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Geology of bauxite

Bauxite occurs in three main forms depending on both the number of molecules of water of hydration and the crystalline structure. The three structural forms of bauxite are Gibbsite, Bhmite and Diaspore. Gibbsite is a true aluminium hydroxide and Bhmite and Diaspore are both aluminiumoxide-hydroxides. The main difference between the latter two is that Diaspore has a different crystalline structure to Bhmite, and requires even higher temperatures for rapid dehydration. As can be seen from the table below Gibbsite exists in trihydrate form and the latter two are monohydrate. Gibbsite Composition Al(OH)3 Maximum Alumina Content % 65.4 Crystal System Monoclinic Density gcm-3 2.42 Temp. for Rapid Dehydration C 150 Unit Bhmite AlO(OH) 85.0 Orthorhombic 3.01 350 Diaspore AlO(OH) 85.0 Orthorhombic 3.44 450

Of the bauxite ores currently being mined the dominant form is Gibbsite, followed by a mixed ore of Gibbsite and Bhmite. Differences in ore composition influence their subsequent processing. Processing conditions are also affected by impurities, chiefly compounds of iron, silicon and titanium.

The major bauxite deposits are to be found in the tropics and in the Caribbean and Mediterranean regions. Today most bauxite mines are in the Caribbean area, South America, Australia and Africa. Bauxite is found in four types of deposit: blanket, pocket, interlayered and detrital.

Blanket deposit
Large blanket deposits occur in West Africa, Australia, South America and India. These deposits occur as flat layers lying near the surface and may extend over an area covering many kilometres. Thickness may vary from a metre or less to 40 metres in exceptional cases although 4-6 metres is average.

Pocket deposits

In both Jamaica and Hispaniola, as well as in Southern Europe, bauxite is found in pocket deposits. The size of these depressions range in depth from less than one metre to more than thirty. In some cases each pocket is isolated, while in others areas the depressions overlap and compose one large deposit.

Interlayered deposits
Interlayered deposits are found in the United States, Suriname, Brazil, Guyana, Russia, China, Hungary and the Mediterranean area. They originally existed at the surface as other types of rocks or volcanics. These formations are usually more compact than in other deposits because of the additional weight of the overburden.

Detrital deposits
The term "detrital" refers to deposits that form as a result of accumulation of bauxite that has eroded from other deposits. Arkansas bauxite in the USA is mined from detrital deposits. Bauksit merupakan kelompok mineral aluminium hidroksida seperti gibbsite (Al2O3.3H2O), Boehmit (Al2O3H2O) dan diaspore (Al2O3H2O), mempunyai warna putih atau kekuningan dalam keadaan murni, merah atau coklat apabila terkontaminasi oleh besi oksida atau bitumen. Bauksit relative sangat lunak (kekerasan 1-3), relative ringan dengan berat jenis 2.3-2.7, mudah patah tidak larut dalam air dan tidak terbakar. Bahan galian ini terjadi dari proses pelapukan (laterisasi) batuan induk, erat kaitannya dengan penyebaran granit. Boehmit didapatkan juga dalam rekahan pada batuan nepelin syenite pegmatite sebagai hasil proses alterasi hydrothermal dari nepelin atau feldspar. Bauksit yang terkandung diindonesia, jenis mineralnya adalah gibbsite dengan kadar utama alumina, kuarsa dana silica aktif. Bijih bauksit laterit terjadi didaerah tropis dan sub tropis serta membentuk perbukitan landai yang memungkinkan terjadinya pelapukan yang cukup kuat. Bauksit dapat terbentuk dari batuan yang mempunyai kadar aluminium relative tinggi, kadar Fe rendah dan sedikit kuarsa (SiO2)bebas. Batuan yang memenuhi persyaratan itu antara lain nepelin syenite dan sejenisnya yang berasal dari batuan beku, batuan lempung/serpih. Batuan tersebut akan mengalami proses laterisasi yaitu proses yang terjadi karena pertukaran suhu secara terus menerus sehingga batuan mengalami pelapukan. Pada musim hujan air masuk melalui reakahn-rekahan dan menghanyutkan unsure yang mudah larut, sementara unsure yang sukar larut/tidak larut tertinggal dalam batuan induk. Setelah unsur2 yang mudah larut seperti Na dan K, Mg dan Ca dihanyutkan oleh air, residu yang tertinggal disebut laterit menjadi kaya akan hidroksida alumina Al(OH)3 yang kemudian oleh proses dehidrasi akan mengeras menjadi bauksit.

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