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History 41 2 Lecture Notes 5-9 Final Exam Review Final Exam: Grainger 1100 Wed May 16 12:25-2:25 Answer

the question: not answer in search of a question Balance generalizations with specific examples Specific dates, e.g. 1920, are rarely needed. Avoid phrases such as "back then," or "in olden times." If you mean early 1900s, say so.

1865-18670s Civil War & Reconstruction Broad Social Changes Race/Ethnicity Prog. Education High Schools Regional/Rural Difference/

1890-1920 Progressive Era


1929-45 Great Depression/WWII




Rural/Agrarian Soc. Committee of Ten National Origins Act (1924) Suburbs Immigration Act (1965) Busing/ integration battles Immigration (Academic High School) Cities Brown vs. Board Immigration John Dewey moves to Intelligence testing High Schools= mass inst. Chicago (1894)/Jane Adams (E.l. Thorndike) Child labor laws Rise of the extra-curric. Hull House HS becomes custodial Comprehensive High School (James Conant) Rise of kindergarten Changing Schools (Zilversmit) Teaching, sorting No child Left Behind (2001)
Object teaching Native Am. Ed. (Adams) Guidance Counselors Impediments to progressivism Testing/funding

Progressive education is more child-centered also adult-centered which memorization ideas arise from textbooks What are the impediments of Progressive Education Parents Testing not the right way of Progressive Education

Example questions, Many historians claim that high schools changed dramatically between the 1890s and the middle of the twentieth century. How and why had high schools changed? Had anything about high schools remained the same? Between the Civil War and the end of World War II, many citizens tried to transform public education. How influential were these ideas, in theory and practice, in the public schools during this period? Child-centered education

Equal educational opportunity for African-Americans Fair treatment of Native Americans children in various schools Second half of exam 5 of 7 items Answer in one half of answer sheet To write a full response, ask yourself: who, what, where, when why, and with what consequence and importance? Examples include, Carleton Washburne Johwn Dewey Lewis Hine Albert Shanker John Dewey's Philosophy of Education The Committee of Ten Why Native American off-reservation schools were established and why they declined Why some Chicago-area schools districts failed to embrace "progressive education," according to Arthur Zilversmit The United Federation of Teachers in New York City Brown vs. Board of Education The Scopes Trial Standardized Testing How schools systems adapted itself to the admission of "special needs" children in the early twentieth century "Community control" of schools: what it meant in Ocean Hill-Brownsville Why America's federal role in education was often weak compared to other western nations before the mid-twentieth century

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