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Skill Schedule Management

Software Requirement Specification

B.C.A. III Yr 0906112 Gayathri. P

Skill Schedule Management (SSM) is an application helps the user to maintain the skills undertaken to all the students in colleges. This application can be used to introduce new skills to the college by adding the details of skills to college database. This application is also used to get the information about the profile of the faculty. Using this application the user is allowed to generate the schedule for the skills in their desired dates. Skill schedule management is also used to get the status of the skills in class wise and also in skill wise. In this application, the user helps to get the schedule and also edit the schedule of the particulars skill. The SSM application will be accessed only by the faculties of the department. The user will be able to change their password but not the user name and the user will allow changing their photo also.

Project Purpose
This Software Requirements Specification document provides a complete description of the functions and specifications of the system. Rest of our

development will take this document as the guideline. The intended audience is prospective software developers and all users.

Project Scope
Skill Schedule Management is mainly focus for maintaining the skills. This project is also helpful for generating the time table for particular skill. This application helps the user to get and edit the schedule for each and every skills provided by the educational institutions. This project store and retrieve the information from the database.

SSM Skill Schedule Management.

For coding guidelineswww.w3schools.com For backend connectivity guidelineswww.mysqltutorial.org, www.tutorialspoint.com/mysql Images for designing www.google.co.in

Rest of the document contains few chapters. One of the chapters is Overall Description in which we will give a general description of the system. Then the Specific Requirements follows. In this part, more detailed functional and nonfunctional requirements will be explained. This chapter will include information and data domain of the system and its organization. Then we will present our planning for the project and finish with conclusion.

Overall description
Get Skill-wise Status Classwise Status Schedule Edit


Profile Create new skills Get SSM



Product Perspective
SSM is mainly used for many purposes. The user will authenticate using user name and password at the entry level itself. The first one is to generate the schedule for skills in user desired format. The two one is to know the current status of the particular skills. The SSM is also used to know the information about the profile of the faculty who is handling the particular skill. Using this SSM system

the user will able to edit both schedule and the profile of the faculty. Another use of this SSM system is the user can create the new skills details to the college database. The data of the skill, faculty information, status of the skills everything will be stored in college database which is maintained the department faculties. The last and final use of this SSM is the user will allow changing their password and photo.

Product Function
Our SSM System works with only human actors. Human actors are faculties of the department or other department faculties. This SSM system will not works on non-human actors.

Specific Requirement
Hardware Requirement
Operating system: Window 2000, XP, Vista, 7, Linux Preprocessor: Any preprocessor.

Software Requirement:
Front End: C#.net. Framework: .NET framework 2.0 Back End: Mysql.

Interface Requirement
In this part of the document the graphical user interface of the application is explained.

Admin interface
Login Form Users should login to the system before using system management operations. This login window is the first thing the users face when they attempt to access the system. They shall be able to continue using the system upon entering a valid username and password. The password of the user can be changed using the user form which will be seen later in this chapter.

Main Form
The users see management options which are skills, status, faculty profile, user etc., in this form the user can see their photo. The photo can be changed using the user form.

Skills Form
Skills form provides the information about the user selected skill. The information such as class to which the skill will be taken, in which semester the skill will be teaches, name of the faculty who is taking the skill, profile of the faculty, total duration of the skill etc.,

New skill & new skill2 Forms

This form allows the user to create the skill to the college. The user has to feed the some details about the newly introduces skill. The details are like class to which the skill will be taken, in which semester, name of the faculty, total duration, start date of the skill, end date of the skill, except days i.e., the skill will be taken in weekdays or weekends. The form provides four options to perform operation based on the user request. The options are Generate schedule which will generate the schedule for the skill in users desired format. Another option is create this option will save all

the details whatever the user entered in the respective fields. The clear option will clear all the fields. The back option will navigate the page to the main form.

Status Form
This form provides the current position of the skills in class wise and also in skill wise. The form provides information like total duration, completed class, remaining class etc., In class wise status, it provides all skills status taken in the particular class. Likewise in skill status, it gives the details of all class based on the particular skill.

Faculty Profile
Faculty Profile form give the complete profile of the faculty. The user can also create the profile of the faculty. The form provides the information like name of the person, department in the college or company name, contact no of the person and their email ID.

User Form
User form is only for user personal uses. This form does not provide any information about the skills or faculty. It just allows the user to change their password and photo of the user faculty.

Once the user click the exit option, the SSM application will automatically terminated.

Functional requirements
In this SSM system, there is no difference between the user and the admin. The user is the admin and the admin is the user. So every function in this SSM system will be performed by the user.

User Interface
Login Form Requirement-1: The user shall be able to login to the system using user name and password. Main Form Selection Requirement-2: The user shall be logged in to fulfill their requirements. Skill Form Requirement-3: The user needs to select the class and skill to which they need the information. The class and skills will provide by the list box. User Form Requirement-4: The user shall be change their password and photo. New skill and new skill2 Forms Requirement-5: The user can create the new skill to the college by providing the information. The user should give the details of the skills to introduce that skill to the college. Profile Form Requirement-6: The user can able to add the information about the faculty of the skill.

System interface
Login Form Requirement-7: The SSM system will check the users user name and their password with the help of the database Main Form Requirement-8: The SSM will navigate the user to their requested forms. Profile Form Requirement-9: Once the user select the faculty name system will provide the profile of the faculty. New skill2 Form Requirement-10: After entering all the details about the skill and if the user click on the generate schedule, the system will automatically generate the schedule for the skill and it will be saved in the database of the college. Class-wise Status Form Requirement-11: The SSM system will provides the current position of the particular class. Skill-wise Status Form Requirement-12: The SSM system will provides the current position of the particular skill. User Form Requirement-13: Once the user request to change their password the SSM system will automatically replace the current password with the newly entered password. The SSM system provides the some random number for authentication the user, if these words are then only the user will allow changing their password. Exit Form Requirement-14: The SSM system will terminate the application.

This requirement document shows Primes approach to Skill Schedule Management (SSM). The System is defined in sufficient manner to indicate its importance. User interactions with the system and intra-system relations are stated. Furthermore, communication with the user has been developed via this report.

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