After these introductory remarks the floor is now apena
point I would like to touch on is .un
.In order to ensure that the main points of your statement are included in
the Summary Record could you provide the secretary with a short
summary of it?
-1 very much welcome your proposal to establish a Working Group ...... Ito
hold a meeting Ito draft a documente
-Your points are very well taken. But what course of actions are you
..We will now discuss item IX of the Since this problem has been
brought'ul1.5-by Germany, I will now tum the floor to Colonei "X
, please introduce your tem.
1 am sure we all listened with interest to w'hat you said .and we certainly
fully share your concem. are lucky, however, that a representative of
the responsible Agency is here with us today; no doubt 'he will have taken
note of the problem.
-Untess the chai,P is missing something here, it would appear that
-1 would like to tum the microphone to the secretary for sorne
administrative announcements.
-Try,tospeak more sl.owly,please-, Isee that the interpreters -are waving at
eSlow down, please, a IiUla bit. The interpreters are having difficultie.s in
-Gentlemen, I agree that this subject may be dry, bol it has progressively
become a very significant issue which deserves our attention.
-May I test, Gentlemen, this purely hypothetical proposition?
-We have so far concentrated the discussion on a point which is just the tip
of the iceberg.
4 f!!!z" intense request
5 up....!ntroduced loto discUlSsion.
6 Q!l!1r.... The ----------

-Any further comments?1 see no anns waving in the air, we can move then ..;,'.
-That is a witty remark
-1 don't believe that the next Item on the Agenda needs much of an
-Without taking up any more time I would like to give the floor over lo
Cornmander "X". .
-1 realize we :are behind .time, we :.were supposed to finish" at 1130 h. I
wonder whether I might detain
. foro just one minute. This is the last
occasion when'Mr. "X" is going to 'be here. He has been ..
-AII that .matters .now is that we define the necessary ,steps to be taken to
implement the plan by 22 August.
-To answer your question,. as a rul!! we should have meeting away from
NATO HQ's. every other year. Our Agency sticks to this rule, as oppose'd to
other Agencies which-travel m,ore frequenlly.
-Normally we dispatch .our su.pporting documents six weeks before a
meeting. The case in .question was an exception of the rule.
-You are quite right in saying that.
-It i$ worth pointing out.
-1 take your-point, but that is a borderline case.
-It would be inconsistent for us to ask for additional data while being
unable to process those already
-We should call a spade a spade.
-1 y/ould like to draw your attention to a point which has been overlooked.
-Frankly I do not believe that Mr "X's"opinion can be easily dismissec/. )
-Despite all the work that has been going on since 1993, there is stillack of
an agreed full set of standards. A case in point, a channelization plan for
the band.... is still outstanding.
-We have not yet come to an agreement but our positions have at least
been clarified. )
-Contrary to my nitial belief it now seems unlikely that wo-rk will be
finished by the end of this year.
..curiouslY/odd!y/strangely enough, it does not seem that lICU
-That depends on three factors: first . )
-Well gentleman, what do we really intend to do?Go What is the scope of this
project1. We have to somewherelr
-1 am not willing to enter Into a discussion about that.
7 Detain.-Delay.
8 Qh;missed.....gnored
~ ~ -
J -1 find your analysis of the' problem tobe fair and reasonable
..That is all. very well. Now let's go a step further.
-We can discuss the problem, by all means, .but w.e need not to (go) nto
A general view, for the moment, would be enough.
-There is another important aspeet which has gone virtually unnoticed, so
tare That is ..
-1 think that this argument doesn't hold watel. Instead, Mr."X", hit the nail
right on the head.
-1 wouldn't go so far as to say that ......
..In rny opinionlln my view/to my mind these arguments are not at aJl
-What would this imply?
..1believe that with an approach like this, nothing but trouble will followlt
-The plan sounds good in theory, but I wonder whether it will work in
) e-----1
. '\
-It goes without saying that it is very difficult to lay down a general rule
..It is an accepted fact that ....
It is in the nature of th!B:19S that .u.....
-It is safe to say that ... u ....
-There is no use in doing .
-There is no point in doing .
-The document was distributed on first February 1997. I trust that
everybody has had time to review ita
-The report has just been distributed to you as a handout. Mr. "X", will
present it to you in a moment. May I draw your attention to the fact that the
Report is classified fJATO CONFIDENTIAL.
-To be provocative i would like to ask two questions: Is the document to
any use to you? If this document were to disappear would anyone notice
or care?
-1 would appreciate if you could investigate the problem and .iet me have
your comments, in writing, by 15 February. Of course there is no penalty for
eariier submissiont
-You wiU recall the lively discussion we had on this subject at our as
meeting. I am now advised that SHAPE would like to provide an up=dating.
Colonel"XIe, please go ahead.
-ean anybody contribute on the wording for the decision sheet?
..If you have got the language for a new paragraph, please, let us have it.
. ~
oesn1t hold water....1t doesntt appear reasonable and doesntt find agreement.
. :

. )
. :,' ...
...... __

, .. this wording? ' .
would like to go on record on this subject. May I have your statement,
please to be attached to the Summary Record.
_1 would like the lo go on record.
-While I have your attentionJWhile I have got the microphone may.1 add that
-Is this new propasal by the NC3A acceptable to NATIONS? I will give you
a moment to consider t.
The report has been circulated under and the silence procedure
has not been broken. However the Gennan representative, would like to
provide sorne Germany, go ahead please.
-Well, your remarks should nat go without comments.
-It strikes me that we use the same arguments over and ayer again
whatever proposal is suggested.
1 do not exclude that there might be another way of tack/inq10 this problem
( this situation). I am open to suggestions.
-That is a matter of opinion.
That remains to be proved.
-That is out of question..
-There no in doing .
-There is no doubt that ......
-There are always sides to every question.:
-Since the terms of reference (TOR's) have been quoted, I would like to
stress that, according to them, the responsibility for ..... lies with this
-This seems to be contradictory to what we agreed yesterday. If we"are to
be consistent we cannot accept what was suggested by MR. "X", since it is
not in Une at all with the decision already taken
..1can assure you that I am not prejudiced against anybody.
-If we take this approach, our Agency will be in collision course with ......
----Frankly I-have-o'some- difficultY In disproving (refuting) Mr:'X's" assertion.
-In retum for all these concessions I would expect that you lift your
..A 5 minutes break to stretch your !egs, gentlemen.
10 - k" D ith t
I se ung.- ealilng w 11.,
1.2.- Opening a meeting
Corresponde al Chainnan abrir la reunin, a la hra fada, mediante el
tradicional golpe de mazo (gavel), sobre la mesa. y pronunciar los "formulismos"
c.onvencionales delritual al uso, antes de adentrarse en la discusin de los
diversos puntos de la agenda. Si no dispusiese de mazo, recunir a la frmula
tradicional: 'Will that meeting, please, come to order?
Por "fonnulismos" convencionales, se han de entender las "Introductory
remarks", que bsicamente incluirn:
-La bienvenida a los participantes.
-La'presentacin de los nuevos delegados.
-La felicitacin a los delegados que hubiesen ascendido.
-La comunicacin de las ausencias previamente anunciadas.
-La manifestacin de condolencia ante situaciones de "desgracia".
-Infonnaciones de ndole diversa: (Actos sociales, modificaciones en la Agenda,
. En determinados casos, en las "Introductory remarks", se puede
anunciar la inclusin"' de asuntos que no figuran en la Agenda, o se pueden
adelantar informaciones' sobre el desarrollo de asuntos de inters general, o
incluso se pue:den' solicitar respuestas a detenninadas cuestiones, ajenas al
mbito meramente administrativo.
Para las cuestiones domsticas y administrativas, el Chairman,
nonnalmente, cede la palabra al Secretario.
En los casos- de reuniones de "alto nivel, es habitual que interyenga la
"Host Authority", para- pronunciar el "Opening address". En estos casos, el
Chairman abre la reunin, para ceder, a rengln seguido la palabra .8 la "Host
-opening remarks by the chainnan (For instance):
) "Ladies and Gentlemen: ~
GOQd moming and welcometo this-meeting.1 hope It will be-afruitful and
productive meeting, and enjoyable as \ v e U ~
-New representatives:
Let me start by introducing the new Italian representative,
Commander Rossi, the UK representative Colonei Smith and Spanish
representative Lieutenant Cotonel Prez. To all, our welcome on board and
I would like now to offer the floor to the Principals, who would like to
introduce those members of their staff attending the meeting of. our Agency
for the first time.. To whom may I o.ffar tile floor?c
. I would like no'w to congratulate the Gennan' representative,
Brigadier General Steiner on his recent promotion. Congratulations,
Brigadier, and all the best for your future career.
Apologies tor absence:
Apologies have been received trom Norway. Their representative
cannot attend the' .meeting time due to other commitments/to sad
Regret for absence:
regret the absence of Brigadier general Collins, the British
principal representative, who is recovering from an operation. We wish him
a speedy recovery and we hopa to have him. with us at the next meeting.
In accordance with The NATO Security Regulations, all persons
attending a meeting where classified infonnation is to be discussed, must
hold an Security Clearance and have the "need to know". May I
haya your assurance that all persons present posses a security clearance
tor N.ATO SECRET material and a need to know? ...... I take it this is the
case. .
-For assistance of any kind, please contact the secretary or the
administrative clerk during the cO'ffee or the lunch breaks.
-There will be a "cocktail party", t,onight, at 1750 h., at the NATO "Salon des
Ambassadeurs, hosted by rny staff and rnyself. Invitations are extended to
all the people attending the and to their accompanying ladies.
Interpreters, of course, are also welcome..
..For those who would like to leave their classified papers for custody
ovemight during the meeting, envelopes will be by the
administrative clerk at the Of the -Please write your name on
the envelope, seal it and leave it on the table. You will find it, on the table,
in the moming
at the reopening of business.
..The first Item on the Agenda is now eea,..
1.3.- remarks:
Agotados los diversos temas de la Agenda, y los que puedan haber sido
planteados bajo el epgrafe fiAOS (Any other business)", el "Chairman",


declarar cerrada la "business session" y pasar a las'''closing remarks",que
incluirn necesariamente:
-Dar las gracias a los asistentes.
-Reconocimiento a la labor del personal auxiliar e interpretes.
-La expresin de los mejores deseos para los representantes que dejan de
pertenecer al grupo. as como desear un buen viaje de regreso a todos, .
para concluir con el tradicional golpe de mazo (gavel). y la expresin habitual
..................... "the meeting is over".
A continuacin se presenta un ejemplo de discurso de clausura de
que, al igual que el de apertura, es modificable y adaptable, en funcin
de las circunstancias. Por ejemplo, si la reunin est auspiciada por una Nacin
o un Mando OTAN, a ellos deben dirigirse las primeras palabras del Chainnan,
que pondr exquisito cuidado en resaltar las excelencias de las facilidades y
medios puestos a su disposicin para la reunin
sin olvidar hacer mencin a la
"wann hospitality" de la "HOST NATION".
Closing remarks by the Chairman:
There being no further items to be discussed I consider the business
session closed and will pass to sorne closing remarks.
-First I would like to bid farewell to Captain "'X", who is attending a Plenary
meeting tor the last time. He has been with us for seven years. during
which he has shown a knowledge on our problems rarely to be found. His
contribution to the work of this Agency has been outstanding in every
respecte I consider myself lucky to have had the help of aman of his
experience and knowledge, always eady to take the floor, not to confuse
the issue but to clarify it and offer constructive proposals. I would like to
thank him, on behalf the Agency, for his highly appreciated contribution.
He will shortly be moving to a position of greater responsibility and we
wish him all the best for his career. He will leave the Armed Forces in the
near future and we wish him all the best for a happy retirement.
-l. wou1c.t like.. tQ. express JllY$.incere. appreciation to thedelegates. for
their active participation, their helpful contribution and their constructive
attitude. Certainly they made my job easier.
-Allow me to extend my appreciation to my staff tor the good work done
and for coming to the rescue whenever required.
-Last, but not I.east, my the administrative supporting staff, those
who work behind the scenes. They are never in the limelight
but their
work is most valuable. I am speaking of those who type and retype our
statements or deeision sheets, those who reproduce and distributa secura
11 Limelight-Everyone's attention is fixed in them
. )
and not secure documents. who assist in all administrative matters. those
who are the first to arrive and the last to leave this room, and, in addition,
they volunteer to peonn an which is certainly not in their job
descption: to arrange and run the cocktail party
-Finally, thanks to the interpreters.
-Well, ladies and gentlemen, thank you again and hav.e a safe joumey
horneo See you in next meeting
....The meeting is closed.
1.4.- Como reconducir las discusiones al tema central I al
asunto. Bringina the discussion back to the point .
No es infrecuente, que en el transcurso de una reunin, algunos
delegados se pierdan en largas y farragosas consideraciones, sobre aspectos
irrelevantes del problema en discusin. Estas "incursiones
por los cerros de
Ubeda. normalmente son involuntarias, pero en ocasiones son intencionadas,
con nimo de ganar tiempo antes de llegar al momento de tener que adoptar
decisiones o definir posturas. En otras ocasiones, lo que se trata es de introducir,
de manera subrepticia, temas no previstos en la Agenda. En cualquier caso, el
Chainnan debe estar atento y procurar encanilar la discusin por sus debidos
cauces. ello pueden sene de utilidad algunas de la frases y expresiones
que a continuacin se indican:
-That is very interesting, but I don't think it's really (to) the point.
-Ves, but that isn't really what we are discussing, is it?
-Could you stick to the please?
- Perhaps, we could go back to the main point.
-That's completely irrelevant, I think.
-That's irrelevant to the subject under discussion.
That's completely off the point. We are talking about not about u ..
- Due to the short time left, there is a need, gentlemen, to be brief and to the
wehave. invited. too give.. a. presentation on u
Questions should therefore address the point asking for clarifications or
further information not to introduce our in-house problems of policy. Da.
coordination and like.
-Thank you.. These are invaiuabie points that you have raised. Clearly, we
must not lose sight of them. However, I wonder if I may tum the attention of
the meeting to the majar questions USa
-What I have heard so far, gentlemen, is beside the point.
- )
Pgina Nm.1Q ...,..:',
.... "..... -_....,'"..-... (:.'}:?: .
.... --1
.... have listened with interest to what you said on the approach taken by
your Country. Unfortunately this practice is far from universal and is nat
appreciated in our case
.-We don't. have to beat about the bush'z, we have to come straight to the
Please, come to the point.
-1 would suggest leaving this question aside far the moment. It could lead
us nto a very lively discussion, to a large extent irrelevant to the aim for
which this subject is on the Agenda.
-Gentleman, I believe we are losing sight of what really matters on this
issue. let's go back to the purpose this document.
-The arguments are starting to miss the point. May I remind you that the
main point at issue is whether it is possible to use this document as a
guideline policy.
-To come back to what is our aim today .
-1 believe we are departing from the main question.
-May I ask for substantive comments on this point?. And positive
cornments, if any, rather than negative criticism.
-It seems to me that we are missing the point.
1.5... Como terminar la discusin de un punto y pasar al siguiente - Closing
discussions and passing to the next Item.
Puede suceder que la discusin de un tema se atranque, en un momento
dado, bien sea por la dificultad intrnseca del asunto o porque es muy
controvertido, o bien al contrario, que por ser muy sencillo todo el mundo quiera
meter baza, para demostrar su inters y competencia. El Chairman debe cortar
estas discusiones y dar paso al siguiente punto (ltem) de la Agenda (...
closing 'discussions and passing to the next Item), utilizando expresiones del
estilo de las que siguen:
-This Item, gentlemen, is certainly stimulating, but we have a pretty heavy
i-:, front of us.May t.therefore suggestweleave thls Item and'''pass'
to the next one.
-Gentleman, I would like to leave this point and move 00,
-1 would like to close the discussion on this subject and pass to the next
-1 appreciate if we could move forward. if you intend to close
business by Friday lunch-time.
12 Beat about the bush.-Doesn't answer a questioh immediately and 'directly
Pgina f'Jm.11
,-Gentlemen, two more questions or comments will .be 'allowed, befare
leaving .this Item. We have a long way before we can go through the
-Gentlemen., this quite lengthy discussion" has provided us with all the pros
and the coos (for aod against). Let me summarize the conclusions before
passing to the nextltem
Ilel otcfen"f'la calma", durante las discusiones.
Carming the argument .
,mbito OTAN. las discusiones rara vez alcanzan un nivel de
acaloramiento que..-requiera la intervencin del Chairman. para enfriar los nimos. .
Sin embargo, no est de ms tener prevista la forma de actuacin, en estos
Es preferible que la intervencin se lleve a cabo, en tono amistoso y
jovial, ya que suele dar buenos resultados. Hacer en cualquier caso uso de los
mejores recursos, 'llegando a hacer un alto en la reunin si fuera preciso, con el
fin de enfriar los nimos. A continuacin se incluyen algunas frases que pueden
ser de utilidad "inorder to calm the argument":
-Gentlemen, let's try not to lose our caBm.
-GentlelJ'en, let's not get upsetlangry.
-Gentleman, let's keep our tempere
- Mr. "X" I would appreciate it if you could set aside your feelings and I
explain the reason why you are against the propasal, or why the proposal
does not meet your requirements.
-Mr. "Y", I do not think that Mr. "X" was ntending to offend you/to hurt your
feelings. Rather, he was trying to express his dissatisfaction for the lack of
a reply/for the delay in considering the matter.
-Mr. n X ", I am sure it was no Mr. "Y's n, intention to offend anybody in this )
room. I think there has been a misunderstanding, only due to a language
:Mr.- b-eing myselfa mediterranean, I can understand your feelings.
But tet us prove that people coming from the wann southern shores can

al50 remain as cold as the Vikings.
-Gentlemen, you certainly know the motto " be soft on people, hard on
. )
problemso'. Please, can we stick to it and 'come back to the problem without )
any hard feelings1.
-Gentlemen, I see that is almost lunch tirne. Let"s have a break nowand sea
if a soft drink will bring us to calm.
., , ,., I" -. __ .. .a a'
'. o. o _ _ __ .-. _'. _ ' '_. _ " o". o
I realize that all this emotion is the Chainnan's fault. for nat
having granted a break. Let's have one. I'm sure a good cup of caffee will
reestablish usual friendly atmosphere. Please be back in 20 minutes.
-Gentlemen, tempers have become rather frayed. To allow people to calm
down, lat's adjoum the meeting. We will reconvene at 1400 h.
1.7.- Como solicitar/provocar opiniones" (Asking for/Eliciting opinions)
Pensemos, por un momento, que a la vista de un determinado Item en la
el tema no despierta inters y la discusin que se entabla es mnima e
incluso nula. Hasta el postrer recurso, la frase "sacramental": liTo whom may I
offer the floor", recibe la callada por respuesta, el Chairman debe recurrir a todo
tipo de subterfugios para fograr la reaccin e intervencin del auditorio. El
recurso ms soconido es el de solicitar opiniones de forma sistemtica, uno ppr
uno, en tomo a la mesa de reuniones, aunque se corra el riesgo de poner en
evidencia a alguien.
En general, si el Chairman conoce que alguno de los presentes est ms
impuesto o interesado en el tema, puede hacerle una invitacin expresa para
que se manifieste.
A continuacin se incJuyen algunas expresiones utilizadas
para solicitar/provocar opiniones (Asking for/Eliciting opinions).
-May I have your views, gentlemen, starting v/ith Belgium and going on,
clockwise, in that order?
-1 see not reaction. Let's 90 around the table and see what the views are.
- Let's see, in the order, what your views "are?
That is interesting, but I think Mr. " W" may have a different point of view..
) 1 wonder if you like to comment, Mr." W n.
Would 'you agree with that opinion, Mr. " Z " ?
-What is your opinion in that, Mr. " X " ?
- I knovJ that Mr. teZ " is golng to teU us quite another story.
...Would you like,to give-'u's you'r opinio"n/poiht"of view/comments, Mr... X "1.
gentleman, may I ask what your attitude is toward the approach
suggested by the delegate ?
Paina Nm.13
......" '.' .: _ : p " _ .'. o'. p P.' 0.0... . ".. o. o .' .:.- .;,..:._ _ - .. J' .! ' ...p i'r'i M' y.c <
l' .
1.8.- Resumen y presentacin de las conclusiones de una discusin
ISumming up the discussion)
Resumir y presentar la conclusiones tras una discusin de un tema, no
es tarea fcil, sobre todo. cuando' ha de hacerse en un idioma que no es el
propio. En principio requiere haber entendido con precisin lo tratado y en que
direccin se avanza.
En los casos en los que se haya producido una clara convergencia de
opiniones, el resumen se hace ms fcil. En otras ocasiones, sin embargo, no
resulta tan sencillo identificar la convergencia en las opiniones o por lo menos la
de la mayora, para tratar de llevar a los restantes al necesario consenso.
Cuando las divergencias seanrealmente manifiestas. el Chainnan
bien en reconocerlo, cuanto antes, admitiendo que no cabe esperar una va ce
sa-nda al estancamiento de la situacin. pidiendo o provocando que se hagan
nuevas propuestas para salir del" impasse".
Si las discusiones han sido tan complejas que resulte verdaderamente
difcil sintetizanas, se puede invitar a que lo haga al representante: que haya
tenido una participacin ms activa o haya hecho una mayor aportacin en la
bsqueda de una salida al problema: (1 confess I have difficulty to recap the
discussion ... May I ask Mr. " X ", who has taken a large part in the
discussionlwho has formulated the proposal to sum' it up for the benefit of
.. En definitiva, cerrar una discusin es algo complejo para lo que no existe
una norma clara o concreta que pued8 servir de pauta; sin embargo, se
recomienda tener previstos, desde el principio de la reunin, los argumentos que
nos puedan convenir para la sntesis nal. La terminologa utilizad?-.-;
, ';
habitualmente por tos Chainnen para dar entrada al "summing up the'"
discussion", puede ser como la siguiente:
-We are in (a) position to w;nd Up13 the discussion
..What can we usefully conclude?
-To sum up then most of you consider that ..
.... _.. ..conclusion I would-' say"that"
-There seems to be general agreement about but there is a u
considerable ares of conflict over n
The most important: points seem to be .. u
-Tila most important features/iactorsJelements to be taken into
consideration seem to me to be .. u
-AU interventions stressed the need for a ..n awn
-There seems 'lo be a general consensus about . u
1 have 1'0 doubt that you win agree with me that ..
13 Wind uJ2....Finish or stop dolng any activity.
-Let me see if I got it right. A number of possibilities were mentioned, but
there seem to be no strong views emerging on !he problem now is
to explore mor fully those possibilities which have only been partially
addressed, and see which one could be converted nto a collaborative
programme with specific objectives.
-From what I have heard there seems to be sorne ideas/aspirations. Let's try
to find out how they could best be converted into a work prograrnme.
-Can I go ove"r the main points raised? Evidence has been brought
showing that Jlt has been proved that J Many of you think that
....n... In practical tenns this would mean the consequence of this
would be in that case it v/ould nvolva .
-Well, gentleman, if I'm not mistaken there are no differences on jmajor
-Well, gentiemen, do we have a solution? one fair solution might be .
-If I have got it right the main point raised during the discussions
a prograrnme, split nto sorne short tenn measures and sorne
long term measures.
1 -1 believe that there is a great concem among the delegates on ....... and the
belief that the problem should be reported to the higher Aulhorities. A letter
will be prepared along" the lines which emerged during the discussions and
sent to .
-The discussion has identified two areas of concem, on which sorne work
should be carried out. The major area deserving early consideration is .
But not to be overlooked is ....un.. Fundamental to both, however. is the
need for accurate data. .Any difficulties in this area will impede the
implementation of any plan should, therefore, be identified
-There IS, certainly, no consensus on this matter, but seems lo me that the
prevailing opinion is u
-8ince there are no adverse comments it would appear that there is no
on .. .....
..What can we usefully conclude? Do__we have a solution?
put fOlWard any constructive proposal?
Can anybody
- - -
-Gentlemen, in seeking perfection, agreement is ofien achieved too late or
notat aU.
-An early decision is required in view of the urgency to commence
procurement. Can you therefore agree the conclusions in the supporting
-As l temporary solution it is propased that ........uo....
14 E
l )
-A tentative suggestion could be .
clear.to that we are divided on this subjectlmatter. We are not in a
to reach any agreement. The.plan has not been well received by
the and I am afrald we haye to put it in cold storage (on ice) for the
1 am under the that you are afraid to take the risk
yourselves to something which could have financial
implications. l. gues.s we have to leave it for the moment and resume the
Item at the meeting.
lItAII the proposed solutions boil down to one: Nations intend to retaln
control 01 and will not accept any delegation of power.
-What I have heard so far boils down
to this. that you do not accept any .
transfer of responsibilities fram Nations to .
-What conclusions be.drawn troro this lengthy discussion?
-From my part Ido nat sea any possibility of solving the problem in the
near future.
-1 confess I cannot make any sense of what has been said. Can anybody
come fa the rescue
...In conctLJsion, I would like to express my belief that with sorne additional
efforts we can enhance the prospect of havhlQ the plan finalized by the end '\
of December
..In view of all the facts which have been quoted, there is no other option
but .....
..1 would conelude that, irrespective of which side one takes, there is
agreement on the need for the elaboration of a plan.
-Ouring the discussion many ideas have been put forward. But I do not sea
any chance of putting this ideas nto practice. Unless anyone has a
..The long and the short of it
, is that further work is required before we can )
.............._ _._ _decide the way ahead. Let's leave it at __ tor the The US will
redraft the document in the light of the discussion and we will reconsider
the matter at our next meeting.
..The two proposals, at first glance, appear to be divergent; but as a matter
of 'fact, they have a lot in common.
aY-/ell,gentlemen, I believe we have no other option but to accept the
document as it stands, for the time being. We will revise it in due time. )
15 Boils down.-Drives to the most important thing
16 .
Come to the res9J!!.-Help him with the difficulty
17 The long na the short of it.-The basic facts
-Let me recap' 'the work in front of USe In short, what we should do is 'the
following ..
-Well, gentlemen. I see trom the discussion that we are in the presence of
two different approaches. 15 there a chance of meeting halfway?1811
-Gentlemen,# to put it at its simplest, we need someone to volunteer and
prepare a draft to be discussed by the group later.
-The discussion amounts to this: We have to produce a work programme.
-1 am more and more convinced that we are not in a pasition to take a
-1 see that the proposal has found wide acceptancell
-The difference of is of such a size that an agreement is
-1 will now brief1y summarize.
-In summing up the conclusions which can be drawn from the various
opinions expressed I would say that ..
-In closing /In conclusion .
-80th solutions have ment, but the deciding factor should be, in my opinion
-Let me close with a word of caution .
..In conclusion I would tecommend that, we cornmit ourselves to achieving
.......... with a period of five years; accept the appropriateness of the
propasad approach and make every effort to obtain special fundlng tor this
major initiative.
-We have identified, gentleman, a number of follow..on tasks.
-lo summarize I believe that everyone recognizes that budgetary and
manpower constraints, will prevent us from implementing everything at the
same time. there is a need for an overall implementation strategy.
-Well, gentlemen, there are several possible options/solutions.. Advantages
and disadvantages of each option have been discussed at length. It would
appearthat option 1 ,will give maximum benefits,in the long
-If propsal iS...unacceptabJe there.is.thenlittle- chance that other
proposals will be.
-WeU, gentlemen, we have a!ready. been round the table once but it seems
to me that there is no consensus of opinions on the subject. The only thing
we aU agree on
is that something has to be done. May I solicit your ideas
on the way ahead?
-To moya further on this subject something has to be doneo it is not meant
to exclude anyone, but I think we need a restricted Working GrouPi limited
to sorne countries, with other participants as observers, if they so wish. if
18 fVieeting half way.. -Coming to an agreement..
Pgina Nrrt"i 7
this is acceptable, I suggest to have this closed session this very
-Gentleman, I believe that the disadvantages of this proposal outweigh the
advantages. Should we abandon it?
-1 should suggest considering the matter closed.
Intervenir en una reunin como representante, delegado o miembro de una
delegacin nacional, etc., en principio un slido conocimiento de los temas a ..
discutir. Es necesario. obviamente. un buen dominio de la terminologa a emplear, para
dar explicaciones, hacer propuestas, solicitar aclaraciones, aprobar, no aceptar, etc.
A continuacin se incluyen una selie de expresiones de utilidad, en diversas
situaciones, para conocer "como actuar"
2.1. Presentar un plan o hacer una propuesta/Presenting a plan or
-1 would like to explain/presentlshow you our propasa!.
-It's a rdically new/revolutionary approach to the problem of .
-It's a project with enormous scope tor .
-1 want to explain exactly why I am proposing ....
-The project would offer marvellous opportunities for
...The thinking behind my proposal is .
m going to concentrate on three main points. First , n
, and finally .
-What I suggestlpropose ladvise is to .
-The most important features of my proposal are u ...
-Letls continue by looking at the figures the estimated cost of
................ wiii be . i have caicuiated that M
.. ..-;,;Unless -we -are- prep-atedlO/ready-to-----facklelhi s'pro'bfeinlal<e-the initiative
we wiU be unable to meet the requirement of -.; .
-In conclusion I would like to summarize what our propasal would offer/the
big advantages of our
-1 would like to outline
the main points of my paper..
-The underlying opinion ofthe whole project is a ..... n ...u
...\lVithout attempting to be exhaustive I should Jike to mentioo sorne of the
features, leaving. it to the specialists to eventually expound their ideas.
' ,.. ,._.. ..' ..- ..rC .. o.'::H) ' ',' "'*'W'ii(""'X_ o-S' .
2.2.- Como introducir una nueva idea o como hacer una sugerencia.
{Introducing ideas or suggestions
-Let me introduce my suggestions. The basiclessential problem, in my view
is also to be carefully considered is .
Wouldn't it be a good idea to ?
..()ne way out would be to ..
-In the present situation there seems to be no alternative to .
..In the present situation our only chance is to ..
-An absolutely necessary step is Ile........
-1 think t's absolutely right to .
-Well we could always .
..Couldn't we ? 0
-I've got a suggestion. We could .. u
It seems evident to me/obvious to me that .........811......
-I'm convinced that .
There is only cne thing to be done.
-There is only one way of dealing with the problem.
1 know from experience that it's only by that we will get the results
Well, gentlemen, anybody can sea\. that you can't deny that
-May I just add one point.
-1 would like to make a comment at this point.
...What you have just said suggests .
-1 must make it clear that " a u
-1 would like to voice my thoughts.
-1 would like to rny feelings.
2.3.- Como pedir explicaciones o aclaraciones. (Asking for explanations or
..could you explain what ?
----..could you be more specific about .n "uu........ ?.. n
-Could you give me all the facts to back that up, piease?
you break down your calculationsiestimates nta more detail;
-Could you explain what this will,mean in terms of nun..n?
-I'm not clear about .
..Before we go any further. lId like to be quite clearlsure that u .....u U II
Plsa.se, excuse me, but I don't follow you. What do you mean by 1. u
19 Outline.-Explain in a general way.
... 1.
-I'am .very worried about " can you prove that ? u
-lid like to see how you reached/came to these figures.
-Let me ask for an explanationlclarifieation.
-l'd be grateful if you- could go over the technical side again. Just what is
the 'particular'advantage of ?
1 thlnk we need further details of o . ~ ; . w
-We must have comprehensive infonnation about .
-I'd like to know more about .
-1 don't quite catchlgrasp the full implications of ..... . Am I lo take that
............ ?
-Will thi$ involve 1.
-Does this mean that ao.. ~ ?
-Let me show you where I have trouble following sorne of your reasoning.
Please corred me if I am wrong. Do I understand that ?
-1 confess I am a bit lost in this discussion.
-1 confess I am a bit canfusad 00 this issue.
1 assume you base your sweepincfllbroad assertion on sorne evidence.
Can you provide us with sorne facts?
-1 wonder whether your propasal is really based on facts.
-It w o u l ~ b.e wise to have some specialists who niake light of the technical
difficulties of this project.
-1 would like to put forward a question off the record.
2.4.- Como ratificar lo expuesto y superar las objeciones (Reassuring and
dealing with objectioni
..1understand you may feel hesitantldoubtfullsuspicious about : but I
can assure you that .
-Your objection is understandable/reasonable
but 00 the other hand
...WhUe I realize yau may have sorne doubts about I can assure you
-1 can pt..1: your minds at rest on that, there can be no question of .
...There is no need to worry about .00 our research shows that ..u .
e-Look at it in this way u .,. .......aeu..
-It's been proved time and again that 011 .
-Ves we have thought about that There wiU be no problem in .uu....ao..
-Ves we haya taken that nto account.
-No, there is no danger whatsoever/at aU of .. ac
SweeDing.-A very general statement
-AU things considered you should be able to .
Previous experien.ce have shown that ..
-Well, it will obviously be a problem, but we can solve it by Iwe can deal
with it by ............. ...
-Taking .nto account factors like you can be fairly sure that
-No I can assure you that the problem of ...... has already been looked nto
8 Jhas already been investigated.
-AII things considered you can be quite sure that .
You seem to think that the c,",ances of reaching an agreement befare the
deadline of 17 October are sliJ1. Far from ita
-Frankly, I do not see any difficulty in the problem by the 31 July
-1 think we are making a mountain out of a molehill (exaggerate). The
problem appears to me as less complicated. A solution can be found, with
some goodwill. -Oespite (statements) to the contrary the plan
seems to be a workable one. -The cost, roughly estimated, would only
come to .
-The order of magnitude of the total amount nvolved is ..
-There would be much benefit to be gained by everyone ..
2.5.- Como manifestarse a favor de alguien o de algo (Expressing support
-I'm completely in favour of this proposal.
-1 should like to express my total support for this proposal.
-1 think this deserves our backincf2.
-1 think is an valuable proposal.The plan will certainly be of
benefit to NATO.
1 think that the scheme outlined could be of enonnous benefit both to
Nations and NATO Organizations.
-Everything I have heard has convinced me that the proposal is worth
"'supprtlg. --
-I'm completely behind the proposal to .
-1 thoroughly appr6ve af :........ DlI U.
-1 wholeheartedly agree with ,'!!!'U!u.=u
-1 think there is a tat of tn,rth in that argumente
-1 think Mr " W 111 has a very interesting point here.
-1 couldn't agree more with your idea.
2: Slim....Unlikely to happen.
2" B' k- P
:te Ina.- urpose.
The proposal to establish a Working Group to deal with this matter has my
full support. .
1 can go ahead with what has been pfoposed by .
-1 would like to voice my total support on what Mr. " X .. said on .
-1 am in complete agreement with ..
-lId like to support Mr. " X's .. point of v i ~ w about .
-1 support your initiative and propasal for ..
-1 agree wholeheartedly with what Mr. " X " has just said.
lld go along with that point of view.
I'm sure we can rely on what Mr. " X " says.
-1 found that a very convincing argumentla very interesting suggestion.
-We are not enthusiastic about the propasal, but we will confonn with the
-1 am entirely of Mr. ti Y's " opinion.
-In arder to simplify matters we are ready to accept the propasal.
-We are in the happy position to endorse what has been said by and
supported by ....
-1 can add little to what has been said so well by my English and German
colleagues in support of the proposal. I would only like to point out that
costing will be very difficult.
2.6.- Como manifestar el desacuerdo (Expressing disagreement)
OculTe en detenninadas ocasiones que a lo largo de un debate no se
llega a ningn acuerd.o y es necesario disentir. Es importante cuidar la fanna en
qu.e se manifiesta el desacuerdo, puesto que incluso mantener las "fomlas",
puede conducir al acuerdo, lo que no sera factible, si no se guardan'" las formas.
Hay que utilizar un lenguaje claro, pero correcto y en trminos suaves, sin
recunir a expresiones "duras" que podran ser interpretadas como ofensa.
En los prrafos que siguen se incluyen. a ttulo de ejemplo, algunas
expresiones utilizables para expresar disentimiento.
--2.6.1.- Manifestar ----el desacue-rdo --en---"trminos suaves" (Disagreeing
-1 Couldn't agree with -yau more, however .
-. couldn't agree with you more but, as a matter of faet eeu..u".. u ..
GI couldntt agree more with w h ~ t you said, however u ........ .u u
-You haya certainly got a valid point, but uu . Il
-That is all very well, but you have gol to take nto accountlinto
",,1 agree with you on the whoie but it could be said that n ........." .....:.
, )
~ ..
-Let's look at tlle whole question from a realistic point of view.
-Let's face facts
..That is an interesting point ofview but 1
m not sure if ......
-1 am not sure it is feasible/possible to .
1 can see sorne difficulties ahead of us if we .
-There is certainly an element of truth in what I havf;! heard, however .
-1 would like to voice my concem. The implementation of ......is only in part
a technial problem. It has a bearing on working methods and staff
procedures. intemal organization, personnel administratiofl. equipment
procurement and maintenance, security, staff officer and clerical retraining
and the budget. None of this issues have been clearly identified in the
propasal which is befare USe
-1 can sympathize with a lot of what has been said. however I believe that
there is sorne misinterpretation conceming ..
...1 am very sympathetic to what I have just heard, but other obvious
considerations should prevent us trom adopting unpopular decisions.
What about for instance ...
1 do not believe that we have to agree now the dates of all Working Group
meetings. It be suffice, at this stage, to agree and to record that the
Working Group will meet on as required.
-1 do not think that this plan will arouse great interest
-I.n to most people I must confess that I am not at all enthusiastic
about this plan.
-1 must raise an objection here .
-1 partly agree with the UK remarks about , but .

2.6.2. Manifestar tll desacuerdo en "tnninos normales" (Disagreeing
-1 welcome the general thrustlmost important part of your propasal,
however, whilst Ican give my broad support to many ofthe detailed points
in your paper I have severe reservations on others. In particular the papar
-1 can see no valid reasons for supporting a project of this kind.
-In my opinion this is-not in/go-es completely agairist NATO's interest.
-1 am against the propasal since I consider Dt to be harmful to/against/not
consistent with the interest of Nations.
-1 am not in favour of this proposal.
..Nothing I haya heard has convinced me that the plan would be a' benefit to
...You convinced me that 11 .........

-There is nothing that will persuade me to ..
lDThere is no evidence that .
1 don't accept that there is any need to ..
-There is no point in change forthe sake ofthe change.
-1 don't think you are being very prudent 80 .
-1 think you are being rather unrealistic/optimistic
..This seems to me an oversimplified approach.
-1 believe that this proposal will arouse sorne concern.
-We must not make the mistake of doing .n
-The argument put forward' is not convincing.
-Wouldn't it be rather risky embarking on an approach like this?
-This proposal doesn't make sense to me.
-You stated the pros but didn't mention the cons.
2.6.3.- Manifestar el desacuerdo "energicamente" (Disagreeing strongly
-1 don't agree at all. In my opinion ,;, .., .. )
..No. I don't accept for a moment that .
-1 can see only dangers/difficulties ahead of us if we .
-1 am rather worried for you have said about .
-1 think would be wor1h-wile reconsidering the whole matter.
-1 thlnk it would be worth=\'Vile to think about the whoie matter again.
-it seems to me an extravagant approach lo the problem.
-You have completely missed the point.
-You are completely mixed up/confusedlmi'staken.
You don't seem to realize/understand that .
. -,
-You are completely mistaken if you suggest that .
-You don't seem to grasp what I am getting at I meant ..
-No that's no true at all.
-No. There is no truth in what you said.
-No, that's something I refuse to accept.. )
...No,that'.-s-so-mething -Irejectcompletely-,----
-1 am afraid I think that@s utterJabsolute nonsense.
oTo ten the truth what you suggest is sheer/pure
A decir verdad, las maneras enrgicas de expresar el desacuerdo deben
reservarse para casos excepcionales. En general, salvo las seis primeras frases
de cada una de las listas, t.as restantes deben con suma cautela. En )
el debate el nfasis ha de ponerse en la solidez de los argumentos, no en la
dureza del tono, "rernembern:
""""'"""'-----------..,.... ..... ..

soft on people, hard on .
"5peak softly, but carry a big
2.7.- Expresar reservas, ganar tiempo (Raising objections, gaininq time
En ausencia,de programasfmstrucciones 'concretas,"escaso tiempo para
un -estudio riguroso del asunto, dificultad para asumir compromisos, etc.; el
delegado/representante"puede verse .en la necesidad de "expresar reservas".
"dar largas", empleando un lenguaje a la "manera diplomtica" (non committal
language). A ello van 'dirigidas las:sJguientes expresiones:
-1 wish I could state.8 firm PQsition'"J,lt l. am unable to do so. I have to make
a reservation.
The instructions that I have.received trom my Authorities prevent me from
accepting any funding or manpower commitment.
-Since in the light of the discussion it appears that there will ,be .financial
and manpower implications I have to refer the problem back to my
Authorities and reserve the position.
-1 am afraid I have to state, frankly, that this problem doesn't enjoy high
priority in rny country.
-A decision, at this time, appears to be premature when we consider the
missing data, the lack of financial estimates, the lack of qualification of
manpower requirements. We would like to look nto this project in depth.
-We are not sure we wiU be able to provide an answer by the 31st of
January. We will try.
-Efforts are going on in fields closely related to this project such as it
would therefore be wise to await .the outcome
of these efforts before
committing ourselves to a decision.
-Persoilally, I feel strongly about this, but how can we ignore the
criticism expressed by Gennany?
It is not known at. this stage Therefore it would seem premature
--would iike to-raise
-The plan is being studied by my Authornies and you v/iJl receive our
comments as soon as pcssible.
-Surely we'd better wait tUI we get all the facts.
-We should considered aU the consequences in depth before finally
committing ourselves
..Do we really dare go ahead without consulting n.ne ?

, 23 Outcome.-The results el it.

Pgina NLim.25
1 ,,
There are matters in th document which are to be considered by
Authorities other than the Ministry of Defense (MOO). This accounts for the
difficulty in providing an answer.
-We accept the document, subject to confinnation in writing. We will
provide an answer in two week's time.
-We have lo carefu11y consider all the pros and. cons befare we take a
-We didn't have a chanca to study the document. we just glanced at it
during the coffee break.
-I'm afraid ,1m not in a position to say yes or no. I will report back to my
Authorities and wait for instructions.
-The late arrivallsubmission of the document did not provide sufficient time
to properly staff in our MOD/did not allow for proper intemal processing in
our MOO. I cannot refar, therefore, to any official position" My personal,
strictly personal, first reactionlfeeling is ..
-The instructions I have received from my Authorities preclude me from
subscribing to the propasal.
-The way I have been instructed by my Authorities doesn't allow me to join ..
the general consensus on this matter"
-I'm I cannot provide a definite answer. My national Authorities' are
now in the nitial stages of preparing their input, which is expected to be
completed in thiee weeks time.
-The proposal has been read with interest by my Authorities. They would
like to have, however, an indication as to how this project shall be funded
before they commit themselves to any decision.
-It would seem more realistic to consider this project after" the overall
problem of
................... has been made clear.
-The problem against which we all are struggling is to get sorne feeling
about the total cost of the project. We haya just heard about the hardware.
What about manning, trainin9, faciiRies? in this situation we cannot accept
..Up to Rev, "ve haven't heard a word about v/hat the cost is going to be. So I
haya to reserve my position.
-We are very sympathetic with the project but financial
constraints/manpower constraints prevent my country troro any
...Paragraph 3 of the document provides just estimates. They may be fah1y
accurate but we cannot be bound/tied by them. I haya to place l reservation
on this paragraph, asking that the equipment Usted at Annex 2, be costed.
" .
-I'm afraid manpower requirements are not cleany quantified in the
propasal. Unless they are well defined we cannot provide our answer.
-We are of the opinion that, considering the complexity of the projeet,
further time is needed for detailed consideration by
-We believe it would be prudent for us to collect further information on
several aspects of this project and resume discussions at our next meeting.
-Efforts are going on in our MeO on this project but. unfortunately. no
definite programme of work has yet been fonnulated. We will continue,
however, to urge .
-To allow for sufficient time to study the Report we would like to suggest
deferring this Item to the next meeting
..We cannot agree the Report as it presently stands. TIle following
comments are offered for considerationfThe following amendments are
-1 wish to reserve my Authorities position on the documentl on paragraph 3
of the document.
2.8.-Como evitar responder (Expressing unwillingness to answer guestions
_'Id rather not talk about that.
I'd prefer not to talk about this subject.
-1 am afraid I am not competent to answer that.question.
-This s, unfortunately, an unwelcome question. I will pass
..To be quite honest it would be embarrassing far me to embark on an
explanadon ofthe situation in my Country.
....1should like to be quite frank, I cannot answerthat question.
..1should like to speak quite frankly. It is a very touchV
issue and I prefer
that an official answer be provided by rny Ministry of Detence.
_1 am afraid I have clear recollection
of .
2.9.- Como invalidar/retirar una reserva. fLifting a reservation
-At the subject meeting the representative from the Delegation
--"reserved---the-position--on document .. ......,please be informedthat
the Spanish Athorities now lifted the reseiVation.
We are pleased to nform you that MOO SP is now in a position to lift the
reservation on document ACI317/..c ....
-The reservation placed by MOD SP on the subject document is cancelled.
Paragraph 3 of the document is accepted as initially proposed.
24 :rouchy.. -Sensitive.
Pgina Nm.27
-We now have our Authorities'agreement lo go ahead with this and
wish to proceed rapidly. Early pennission to set up the project team would
therefore 'be welcome.
En este apartado se. recogern, aquellas expresiones, de uso general, que
pueden ser utilizadas indistintamente por el Chainnan o por los representantes de los
Estas expresiones se agruparn en 25 apartados, aplicables, cada uno de ellos,
a una situacin particular.. En el subprrafo 3.21 .. , "gap-fillers"J se incluyen expresiones
IIcolchn", o de relleno, que nos pennitiran hacer una breve pausa o ganar unos
segundos, en el caso de preguntas o peticiones que nos cojan de sorpresa. En el
subprrafo 'Imiscellaneous",se han agrupado aquellas expresiones que no pertenecen a
un grupo especfico.
3.1.lntroducing subjects and opinions
- My considered opinion is ..
-1 think it is advisable lo ..
..It would be of merit to . )
..The task before us is to .
-The probJem is one of .
-To my mind .
-In my opinion .
-From my point of view ..
..As far as I can see ..
-The way I see it . )
3.2.- Expanding/Changing the subject
-There is still a further point to be considered.
aThe matter is to be considered trom a new aspect
-A further . _
3.3.- Emphasizing
- )
1 should like to draw your attention to the fact that .
-I! seems te me highly important that .
..1feal conlpeUed to stress the importance of ........
-1 must lay particular emphasis on ......
1 must stress u .....
.. I must emphasize .
25 Recollection.. -Remembering of the subject.
Pgina Nm.28

.1 want to point out .ve... .., -"
Don't forget that ......
-At the riskof overstating the obvious I would like to say .
1believe that consideration should be-given to ....
3.4.- Agreeing
:.: ... '.
-1 am fully in.accprdance.with ....
. ; ...... : :
-1 am in full with ..
1 am of the same opinion as .. : . .
-1 share your .......
..1quite agree with ..
..1fully support
-Ves, of course .
.. "..'" 1 "':-;.
-Absolutely u
) -Exactly .
..1am with you on that.
3.5.- Accepting
-1 should very much like to ., indeed.
-Ves, please. If you would be so kind .
-That is verl nice of you .
-Ves, please. 1'm looking forward to it.
3.6.- Disagreeing
-1 rather feel that might be wrong .
-1 cantt support you all the.way
..1am afraid I am not in a position to agree.
-1 am afraid I must disagree.
-That is not how I see it, I am afraid.
-1 don't quite see it like that.
..()n the contrary, I think .

3.7.- Criticising/Disapproving
..There appars to be a serious weakness ln this propasa!.
..1fail to see the usefulness of this propasal.
-1 am afraid I don't think very h.ighly of it.
-1 see IiUle or no advantage in it
-1 am not too happy about ita
-It doesn"t sound very good to me
..1don't think tes such a good idea.

not so good.
3.8.- Rejecting
-1 am very sorry. but I have a previous engagement.
-It's very kind, but I am a,fraid I must decline.
-1 am awfully sorry. but I am not in a position to
a great shame. but I am not able to
-1'm very sorry, but I really can't.
1 feel greatly honoured, but I'm afraid I must decline.
3.9.- Expressing doubts
-1 rather suspect that tes not quite correcta
-1 find it rather difficult to believe that.
1 am afraid I rather doubt if this might work.
-1 am nat too sure if
-Are you sure of your facts?
-Are you sure that . ? 11
3.10... Expressing thanks
coLet me thank the speaker .
am very grateful to 1\1r. Smith for .......
-1 wish to thank Mr. Smith 00 behalf of ..
..) am much obliged to Mr. Smith for .
-1 take very great pleasure in thanking Mr. Smith .....
3.11.- Repetition
-As I have already mentioned.
-1 must draw your attention again to .....
-let me repeat what I have just said.
-To say it again ....." )
-As I have already pointed out ......
.. ,
-As (-have just ..
..... !
-' 12.- Inviting - ,
-Let me ask you .....u
..May I invite you, Mr. Smith
to .
-We take pleasure in . )
...Maywe call upon Mr. Smith to ..
Mr. Smith, would you like to ",u.un..
Pgina Nm.30
... l _;' .. . .:4 . f" Lo' _ '.- _ .. - : .;. #.: :._..::
3.13.- Interruption
-1 hope you will forgive rny interruption, but ......
-If you will pardon me far interrupting .......
If you will excuse me, I must break in with a question .
-May I interrupt there?
-Excuse me for interrupting, but ..
3.14.- Interrupting rejection
1 shall be happv to answer questions Jatar.
1 would just like to conclude.
-1 would just like to finish my point
-Just Jet me finish, please.
-1 shan't be long.
3.15.- Cenial
-1 am afraid that this does not represent the facts.
-Unfortunately this is not the case.
-1 am afraid that 'this does not reflect the real facts.
-1 am afraid this is incorrect.
-1 am afraid this is wrong.
..That's just not right.
3.16.- Compulsion
-1 find myself compelled to .....
..1see no alternative but to disagree.
-1 have no option but to .
), There is no other way than to ...
1 am afraid I am forced to .
-The only way is to ........
3.17.:' Econ6my
-1 will not waste your time with details..
,;l:et's.not- beat about the-bushe(lt means that you want to say or answer a
question immediately and directly rather than trying to avoid it),
..Let me tal! you briefly uaouu..
-1 will try to be brief.
1 haya only a few words lo say.
There is no way but to agree.
3.18.- Confinnation se.ekers
(for the speaker
.u.. If I made myself clear
If you see rny point.
-..... If you see what I am getting ato
...... If you are with me.
00 you see my point?
-Do you follow me?
-Are you with me?
3.19.- Confirmation seekers (for the listeners
- Am I right in assuming that you mean ?
-It I understand you correctly, you are saying
-It I am nat mistaken your argument is that .
-In effect, what you are saying, then, is .
-In other words, then you mean that .
-What you mean, then, is u ....
-What you are getting at,. then, is .
-Then, what are you driving at is .
-Ir I am right, then you are saying
-Am .1 r i g ~ t assuming that you no longer support our propasal?
3.20.- Closing/Summing up.
-1 shall now briefly surnmarize.
-In closing let me say.
..In conclusion Jet me sayo
-To come to a close, let me say.
-Finally, let me say .
-In winding up, let me say .
3.21.- Gap-fillers
-Y-,Jell .
-Well-,-I sh-ould-say .......
-""eU, that is a very interesting question .
-WeU, in fact-n--.......u.
-WeU,.if you ask me .
-Well, actually, I should have thought that .
-Well, as far as I know .
-V\lell, personally, I would like to cs .
-WeU, to the best of my knowledge e
26 Seekers.-Those trying to find an answer or solution lo sorne 80rt of doubts.
-'1 ~
t /
, )
, )
Pgina Nm.32
'. .. ---.. _. -l 0&.1_ f C' ." _ _ .. __ _ .0_..
-Well. I think perhaps
-Well, personally speaking .
3.22.- Welcome
1 would like to welcome you t .
..It is a great tlonour for us to .
-You do us.a honour by .
-It is a privil(!ge to have you here ato .
-We are pleased to have .'! ;..!' .
3.23.- Thanks
..1would like too thank you tor .
...1would like to take this opportunity to thank you .
. .
-Thank you, also on beh,alf of ..
Thank you for the cordial reception extended/given/accorded to USe
3.24.- Apprec,iation for
Tour of facilities/installations/cornmand.
-Excellent presentations on .
-Convincing picture Qf .. u
-Sriefings/demonstrations, clearly showing .............
-Things of particular interest to all of USe
-What has been shown, which willleave a lasting impression on all of USe
-The informative/impressive/convincing/most interesting orientation
presentation by you and your staff.
3.25.- Presentation
-Allow/permit me t> present you with a gift from our Group.
Would you accept, as a modest of our appreciation. this
crest (group or organization design or small picture) of n ..
-As a token of our gratitude we would like you to haya this .........
yo-u, please-,- accept this plate, which bears--the crest of our
college, as a token of our gratitude/appreciation"
3.26.- MisceUaneous
would like to raise an objection of principie.
..It is by no means, my intention to un..
-It is far from me to intend ..
..1suggest we adopt the proposallthe draftlthe reportlthe amendment
,01 do not think we are allowed-to challenge the Authority of. the experts.
-We should enter it in the Minutes, to put it on the recare/

-1 suggest we postpone the decision.
-1 propose to suspend the discussion now.
The deadline imposed upon US is tootight.
-The fundings and the recommendations of the study are all very well. It is
now time to develop an implementation strategy.
-To achieve maximum benefit trom 1recommend .
My majar caneern is An early solution of this issue is essential.
-1 have to invoke our Terms of Reference (TOR's). they are very clear in
defining our responsibilities.
-A decision is all very well if I therefore believe I have the right to
challenge/question that decision.
-We can place it on the Agenda / We can delete/remove it
from the Agenda.
-We have to stick to the Agenda.
-The matter requires our full attention.
-Let's make a systematic check of all figures in the doculnent.
-We received your message but, due to garbled text, we couldn't
understand ita
..It is difficult to assess the situation
..Mrll UX" I am pleased to note that you were able to parry (cleverly avoid
answering) all the unwelcome questions successfully.
-We'''- batter take note of that .
-1 see that every approach hQre gh/es rise to controversy. )
-We have to considerthe matter careful1y, we cannotjust shrug"Oll!" )
shoulders (ignore the matter).
-Let's optimistic. V/hy should one always a gloomy/shadowy
picture about the future?
=Your arguments are nat ahrytays consistente
..................._ ----.,.y:ur viewof-the matter is extremely one-sid-ed.--
-The reaction by cannot be ignored. )
-The whole idea is absurd..
-It by no means fOUOW5 IlIOD U .
-n is an undisputet..! fact that
in pa!3S!!lg, itat

.. !1ay be forgiven the expression .....
c=lf I may- myself in these tenns oc.. ..u ....
- )
-With your permission, Mrll Chainnan. l, willleave early. I have to catch the
14.30 h. flight. I won't be able to attend the afternoon session.
. .
-So far this has not been crowned with successl.
-You will not mind If I tum to one of my assistants for an answer. Your
question is beyond my comprehensionl.
-1 think this is a substantive point. and I feel very like the UK
Thank you Mr. "X" , you had a flash of intuitionl.
-That is debatable.
-That is a conclusion that can be chaUenged.
-Yours are certainly well-groundecf' fears.
That is a reasonable offer/a reasonable demande
-This argument is nat consistent.
-This objection cannot stand.
-I'm glad to hear that piece of news/l'm cheered by the .news. We feel in
better spirits, nOWe
-I'm seeking (for) the right word but it doesn't come to my mind.
-1 would like to rectify my statement
..1don't intend to reopen the discussion.
-1 hope I'm not askinij for the impossible.
-Let's call a spade a spade
let's stop beating about the bush: !s the
proposal accepted or rejected?
-Let me explain myself better /00 you see what I mean?/Did I
make myself understood?
That is clear. There is no question about ita
-It should be borne in mind that .
-It is a ~ interesting .propasal: Let me think it over.
-1 see that the propasal is accepted by unanimous vote.
Well-grounded.-Well based, with foundation.

, ",' Es bien que una "business letter" puede considerarse compuesta de
tres partes: introduccin, texto y final.
En la se expone el asunto de que va a tratar la y se hace
una .especie de prembulo para que el lector se entere de cules son las inten
ciones del 'remitente. El tema de que va a tratar la carta puede ser absoluta
mente desconocido por el destinatario, por lo que hace falta describirlo breve
mente para ponerlo en situacin, o bien puede estar relacionado con cosas
que se discutieron o hablaron en ocasiones anteriores, en cuyo caso el prem
bulo servir como recordatorio.
Sigue a continuacin el texto o cuerpo principal de la carta, en el cual se so
mete a la consideracin del destinatario el asunto que se trate.
La carta conel uye con el final, en el cual, segn las circunstancias, se puede
incluir una solicitud de opinin o de aceptacin, o simplemente de acuse de
En este captulo incluiremos una serie de expresiones de uso frecuente en
cada una de las partes de las cartas, agrupadas por funciones, como de
4,.{. IntroduccIn de las cartas.
Con referencias a anteriores documentos/reuniones/conversa
Further to our earlier exchange (2f ietters. you will recal!
As by refererlce...
- '!ou will recall that as discussed and agreed during the
meeting heid in Paris on 9 March 1981 ...
As i mentioned in our earlier letter We would Hk to have
a meeting on the subject of...
Further to reff:rence b. that..
- This is to confirrri the telephone conversation bet'Neen.
Mr.. X and Capt. y wherein you were authorised to pro-
_. )
- with- th-e establishment- -. - .- .' --.--- - --- --
Referente is made to the telephone conversation bet
.Referente is made to para 3 of your letter regardingo..
- You will retall that during the meeting heId in SHAPE on
the 2nd February 1985 it was decided....
Pgina Nrn..

Further t referente, tlle' stations to which the manual is
to be issued are listed below...
As a result of the decision taken at... given in the referen
ce.. you are requested.
- In reference, your assistancewas sought to...
- It is unders.tood, the information provided. by your
letter at reference ,that...
- You were informed, under 'separate cover, of the need...
- Following verbal notification it is confirmed that...
Sin hacer referencia a anteriores documentos/reuniones/con
We are pleased to inform you that...
We have.been hiformed by...
- We.should be would let us knowwhether....
- We are sending ...
- We are sending you, under separate cover...
- We understand that...
As you are,'no doubt, aware...
- According to our records...
- to the information we have obtained...
- If we are not mistaken...
) 4.20; Texto o cuerpo de la carta.
,; Cmo pedir pareceres/comentarios/aprobaciones de dOC\ll!".1en
tos o propuestas:
It would be if YOU (ould review the attached
draft proposal and forward your comments/su9gestions
to this HQs by 31 July 1985.
- To progress further on this matter your comments are re...
questecL Your early attention wouid be appreciated in
view of the that.....
'Ah early reply wouid be much appreciated by thisHQ$ so
__ that the appropriate steps can be taken to procure the re..
- iun-ds": - - - - --- .- - -
- Your input is requested tor eventual consolidation and
circulation to all concerned.
- Any information/commentlsuggestion you may have
concerning paras 2 and 3 of referenced letter would be
- It would be if (ould provide any com
ments you may have on the subject.
Attached you will find... You are 'requested to screen it
and let us have your comments by 31 July 1983.
- An attempt is being made to... Any information you may
be able to provide would be of considerable help.
- It is requested that any comments on the document be
forwarded by message (by signal) as soon as possible
and not later than 6 Nov. 1981.
- Please evaluate the attached propasal and let us have
your comments at your earliest convenience.
- The attached document is sent tor your review before
submitting it tor approval to the Military Committee.
- Our request at referente has failed to produce a positive
response. We would like to Express our deep concern
and urge Nations to reconsider their position/to reconsi
der the matter, with the aim of accepting to fill the va
cant position.
- Your indication as to how this matter shall be funded
would be appreciated.
- Photocopies of the referentes are attached. It would be
appreciated if you (ould provide a reply to para 3 of refe
rence C.
It would be appreciated if you (ould advise this Head
quarters of the status of your enquiries nto the subject
- You are requested to confirmlto approve... or to com
ment thereon either by telephone or in writil19 by (lose
of business on 9 March 1987. A proforma for a written
reply is attached for your convenience.
- Attached you will find ... You are requested to review it
and let this Headquarters know of any comment you
wish to make. To allow internai processing and submis
si0':l to Budget forfinala,pproval
it would be appreciated if your comments (ould
this HQs by...
-, - - - -rt wourd' be appreciafea if you -,ould ro'ok-rn-t- tfls matte-r -
and advise this Division of the decision reached, so that
all concerned may be notified.
- It would be appreciated if you (ould advise this HQs if
you have any suggestion concerning....
- This HQs would be grateful tor your suggestions on this
Pgina Nnl.38
) ..'
It is requested that you screen the list and confirm it is
correct so that it may be distributed in final form to all
Your guidance on the subject matter would be apprecia
- We would appreciate your assistance.
- We will appreciate any efforts made...
- Would you Jet us know what action you recommend so
that... can be informed.
In order to assist discussion at the forthcoming meeting
of the Working Group, addressees are encouraged to for
ward initial comments on the enclosed draft to the Secre
tary by 5 October 1987.
- The questions posed are by no means exhaustive. Any
additional thoughts and ideas for inclusion in the docu
ment would be most welcome.
Cmo expresar parecereslcomentarioslaprobacin/desaproba
cin de documentos o propuestas:
- The list of... , received by reference, has been screened
and is agreed by this Division.
- We fully support the immediae initiation of the study as
proposed by you by eference.
- The Agenda tor the visit is acceptable to this Headquar
- Yuur suggestion concerning... is agreed by this Head
The list attached to reference has been screened by this
Headquarters and found No
tionsJdeletions/changes are suggested. 1 wculd iike te
stress, however; that the screening has been !imited to
those prograrnmes which fall within the responsibility of
this Headquarters.
-- -Th-is H-e-a-d-q-ua-rtcrs con:U-fS withyour proposal containe-d
. ".
In reTerences.
- This division agrees with the suggestion contained in re
- This Headquarters has no objection te the proposal. ..
- Arrangments suggested by referente are acceptable to
this divsion.
- The proposed establishment tor 23 personnel has been
screened and found appropriate.
Pgina N,m,39
The reference has been examined with interest by this
HQs and the comments are provided... .
- The information contained in the referenced letter has
been noted with interest by this HQs.
The following remarks are raised after the screening of
your plan.
- In reply to your referenced letter the following advice is
- The information provided by reference has been noted
with concern/with great concern by this HQs.
- This HQs does not concur with the comments provided
by... concerning... for the following reasons...
- The UK Authorities are unable to agree reference a. in its
present form.. The purpose and aim of the paper remain
unclear.. The approach we would like to see taken is the
following ... ; adoption of this approach would enable UK
to ratify.
- The report is agreed. The following minor editorial (om
ments are offered tor consideration.
We do not agree with the interpretation given in subject
document about... there would appear to be sorne confu
sion as to the meaning of the word...
- We consider the plan to be generally sound. The excep
tions to this general endorsement are Usted in the atta
ched enclosure along with our views.
Cmo devolver o reencaminar documentos que nos han entra
do por error: )
- The letter at reference, addressed to U5, was evidently )
meant tor... to whom has been passed for action.
- As the matter de-alt with in YOUi letter is outside the pur )
view of this Division, the referente has been passed_ to.... )
tor action. )
-- -It. is -consie;J-er-e'd-that this matte--r is-beyond-this Divisio'S )
sphere of activities. The letter is theefore passed to you )
tor the necessary action. )
- This task falls outside the terms of reference for the Divi
sion. No action will therefore be taken by this Division.
- This task does not fal) within our terms of referente. We
would like, therefore, to inform you that no action will
be taken by this
- This letter is passed to you a:s it appears that the subject
matter falls outside the scope of this Division.
Cmo excusarse por presentar una respuesta fuera de plazo:
- We regret that we .failed to comply with the deadline of
30 Oct. but the matter has only recently been considered
and brought to conclusion by the responsible Army Staff
Department. Any inconvenience caused by our late sub
mission is regretted. .
- Due to pressure of time ando the difficulties presented by
the summer leave period it has not been possible to
achieve the required coordination in time to produce an
answer by the deadline of 5 August. We regret any in..
convenience caused by our delayed answer.
- The information requested by reference will not be avai
labe until a later date. We therefore regret not being
J able to assist you with an input befare the meeting.

- We are sorry for not being able to provide you with the
requested information by 30 October 1987.
"J - We apologize for the delay in answering your letter.
- The delay in replying is regretted.
- Further information is being sought concerning para 1 of
referenced letter and advice will be provided at a later

,J .:. .. Cmo presentar un cambio de responsabilidades o una altera
cin de programas:

- Subsequent to the establishrnent of requirements in
1983 there have been some significant changes in res..
ponsibilities and method of work of this Ageney.
cally, we are no longer responsible for... Consequently .
we have no further requirement for...
') - The above reference in superseded. The following is the
programme tor the visit te... by...
- The arrangement contained in this ietter cancels al! other
previous instructions.
) - The su-bject re'port has been -dis(Ortihedin its p-resent
) format.
) - Due to a clash of dates with the fortheoming exercise the
inspection is rescheduled as follows.
With reference to my ietter of 7 March 1988 ! regret to
have to inform you that circumstances have forced us to
cancel the selection panel for 21 March 88. The panel has
been rearranged tor 25 April 88. AII timings will be as
shown in our orig.inal correspondence. I apologize for
any inconvenience this may cause.
Pgina Nm.4'1
I regret to inform you that arrangements for the i.nter
views on 21st. March have fallen through. We are at
tempting to arrange them for the reserve date of 25th
Cmo solicitar, o autorizar a otro
a responder en un plazo
ms dilatado que el inicialmente establecido:
- We regret to have to inform you that we are unable to
meet the deadline of 30 June 1987. The screening of the
document by my Authorities is still continuing and requi
res more time than that initially envisaged. It would ease
our problem if you (ould extend the deadline to 31 July
1987. Thank you in advance tor your cooperation.
- Due to.... it is kindly requested to extend the response
date for subject report from 7 to 18 March 1985.
The new proposed deadline for subject report is accep
- Your propasal to forward the Annual Report by 31 Ja
nuary instead of 10 January is accepted.
Cmo pedir aclaraciones/exponer las dificultades habidas
para localizar documentos de referencia:
There is no record of... in our files.
- Reference b. document has not been received by this
HQs. Tracer action has been initiated.
Document at reference has been destroyed by our Re..
gistry. We would appreciate it if you could senc;j us a spa
re copy, as a matter of urgeney, so that an answer can be
provided in time.
- Referenced document was not addressed to this HQs. We
are therefore not in a position to provided our (om
ments, unless 'vlve are provided w;th a copy 01 the docu
Cmo proponer la celebracin de una reunin:
- We consider that a meeting should be arranged to dis
(USS the 5ubject matter at your earliest convenience. If
you would be kind enough to propose a specific date du
ring the week of 24-28 August or 2.. 6 September 1985, I
can have my staff make detailed arrangements for the
Pgina Nm.42
- It would be appreciated if you could propose a suitable
date and location for a meeting to discuss the problem
and to come to an agreement on t.he definition of res
ponsibilities and the tasks to be performed.
A meeting has been scheduled on the subject matter tor
6 Sept. 85, 10.00 hrs., at NATO HQs, room T-1319. The
participation of a representative from your organization
would be very much appreciated. Attached is the Agenda
for the meeting. Request following information be provi
ded by 13 August about participants name and rank; se
curity clearance; accommodation and transportation re
quirements; travel details; accompanied/unaccom
panied. Fuerther detailed information concerning arran
gaments made. social events etc. will be given at a later
date. Point of contact at NATO HQs is Captain X, Exten
- A meeting is offered for the week 24-28 July. Items pro
posed tor discussion are the following... For planning
) '.'
purposes we would like to be informed of the likely num
ber of participants and their accommodation require
ments by 15 June.
A meeting is proposed for... Please provide us with the
names of participants. Accommodation requirements
) and travel arrangements are the responsibility of the Na
tional Delegations (of the individual concerned).
- 5ubject to your approval, 1propase to have a meeting on
this matter during the first week of If you subscri
be to my view I wauld ask you to appoint an oHicer
your representative.
- It is felt that further correspondence may delay the im
plementation of the project. May 1, therefore, suggest
holding a meeting at your earliest convenience. The
Agenda lar the meeting will be fOr\,JlJarded under separa
te (over.
- A meeting wiH be held on subject matter on 17 May,
1D.OU hrs., al HQs. We like to have either
your comments or the participation of a representative
of your Section..
- A meeting wil be held.... Since there are a number of in
telligence issues which will be discussed, we request that
a representative from your organization participate to
address questions on intelligence matters.
Cmo aceptar la propuesta de celebracin de una reunin:
- Any day of the proposed week, 24-28 July, is acceptable
to this HQs tor the meeting. Items proposed for discus
sion, in addition to tlose already on the Agenda, are the
following The composition of the visiting team is the
following Request local hotel, single accommodation
be reserved tor nights 23 to 27 July inclusive for each of
the team members.
This HQs will be represented at subject meeting by... Ac
commodation is requested tor nights... Request reserva
tions be made c-onvenient to meeting location. The draft
Agenda submitted in reference covers the items of inte
rest to this Headquarters.
The proposed meeting is accepted. The composition of
the team s Please advise if transport can collect the
team from airportlrailway station on 18 September ar
convey them to and from the hotel to the si te on 19 Set'
tember. Upon confirmation of transport availability,
vel details (arrival time, flight number, etc.) will be provl
- We regret to inform you that the 15 January is not a Con ..
venient date tor our staff to attend the meeting,
reas any day of the following week would be suitable .
Cmo presentar una negativa:
- With reference to your letter.... dated... a negative rt
is (hereby) provided.
Your concern rega;rding subject matter is shared by -.
Headquarters. We regret, however, our inability te
of assistance to you.
This Headquarters has no comments to make on
contents of the subject document.
F'inal de carta.
Cmo solicitar una respue-sta:
- Will you let us have your reply by 30 October '987.
WiU you kindly acknov,ledge receipt of this letter.
- Please keep us informed about... at your convenience.
- We are looking forward to your reply by return.
- Please note that candidates tor the post must forward
their completed standard NATO application form in du-
Pgina Nrn,44
plicate to reach the office of Head of Personnel by 19 Ja..
nuary 1988.
- Your early attention to this matter would be apprecia
Please be so kind as to wire your agreement.
- Kindly give the matter your prompt attention, in view of
the fact the budget estimates are due in by 25 Septem
We cannot stress too strongly the importance of this
- Your response. to this request is sought by close of busi
ness on 6 N o ~ e m b e r 1988.
Cmo anunciar que se continuar la correspondencia:
We shall give you further details as soan as they become
- You will hear from us as saon as we be able to say anyt
hing definite about the matter.
Cmo dar las gracias, disculparse, dar seguridades, manifes
tar fe o esperanza:
- Please, accept our thanks in advance.
- Thank you in anticipation for any information you may
be able to give USo
- Your efforts on this project are very much appreciated.
- We regret we cannot be of assistance to you on this mat
- You may rest assured that we shaH do our best to bring
this matter to a favourable solution.
- We trust that we shall be able to find a favourable solu
- We hope that funds wi!l be found to meet your 'require
- Your efforts in fhis lon--g affair have been much ap-precia
Pgina Nm.45
4.4. Ejemplos de carta de agradecimiento y elogio.
Aunque las situaciones pueden ser diversas, todas tienen algunos puntos en
comn: el agradecimiento por el esfuerzo realizado (preparacin de las salas
de conferencias, por el servicio de intrpretes, el transporte de los delegados,
las eventuales visitas a fbricas o instalaciones
las presentacion.es, etc.) y
por la hospitalidad recibida. Es oportuno ded.icar algunas palabras en favor
de las personas que se han embarcado en la aventura de proponer la visita,
hacerla aceptar por sus autoridades, organizndola y proveyendo las ayudas
necesarias. Acontlnu..dc..ln se exponen algunos ejemplos de cartas de agra
decimien te:
Dear General X,
I would like te express my sincere appreciation tor the sup..
port provided by your staH to my Agency in the conduct ot the...
(ourse. They so wilJingly volunteered to provide three key lectures
covering... The presentations on these subjects by LTe y were outs..
tanding. The manner in which they were presented reflected LTC Ys
professionalism, knowledge and experience.
Thank you again for your support and, pJease, extend my thanks to
LTC. y tor a job well done.
Yours sincerely,
Colonel Y.

Dear Admiraf. .. ,
Recentfy the 24th ... meeting, hosted by your Command was held at )
the MOD.
Through the efforts of your stafi this meeting was an outstanding
It was hosted in .a superb thE:
ness ofthe people.
It was quite eviden_t from the start that a good d_eal of thought and
prior preparation had taken placea In particular I \A/Ould like to ack..
nowledge the keen thorough efforts of Brigadier General X and
Colonel Y, whose direct involvement was greatiy responsible for the
Your presence was particulariy noted by all and certainly emphasi
zed the importance on... by the Armed Forces.
Pgina Nm.46
I would like to thank you tor the highly successful manner in which
you spirit of the alliance. ,
Yours sincerely,
Colonel X.
Dear General. ..,
On behalf of the NATO Military Committee I like to convey to
you our sincere thanks tor hosting the... Agency Plenary meeting in
your Country.
I understand that your opening remarks were very well received. I
also understand that the facilities made available to... tor conducting
the meeting were first class.
The warm hospitality and social events were very much appre,ciated
In particular I would like to commend the keen alnd thorough efforts
of the National. .. Member, Colonel X, whose direct involvement was
largely responsible tor the 5uccess of the meeting,.
Thank you once again for your efforts in assisting the Agency in their
Yours sincerely,
General Y.
Dear General. .. ,
I am "'Jriting to say ho\,v very much all of us here at the NATO HQs ap
preciated the way MOD ensured that the 3rd NATO... Symposium got
a good start and provided the facilities and the support for what was
clearly a most successful evento There is no doubt that the Sympo
sium was thoroughly appreciated by those wha ,attended it and pro
vided the atmosphere and stimulus necessary too sustain
I should be gratefu/ if you could pass on our thanks to your staff and
in particular to (clonel Xtor his untiring efforts,o
Yours sincerely,
General Y.
Dear Mr.... ,
On 28 January 1986 a NATq Working_ Group from the... Ageney,
made up of military personnel and representatives from'tneCivil
Administrations of NATO Countries, visited the RTI station in...
On b'ehalf of the visitors and myseif I would like to exp(ess our since..
re thanks to you for being so kind and cooperative in accepting the
visit and tor the mast thoughtful and thorough preparation. The
very informative briefing and the tour of the facilities gave the visi
tors an excellent opportunity from a professional point of view. They
very much enjoyed it and were greatly impressed.

They also very much enjoyed the delightful party.1 would be pleased
if you would relay my appreciation to all those i n v o l v e ~ in the arran
gements tor our visito
Thank you again tor a very interesting and enjoyable afternoon.
Yours sincerely,
General Y.
Dear Colonel X, I
I would like to express rny sincere appreciation to you tor your sup
port given to the highly successful. .. Conference, 20-23 September
The contributions made by your representatives were of great bene
fit to all conferees. I was particularly impressed with the informative
presentations made by Captain X, Mr. Yand Mr. E, as well as the acti
ve participation of Mr. A throughout the conference.
Again, thank you tor your support of this important annual confe
rence. Also, please, extend my personal thanks to Captain X, Mr. Y
and Mr. Zfor a job so well done.
Yours sincerely.
Dear Calanel X,
Please accept my sincere thanks far the enlightening tour and brie..
fings that I received on 18 August 1986.
The information provided by you and your staff wilt be of great help
to me in carrying out my duties. I sensed I was in the midst of a devo
ted professional staff (1 was really impressed with the high profes
sionalism of your staff). The hospitality was also much appreciated
and made my visit extremely enjoyable (the luncheon was superb
and I thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere).
Please accept my thanks, together with my best wishes also to your
staff members as for continued 5uccess.
Yours sincerely,
G"eneral X.
Dear Colonei X,
I flt I must wri'te to thank you personally tor the really outstanding l
care and concern you, your officers and soldiers demonstrated to our
deleg-ation-during our stay in. -
Individuals are too numerous to mention, with the exception of Lieu
tenant Colonel X (the action officer) whose kindness itself and cour...
tesy were exceptional.
. )
Pgina Nm.48
Thank you for a most useful presentation' and for showing me 50
much of your splendid facilities. Thank you also for the and for
being such a generous host. -
Yours sincerely,
Colonel Y.
Dear Colonel X,
The first NATO Course was recently held your School, under the di
rection of my Agency. The (ourse was assimilated very well by the
students representing 15 NATO Nations and 7 NATO Commands. The
overall success of the course, however, can be directly attributed to
the superb support and extensive arrangements and behind... the
scene actions so efficiently provided by your staff.
The administrative needs, transportation and hotel accommodation,
and arrangements tor social functions must have created a signifi
cant workload, and required considerable time, detailed attention
creative thought. 1would like to extend my sincere appreciation
for the support provided by you and the entire school staff. I would
particularly like to acknowledge Captain X, Mr. Y and Mr. Z tor their
respective lectures presented during the (ourse. Special mention is
due to Majar A. Majar A's untiring etforts in the precourse arrange..
ments. His masterlul orchestration of details and arrangements du..
ring the course was indeed paramount to the courses success and
are most gratefully appreciated.
Thank you again tor the fine support provided tor the Nato... Course
and, please, extend my thanks and appreciation to your entire staff..
Yours sincerely,
Colonel Y.
Dear General X,
I would like to express my sincere appreciation tor the excellent sup
port provided by the US Military Communications and Electronics
Board to the ARFA symposium. The outstanding presentation by Mr.
X, of the United States Air Force... , on ECM Resistant Communica
tions 5ystems
was a superb and thoughtprovoking introduction to a
.topLc.. o.f.great i.nterest to the J\jATO Community. Despite the broad
and technical complexity of the tapie, the presentation was clear,
and _extremely informative, reflecting Mr. Xis in-depth know
ledge and professionalism. -
Thank you again tor ycur supp'ort and please extend my appreciation
and congratulations to Mr. Xtor a well done job.
Yours sincerely,
Colonel Y.
Pgina Nm.49
Ejemplo d,e carta de elogio dirigida auna persona:
Subject: letter of commendation.
I am pleased to commend you tor your outstanding services as... at....
From Nov. 1980 to Jan. 1984 you have been... raising the efficieney of
your office to that of a smoothly running organization.
I appreciated your marked capability fo,r productive work and your
outstanding qualities of integrity, dedication and job knowledge. By
counselling, personal example and encouragement you have been
able to censiderabty'improve'-the of your assistants.
You have accomplish'ed all dties"ind lsks "in a skilful manner, with
sincere concern tor the NATO mission.
Many thanks, Col. ... , for a job extremely well done and congratula..
tions tor the professionalism you have shown in all aspects of your
job and tor the way in whict; you represented and honoured your
Ejemplo de carta de elogio dirigida a la autoridad de quien depende el
for the ... tv1ilitary Representative.
Subject: letter of commendation.
It is indeed a real pleasure tor me to commend Lt. (olonel. .. for his
outstanding services as...
I have been impressed bY;1his marked capability for enthusiastic and
productive work and his outstanding qualities of integrity, dedica
tion and job knowledge. A truly professional man, highly rnotivated,
who provided an absolutely superior performance. His skill, his
"must do' attitude, his periormance, his disposition have all
contributed to making his oHice a smoothly running organization.
.. from, his colleaguesandsubordjnates as well
were highly complimentary of his performance, attitude and lea- e
- . -
We have greatly benefitted from his tireless and unlimited 5UPPOrt )
and the great amount of work he has accomplished.
In summary it has been a pleasure to have him on my staff because
of his enthusiatic approach to work and life, coupied with a
fuI sense of humour. He is one of the very few individuals I have met
in my career about whom I can sincere!y say it has been a pleasure t
know. One whose total dedication and outstanding behaviour re
flects very honourabiy on himself and hs Country. I
Pgina Nm.50
5.1. Generalidades.
En el campo de las actividades internacionales son muchas las ocasiones en
que es preciso pronunciar algunas palabras de circunstancias: reuniones, ac
tos sociales, manifestaciones deportivas, actos de toma de posesin, bienveni
das, despedidas, etc. Es lo mismo que en Espaa, slo que en otra lengua.
En prrafos siguientes expondremos algunos ejemplos de discursitos tpicos.
En dichos ejemplos se podrn apreciar una serie de frases y expresiones recu
rrentes, buenas para todas las ocasiones a las que habr que aadir, aqu o
all, algn concepto puntual propio de la ocasin de que se trate o que sugie
ran las circunstancias.
Es de sealar que los discursos con frecuencia van asociados a un brindis, pa
ra los cuales existen "frmulas" muy precisas, tanto sea para proponerlos co
mo para responder al que lo ha propuesto. En los puntos 5.10 y 5.11 se ofre
cen algunas de "frmulas".
Discursos de despedida..
Los discursos de despedida son algo de lo que es dificil librarse.
Veamos cmo estructurar el discurso que pronunciar el que se va: elemen
tos de inclusin obligatoria: sentimiento de tristeza por tener que dejar a tan
excelentes compaeros, mezclado con la natural alegra del regreso a la Pa
tria; satisfaccin por la labor realizada y agradecimiento por la colaboracin
recibida; placer por saberse relevado por un compaero tan preparado y com
petente; agradecimiento a la Organizacin en la que se ha estado destinado;
agradecimiento a todos los que han participado en el (eventual) regalito de
despedida; expresin de deseo de buena suerte para todos.
_Ot.;ra cosa no omitirse nunca es el dedicar un recuerdo a los que es
tn ausentes por No dberemos olvidarnos de-dedicar algunas
frases corteses al pas en que hemos trabajado
a poder ser en su ni de
agradecer al stafflas-eventu.ales elogios recibidos en el discurso de
que nos han dedicado, teniendo en cuenta el mencionar en el agradecimiento
a. la propia esposa (Eleanor and 1).
Se nos agradecer que en nuestras palabras de despedida mencionemos algu
na anctoda, de tipo "no profesional", sino de cosas que nos hayan ocurrido
Pgina Nm.51
durante el tiempo que hemos pasado en el destino (malentendidos
cos o situaciones raras debidas al desconocimiento de los usos y
Al preparar un discurso dirigido a una persona que se va deberemos buscar
las referencias en el entorno de la personalidad del mismo.
Se concluye dndole las gracias por el trabajo que ha realizado, por el regalo
de recuerdo que haya dejado (si procede) y desendole un rpido progreso en
su carrera 0, en su caso, un apacible retiro. Tampoco en este caso deberemos
olvidarnos de mencionar a su esposa.
A continuacin ofreceremos algunos ejemplos de discursos de despedida. De
su lectura deduciremos fcilmente sr se han pronunciado durante la ceremo
nia oficial celebrada en el destino o en el almuerzo de despedida. .
5.2.1. Ejemplo de discurso dirigido a una persona que cesa en el puesto:
I now have the sad duty of bidding farewell to Col. X, v"ha has been
in the post as... since June 1989. Although he will not leave us for a
few weeks yet, this is his last formal appearance at a meeting of the
In his role as... Col. X, has been invaluab.le to US, and in particular to
me, in providing a fund of experience, knowledge and sound (om
monsense, and in chairing many meetings with great leadership.
In his areas of responsibility he was an acknowledged expert whose
advise was sought and opinions valued.
His wisdom, dynamism and enthusiasm have been admired by all of
us and his Joyalty and efficiency have been much appreciated and
will be missed, as well as his sharp sense of humor, which we have
all appreciated, or should say suffered! Gentlemen, on your behalf, I
would like to thank Col. X, tor all that he has done tor the Alliance
aQd tor the wa.rm friendsn-ip that--h-e and his ch-armi'ngwife, Dorothy,
have shown tor us throughout their time in Brussels.
yo_u vei'Y m-uch, Colonel, and we wish you -a-nd Dorothy every
5uccesjfor the future.

Ladies and Gentlemen:
We are here today to bid farewell to Col. X, who after spending
three years with us and nearly 40 years in his country's Navy will reti
re in a few days.
Pgina Nm.52
Mine will neither be a speech nor a kind of efficiency reporto Just a
fewwords, only to say that he didn't spare us, but certainly he didn't
spare him self either, setting an example of and motiva
ton which we all have been able to admire.
In a few days he will retire. I don't believe he will suffer, since he is a
man of wide interests, ranging from tennis to golf, from music to
reading, from fishing to mushrooming. And I shall stop here, just to
not reveal aH his ammunitions! We will certainly miss him: his ability,
his advice, his patience, his help, his sharp sense of humour.
It has not been easy, though, tor us to choose a parting gift, as we
wanted it to say so much on our However, we all hope it ex
presses the very high regard and affection we all have for you, Colo
nel X, and we wish you the happiest of times in your The
best of good luck to you and to your charming wife...
Ejemplo de discurso a pronunciar por el saliente:
Ladies and Gentlemen:
The official orator, the Brutus 01 the situation, said very flattering
things about me. He has been only too kind and, may I add, not very
truthful. He has credited me with virtues I wasn't aware of and has
conveniently omitted my failings: a very good example of human ge
nerosity! But I know my limitations, though I am not going to correct
him since I do not intend to revea"1 all my secrets.
I won't a reply to the compliments he paid me, which are
entirely undeserved, but I feel bound to say one thing. On occasions
like these the person who is departing. particuiarly f he is the boss,
gets all the credit. As a matter of fact, the boss, that is to say your
Chairman, deserves very little of what has been accomplished so tare
The positive achievements, if any, and the smooth running 01 the
Ageney during the period that is coming to end are due to all of you.
) There are many here today who have played a better game than I
) did. Teamwork brought to
I am not suggesting
however, that the u-nrortu-nate events have
been caused by teamwork. The short comings are also my Qwn and I
am n-ot trying to sni-ft the -blame disasters_ Qn to y_ou. For the things
that went smoothly toe Staff deserves our praise, ter the -tragedies
and disasters I authorize you to biame me.
I can only add that it has been a great honour for me to chair such a
committee" to which I extend my most hearty congratulations..
My wife and I are delighted with the parting gift. Certainly you have
given much thought to choosing t. We will value it both tor itself
and for what it means to USe Thank you all. l
Befare I end I must beg you to en'darse a word of thanks to Mr... and
Mr... who arranged this excellent dinner tonight. I would like to also
spare a thought for absent friends (hospital...) and let's hope that
next time they will be with USe /
ladies and Gentlemen, thank you very much again for your kind wis..
hes and present and for the pleasure and joy you have given me
and... (nombre de la esposa) tonight.
And finally may I ask you to raise your glass and drink to the success
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Delivering a speech in a language that is not your own is not an easy
task. Replying to a speech is even more difficult. May be I should just
say "thanks" tor the nice gift and sit down. But I am sure that you
wonCt let me get away with that much.
John said such flattering things about me, quite undeserved. At the
moment of the departure we lose sight of whatever went wrong and
we consider that the best one is leaving. I accept your complimentary
remarks in that spirit.
1 depart tram here with a real mixture of'feeling. It is sad to leave
people with whom I have been working for three years, people who
have provided me with their outmost cooperation and loyalty.. To
leave an organization which has been professionally rewarding. To
leave a Country which has given me and my family such warm
hospitality. On the other hand I am happy to go back to my own
country, to meet my old friends again.
People, however, move on. It is in the nature of things.. What does
count is the organization. And I am happy t9hand over to a very.a.bte
success-or- in the person of Calonel Y. I am sure he will be able to
achieve as much and even more than I did, and I wish him every suc:
- -- - - -
- )
-cess: -
Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for being here, thank you ror
listening to me, thank you tor choosing this beautiful parting gift. I
will value it both tor itself and for what it means to me. Betty and I
would like to wish you all every success and happiness..
We will take back with us s.o many happy memories of these t h ~ r e e
years. Good bye.

5.3. Cmo hacer la presentacin de un orador.
Un orador invitado a pronunciar una conferencia tiene siempre derecho a
que el Chairman diga algunas palabras de presentacin. Qu decir en tal cir
cunstancia?.. Hay donde escoger: Quin es el orador) a qu Organizacin per
tenece, cul es su entorno, qu autoridad tiene sobre la materia de que va. a
hablar, etc.
Otros aspectos que se pueden mencionar son: la experiencia del orador en su
actividad especfica. las publicaciones cientficas que ha realizado.
Algunos consejos que conviene tener presentes: no decir nunca que el orador
no necesita presentacin (the speaker neds no presentation); en el mejor de
los casos siempre habr entre la audiencia alguien que lo ve o va a escuchar
por primera vez.
Destacar el motivo por el que ha sido invitado a hablar.
Aprenderse bien el nombre (y la correcta pronunciacin del mismo) del ora
dor. No resulta agradable ser corregido por una cosa tan tonta.
5.3.1. Ejemplo de discurso de presentacin de un orador:
Ladjes and Gentlemen:
It is my pleasure, now, to introduce Dr. X. He has kindly accepted to
provide us with a presentation on...
Dr. X is an authorty in this field. He is presently Director of... after
spending ttAlenty years in dealing with... He is also the author of
many articles and publications on this extremely interesting ..
I am sure that after listening to his presentation we wHI have a bet..
ter understanding of...
Dr. X, the floor is yours.
5.4. Cmo dar las gracias a un orador por su intervencin:
No hace falta pronunciar un largo discurso: los oyentes habrn tenido la
) -
_ de juzgar por s mismos la vala del orador.
- -'- - ---
Puntos a tener en cuenta: se debe expresar el agradecimiento en nombre de
as como resaltar la calidad del contenido del discurso, citando ai efecto
algn aspecto que hayamos encontrado particularmente interesante.
Pgina Nm.55
5.4.1. Ejemplo de discurso de agradecimiento a un orador:
Thank you, Dr. X, tor the most and comprehensive pre
sentation. There is no doubt that you raised a lot of interest and pro
vided many good points tor discussion. The large number of ques
tions and comments by the audience proves this.
I realize it was not easy, in this short of time, to cover a subject
of such broad and technical complexity as... You did it very well. It
was indeed a superb and thought-provoking introduction to a topie
of great interest to our community.
The clear, concise and extremely informative way you presented the
tapie reffects your in-depth knowledge and professionalism. As a re
sult we now better understand what... s, and what it entails.
I would like to mention two specific points which I found extremely )
stimulating and worthwhile: firstu.; second....
On behalf of everybody I woul4.i like to thank your again, Dr. X, for
helping us to become more knowledgeable on...
5.5. Discurso para una ceremonia de clausura de un acontecimiento de

Puede ocurrirle a cualquiera, y no sola.-rnente en el mbito de urIa Organiza
cin internacional, el tener que preparar, asistir o participar en un aconteci
miento deportivo: partidos de ftbol, de baloncesto o tenis.
Se puede ver uno involucrado como organizador, capitn de equipo o como de
legado oficial. En cualquier caso, al finalizar los actos puede surgir la necesi
dad de tener que pronunciar algunas palabras de compromiso.
El organizador tratar de congraciar a vencedores y vencidos, poniendo espe
cial nfasis en la deportividad de ambos contendientes.y agradecindoles el
. )
bello espectculo ofrecido. El capitn o el delegado oficial del equipo vencedor
dir que ha sido un encuentro muy disputado) en el que se han enfrentado a
un equipo-digno del mayor respecto y que ser- recordado
no por el resul tado
sino por el espritu de sana competicin con ei que los equipos han jugado. El'
_ o del. e-quipo vencedor--recon-ocer nobtemente-ra- su-
perioridad demostrada por el vencedor.
El equipo Uforastero" agradecer la hospitalidad del anfitrin y har votos
para que se celebre pronto un partido "de vuelta" para poder devolver las
atenciones recibidas en esta visita.
Estas pocas ideas se expo_ne i:1g1s en los prrafos siguientes.
Pgina Nm.56
5.5.1. Ejemplo de discurso del organizador del encuentro:
Ladies and Gentlemen:
It me very great pleasure to propase a toast to the two teams
who have entertained us so well this afternoon.
Ithink everyone who saw the match will agree it was a splendid
game. Of course one team has to win and the other loose; but I think
the winners will forgive me if I say that although they deserve our
congratulations for their very fine performance, the result was not
the most important part of the afternoon's entertainment. What
me most and I think I am speaking tor all the spectators, was
the fine spirit in whch the game was played. It was hard-fought yet
always in the highest sport tradition.
And therefore ladies and gent,l.e.men, I ask you to drink to the health
of the two teams and their captains.
5.5.2. Ejemplo de discurso del equipo vencedor:
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I have the greatest pleasure in proposing a toast to our opponents.
We had an excellent game. We managed to win but our opponents
did give us sorne unconfortable moments. They were, however, not
only keen and able players, but they also showed themseives as fine
It is not tor the result that we shall remember this game so much as
tor the spirit in which it was played.
Ladies an Gentlemen, therefore toast to our opponents, the club....
coupled with the name of their captain...
5.5.3. Ejemplo de discurso del equipo perdedor:
Ladies and Gentlemen:
On behalf of avery chastened team, I wish to thank you for your
fl10st cordial toaste We have been soundly beaten and - have no in:
_tenttqn to In his speech Mr... has been too 'ge
nerOU5 in their victory, r can on]y reply that we know th-e-better tea-m
We tried our hardest to give you a good game and it is conforting to
hear that you do not consider your afternoon as entirely wasted.
You were simply too good tor LIS, but we enjoyed the match.
Pgina Nm.57
I must thank you for the way in which you entertained USe We sl-,all
have the pleasure of reciprocating your hospitality on occasion
of the return match.. I don't say that we plan to avenge today's de
feat, only hope to have another good, sporting game. On behalf
of the... Club, I thank you..
5.6. Discurso en un acto social ofrecido por un Pas anfitrin.
General White, ladies and Gentlemen: .
Personally and on behalf of'the Committee Members I would like to express
our gratitude to you, sir, and to your 5taff tor hosting our meeting in such a
superb manner. I can assure you that the overall calibre of the across-the
board support provided to this important NATO event did not 90 unnoticed
by the many NATO Allies who were your guests for a full week.
1 would particularly like to commend three highly professional individuals
tor their tireless and unlimited support to this important meeting: captain
X, who served as a perfect example of an executive agent in his role as your
project officer; LT. V, who supervised the administrative support team and
personally accomplished a vast amount of the workload himself; Miss Z,
who provided long hours of flawless typing support. The large measure of
success attained by the committee was, in no small part, a direct reflection
of the significant contributions provided by these three individuals..
Coming now to the hospitality provided 1can only say that it couldn't have
been better. You made everybody feel at home. The sightseeing tour, the
visit to your Army Technical Center, social events were aH occasions,
which and pleased everybody. We will 90 back.not only \A!ith the
satisfaction of having achieved a successful meeting but also with many
happy memories of your marvellous country.
I would now like to ask you to accept, as small token of our gratitude, the
NATO plaque. We hope that it will find a place in your Officers' Mess.
Very many thanks again for all you have done tor U5, and tor this m?st el"\,
joyable eveni-n-g.
5.7. _Discurso para una so-b-remesa o c-m-o -'h--ablar- mu-cho
sin decir nada.
Puede suceder que al finalizar un almuerw se nos invite a pronunciar unas
palabras. Para evitar sentirnos embarazados se incluye a continuacin un
ejemplo de "discurso todo-terreno para una sobremesa":
Pgina Nm.58
ladies and Gentlemen:
This caH to speak carne to me quite unexpectedly.. You know very well that
only very few really gifted people, can make a good, impromtu speech in a
language which is not their own. I do not belong to the category!
Since the basic ingredients tor a witty speech are missing I should refrain
from going on. But having been wined and dined so welll'm sure you are in
a mellow moad and will certainly be sympathetic to me whatever I may
sayo Indeed a few words, according to the old advice to after dinner spea
I am already at the shut-up phase. But before quitting, let me express my
thanks for a most enjoyable evening. My thanks also 90 to those who, ge
nerously calling upon me, gave me an opportunity to elicit your sympathy.
The reason why I am so confident of your sympathy is that I have often
heard complaints that speeches were too long, but I have never heard (cm
plaints about a speech being too short!
Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you again for a lovely evening.
5.8. Discurso de agradecimiento tras una visita a una industria.
At the end of the visit please allow me to saya few words to express our
gratitude, a!so on behalf of the... Authorities, tor the opportunity you gave
us to visit your firm, for the interesting programme arranged and fo.r the
cordial reception and hospitality accorded to uso
The excellent presentation given by your staff this morning was a most in
teresting and useful orientation and set the stage very well tor what pro
ved a very productive tour of your facilities. They, no doubt, are very im
pressive. Of particular interest te aH of us was the look at the production
facilities and learning about the management of such a large firmo Further,
w'e have seenthihgs' which a-ppear to appJy directly to our ,military com
mand and control system.
The convincing picture you have-shovvn will-Ieave -a lasting of
your firm on all of us. I would like to thank you and all the personnel nvol
ved in our visit for this very instructive day.
Last, but certainly not least, please accept our thanks tor the invitation to
this excellent luncheon, where everything was superb: atmosphere, food
and wine! Be sure everybody thoroughly enjoyed it.
Pgina r-.Jm.59

Would you please accept, as a small token of our appreciation and gratitu
de, this plate which bears the crest of our college.
May I now offer a toast to you and your staff.
5.. 9. Discurso de apertura de un simposium.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
On. behalf of the Chief of General Staff I take pleasure in welcoming you
I would like to stress first that we consider it a privilege as well as a pleasu
re to host this symposium in.... We are proud of the presence here today of
representatives from all NATO Nations and Commands, military organiza
tions and private companies as well. They all prove the importance we at
tach to electronic warlare.
We trust that the symposium will provide answers to the many problems
which we are faced with. And we hope taht the organizational arrange
ments we have set up are adequate ter a successfui business session. But as
the Host Country we hop.e even more that we be su(cessful in making ap
propriate arrangements so that everybody feels at home.
We have tried to utiHze, to the best of our ability, the time left over from
work to organize sorne visits we consider of interest, and a sightseeing tour
including what is a "must
in... from an artistic point of view. AII this will
take place during the forthcoming days, as detailed in the programme.
Tonight we have arranged a "warm-up" social event, to give the delegates
and their ladies a chance to meet each other and to taste on-the-spot
sorne.... foad and wine. In this way, we trust, everybody will 90 back to his
Country not only pleased with valuable work carried out but also with so
rne happy memories of our Country.
. )
Your Agenda is such a heavy one that I kno'.&.J you want to get down to
work as quickiy as p o s s i b i e ~ So I shall spare you a very long speech",But be,
fo"re leavi-n'g--y-ou to your worl< rwuld-Uke to'th'ank aH the participants, tho
se who kindly accepted to chair the different sessions, and the lecturers
~ )
who wi.lt make their knowledge- avaHa-ble to us and, 1- am sure, provi-de U5
with good points tor discussion.
Ladies and Gentlemen, enjoy the symposium, enjoy your stay in.... With )
that, I have the privilege and the hon.our to open the symposium. ')

-::/ 'o/
( . (


Al levantarse a I PrOpllesta del brindis En honor de Discurso Invitacin a beber En honor de

l8dies and Gentlemen:
- lt is with great pleasure' - lo propose a toast too - Our guests.
that' rise. - lo ask you to drink. - Our Chairman. Segn
It is my privilege. to the health of. - The Royal Navy.
It is my very pleas!nt
- To propase the health
Our Army.
The Armed
My task tonight is the forces.
honour rather than the - The two teams.
duty. - Our opponents.
- I have the gretest - The winner off
- It gives me very great I
11 is my happy duty to
rise ando
I am very happy.
ladies and Gentlemen:
- lets' drink to the
- I ask you to join me
in drinking to the
health of.
- Our guests.
- TheArmy.


Allevanltarse a hablar Discurso Fnnula de tenninaci6n

ladies and Gentlemen:
- I wish to thank you most sincerel)1 tor the way you have a<cepted this toast.
- I feel greatly honoured by your kind reception of this
- I feeJ quite unwor1hy :-,f the honour of replying to this toast.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
- 18m happy to thank yo on behalf of... for
your kind toast.
- Thantk you most sincerely for the cordial
reception you have given to this toaste



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