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Madonna in a Rose Arbor

May each day unfold for you like roses, sparkling in the dew, that open to the morning sun and bloom until the day is through. And may each passing moment bring a song as pure as angels sing but may there be above all things a peace that on God can bring.
*The Author*

Heres flowers for you; Hot lavender, mints, savory, marjoram; The marigold, that goes to bed with the sun, And with him rises weeping; these are flowers Of middle summer, and, I think, they are given To men of middle age.
*Shakespeare The Winters Tale*

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*

The Annunciation
"The mood of springtime informs the church's interior; nature's blossoming, the warm air of May evenings, human gladness in a world that is renewing itself -- all these things enter in. Veneration of Mary has its place in this very particular atmosphere, for she, theVirgin, shows us faith under its youthful aspect, as God's new beginning in a world that has grown old. In her we see the Christian life set forth as a youth-fullness of the heart, as beauty and a waiting readiness for what is to come."
* Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Seek That Which is Above (Ignatius, 1986), pp. 95-96.*

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*

May Hawthorn
The May hawthorn, is known as Marys Flower of May; this flower bears white blossoms in early spring. In earlier times "bringing in the May," the "May" being the flowering branches of any tree in bloom on the first of May, was the custom on the first of May in England and parts of Scotland. Also in Medieval times the faithful honored Our Lady as the mother of all growing, living things.
*Konrad of Wrzburg wrote: You are a living paradise Of gloriously colored flowers.*

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*

Roses and Lilies

A legend from the second century says that when Mary's tomb was opened to show Thomas that her body had been assumed into heaven, it was filled with flowers; roses and lilies; hence became Marys flowers.The Venerable Bede (673-735) compared Our Lady to the lily... the white petals signifying her bodily purity, the golden anthers the glowing light of her soul....
The rose regarded as the "queen of flowers", and often symbolizes Mary, the Queen of Heaven. It is also regarded as a universal symbol of perfect love, its color, perfection of form, and fragrance, as well as its thorns signifies Mary's role in salvation history as the Mother of Jesus Christ who was crowned with thorns and shed His blood on the Cross for love of mankind.The rose, arising from a thorny bush, also signifies Mary, the Mystical Rose, "our fallen Nature's solitary boast", who alone of the human race was conceived without sin. Lilies: Easter or Madonna lilies and lilies-ofthe-valley; white color and sweet fragrance symbolize Mary's purity, humility, loving obedience to God's will.

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*

Rose Campions
Rose legends proliferated, reaching their peak in the twelfth century. The Rosa Alba turned pink when Mary blushed at the angel's Annunciation, the Christmas Rose sprang up to provide flowers for the poor shepherd girl who had no gift for the Infant Jesus, the Rose of Jericho marked the spot where the Holy Family rested during their flight into Egypt, and the Rose Campion saved the life of a lord who prayed "Our Lady's Psalter." In the fourteenth century the poet Dante called Mary "the Rose, in which the divine Word became flesh...." Many artists of the fifteenth century painted Mary with roses, often in a rose garden.
May 2012 Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua* 6

Madonna Lily
The Madonna lily was associated with the Annunciation, and lilies are often depicted in scenes of the angel's visit to Mary. Tradition tells us that the Amazon lily was the Star of Bethlehem guiding the Magi to Jesus. Other lilies were associated with Mary.The red lily was Mary's lily, and the Martagon or turban lily was called Our Lady's Tears. Hosta or plantain lily was the Assumption lily.

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*

Marys Gold
Marigold; calendula, "English" or "pot marigold" and common garden or "French marigold": both flowers were used as gold-colored dye for wool. Named in honor of Mary: Mary's gold, symbolize her simplicity and domesticity. The marigold was called Mary's Gold by early Christians who placed the flowers around statues of Mary, offering the blossoms in place of coins. It was told that Mary used the blossoms as coins. A legend says that during the flight into Egypt the Holy Family was accosted by a band of thieves.They took Mary's purse and when they opened it, marigolds fell out. Marigold also sometimes denoted Mary's sorrows, perhaps because its strong scent was associated with burial ointments.
May 2012 Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua* 8

Marys Cushion
The soft blossoms of sea-pink or thrift are said to have formed cushions for Mary to sit on when she rested during the long flight into Egypt.They became known as Our Lady's Cushion.

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*

Marys Bell
The bell-like florets of several other species of campanula were named after Mary. Canterbury Bells were Our Lady's Bells or Our Lady's Nightcap. Venus' Looking Glass was called Our Lady's Looking Glass. Others were called Bethlehem Star and Mary's Star.

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*


Marys Finger
Hundreds of other flowers and herbs were named after Mary. Tendrils of the honeysuckle plant became Our Lady's Fingers.
The harebell or blue wood hyacinth was called Our Lady's Thimble and it was told that Mary earned a living for the family weaving and sewing.

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legnds; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*


Marys Glove
The foxglove plant, with its glovelike blossoms, became Our Lady's Glove. In France it is known as Gant de Notre Dame.
It was said that Jesus hung the pendant blooms of the fuchsia plant on his mother's ears; the shrub was called Our Lady's Eardrop. Impatiens is also known as Our Lady's Earrings.

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*


Marys Herbs
Herbs were named after Mary. Spearmint was known as Our Lady's Mint.
Marjoran was Mother of God's Flower. Bee balm and lemon balm were both called Sweet Mary. Catnip was Mary's Nettle. Sage was Mary's shawl. Dandelion was known as Mary's Bitter Sorrow. A group of herbs became known as Manger Herbs because they made a bed for the Infant Jesus when he was born. Sweet woodruff and yellow bedstraw were called Our Lady's Bedstraw and creeping thyme was Mary's Bedstraw.

Mints and pennyroyal were also said to have been used in the manger.

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*


Marys Shelter
In Sicily it is told that the Madonna's Juniper Bush opened its branches to shelter the Holy Family when Herod's pursuing soldiers drew near them as they fled to Egypt.The rosemary bush and clematis were also said to have sheltered the Holy Family during the flight into Egypt. The rosemary's fragrance arose after Mary hung her linens to dry on its branches. Lavender also was said to have received its scent after Mary laid Jesus' clothes on the plant to dry. It was called Mary's Drying Plant.

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*


Marys Thistle
Thistle was called Our Lady's Thistle.The leaves of the plant are said to have become spotted when drops of milk fell on them while Mary was nursing Jesus. Leaves of the spotted cowslip of Jerusalem also became spotted when drops of Mary's milk fell on them.

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*


Marys Tears
Lily of theValley was known as Mary's Tears. It is told that when Mary cried at the Cross, her tears turned into this flower. Spiderwort and spotted lungwort were also called Our Lady's Tears.

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*


Our Lady of Modesty

The lowly violet was associated with humility and became known as Our Lady's Modesty. It was said to have blossomed when Mary said to the Angel Gabriel, who had come to tell her she was to bear the Son of God, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord."

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*


Our Lady of Purity

The alabaster white snowdrop became a symbol of Mary's purity and was called the Flower of Purification because it bloomed on February 2, the Feast of the Purification of Mary. In Italy and other countries in Europe the statue of Mary was removed from the altar on that day and snowdrops were strewn in its place. This day was also the feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. The flowers were called Candlemas Bells after the ceremony of blessing the candles began late in the eighth century and February 2 also became known as Candlemas Day.

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*


Carnation or "pinks": pink or red color symbolizes love, life. Carnations' color and spicy fragrance refers to the crucifixion, "love unto death". The name "carnation" also suggests the Incarnation of Christ.

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*


Marys Fruitfulness
The strawberry was called Fruitful Virgin and it was told that Mary would go a-berrying with her Son on St. John's Day, June 24. Also that any mother who had lost a child would not eat strawberries on that day for if she did, Mary would say to her child in heaven, "You must stand aside for your mother has eaten your share, and none remains for you."

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*


Marys Shoes
Fallen spurs of the columbine looked like Our Lady's Shoes and received that name.They were said to have sprung up where Mary's feet touched the earth when she was on her way to visit Elizabeth. The spurred flowers resembled the tiny doves and came to represent the Holy Spirit.The flower also symbolized the innocence of Mary.

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*


Petunia Babys Breathe

Petunia is Our Ladys Praises which symbolizes her calmness.
Baby's Breath symbolizes innocence and purity; also the breath inspiration and power of the Holy Spirit.

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*


May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*


May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*


Sources and References

1. 2. 3. 4. Mary's Flowers Mary Gardens Women for Faith May Poetry

Some material for this book was copied from this website Mary's Flowers of which the original materials was prepared by Vincenzina Krymow, whose book, Mary's Flowers in Legends, Gardens and Meditations , was published by St. Anthony Messenger Press. Flower illustrations are from Our Lady's Book of Flowers, by Mabel Maugham, published by the Assisi Press, Dublin, in 1956. Additional information about Mary's flowers and Mary's Gardens can be found on the Mary's Gardens Internet Web Page Site at http://www.mgardens.org.

May 2012

Our Lady of the Flowers: Flower Legends; attributes and virtues of Mary by *Mia Padua*


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