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Albion the four fold man the full achievement of what humanity can be. 1. 2. 3. 4.

4. Imagination K N Organic O Passion whole albion ness W I N G Reason Urizen emanation is Ghania (S) Luvah emanation is vale (E) Imagination -- Urthona emanation is Emitharmim (N) Tharmus emanation is Enion (W) Vehicular imagination (LOS) -- Albion 00 emanation Jeruselum (center) This is like in falkner where all characters are part of a fictional but every detailed world. We read about them and thereby learn something of ourselves. Each story gets richer the more you read in that world. The whole of this world centers on Albion Blake called these the four zoas or animal energies. The four zoas have their contraries as emanations but the spectre is what he comes to call the reasoning negative. This is destructive the emanation is the void outside of existence in which the zoas germinate The total reality is albion the toatal void outside existence (the womb) is Jerusalem. There is nothing wrong with Urizen (reason) when it is joined with imagination but when it insists on Newtonian form without imagination, he falls into his own ego and projects a spectre instead of his emanation. He becomes less of a man and Ghania becomes more viscious in her control. It is the feminine trying to be masculine and she becomes angry

and controlling. That is what creates the motivation that drives the plot in most of these stories. that nature is humanity/divinity at the point they converge. For blake, jesus achieved it and said greater thing we will achieve so we are not supposed to stand on the edge of the abysse seing jesus as the bridge to saving us we are supposed to reach that point of unity between our humanity and divinity ourselves. Newton onefold -- nature receives reality through the chinks in his armour. IE the five senses. The person who lives in this world is reducing reality to the ratio of his five senses. This is the person who will tlak about natural religion. Blake says there is no natural religion because there is more than what we can pick up through our five senses. The power that is the emenation of albion is Jeruselum (the female form) Blake says the void outside of existence that engulfs itself and is the womb within which albion exists is that emenation this is more common in eastern philosophy. He is saying it is a nothingness which is necessary for all things to exist. That nothingness is the womb for all things. That energy is actually something although we would say it is nothing. It is not the cold repose of death but rather the living repose in the lap of the womb. if he fails and insists on persuing (use of ego), then he doesnt have an emanation, he has a spectre which appears to be jeruselum but is actually hell. Beaulah before there was consciousness the best you can get in a natural state without asserting anything about the natural state the place where adam would have lived when he was perfect and innocent. Heaven or nirvana. Blake said when we are fourfold we will make love with each other from the tips of our heads to the tips of our toes. No gender distinction or sexual politics.

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