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Conservative ideals vs. liberalism Are conservative ideals better than liberalism?

Conservative philosophy was born as a reaction to dangerous tendencies detected within the liberal movement toward excessive governmental control. While conserv atives form the base of their beliefs on traditional values, respect for authori ty, and maintaining custom, liberals fought government tendencies to diminish, i gnore, or abuse individual human rights.[17] Conservatism says that government c an never know the best interests of its citizenry, or provide for them, nearly a s well as an unencumbered free people can for themselves. [18] Conservatives lik e yourself often argue against labor unions. It s fair that someone can rely upon a consistent raise from year to year.[19]Conservatism believes a powerful federal government limits personal freedom. It seeks to stop the growing entitlement pro grams, encourage individual responsibility, and return Constitutionally mandated power to the states.[8] Conservatives view welfare programs as a hindrance that destroys the economy, support restrictions on abortions with no aid from the fe deral government, and up-scaling the emphasis and use of the justice system to d eter criminal activity. While the views of liberals show that they believe that they support government welfare programs because they benefit society, there sho uld be no restriction placed on abortions by the government and help poor women pay for abortions, and the government should put more emphasis on preventative m easures concerning poverty such as unemployment and assistance for low income fa milies.[9] Conservatives argue that we should have a presumption in favour of su ch institutions, rather than changes to them. Institutions reflect the wisdom of the collective human intellect, whereas changes reflect reasoning or deduction by individuals or groups who are only exposed to contemporary problems.[10]Conse rvatives would call it a disaster. But liberals justify the bill as a "Step in t he right direction.".At the same time conservatives admit health care reform isn 't a bad idea, in fact it's necessary.[11] Conservatism believes in the goodness and the greatness and the potential for such, in every human being and wants to get as much out of the way in terms of obstacles as possible. Conservatism want s to motivate those people.[12] Conservatism's main beliefs are that everything should stay the same, no change in the original government, and no new ways of d oing things. Some supporters of liberalism in the 1770's though the 1850's were Voltaire and Rousseau.[13]Conservatism is a political ideology that leans heavil y on the past to find answers to today s problems. Additionally, there is basic thin king that says big government is bad, small government is good ?[23] Conservatis m, unlike liberalism, generally opposes radical changes in social and economic d omain. As the word connoted, the accumulated knowledge of the past and its appli cation to political and economic functions is better to be conserved.[24] Conser vatives believe that debt is good because it stimulates the economy. They also b elieve spending is good (for the same reason).[25] Generally, people in America are branded with two certain ways of thinking - liberal or conservative. When co mparing the ideas and views of these two ways of thinking, there are some very d istinct differences.[48] Conservatism stands for learning from the mistakes of t he past, and primum non nocere is an essential conservative principle. [2] Conse rvatives today can reject neither side of their nineteenth-century heritage; the y must draw upon both. [3] Conservatives recognize, of course, that people frequ ently fall short of these standards. In their personal conduct, conservatives do not claim to be better than anyone else.[4] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Conservatism http://pages.interlog.com/~girbe/libvscon.html http://conservatives.mbhs.edu/phil1.html http://academic.regis.edu/jriley/libcons.htm http://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/99143.html http://www.state.110mb.com/libertarianism_conservatism_liberalism.htm http://www.conservatismvsliberalism.net/index.html http://voices.yahoo.com/article/1237935/conservatism_vs_liberalism.html

[10] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_conservatism [14] http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/L-liberalism.htm [15] http://www.123helpme.com/preview.asp?id=107157 [16] http://onlineessays.com/essays/politics/liberilism-vs-conservatism.php [17] http://www.bookrags.com/essay-2005/6/24/143737/895 [18] http://trupolitics.net/2009/02/27/conservatism-vs-liberalism-part-ii-in-def ense-of-conservatism-by-guest-author-maker-from-the-daily-switch/ [19] http://trupolitics.net/2009/02/27/conservatism-vs-liberalism-part-i-a-proud -liberal-by-guest-author-saylor-smith/ [20] http://lamar.colostate.edu/%7Egrjan/jost_conservatism.html [21] http://able2know.org/topic/150156-2 [11] http://everything2.com/title/Conservatism+vs+Liberalism [12] http://michaelinmi.wordpress.com/2008/03/01/liberalism-vs-conservatism/ [13] http://mclane.fresno.k12.ca.us/wilson98/MWHI/1998/KILLERChris.html [23] http://petesview.com/liberalism-vs-conservatism/ [24] http://www.freeessays.cc/db/38/pwr105.shtml [25] http://www.wayfargone.com/brainfloss/archives/000322.html

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