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Teacher Candidate: Sabattis Twichell

Hackett 2012 Unit Topic: Bonnes vacances!

Essential Question(s): Why do we need to be able to communicate effectively in the past tense? How do we communicate using the past tense on a daily basis? Lesson Number: LE Lesson #2: Rvision: Le pass compos avec avoir & tre State Standards being Assessed Standard 1: Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication. Performance Indicators Speaking & Listening: Comprehend, initiate and sustain short conversations when listening and speaking to peers, familiar adults, or more fluent individuals in face-to-face interactions Select vocabulary appropriate to a range of topics, employ simple and complex sentences in present, past, and future time frames, and express details and nuances by using appropriate modifiers Standard 1: Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication. Performance Indicators Reading & Writing: Read and comprehend materials written for native speakers when the topic and language are familiar. Write short notes, brief journals, or short reports Approximate Time: ~1-2 days + 20 hours prep time Acceptable Evidence and Type of Assessment 1. Hier Soir/Le week-end dernier Inside Out Circles: Ongoing Classroom Interview Charts/Oral Proficiency Assessments (formative)

Objectives (Utilize Blooms Taxonomy and Label) 1. Students will be able to interview their classmates and be able to articulate what they did last night/last weekend using the past tense in French. (application)

2. Students will be able to demonstrate in writing their use of the pass compos with avoir and tre to describe a weekend trip in French. (application)

2. Une carte postale: Post Card Project describing a weekend trip/activities in the past tense (summative)

Teacher Candidate: Sabattis Twichell Unit Title: Bonnes vacances! Subject: French II

Hackett 2012 Date: April 8, 2012 Grade Level: 10th Grade/Checkpoint B

Essential Question(s): Why do we need to be able to communicate effectively in the past tense? How do we communicate using the past tense on a daily basis? Lesson Title/Number Common Core, State Standards, and/or Performance Indicators
Only include what will be assessed.

LE Lesson #2: Rvision: Le pass compos avec avoir & tre NYS LOTE Standard 1: Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication. Performance Indicators Speaking & Listening: Comprehend, initiate and sustain short conversations when listening and speaking to peers, familiar adults, or more fluent individuals in face-to-face interactions Select vocabulary appropriate to a range of topics, employ simple and complex sentences in present, past, and future time frames, and express details and nuances by using appropriate modifiers Performance Indicators Reading & Writing: Read and comprehend materials written for native speakers when the topic and language are familiar. Write short notes, brief journals, or short reports 1. Students will be able to interview their classmates and be able to articulate what they did last night/last weekend using the past tense in French. (application) 2. Students will be able to demonstrate in writing their use of the pass compos with avoir and tre to describe a past vacation in French. (application) 1. Hier Soir/Le week-end dernier Inside Out Circles: Ongoing Classroom Interview Charts/Oral Proficiency Assessments (formative) 2. Une carte postale: Post Card Project describing a weekend trip/activities in the past tense (summative) 1. The Teacher will begin the lesson by reviewing the conjugations of the verbs avoir and tre by administering individual whiteboards to students so they can write the correct verb conjugation and hold up their boards as they hear subject pronouns called aloud by the Teacher (Bell Ringer). This will be a common review activity that the students are used to doing. The Teacher assigns one person from each row to distribute the whiteboards to their row. Then the Teacher writes the word avoir on the board and explains verbally that students must write the correct conjugated form of the verb avoir on their whiteboards and hold them up when they are done. To model an example, the teacher asks the class to first write what the verb avoir means (in English), on their white boards and hold them up (CFU-routines/content). The Teacher repeats this exercise with tre, offering corrective feedback and checking for understanding throughout. 2. The Students complete the review activity, writing all the conjugated forms of avoir, and repeating the exercise with tre on their whiteboards (visual). 3. The Teacher will then write the words DR. MRS. VANDERTRAMP vertically

Lesson Objectives
(Blooms Taxonomy)

Must be numbered. Acceptable Evidence

*Could be collected for accountability/auditing purposes.

Teacher input, development, instructional method(s), modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and/or activities

Label: Bell Ringer

Also may be called: set induction, anticipatory set, introduction/review

Label: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic

Accommodations for learning modalities Label: Checks for Understanding: directions, procedures/routines, and/or content (formative)
Ex. (CFU directions)

Hackett 2012 on the board, as well as draw a picture of a house with 16 blanks in it (visual). To review the verbs that use tre in the pass compos, the Teacher will challenge the class to see if they can remember all the correct verbs without looking in their notes or textbook. The Teacher will instruct the class to first take one minute to think about the verbs individually (and silently) and to write down any of the blanks they think they know in their notebooks. They will then have 1 minute to share the verbs they thought of with the person sitting next to them and see how many of the blanks they are able to fill in together. The Teacher will ask 2 students to repeat the first and second steps of the directions (CFU-directions). 4. Using the visual aids of DR. MRS. VANDERTRAMP and the House of tre on the board, the Students will complete a think-write, pair-write, share-write to try to come up with all the verbs that use tre in the pass compos (visual, auditory). 5. When the students have finished writing down everything they can think of in their pairs, the Teacher will ask if any of the groups was able to come up with all 16 verbs that take on tre. The Teacher will then call on various students from each group to come up to the board and fill in each letter in the acronym and blank in the House of tre (visual). As a class they will see if all the verbs can be completed, and if students missed any that other classmates found, they will copy them into their notes 6. The Teacher will write the questions on the board (or display them on the Smartboard/Overhead): Quest-ce que tu as fait hier soir? and Quest-ce que tu as fait le week-end dernier? The Teacher will call on one student to read the questions aloud and 2 more students to translate the meaning of each question. The Students will be told to take 1-2 minutes to write down a bulleted list of what activities they did last night, or what they did last weekend, using the pass compos with avoir or tre to describe the activities in the past tense. The Teacher will ask 2 students to reiterate the directions and then model an example sentence on the board: Je suis alle au cinema/Jai regard la tl. (CFU-directions) 7. The Students will complete their bulleted list of activities in their notebooks as the Teacher administers a playing card to each student. When they finish their lists, the Teacher will instruct them to silently hold up their playing cards, find their groups with the same number, and sit in the section of the room which has their corresponding number taped to the wall. If they cannot get into groups quietly, it will prevent their group from receiving a prize at the end of the activity. The Students will be instructed to bring their bulleted lists with them because they will need them in their groups (kinesthetic). 8. Once in their number groups, the Teacher will instruct students that they are going to brainstorm at least 3 specific questions they could pose to one another in the past tense using avoir or tre. Each group will receive planning sheets and everyone will be responsible for recording the groups ideas. They will be told to use the bulleted lists of activities that everyone came up with to help guide them. The Teacher will model a sample question on the board using the previous example of from the bulleted activity list to re-write it in question form: Jai regard la tl. The Teacher will write As-tu regard la tl hier soir? Quand as-tu regard la tl ? Avec qui as-tu regard la tl etc The Teacher will call on two students to reiterate the directions to the class, and encourage the groups to work together to share their ideas and come up with well written, specific questions using the past tense (CFU-directions). 9. The Teacher will write numbers 1-10 on the board and also pull out index cards to write on. The Teacher will call out a Groups number and ask them to share one

Hackett 2012 of their questions aloud. The Teacher will write the question on the board and then call on the next groups number, having each group give ideas in round robin order (visual, auditory). The Teacher will encourage the groups to give ideas for questions that use different verbs than the ones already listed on the board so that they can come up with at least 10 questions using different verbs in the pass compos as a class. 10. The Teacher will distribute 10 numbered index cards to students from different groups at random and instruct them to write down the corresponding question # from the board to their index card. As they are writing their questions, the Teacher will instruct the remaining 10 students (I am using a class of 20 as an example, numbers would change depending on class size) to silently stand up and silently form a circle in a designated section of the room (may move desks around). They will form a circle facing outward, standing shoulder to shoulder (CFU-procedures). The Teacher will then inform the remaining 10 students with the index cards to silently form a circle around the existing circle, so that each student is lined up and facing someone in the circle. They will then hand their index card to the person on the inner circle. The Teacher will explain that the people in the inner circle will be the Question Askers with the index cards. They should read through their questions and try their best to memorize their question. The Teacher will write and explain the steps for inside out circles on the board (auditory, visual). 1.) The Students must greet each other in French by shaking hands, and saying Bonjour, a va? 2.) The Question Asker must pose their past tense question, and the person in the Outer Circle must respond, using the correct past tense conjugation with avoir or tre. 3.) When the Teacher sounds the noisemaker (or says Change), the Students in the Outer Circle will rotate to their right and repeat the process until they have gotten all the way back to their original partner. 11. The Teacher will model the steps with one of the students and note that students should act as though they are having a real conversation and strive to maintain eye contact and actively listen to each others responses. The Teacher will have 3 students reiterate the steps for the Inside Out Circles Activity (CFU-procedures). 12. The Students will complete the Inside Out Circles Activity, taking about 15-20 seconds to ask and answer each question before rotating. When they have gone all the way around, the Teacher will have them trade places with the person they are standing across from, switch roles, and repeat the activity so that everyone has a chance to be a Question Asker, and Responder (auditory, kinesthetic) 13. The Teacher will observe students during the Inside Out Circles Activity and fill out their Ongoing Classroom Interview Ladders and Oral Proficiency Charts for each student, assessing their oral progress. 14. When the Students have completed the Inside Out Circles Review Activity, they will be instructed to return to their desks, where they will find a short letter with blanks missing where the verbs should be. The Teacher will instruct students to complete the letter, conjugating the verbs in parentheses above the blanks in the pass compos using avoir or tre. The Teacher will model the first blank aloud, calling on a student to say whether the verb in parentheses takes avoir or tre, and then having another student give the correct past participle, reminding students that with tre, all verbs must agree in gender and number with the subject, who in this case is Vronique, and is a female writing the letter (CFU-directions). 15. The Students will complete the fill in the blanks activity as the Teacher walks around and checks their work, offering corrective feedback. When they are finished and their work has been checked, they will be given a blank post card and a

Assessment/Evaluation Label: formative or summative and describe purpose

Hackett 2012 directions sheet. They will be instructed to write to a friend or family member and describe their weekend. They must talk about where they went and what they did in at least 6 sentences, using an appropriate greeting and closing. They may look at the pictures on the post card for inspiration and use the fill in the blanks letter as a model (visual). The Teacher will re-collect these assignments to be re-distributed the next day so that students can complete them in class. This will prevent students from taking it home and using an online translator to complete the assignment 17. As closure, the Teacher will ask students to answer a question in their Daily Exit Journals. The Teacher will pose the question orally, as well as write it on the board (or display in on the Smartboard/Overhead) (visual, auditory). The Teacher will ask students to respond to Why is it important to be able to communicate effectively in the past tense? and How do we use the past tense in every day conversation? 18. The Students will respond to the Exit Questions in their Daily Journals which will be collected and read on a daily or weekly basis and given a formative assessment. Day 2: 16. The Teacher will re-distribute the Post Card Assignment and Students will complete it in class. This Assignment will be collected to receive a summative grade based on the grading checklist, included on the assignment sheet. It should be review for students knowing how to use the pass compos with avoir and tre and it will help prepare them to transition into the next section of the lesson, learning to use the imparfait tense to talk about past events. 1. Hier Soir/Le week-end dernier Inside Out Circles: Ongoing Classroom Interview Charts/Oral Proficiency Assessments (formative) The purpose of the Inside Out Circles Oral Activity is to increase students oral proficiency, fluency, and accuracy in asking and answering questions in the past tense. It will help them review the use of the pass compos using avoir and tre and ultimately help prepare them to respond to questions on the Oral Proficiency section of their Unit Test, as well as the state test requirements. It will also foster good social skills and prepare them to use the past tense more naturally so they may use this technique to speak with native speakers outside of the classroom. The Activity will be assessed formatively by marking ongoing classroom interview ladders, as well as assessing Oral Proficiency progress using the Essential Oral Questions Rubric based on comprehensibility/content, fluency, accuracy, and pronunciation. 2. Une carte postale: Post Card Project describing a weekend trip/activities in the past tense (summative) The purpose of this assignment is to develop students writing skills using the pass compos with avoir and & tre. It should be a good review of past tense grammatical structures, as well as using vocabulary related to vacations or weekend activities and will help prepare them for the upcoming lessons on using the imperfect tense to describe past activities that were ongoing in combination with the pass compos. This assignment will be given a summative number grade based on a grading checklist included on the assignment sheet. As closure for the first day of this lesson, the Students will respond to Exit Questions: Why is it important to be able to communicate effectively in the past tense? and How do we use the past tense in every day conversation? in their Exit Journals. These Journals are read on a daily or weekly basis by the Teacher, who will respond to entries and assign a formative grade factored in to participation.


Accommodations and/or Interactions with Support Staff

Hackett 2012 This lesson includes activities that will accommodate auditory, visual, as well as kinesthetic learners. The fill in the blanks practice activity will provide students who struggle with the past tense and writing, a guide to help them write their own post cards. Considerations for potential problems and back-up plans related to the Inside Out Circles Activity are included on Cooperative Learning Planning Sheet

Students with exceptional learning needs may receive extra time to perform tasks, more one-on-one help or attention, be partnered with above average students or a student aid, receive written directions or updates sent home to parents, or any other accommodations as outlined on specific student IEPs. Resources/Materials Text: McDougal Littell Discovering French Blanc 2 Whiteboard/Smartboard/Overhead Projector Individual Student Whiteboards, dry erase markers, and paper towels Numbered Index Cards Playing Cards Planning Sheets for Question Brainstorming TW-PW-SW Fill In the Blanks Letter Assignment Blank Post Cards Post Card Project Assignment Sheet & Grading Checklist Daily Classroom Interview Ladders & Oral Proficiency Rubric Time Required ~1-2 days + 20 hours prep time Reflection: This lesson was specifically developed to meet NYS LOTE learning Standard 1 (Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication) in areas of Speaking & Listening, as well as Reading & Writing. In this lesson, students learn how to interview their classmates and to describe what they did last night or last weekend using the past tense in French. Within this lesson, current scholarship in the field of French is reflected through the use of specific grammatical structures, using the past tense with avoir and tre while speaking and writing, and increasing natural oral proficiency through social interactions. It is also demonstrated through the use of upper level vocabulary words describing weekend activities and various grammatical structures such as est-ce que and inversion to pose and respond to questions in French. Best classroom practice is demonstrated through the use of research-based instructional strategies, using cooperative learning strategies such as face-to-face promotive interaction, interpersonal and small group skills, as well as group processing through activities such as Inside Out Circles, Round-Robin Brainstorming, and Think, Pair, Share. Students are engaged in the lesson through auditory, visual, and kinesthetic stimulants, and they are given positive reinforcement through corrective feedback, independent, and group practice. The lesson demonstrates knowledge of content, adapting teaching strategies to meet the needs of diverse learners, as well as knowledge of pedagogy, using recursive learning to engage different learning styles and build progressively upon the curriculum. Professional skills are also demonstrated through modeling commitment and caring for students through accommodations and positive reinforcements. This lesson prepares students for life outside of the classroom as they will develop stronger social skills and have a better understanding of why it is important to be able to communicate effectively using the French language. Students will also increase their fluency using the past tense in everyday conversations as well as in writing which will allow them to communicate more effectively about topics of interest with native speakers.

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