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Kevin 1hour 150 words 20minutes www.ielts.etest.edu.cn NEEA ID 1456 1470 Kevinsat2400@126.

com Sat2400 Task One: Task Two:

The table gives a breakdown of the different types of family who were living in poverty in Australia in 1999.

On average, 11% of all households, comprising almost two million people, were in this position. However, those consisting of only one parent or a single adult had almost double this proportion of poor people, with 21% and 19% respectively. Couples generally tended to be the better off, with lower poverty levels for couples without children (7%) than those with children (12%). It is noticeable that for both types of household with children, a higher than average proportion were living in poverty at this time.

Older people were generally less likely to be poor, though once again the trend favoured elderly couples (only 4%) rather than single elderly people (6%).

Overall the table suggests that households of single adults and those with children were more likely to be living in poverty than those consisting of couples.

The Steps of Task One: 1. subject, realm( )subtitle, sample(), unit, 2 2. 3. 4. proofreading

1 - 2 -+ 1 + 2

The chart gives information about post-school qualifications in terms of the different levels of further education reached by men and women in Australia in 1999. / + + + 6-1 The chart and table given present the information regarding the water used globally and the water consumptions in Brazil and Congo.

The given chart and table reveal the situation about water used in the modern world. In the curve chart, the tendencies / trends of water consumed by different sectors have been shown. The table describes the water consumption in Brazil and Congo in 2000.

How to rewrite a sentence? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. -

6-2 The table given/below describes the average distances traveled per person per year by different modes in England in the year of 1985 and 2000.

The changes in modes of travel in England in the last fifteen years of the 20th century are shown in the table below.

There were obvious changes taking place in the mode of traveling in England in 1985 and 2000. These are revealed in the table below.

1 1 2

Before writing this part 3 : 1. 2. 3. 4.

5 S n n e fo D g mD sc tio 0 e te c s r ia ra e rip n 1. The table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to... ......... 2.the bar chart illustrates that... ... 3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding... ...

4.the diagram shows (that)... ... 5.the pie graph depicts (that).... ... 6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of... ... 7.the figures/statistics show (that)... ... 8.the tree diagram reveals how... ... 9.the data/statistics show (that)... ... 10.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that... ... 11.as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table... ... 12.according to the chart/figures... ... 13.as is shown in the table... ... 14.as can be seen from the diagram, great changes have taken place in... ... 15.from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly that...or it is clear/apparent from the chart that... ... 16.this is a graph which illustrates... ... 17.this table shows the changing proportion of a & b from...to... ...... a b 18.the graph, presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in... ...

19.this is a column chart showing... ... 20.as can be seen from the graph, the two curves show the fluctuation of... ... 21.over the period from...to...the...remained level. ......... 22.in the year between...and... ......... 23.in the 3 years spanning from 1995 through 1998... 1995 1998 ... 24.from then on/from this time onwards... ... 25.the number of...remained steady/stable from (month/year) to (month/year). ...()...... 26.the number sharply went up to... ... 27.the percentage of...stayed the same between...and... ......... 28.the figures peaked at...in(month/year) ...... ... 29.the percentage remained steady at... ... 30.the percentage of...is sightly larger/smaller than that of... ...... 31.there is not a great deal of difference between...and... ...... 32.the graphs show a threefold increase in the number of... ... 33....decreased year by year while...increased steadily. ...... 34.the situation reached a peak(a high point at) of[%].

...... 35.the figures/situation bottomed out in... ... 36.the figures reached the bottom/a low point/hit a trough. 37.a is ...times as much/many as b. a b ... 38.a increased by...a ... 40.high/low/great/small/ percentage. 41.there is an upward trend in the number of... ... 42.a considerable increase/decrease occurred from...to... ...... 43.from...to...the rate of decrease slow down. ...... 44.from this year onthere was a gradual declining reduction in the...,reaching a figure of... ... ... 45.be similar to...... 46.be the same as...... 39.a increased to...a ...

47.there are a lot similarities/differences between...and... ...... 48.a has something in common with b 49.the difference between a and b lies in... 50...(year)witnessed/saw a sharp rise in... 1 a data graph/chart/diagram/illustration/table pie chart bar chart / histogram line chart / curve diagram

a b a b ... ......

table flow chart / sequence diagram processing/procedures diagram The table/chart diagram/graph shows (that) According to the table/chart diagram/graph As (is) shown in the table/chart diagram/graph As can be seen from the table/chart/diagram/graph/figures, figures/statistics shows (that)... It can be seen from the figures/statistics We can see from the figures/statistics It is clear from the figures/statistics It is apparent from the figures/statistics table/chart/diagram/graph figures (that) ... table/chart/diagram/graph shows/describes/illustrates how

data data fixed in time (19XX) changes over time (20XX to 20YY) data : increase / raise / rise / go up ... to X% in 190xx decrease / grow down / drop / fall ... to x% in 20xx fluctuate / rebound / undulate / wave ... from a to b remain stable / stabilize / level off ... at X% for xx years + Verb + Adverb form + Adjective + Noun form 1. Verb+Adverb form

The number of XXX +increase/jump/rise/decrease/drop/fall/fluctuate... +insignificantly/significantly/slightly/suddenly/rapidly/dramatically/sharply/steeply/s teadily/gradually/slowly... +from () to () / between () and () The number/amount/percentage of X + V + + from (time 1) to (time 2). The amount of water used by the agriculture sector globally increased continually from 1900 to 2000. 2. Adjective+Noun form There was a (very) sudden/rapid/dramatic/significant/sharp/steep/steady/gradual/slow/slight +increase/jump/rise/decrease/drop/fall/fluctuation fluctuation +in the number of XXX from () to () / between () and ( ) There was a adj + N in the number of X from (time 1) to (time 2).

6-1 The amount of global water used by agriculture had been increasing steadily from 500km in 1900 to 3000km in 2000. From 1970 to 2000, there was a slight fluctuation in the number of divorces between 1 million and 1.4million. The last three decades of the 20th century witnessed an insignificant fluctuation in the divorced population from 1 million to 1.4 million.

witness + adjective + N in ______.

data 1. The number of XXX remained steady/stable from () to () / between () and () 2. The number of XXX stayed the same from () to () / between ( ) and () 3. There was little change / hardly any change / no change in the number of XXX from from () to () / between () and () data Noun form: steady drop / dramatic fall / sharp drop/ sharp rise peak

Verbal form: (to) bottom out / (to) reach the bottom / (to) increase gradually / (to) reach a plateau / (to) remain steady

the highest point the lowest point The monthly profit / The figures / The situation ... +peaked in (/) < at XXX> at XXX% / XXX( data) reached a peak / a high point at XXX% / XXX( data) XXX bottomed out / reached

+rock / the bottom / a low point hit a trough conjunctional words/sentences as well as(/), also, as well(), either, neither, too, moreover, furthermore, in addition, additionally, besides, what's more, apart from ... /similarly, likewise(/), at the same time, equally ...

however, whereas, nevertheless, nonetheless, though, although, even though, while, yet, on the contrary, contrarily, in contrast, conversely, on the other hand, unlikely, in stead (of), in spite of, despite of ...

1. table; chart; diagram; graph; column chart; pie graph show; describe; illustrate; can be seen from; clear; apparent; reveal; represent figure; statistic; number; percentage; proportion 2. have 10%; at 10%; over 10% peaked; reached a peak / high point bottomed out; reached the bottom recover increase; jump; rise/rose; climb decrease; fall/fell; drop; decline; reduce fluctuate remained steady/stable; stay the same; little/hardly any /no change sudden/suddenly rapid/rapidly

dramatic/dramatically significant/significantly sharp/sharply steep/steeply steady/steadily gradual/gradually slow/slowly slight/slightly stable/stably from XXX to XXX; between XXX and XXX; for XXX to XXX almost adv. nearly adv. approximately adv. about adv. just over over adv. exactly adv. precisely adv. 20 per cent 20% one in three 1/3 one out of every four 1/4 3. significant changes noticeable trend during the same period grow/grew distribute unequally pronounced average no doubt

corresponding adj. represent vt. overall except in the case of adv. ... in terms of / in respect of / regarding ... in contrast in conclusion adv. in comparison inversely adv. in general range from excessive adj. lower v. elapse vi. category n. government policy market forces measure n. v. forecast n. v.

increase rise ascend core surge go up climb mount level up : decrease fall drop descend decline reduce lessen level down :stable steady remain/maintain/keep/be the same as/similar to :fluctuate fluctuation rise and falls up and down :occupy / take up / account for / gain :while however whereas on the other hand actually/in fact

:by contract on the contrary likewise compared with :the highest the top the summit the peak the most :bottom less least rock bottom :mean average :tendency trend inclination :prediction : mount to ******:*** gain the percentage of :a stable period can be seen Graph Chart 1 2 3 4 Bar Chart 1 2 3 The graph reveals the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in 4


1. 2. The first chart illustrates the different proportions taken up by two study reasons in five age groups. It is clear that the younger the people are; the more study for career, while the reason of interest is just the opposite.

80% people under 26 study for career which is almost four time as those over 49. 3. 4. As can be seen in the table, the water consumption in B is quite different from it in C. With a population about 176 million, B possesses an irrigated area about 26,500km. Compared to it, C has only 5.2 million in population and 100 km in irrigated area. The water amount consumed by per person in B is much larger than it in C, 359m3 to 8m3.

The table given compares the water consuming situation in B and C. B is inhabited by 176m people, which is almost 171m more than C. Brazil irrigates an area about 26500. This is 265 times as it in C. (Brazil irrigates an area about 26500, 100 times as it in C.) Brazil people use 359 averagely every year, while the people in C only have 8.

5. 8 PDF At the very beginning, Firstly, To begin with, First of all After that And then, Secondly, Later, _____ days / hours later, Until / before Finally Ultimately, At last Eventually

+ + + + + 1- 2 I determine that I should apply to the top ten universities. My experience consolidates my resolution that I should apply to the top ten u. My resolution which is very ambitious sustains my desire for a better life. -who / whom / that -which / that - whose - when where mulberry leave 4 Silkworm larva eats mulberry leave for four weeks. After that, it will use silk thread to wrap itself.

Silk thread wrap / cover / bound Eating mulberry leave for four weeks, silkworm is able to produce silk thread, which can used to wrap itself. 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. solid foundation - school canteen - well-educated reader - an issue of crucial importance - a car equipped with GPS - a problem to discuss - -/

1. I was _____ (happy, upset, excited, sorry)when I received your letter saying / informing that ________________( ). 2. I am really sorry about this. I have no idea about what is going on. But please do accept my apology. I apologize for any inconvenience I caused to you. 3. I am writing this letter to say thank you to your. I hope to extend my gratitude to your kind help. 4. 5. The ____ is really unsatisfying and needs improvement. Why this was so, I think, it is due to _______( N) 6. I decide to______. (ask ____ for help, replace ______, pay more attention to_____, stop doing _____) 7. I am looking forward to your reply.

1.I was able to raise my TOEFL score by studying hard and I read lots ofbooks. 2.Many companies began using computers mouth. Interface / port/ terminal 3. ,,She are a good friend of mine that I has known for along time. She is a good friend of mine/ She is one of my good friends whom I have known for a long time. 5. We heated the soup in the microwave for too long and the shape of the container changed.

We heated the soup for too long. Therefore, the shape of the container has been changed. ,, Heated for too long, the container with soup in it has been changed.

5. (can"tdon"tit"swe"llthey"ve ) (cannotdo notit iswe willthey have ) 6.Since I want to go to a good school, therefore I am trying to raise my testscores. 7.Many students have a hard time passing all the tests to get into college. For example, my friend in high school.

My friends experience in high school can prove the truth of these words. 8. get When I got home, I got tired, so I got a book and got into bed.Get get become, receive,find, achieve, When I arrive home, I felt tired, so I fetched a book and threw myself to the bed. 9.,I would like to study in America because all modern technologyoriginated there. all many most Computers are very helpful andadvantageable. 10.I would like to discuss about something important that you mentioned about tome during yesterday. We went to downtown yesterday to buy a watch. When I first came to the US,I did not have a lot of friends in here. In class, my classmate never mentioned about her husband. downtown home there here 11.There are many reasons to buy a car, preferably a nice car. 12.It is okay for children to fail sometimes. 13.I love animals. And I like to help them. Because they are helpless. So I wantto become a vet.

The thought of the helpless animals fosters my passion of rescuing them which turns me into a vegetarian. The thought of ______ fosters my passion / resolution of ving ____ which turns me into a _____. The thought of the serious employment competition in China fosters my resolution of pursuing a master degree in England which turns me into an IELTS candidate.

14.Personally,I believe what the newspaper prints. 15./Many year ago, dinosaur roamed the Earths. a,the, my, his, her, Gary"s, no, any, 1, 3, 50, most, 16.,I want to buy something for my mother that she willlike it. There was a terrible accident happen yesterday. , 17.I was kind of mad at the guy who vociferated angry words at me. I haveheard many wonderful things about such cosmopolitan cities as Paris, London, Tokyo, and HongKong and I would love to visit these cities to check them out. , 18.If people do not speak the same language, it has a greater chance ofmiscommunication. People do not speak the same language, which enlarges the possibility of miscommunication. I intend to complete my studies in the United States because they have good programs there.

I intend to complete my studies in the United States because a great amount of good programs are available there.

19.We should use our resources on Earth because the Earth is getting worse. 20.Yesterday I will go to the store because tomorrow I needed some food.

21.I was late getting home because I lost my way.

22.I want to creation a great web site so that I can becoming wealth. 23.Even I dont speak Spanish, I was able to find a bathroom in the departmentstore. I gained a lot of pounds during vacation.

1. The artists work pushes our civilization to a higher level. Artists" work upgrades our civilization. 2. For example, you work in a big factory. : Suppose you work in a big factory. 3. You"ll find you are fit for business and you can make it your main job. You will find that you are cut out for business and you can make it your career. 4. We will own nothing at all if we depend on luck. : We will get nowhere if we rely on luck. Rely, depend, be based on, 5. He will get a higher salary to improve his living level. : He will get a higher salary, thus improving his life. 6. Their brain is still very young. : They are still immature. 7. Dissatisfaction makes people produce desire for better things. : Dissatisfaction impels people for the better. 8. They can"t analyze clearly what is right and what is wrong. : They cannot tell right from wrong. distinguish

8. It will help children to form a good habit of dealing with time. : It will help children learn to make good use of/utilize time. 9. Though it is not the best job, it afford to his life. : Though it is not the best job, a job is a job. He can make ends meet with it. 11. Since people are always not satisfied with their present situation, they want further development. : Since people are never satisfied with their status quo, they want further development. The perpetual dissatisfaction of current status demands/require/ask for/need a further development. 12. The only thing they need to do is to find a job which can easily get big money. : The only thing they need to do is to find a job that can bring them big money. 13. They like an active life but not a peaceful life. : They like an active life rather than a peaceful one. 14. Some cigarettes may even cost a larger sum of money. : Some cigarettes may cost even more. 15. Firstly, dissatisfaction encourages the discovery of new products. : Firstly, dissatisfaction encourages the invention of new products. 16. In school, to suit the needs of entering work, students must grasp some technical skills. : In order to meet the needs of future work, students must learn some practical skills. 17. It is very necessary more qualified scientists and technicians. : Qualified scientists and technicians are in great demand. 18. This knowledge will become a part of your body. : This knowledge will become part of you.

19. They cannot think clearly. : They cannot think straight. 20. Money can improve their living standard. : Money can improve their life. 21. Parents always think that children will get a good job and earn a lot of money. : Parents always expect their children to get a good job and earn a lot of money. 22. If a student only cares about money, will lead to be unhappy all his life. : If a student only cares about money, he will be misled and will be unhappy all his life. 23. One purpose of education is to study the way in which he studies later. : One purpose of education is to learn to learn. 24. Many parents arrange their children go to learn piano. : Many parents send their children to piano classes. 25. When I want to absorb somebody elses opinion, I will study with others. : When I need second opinion, I will study with others. 26. Eating outside has the most advantage that we can go at any time when we finish eating without doing any washing. : The best part of eating out is that we can leave everything behind after meal. 27. Smoking can help you relax your mind.

: Cigarettes can help you relax. 28. Whats about nonsmokers? : What about nonsmokers? 29. Why not to be a non-smoker?

: Why not be a non-smoker? 30. Everyone will have many friends in his life. : Everyone has friends in his life. 31. I am not good at maths, but English : I am good not at mathematics but at English/ My strength is not mathematics but English. 32. Who is the proper person to make up his minds about childrens leisure time? : Who is the proper person to plan childrens leisure time? 33.It is children who clear about their interests. : It is children who are clear about their own interests. 34. I agree the latter idea. : I agree with the latter idea. 35. Many people dissatisfy with the status quo. : Many people are dissatisfied with the status quo. 36. So I feel breathe more comfortably now. : So I feel more comfortable now when I breathe. 37. People should learn knowledge no matter how old they are. People should learn no matter how old they are/ People are never too old to learn. 38. No one knows all the things. : No one knows everything. 39. I want to live in a quiet place to admire peaceful life. : I want to live in a quiet place to enjoy peaceful life. 40. Each form of shavings friends has its advantages. : Each way of choosing friends has its advantages.

41. I was admitted to a key university for which few dared to sign up.

: I was admitted to a key university to which few dared to apply. 42. Luckily, he recognized an American professor. : Luckily, he knew an American professor. 43. They will learn the bad habits. : They will develop bad habits. 44. In this continued process, people make progress. : In this cycle, people make progress. 45. Lastly, higher education is equal to higher salary. : Lastly, higher education means higher salary. 46. By making friends who are different from ourselves, we can make up for deficiency. : By making friends who are different from ourselves, we can make up for our shortcomings. 47. A wrong decision will bring even worse fact. : A wrong decision will bring even worse result. accounts for/ bring forth/ lead to/ result in/ give rise to

48. You spend all your life to fulfill your willing. : You devote all your life to the fulfillment of your dream. Devote yourself to the fulfillment of sth Be dedicated to / embark on doing sth Exert oneself to sth

49. Children should be taught disciplines in groups to avoid unnecessary lost. : Children should be taught discipline in groups to avoid unnecessary loss. 50. I felt alone. : I felt lonely. Checklist for Grammatical Errors 1 Predicate

1.1 tense 1.2 verb choice 1.3 modal verb: 2 3 4 pronoun preposition cohesive devise

Checklist for Content Fallacy 1 2 3 4 5 6 plain example one-way example off-track example abstract language head & tail paragraph digression

writing task two 250 Above 300 -350 4 60-90 + 120 + 120 30-50 40 5 +25-30 +5 80 / 120 1 2 3 4

5 6

Gap year

Side with

How can a youngster lead a meaningful life after his graduation? Some argue that working or traveling for one year does good to them while others maintain starting university studies directly is still the best way. Considering the issue on a logical base, I am strongly in favor of the idea of traveling and working for a year or so. Working or traveling for a reasonable period is an ideal university preparation for students. Aiming at famous university, a great number of students sacrifice most of their spare time for hard study. This can give rise to students shortage of real life knowledge. By working or traveling for a short period before college, students are exposed to reality or even begin to absorb experience. Experience, the very foundation of every subject studied in university, assists students to form a considerate perspective of the university life therefore compiles a long-term plan for their study. To this extend, working or traveling is of crucial importance towards campus life. Traveling or working increases young students social adaptability. During these two social activities, students have the chance of plunging into reality and more often than not, sharpening their competence. By working, students acquire not only maturity but also skill; maturity adapts one into the real society and skill enables one to accomplish the task with ease. On the other hand, traveling, by which students get closer to the nature and the real world, widens their horizon, and above all, make friends. On the trip, students will meet different people. So its a good chance for student to make friends, an indispensable experience of improving ones socializing skill. To enhance their social adaptability, students need to participate in traveling or working, rather than sitting at books/ in the study. By occupying the time before college so constructively, traveling or working makes a wholly-developed student, with no time for boredom.

By Ving ______, A makes a ______ person/person adj, with ________. By occupying the spare time so constructively, the volunteer work makes me contented, with no time for boredom.

When asking for virtue, we appeal to war / wage war, bringing not only conquest but also conflict; conquest solves nothing and conflict only deepens our misunderstanding. When falling from the tall building, cats have time to relax. They stretch their legs like flying squirrel. This can increase the air resistance and reduce the impact when they hit the ground. When sitting at the lobby of Grand Hyatt, I have time to relax. I stretch my legs like a cat. This can increase my love for Shanghai and reduce my suffering during the trip.

Whether we should set up a restaurant in our neighborhood? Agree or disagree?

The idea of setting up a restaurant in our neighborhood has never appealed to me. Even some people believe that there might be some advantages to have a restaurant nearby, I strongly believe that the drawbacks outweigh the merits. First and foremost, various pollutions will become an unavoidable problem. Taking a close look on the working procedure of a restaurant, one is not difficult to realize that it can produce enormous amount of rubbish, smoky and oily odor and above all,

unrelenting noise. No human being, the creature who relies so intensely on fresh air, clean water, and peace, can avoid being influenced by these nuisances. Some may argue that the restaurant, in an attempt to earn reputation, will do something to limit these pollutions. But this does not constitute a solid foundation to convince us that the boss of restaurant will invest enough money on establishing and maintaining efficient environmental preservation. Obviously, the true motivation of the boss is to make money rather than to protect the environment. Setting up a R nearby will inevitably bring forth environmental hazard.

The establishment of a new restaurant poses a new threat to the security of our neighborhood. Restaurant, a profit making unit, will do every means to attract clients to itself, in order to realize its own goal of making money. Therefore, the increasing trend of customers will disturbed the residences quiet life. More than that, as the restaurant will do nothing to identify its visitors, it is likely that those who are with negative intentions can enter the community with ease. Even the normal customers, after being dined and wined, may get over-excited, thus violate the regulations and tranquility. It is easy to predict that the community is thrown at facing a safety problem. The advocates of setting up R may argue that the security problem can easily be eliminated by a mere recruitment of more guards and a rising awareness of selfprotection. However, hiring more hands to guard will increase/add weight to the residents financial burden while remaining alerted the mental burden. Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; writing an exact man. Teacher lives by selling knowledge; philosopher by selling wisdom; priest by selling spiritual comfort. By Francis Bacon

Reinforcement Considering these two factors I mentioned above, rational and calm people can make no effort to draw a conclusion that the new restaurant, in spite of the merit it brings, should not be set up near our home. Had we remained in the original life, we could have been saved so much trouble and misery.

1 1. 4

1 Topic Extension (change the subjective, maybe rhetoric question list) 2 Hesitated / Wobbling Answer 3 Positive side 4 Negative side 5 statement -- Sample 1 1 Topic: Is the opinion of the majority XXX a poor guide? Are we generally guided by the opinion of the majority to where we yearn for, or in other words, the rest place of our anticipation? Not always, at least, not indeed as what we were once convinced. It was a universal belief/acknowledgement/convention/contention/notion/perception that the voice of the majority, more or less, is our genuine guru for we have found it the nickname democracy. However, with time going by, it has dawned on us that even the single cannot be ignored as long as it is proved to be sided with truth. Sample 2 Topic: Can success be disastrous?

What is a success? Winning others or with others? Who is a successor? A name of history or history itself? Where does a success lead to? Heaven or Hell? Not always the bright side, at least, not indeed as what we were once convinced. It was a universal belief that the face of success, more or less, varies in peoples eyes for we have found success a worldly nickname fortune. However, with time going by, it has dawned on us that even the slightest success can be perilous as long as it is proved to be sided with hidden hazard. Sample 3 (Simplified Version) Topic: Do we need other people in order to understand ourselves? Whether others opinions are necessary for us to know ourselves better?

Can others truly apprehend and appreciate us? Not indeed as what we were once convinced. It was a universal belief that we, more or less, can learn from the judgment of others for we have found it a worldly nickname consensus. However, as time goes by, it has dawned on us that our own perception is more righteous as long as it is proved to be side with truth. Versus

Does the invigorated / vigorous transaction of consumer goods symbolize the real demand of the society Not always, at least not so much as what we were once convinced. It is a universal recognition that the more goods are bought, the more prosperous is the society. However, with time going by, / a recent investigation cast doubt on this perception since it is proved to be associated with potential threat.

A heated issue, concerning the number of cars of 20 years later (the battle of good teacher vs. good parents/necessity of ving . at the cost of ), has lately evoked/aroused/stimulate/spur/ignite an explosion of discussion over the internet(society / community/ campus / all walks of life). The majority of us do tend to believe that with the advancement of life quality, the use of automobiles might increase drastically. However, my viewpoint stands on the opposite that few cars will be left in twenty years time. _______________________________ ___________________________________________________. __________________________________. A heated issue, concerning the impact brought by internet, has lately evoked an explosion of discussion over the society. The majority of us tend to believe that with advancement of life quality, internet can present us more and more convenience. However, my viewpoint stands on the opposite that internet does more harm than good. A heated issue, concerning the necessity of protecting animal at the cost of land resources which can be applied to human, has evoked an explosion of discussion over the society. The majority tend to believe that land resources should not be reserved for animals, but for a better human living condition. However, my point of view stands on the opposite that animals should have sufficient land for surviving and developing.

Education of university has been a significant factor to achieve success. Some of us consider this statement is totally absurd/irrational/onesided/ridiculous/out-dated as not everyone has the break to obtain college education. However, others believe that it has been the very truth since the birth of university. My opinion matches that of the latter one, which is due to two major keys the intensive job market and the social network. __________ has been a significant factor to achieve success / balance / harmony. I believe that it is the very truth since the birth of____. / as_______. My viewpoint is due to two major keys- ________ and ___________.

Education has been a significant factor to achieve happiness. I believe that it is the very truth since the human civilization. My viewpoint is due to three major keysknowledge, cultivation and social adaptability.

Whether college education matters or not to ones future success has been the core of a recent discussion. Some of us might believe that success is mainly an outcome of the higher education, while others, more or less, disagree so. Personally, I would rather choose that without education in the university, one can hardly achieve success in the society. It is because talents have accumulated to a historical peak, and to be one of them, you need to attend college.

Whether the imprison time should be prolonged to avoid further security chaos has been the core of a recent discussion. Some of us might believe that longer penalty / imprisoning will result in a safer society, while others, more or less, disagree so. Personally, I would rather side with the later contention that longer time for prisoner to stay in jail will prevent the whole society getting harmony.

Whether we should cooperate with others or just work by our own self has been the core of a recent discussion. Some of us might believe that cooperation brings much more advantages than working alone, while others, more or less, disagree so. Personally, I would rather choose that without cooperation, one can hardly achieve success in the society. It is because tasks for modern people are too complicated for single-handed, and to accomplish them, you need a team. Who should shoulder the responsibility of protecting the environment, individual, government or big company? Some people are convinced that the environment is degrading to such an extend that individual effort can do nothing to improve it. Personally, I would refute/gainsay such misunderstanding/assumption/presumption/illusion for the reason that without every social members participation, no environment protection can really be achieved. Without A, no ______ can be achieved.(, no one can accomplish the task of _________) The advantages it brings outweigh the disadvantages. A B A is heavily outnumbered by B. AB ..is superior to . BA Ais inferior toB..

Body Paragraph1 Admittedly, ______ do ________________ as to reinforce/increase/improve/intensify/quicken _______________.( ______ _______.) Nonetheless, ______________ is not ( a perfect form of ) _________________, and ______________ also required/demand/need/consume time, physical and mental energy _____________________ such as ____, ____, and __________. (_____________, __________, _______ ___.) _______________ has proven the truth of these words. Your Own Experience. __________( )________________( ), which hence result in _____________( ). : Watching TV to an excessive degree will take up most of our spare time, which hence hinders us from communicating with friends. Ex: Admittedly, students do need homework as to reinforce their mastery of the knowledge they have learnt. Nonetheless, students are not machines, and they are also required to attend after-school activities, such as dancing, swimming and jogging. My high school life has proved the truth of these words. When I was in Senior 3, enormous pressure from the university entrance test drove us to study all day long without even a break for the whole June. Gradually, with no exercise, my health was worsened day after day, and I started to feel ill until I was finally sent to the hospital. For two weeks, I was totally free from homework, but I managed to pass my mid-term exam with a pleasing grade. Too much homework will occupy the leisure time of students, which hence results in poor physical condition for their learning. Ex: Admittedly, providing more privacy and freedom, off campus apartments do have several advantages. Nonetheless, the location condemn that an apartment might not be as secure as the dormitory, which usually situated at the vicinity of other school buildings. My high school life has proved the truth of these words. My home used to be very close to my school. To save the rent, I had to go home every day for the first two semesters regardless of storm, snow or even typhoon. In addition to bad weather, robbery and other hazards also frightened me. After a robbery really occurred to me in a raining evening, my parents decided to send me into the dormitory. Thus, such terrific situation never happened to me anymore. Still suffering from that scary experience, I regret that if I had lived in dorm from the very beginning, danger could have been avoided. Living in dormitory is definitely safer, as you dont have to take a risk to face the potential hazard outside the campus. Ex: Admittedly, TV watching does enrich our leisure hours. Nonetheless, it is not a perfect form of entertainment, since it consumes us a great deal of physical and mental energy as well as time, which can be utilized into making friends. My experience at the age of eighteen can prove the truth of theses words. I once spent more than four hours a day watching TV. On finishing class in school, I rushed back home, sitting in the sofa and watching from Transformer to Late Show with David Letterman. TV had occupied

most of my time. Later, on my birthday ceremony, none of my friends appeared, which made me realize that I had lost contact with them. Watching TV to an excessive degree will take up most of our spare time, which hence hinders us from communicating with friends. Admittedly, reservation of land resource for human is of significance. Nevertheless, this is a selfish behavior since it will ruin the natural harmony. The tragedy in XX province, China can be employed to illustrate this point. A ten-hectare forest was torn down, making way for an establishment of a university center in XX, 1998. This led to enormous bird immigration, which account for the later disastrous pest assault. During this, tons of cotton was lost. In light of this, occupying the ground to an excessive degree will give rise to unpredictable hazards.

Body Paragraph2 Furthermore/ In addition to A, B also provide opportunities for to ____, especially______ _________, for whom B is important/helpful/harmful for _____. . : In _________/ Under the circumstance of ______, _________, and they gradually ________________. After _________, they can develop_______________, which________. In the future, such ______ will becomes _________. Ving hindered sb from doing/facilitate sb to do, thus lessen / weaken /strengthen the possibility for sb to do_____. Ex: In addition to safety, dormitory also provides opportunities for students to get to know each other better, especially for university students, for whom a wide friend net is a useful resource for their future career. In a same dormitory room, students get closer, and they might gradually find some interests that they share and work on them together. A number of successful company founders started their careers with their roommates of university dorm. After spending thousands days and nights together in a room, roommates can develop a friendship that allows them to give their back to each other without hesitation. In their later career, such trust becomes the most powerful weapon for them to gain their final success. Living in an apartment in the society hindered students from staying with their schoolmates for more time, thus lessen the possibility for them to have intimates in the university. Ex: In addition to friendship, university also provides opportunities for students to acquire skills and knowledge. In a university, students get closer to different majors, and they might gradually find out their right direction to invest time and energy. A great number of successful scholars and scientist feel free to devote themselves to study. After spending thousands days and nights in the library or

laboratory, they radiate their talent and intelligence. In their later career, such experience becomes the most powerful weapon for them to gain their final success. Studying in university facilitates students to constitute foundation for further development, thus strengthen the possibility for them to have prosperous achievement in the future. Ex: Furthermore, the society will be far more competitive in the future, as the population is increasing in an accelerated rate. One should spend more time on equipping themselves with education and experience to win the precious but limited opportunities. Different experiences faced by my parents and my older brother when they found their job can well demonstrate this situation. When my parents graduate from university, many companies had offered them jobs with considerable salaries, because at that time only few people had studied in the university so the competition between university graduates was not obvious. But when my brother finished the university study last year, he could hardly find a job at the first few weeks because there were too many competitors. Finally, he passed an interview in a food company by wining thirty other applicants. Thus, in order not to be out of work or fired, people who will have to spend more time on improving themselves, and less spare time will be left after two decades. The increasingly serious competition will hinder people from thinking about relaxation, thus lessen the possibility for future people to have more leisure hours. Body paragraph 3 Through / by / with the assistance of XXX, can have ______ optimized. This notion can be fully testified by a recent survey conducted by a group of leading scientists/researchers. During this experiment, A can only achieve _____ as their rivals do. B requires ______ as well as _______. As a result, have to ________, not to mention _______ and ________, therefore, the purpose of _______ is realized. _____________ A _______B____________. _________, _ ________,________.________ Through group study, students can have their learning efficiency optimized. This notion can be fully testified by a recent survey conducted by a group of leading scientists/researchers. During this experiment, independent students can only achieve 57% of the efficiency as their rivals do. The reason is obvious. Group study requires concentration on the whole class as well as interaction with other members. As a result, student have to apply what they have learnt into the process of study, not to mention understanding and communicating, therefore, the purpose of increasing learning efficiency is realized. 11

By extending the annual course time to eleven months, student can have most of their learning time occupied, with no time for waste or boredom. This notion can be fully testified by a recent survey conducted by a group of leading educators. During this research, long-time / short-time learning student can only achieve 57% of the efficiency as their rivals do. The reason is obvious. Long-time study requires participation on the course and concentration on the study itself. As a result, students have to focus on study and make great effort to finish the tasks assigned by their tutors. Maybe they have to sacrifice some spare time for learning, but the performance is quite significant for weak and middle class students. Therefore, the purpose of increasing learning efficiency is realized.

Conclusion: All in all, with the analysis of two factors above, Ving _______ is/is not a wise choice as so many advantages/disadvantages it might bring. ___________ list the advantages or disadvantages. Therefore, for ______________, Ving_______ should be encouraged, while Ving_______________ should be avoided. / Ving _____ should be discouraged, while Ving _________ should be emphasized. Ex: All in all, with the analysis of two factors above, renting off campus apartments is not a wise choice as so many disadvantages it might bring. Therefore, for university students, living in the dormitory should be encouraged, while living in the apartment in the community should be avoid. Ex: All in all, with the analysis of two factors above, watching TV is not a wise choice to spend our spare time, as so many disadvantages it might bring. Therefore, for common people, watching too much TV should be discouraged, while chatting with friends and family should be emphasized. Ex: All in all, with the analysis of two factors above, daily assignment is totally useless as it might force students to overlook other important aspects of their after-school lives. Therefore, the frequency of assignment is reduced to bring back freedom for students, while the efficiency of studies in class should be addressed. All in all, with the analysis of two factors above, the eleven-month-study timetable is a wise practice as it will prevent students from being lazy and distraction. Due to the advantages it brings, for most of the students, studying eleven months a year should be encouraged while getting too much time off should be avoided. Considering these two factors I mentioned above, rational and calm people can make no effort to draw a conclusion that the new restaurant, in spite of the merit it brings, should not be set up near our home. Had we remained in the original life, we could have been saved so much trouble and misery.

Considering these two factors I mentioned above, rational and calm people can make no effort to draw a conclusion that ______________. Had we________, we could_________. 1. 2. 06 07 100 5-10 10%-15% 3. www.51ielts.com 4. 5. KEVIN 6. 500010000 7. BBC VOA 8. sendkevin@126.com 1-- 2-- 3-- rewrite the meaning at the beginning, re-list the points mentioned A 1+ 2 B 3 A B Eloquence The extent to which _____________ involves a conflict between ______________. The extend to which human should preserve land source for animals involves a conflict between human right and animal right. In my view, A takes precedence over B . Although we may not have conclusive scientific evidence of a cause-effect relationship, ample anecdotal evidence establishes a significant correlation. Ample anecdotal evidences establish a significant correlation worthy of our attention.

Moreover, both common sense and our experiences with ____ inform us that ____________. Both common sense and our experience with environment inform us that the shortage

of water is threatening us day and night. The harms it produces are, in my view, both palpable and profound. For the individual, it has a debasing impact on _________; for the society, it promotes a tendency toward __________. Both outcomes, in turn/alternatively, tear apart the social fabric that holds a society together. Independent thinking during purchase Blind consumption

Vulnerable social secure system

Those who advocate ___________ might point out that __________ is intrinsic to _______________. Even so, this rightness is not absolute, nor is it the most critical/crucial element. In my assessment, _______________are, on balance, more crucial to the survival of a society. Public comment freedom / freedom speech It / democracy A property of supervising the Press Consensus Supervision on media Monitoring

Advocates of _______ might also point out ______________. But in my view, however difficult it may be to _________, the effort is worthwhile. Advocates of the land preservation in favor of human might point out that reserving the limit land source for animals surviving and developing is a great waste of time, money and energy. But in my view, however difficult it may be to protect animals, the effort is worthwhile.

In sum, it is in our best interest to_______________.

________ tends to harm society and its citizenry in ways that are worth preventing,

even in light of the resulting infringement of ____________. Humans over consumption of land resource tends to harm the plant and its residents in ways that are worth preventing, even in light of the resulting infringement of development delay. 2. The speaker asserts that an international effort is needed to preserve the world's energy resources for future generations. While individual nations, like people, are at times willing to make voluntary sacrifices for the benefit of others, my view is that international coordination is nevertheless necessary in light of the strong propensity of nations to act selfishly, and because the problem is international in scope. The main reason why an international effort is necessary is that, left to their own devices, individual nations, like people, will act according to their short-term motives and self-interest. The mere existence of military weapons indicates that self-interest and national survival are every nation's prime drivers. And excessive consumption by industrialized nations of natural resources they know to be finite, when alternatives are at hand demonstrates that self-interest and short-sightedness extend to the use of energy resources as well. Furthermore, nations, like people, tend to rationalize their own selfserving policies and actions. Emerging nations might argue, for example, that they should be exempt from energy conservation because it is the industrialized nations who can better afford to make sacrifices and who use more resources in the first place. Another reason why an international effort is required is that other problems of an international nature have also required global cooperation. For example, has each nation independently recognized the folly of nuclear weapons proliferation and voluntarily disarmed? No: only by way of an international effort, based largely on coercion of strong leaders against detractors, along with an appeal to self-interest, have we made some progress. By the same token, efforts of individual nations to thwart international drug trafficking have proven largely futile, because efforts have not been internationally based. Similarly, the problem of energy conservation transcends national borders in that either all nations must cooperate, or all will ultimately suffer. In conclusion, nations are made up of individuals who, when left unconstrained, tend to act in their own self-interest and with short-term motives. In light of how we have dealt, or not dealt, with other global problems, it appears that an international effort is needed to ensure the preservation of natural resources for future generations. This only part of the whole truth. Yet, this is not always the case. Yet this is only the bright side. The case is not so bright as we once thought. However, no one suspect that ___________________(). But this is indeed the case. Advertisement However, no one suspect that advertisement exerts immeasurable negative impact on younger generation, even mislead them to a wrong way. But this is indeed the case.

Problem-Cause-Solution: Our planet is degraded to such an extend that common peoples life have been endangered, even a simple glass water has already been polluted. But we still keep producing tons of rubbish every second. What mainly accounts for this increasingly serious problem is humans unawareness of their wrong behavior or ignorance of the outcome. To deal with / cope with / handle / _______ is necessary. _______ is of crucial importance. Misdoing wrong behavior ignorance focusing only on profit / interest Education from the very base to arouse human virtue Responsibility for what they have done Unrelenting care for others even the whole earth real Thomas Moore Education, some may argue, is a long term solution. To fully realize this purpose is no easier than to build Utopia. But this is not the case. Only through education, the collective awareness can be waken and human beings can distinguish themselves from other animals, moreover, make real contribution to this world. To sum up, efforts, from physical to mental, should be made to achieve this goal of ________. In determining whether we are becoming more respectful of one another's differences, one must examine both overt actions and underlying motives, as well as examining whether our differences are increasing or decreasing. The issue, therefore, is quite complex, and the answer is unclear. ,. In determining whether the intelligent children should be separated or integrated with their peers, one must examine both the benefit and drawback. Disrespect for one another's differences manifests itself in various forms of prejudice and discrimination. ______( , ) manifests itself in various forms of_______________. ,. Life manifests itself in alternative forms of blessing and curse.

Since _________________, it would seem that we have made significant progress toward Ving___________. ______________, ___________. ,,. Since the end of last century, it would seem that we have made significant progress toward protecting water resources and halting further pollution. protecting the water resources from further pollution.

Antidiscriminatory laws in the areas of employment, housing, and education, now protect all significant minority groups racial minorities and women, the physically challenged and, more recently, homosexuals. Movies and television shows, which for better or worse have become the cynosure of our cultural attention, now tout the rights of minorities, encouraging acceptance of and respect for others. However, much of this progress-is forced upon us legislative. Without Title 10 and its progenies, would we voluntarily refrain from the discriminatory behavior that the laws prevent? Perhaps not. Moreover, signs of disrespect are all around us today. Extreme factions still rally around bigoted demagogues; the number of "hate crimes" is increasing alarmingly; and school-age children seem to flaunt a disrespect toward adults as never before. Finally, what appears to be respect for one another's differences may in fact be an increasing global homogeneitythat is, we are becoming more and more alike. In sum, on a societal level it is difficult to distinguish between genuine respect for one another's differences on the one hand and legislated morality and increasing homogeneity on the other. Accordingly, the claim that we are becoming more respectful of one another's differences is somewhat dubious.

This quotation suggests that the ultimate purpose of business is to streamline and mechanize work, thereby minimizing it, so that people can make a living but still have time for other things in life. The assumptions behind this view of ___ are that _________. ( ) The assumption behind this view of separating intellectual children is that such children should enjoy priority over other common children. I disagree with both assumptions. Admittedly,

Work is to a large extent instrumental in that we engage in it to provide for our needs while leaving time and resources for other activitiesraising families, participating in civic life, traveling, pursuing hobbies, and so forth.

And these activities normally take place away from the workplace and are distinct from our work. However, for most people, work is far more than a means to these ends. It can also be engaging, enjoyable and fulfilling in itself. And it can provide a context for expressing an important pan of one's self. However, work will be less of all these to the extent that it is streamlined and mechanized for quick disposal, as the quotation recommends. Instead, our jobs will become monotonous and tedious, the work of drones. And we might become drone-like in the process. In addition, work can to some extent be integrated with the rest of our lives. More and more companies are installing on-site daycare facilities and workout rooms. They are giving greater attention to the ambiance of the break room, and they are sponsoring family events, excursions and athletic activities for employees as never before. The notion behind this trend is that when a company provides employees with ways to fulfill outside needs and desires, employees will do better work. I think this idea has merit. The notion behind this trend is that___________.

In conclusion, I admit that there is more to life than work, and that work is to some extent a means to provide a livelihood. But to suggest that this is the sole purpose of business is an oversimplification that ignores the self-actualizing significance of work, as well as the ways it can be integrated with other aspects of our lives Overemphasizing Actualize realize

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