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AS3G / STM50


AS3G / STM50
Study Design

Lecture 1
Introduction to Design of Experiments

AS3G / STM50


The Scientific Process

Definitions and Introductions to Design Terminology
o What is an experiment?
o Purpose of experiment
o Role of the experimenter
o Role of the statistician
o Objectives
o Experimental units
o Treatments
o Randomisation
o Replication
o Blocking

The Story of an experiment
AS3G / STM50
The Scientific Process

Reflect Generalise
Draw from your
experiences or your data
What does it say (data
What does it mean?
What are the possible
Is there a general rule
or principle, which we
can exploit later?
Can we collect new data
to test the proposed rule?
AS3G / STM50
Design comes into all aspects of the scientific process:

Plan This is the most obvious part of the process that design influences.
Planning what data you are going to collect and where, under what conditions
etc requires some form of experimental design.

Observe Carry out the experiment according to the design and observe the

Reflect The analysis and inferences you can draw from your data depend on
the data you have chosen to collect along with the design of the experiment
(example on next slide).

Generalise You can only generalise your results to people/areas/cohorts etc
that you have chosen to investigate in your design.

AS3G / STM50
? Analysis or Design ?

Mead (1988) page 5:

Consider an experiment to compare 2 drugs, A and B. A is well known, B is not.
There are 40 patients available.

Design 1: Allocate 1 patient to A, and 39 patients to B.
= o [

= 1. 13o

Design 2: Allocate 20 patients to A, and 20 patients to B.
= o [

= . 31o

Take home message: Design and analysis are linked!
AS3G / STM50
Definitions & Introductions to Design Terminology

What is an experiment?

An experiment is the conduct of one or more test procedures under controlled
conditions, so that we can study the effects of changing the conditions.

A designed experiment consists of:

1. The design (before the experiment); and

2. The analysis (after the experiment).

In this course, the analysis is assumed be carried out using Linear Models.

AS3G / STM50
Purpose of design

Why do we need to design experiments?
To ensure that the experiment will be adequate to answer the questions
To minimise unexplained variation.
To avoid collecting unnecessary data.
To ensure that the experiment is feasible, economical and ethical.
To ensure that the data can be analysed meaningfully.

AS3G / STM50
Role of the Experimenter
Formulate sensible questions to be answered by the experiment (hypotheses
to be tested).
Specify what treatments are to be given.
Specify what measurements are to be made.
Specify factors that can be controlled.
Suggest what uncontrollable factors may affect results.
Ensure that the experiment is feasible (within constraints) and ethical.
Carry out the experiment and analyse the results.

The experimenter is ultimately responsible for the design of the experiment.
AS3G / STM50
Role of the Statistician
Determine whether and how the hypotheses can be tested.
Are the proposed measurements suitable?
Do they satisfy the assumptions of the appropriate statistical tests to be used?
Are they likely to be reliable and consistent?
How many units should be measured?
Are the units independent?
How should treatments be allocated to units?
How can unexplained (residual) variation be minimised?
Try to keep the experiment as simple as possible, and an appropriate size.
The statistician generally acts as advisor to the experimenter, both in design and
AS3G / STM50
In order to design an experiment and complete the analysis the objective/s must
be clear.
Common mistakes in defining objectives are that they are too vague for
To evaluate 4 improved mango varieties.

But this doesnt tell us:
Which varieties?
Under what conditions (location, management) are they to be evaluated?
What criteria will be used to evaluate them?
Linked to what problem solving strategy?
What is the science behind this?

Or they are trying to address too many objectives in a single trial (for example
both biophysical and farmer objectives).
AS3G / STM50
Experimental Units

The experimental units are the entities which are to be treated and measured.

A unit can be an individual person, animal, plant or inanimate object (e.g. a
machine). Or a unit may consist of many individuals, (e.g. a plot of wheat, Petri
dish of bacteria, or a household).

The units chosen to be studied in the experiment should be random samples
from the population of interest.

AS3G / STM50

Treatments are the manipulations that we perform on the experimental units.
Generally we are interested in the average effects of the treatments and in
particular how these treatment means differ from each other.


Experiment type Treatment
Medical Drug
Animal Diet
Agricultural Wheat Variety
Chemical Catalyst
Psychological Teaching Method

AS3G / STM50

Treatment may be levels of a single factor (e.g. various amounts of fertiliser
given, type of drug administered). But often treatments consist of a combination
of several factors (e.g. tomato variety, amount of water given, early/late sowing,
etc). An experiment using such treatments is called a Factorial Experiment,
and enables us to investigate any interactions between factors.

We often want to compare new treatments with an existing treatment (or no
treatment). Then one level of treatment acts as a control, so that one aim of the
experiment is to compare the other treatment levels with the control.

Normally each experimental unit will receive a single treatment.

AS3G / STM50

One important concern of experimental design is how best to allocate treatments
to units.

Some degree of randomisation is vital for the results of an experiment to be

For example, in a medical experiment where a drug is being compared with a
placebo, if the doctors are not made aware of the importance of randomisation,
they may be tempted to give the drug to those patients suffering the most severe

This will bias the results.

Randomisation, therefore, reduces bias and allows a fair comparison to be
made between treatments.

Randomisation also justifies the assumption of independent errors in the linear
AS3G / STM50

Replication defines how many units receive the same treatment level.

Increasing the replication improves the accuracy of results and is essential to
provide estimates of s
and standard errors. It generally increases the power of
the experiment to detect important differences between treatments.

However, too much replication is a waste of resources, and may blow the

So a compromise is needed.

AS3G / STM50

The purpose of an experiment is to investigate the effects of treatments and their
differences. But these can be obscured by the effects of other factors outside the
experimenters control, which cause the units to be heterogeneous.

Blocking is used to take account of differences (or heterogeneities) in the
experimental units (e.g. male/female, old/young patients, different fertility in
parts of a field).

Use of blocking can reduce the variability of the observations and so often
reduces the estimate of residual variance, s

Generally, randomisation has to be compromised with blocking, leading to some
form of restricted randomisation, (e.g. a randomised complete block design).

We will discuss blocking in more depth later in the module.

AS3G / STM50

A variable (or several variables) that is related to both the dependant and
independent variables (or response and explanatory variables) is called a
confounding variable. Confounding variables need to be taken into account
when designing an experiment, to avoid the inferences from the analysis being

For example: A design with 8 plots. Plots 1-4 have treatment A, and plots 5-8
have treatment B.
1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
There is a clear difference between the yields for the two treatments. But is this
due to treatment? Or due to the fields for treatment A having a good water
supply? Or because the fields for treatment B are in the shade of the trees?

AS3G / STM50
An Example of the Story of an Experiment

t we know damage varies widely

Aim to find out if Boreproof is more resistant to stem borer
than M512.

Design 1: plant a field with Boreproof

Design 2: plant a field of Boreproof and another of M512
Observed damage (%):
Boreproof: 20
M512: 50
But we know damage varies widely

Design 3: plant 4 fields of Boreproof and 4 of M512
Observed damage (%):
Boreproof: 20, 10, 40, 30
M512: 50, 60, 40, 35
Comparison of
Single Treatment Experimental Units
AS3G / STM50
An Example of the Story of an Experiment

t we know damage varies widely

Design 4: Unit = 10 fields x 2 plots in each.
Each treatment once in each field, M512 on the left hand plot
and Boreproof on the right.
Observed damage (%):

Field M512 Boreproof
1 50 20
2 30 10
3 20 10

Consistent differences but are they caused by treatment?

Design 5: as Design 4 but with random allocation of
treatments to units.

New Experimental

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