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Solving the Bi-Equation Alfred Kinsey (1942) theorized that sexual orientation existed on a 7 point continuum from 0=completely

heterosexual to 6=completely homosexual. However, empirical research has only focused on the two extremes of the continuum- completely heterosexual and completely homosexual. Little information has been collected about individuals that would exist at other points on this continuum. Two Hundred Twenty participants, between the age of 18-25, responded on an online advertisement to complete a survey on sexual behavior and connected to others, as well as connectedness to major institutions. Participants were given the option to identify as completely heterosexual, mostly heterosexual, bisexual, mostly homosexual, and completely homosexual. Participants were also asked to provide information about sexual milestones, connectedness to family members, peer/coworkers, and religious officials. Information about if participants felt that their sexual orientation was welcome at work/school, households/dorms, and religious institutions was also collected. Participants who were willing to provide more information about their answers could provide an email to participate in an extended response follow up interview. Five participants were chosen from each sexual orientation group to complete seventeen questions that asked participants to explain many of their answers from the baseline survey. Results from the surveys showed that mostly heterosexual, bisexual, and mostly homosexual were significantly more likely to feel less connected to family members and peers than completely homosexual and completely heterosexual individuals; these individuals were also more likely choose a mate based upon gender identity compared to biological sex. Mostly homosexual participants indicted that they have a strong desire to have a sexual relationship with a member of the opposite sex without a romantic relationship; while mostly heterosexual participants indicted that they have a strong desire to have a sexual relationship with a member of the same sex without a romantic relationship. Bisexual participants indicated a desire to have a sexual relationship and romantic relationship with both sexes equally throughout their lifespan. Results also show that completely homosexual participants have similar feelings of overall well-being and connectedness at completely heterosexual participants. These results indicate that stigmas around homosexuality in society are beginning to disappear, and it is important to study sexuality across the continuum because there are significant differences that are left noticed by only focusing on completely heterosexual and completely homosexual individuals.

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