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High-Performance Stereoscopic Raytracing in GPU

Thesis Proposal Prepared By Mazen Abdulaziz

Nowadays, large 3D stereoscopic displays are trending, requiring rendering at higher resolution and at high frame rates. This development aims at delivering more realistic details, but it also comes at a significant cost: bowing to the computational constraints. Moreover, rendering stereo image pairs separately doubles the rendering cost. This poses a problem for interactive applications viewed on those displays, especially if computationally expensive rendering techniques, such as ray tracing, are employed. In order to achieve high-quality stereoscopic rendering at a lower cost, one can exploit temporal coherence techniques: taking advantage of the inherent similarity of contents between adjacent rendered frames and both stereo pairs to reduce the rendering cost. Existing techniques can be improved and implemented on a state-ofthe-art graphics processing unit (GPU) offering extensive computational power to accomplish yet a grand speedup, and this is the aim of this work.

Table of Contents
1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 5 1.1 Contribution ....................................................................................................... 6 2 Background ............................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Ray-tracing ......................................................................................................... 7 2.1.1 Acceleration Structures ................................................................................. 9 2.1.2 Parallel Ray-tracing ....................................................................................... 9 2.1.3 Ray-tracing using GPU................................................................................ 10 2.2 Temporal Coherence........................................................................................ 10 2.2.1 Image-Space Temporal Coherence in Ray-tracing...................................... 10 2.2.2 Image-Space Temporal Coherence in Stereoscopic Ray Tracing................ 11 3 Work Plan................................................................................................................ 17 References .................................................................................................................... 18

List of Figures
Figure .1: an image generated using ray-tracing ......................................................... 7 2 Figure .2: Simplified illustration for Whitted-style ray-tracing................................... 8 2 Figure .3: Monoscopic Perspective Projection. .......................................................... 12 2 Figure .4: Stereoscopic Perspective Projection. .......................................................... 13 2 Figure .5: Reprojection errors..................................................................................... 15 2 Figure .6: Stereoscopic Reprojection Algorithm ........................................................ 16 2


To humans, the visual system is the most important sensory device, since the perception and recognition of the surrounding world heavily rely on it. For thousands of years, prehistoric humans spanning all cultures kept visual memories of their surroundings through simple paintings that exhibited little visual cues, lacking perspective and depth information. With the development of arts, paintings exhibited more sensory cues, including precise perspective drawings, shadows and even depth-of-field. Artists of renaissance era had realized that each human eye perceives a slightly different image, resulting in a depth cue that was impossible for a painter to portray in a single canvas. Stereopsis, the process of perceiving different depths from the two slightly different projections of the world onto the two eyes, was only well established in the 18 th century. Understanding this concept led to the invention of the stereoscopy technique, where an added depth cue of an image is enhanced by presenting two offset images, called stereo images pair or stereo pair, separately to the left and right eye of the viewer. The invention of Photography made it easy to produce stereo images later on. The history of Computer Graphics started similar to that of human arts; where the first image-synthesis techniques produced simple 2D drawings. With the evolvement of computer hardware, graphics processing units (GPUs) and Computer Graphics algorithms, 3D and more realistic images could be produced. Modern techniques for realistic image synthesis include Ray-tracing [1, 2] and Radiosity [3]. However, it takes an ample amount of time to compute precise realistic images with these techniques. Nowadays, large displays are becoming mainstream, requiring rendering at higherresolution and at high frame rates. This development aims at delivering more realistic details and better accuracy, but it also comes at a significant cost: bowing to the computational constraints. Hence, interactive applications (such as video games) use rendering techniques that are less computationally-intensive, such as rasterization [4], at the cost of producing less realistic images.

Throughout the years, researchers have been competing to develop algorithms that are able to perform ray-tracing in real time. One of the earliest attempts to implement an interactive ray-tracer dates back to 1994, when Bishop et al. [5] introduced Frameless Rendering. The state of the art interactive ray-tracers implement various optimization techniques, including Acceleration Structures [6] and Temporal Coherence [7], the topic of interest in this thesis. Moreover, the recent advent of parallel processing units, CPUs and GPUs, also contributed to the realization of interactive ray-tracing [8, 9]. Yet, another challenge for interactive realistic rendering is being posed by large 3D displays that are also trending. Even for the 3D displays at the lowest end, the 3D Stereo Displays, each frame of an animation sequence must be rendered twice as a pair of stereo images, doubling the rendering cost if navely implemented. In order to achieve high-quality rendering at a lower cost, one can exploit Temporal Coherence; the correlation of contents in object space and image space between adjacent rendered frames. By taking advantage of temporal coherence, redundant computation can be avoided, and the rendering cost can be significantly reduced with only a minimal decrease in quality. In the literature, temporal coherence was also exploited to render stereo images, where the second view of a stereo pair is computed exploiting information computed in the first view, thus speeding up rendering.



This work will focus on devising an efficient distribution ray-tracing algorithm, which produces high quality stereo images using temporal coherence in image space. The resulting algorithm is expected to produce outputs of comparably high frame rates and at high resolution for display in modern 3D stereo displays, and it will be completely executed on a state-of-the-art GPU. Specifically, This work will focus on improving an existing image-space temporal coherence technique that is exploited in rendering stereo pairs using distribution ray-tracing. This improvement includes making a parallel implementation of the technique, optimizing to work on specific modern GPUs. 6


This section elaborates on the background required to cover the thesis topic. Subsection 2.1 talks about ray tracing and the latest developments in its area, and subsection 2.2 addresses temporal coherence, shedding more light on image-space temporal coherence techniques and their use in stereoscopic ray tracing.



Ray-tracing is an image synthesis technique for generating images from a three dimensional model of a scene. It is famous for producing images that exhibit effects with high degree of realism (Figure .1). However, it is also known for the associated 2 high computational cost, due to the need to traverse a scene with many rays, intersecting each with the geometric objects, shading the visible surface samples, and finally sending the resulting pixels to the image plane. Due to the cost associated with ray-tracing, the technique is perceived almost exclusively as an offline rendering technique for cases where image quality matters more than rendering speed, limiting its use in interactive applications to, mostly, research.

Figure .1: an image generated using ray-tracing. (Image courtesy of Gilles 2 Tran, 2006)

The core algorithm of ray-tracing was presented by Whitted [1], and is illustrated in Figure .2. It represents the fundamental basis for many ray-tracing-based rendering 2 algorithms. Whitted-style ray-tracing produces pleasing effects such as reflections, refractions, transparent surfaces and shadows. Later on, Cook extended this recursive ray-tracing approach to support additional effects such as glossy reflection, illumination by area light sources, motion blur, and depth of field. This extended approach is called distribution ray-tracing [2]. More advanced algorithms were illustrated later on and were capable of computing the complete global illumination within a scene, including indirect illumination and caustic effects [10-14]. Even though the purpose and supported accuracy of each algorithm is different, the key point is that they all heavily rely on the core ray-tracing algorithm as their fundamental base.

Figure .2: Simplified illustration for Whitted-style ray-tracing. A primary ray 2 proceeds from a virtual camera to the scene through each pixel of the image plane. The first intersection to the ray is determined and tested for illumination by the light sources (the blue shadow rays), and potential reflection or refraction rays are generated. For each of these secondary rays, the contribution is recursively evaluated in the same way as for primary rays. Then, the corresponding pixel is shaded, depending on the material of the intersected geometry.

Distribution ray-tracing achieves better visual outputs by emitting multiple diverse primary rays per pixel, and multiple diverse secondary rays per intersection point, and then averaging the computed values per each set of rays to, ultimately, illuminate the pixel. Therefore, distribution ray-tracing requires more computation than Whitted-style ray-tracing. To reduce computations, techniques for optimizing ray-tracing, such as acceleration structure and temporal coherence, has been heavily exploited in the literature.

2.1.1 Acceleration Structures

At the heart of most ray-tracing based algorithms is the idea of following a ray into a model 3D scene and finding the intersection point between this ray and the nearest object in the scene. Hence, for large scenes, it is important to efficiently exclude surfaces which the ray will not intersect. Otherwise, for very large scenes, a ray would test against millions of surfaces before finding the nearest intersection point. This exclusion is accomplished through a data structure called an acceleration structure. Broadly, there are two main type of acceleration structures used in raytracing: spatial acceleration structures, which subdivide the scene into several smaller regions, and these regions can be tested efficiently against each ray, and the geometry residing in those regions that the ray does not interact with can be safely ignored; and bounding volumes that surround groups of complex objects in a simple shape, which are tested against each ray, and only if the ray intersects the bounding shape does the ray test against the enclosed geometry. In the literature, several different types of ray-tracing acceleration structures are explored. An excellent survey of several acceleration structures is provided by Walt et al. [6].

2.1.2 Parallel Ray-tracing

Since the color of each pixel is computed independently, ray-tracing algorithms can be easily implemented in parallel. Exploiting this is one way to bring rasterization and ray-tracing closer in execution time. Although this observation was first established by Whitted [1], and many attempts were made towards implementing parallel ray-tracing [15-17], it was only recently that it proved efficient due to the

emergence of multi-core CPUs and massively parallel General Purpose GPUs (GPGPUs).

2.1.3 Ray-tracing using GPU

Since modern GPUs have great computational power as well as high memory bandwidth, running ray-tracing on them has been an active field of research in recent years [8, 9, 18, 19], aiming at delivering ray-tracing that is practical for interactive applications. Holger and Elster [20] recently presented a notable work in this area, where they were able to achieve ray-tracing of several scenes that represent real-life applications in real-time speeds ranging from 20.63 to 67.15 frames per second. They used Nvidia OptiX [21], a new programmable ray-tracing engine, to accomplish that.


Temporal Coherence

Computer animation can be achieved through displaying synthesized images in rapid succession to create the illusion of motion. The nave way of synthesizing these images is by rendering each image separately. However, the inherent similarity of contents between adjacent rendered frames can be exploited in order to reduce the rendering cost of these frames. This similarity is called temporal coherence. This similarity between consecutive frames can either be between all elements of the scene model states at these frames, or between pixels representing the rendered image of each of these frames. To distinguish between these two types of temporal coherence, the former is called object-space temporal coherence, while the latter is referred to as image-space temporal coherence, which is of interest in this work. Temporal coherence has been exploited since the early days of computer graphics. For example, the term frame-to-frame coherence was first introduced by Sutherland et al. [22]. It has been used in all techniques of image synthesis, including ray-tracing. The following section briefly reviews some of the existing image-space temporal coherence techniques. For object-space temporal coherence, refer to this [7] excellent survey written by Scherzer et al.

2.2.1 Image-Space Temporal Coherence in Ray-tracing

One of the earliest adaptations of temporal coherence in ray-traced animations was presented by Badt [23], where he introduced the reprojection algorithm. Reprojection 10

involves moving the pixels in one image to their position in the second, and cleaning up the image by recalculating only those pixels whose value is unknown or in question after the viewpoint has transformed. He reported a speedup of 2.4 in rendering the second image. However, his technique was capable of computing diffuse illumination only. Thereafter, Adelson and Hodges [14] extended this approach to ray-tracing of arbitrary scenes, incorporating other sources of illumination. Although the results of their work exhibited little to no noise, their technique was slow and sequential in nature. Later, Bishop et al. [5] introduced frameless rendering. Here, the concept of framebased rendering is abandoned and, instead, a set of randomly sampled pixels are rendered based on the most recent input, and gets immediately updated. Due to the delay introduced when the selective pixels are rendered, this method suffered from significant noise artifacts. This method was later improved by Dayal et al. [24] by adaptively biasing the sampled pixels towards the regions of change in scene objects, and this resulted in a relatively great reduction of noise artifacts. Still, this adaptive frameless rendering technique, although fast, suffers from noticeable noise.

2.2.2 Image-Space Temporal Coherence in Stereoscopic Ray Tracing

To create a ray-traced stereo images pair, slightly different perspective views of the same scene must be rendered, potentially doubling the required work. However, the stereo images pair are temporally coherent to a high extent. Adelson and Hodges [25] were the first to exploit temporal coherence to produce the second view image of a stereo images pair rendered using ray-tracing. Their work was based on Badts reprojection algorithm [23], where the pixels generated in the left view image are reprojected to the right view, and pixels of reprojection errors are ray-traced. Also, their technique was only limited to render diffuse illumination. At later development [26], they extended their technique to render precise specular highlights, resulting in the first mature temporally coherent stereoscopic ray-tracing. Following is a brief description of this technique. Assume, in a standard monoscopic view, a perspective projection is used to project the 3D scene model objects onto the x-y plane with a center of projection at = (0, 0, ) for a viewplane located at = 0, as depicted in Figure .3. Given a point 2 = ( , , ) in the scene, the projected point = ( , ) is: 11

= And, =


+y axis


P = (xp, yp, zp)

+z axis +x axis (xs, ys)



Figure .3: Monoscopic Perspective Projection. 2 For stereoscopic views, as portrayed in Figure .4, two different projections, one per 2 each eye, of the scene are required. Each of these views will have a different center of projection, both horizontally displaced by the interocular distance (see Figure .4). 2 Therefore, the center of projection of the left eye view is located at = (/2, 0, ), and for the right eye view at = (/2, 0, ). A point = ( , , ) in the scene is projected to both views, where its corresponding viewplane coordinates in the left view is = ( , ), where = And, = + /2 +



And the corresponding viewplane coordinates of for the right view is = ( , ), where


= And,

+ /2 +


+y axis


P = (xp, yp, zp)

+z axis (xpl, ypl)

(xpr, ypr)

+x axis
Right Eye Left Eye


Figure .4: Stereoscopic Perspective Projection. 2 To put it in a matrix form: = 0 And, = 0 Where, 1 0 1 2 = + 0 0 0 0 0 And,





1 0 1 2 = + 0 0 0 0 0


Also, notice that if the left viewplane positions was computed, we can compute the right viewplane positions as follows: = + . +


And, = . In other words, a point will move horizontally between the views by a distance dependent on the depth of it, the distance from the viewing position to the projection plane, and the interocular distance between the two viewing positions. and represent world-to-viewplane transformations, used to transform the model scene points for the left and right views of a stereo images viewpoints, respectively; where the left image is rendered using and the right image is rendered using . To incorporate the reprojection technique, the left image is fully ray-traced to be generated, and the intersection position for each primary ray is recorded per pixel in the set . Then, to generate the second image, all the recorded positions of the left image are transformed by to calculate reprojected pixel locations on the right image. As described in [26], and as shown in Figure .5: 2 Reprojection errors, there are three possible reprojection errors: Overlapped pixel problem: occurs when multiple reprojections are casted onto the same pixel. The correct reprojection value should be determined in this case. Missing pixel problem: takes place when no reprojections are casted onto pixels. This can be solved by ray-tracing the missing pixels. Bad pixel problem: occurs if two adjacent pixels on a scanline are reprojected to the locations more than one pixel away from each other. In this case there is a gap of at least one pixel long between the reprojected locations. The values on these gaps are questionable and constitute bad pixel problem.


Figure .5: Reprojection errors. (a) overlapped pixels (b), (c) bad pixels 2 In order to rule-out reprojection errors, the left image is ray traced scaline by scanline from left to right. The status of all right image pixels is set to NoHit initially. As the left image pixels are ray traced, they are reprojected to the right image. Reprojected pixels in the right image are marked as Hit. If gaps are detected between any adjacent reprojected locations, the gap is marked as NoHit. After a scanline is done, pixels marked as NoHit are ray traced for the right image. This algorithm is shown in Figure .6. 2
For each scan line in the both images, 0 < ScreenHei ght do For each pi xel in scanline of the ri ght image, 0 < ScreenWidth do hitStatus[ ] := NoHit End for oldR := 1 For each pi xel in in scanline of the left image, 0 < ScreenWidth do Trace a ray through : intersec[ ] := Inters ection Point or Miss norm[ ] := Intersection Normal or Miss color[ ] := Phong(inters ec[ ], norm[ ], LeftEyePos) rep[ ] := intersec[ ] If rep[ ] < ScreenWidth then If oldR rep[ ] > 1 then For each pi xel in the ri ght image, oldR < < rep[ ] do hitStatus[ ] := NoHit End for hitStatus[ ] := Hit


color[ ] := Phong(intersec[ ], norm[ ], RightEy ePos) oldR := rep[ ] Else := oldR := ScreenWidth1 End if End if End for End for

Figure .6: Stereoscopic Reprojection Algorithm. Note that Phong is a function 2 that shades a pixel based on Phong method [27]. The technique introduced by Adelson and Hodges is sequential by nature, and there is only one attempt in the literature to parallelize it [28]; leaving a potential opportunity to apply parallelization and optimizations to make it run in modern GPUs. Moreover, Adelson and Hodges technique uses information only from the left view image of a stereo pair in order to produce the right view image. However, one can also incorporate information from stereo pairs of previous frames in order to minimize reprojection errors.



Work Plan

Following is the work plan of my thesis, which will also be used to evaluate my

Duration (Weeks) Phase Tasks Reviewing NVIDIA CUDA 1 Ray-tracer Implementation Learning NVIDIA OptiX Implementing optimized distribution ray-tracer in Optix Devising the new technique Incorporating the new technique with the ray tracer Optimizations Testing using different scenarios Gathering and studying results Total 3 Weeks 13 Weeks 4 Weeks 18 Weeks 5 Weeks 7 Weeks 5 Weeks 7 Weeks Normally Worst case

Improved Stereoscopic Ray2 Tracing Technique Implementation 3 Testing and Verifying Results


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