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What would you like to become when you grow up? Quite often when this question is put to a child above 8th standard answer comes as engineer, pilot, doctor, chartered accountant etc. money. The answer revolves around career which gives lot of reputation and

When somebody asked Narendran what he wanted to become he told he wanted to become a horse cart rider. Upon which his mother showed him the photo of parthasarathy and told then become someone like this and true to her words he became a great Guru called SWAMI VIVEKANANDA.

The ultimate aim and purpose of life as generally understood revolves around material prosperity, fame, power etc. Parents quite often forget to teach the basics like honesty, kindness and punctuality. Competition and jealousy are taught in place of give and take, magnanimity, integrity etc. Character development is given last preference.

The reason for this degeneration is quite simple. Parents also do not know the purpose of life. Most of the people live just because

they are born. Stereo type ambitions like studying well, getting a good job, marrying, having children, growing them up with the same type of ambitions. Then they become (or do not become) old and die. Alexander the great had given two instructions to 1. His corpse should be carried his ministers before dying. should be kept open.

through streets by eminent doctors of that time 2. His palms Obviously he wanted the people to know two things for sure. 1. There is no doctor in this world who can defeat death. 2. Even so called greatest people are not able to take anything with them when they die. Who am I? Why am I born? What is the purpose of my life? If we take time to ponder over these questions we may get the answers which may be surprising for many. The material world is controlled by three gunas called satwam, rajas and tamas. The purpose of human birth is to these thrigunas and realize the true self. go beyond Each soul is potentially

divine and the very purpose of our birth is to find out this divinity within ourselves. Desire and Ego are the greatest impediments for spiritual growth. When one understands the futility of material success slowly he withdraws from worldly things and approaches life in a detached manner. He understands that True peace is antharmukha This is a nama in Lalitha GOD resides in each available only inside us and nowhere else. samaradhya bahirmukha sudurlabha. sahasranamam

means GOD is available inside each individual

and cannot be found out outside of oneself.

individual but since lot of dust is formed due to instincts(vasanas)

carried over from many births we are not able to understand this truth.

The first step towards spirituality should be cleaning ourself. Keep a watch on our deeds, words and thoughts and purify them with relentless effort. With sincere efforts we will be able to find out our weaknesses, bad tendencies and level of Ego and can win over them. Circumstances and opportunities will be provided by nature to test and improve upon our purity.

Since vasanas are carried over from many births it requires constant vigil from our part to win over them. We should always keep in mind that since our journey is in the right path GOD is there with us constantly guiding and protecting us. Just follow the Inner voice, the voice of GOD in all circumstances and accept whatever comes good or bad as GODs prasadam.

Ego is a powerful tool of MAYA. It comes back in many guises and impedes our growth. Nothing torments man as Ego does. Ego needs constant feeding. As a mans ego Increases he strives hard to increase it further. Higher the ego level of a person he is more prone to get injured. prevails. When we try and win over ego peace

The ultimate aim of every person should be to merge Ego self with REAL SELF. We should remind ourselves constantly the not a leaf will fall without immense power of Nature and how much tiny and powerless human beings are and the fact that GODS will. This will help us win over ego. Desire is also another impediment to growth. Desires never die by achieving what we desire for. New wants will prop up and we go on increasing our wants as we achieve more and more. Contentment is a virtue of immense value. We should learn to Also we should look around and support less fortunate beings.

always be grateful for whatever GOD has bestowed on us.

Once we win over Ego and Desires other smaller evils like anger, jealousy, hatred etc will disappear automatically. Support and guidance will come in many forms once we decide and start our journey towards truth. When we take one step towards GOD he takes ten steps towards us. A man asked his Guru: I want peace and Guru replied remove that want and then I, then peace only remains!! Peace only remains for those who have won over ego and desire. May almighty give us enough courage and strength to tread in this path and reach the state of absolute peace and harmony.

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