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The Pentecostal Assemblies useful because the Father breaks and

rebuilds you, fills you up with power from above and you leave to your
different walks of life as impregnable rocks. You can do nothing for yourself.
You cannot achieve anything on your own.
What is happening is that .we, have been removed from the cross unto the
star. Therefott: long prayers"are unnecessary. Fasting is not the answer. You
just glorify 000, praise Him. Having known that the leaves from the Tree that
on both sides of the River, that bear twelve,manners of fruits in the
\.'Wl')ve months of the year, you just have to USe the leaves tu heal the nations.
What are these leaves? They are t'he sacred and secret Name of Leader Olumba
Olumba Obu. This is all you need. Call withall due reverence, that great name.
and all is very well with you. This being the final dispenSation, this' being. the
luck}est of generations, the comforter, the spirit of Truth h'as'come to uncoyer
Ml secrets to His children so that they are found worthy to reign with Him ill
'this eternal .
In the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen
In the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen
Now and forever more, Amen
My name is Deaconess Dorcas Mc Cray of Oracle, Arizona U.S.A
The first week in : r u . ~ the year 2003, I took my grandson to day
care, when I got there I asked for the head woman by the name
Pat. One of the teacher told me that Pat will not be here today
that the small brother is very sick with tumor of the brain that
the man is dying. I told the teacher I will come and see Pat
tomorrow which I did.
When I got to her office Pat said here I am again they
brought her brother from Flagstaff with tumor in his brain and
uncontrollable seizures he is dying. I told her that her brother
will not die that the New Name of God on earth will heal him and
that the new name is 0.0.0. I told her to go the hospital to the
brother and when she got there she should pronouns 0.0.0. have
heal you of your tumor and seizures.
The third day I went back to find out how her brother was
doing. When I got to the school Pat told me that as soon as she
pronounced 0.0.0. the seizures stopped immediately and the
doctors came to see him checked his head the tumor has
disappeared. On the 9/9/03 in the evening he was lying down and
his arm and leg started to twitch as jf the seizures were coming
back he said all of a sudden a black woman appeared to him and
told him to call on that name call on that name caB on 0.0.0. that
you healed me qf my tumor and seizures they cannot come back
again that was the end of the twitching.
By this time we have not seen face to face I did not know him
I only knew his sister Pat and they all said they wanted to be
baptized. On the 20
of September Patricia and Paul came for
baptism. After the baptism I put papa's video The Comforter on
so we can all watch it, and I heard Paul telJing his sister Pat their
father use to tell them that Our Lord Jesus Christ is a black man
from Africa.
Paut said he has seen this man in Red garment before he got
sick and I showed him Papa's photo he said yes that is the man I
have been seeing for years.
Paul is getting stro.nger everyday_
In the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ I Amen
In the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ I Amen
Now and forever more Amen
Thank You Father
&fk:rI'e.a..? He. ~
Deaconess Dorcas Mc Cray
OctQber 19, 2003
In June I had a strQke. A few days later I was cQntinuing to' have mini
strQkes but didn't want to' go. to' the hQspital because they had tQld me that
I was just panicking. I was tQld that there wasn't anything-wrQng shQwing in
my l\1RI and so. I was sent hO.me. I had no. strength in my arm and had a 10.t
O.f trO.uble taking care O.fmyself. During that time my family had CQme to'
Flagstaffto' get me as SO.me Qf my friends were wO.rried abQut me. I was
very weak and had trO.uble walking and talking. Everytime I had a seizure I
CQuldn't talk and had lQSS Qfspeech and my balance was really Qff. My
sister Pat send my brQther Fred and his wife Sally fQr me and I was brQught
hO.me. When I arrived hQme my sisters Pat and DQlO.res were there at my
father hQuse waiting fO.r me. I guess I must have 100Qked pretty bad because
my sister Pat said that they were taking me to' the hQspital right away.
On the way to' the hO.spital in TucsQn I started having a 10.t Qf seizures and
Qne hO.spital wO.uldn't take me right away so. my sisters tO.O.k me to' another.
On arriving there I was having seizures every five minutes O.r SQ. They
started dQing all kinds O.f tests and couldn't seem to' find Qut the reasQns fQr
the seizure Qr mini strO.kes as O.ne O.f the dQctQr finally tO.ld me. They started
me O.n medicatiQn and cO.ntinued testing. After they admitted me into' the
hO.spital my family went hO.me. The next day my sister Pat came in and tO.ld
me O.f this grandmQther that belQnged to Qne O.f the children in her daycare.
She tQld me her name was DQrcas McCray and that she was very nice and
that she had tQld her that I was gQing to' be all right fQr me nQt to' WQrry. I am
a very devQted CathQlic and my sister Pat knQWS this but she told me that
DQrcas had tQld her to' tell me to' say ( O ..O..O..Take CQntrQI ) every time I
was starting to' have a seizure. She also. tQld me that she knew I prO.bably
didn't believe but to' humO.r her and to' try saying it as it couldn't hurt and I
needed all the help I CQuld get. I was really scared with everything that was
happening so. I figured why nQt try saying (O..O..O..Take CO.ntrO.I). Every
time I started having Qne Qf my seizures I wO.uld get scared and I started
saying (O ..O..O .. Take CQntrQI) I nQticed that every time I said (0..0 ..0 ..
Take CQntrQI) my seizuies stO.pped and they weren't happening as O.ften . By
this time the hO.spital had transferred me to' a different facility because I
CQuldn't walk withQut help and I had to' have therapy fO.r my right side which
seemed to' be paralyzed. I was taken to' therapy every two. hO.urs fO.r different
things, speech, hO.w to' eat, and my cO.O.rdinatiO.n and to' shO.w me hO.w to'
walle The first time they tO.O.k me to' walk my therapist rO.lled a ball at me
and I just watched it rO.ll by. I asked ifI was SUPPO.sed to' kick it back and
they told me yes. I was very depressed after this because I couldn't even
raise my leg to kick a ball. I was told that it would take about two months to
be able to walk in a walker.
During this time in my sleep I kept seeing a lady with slightly gray
hair and someone else. Pat asked me to describe the people to her.
She thought right away that one might be Dorcas but didn't know who the
other person might be. As time went on Dorcas had stated that she wanted to
baptize me. On September 20
I was baptized along with my sister Pat.
When I walked in to Dorcas's homeI was instantly drawn to a picture on the
wall. I stated to Pat that the picture behind Dorcas was I other figure that I
had seen. Strange thing is that was not the first time I had seen that image.
Through out my life I had seen it before. It was the image ofOlwnba
Now my story might seem like a lot ofother stories you've heard, but in
the hospital they were amazed. For I had been paralyzed on my right side of
my body and was told it would take 2months to be able to walk with a
walker. Through this time I had progressed at amazing speed. Two days in
a wheel chair (supposed to be 1 week). 1bree to Four days in a walker. I
am progressing amazingly. With Faith I feel the other medical problems I
have will soon be healed just as amazingly as everything else has.
Paul Sanchez
San Manuel, Arizona
October20, 2003
On July lSi my sister Dolores got a call from Flagstaff It was some friends
ofmy brother Paul. They told us that Paul was very sick and we needed to
come pick him up, as he couldn't take care ofhimself. 1 made arrangements
with one ofmy other brothers to go to Flagstaff and when I seen him I
wanted to cry. I had not seen my brother since my mother's funeral in April
so seeing him like this was a real shock. He looked like walking death. I
told him that we needed to take him to the hospital right away. On the way
to Tucson my brother Paul started having seizures and we had to stop a few
times before we made it to the hospital. On arriving at the hospital he was
taken in and they started doing all kinds oftests but they couldn't find out
what was causing these mini strokes. He told the doctor that he had gone to
the hospital in Flagstaff and they had told him that he wasjust panicking
and there wasn't any thing wrong with him. They sent him home with his
right side sort ofparalyzed, his speech slurred and him not being able to
pick up things with his right hand. I called work to tell my staffthat I didn 't
know when I I d be back because my brother was really sick and they couldn't
tell me what was wrong.
Dorcas came to my daycare askingfor me and was told by Stephanie that I
was gone and that my brother was really sick. Dorcas came in the next day
and she asked me how my brother w ~ . I told Dorcas that they couldn't find
what was causing my brother's Paul seizures and that I was really worried
because I didn 't think I could handle losing my brother so soon after my
mother's death. Dorcas told me not to worry that my brother would be all
right. She told me ifI was going to see Paul that evening and that she
wanted me to tell him that I had spoken to Dorcas and that she wanted him
to start saying (0.. 0 .. 0 .. Take Control). Now my Brother Paul is a very
devoted Catholic who goes to church every Sunday so I was a little leery.
That evening I went and visited Paul at the Hospital and he told me he was
really afraid because he didn't want to have any more seizures andpossibly
stay paralyzed. I told him about my conversation with Dorcas and to please
humor me and try ,saying (0.. 0 .. 0 .. Take Control) anytime he felt like he was
having a seizure or that he was feeling afraid It started with Paul having
seizures, not being able to walk, hold afork or spoon or do anythingfor
himself. After a few days he started looking andfeeling better. I would go
and visit and I would remind him about saying (0.. 0 .. 0 .. Take Control).
After a week he was moved to a place that could give him therapy and he
continued getting better and better. No one not even his friends from
Flagstaff could believe how well my brother Paul was doing or looked.
He also told me that saying (0.. 0 .. 0 .. Take Control) was working because
his seizures were stopping as soon as they started He also asked me what
Dorcas looked like because he was seeing a dark lady with whiting hair and
a man. I told him that Dorcas wanted to meet him and that she had
mentioned baptizing him. On September 17, 2003 I took my brother Paul to
meet Dorcas, we made plans to return andget baptized on Saturday
September 2fih. When we arrived we walked into Dorcas's home and she
sat in a couch, behind her was a portrait ofOlumba Olumba Obu. While
Dorcas was getting things ready for our baptizing Paul told me that the
woman he hadseen was not Dorcas but that the man in the picture was. He
also told me that he had seen him many times before he got sick. We got
baptized and my brother says that he foels 100% percent himselfevery day .
Thank you so much for introducing me to your spiritual leader. I have seen
the thing that can happen ifyou believe andjust say (0.. 0 .. 0 .. Take Control)
This isjust one ofmy stories since lfirst started saying (0.. 0 .. 0 .. Take
Control) but I can truly say that I know thing will be all right ifI just say this
every time I need help.
Patricia Garcia
Oracle, Arizona

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