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MCB 3020 Test 2 Spring 01


1. One hundred bacteria multiply into 10,000,000 bacteria in 100 minutes. What is the generation time? a. 10 min b. 0.1 hr c. 0.6 hr d. 0.2 hr e. 20 minutes 2. Eighty bacteria per mL contaminate a donut. The volume of the donut is approximately 7mL. The generation time is 20 minutes. After 8 hours, what was the concentration of bacteria i.e number per mL? a. 80 x 10 x 28 b. 80 x 1024 c. 80 x 224 d. 2 x 2024 e. 20 x 224 x 7 ab. 80 x 220 ac. 80 x 28 ad. 80 x 224 x 7 3. Beginning with a bacterial culture containing 1 organisms per mL, how long would it be before there were 1,000,000 organisms per mL, assuming a generation time of 30 minutes. a. 250 min b. 1550 min c. 600 min d. 700 min e. 1300 min 4. What is n (the number of generations) when 105 cells multiply into 1011 in 12 hours. a. (log 105 - log 1011)/ 0.301 b. (log 1011 - log 105) / .301 c. 0.301 / 11-5 d. 0.301 (12hr) / (11 -5) e. .301 (11-5) / 12 5. Which of previous questions answers is the generation time g? (Use # 4 answers) 6. Calculate the growth rate constant k, if the generation time is 10 min.?(Careful with hr & min.) a. 10 x n doublings per minute b. 1/10 doublings per hour c. 4 doublings per hour d. 6 doublings per hour e. 2 doublings per hour 7. Six cells multiply into 96 cells in 60 minutes. What is the generation time? a. 20 minutes b. 60 minutes c. 30 minutes d. .301(90 min) / log 96 e. 15 min

8. Which of the following does not contain a high energy bond?

9. What method is used to produce only surface colonies in the viable plate count method? a. spread plate b. block plate c. streak plate d. pour plate e. a, c 10. The redox potential of the redox pair that accepts electrons is -.20 and that of the redox pair losing electrons is -.8. If 4 equivalents of electrons are transferred, what is the free energy change? Write answer with correct signs in right places. a. -(4)(23)(-0.6) kcal b. -(4)(46)(-0.6) calories c. -(4)(23)(1.0) kcal d. (4)(23)(1.0) calories e. -(4)(23)(0.6)kcal 11. Choose the best energy source? a. H2 b. SO4-2 c. NO2- d. Fe+3 e. b,c 12. For the reaction, monosaccharide + monosaccharide disaccharide, a. ^G is negative b. reaction procedes if the subunits are first activated and then water is removed c. the amino acid subunits spontaneously are linked together into the dipeptide d. the reaction is an example of phase III or assembly e. c,d 13. The water activity a. is the ratio of the vapor pressure of pure water to the vapor pressure above the solution b. that is needed for fungi is .995 c. decreases as the solute concentration increases d. is the negative log {H+} e. is the solute concentration of the solution over the solute concentration of pure water 14. Which of the following produces a lag phase? a. cells growing on glucose exponentially are used to inoculate a lactose medium b. exponential culture inoculated into a fresh medium of same chemical composition c. old or stationary culture inoculated into a fresh medium? d. cells growing on lactose are inoculated into a fresh lactose medium e. a,c bc. b,c bd. b,d

Answers for 15-17 a. fermentation b. aerobic respiration c. anaerobic respiration d. photoorganotroph e. chemolithotroph 15. Fe+2 is used as an energy source and CO2 as a carbon source 16. Substrate level phosphorylation as only mechanism of ATP synthesis 17. The biological oxidation in which CO2 serves as terminal electron acceptor. 18. In doing a microscopic count, 0.02mL of a bacterial suspension was spread over a circle of diameter 6 cm. A stage micrometer was used to measure the diameter of the microscopic field as 1.0 mm. The average number of bacteria per microscopic field was 75. What is the average number of bacteria per mL in the original suspension? a. 75 x (.02mL) x (3cm)2/(.5mm)2 b. (75) x (60mm)2/(1.0mm)2 c. (6cm)2/(1.0mm)2 / .02mL d. (75) x (30mm)2 / (.5mm)2 x 1/.02mL e. (30mm)2 / (.5mm)2 x 1/.02mL 19. In the Krebbs cycle a. 8 ATP are produced under aerobic conditions b. all the ATP is made by oxidative phosphorylation c. Acetyl COASH reacts with citrate to form oxaloacetate d. None of the intermediates is used for biosynthesis e. None of above 20. Which of the following terms is best used to describe the type of microorganism growing in the thioglycollate medium to the right? a. b. c. d. e. Obligate psychrophile Facultative Anaerobe Facultative Aerobe Microaerophillic halophile

21. According to the Beer-Lambert Law a. an absorbance of zero is 0% transmission b. the absorbance is inversely proportional to concentration c. a 100% transmission equals an absorbance of 1 d. Absorbance equals 2- log %T e. c,d 22. The buildup of toxic metabolic products and the depletion of nutrients leads to a. a sharper slope in growth curve b. an exponential phase with + k

c. a death phase with k = 0 d. a stationary phase with k = maximum e. a growth rate constant of zero 23. Which of the following is correct? a. a psychrophile grows at 60oC b. between the minimum and optimum temperatures growth increases because of increasing collisions between molecules c. between the optimum and maximum temperatures the growth increases because of increasing collisions between molecules d. above the maximum temperature all cells die e. above the minimum temperature, proteins are denatured 24. Superoxide a. is harmful to aerobes for they lack enzymes to destroy this compound b. is singlet oxygen c. is superanion d. is hydroxyl free radical e. is destroyed in aerobes by a dismutase enzyme 25. The ATPase enzyme a. is located in the cell wall in procaryotes b. is part of Mendelsohns chemiosmotic theory c. has an F0 that allows protons to move outside cell to synthesize ATP d. has an F0 that catalyzes synthesis of ATP e. synthesizes ATP when protons move into the cell 26. All of the following are related to the speed of the reaction except: a. catalyst b. equilibrium constant c. energy of activation d. enzymes e. a,d 27. Which of the following is the active form of the enzyme a. apoenzyme b. apoenzyme combined with the holoenzyme c. holoenzyme d. coenzyme combined with the holoenzyme e. b,c 28. Which of the following is correct a. the mechanism of ATP synthesis in Aerobic Respiration includes only oxidative phosphorylation b. the product of Krebbs cycle responsible for producing the most ATP alphaketoglutaric acid c. Fermentation is faster than Aerobic Respiration

d. An example of anaerobic respiration is NADH + H+ converting Pyruvate Lactate e. b,c

29. The conversion of a Carbon skeleton to a pyrimidine base that reacts with a ribosephosphate to make a nucleotide is what phase of metabolism? a. Class I b. Class III c. fueling d. biosynthesis e. assembly 30. Which metabolism phase includes the combining of lipids and proteins to make the membrane of the cell? (use previous questions answers)? 31-32. In the following reactions: (be careful and watch directions of the two half reactions) A. e- + Y YB. X X+1 + e31. Which of the above is the oxidizing agent? a. X+1 b. X c. Y- d. Y 32. In which reaction is the reactant being converted to a more reduced product? a. A b. B c. both A & B d. neither A or B 33. What provides 8 net ATP for procaryotes? EM =Embden Meyerhoff (Glycolysis) a. EM pathway in fermentation TCA= Krebbs Cycle + b. ATPase action from NADH + H c. aerobic respiration (EM + TCA) d. EM pathway in aerobic respiration e. electron transfer reactions in TCA cycle 34. Oxidative phosphorylation a. is the direct synthesis of ATP in a chemical reaction b. is produced from a high energy phosphate bond c. is electron transfer chain mediated synthesis of ATP caused by protons d. is oxidation of glucose to pyruvate e. a,b

35. Which graph is correct?

a. A b. B c. C d. none e. all The following are redox pairs: 36-37. I. Fe+3/Fe+2 Eo = +.70 II. Z/Z Eo = -0.75 III. 2H+/H2 E0 = -0.42 36. When comparing the above redox pairs, the greatest amount of energy would be produced when: a. H2 donates electrons to Z b. H2 donates electrons to Fe+3 c. Z- donates electrons to H+ d. Fe+3 donates electrons to H+ e. Z- donates electrons to Fe+3 ab Z- donates electrons to Fe+2 ac Z donates electrons to Fe+3 ad. Z donates electrons to Fe+2 ae. H+ donates electrons to Fe+3 bc H+ donates electrons to Zbd. H+ donates electrons to Z be. H2 donates electrons to Zcd. Z donates electrons to H2 ce. Fe+2 donates electrons to Z 37. If no Fe+3/Fe+2 redox pair members were available, what would be the direction of electron flow using other two redox pairs? Use previous question answers. 38. Glucose is oxidized via EM pathway to pyruvate. Pyruvate is converted through a series of reactions to propionic acid. One of the intermediates leading to propionic acid is reduced by NADH + H+ (made earlier in EM pathway). this is an example of anaerobic respiration this is an example of oxidative phosphorylation this is chemolithotrophic metatbolism aerobic respiration for oxygen is present and electron transfer to the intermediate occurs e. this is fermentation 39. Most biological oxidations (WRITE ALL CORRECT ANSWERS) a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d. e.

are exergonic and produce energy are free energy change negative occur by the removal of two hydrogens are direct reactions with oxygen are non spontaneous in thermodynamic sense

40. How would you label plate D?

a. 10-4 b. 10-5 c. 10-6 d. 10-7 e. 10-8

ab. 10-9 ac. 10-10

41. As the concentration of a. solute in solution increases, plasmolysis occurs b. H+ ion increases, the pH increases c. salt in solution increases, the aw value gets smaller d. b, c e. a, c ab a,b abc. a,b,c 42. Which of the curves represents a osmophile?

a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E 43. The reaction , glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + NAD+ + Pi 1,3 diphosphoglycerate + NADH + H+ is the most important reaction of the EM pathway, and a. it is the only oxidation in EM pathway b. it produces a reduced coenzyme c. it produces a high energy phosphate d. it is exergonic and ^G negative


all of above are true ab. a,b ac. a,c abd. a,b,d

Diagram Below: Viable Plate Count Method use for questions 44-45.

44. What is the concentration in the 4.8 mL dilution blank? a) 40 x (1/.25) x (100) b) 40 x (1/.25) x (100) x (8) c) 40 x (1/.25) x (100) x (8) x (33) d) 312 x (1/.1) x (8) e) 312 x (1/.1) x (8) x (33) 45. What is concentration in the original suspension? a) 4.22 x 105 bac/ml b) 4.22 x 106 bac/ml c) 1.28 x 105 bac/ml d) 1.28 x 106 bac/ml e) 1.05 x 106 bac/ml 46-50. Write the answer a for all five questions for credit.

Answer Key:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 b c c d d d e b a e a b c e e a c 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 d e d d e b e e b c c d e d a d c 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 c e c e a,b,c e e d e b b a a a a a

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