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Date: 11th of May School: LICEUL TEORETIC BOGDAN VODA ( SC.2), VISEU DE SUS Class: Vth Teacher: VOICHITA-IULIANA PERNES Time: 50 minutes Lesson: WHAT IS THE WEATHER LIKE? Type of lesson: Communication Skills involved: speaking, writing, listening, reading Objectives: 1. to engage and activate all students to interact and communicate 2. to practice the days of the week and the months of the year 3. to create interest on the topic, talking about weather and seasons 4. to practice using specific words to express opinion about weather Didactic strategies: Methods and procedure: conversation ,explanation, dialogue Materials and equipment: handouts, flashcards, whiteboard, Teaching methods: explanation, conversation, gap filling exercises Stages of the lesson: 1. ORGANIZING THE CLASS 2. WARM UP 3. LEAD-IN 4. LANGUAGE PRESENTATION 5. CONTROLLED PRACTICE 6. FREE PRACTICE 7. FEEDBACK 1. ORGANIZING THE CLASS Interaction:T-SS, SS-T

Timing.: 1 minute The T calls the roll SS prepare for the lesson 2. WARM UP Interaction: T-SS, SS-T Timing: 3 minutes Skills: listening, speaking Objective 1: to engage and activate all students to interact and communicate ACTIVITY 1 T. asks students to describe today's weather. Then have them look around the room and discuss how their classmates' clothing reflects the weather. Are they wearing sweaters and trousers, or shorts and tank tops? SS express opinion about the weather 3. LEAD-IN Interaction: T-SS, SS-T Timing: 5 minutes Skills: listening, speaking, writing Objective 2: to practice the days of the week and the months of the year ACTIVITY 1 T asks SS what other things can they see in the classroom that remind them of what the weather's like outside? They might notice decorations for a particular holiday, certain autumn or spring colours, or a stack of umbrellas SS answer to Ts questions and conclude that it is autumn, and it is raining outside T asks how is the weather like in the summer and what are the names of the summer periods SS name the summer months T asks SS to name the spring periods, the autumn periods and the winter periods and then the days of the week SS name the months of the year and the days of the week
T gives SS to find the names of the days of the week on the handout

SS circle the names of the days of the week on the handout T checks their answer 4. LANGUAGE PRESENTATION Interaction:T-SS, SS-T Timing :15 minutes skills: listening, speaking, writing Objective 3: to create interest on the topic, talking about weather and seasons ACTIVITY 1 T writes the title of the lesson on the blackboard SS write the title of the lesson on their notebooks T displays 4 pictures representing different seasons and asks them to name the seasons AUTUMN SPRING WINTER SUMMER SS name the seasons T writes the name of each season under the picture



WINTER SUMMER SS write the names of the seasons on their notebooks 5. CONTROLLED PRACTICE Interaction:T-SS, SS-T Timing: 1 5 minutes Skills: listening, speaking, writing Objective 4: to practice using specific words to express opinion about weather ACTIVITY 1. T asks SS how is the weather like in each season and displays some pictures to help SS express opinion SS express opinion about weather using the specific words that T has displayed







5. CONTROLLED PRACTICE Interaction:T-SS, SS-T Timing: 10 minutes Skills: listening, speaking, writing Objective 4: to practice using specific words to express opinion about weather T gives SS in group 2 a handout to colour and write the season under the corresponding picture SS colour the pictures and write the seasons

6. FREE PRACTICE Interaction: T-SS, SS-T Timing: 10minutes Skills: listening, speaking, writing Objective 4: to practice using specific words to express opinion about weather T gives SS from the 1 st group individual worksheet to find and circle the weather related words SS circle the weather related words on the worksheet T helps the SS when necessary and checks their answers

6. FREE PRACTICE Interaction: T-SS, SS-T Timing: 15minutes Skills: listening, speaking, writing Objective 4: to practice using specific words to express opinion about weather T asks SS from the 2nd group to say what is his favourite season and to colour the picture representing that season SS color the picture with the favorite season



WINTER SUMMER 7. FEEDBACK Interaction: T-SS, SS-T Timing: 5 minutes Skills: listening, speaking T displays all the SS colouring pictures, praises the SSs effort and appreciates their work by grading them


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