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Hello my fellow Americans, and College Republicans, Id Like to begin with a quote: Freedom is never more than one

generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. (Ronald Reagan) I would like to explain myself and show why I would be the right candidate to nominate for the Freshman representative of the College Republicans. As a republican, I believe as a citizen in this great country, we are called to embrace the values of tradition, religion, protect our homeland from the oppressions of totalitarian governments, and promote the freedom for our citizens for which our country was founded upon. What makes me the right choice to be a representative? I can defend a group, build an argument and present a coherent case, to promote ideals and lead others in my path. In this day and age, it is up to those who want to protect these values, to save our future from the oppressions we face from the current administration. Small business and the freedom we once enjoyed as a dominating free market economic country is being robbed from the American freedom by the overuse of Government power and influence in everything we do. Freedom is being threatened. Not only by those who despise us and want to destroy us, but by those who swear to protect us. Every day government is becoming more oppressive by increasing taxes and passing ridiculous legislation that take away from the freedoms of the citizens of the United States of America. The terrorists who attacked us on September 11th sought to destroy our liberty, our property and our prosperity. But they failed. We only became stronger by uniting, because they cannot destroy our foundation, our peoples will for the greater good and promoting peace and freedom, worldwide. Osama bin Laden once stated: Americans love life. We dont. Thats the difference between us. We do love life. We are called to choose life, and to protect it. Our defenses will never fail. America is an impenetrable wall, a force never to be reckoned with.

That is why we, as Republicans are called to promote the ideals of small government, and deregulation, so our economic creativity and prosperity may continue into the next generation of Americans. It's time to get real, folks. Hope and change ain't working. Hope and change is not a solution. Hope and change is not a job. (Herman Cain) The government isnt creating jobs. The economy is on life support. Our future is bleak. But there is hope. I believe that answer is a Republican presidency. Do your part as an American and vote, and support your Republican presidential candidate or nominee. To lead, is to listen. That is why I am here, to listen, to promote, and to protect. Make your voice heard. I am your voice, and I will listen. Thank You, and God Bless the United States of America

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