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How To Sharpen Brain

Sharp mindedness means the quickness of a person to interpret, understand, analyse, or pick up an idea adequately. It is a quality that enables you to find a solution to a problem very quickly or answer a question very quickly or learn very quickly. A person with sharp brain is a keen and quick observer. He has also a go creativity power. He has good memory to remember things for long time. Sharp mindedness is necessary in every sphere of life. Suppose you are a student, you need to learn things quickly and properly to avoid wastage of time. Similarly in exam you need to reproduce ideas (what you have learnt while your preparation) in paper very quickly to complete the paper in time. A sharp minded student takes comparatively less time to learn a chapter than a blunt minded student. Some people have this quality as in-born quality while others have to develop this quality by practice. There many ways to sharpen your brain, some of which are as follows

Use your brain more and more Brain Exercise

Like other parts, the brain also becomes more powerful by exercising brain. Exercising brain means using it more and more. Generally brain is involved in every work we do but there are some works in which we have to brain, thinking power, mental analysing power and all our mental capabilities, such works can contribute in exercising our brains. For instance, a product maker is in a situation when he thinks how to minimise the cost of making a product as well as maximise the quality of product. He will have to think more and more, use his brain to find the solution which indirectly exercise his brain as well. Similarly we can produce such situations or involve ourselves in such situations to exercise our brain. In the beginning, we will face difficulties in such brain exercise but with passage of time it will become very easy as we develop brains sharpness by exercising our brain. Mental capability or thinking power can be enhanced by using brain in the same way. Brain exercises sharpen our brain. Try mental exercise daily. It sharpens your mind. It strengthens neural connections in your brain. Now think what are a brain exercises or such situations which exercise our situation? It can be a simple task like Essay writing on a topic, in which we have use our brain to collect ideas about the topic and use brain to present ideas in a proper way for the reader. We take a paper and write all the idea that we know about the topic. We may know 10 to 15 topics very easily then we start thinking (brain exercise) to find more and ideas about the topic. If we write such essays daily, it can exercise our brain to sharpen it. There are different activities which involve brain work and flourish the power of your brain. Playing games like chess, scrabble, and many others Solving numerical problems, or puzzles and quizzes Trying out tricky situations usually given in magazines and newspaper. Making some difficult charts and tables, daily Studying difficult topics and trying to learn it and gain command on it. Writing essays on different topics, daily The above activities are brain exercises. If you do such activities daily, it slowly and gradually increases your mental capability. Brain sharpening is not possible in one day. It needs daily brain exercise and within few days you feel the change. Playing games like chess and scrabble are also very helpful in brain sharpening, where you have to think about you every move as well as about the move of your opponent player in these games. By these games you can improve power of your brain. At the first time when you play a game you feel it very difficult but by playing it again and again you become master of it because by constant brain exercise your brain power is enhanced and you master it.

Critical thinking Adequate thinking approach to things.

When we hear something, read something or working on something, it is very important that our thinking approach towards it should be adequate and precise, which involves Thinking about an idea at every angle. Get into the depth of idea. Serious thinking about an idea. Alertness while work Our thinking approach should not be only up to the surface of an idea, we should think about it at every angle an go to the depth of the idea. Try to analyse ideas. Have scientific mental approach to things. Some things need more heed so these should not be taken light. Take things important things serious and think on its all aspects as well as avoiding unnecessary aspects. Suppose you have to solve a problem, you are asked to solve a problem, there will be many solutions the problem but you have to choose the best one. So it is not only to think on about what are the

solutions to the problem but you should find the solution and analyze each solution and consider the best one which yield more positive consequences. Think on its all aspects. There will be many solutions to the problem but you have to choose the best one. So it is not only to think on about what are the solutions to the problem but you should find the solution and analyze each solution and consider the best one which yield more positive consequences. Similarly if you are a student and you have a study a topic. There is a supporting idea in the paragraph, which is true according to the author. You should think over it whether it is really true or not. Dont just accept it as true because the author has told that it is true. You should analyze the idea, have also contradictory assumption, and think on both. When you do so you come to know about it in full and you learn it properly. Intelligent people have such thinking approach. Study is an activity which requires more brain work because you observe things and pick up them which is totally a brain work. While studying you have use brain on each idea in order to learn it effective and gain command over it.

Nutrients for brain.

Take nutrients which are rich in contents good for brain. Nutrient having antioxidant like vitamin C, and E and beta carotene, vitamins B, omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid etc, are good for brain. Add 3 to 5 Almonds in one glass milk, keep it for 5 to 6 minutes and drink it daily, it is good for mental health. Apple juice is also good for sharpening brain.

Take physical exercise regularly.

Brain takes it nutrients from blood for functioning properly. Physical exercise speeds up blood flow to brain and brain gets well nourished as well as brain gets rid of waste products. Physical exercise is necessary for enhancing mental capabilities.

Try to get full Sleep.

Sleep is essential for brain to function properly. Sleep helps our brain in two ways While sleep our brain relaxes because our brain usage is minimized while sleep. While sleep our brain involves in some important processes, i.e. working on data we have worked on, memorization of things etc. Our brain involves in activities we do all the day. Our brain gets tired by constantly involving in activities we do all the daylong and the brain function is affected. Thats why brain needs to take rest. When we sleep our brain relaxes and become ready to function properly. Besides relaxation of brain, our brain perform certain process while we sleep which consist of working on data, storing data, strengthening neurons connection and making space for new data. To sharpen your brain you should know how to concentrate on a thing and how to improve the power of your memory.

How to improve your memory

Good memory is a necessary attribute brilliant students. Students have to learn as well as memorize things to reproduce these things in their own words in examination. It should be noted that by memorizing I never mean cramming. Student should always avoid cramming because it puts end to creativity. He should understand and learn in a way that he can use that learning himself. But still a part of study needs to be memorized. A science student has to understand scientific processes in their science books as well as make sketch of steps involved in these steps. Such learning requires good memory. Let me tell you how to improve your memory.

Associate one information with other information.

When you study and you pick a new information, associate it with another formation, which you have already learnt. Making such relation between same information will help you remember things easily.

Make image of data in your mind.

Try to make a sketch of information in your mind. When you read something, think for a while draw its picture in your mind. In this way you transform data into memorable image. For example, you study hydrologic cycle it process telling you how waters re-cycle to soil. It is a lengthy process in which water, either directly from soil surface or after plants absorbs through roots and transpire it into atmosphere, converts to vapours. Vapours condense into clouds and come back to soil in form of rain. You can keep this process by making a sketch (image) of this process in you mind. It is just an example.

Make short formulae or short sentences for complex data.

It is a nice tactic if you have to memorize complex data or many steps involved in a process in its sequence. In this way, you have to make a short word or sentence contain first alphabets of each idea. Example 1 Suppose you study trigonometry, there are complex formulae, which can confuse you in exam if you dont memorize them. See these formulae given below. Sin = Perpendicular/Hypotenuse Cos = Base/Hypotenuse Tan = Perpendicular/Base Make a sentence for it to memorize it easily, we make a sentence some people have curly black hair through properly brushing The first three words in this sentence are for first formula, next three words in sentence are for second formula and last three words in sentence are for last formula. See first three words of sentence Some People have: first alphabets of these three words are S, P H. where S stand for Sin, P for perpendicular and H for Hypotenuse.. it make first formula, Sin = Perpendicular/Hypotenuse Next three words. Curly black hair: first alphabets of these three words are C, B, H. where C stands Cos, B for base and H for hypotenuse and it makes 2nd formula Cos = Base/Hypotenuse Last three words. Through Properly brushing: It give us three alphabets T, P and B. where T stands for Tan, P stands for perpendicular and B for base. It make the 3rd formula Tan = Perpendicular/Base Example 2 you have to memorize the name of four phases of MITOSIS (cell division process) in its right sequence which are1-Prophase, 2-Metaphase, 3-Anaphase, and 4-Telophase. Make a word or two words like PMA Test (a test for army selection). From this word P stands for Prophase, M stands for Metaphase and T (first alphabet of test) stands for Telophase.

If you study a topic and forget this topic after some days. Dont worry it is common. You should review your study again and again to remember it for long time. If you study in morning, it is good to you review it in night. You should at least review a topic after every week.

Reading aloud and writing.

Some students remember things by reading aloud or writing the study stuff. Practice it, it can help you.

Mental Exercise.

Try mental exercise daily. It sharpens your mind. It strengthens neural connections in your brain. There are different activities by which you can exercise your brain. Like doing difficult arithmetic calculations with help of your mind, puzzle games, solving a questionnaire where you have to use your brain. The more you use your brain the better it is.

Nutrients for brain.

Take nutrients which are rich in contents good for brain. Nutrient having antioxidant like vitamin C, and E and beta carotene, vitamins B, omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid etc, are good for brain. Add 3 to 5 Almonds in one glass milk, keep it for 5 to 6 minutes and drink it daily, it is good for mental health. Apple juice is also good for sharpening brain.

Think and accept you can remember.

Never say you cant remember. You can remember only if you say that you can remember and accept this mentally.

Try to get full sleep.

Take at least six hour rest for refreshment and relaxation of your mind so that your mind can work more efficiently.

Take regular exercise.

Brain takes it nutrients from blood for functioning properly. Physical exercise speeds up blood flow to brain and brain gets well nourished as well as brain gets rid of waste products. Physical exercise is necessary for enhancing memory power.

How to build concentration for study

Concentration on work is important in all sphere of life. Effective study is only possible if you study with full attention throwing off mind all the irrelevant thoughts which interrupt in the process of learning. Concentration means to throw off mind all unnecessary thoughts and converge all the mental capabilities on a point. Normally the rays of sun do not burn a paper, because these rays are dispersed but if the rays of sun are converged on paper with the help of lens, it burns the paper at once. Similarly converging your mental capabilities enables productive study the power of concentration. These are the tips to improve power of concentration.

Try to get full sleep.

Take at least six hour rest for refreshment and relaxation of your mind. A fresh mind can concentrate more easily.

Take regular exercise.

Brain takes its nutrients from blood for functioning properly. Physical exercise speeds up blood circulation to brain and brain gets well nourished as well as brain gets rid of waste products. Physical exercise is necessary for enhancing power of concentration.

Study in a place with no or less distractions.

Your study place should be free from such things which may absorb your attention, i.e television, music, changing color bulbs, maps etc. Similarly study in quiet place free from sound distractions.

Avoid multi-tasking.
While you study avoid playing with other things. Like you study as well as texting to friends on cell phone or making hair styles or one eye on television and one eye on book. Similarly study one subject in one time.

Have free mind.

Throw off your mind all the irrelevant thoughts while you study. If you are obsessed by a certain idea, try to find a solution to your problem first. Stress makes it difficult to concentrate.

Fixation of priorities.
Fixation of priorities, what should be done first and what should be done next, is very important for having full concentration in your work. If you dont fix your priorities and work haphazardly, it is more likely you start thinking while doing one task shouldnt I do the other task first as that is more important. This thought will not let you work with concentration. Make time-table for your subject and follow it.

Take short breaks in long study.

If you study for a long time, you get bore and cant maintain concentration on work. You should refresh your mind by taking short breaks to maintain your concentration on study.

Have interest in your study.

Lack of motivation and interest leads to boredom and dividend attention so develop your interest in your studies.

Have good breakfast.

Your breakfast should contain items with high protein content, carbohydrates and low sugar content. When you get up from sleep, have good diet though normally you should take light diet.

Dont take too much tea or coffee.

Tea or coffee has caffeine that gives you more strength for sometime but soon leaves you sluggish.

Concentration Exercises.
There some exercises which improve your power of concentration i.e. yoga, self-hypnosis, looking at a round spot on wall with full attention etc. There are books on these things you can study.

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