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NDICE 1. INTRODUCCIN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 2. CONTENIDOS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 3. OBJETIVOS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 4. METODOLOGA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5. SECUENCIACIN DE LAS SESIONES. MATERIALES CURRICULARES DE CADA SESIN --------------------------------------------- 6 6. COMPETENCIAS BSICAS QUE SE TRABAJAN EN LA UNIDAD DIDCTICA -------------------------------------------------------- 32 7. MATERIALES Y ESPACIOS NECESARIOS -------------------------------- 33 8. EVALUACIN. CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN Y DE CALIFICACIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 9. EN LA CLASE DE INGLS ------------------------------------------------------ 35

INTRODUCCION Esta unidad est dirigida a 2 curso de E.S.O. Los alumnos han trabajado esta unidad en 1, dentro del programa bilinge y conocen algunos conceptos bsicos del tema, conviene repasarlos para profundizar en el lenguaje algebraico y la jerarqua de operaciones, que ya han trabajado en el bloque nmeros. La importancia de la unidad radica en que se ha diseado para que el alumno adquiera el dominio del lgebra bsica para la posterior solucin de problemas matemticos que puedan presentarse en la vida diaria. De acuerdo con el Decreto 74/2007 del 14 de junio, esta unidad est en el bloque III de contenidos para 2 de ESO titulado Algebra . La unidad didctica se compone de un total de 14 sesiones lectivas. Al finalizar esta unidad los alumnos deberan ser capaces de operar correctamente con expresiones algebraicas. Siendo conscientes de los errores sistemticos que suelen cometer al utilizar el lgebra Utilizar las propiedades de las operaciones, la jerarqua y las reglas de uso de los parntesis en expresiones algebraicas. Utilizar el lenguaje algebraico para expresar situaciones de la vida diaria. CONTENIDOS Los contenidos a desarrollar son los siguientes: .Repaso de situaciones matemticas en las que se use el lenguaje algebraico. Monomios. Elementos de un monomio. Valor numrico de un monomio Operaciones con monomios. Suma , resta, multiplicacin y divisin. Polinomios. Valor numrico de un polinomio. Operaciones con polinomios. Suma, resta, multiplicacin. Igualdades notables.

Contenidos especficos relacionados con el idioma ingls: Los alumnos debern familiarizarse con todo el vocabulario en ingls propio del tema. En objetivos se hace una lista con las palabras que debern conocer. Aunque este tema consiste bsicamente en conocer el lenguaje algebraico y operar correctamente para luego poder resolver ecuaciones y problemas de la vida cotidiana, aqu aparecen expresiones como increased by , decreased by, more than, less than, triple, double, like terms, unlike terms y los ordinales fith, sixths, En los ejemplos se usarn mucho expresiones como How much y How many ( contables e incontables), muchos adjetivos y sustantivos, genitivo sajn ya que en cada expresin algebraica se puede introducir el vocabulario que nos interesa que aprendan y utilizar todo el vocabulario relacionado con un determinado campo semntico, por ejemplo las relaciones familiares en las expresiones algebraicas en las que aparecen edades.

OBJETIVOS: Objetivos especficos de Matemticas: Simbolizar en lenguaje algebraico enunciados dados de forma verbal, y viceversa. Conocer perfectamente todo el vocabulario que se utiliza en algebra ya que los contenidos de esta unidad conforman el cimiento para determinar y organizar parte de los contenidos de la asignatura.

Objetivos lingsticos y comunicativos: Al finalizar esta unidad los alumnos deberan: Ser capaces de entender instrucciones sencillas en ingls, tanto orales como escritas, para realizar las actividades propuestas. Usar, leer y escribir correctamente las palabras ms frecuentes propias del tema. En su vocabulario incluirn al menos estas palabras. Variable, unknown, terms, like terms, unlike terms, coefficient, grade, monomial, polynomial, expand brackets, cancel, simplify, convert, one half, third, fourth, fifths, right side, left side, sixths, twentieths, double, triple. Ampliar campos semnticos (. rboles, frutas, miembros de la familia,) Adverbios de tiempo en las expresiones de edades: in five years time, in a couple of days, two years ago. Ser capaces de formular preguntas para obtener informacin usando contables e incontables. ( How much, how many)

METODOLOGA Se pretende una metodologa activa, intuitiva y motivadora que despierte inters y fomente el aprendizaje por el descubrimiento de los conceptos a partir de los conocimientos y experiencias personales. Basndose en el hecho de que si el alumno descubre los conceptos por s mismo, stos se asientan de manera ms duradera en su estructura lgica, se pretenden disear y elaborar actividades para que los estudiantes descubran los conceptos y no slo los almacenen. Se fomentarn clases activas, en las que desarrollen sus habilidades Las actividades han de estimularles a preguntar, reflexionar y a expresar su pensamiento verbalmente. Al trabajar las actividades se pretende que el alumnado relacione, el mayor nmero de conceptos posibles. Las actividades a proponer tienen varios niveles en su desarrollo hacia la solucin, que permitan un ritmo diferente segn el alumnado. 4

Se promovern agrupaciones diversas y se utilizarn distintos recursos. ( bibliogrficos, audiovisuales, uso de calculadoras y pginas web ) El lgebra ha de ser usada en diferentes contextos: juegos, situaciones personales, familiares, ciencia Al final de la tarea, la profesora puede intervenir facilitando la sntesis y la elaboracin de conclusiones finales a partir de las que hayan podido obtener los estudiantes aisladamente. Reflexionar sobre lo que se va obteniendo durante las clases o sobre las razones por las que no se logra avanzar. Utilizar los errores de los alumnos en los aprendizajes de nuevos conceptos, poniendo en conflicto los errneos sustentados por los alumnos con las nociones correctas mediante preguntas o actividades adecuadas. Las actividades propuestas seguirn la secuencia: Hacer-discutir-descubrir-exponer, expresndose ,a veces, oralmente (puesta en comn) y ,a veces, por escrito. Debido a la complejidad del lenguaje algebraico en la mayora de las actividades aparece un soporte terico y bastantes ejercicios cuyo grado de dificultad es gradual. Aunque parezca excesiva la cantidad de actividades relacionadas con operaciones algebraicas, es necesaria para afianzar su seguridad operando y posteriormente garantizar el correcto planteamiento de los problemas.

SECUENCIACION DE LAS SESIONES. MATERIALES CURRICULARES DE CADA SESION. La unidad didctica se compone de un total de 14 sesiones lectivas distribuidas as: Session number Session title Activities Session 1 Brainstorm.Using Activity 1 algebra. Writing algebraic expressions Session 2 Words used in Activities 2 and 3 algebra.. Monomials. Parts of a monomial.. Session 3 Operations with Activities 4 and 5 monomial. . Operations.(addition and subtraction) Session 4 Operations with Activities 6 and 7 monomial. Operations (multiplication and division) Session 5 Substitution Activity 8 Game 2 Session 6 Session 7 Activity 8 Game 3 To read the theory Polynomials. Activity 9 Identifying polynomials Exercise 1 and its parts. . Identifying polynomials Activity 9 and its parts. Exercises 2 and 3 Classifying polynomial Activity 10 Simplifying algebraic Activity 11 expressions Simplifying algebraic Activity 11 expressions To read the theory Expanding brackets Activity 12 Exercises 1 and 2 Expanding brackets Activity 12 Operations with Exercises 3 and 4 polynomials. Activity 13 Exercises 1 to 4 . Operations with Activity 13 polynomials. Exercise 5 Perfect Squares. Exercise 6 . Perfect Squares. Activity 13 Exercise 7 to 10 Multiplying polynomials Activity 14 Substitution

Session 8 Session 9 Session 10

Session 11

Session12 Session 13 Session 14

ACTIVIDADES Using algebra Algebra is an area of mathematics where letters are used to represent numbers. Activity 1 1.- Brainstorm .-The students will look for some Spanish word related with algebra and will talk about the importance of other cultures. 2.- They will think about the different algebraic expressions they already know: -Generalizing the evolution of a numerical series. Example: 1,3,5,7 Example: n+2 -Expressing the relation between different magnitudes (formulae)


9C + 32 5

Distance=velocity x time Area= l 2 ( they will write different formulas) -Solving mathematical problems. Example 1.-(Students will conclude the sentences) Peter has planted a certain number of sunflowers seeds, but you dont know how many. Let x stand for the unknown number. Peter has planted . Example 2.Ann spent 4.5 on a sandwich. Jane spent a on a salad. How much did they spend in total? They spent 4.5+a in total. Example 3.Mark has x CDs in his collection. Susan has y CDs in her collection. How many CDs do they have altogether? They have . CDs in their collections.. Example 4.Adrian has 14 sweets. He ate some of them. How many sweets did he have left? He has and pronouns) left.(They complete the sentences using algebraic expressions

Writing algebraic expressions An algebraic expression is a mathematical phrase which contains numbers, operators, (add, subtract, multiply, divide), and at least one variable (like x, y). Shorthand used in algebra: a -a 4a means 1xa or 1a or a 1 means -1xa or -1a or -a 1 means 4xa or (a+a+a+a) means a 2 or means axb means axbxc means 3xaxb or (ab+ab+ab) means axa means axaxa means 5xaxa or (a 2 + a 2 + a 2 + a 2 + a 2 )

2 ab abc 3ab a2 a3 5a 2

1 a 2

(3a) 2 means 3ax3a or 3x3xaxa 4a 2 b 3 means 4xaxaxbxb or (a 2 b 3 + a 2 b 3 + a 2 b 3 + a 2 b 3 + a 2 b 3 )

Activity 2 1. - Students will try to write the following expressions: 4 less than p is p-4 9 more than x is x+9 A number x increased by 8 is x+8 The sum of a number b and 3 is b+3 A number q decreased by 5 is q-5. Six times x is 6x The triple of m 3m is 3x Twice y is 2y The double of r is 2r A quarter of x is


Half m is

m 2

Six sevenths of x is A fifth of t is 20 % of x

6 6x or x 7 7

t 5

20 1 x x or x or ( remember to simplify ) 100 5 5

m times m is mxm or m 2 p times q is pxq or pq five times t cubed is 5xtxtxt or is 5t 3 2t 2v 4 means 2xtxtxvxvxvxv 2.-They will do the previous exercise in reverse.

Words used in algebra Variable: When letters are used in place of different numbers they are called variables , unknowns or indeterminates.. Constant : Anything that has a fixed value ( cant be changed ) is called a c 1 constant. 5, -4, are constants, because their values do not change. 2 Term: A Term is a single unit containing one or more variables, often with a constant in front or a constant on its own. 5x, 3ab, 4x 2 y , pq ,7and

Coefficient: The number in front of a term is called the coefficient of the term. In the term 5x, 5 is the coefficient of x. In the term -4pq, -4 is the coefficient of pq. In the term y, -1 is the coefficient of y ( as y=-1y). Expression: A collection of terms separated by plus signs or minus signs is called an expression. 3x 2 2x + 4 is an expression with three terms. Like terms: Terms that use the same letter or arrangement of letters, are called like terms . The only difference is the coefficient (number in front) of the term. 3x, 2x and x are like terms. 5ab,4ab and ab are like terms 8 x 2 y , 3 x 2 y and -x 2 y are like terms. (The powers of each letter must be the same) Unlike terms: Terms that are not the same. 3a and 5b are unlike terms. 4xy and 4x are unlike terms. x 2 y and xy 2 are unlike terms.

a are examples of terms. b

Note : The letters in a term are usually written in alphabetical order. For example, we would write 4ab rather than 4ba However. the order of the letters within the term is not important.


Identifying monomials and parts of a monomial Monomial.- An algebraic expression consisting of only one term The exponent on a term tells you the grade or the"degree" of the term ( never a negative whole number) The degree of monomial is the sum of the exponents of the variables in the monomial. 5 4x 3x 2 4x

degree zero. degree one. degree two. degree five degree four degree three

xyzp 4xyz Activity 3

1.-Write several examples of monomials 2.-Fill lin the gaps: Monomial coefficient Variable Grade 6x -2x a 2b

3 xy 4 2

1 4

3.- Complete: The grade of a monomial is. In the monomial 3x 4 , 3 is A negative number never appears in


Operations with monomials. Combining terms You can simplify expressions by adding o subtracting like terms.(Term with the same variable)

3b and 5b are like term, so they can be added.

If a variable has no number in front of it, the value of that variable is 1

8xy 10xy have the same variable xy , so we add them.

6t and 4v are unlike terms as they have different variables. So, you cannot subtract to simplify this expression. It is often best to group like terms together first, and then simplify: 2x2 + 3x 4 x2 + x + 9 = (2x2 x2) + (3x + x) + (4 + 9) = x2 + 4x + 5 Terms can be combined ONLY IF they have the exact same variable part

Monomials that differ only their numerical coefficients are said to be like terms.


Activity 4 1.- Fill in the gaps: 4x and 3 4x and 3y 4x and 3x 2 Not like terms The second term has the same variable, but different degree. Now the variables match and the degrees match The second term has no variable.

4x and 4y 4x and 3x

2.-Group like terms. Write each expression in the correct box. 2,5 a 3b -6 ab

ab 4

2 a 3b 4

2 a 3b 4 2 ab 2b 2 5 ab 4

a 2ab
6c ab 2a 9 ab 2b 2 4 a 3b 4 15 a 3b 4


Addition and subtraction Activity 5 1-Simplify the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) b+b+b+b a + 3s 9w 2w 4r + 7r d + 2d + 5d 4t + 3t 5t 9a a 5a 6b-7b-9b 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) b-5b 4a-8a-6a-a 4a-6b+a 3x-5x-x 5b-4g+4b-6b 9g-7g-4g 6m-m+9b-5b-4m 8f+5y-2f-4y+3fy

2.- Complete: 1) 9a - 3a = 2) 11x + 3x = 3) 4x + x = 4) 4z + 3z -7z = 5) 3b - 6b - 2b = 6) 2b - 5b = 7) ab - 3ab = 8) 3a - 5b + 3a - 6b = 9) 10x + 3x - 6x = 19) 9a2 - 3a2 = 20) 4zx + zx - 9zx = 21) a4b - 12a4b - 2a4b = 22) -y2 - 5y2 = 1 23) 2x+ x = 3 15) 3x2 - 3 - 12x2 + 2 = 2 24) x- x = 3 2 2 16) x + 2x + 10x -19x -8 +3 2 1 25) x- x + x = = 3 5 3 3 17) -5x -7 - 3x +3 = 2 3 26) x 2 x 2 + x 2 = 3 4 3 3 18 ) -2x + 4x - 10x - 11 = 3 2 3 27) x 3 x 3 x = 5 25 10 ) 5x + x - 8x = 11) -9x - 3x = 12) x + 3 - 2x +1 = 13) -7x -10x + x = 14) -7x -2x - 9x =


Multiplication When multiplying terms, remember the following steps: 1) First multiply the numbers. 2) Then multiply the variables (the powers property) 3) Write the numeral first followed by the variable. 4) Write the variables, or letter, in alphabetical order. Warning: Don't get careless and confuse multiplication and addition. This may sound like a silly thing to say, but it is the most commonly-made mistake (after confusing the order of operations): (x)(x) = x2 (multiplication)

x + x = 2x (addition) " x2 " DOES NOT EQUAL " 2x " For example if you have something like x3 + x2, DO NOT try to say that it is equal to x5 or 5x. If you have something like 2x + x, DO NOT say that this is equal to 2x2. When multiplying the variable x by another term, its very easy to confuse ( multiplication for ) with x (letter). So, leave out the multiplication sign. For example, write 4xa as 4a. 7ax6b= 42ab 7x6=42. Then multiply the variables axb, so 7ax6b=42ab 8 ab 3a 2 b 5 =24a 3 b 8 Activity 6 1.- Complete: 4x 5x = x (-3x) = 9x (-10x5) = -4x3 (- 9x) = 3ab 3a = (-3x) 6x2 = 4 ab(-9)ab2 = 5z 6z(-4z)= 20a4 b25 a5b= -9rst10r2s2t2= 2e x 3 3d x 4d 2w x 5w 5 x 3d g x 7g 2 x 5d 2q x 7m 6 x 4b 8q x 2g 9s x 5 3a 2 x 4a 2d x 5d 4b x 6b 3c x 6c 3g x 2g2 2t x 3t4 3mx4mzp 2mxmx5p 4hx8kx2p 3mx2mxm

2.- Complete ( Remember how to multiply fractions): 4 abc 2 ( 4 )ab = 18x. x 2 = 3 2 2 3 2 3 6x x = ab 25a b = 3 5


Division of monomials Divide top and bottom by common factors. The method we use to simplify algebraic fractions is the same that we use to simplify ordinary fractions 10ab =5a ( divide the top and bottom by the same monomial, 2b ) 2b

4z 1 = (This is an algebraic expression but not a monomial, because the 2 2z 8z variable is not elevated to a positive number)
Activity 7 1.- Simplify each of the following: 1) 2) 3) 4)

15ab 3b

5) 6) 7)

6 pq 2 pq 14xy 7 xy


20x 2 y

81x 27 14ab 2ab 18b 9


13) 14) 15) 16)

18a 2b 2 9b 2 4a 3b 8a 2 2ab 2 8ab

10) 11) 12)

64a 3b 8a 2 12x 2 y 4x 24ab 2 8ab

x3 x3 4ab 8) 4ab

a 6b 4ab

ab 2c 3 4ab 2 14xy 2z 18) 7xy 12x 2my 3 19) 9xmy 10x 2 y 20) 4xy 2

2.- Complete:: 1) 6x5: 2x = 2) 3) -15x2 : (-5x) = 4) -21x6 : (7x) = 4x4 : (-2x) =

5) 20a4b :10 a = 6) 7) 8) 125z8 (-72x9) : 15a5b7:(-3) : 5z6 4x2 = a3b3= =


Evaluating expressions (substitution) In algebra when we replace letters with numbers when evaluation expressions we call it substitution. When you are substituting numbers in an expression, it is good idea to put a bracket around the number that replaces the letter. Activity 8 1.- Substitute the values for each letter and use the rules of operations to help you work out the answers to the questions below:

a=3 b = 2 c = 1




g = 10

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

cg= bc + 7= 5d +a-g= 2c2 -e= f a + g + ce= g2 - bc= (b + c)2 +2d= 2(a + b) (2f 5) =


2.- GAME 3 in a line Rules: Take turns throwing the dice. Put a counter on a square which matches your dice score. The first person to get 3 in a line is the winner. Substitution



10 d = 5



2 x d = 12


dxd = 4

d x 2 = 10

10 d = 9


d x d = 16


d x d = 25


8d =2

4a 11 = 9

5(4 - t) = 10


2 m2= 18


2u 1 = u


6( 9 - w) = 24

6z + 1 = 5z + 4

4y = y + 3

7 a = 0.5 2

8 = 4(3y 4)

3 (b 1) = 6





2d 1=d

d 2 = 25


5 x (d 2) = 5


5 d = 10


4 d = 24

3 (d 1) = 9



10 d = 6


3.- Game Take turns rolling the dice. Substitute the number on the dice for the letter in the formula. Complete the operation, get the solution and move forward that number of squares. The winner is the first person to go twice around the board and reach the chequered flag.


Polynomial A polynomial is an expression constructed from variables (also known as indeterminates) and constants, using the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and constant non-negative whole number exponents This year we will work with univariate polynomials When a term contains both a number and a variable, the number is called the "coefficient". The coefficient on the leading term is called the "leading" coefficient.

In the above example, the coefficient of the leading term is 4; the coefficient of the second term is 3 and -7 is the constant term. The highest power in a one-variable polynomial is called its order, or degree. For instance, the leading term in the above polynomial is a "second-degree term" or "a term of degree two". The second term is a "first degree" term. The degree of the leading term tells you the degree of the whole polynomial; the polynomial above is a "second-degree polynomial". Polynomials are usually written this way, with the terms written in "decreasing" order; that is, with the largest exponent first, the second highest next, and so forth, until you get down to the number which is alone (the constant). Some polynomials dont have a constant. Notice the exponents on the terms. The first term has an exponent of 2; the second term has an "understood" exponent of 1; and the last term doesn't have any variable at all. Any term that doesn't have a variable in it is called a "constant" term because, no matter what value you may put in for the variable x, that constant term will never change. In the picture above, no matter what x might be, 7 will always be just 7.


The first term in the polynomial, when it is written in decreasing order, is also the term with the biggest exponent, and is called the "leading term". The exponent on a term tells you the "degree" of the term. Here are a couple more examples: The "poly" in "polynomial" means "many. The term "polynomial" should only refer to sums of many terms, but the term is used to refer to anything from one term to the sum of a zillion terms. However, the shorter polynomials do have their own names: monomial, binomial trinomial.

a one-term polynomial, such as 2x or 4x2, may also be called a "monomial" ("mono" meaning "one") a two-term polynomial, such as 2x + y or x2 4, may also be called a "binomial" ("bi" meaning "two") a three-term polynomial, such as 2x + y + z or x4 + 4x2 4, may also be called a "trinomial" ("tri" meaning "three")


the variable x and also because its third term contains an exponent that is not a whole number.

+ 7x

3 2

is not a polynomial, because its second term involves division by


Identifying polynomial and its parts Activity 9 1.- Complete: Polynomial Terms Leading term Leading coefficient Constant Degree 2.- Complete:

2x5 5x3 10x 10x3 14x2 + 3x +9

22 x2 x

2x5 5x3 10x + 9

This polynomial has ..terms, including a term, a third-degree term, a .term, and a constant term. This is a ..degree polynomial.

7x4 + 6x2 + x

This polynomial has ..terms, including a -degree term, a -degree term, and a first-degree term. There is no . 3.- Try to summarize and explain the parts of a polynomial.


Classifying polynomial Activity 10 1.- Classify each expression as monomial, binomial or trinomial. Complete the sentences:

. 5x3 10x + 9 is a because it has 10x + 8 is . 3x 2 2x + 1 is a . 45 is a . 34d 6 is a . 9-x+2+3x is a. 10x3 14x2 + 3x is a

2.- Match each of the algebraic expressions with their names. 2x-14 trinomial other polynomial monomial binomial none of those.

3x 2 2x + 1


2x-5ax+8xy+4 4x-5x+9x 3x- 2x


Simplifying algebraic expressions06-2008 All Rights Reserved Activity 11 (Students will see these examples before working on their own) Example 1: 4x2 + 5x 8 x2 + x + 9

Remember that there is 1 in front of a variable expression with no written coefficient, as is shown in red below: (4x2 x2)+(5x + x) + (8 + 9) = (4x2 1x2) + (5x + 1x) + (8 + 9) = 3x2 + 6x + 1 Example 2: 10x3 14x2 + 3x 4x3 + 4x 6

10x3 14x2 + 3x 4x3 + 4x 6 =(10x34x3)+(14x2)+(3x+4x)6=6x314x2+7x6 Warning: When moving the terms around, remember that the terms' signs move with them. Don't confuse yourself by leaving orphaned "plus" and "minus" signs behind. Example 3: 25 (x + 3 x2)

The first thing you need to do is to take the negative through the parentheses: 25 (x + 3 x2) = 25 x 3 + x2 = x2 x + 25 3 = x2 x + 22 Example 4: x + 2(x [3x 8] + 3)

This is just an order of operations problem with a variable in it. If you work carefully from the inside out, paying careful attention to your "minus" signs, then you should be fine: x + 2(x [3x 8] + 3) = x + 2(x [3x 8] + 3 = x + 2(x 3x + 8 + 3) = x + 2(2x + 11) = x 4x + 22 = 3x + 22 Simplify: 1.- [(5x 4) 2x] [(10x 7) (3x 8)] 2.- 4y [3x + (3y 2x + {2y 7} ) 4x + 5] 3.-

x 2



4.- Students will write different expressions to simplify in their notebooks.


Expanding brackets In algebra, many expressions include brackets. A term ( number or variable) outside the brackets means that you must multiply each term inside the brackets by the outside term. To expand brackets we must multiply each term in one bracket by each term in the other and then join the like terms You can check brackets expansions by comparing them to areas. Calculate the area of each part of the rectangle and add both areas.

5(x+y) = 5 (x+y) 5(X+Y) = 5X+5Y. Bracketed expressions Sometimes you will need to multiply bracketed expressions by each other. For example: (a+b)(c+d) This means (a+b) multiplied by (c+d). Look at the rectangles: The area of the whole rectangle is (a+b)(c+d) It is the same as the sum of the four separate areas So: (a+b)(c+d)=ac+ad+bc+bd Notice that each term in the first bracket is multiplied by each term in the second bracket. You can also think of the area of the rectangle as the sum of two separate parts: (a+b)(c+d)= a(c+d)+b(c+d) Think of multiplying each term in the first bracket by the whole of the second bracket. This is called multiplying out the brackets.


Activity 12 1.-Expand the brackets: 1.).4(x-y) 2) 8c(d + e). 3.) m (4x - 2y - 6z). 4) 2x(x-y) 2.- Expand the brackets and simplify : 1) 4x(2x-3)-4(3x-2) 2) x(3x-1)+2x(x-3) 3) 5c(c-2)-4a(2a-5) 4) x 2 (x-3x 3 )-2x(x 2 3x ) 5) abc(a 2-bc)+a 2(a-b) 6) xyz(z-y)+xz(y-x) 3.-Remove the brackets and simplify: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) = (x (x (x (x (x + + 8) 4) 6) 1) 5) (x (x (x (x (x + 2) 1) 2) 3) 1) = = = = =

4.- Draw different coloured rectangles showing what you have done in the previous exercise.


Operations with polynomials Activity 13 1.- Complete these operation squares: + 4c+5d 3c+d + 5c+4d c-4d 2.- Subtract binomials in the column from the ones in the row. 4c+5d 3c+d a 2 -ab a 2 -10ab 3- Fill in the gaps: + 5a+8b 4a-b + 5a 2 +8ab 2a 2 +10ab 6a 2 -ab 3a 2 -ab 7a+5b -6a+9b -4a 2 -ab 3a 2 +ab c+3d 8c+2d -c-3d -3c+d 2c+3d 8c+2d

4.-Subtract binomials in the column from the ones in the row 8t-3u 15t-u 5t-4u 2t+6u


5.- Complete: x 4c+5d 3c+d 2c+3d 8c+2d

x -c+5d 3c-d Special identities: Examples: ( 2x + 3 )2= 4x2 +12x +9 ( x + 7) (x 7 )= x2 49 (x-4) 2 = x2 8x+16



Remember: (a+b)2= (a + b)(a + b) = a2 + ab + ba + b2= a2 + 2ab + b2 (a-b)2= (a -b )(a b ) = a2 ab ba + b2 = a2 - 2ab + b2 (a+b)(a-b)= a2 ab + ba b2 = a2 b2 6.- Calculate: x a-2 a+2 7- Calculate: a) (2x+1) 2 = b) (3a-2b) 2 = c) (2-3x)(2+3x)= d) (3-5x) 2 = e) (2a-3b)(2a+3b)= f) (2x+5y) 2 = g) (3x 2)(3x + 1) =
3 3 h) x 3 x + 3 = 2 2
4x 3 i) + = 3 4



5 5 j) x 2 y x + 2 y = 2 2


8.-Complete: a) x 2 + 2xy + y 2 = ( b) 25x 2 + 10x + 1 = ( 9.- Simplify: + + )2 )2 c) b 2 2b + 1 = ( )2

d) x 2 16 = (x+4) ( - )

x2 9 a) 2 = x 6x + 9

9a 2 + 6a + 1 c) = 3a + 1
2x + 3 = 4x 2 9

x 2 = x 4x + 4

10.- Factorize and simplify: a) b)

4x + 4 y = x 2 + xy

c) d)

x 2 xy = x2 y2
4x = 4x + 8y

m3 = m2 + m3


Multiplying polynomial The rules are the same as in the multiplication of binomials. Multiply each term in the first expression by the whole of the second expression. Its sometimes is useful to do it in the same way as arithmetic multiplication Example:

11.- Multiply: 1) (x 3 5x + 1)(x 2 + 2) = 2) (2x 2 5x + 1)(3x 2 2) = 3) (4x 3 6x 2 3)(4x 3 5) = 4) (2x 3 5x + 1)(3x 2 4 ) =


COMPETENCIAS BASICAS QUE SE TRABAJAN EN LA DIDACTICA En esta unidad se trabajan las siguientes competencias bsicas:


Competencia matemtica.La competencia matemtica es evidente. Se trabaja el uso de las operaciones bsicas con clculos mentales y de operaciones combinadas. Competencia en comunicacin lingstica. Se trabaja a travs de la lectura comprensiva de los problemas, de los que los alumnos debern extraer los datos que les conduzcan a su planteamiento y posterior resolucin. En general, en la realizacin de todas las actividades ( con lectura e interpretacin de la informacin por parte de cada alumno de los ejercicios que le toque hacer) se fomenta el desarrollo de esta competencia. Competencia en el conocimiento y la interaccin con el mundo fsico. En la primera actividad los alumnos buscarn palabras de origen rabe y recogern informacin sobre la gran aportacin de los rabes a las matemticas. Tratamiento de la informacin y competencia digital. Se les propone algunas pginas web para que realicen ejercicios interactivos on line. Competencia social y ciudadana Esta competencia se potenciara a travs de actividades en grupos pequeos y tambin de la interpretacin y anlisis de las expresiones matemticas tratando de que desarrollen una actitud crtica. Competencia artstica Con la elaboracin de sus materiales en los juegos, en las balanzas de ecuaciones, tales como el mural para la clase ( hechos en cartulina a los que pueden aadir dibujos) Competencia para aprender a aprender La lectura de los , el desafo de su solucin, el uso mtodos intuitivos y deductivos, el ensayo error, el anlisis crtico de los resultados les permite desarrollar y consolidar hbitos de disciplina, estudio y trabajo individual y en equipo. Competencia autonoma e iniciativa personal Ser conscientes de su mejora en el aprendizaje les lleva a manifestar una actitud positiva ante la resolucin de problemas y mostrar confianza en su propia capacidad para enfrentarse a ellos con xito y adquirir un nivel de autoestima adecuado que le permita disfrutar de los aspectos creativos, manipulativas, estticos y utilitarios de las matemticas.


MATERIALES NECESARIOS Fotocopias de las actividades para trabajar en clase. Ordenador y can para visionar un video. tiles de dibujo: cartulinas, tijeras, pinturas, etc. ( lo hacen en la clase de plstica) para construir sus tableros con expresiones algebraicas. Calculadoras. Conexin a Internet para visitar pginas web EVALUACIN. CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN

Realizar operaciones con monomios y polinomios (suma, resta, multiplicacin,) Saber utilizar letras como representacin de nmeros; Trasladar situaciones reales a expresiones algebraicas. Resolver ecuaciones sencillas de primer grado con una incgnita. Valorar la precisin del lenguaje algebraico utilizado para expresar todo tipo de informaciones que contengan cantidades, medidas, relaciones numricas. Planificar la estrategia de resolucin del problema y utilizar tablas, grficos, esquemas o representaciones de tipo simblico cuando se requiera Exponer, utilizando un lenguaje matemtico preciso en forma oral o escrita, los razonamientos y estrategias seguidas en la resolucin, as como admitir y valorar las de los dems.
CRITERIOS DE CALIFICACION. Al final del proceso de evaluacin se procede a la calificacin de los alumnos, es necesario tener fijados unos criterios de calificacin claros y precisos, con indicacin del peso de los instrumentos de evaluacin empleados. Para la calificacin se emplearn los procedimientos e instrumentos de evaluacin indicados en el apartado anterior, asignando, en la calificacin, el siguiente peso a cada uno: Observacin sistemtica del 20% alumno/a Trabajo del alumno/a (individual o/y 10% grupo) Pruebas escritas 70% En las pruebas escritas figurar la calificacin correspondiente a cada uno de los problemas y/o cuestiones que contenga. En los problemas se valora: Planteamiento Resolucin Discusin En las cuestiones tericas se valora: 50% 25% 25%


Respuesta correcta Correcta expresin Razonamiento En las cuestiones prcticas se valora: Desarrollo correcto Justificacin

60% 10% 30%

80% 20%

BIBLIOGRAFIA: Libros y material utilizados en la elaboracin de esta unidad didctica. Revise GCSE . Mathematics. Letts. Bitesize revision. Maths. High Level. BBC. Scottish Secondary Mathematics. Heinemann GCSE Mathematics. Heinemann. Edco maths 2. Junior Certificate. 2005RevisionGuide.ks3Maths.Collins. Anaya 1, 2 y 3 ESO. www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/maths


EN EL AULA DE INGLS COMPETENCIA EN COMUNICACIN LINGSTICA Adquisicin de vocabulario referido a nmeros (ordinales, cardinales, fracciones), comparativos y superlativos de adjetivos, nombres contables y no contables. Lectura comprensiva de problemas matemticos. Expresin oral y escrita sobre problemas y expresiones matemticas. Cuidado en la pronunciacin, ritmo y entonacin de sus producciones orales.

ACTIVIDADES Exercise 1(Vocabulary) Write these expressions in figures: Six sevenths of x A fifth of t Eight times three is twenty-four. The double of h Sixteen fours are sixty-four A quarter of x Ten twos are twenty. Exercise 2 (Reading) Do you know how to say these expressions? Read them aloud. 4/5 x 1/7 x 3t 7/9 h


Exercise 3(Grammar) Read these problems. Can you correct the mistakes? You can do two kilos of cheese with fourty-fourth litres of milk. Peter have got eighty-sixth litres of milk. How many cheese can he do?

Maria drink four pot of teas a day. There is three quarter of a litre in a teapot. How much litres of tea do Maria drink in four days?

Exercise 4(Speaking oral interaction) Can you work out the answers? Discuss with your classmate and explain how to solve the problems. Exercise 5 (Writing) Invent another problem similar to the ones in exercise 3. Read it aloud.


Exercise 6 ( Speaking) Compare all the problems. Work in pairs and decide which one is the easiest, the most difficult, the most original Vote for the best and tell the rest of your partners why you have chosen that problem.

The most difficult

The easiest

The most original

The best


Exercise 7 Write a problem using the words in the box First the double marathon tired the two fifths my best friend and me thirsty a pain in my right leg a bicycle


What have you learnt? Was this unit interesting? Was it difficult?


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