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PSY 11052


B.D. Mathararachchi Assignment No.02 First year REG No- SEU/IS/10/MG/122 Department of management Faculty of Management & Commerce South Eastern University Of Sri Lanka Lecture in Charge-Ms.Salfiya UA.Jaleel


Term 1865) : 16th President of the United States (1861 February 12, 1809, Hardin (now Larue) Honest Abe; Illinois Rail-Splitter No formal affiliation November 4, 1842, to Mary Todd (18181882) Robert Todd (18431926), Edward Baker (1846 1850)William Wallace (18501862), Thomas Tad (18531871) Career : Lawyer Whig; Republican Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln (8 vols, 195355), ed. by Roy P. Basler Died Buried : : April 15, 1865, Washington, D.C. Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Illinois When Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860, seven slave States left the Union to form the Confederate States of America, and Four more joined when hostilities began between the North and South. A bloody civil war then engulfed the nation as Lincoln vowed to Preserve the Union, enforce the laws of the United States, and end the Secession. A Life in Brief : When Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860, seven

Born : County, Kentucky Nickname Religion Marriage Children : : : :

Political Part : Writings :

A Life in Brief:

slave states left the Union to form the Confederate States of America, and four more joined when hostilities began between the North and South. A bloody civil war then engulfed the nation as Lincoln vowed to preserve the Union, enforce the laws of the United States, and end the secession. The war lasted for more than four years with a staggering loss of more than 600,000 Americans dead. Midway through the war, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all slaves within the Confederacy and changed the war from a
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battle to preserve the Union into a battle for freedom. He was the first Republican President, and Union victory ended forever the claim that state sovereignty superseded federal authority. Killed by an assassin's bullet less than a week after the surrender of Confederate forces, Lincoln left the nation a more perfect Union and thereby earned the admiration of most Americans as the country's greatest President. Born dirt-poor in a log cabin in Kentucky in 1809, Lincoln grew up in frontier Kentucky and Indiana, where he was largely self-educated, with a taste for jokes, hard work, and books. He served for a time as a soldier in the Black Hawk War, taught himself law, and held a seat in the Illinois state legislature as a Whig politician in the 1830s and 1840s. From state politics, he moved to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1847, where he voiced his opposition to the U.S. war with Mexico. In the mid-1850s, Lincoln left the Whig Party to join the new Republican Party. In 1858, he went up against one of the most popular politicians in the nation, Senator Stephen Douglas, in a contest for the U.S. Senate. Lincoln lost that election, but his spectacular performance against Douglas in a series of nationally covered debates made him a contender for the 1860 Republican presidential nomination.

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to
see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nations wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan... March 4, 1865

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Capacity to Listen to Different Points of View

The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, Kearns Goodwin learned that Lincoln had the capacity to listen to different points of view. He created a climate where Cabinet members were free to disagree without fear of retaliation. At the same time, he knew when to stop the discussion and after listening to the various opinions, make a final decision. Ability to Learn on the Job

Lincoln was able to acknowledge errors, learn from them, and then move. In this way, he established a culture of learning in his administration. Ready Willingness to Share Credit for Success

In response to concerns expressed by friends about the actions of some of his Cabinet members, Lincoln stated that the "path to success and ambition is broad enough for two" said Kearns Goodwin. When there was success, Lincoln shared the credit with all of those involved. Ready Willingness to Share Blame for Failure

When mistakes were made by members of his Cabinet, Lincoln stood up for them. When contracts related to the war effort raised serious questions about a member of his administration, Lincoln spoke up and indicated that he and his entire Cabinet were to blame. Awareness of Own Weaknesses

Lincoln was his tendency to give people too many chances and because he was aware, he was able to compensate for that weakness. As an example, she stated that George McClellan, Commander in Chief of the Union Army, refused to follow directives about the war effort. Lincoln eventually set a deadline and eventually removed McClellan from the position. Ability to Control Emotions

Lincoln treated those he worked with well. However, he did get angry and frustrated, so he found a way to channel those emotions. He was known to sit down and write what he referred to as a "hot letter" to the individual he was angry with and then he would set the letter aside and not send it. If he did lose his temper, Lincoln would follow up with a kind gesture or letter to let the individual know he was not holding a grudge. that one of the letters was released as part of Lincoln 's Presidential papers with a notation that it was never signed nor sent. Know How to Relax and Replenish

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Lincoln understood the importance of relaxation and humor to shake of the stress of the day and to replenish himself for the challenges of the next day. Lincoln had a wonderful sense of humor and loved to tell funny stories. He encouraged a healthy atmosphere of laughter and fun in his administration. He also enjoyed going to the theater and spending time with friends. Go Out into the Field and Manage Directly

During the Civil War, many soldiers died and there were many ups and downs. Lincoln established lasting connections with the troops by visiting the battlefield and hospitals, which also helped bolster morale. Lincoln also spent time talking with members of the public, taking 'public opinion baths'. He held public receptions and made a point of shaking everyone's hand and speaking to each individual. Strength to Adhere to Fundamental Goals

In the summer of 1964, the war was not going well for the North. Members of his political party came to Lincoln and said that there was no way to win the war and he might need to compromise on slavery. Lincoln held firm on the issue of slavery and turned away from this advice. Ability to Communicate Goals and Vision

Mr. Lincoln had a "remarkable ability to communicate his goals to his countrymen." He made concepts simple and communicated with an understanding of the concerns of the citizens. When the war ended and he won reelection, Lincoln did not focus on his achievements. Rather, in his second inaugural speech, Lincoln focused on bringing the country together as expressed in the following excerpt. With malice toward none, with charity for all,? let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." Also Mr.Lincoln had many more Personality for his success. Those are: Mr. Lincoln was resilient Mr. Lincoln was charitable Mr. Lincoln was instinctively cautious. Mr. Lincoln was of the people. Mr. Lincoln was a listener. Mr. Lincoln was a man of logic. Mr. Lincoln was as curious as he was attentive especially concerning human nature. Mr. Lincoln had a westerners love of stories. Mr. Lincoln genuinely liked people. Mr. Lincoln was an enigma to even those close to him. Mr. Lincolns personality was open and closed at the same time. Mr. Lincoln was a realist, not an egotist.
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Mr. Lincoln was a friendly man. Mr. Lincoln was slow to anger and slow to act. Mr. Lincoln was a conciliator Mr. Lincoln was a master manipulator


Mr. Lincoln's Personality, By Richard J. Behn

Abraham Lincoln Classroom http://www.abrahamlincolnsclassroom.org/

Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Ms. Kearns Goodwins Key Note address at SHRMs 2008 Annual conference in Chicago

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