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May 13th, 2012

I recently stumble on a post the other day that yelled at you and I that our technology (science as the author put it) was pushing us all to an early demise, our humanity was in danger of walking or running into our own history so to speak! Now you know me, I dont take it to kindly when someone or some organization predicts my earthly form being extinguished, in any manner, shape or form, thank you very much, and neither should you as I like to believe absent of a stray bullet, war or a upset X, Id like to pick my own departure. His top news flash was that the Northern Hemisphere was now under the threat of massive releases of Cesium-137, as he puts it one earthquake away, an obvious reference to the shaky infrastructure standing around at Fukushima Daiichis reactor number 4, which some say would never have made the news if that nosy Democratic senator from Oregon had never visited the site, whereas being an expert at raising the hairs on anyones head (politicians are good at this, not much else mind you, but getting you up on step is part of their training).

Naturally the author is short on solutions and long on doom and gloom when it comes to Fukushima now Im not inferring that we are under no danger from the DNA, immune system failure caused by Cesium-137, but I do take exception to the broad statement that it is technology that dragged us kicking and screaming into the path of a possible release of Cesium-137, where it was the drive for immediate profits, prompting short-changed engineering, and poorly planned construction, yes I know that nuclear energy has most of you flashing back to those duck and cover days of your youth, which by the way for you gentlemen gave you an opportunity to peak around at the girls skirt naw, come on dont deny it. He then steps off into the realm of huge profits gathered in by the likes of Monsanto, and DuPont to name a couple of biotech firms that have developed chemicals and procedures that are compromising the future of nature and your ability to survive that stuff you spray on your backyard to make the Kentucky Blue Grass greener, oh yes he throws in Bill Gates name in a scream that his support of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) should be considered a high-crime against humanity am I glad he or the rest of us were not around with the indigenous people of the Americas were messing with corn, or wed never have popcorn. Then he runs amuck about toxic vaccines, which in all honesty there are some children that were immunized during their early life that didnt turn out to well, and that there are some today who believe that all vaccines are a hoax pushed on us by those who like to shoot you up legally while funding massive programs to get you and your ilk from smoking a weed that causes some of you to step-lightly for a short-period. Oh lets not forget the honey bees natures sexual predators that buzz around dragging this bit of pollen to this or that, enabling nature to procreate, his observations tell us that their recent disappearance has been linked to chemical pesticides manufactured by various pharmaceutical companies all these things well take a brief glance at, a technical paper in other words would have some of you running about pounding your head against the nearest wall. We all agree that our society has seen the or read about the effects of toxic pesticides on our creeks, rivers and their surrounding soils, along with polluting the waters flowing downstream, do we not? This scientific achievement meant

to rid us of this bug or that one has done some pretty horrific things to our environment yet in the goal of achieving a higher profit margin it continues today and contrary to belief not just here in North America. In this I strongly agree must stop and not necessarily just for humans, fresh water which is morphing into a scarce natural resource and the spawn of many breeds of fish will soon have as source, polluted streams that no longer contribute to our daily requirements then what? Riding close behind this as a massive cloud on our horizon is the toxic waste generated by our industry whereas we run about clear cutting our rainforests, we then take one of the trees byproducts and treat it with buckets of fluoride to create a super-white piece of paper, with which we write letters and resolutions to our nations leaders to halt the clear-cutting, thereby saving the Amazon and other parts of the world from the forever screaming chainsaw. In some cases even today we find the waste product of the process flushed down streams and our fishermen haul in fish that have three eyes, scales missing, and cancerous bulges that would make a Hollywood special effects person heave their afternoon lunch. There is little use in mentioning the tools of destruction we have laying about from the Cold War, whereas of late the USA has some 5,113 warheads and Russia has some 3,281, talk about Fukushima 8,394 WMDs sitting here are there with enough stored up energy to make your life and mine a living hell making duck and cover a senseless activity. Technology at its worst! The list, in other words seems to be endless as to the results of our technology advances, in this some of us pray for a sound solution while others pray we could go back a hundred years and start over. Real science or technology is a good thing, in this as humanity marches toward the future it must increase its knowledge about the Universe it lives in, yet today we find in very little examples or advancement forward real science, where the cause has been corrupted by corporate greed spread across an ever increasing spectrum of science. This quest for more profits and achieving the level of being power-brokers in our governments has left humanity standing by the side of the road, mouths wide open as we watch multinational corporations slowly chip away at our planet and its technology.

Look at medicine for example, you tell me how many dollars are expended for a cure of a condition that maybe 1 in 100,000 may have, than one that will calm the nerves of 1 in 1000, you got it number 2 on the list profit! Only if youve been living under a rock for the past 50 or so years would you believe that BIG PHARMA, really cares about human beings or for that matter the associated Healthcare Insurance Corporations really like paying out the claims for your healthcare. There is within our midst a growing number or our population that GMOs are nothing more than a group of corporations that are bent on controlling our planets ability to provide food, where they will dole out their scientific product to the people of the world who agree with their mandates, in other words he who controls the food supply controls everything in this those in the know point fingers at Monsanto. It is also known by many of us that infectious diseases can be prevented by eliminating the conditions that give birth to them, such as poor or no proper sanitation, along with a sufficient supply of Vit-D supplements in lieu of this our civilization under the prompting (with a little assistance from big money) the vaccine world have caused some to state that vaccines are another method of population control, a repeat industry for the drug industry, mostly due to the side-effects of some vaccines that cause liver damage, kidney damage, brain inhibitors, and intestinal distress, in many people. Technology (science) today is morphing into a science of profits, to be expected whereas capitalism is the domineering force sweeping the globe, as social progress is considered a dirty word in this we see that the thirst for a quick return on the invested buck has ruled out the past humanitarian goals of directly benefiting humanity. Take for instance the practice of intellectual property or ownership of a particular idea or discovery where for decades the man-in-the-street believed that large corporations were snatching up inventions that would increase the MPG of their steel monsters zipping up and down the highways of the world although some consider these innovations as pure fantasy others point to the cold-hard facts that the proof is out there that these multinational giants of the corporate midway operate in this fashion on an hourly basis. Mainly to crush the life from their competition.

Universities, once believed to be the saviors of mankind in research now walk willy-nilly amongst taxpayer funds to develop patentable chemicals that are licensed to drug companies, or pesticide companies, this in exchange for royalties that trickle into the programs at the University while agencies such as the DARPA shovels funds into the likes of the University of Washington in hopes that some wet-behind-the-ears young student will stumble of a better method of just about anything bingo a discovery is made, the head of the department goes on national news and faster than you can mutter Jackie Chan a corporate giant is pulling up in their two-mile long stretch limos with money hanging out the windows. As a result, a great deal of our science has become loaded with an overabundance of greed, corruption, dishonesty that at the end-of-the-day you know that somewhere along the line in any particular field the only result will be either the death of a large swath of our population, or another part of our biosphere will take devastating hit. All for the benefit or a short-term investment/profit just take a look at a typical herbicide that most of you have more than likely used to rid your totally useless lawn of weeds, you know those ugly plants popping up here and there amongst your recently planted $100 a sack of Kentucky Blue Grass Roundup that not only kills that ugly weed that if found in a forest would be beautiful, this wonderful spray that does some serious damage to the soil, while as it turns out the weeds got together in Weed, California and worked out a strain of superweeds that laugh at Roundup just with the human biology the rush to a quick fix use of antibiotics and there widespread access has created superbugs who gulp down the antibiotics today, light another cigar and order another round from the busy antibiotic bartender maybe theyll have a slight hangover, but theyll be back the next day for another dance party somewhere else in your body. In fairness to science, when your MD issues instructions for this antibiotic or that one follow them, in other words if they give you a ten-day supply, take the entire supply, I would venture to say that pretty close to 50% of you have felt better after five or six days, and have put the other four or five days on the shelf this is a no-no, now we have a half-dead bug limping around in your

system who over time will recover and in itself develop an immunity to the next dose theyre funny that way. And as always we have a select bunch lounging around that just love war who lately in sniffing the air have finally realized (in some cases) that sending young men and young women to do battle in some far off land is not sitting too well with some of the population, in their home countryso in order to keep their war machine well oiled with taxpayer funds are working very hard in the development of terminator machines or unmanned AI drones, machines that can mindlessly drop bombs and shoot steel cased projectiles at civilian populations who are suspected of not agreeing with what this country or that country figures the world should be run. Some say these drones were developed in the name of science, me, I say they were developed to make not only war but to drive the bottom line into the plus regions of corporations. So it is very possible that some AI Drone might run astray and take out that backyard of Kentucky Weed when you least expect it. And if not this unsuspecting drone what about that lab on down the freeway that has an accident and a few self-replicating naonbots run across the landscape building an army of tiny little machines that with their huge appetite for things chomp their way to your house and you and have a feast no-one really wants to think about all in the name of corporate science. In the end it becomes apparent that science or technology is not a bad thing, where some carriers or broadcasters of our eventual doom say we need to employ what is known as the Precautionary Principle this were we are supposed to pick up our occupy signs and force science to err on the side of caution, not profits all well and good I say, yet I still maintain that if we dont look our multinational corporations who hide behind laws that were designed for a human to move out from behind these legal skirts, where the stakeholders in the corporations are held accountable for the corporations actions nothing will change and sooner than later our technology will soon consume the very lifestyle we cherish - - thanks to science and its bottom line. When it comes right down to it, us humans are in reality a fragile bunch, especially when compared to a cockroach a nasty looking bug that more than likely had a ring-side seat at the Big Bang we dont have a thick outer shell when it comes to survival, albeit we have one when it comes to looking at

politicians where as you and I know (as my daughter has to remind me at least every week) that everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it is wrong I chuckle! It would be way-off-base to state flat-out that technology has not been good for humanity, yet there are far too many instances where large political slices of our population, all through time, have used technology to the dark side of technologies advance where in the Cold War era our leaders play fast and footloose with nuclear weapons. In your backyard we find the shysters of the technical world playing the green game, a group of scholars/scientists that are hauling in greenbacks by the truck load over their chuckle-proof MOA of Gestapo type tactics meant to scare you into your next life over a natural occurring cycle of the planets temperature either increasing or decreasing pick a situation cold or hot and it comes back to you and yours pumping CO into our atmosphere male bovine poop. I do agree that as a society we need to wean ourselves off our rampant consumption of fossil fuels for a number of reasons, but in dealing with your processing power they figure that youll ignore the obnoxious stink of burning diesel, the fine coal dust that makes hanging your babies diapers outside, or the numerous steel derricks that dot the landscape outside of you kitchen window thereby the temp is going up, the ice will melt and that sandy beach you take your family to in the hot summer months will soon be under 20 feet of water so there! In other words your failure to curb your use of fossil fuels is the direct cause for these folks flying the green banner to lie to you. Yet again, I dont buy the fact that a typical scientist in the employ of a corporation or a government body is devoid of wisdom and/or perspective of the results of their work or discovery such as those pumping massive amounts of volts into the Large Hadron Collider in their pursuit of an unseen particle the extreme left/right screams they aspire to be God, in their quest how stupid! Reminds one of the Pope when he threw a few deep thinkers in the clink in antiquity for suggesting that the Earth rotated around the Sun. The headline chasers today tell us that these idiots at CERN are running the risk of creating a black hole, keep in mind that these same creators of panic were

the same ones that spit on Steven Hawkings name if they saw a headline that even suggested the idea of black holes. Scientists are not the inherent danger to our world, quite the opposite, it is those bottom line chasers who lust after the truckloads of profits they pay the bills, supply the scholarships, and push for more lax regulations when it comes to see how much of this or that will generate the most profit and if things go a bit sideways they go on some Sunday morning talk show and say their scientists made a tiny mistake never mind the tiny mistake that crept out of their labs doors was pulled out by the bottom line chaser, under the protest of the person or group that had discovered the new what-ever.

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