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Chapter 3: BIODIVERSITY Diversity of living organisms ( kepelbagaian benda hidup) 1. There are millions of species of organisms on Earth 2.

Organisms are diverse and vary from one location to another. 3. There are organisms that move on land, swim in the water and fly in the air. Some organisms live in the body of other organisms. 4. a) animals and plants are diverse because they come from different types of habitats. b) a specific species of organism can be found in each type of habitat. For example, a freshwater fish cannot live in the sea but can only live in the river or a lake. A marine fish can only survive in the sea and will die if it is put into a river.


Habitat: The place where an organism lives Examples: soil, treetops, caves, seaside, moist bread, pond


Biodiversity: the variety of living organisms. We can see diversity everywhere- forests, seasides, coral and deserts In general, there is greater biodiversity as you get closer to the equator. This is because the climate is warmer and more moist.



Different organisms have different characteristics to help them adapt to their environment. This is very important to their survival.

Classifications of living organisms


The sorting of living organisms into groups based on their common living characteristics is called classification

2. In the classification system used today, organisms are classified into five main groups called kingdoms which are: - Animals - Plants - Fungi - Bacteria - Simple organisms

Classification of animals Animals can be classified into two main groups - Vertebrates - Invertebrates Vertebrates:- animals called vertebrate with backbones are

Invertebrates: animals without backbones are called invertebrates

Invertebrate with jointed leg

Millipede Invertebrate without jointed leg Worm like


Leeches worm Not worm like




mammal a) Warm- blooded b) Have a pair of external ears c) Body covered with fur or hair d) Breathe through their lungs e) Give birth to their young f) The young feed on their mothers milk g) Carry out internal fertilization h) Examples : monkeys, bats, whales, rabbits

Bird a)Warm- blooded b) Body covered with feather

c)Feed by using a beak d) Have a pair of legs and wings

e)Lay eggs in the nest f) Most birds live on land g) h) Carry out internal fertilization Examples: swans, eagles, crows, owls

Which class of this animal???

Fish a) Cold blooded b) Body covered with slimy scales c) Breathe through their gills d) Lay eggs in water

Their streamlined bodies and fins enable swift movement in water

f) Carry out external fertilization

g) Examples: salmon, sharks, sea horses

Amphibian a) Cold blooded b) Live both on land and in water c) Breathe through their skin and lungs d) Have moist skin

e) Lay eggs in water f) Carry out external fertilization g) Examples: frogs, toads, salamanders



Cold blooded

Have dry scaly skin Breathe through their lungs Live on land Normally lay eggs on land

c) d) e)

f) Have two pairs of limbs g) Carry out internal fertilization crocodiles, tortoises,

h) Examples: lizards


Flowerin g plants

Nonflowering plants

Dicotyled ons

monocot yledon





Monocotyledons -They produce seeds with one cotyledon or seed leaf. - their leaves have parallel veins -they have fibrous roots Their stems lack woody tissues. Most of them are herbaceous plants. Examples: maize, sugar cane, banana, paddy , lily, coconut and orchid plants

Dicotyledons They produce seeds with two cotyledons Their leaves have a network of veins They have tap roots, that is a main root with a lot of smaller branching roots The stems are usually hard and woody

Non-flowering plants Algae Unicellular or multicellular organisms Do not have true stems, leaves and roots Live in water and moist places For examples: spirogyra, hydra

Mosses Simple plants with stems and small leaves but no


roots - Live on land in moist and shady places - Green in colour Reproduce through spores growing in capsules at the

end of the stalks

Ferns - Have stems, leaves and roots - Live on land in moist and shady places

Reproduce through spores growing in sori ( sorus) at the back of the fronds ( leaves)


Have true roots, stems and needle-like leaves Do not produce flowers but cones Reproduce through seeds in the cones

- For examples: pine tree

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