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Monitoring CPU Usage Oracle Database 10g

1 Comment Posted by advait on June 18, 2007 System Activity Report (SAR) -bash-2.05b$ sar -u 10 5 Linux 2.4.21- (ap6188rt) 10:48:24 10:48:34 10:48:44 10:48:54 10:49:04 10:49:14 Average: PM PM PM PM PM PM


CPU %user %nice %system %iowait %idle all 22.07 0.00 14.36 0.03 63.54 all 16.70 0.00 13.93 0.17 69.20 all 8.80 0.00 8.15 0.25 82.80 all 2.52 0.00 3.55 0.00 93.92 all 2.05 0.00 4.00 0.00 93.95 all 10.43 0.00 8.80 0.09 80.69

We can check the processes which are consuming high CPU units. When we use the command ps -eaf, 4th column shows the number of CPU units, that process is using. Example oracle03 12979 oracle03 22815 oracle03 2720 oracle03 30548 oracle03 25572 oracle03 14232 1 0 21:39 ? 1 0 21:57 ? 1 0 22:36 ? 1 0 22:42 ? 1 0 22:48 ? 1 35 22:53 ? 00:00:00 ora_q003_tkr12m1 00:00:00 ora_q001_tkr12m1 00:00:00 oracletkr12m1 (LOCAL=NO) 00:00:00 oracletkr12m1 (LOCAL=NO) 00:00:00 oracletkr12m1 (LOCAL=NO) 00:00:03 oracletkr12m1 (LOCAL=NO)

You can also check the users, which are consuming high CPU. SELECT n.username, s.sid, s.value FROM v$sesstat s,v$statname t, v$session n WHERE s.statistic# = t.statistic# AND n.sid = s.sid AND t.name=CPU used by this session ORDER BY s.value desc; USERNAME SID - 1093 194184 1092 77446 1088 67564 1089 43054 1090 19192 1072 15009 APPS 832 APPS 998 APPS 822 APPS 900 APPS 823 VALUE

1777 1190 577 508 477

You can also check session level CPU using

SQL> select * from v$sesstat 2 where statistic# = 12 3 order by value desc; SID STATISTIC# VALUE - - 1093 12 194184 1092 12 77475 1088 12 67579 1089 12 43062 1090 12 19194 1072 12 15010 832 12 1785 998 12 1197 822 12 577 You can also decompose the total CPU usage. Basically a CPU time is total CPU time = parsing CPU usage + recursive CPU usage + other CPU usage SELECT name,value FROM V$SYSSTAT WHERE NAME IN (CPU used by this session, recursive cpu usage, parse time cpu); NAME VALUE - recursive cpu usage 6276669 CPU used by this session 8806491 parse time cpu 482645 Ideally (parsing CPU usage + recursive CPU usage) should be significantly less then CPU used by this session. Here we can see that (parsing CPU usage + recursive CPU usage) is almost equal to CPU used by this session. Here we need to make some tuning in reducing the time for recursive CPU usage. To determine percentage of CPU usage for parsing select (a.value / b.value)*100 % CPU for parsing from V$SYSSTAT a, V$SYSSTAT b where a.name = parse time cpu and b.name = CPU used by this session; % CPU for parsing 5.48300146 Reducing Parse Time CPU Usage If parse time CPU is the major part of total CPU usage, you need to reduce this by performing the following steps: 1. Use bind variables and remove hard-coded literal values from code, as explained in the Optimizing the Library Cache section earlier in this chapter. 2. Make sure you arent allocating too much memory for the shared pool. Remember that even if you have an exact copy of a new SQL statement in your library cache, Oracle has to find it by scanning all the

statements in the cache. If you have a zillion relatively useless statements sitting in the cache, all theyre doing is slowing down the instance by increasing the parse time. 3. Make sure you dont have latch contention on the library cache, which could result in increased parse time CPU usage. We will see latch contentions and how to reduce it later. To determine percentage of Recursive CPU Usage select (a.value / b.value)*100 % recursive cpu usage from V$SYSSTAT a, V$SYSSTAT b where a.name = recursive cpu usage and b.name = CPU used by this session; Recursive CPU usage 71.421139 This is really a bad number for recursive CPU usage. Sometimes, to execute a SQL statement issued by a user, the Oracle Server must issue additional statements. Such statements are called recursive calls or recursive SQL statements. For example, if you insert a row into a table that does not have enough space to hold that row, the Oracle Server makes recursive calls to allocate the space dynamically if dictionary managed tablespaces are being used. Recursive calls are also generated due to the inavailability of dictionary info in the dictionary cache, firing of database triggers, execution of DDL, execution of SQL within PL/SQL blocks, functions or stored procedures and enforcement of referential integrity constraints. If the recursive CPU usage percentage is a large proportion of total CPU usage, you may want to make sure the shared pool memory allocation is adequate. However, a PL/SQL-based application will always have a significant amount of recursive CPU usage. To reduce the recursive CPU usage, make sure that shared pool is sized correctly. Also you can check the parameters like CURSOR_SHARING values can be EXACT, SIMILAR, FORCE SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS value can be anything numeric like 500.

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