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/*---------------------------------------------------------------Class: adobe Properties: console - undefined debugging - boolean options - hash version - string COLOR_DEPTH - number or NaN DIR

- string FILE - string PATH - string SCRIPT_BUILD - number or NaN SCRIPT_ENGINE - string SCRIPT_VERSION - number or NaN ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ var adobe = Class.create({ initialize: function(options) { var src = document.getElementById("adobe").getAttribute("src"), lastfolder = src.lastIndexOf("/"), folders = src.substring(0, lastfolder), file = src.substring(lastfolder+1), q = src.split("?")[1], options = options || {}, NAN = parseInt(""); if(q) { Object.extend(options, q.toQueryParams()); } this.version = "0.1"; this.options = options; this.debugging = false; this.console; this.DIR = folders; this.PATH = folders+"/"; this.FILE = file; this.COLOR_DEPTH = screen.colorDepth || NAN; this.SCRIPT_ENGINE = (window.ScriptEngine) ? window.ScriptEngine () : "JavaScript"; this.SCRIPT_VERSION = (this.SCRIPT_ENGINE == "JScript") ? (Scrip tEngineMajorVersion()+ScriptEngineMinorVersion()/10) : NAN; this.SCRIPT_BUILD = (this.SCRIPT_ENGINE == "JScript") ? ScriptEn gineBuildVersion() : NAN; }, /*---------------------------------------------------------------Method: debug Set to true, this provides <Console> methods in the adobe object eg. ado be.log > adobe.debug(true) Parameters: bool - boolean Returned Value: Nothing

----------------------------------------------------------------*/ debug: function(bool) { if(this.debugging === bool) {return;} this.debugging = !!bool; adobe.Jsan.errorLevel = (this.debugging) ? "die" : "none"; adobe.Jsan.use("adobe.Console"); var console = new adobe.Console(); Object.extend(this, console); } }); adobe = new adobe(); /*---------------------------------------------------------------JSAN implementation ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ adobe.Jsan = function () { adobe.Jsan.addRepository(arguments) } adobe.Jsan.VERSION = 0.10; adobe.Jsan.globalScope adobe.Jsan.includePath adobe.Jsan.errorLevel adobe.Jsan.errorMessage adobe.Jsan.loaded = = = = = self; ['.', 'lib']; "none"; ""; {};

adobe.Jsan.use = function () { var classdef = adobe.Jsan.require(arguments[0]); if (!classdef) return null; var importList = adobe.Jsan._parseUseArgs.apply(adobe.Jsan, arguments).impor tList; adobe.Jsan.exporter(classdef, importList); return classdef; } adobe.Jsan.require = function (pkg) { var path = adobe.Jsan._convertPackageToPath(pkg); if (adobe.Jsan.loaded[path]) { return adobe.Jsan.loaded[path]; } try { var classdef = eval(pkg); if (typeof classdef != 'undefined') return classdef; } catch (e) { /* nice try, eh? */ } for (var i = 0; i < adobe.Jsan.includePath.length; i++) { var js; try{ var url = adobe.Jsan._convertPathToUrl(path, adobe.Jsan.includePath[ i]); js = adobe.Jsan._loadJSFromUrl(url); } catch (e) { if (i == adobe.Jsan.includePath.length - 1) throw e;

} if (js != null) { var classdef = adobe.Jsan._createScript(js, pkg); adobe.Jsan.loaded[path] = classdef; return classdef; } } return false; } adobe.Jsan.exporter = function () { adobe.Jsan._exportItems.apply(adobe.Jsan, arguments); } adobe.Jsan.addRepository = function () { var temp = adobe.Jsan._flatten( arguments ); // Need to go in reverse to do something as simple as unshift( @foo, @_ ); for ( var i = temp.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) adobe.Jsan.includePath.unshift(temp[i]); return adobe.Jsan; } adobe.Jsan._flatten = function( list1 ) { var list2 = new Array(); for ( var i = 0; i < list1.length; i++ ) { if ( typeof list1[i] == 'object' ) { list2 = adobe.Jsan._flatten( list1[i], list2 ); } else { list2.push( list1[i] ); } } return list2; }; adobe.Jsan._convertPathToUrl = function (path, repository) { return repository.concat('/' + path); }; adobe.Jsan._convertPackageToPath = function (pkg) { var path = pkg.replace(/\./g, '/'); path = path.concat('.js'); return path; } adobe.Jsan._parseUseArgs = function () { var pkg = arguments[0]; var importList = []; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) importList.push(arguments[i]); return { pkg: pkg, importList: importList } }

adobe.Jsan._loadJSFromUrl = function (url) { return new adobe.Jsan.Request().getText(url); } adobe.Jsan._findExportInList = function (list, request) { if (list == null) return false; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) if (list[i] == request) return true; return false; } adobe.Jsan._findExportInTag = function (tags, request) { if (tags == null) return []; for (var i in tags) if (i == request) return tags[i]; return []; } adobe.Jsan._exportItems = function (classdef, importList) { var exportList = new Array(); var EXPORT = classdef.EXPORT; var EXPORT_OK = classdef.EXPORT_OK; var EXPORT_TAGS = classdef.EXPORT_TAGS; if (importList.length > 0) { importList = adobe.Jsan._flatten( importList ); for (var i = 0; i < importList.length; i++) { var request = importList[i]; if ( adobe.Jsan._findExportInList(EXPORT, request) || adobe.Jsan._findExportInList(EXPORT_OK, request)) { exportList.push(request); continue; } var list = adobe.Jsan._findExportInTag(EXPORT_TAGS, request); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { exportList.push(list[i]); } } } else { exportList = EXPORT; } adobe.Jsan._exportList(classdef, exportList); } adobe.Jsan._exportList = function (classdef, exportList) { if (typeof(exportList) != 'object') return null; for (var i = 0; i < exportList.length; i++) { var name = exportList[i]; if (adobe.Jsan.globalScope[name] == null) adobe.Jsan.globalScope[name] = classdef[name]; } } adobe.Jsan._makeNamespace = function(js, pkg) { var spaces = pkg.split('.'); var parent = adobe.Jsan.globalScope;

eval(js); var classdef = eval(pkg); for (var i = 0; i < spaces.length; i++) { var name = spaces[i]; if (i == spaces.length - 1) { if (typeof parent[name] == 'undefined') { parent[name] = classdef; if ( typeof classdef['prototype'] != 'undefined' ) { parent[name].prototype = classdef.prototype; } } } else { if (parent[name] == undefined) { parent[name] = {}; } } parent = parent[name]; } return classdef; } adobe.Jsan._handleError = function (msg, level) { if (!level) level = adobe.Jsan.errorLevel; adobe.Jsan.errorMessage = msg; switch (level) { case "none": break; case "warn": alert(msg); break; case "die": default: throw new Error(msg); break; } } adobe.Jsan._createScript = function (js, pkg) { try { return adobe.Jsan._makeNamespace(js, pkg); } catch (e) { adobe.Jsan._handleError("Could not create namespace[" + pkg + "]: " + e) ; } return null; } adobe.Jsan.prototype = { use: function () { adobe.Jsan.use.apply(adobe.Jsan, arguments) } }; // Low-Level HTTP Request adobe.Jsan.Request = function (jsan) { if (adobe.Jsan.globalScope.XMLHttpRequest) { this._req = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {

this._req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } }; adobe.Jsan.Request.prototype = { _req: null, getText: function (url) { this._req.open("GET", url, false); try { this._req.send(null); if (this._req.status == 200 || this._req.status == 0) return this._req.responseText; } catch (e) { adobe.Jsan._handleError("File not found: " + url); return null; }; adobe.Jsan._handleError("File not found: " + url); return null; } }; Object.extend(adobe, { /*---------------------------------------------------------------Method: use > adobe.use("adobe.foo") Parameters: namespace - string Returned Value: Class reference Delegate for: <http://www.openjsan.org/src/c/cw/cwest/JSAN-0.08/doc/html/JSAN.html> ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ use: adobe.Jsan.use, /*---------------------------------------------------------------Method: addRepository > adobe.addRepository("/path/to/repository"); Parameters: path - string Returned Value: JSAN Object reference Delegate for: <http://www.openjsan.org/src/c/cw/cwest/JSAN-0.08/doc/html/JSAN.html> ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ addRepository: adobe.Jsan.addRepository, /*----------------------------------------------------------------

Method: setLoaded > adobe.setLoaded(adobe.foo, adobe.PATH+"adobe/foo.js") Parameters: module - object reference file - string Returned Value: None Delegate for: <http://www.openjsan.org/src/c/cw/cwest/JSAN-0.08/doc/html/JSAN.html> ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ setLoaded: function(module, file) { adobe.Jsan.loaded[file] = module; } }); adobe.addRepository(adobe.DIR); adobe.setLoaded(adobe, adobe.FILE); /*---------------------------------------------------------------Asset Linking ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* Class: Loader Load assets into the document, prevent overlapping assets form being wri tten more than once. > > > }); */ adobe.Loader = (function() { var ATTR_TOKEN = "#ATTR#", STATUS_NONE = 0, STATUS_DONE = 1, STATUS_ERROR = 2, SRC_PATH_TRIG = "_/", PATH_CAPTURE = /(^.+\.)(\w+)(\?[^$]*$|$)/, SCRIPT_TAG = "<script #ATTR#><\/script>", LINK_TAG = "<link #ATTR# \/>", jscompress = !!adobe.jscompress, compress_path = adobe.jscompress_path, renderStatus = {}, assets = { Example: adobe.Loader.requireAsset("/path/to/my/file.js"); adobe.Loader.requireAsset("_/library_path/to/my/file.css"); adobe.Loader.requireAsset("/path/to/my/file_print.css", { media: "print" ASSET LOADER $Revision: #1 $ Work in progress @author btapley

JS: [ SCRIPT_TAG, "src", { type:"text/javascript" }], CSS: [ LINK_TAG, "href", { type:"text/css", rel:"stylesheet" }] }, renderAsset = function(path, user_attributes) { var explode = path.match(PATH_CAPTURE), //break apart th e path argument ext = explode[2], //file extension q = explode[3]; //query if(!ext) { return; } //didn't find a suitable file exten sion? var type = ext.toUpperCase(), //declare file type data = assets[type]; //declare data point if(!data) { return; } //is asset type defined in here? /* compression hack here. Still implementing server comp ression */ if(type == "JS" && jscompress) { path = explode[1] + compress_path + "." + ext + q; } var out = {}, attrs = [], attrN = "", code = data[0], pathAtt = data[1], reqAtt = data[2]; for(attrN in reqAtt) { //copy required attributes out[attrN] = reqAtt[attrN]; } out[pathAtt] = path; //set path attribute if(user_attributes) { //copy user-defined attributes for(attrN in user_attributes) { out[attrN] = user_attributes[attrN]; } } for(attrN in out) { //create attribute text eg. name="va lue" attrV = out[attrN]; attrs.push((attrV) ? (attrN + '="' + attrV + '"' ) : attrN); } return code.replace(ATTR_TOKEN, attrs.join(" ")); }; return { /*

Function: requireAsset Parameters: path - location string (Paths beginning with "_/" will b e relative to the library location) user_attributes - object instance (optional) Returns: Integer indicating render status (0=None, 1=Done, 2=Erro r) */ requireAsset : function(path, user_attributes) { if(!path) { return STATUS_NONE; } //insurance from bad c alls if(path.indexOf(SRC_PATH_TRIG) === 0) { //did we request a library relative path? path = path.replace(SRC_PATH_TRIG, adobe.PATH); //replace the trigger with the path } var currentStatus = (renderStatus[path] || STATUS_NONE); //declare status? if(currentStatus > STATUS_NONE) { return currentStatus; } //this path was already written, terminally failed, or in progress? var txt = renderAsset(path, user_attributes); if(!txt) { return (renderStatus[path] = STATUS_ERROR); } else { renderStatus[path] = currentStatus = STATUS_DONE ; //new request, log it before writing to prevent recursion } document.write(txt); return currentStatus; }, setLoaded: function(path) { renderStatus[path] = STATUS_DONE; } }; })(); Object.extend(adobe, { /*---------------------------------------------------------------Method: link > adobe.link("path/to/file.css", {media:"screen"}) Parameters: path - relative path from adobe.js file as string params - hash Returned Value: 0 = Nothing, 1 = Done, 2 = Error

----------------------------------------------------------------*/ link: adobe.Loader.requireAsset.wrap(function($proceed, path, params) { $proceed(adobe.PATH + path, params); }), /*---------------------------------------------------------------Method: setLinked > adobe.setLinked("/path/to/file.css") Parameters: path - relative path from adobe.js file as string Returned Value: None ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ setLinked: adobe.Loader.setLoaded.wrap(function($proceed, path) { $proceed(adobe.PATH + path); }) }); /* DEVICE_DETECTION2.JS $Id: //depot/projects/dylan/releases/rc_12_4/ubi/template/identity/devic e_detection2.js#1 $ This library is designed to give you three pieces of information: a. info.device -- the name/ID of the specific device: e.g. "Motorola Dro id" b. info.os -- the name/ID of the operating system, e.g. "Android" c. info.category -- what class of device this is (mobile, tablet, deskto p, appliance, etc.) */ /* version 0.9 4/16/2010 - ABE added winOSFamily to desktopDeviceCategory changed categories sequence to detect desktops first -- and will set deviceCa tegory=unknownDeviceCategory.id if no match can be found. */ /* TODO: incorporate all known desktop OS's --> good resource is http://www.gee kpedia.com/code47_Detect-operating-system-from-user-agent-string.html */ /* 'Windows 3.11' => 'Win16', 'Windows 95' => '(Windows 95)|(Win95)|(Windows_95)', 'Windows 98' => '(Windows 98)|(Win98)', 'Windows 2000' => '(Windows NT 5.0)|(Windows 2000)', 'Windows XP' => '(Windows NT 5.1)|(Windows XP)', 'Windows Server 2003' => '(Windows NT 5.2)', 'Windows Vista' => '(Windows NT 6.0)', 'Windows 7' => '(Windows NT 7.0)', 'Windows NT 4.0' => '(Windows NT 4.0)|(WinNT4.0)|(WinNT)|(Windows NT)', 'Windows ME' => 'Windows ME', 'Open BSD' => 'OpenBSD', 'Sun OS' => 'SunOS', 'Linux' => '(Linux)|(X11)', 'Mac OS' => '(Mac_PowerPC)|(Macintosh)',

'QNX' => 'QNX', 'BeOS' => 'BeOS', 'OS/2' => 'OS/2', */ /* Copyright (c) 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. * All rights reserved. * Permi ssion is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of thi s software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of t he Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this perm ission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the S oftware. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRE SS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABIL ITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWA RE. */ // // }; // var droidDeviceProfile = {id:"Motorola Droid",frag:/droid build/}; var nexusDeviceProfile = {id:"Google Nexus One",frag:/nexus one build/i var palmPreDeviceProfile = {id:"Palm Pre", frag:/525.27.1 pre/i};

var droidDeviceProfile = {id:"Motorola Droid",frag:/droid build/}; var nexusDeviceProfile = {id:"Google Nexus One",frag:/Android 2/i}; var palmPreDeviceProfile = {id:"Palm Pre", frag:/525.27.1 pre/i}; var genericAndroid2DeviceProfile = {id:"Generic Android 2 device", frag: /Android 2/i}; var genericAndroid1DeviceProfile = {id:"Generic Android 1 device", frag: /Android 1/i}; var genericWebOSDeviceProfile = {id:"genericWebOS Device", frag:/webos/i }; var var var var var var win311DeviceProfile = win95ADeviceProfile = win95BDeviceProfile = win95CDeviceProfile = win2000ADeviceProfile win2000BDeviceProfile {id:"Windows 3.11",frag:/win16/i}; {id:"Windows 95",frag:/windows 95/i}; {id:"Windows 95",frag:/win95/i}; {id:"Windows 95",frag:/win_95/i}; = {id:"Windows 2000",frag:/windows 2000/i}; = {id:"Windows 2000",frag:/windows nt 5.0/i};

var winServer2003DeviceProfile = {id:"Windows Server 2003",frag:/windows nt 5.2/i}; var winNT40ADeviceProfile = {id:"Windows NT 4.0",frag:/windows nt 4.0/i} ; var winNT40BDeviceProfile = {id:"Windows NT 4.0",frag:/winnt/i}; var winNT40CDeviceProfile = {id:"Windows NT 4.0",frag:/windows nt/i}; // need to make sure this gets processed last as it would otherwise prevent correc t id // of windows 2000 for example or replace with regular expression that i s more strict. var winmeDeviceProfile = {id:"Windows ME",frag:/windows me/i}; var openBSDDeviceProfile = {id:"OpenBSD",frag:/openbsd/i}; var sunOSDeviceProfile = {id:"Sun OS",frag:/sunos/i}; var linuxADeviceProfile = {id:"Linux",frag:/linux/i};

var var var var var var var var var var var var var

linuxBDeviceProfile = {id:"Linux",frag:/x11/i}; QNXDeviceProfile = {id:"QNX",frag:/qnx/i}; beosDeviceProfile = {id:"BeOS",frag:/beos/i}; os2DeviceProfile = {id:"OS2",frag:/OS\/2/i}; winxpDeviceProfile = {id:"Windows XP",frag:/windows xp/i}; winxp2DeviceProfile = {id:"Windows XP",frag:/windows nt 5.1/i}; win7ADeviceProfile = {id:"Windows 7",frag:/windows nt 6.1/i}; win7BDeviceProfile = {id:"Windows 7",frag:/windows nt 7.01/i}; winvistaDeviceProfile = {id:"Windows Vista",frag:/windows nt 6.0/i}; macosx106DeviceProfile = {id:"Snow Leopard",frag:/mac os x 10.6/i}; macosx105DeviceProfile = {id:"Leopard",frag:/mac os x 10.5/i}; macosA = {id:"Mac OS",frag:/mac_powerpc/i}; macosB = {id:"Mac OS",frag:/macintosh/i};

/* OPERATING SYSTEMS */ var androidOSFamily = {id:"Android OS",frag:/android /i,devices:[droidDe viceProfile,nexusDeviceProfile,genericAndroid1DeviceProfile,genericAndroid2Devic eProfile]}; var webOSFamily = {id:"webOS",frag:/webOS\/1.3.5/i,devices:[palmPreDevic eProfile, genericWebOSDeviceProfile]}; var macOSFamily = {id:"Mac OS",frag:/mac os/i,devices:[macosx105DevicePr ofile,macosx106DeviceProfile,macosA, macosB]}; var winOSFamily = {id:"Windows",frag:/windows/i,devices:[winxpDeviceProf ile,winxp2DeviceProfile,win7ADeviceProfile,win7BDeviceProfile,winvistaDeviceProf ile,win311DeviceProfile,win95ADeviceProfile,win95BDeviceProfile,win95CDeviceProf ile,winServer2003DeviceProfile,winNT40ADeviceProfile,winNT40BDeviceProfile,winNT 40CDeviceProfile,winmeDeviceProfile]}; var linuxOSFamily = {id:"Linux",frag:/linux/i,devices:[openBSDDeviceProf ile,sunOSDeviceProfile,linuxADeviceProfile, linuxBDeviceProfile, QNXDeviceProfil e,beosDeviceProfile,os2DeviceProfile]}; /* CATEGORIES */ var desktopDeviceCategory = {id:"Desktop",osFamilies:[macOSFamily,winOSF amily,linuxOSFamily]}; var mobileDeviceCategory = {id:"Mobile",osFamilies:[androidOSFamily,webO SFamily]}; var unknownDeviceCategory = {id:"Unidentified Platform"}; var categories = [mobileDeviceCategory,desktopDeviceCategory /*,mobileDe viceCategory*/]; /* function StringBuffer() { this.__strings__ = new Array; } StringBuffer.prototype.append = function (str) { this.__strings__.push(str); };

StringBuffer.prototype.toString = function () { return this.__strings__.join(""); }; function isdefined( variable) { return (typeof(window[variable]) == "undefined")? false: true; } function displayOrientation() { var err = ""; try { var c = context; if(isDefined(context)) { if(isDefined(context.getResources())) { if(isDefined(context.getResources().getC onfiguration())) { var orientation= context.getReso urces().getConfiguration(); if(isdefined(orientation)) { document.write("orientat ion: "+orientation); } else { err = "no orientation"; } } else { err = "no configuration"; } } else { err = "no resources"; } } else { err = "no context"; } mylog("err: "+err); } catch (e) { mylog("no display orientation data available"); return; } } function mylog(s) { document.write('<div style="color:grey">'+s+'</div>'); } function dumpDeviceInfo() { var buf; document.write('<div style="color:white">checkpoint dump1</div>'); try { var Build = android.os.Build; if(isdefined(Build)) { document.write('<div style="color:white">checkpoint dump2</div>'); buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("VERSION.RELEASE {"+Build.VERSION.REL



EASE+"}"); buf.append("\nVERSION.INCREMENTAL {"+Build.VERSI ON.INCREMENTAL +"}"); buf.append("\nVERSION.SDK {"+Build.VERSION.SDK+" }"); buf.append("\nBOARD {"+Build.BOARD+"}"); buf.append("\nBRAND {"+Build.BRAND+"}"); buf.append("\nDEVICE {"+Build.DEVICE+"}"); buf.append("\nFINGERPRINT {"+Build.FINGERPRINT+" }"); buf.append("\nHOST {"+Build.HOST+"}"); buf.append("\nID {"+Build.ID+"}"); mylog("build:"+buf); } } catch(e) { document.write('<div style="color:white">checkpoint dump mylog("no device info available"); return; } } */ // iv>'); // function identifyDevice(d,ua) { document.write('<div style="color:white">'+d.frag+' =? '+ua+'</d if (ua.search(d.frag) > -1) { document.write('<div style="color:white">MATCH!</div>'); return {device:d.id}; } else return null; } function identifyOS(os,ua) { var deviceInfo=null; var olen = os.devices.length; for(var k=0;k<olen;k++) { deviceInfo = identifyDevice(os.devices[k],ua); if(deviceInfo!=null) break; } if(deviceInfo!=null) deviceInfo.os = os.id; return deviceInfo; } function identifyCategory(cat,ua) { var osInfo=null; var jlen = cat.osFamilies.length; for(var j=0;j<jlen;j++) { osInfo = identifyOS(cat.osFamilies[j],ua); if(osInfo!=null) break; } if(osInfo!=null) osInfo.category = cat.id; return osInfo; } function identifyCategories(cats,ua) { var categoryInfo=null;

// 3</div>');

var clen = cats.length; for(var i=0;i<clen;i++) { categoryInfo = identifyCategory(cats[i],ua); if(categoryInfo!=null) break; } if(!categoryInfo) categoryInfo = {}; if(!categoryInfo.device) categoryInfo.device='unknown'; if(!categoryInfo.os) categoryInfo.os = 'unknown'; if(!categoryInfo.category) categoryInfo.category = unknownDevice Category.id; return categoryInfo; } // external method // returns an object that should contain // category (such as 'Desktop' or 'Mobile' // os (such as 'Windows', 'Mac OS', 'A ndroid', etc. // device (such as 'Windows XP','Android', etc. // TBD: // // // osversion carrier deviceregion

function getCategoriesInfo() { return identifyCategories(categories, navigator.userAgent.toLowe rCase()); } function displayCategoriesInfo() { alert('isDesktop:'+isDesktop() + ', os:' + info.os + ', device: ' + info.device); } function isDroid() { return (info.device==droidDeviceProfile.id); } function isNexus() { return(info.device==nexusDeviceProfile.id); } function isDesktop() { return(info.category==desktopDeviceCategory.id); } function isLinuxDesktop() { return(info.os==linuxOSFamily.id); } function isWinDesktop() { return(info.os==winOSFamily.id); } function isMacDesktop() { return(info.os==macOSFamily.id);

} function simulateDroid() { info.device = droidDeviceProfile.id; info.category = mobileDeviceCategory.id; info.os = androidOSFamily.id; } var info = getCategoriesInfo(); //simulateDroid(); if(isDesktop() != true ) { adobe.Loader.requireAsset("/ubi/template/identity/adobe/screen/gnavMobil eFix.css", { media: "screen" }); } /*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @author btapley @author mhurdka $Id: //depot/projects/dylan/releases/rc_12_4/ubi/template/identity/adobe/hostEnv .js#1 $ Method: hostEnv Function: Simple host profile. Be warned, I've tried to avoid user-agent detection as much as possible but there is some here. Properties: name - hostname isSecure - boolean for https protocal appN - application name appV - application version number ua - user-agent id as string plt - platform id as string lang - browser langauge hasActiveX - boolean for ActiveX support ie6 - have to check UA because of IE6 SP3 changing JSCRIPT and IEV to be 7 anywa y ieV - like appV but more general eg. 5, 5.5, 6, 7 isSafari - boolean for apple web kit kitV - webkit version number ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ /*@cc_on; @*/ adobe.hostEnv = (function() { var ua = new String(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()), //using new to s peed up the many method calls below appV = parseInt(navigator.appVersion, 0), isSafari = ua.indexOf('safari') != -1, kitV = 0; if(isSafari) { var wk = 'applewebkit/', kitpos = ua.indexOf(wk); if(kitpos > -1) { var kit = ua.substring(kitpos+wk.length); kit = kit.substring(0,kit.indexOf(" ")); kitV = parseInt(kit, 0);

} } if(ua.indexOf('opera/7') != -1 || ua.indexOf('opera 7') != -1) { appV = 7; } var ie6 = (ua.indexOf("msie 6.0") > -1) ? true : false; var ie = (ua.indexOf("msie") > -1) ? true : false; var env = { "name": "isSecure": "appN": "appV": "ua": "plt": "lang": ubstring(0,2), "ax": "ie": "ie6": "ieV": _version < pt_version pt_version pt_version pt_version window.location.hostname, window.location.protocal == "https:", navigator.appName.toLowerCase(), appV, ua, navigator.platform.toLowerCase(), (navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage).s "undefined",

typeof window.ActiveXObject != ie, ie6, (function() { /*@ @if (@_jscript_version 5.5) { return 5; } @end; @if (@_jscript_version < 5.6) { return 5.5; } @end; @if (@_jscript_version < 5.7) { return 6; } @end; @if (@_jscript_version < 5.8) { return 7; } @end; @if (@_jscript_version < 5.9) { return 8; } @end; @*/ return 0; })(), "isSafari": isSafari, "kitV": kitV

>= 5 && @_jscript >= 5.5 && @_jscri >= 5.6 && @_jscri >= 5.7 && @_jscri >= 5.8 && @_jscri

}; return env; })(); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Namespace: u Utility methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------* / adobe.u = { /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Function: nonEvent Non propagating event Parameters: event - Event instance

Returned Value: None > Example: Event.observe("foo", "click", adobe.u.nonEvent);

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------* / nonEvent: function (event) { return event.stop(); }, /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Function: pixelate Append "px" to a number Parameters: integer - integer Returned Value: string > Example: adobe.u.pixelate(1);

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------* / pixelate: function(integer) { return parseInt(integer)+"px"; }, /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Function: getSearchParam Get a value defined in the uri search parameter by it's id or all parame ters in a hash. Parameters: id(optional) - string Returned Value: string or hash > Example: adobe.u.getSearchParam("foo");

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------* / getSearchParam: (function() { var _loadedParams; return function(id) { var params = _loadedParams || (_loadedParams = window.location.search.toQueryParams()) ; return (id) ? params[id] : params; } })(), /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function: freshenLocation Create a location string that would force a browser to check cache. Parameters: uri - string param (optional) - string Returned Value: string > Example: adobe.u.freshenLocation("/path"[, "myParam"])

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------* / freshenLocation: function(uri, param) { var query = "?", param = param || "time", i = uri.indexOf(query), time = query + param + "=" + new Date().getTime(); if(i==-1) { return (uri + time); } else { var parts = adobe.u.unfreshenLocation(uri, param).split( "?"); return parts.join(time + ((parts[parts.length-1] == "") ? "" : "&")); } }, /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Function: unfreshenLocation Remove the query set by <freshenLocation> from a uri string Parameters: uri - string param (optional) - string Returned Value: string > Example: adobe.u.unfreshenLocation("/path"[, "myParam"])

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------* / unfreshenLocation: function(uri, param) { var expression = new RegExp("([\\?&]?)"+(param||"time")+"=\\d*&? ", "g"); return uri.replace(expression, "$1"); }, /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Function: revolve

move the position of array items by specified number, wrapping items and keeping the length the same. Parameters: arr - Array instance integer - position or negative integer Returned Value: Array instance passed in > Example: adobe.u.revolve(["a","b","c"], -1)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------* / revolve: function(arr, integer) { arr.unshift.apply(arr, arr.splice(integer, arr.length)); return this; }, /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Function: toInt Convert a string to an integer Parameters: str - String instance Returned Value: integer > Example: adobe.u.toInt("1")

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------* / toInt: function(str) { return parseInt(str); } }; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Method: toInt Returned Value: integer > Example: ("1").toInt();

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------* / String.prototype.toInt = function() { return parseInt(this); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Method: pixelate Append "px" to a number Returned Value: string > Example: (1).pixelate();

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------* / Number.prototype.pixelate = function() { return this + "px"; } Object.extend(Array.prototype, { revolve: function(integer) { this.unshift.apply(this, this.splice(integer, this.length)); return this; } });

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