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SDH & MSTP principle


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Course managerYuan ling
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Course contents SDH system overview EOS principle

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SDH system overview

Plesiochronous digital hierarchy (PDH) North America Japan system Europe system system 400Mb/s

565Mb/s 274Mb/s
4 6









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2 Mb/s
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SDH system overview

Adding and dropping 2M signal in PDH
Optical interface 140/34Mbit/s
O / E


Optical interface 34/140M bit/s 8/34Mbit/s adding adding E / O

dropping 34/8Mbit/s dropping dropping 8/2Mbit/s adding


2Mbit/s ZTE University univ..zte.com.cn univ zte.com.cn

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SDH system overview

Directly adding and dropping of 2M in SDH




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SDH system overview

SDH feature
SDH unifies the main three digital system of the world, and it is entirely compatible with PDH. Support standard optical interface. Easy adding and dropping of 2M service. Rich overhead bytes for operation, management and maintenance.

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SDH system overview

Rate level of SDH SDH has a set of standard information structure level, and they are synchronous transmission module STM1,STM-4,STM-16which have leaf-like frame structure.

rate Mbit/s





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Frame structure of STM-N

1 frame 9270N bytes
1 3 5



STM-N payload including POH

261 N 270 N

Transmission direction

9 9N

Segmentframe indicator, used9 rows andindicate necessarily AU PTR overhead refers to the additional bytes the accurate STM-1 is an is made up is the placeto 270 columns, and of mainly for storing various information payload area required of the 1st byte of regeneration segment. theis of and flexible transmission position totally 2430the the information payload in up RSOH to ensure the bytes. The transmission sequence of MSOHare manages multiplexing segment made there manages the normalframe structure. information capacities in the information right andin thesegment.dissolved at the receiving STM-N frame so that fromcorrectly several to payload it is up to down. structure. from left regeneration STM frame Every second 8000 Information payload includes two parts: RSOH(regeneration Segment overhead consists of path overhead(POH). end. will be transmitted. frame SOH)transmission rate is: 270988000=155.520Mbit/s The and MSOH(multiplexing SOH).
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SDH system overview

SDH OverHead


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SDH system overview

Arrangement of the SOH bytes in STM-1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B2 D4 D7 B2 B2 K1 D5 D8 D11 M1 1 A1 B1 D1 2 A1 3 A1 4 A2 E1 D2 5 A2 AU PTR K2 D6 D9 D12 E2 6 A2 7 J0 F1 D3 8 * 9 *

8 D10 9 S1

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SDH system overview

R S O H 1) Frame alignment bytes: A1, A2. They are used to identify the start position of a frame. A1, A2 have definite binary numerical values: A1 is 11110110; A2 is 00101000. 2) Regenerator section trace byte: J0. This byte is used to send the Section Access Point ID repeatedly, so that the section receiver can determine whether the connection between the receive end and the preset transmit end is in a continuously connected status. 3) Bit interleaved parity 8 code (BIP-8 code) byte: B1. It is used to monitor the bit error of the RSOH.

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SDH system overview

4) Orderwire bytes: E1. It belongs to the RSOH, and is used to provide an orderwire communication voice channel. The orderwire channel rate is 64Kbit/s. 5) User channel byte: F1. This byte is reserved specially for the user (often referring to the network provider). It provides temporary data/voice channel connection or special maintenance purposes. 6) Data communication channel (DCC) bytes: D1, D2, D3. They can be used to form the transmission link of the SDH Management Network.

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SDH system overview

1) BIP-NX24: B2. It is used to monitor the bit error of the multiplexing section. 2) Data communication channel (DCC) bytes: D4~D12. They are used to form the transmission link of the SDH Management Network for MSOH. 3) Orderwire bytes: E2. It belongs to MSOH, and is used to provide an orderwire communication voice channel.

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SDH system overview

4) Automatic protection switch (APS) channel bytes: K1 and K2 (b1-b5). The two bytes serves as APS signaling (commands). 5) Mutiplexer section-Remote Defect Indication (MSRDI):K2 (b6-b8). This byte is used to return an indication to the transmit end, indication that the receive end has detected upstream section failure or received MS-AIS (Multiplexer Section-Alarm Indication Signal). MS-RDI is expressed by setting b6, b7 and b8 of the unscrambled K2 byte to 110.

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SDH system overview

6) Synchronous status byte: S1 (b5-b8).

7) Mutiplexer section-Remote Error Indication (MS-REI): M1. This byte transfers the number of interleaved bit blocks of errors detected by the B2 (0-255).

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SDH system overview

Multiplexing principle introduction
1. Several important concepts;

2. Mapping, Alignment and Multiplexing process.

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SDH system overview

Container is a kind of information structure. Its main function is adaptation(rate adjustment). All the common PDH system signals can be contained in several standard containers. ITU-T recommended 5 standard containers:C-11C-12 C-2C-3 and C-4.

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SDH system overview

Virtual container
Virtual container is another information structure which is almost the most important in SDH system. Virtual container consists of two parts:the signal from container and low level POH.

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SDH system overview

Tributary unit and administration unit
TU is made up of low level VC and TU PTR. It is a information structure which supplies the adaptation function between the low level channel layer and high level channel layer. AU is made up of high level VC and AU PTR. It is a information structure which supplies the adaptation function between the high level channel layer and multiplexing segment layer. PTR is used to indicate the starting location of VC in TU or in STM-N frame. But the location of pointer itself is fixed.
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SDH system overview

The process of putting various tributary signal from containers into related virtual containers is called mapping. Its essence is to make the various tributary signals synchronized with related VC containers so that VC can be an independent entity in the transmission, multiplexing and cross connection.

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SDH system overview

The process of adapting multiple tributary units (TU-12 and TU-3) to the high level VC-4 or adapting multiple administration units to the multiplexing segment is called multiplexing.

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SDH system overview

Basic process of mapping and multiplexing
Mapping into container with rate adaptation

Insert pointer
Synchronous multiplexing Insert pointer High lever VC or STM-N

Insert POH

PDH tributary signal

Insert POH VC C

Mapping into container

SDH tributary signal

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SDH system overview

Mapping and multiplexing structure of SDH

AU-4 VC-4 C-4


AU-3 VC-3 TUG-3


VC-3 C-3


45Mb/s 34Mb/s 6.3Mb/s 2Mb/s 1.5Mb/s

TU-2 VC-2


TU-12 VC-12 C-12

TU-11 VC-11 C-11

C VC TU AU ZTE University


mapping calibrating multiplexing univ..zte.com.cn univ zte.com.cn

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SDH system overview

Mapping and multiplexing process


STM-N AUG-4 N multiplexing


multiplexing LD POH VC-4 TUG-3 TUG-2 TU-12 VC-12 C-12 2Mb/s


HD POH 7 multiplexing


Rate adjustment

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SDH system overview

Rate varying in multiplexing The rate varying of 2M signal in multiplexing
C-12=2M mapping=2.176 VC-12=C-12+LPOH=2.240 TU-12=VC-12+TU-PTR=2.304 TUG-2=3*TU-12=6.912 TUG-3=7*TUG-2+=49.152 VC-4=3*TUG-3+HPOH=150.336 AU-4=VC-4+AU-PTR=150.912 AUG=AU-4=150.912 STM-N=N*AUG+SOH=N*155.520 ZTE University univ..zte.com.cn univ zte.com.cn

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EOS principle

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EOS principle
1. EOS principle contents:
1) EOS system ; 2) Ethernet frame encapsulation; 3) Continuous cascade and virtual cascade; 4) EOS networking application.

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EOS principle

EOS system

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EOS principle


SDH cross matrix



L2 switch

Ethernet transpar ently transmit Ethernet interface10M/100M/GE univ..zte.com.cn univ zte.com.cn

PDH/SDH interface ZTE University


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EOS principle
EOS function module
PPP Cross connection /LA PS /GF P Asse mbly VC VC Mapp Mapp ing ing M M SS O O H H R R SS O O H H

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Ethernet interface

L 2 switching


interfac interfac ee


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EOS principle

Ethernet frame encapsulation

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EOS principle
EOS encapsulation protocol
IEEE 802.3 MAC PPP/LAPS/GFP VC12/VC3/VC4 Multiplex Section Regeneration Section PHY

Protocols:PPPLAPS and GFP

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EOS principle

Continuous cascade and virtual cascade

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EOS principle
Continuous cascade
STM-16 NE which supports VC-4C function
VC4 VC4 VC4 VC4 VC-4-4C VC4 VC4 VC4 VC4 VC-4-4C





VC-4-4C 4VC-4 STM-4



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EOS principle
Virtual cacade

VC-12 VC-12 VC-12 VC-12

. . . VC-12

SDH network

RX VC-12-NC Relay

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EOS principle

EOS networking application

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EOS principle
Ethernet single board networking
Star networking: 1) Fit for trunking and centralized service; 2) Can supply bandwidth assurance; 3) High requirement for MSTP trunking port.

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EOS principle
Link networking: 1) Fit for separated service, relay is serious; 2) Sharing bandwidth, has high usage, and is fit for the network which lack of optical line resource. 3) Need do the Cos configuration. When sharing the bandwidth, require high Qos ability.

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EOS principle
Loop networking: 1) Put STP in use, and avoid that logic topo become to be loop; 2) In the condition that you dont configure the physical protection, it still has the protection function; 3) Other features are same as link networking. Mixed networking: According to the basic networking, do the network analysis.

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