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Dl r\ -a q- pr n tS lilm nLl e rYr J\ r L Jl I

simPle: We usethe present . . . r .


company' for states.Iom works a construction for permanent Heplaystennistwiceaweek' actions. and repeated habitual routines, for daily Thesunsetsinthewest' truthsand lawsof nature. for general leoves 9 am. at flightto London es. and programm Thefirst for timetables GerrqrdinterceptsandpassesittoHeskey. and reviews narrations. commentaries, for sporting

usedwith the presentsimple: Timeexpressions weekend, at nighVthe etc, day/week/month/year in the morning/afternoon/evening, every often,always, usually, etc. on Fridays

Continuous Present
continuous: We usethe present
t I a a

at her Tina the momentof speaking. isdoing homework t mome at takingplace or around for actions .nt' .he |mgoingtothedentisttomorrow.(l'vealreadybookedanappointment') in for fixedarrangements the near fulure. burglariesisincreasing' Thenumberof situations. and changing developing for currently repeatedaclion.You'realwaysforgettingtoclose angeror irritationat a suchas alwaysto express with adverbs thedoor.

usedwith the presentcontinuous: Timeexpressions tonightetc' still, nowadays, today, thesedays, at now.at the moment, present, Note: --+ time" simple "every + Always present I before go to work. I alwayshavebreakfast often" continuous "all the time" - "too/very + Always present complaining! re You' always simple. We cannotusenever... againwith the present goingcampingwithyou again.(NOT@') |m never Proqant Perfer^t

We usethe presentPerfect: . . . verbs suchas be with especially stative up in for an actionwhichstarted the pastand continues to the present, Iike, have, know,etc. I haveknownDaveforyears. AnewFrenchrestauranthasiustopenedin forarecentty."ro'.,;r:r;;*;;t;;.;uttisvisinteinthepresent. tomorrow. going for there dinner We're Street, Bridge Thetime that it is time in thepast.Theemphasis on the action. at for an actionthat happened an unstated (When? time.) Unstated once. Partugal onlyvisited . or is occurred unimportant unknown lhave

usedwith the presentperfect: Time expressions just, ever,never, far,today,this week/monthetc. how long, lately,recently, so always, already, for, since, etc. still(in negations),


%$rumnl8l '2,.Jli{*
: :'' i r' =.=^t Perfect Continuous
illttilrg the presentperfect continuous: -s -- :-t emphasis the duration an actionwhichstarted the pastand contrnues to the present, on of in up -'::ciallywith wordsand expressions as for, since, morning/day/year such all elc.Theboyshavebeenplaying .:,::scllfor hours. ':'-r 'n action whichstarted the pastand whichlasted sometime.Theactionmaystillbe continuing in for or -',= finished already with the result visible the present. in Kenisreallytired.Hehasbeenworkinghardall week. anger, lrritation, annoyance.Theyhovebeenlisteningtothatloudmusicall " :- 3xpress or night. ' =:' repeated actions the pastcontinuing the presentI havebeen in to . takingSpanish lessons night at school. ' ': -= with the verbs live,work, teachand feel we can usethe present perfect the present or perfect ' : - . ^ r o u s w i t h n o d i f f e r e n cie m e a n i n g . e h a s t a u g h t / h a s b e e n t e a c h i n g a t t h eo rc h o r e t h a n n H f s m ol ' :-:, vears. -nre expressions usedwith the presentperfectcontinuous:


since, how long,lately,

' ' '

already usedin statements is afterthe auxiliary verband in questions afterthe mainverb. I havealreadyfinished. you Have finished atready? yet is usedin negative sentences aftera negative contracted auxiliary verbor at the end of the sentence. She yet hasn't finished report.She the hasn,t finished report the yet. s t i l li s u s e d i n s t a t e m e n t s a n d q u e s t i o n s a f t e r t h e a u x i l i a r y v e r b o r b e f o r e t hte m a itnpl a irn t.i n g t h e a m s i lv e b house.Hestill livesinHongKonq. However, comes still beforetheauxiliaryverb negations.Shesfl//hasn,tfinished in herhomework.

Stative Vertls
Stative verbsare verbs which describe stateratherthan an action,and so they do not havea contrnuous a tense. -rese verbs are: ' ' ' . verbsof the senses (see,hea4 taste, feel, look, sound etc); can hear trainapproaching. I the verbs perception (know believe, of understand, realise, remember, forget etc); lunderstand whatyou are saying. verbswh ich express likesand dislikes (like,love, hate, enjoy,prefer etc); The children enjoy reading. and someotherverbs (be,contain,include, fit, Qelong, need,matteLcost,own, want, weigh, wish, have, keep etc). Thatcarbelongs Joe. to


ratherthan states. actions tenses when they describe are Some theseverbs usedin continuous of Simple Present (= state) patienf. character permanent is She very film.(= | believe) I thinkit's wonderful a pool.(= thst possess) They have(got)a swimming (= she to Yourmotherlooksvervtired. appears be) your house fromhere.(= I use my eyes) I can see (mean. | understand) I seewhatyou like This blousefeels silk(= it hasthe textureo0 (= it has flavour) Thischickentastesdelicious. a delicious flowers smellnice.(= they havea nice smell) These (= she to Sheappeorstobeveryangry. seems be) (= fit These shoes meperfectly. they arethe right size)


Present Continuous
good.(= he is behaving) Heis beingvery

(= considering) orr* r^tnnning oiuiuying nouse.t'rlr

(= holiday. they areenjoying They're havinga wonderful themselves) (= at plans. hs is checking/ is Thearchitect looking the examining) n9?) row?(= areyou meeti st Areyou seei thedenti tomor ng (= is You're ng things.There no onethere. you are seei imagining) (= she MumisfeelingTim'sforehead. is touching) itisalright(= 6s It istostingthesouptoseeif Thechef testingthe flavour) (= She's smellingtheroses. she is sniffing) (= atcentralParknextweekend. we are Weareoppearing performing) (= on Peter fitting new locks all thedoors. he is attaching) is

Note: . preference. to a tenses express specific Theverbenjoy can be usedin continuous hr / ^(specific preference) r r I, enjoygoingsaiting.^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ l preference) BUT ^ - - : ^ . - - ^ : - - ^ ^ : t : - ^ (generat^ t ^ - ^ ^ - ^ l film I'm enioyingthis o lot. emotion),hurt and ache can a feel Theverbslook (whenwe referto sb'sappearance), (= experience particular in with no difference meaning. tenses or be usedin the continuous the simple today. ore today.or You looking wonderful You look wonderful is or ihe feelssick. She feelingsick.

oI Hlace Preposrtrons
prepositions are: is. or wheresomething someone These whichdescribe are of Prepositions Place prepositions

-'c hl-


in/inside * on


* .w

next to/bylbeside opposite

* below *

ffi &
under over



t & d

wt.."i t w,i

Wo t_*.#".,,u
behind along



**"'' in frontof


&$rum]nff an*%
Underline correcttense. the 1 Vicky looks{loo(fg for a new ftat at the moment. 2 Shewants/iswanting to decorate kitchen the this week. 3 How long haveyou been waiting/you waited for him? 4 | am going/goto the gym thisafternoon. 5 He hasbeen livinq/is livingin London hislife. all 6 Steve thinks/jghig(1g about buyinga new car. 7 Sarahhas worked/isworking there for a couple of yearsnow. 8 Kellygoes/isgoing to Romeeveryyear. 9 Theplaystarts/has startedat nineo'clock. l0 The Webbers have bouqht/havebeen buying a new housein the countrv.

Putthe verbsin brackets the correct present into tense.

. A P h i l ) i st h i n k i n g t h i n k ) b o u tm o v i n g o u s e . ( 1 a h B : | 2) know (know) he 3) doesn'tlike (not like) the placehe's livingin at the moment,does he?



. A : So,how 4) doesthe storyend (the story/ end)? H' I n t h e e n d ,R o g e r )j o i n s( o i n ) h i sf a m i l y n d 5 a they 6) move(move)to Africa. o A: We 7) are having (have) dinner at Gianni's tonightwouldyou liketo come? B: Sorry, | 8) am visiting (visit)Sally. but . (not/understand) A: | 9) don't understand this course all.lt 10)is (be)really at difficult. B: Why 11)don't you ask(you/not/ask) help? for

tinsz) |


l I

r a r eI

Complete dialogues the using verbs the belowin eitherthe present simpleor presen the t continuous tense. . comeo decorate like . work . do o study . r playr readr wait . think . A: We 1)are playing you football later, would like to come? B: Sorry.can't. 2)workat the petrol I | station on Saturday afternoons. A: What3)areyoudoing tomorrow? B: | 4) amdecorating living the room, 5)thinkit | willtakeallday. A: Hurry We5)arewaiting you. up! for B: OK, | 7)amcoming. OK A: What8)areyoureading? B: Macbeth. 9)likeMacbeth we 10)are | and studying in myEnglish it class.


Look thepicture at then andanswer ask using prompts, the as intheexample.

o buy/new home . put down/carpets o move/furniture . unpack/crockery

. r

A: Havethey bought new a homeT B: Yes, have. they... they Have etc (See Suggested Answers Section)

Puttheverbs brackets thecorrect in into tense.

1 A : Where haveyou been?I havebeen standing (stand)herefor an hour. B : l'm sorry. not usually late. l'm this 2 A : Why areyou in sucha hurry? (leave) ten minutes. B : Because trainleaves my in 3 A : Youarealways borrowing(always/borrow) my clothes ! B: Yes. but I always give (always/give) them back! 4 A: ls.Jane looking(still/look) a job? still for B: Yes, unfortunately, hasn'tfound (noVfind) she one yer. 5 A: What'sthe matter? B: I havelost (lose)my keys.

Matchthe columns then use and forlsinceto write complete sentences puttingthe verbin brackets by into the correct tense. (See Suggested Answers Section) (work)here lTTdl James tte (go)Cornwall lTTeI every summer you lSTJl t (noVsee) ITTF] lt (rain) lSkl we (only/wait) (noVvisit) l6Tbl oiane us partylast a Paul's month. b shegot hernewjob. c a few minutes. d thelast three months. e newasa young Doy. f hours.

& e

* &


/ - d James beenworkinq has herefor the lastthree months.


em m%w
Why'sTimwet? (wash)the car. B : He hasbeenwashing noise? What'sthat terrible (rehearse) B : It's Jane,she has been rehearsing playall afternoon! hersongfor the school 8 A : Didyou seehow muchJimate at lunch? anyone B : I know I have neverseen(never/see) before! eat a wholechicken l 9 A : W h a tt i m es h a l I p i c ky o u u P ? the play starts(start) at B : Around 7, because 7:30. st 1 0 A : l s M r S a u n d e r s i l lh e r e ? B: Yes.He hasbebnwaiting(wait) to seeyou for overan hourl


true and activities make Look the weekend at as aboutyourself, in the example. sentences
(See Sectionl Answers Suggested

* ** *** **** ***** ******

never rarely sometimes often usually always

to use In at Look the pictures. pairs, the adjectives questions, in the example. as askandanswer e . happy. bored. stressedtired r relaxed
(See Section) Answers Suggested

frl /nrnu

d' ftftq [h Jo

H Fr
go at I sometimestothebeach theweekend. l\,

rJl rt)

In diaryfor Monday. in Look the changes Paul's at pairs andanswer, in the example. as ask (See Section Answers Suggested



2 3

A: HowdoesSimonefeel? problems work at I think is feels B: She stressed, she having

meetingwith the 1 A : ls Paul havinga breakfast at ma a dep rtment nagers 9:00? with the B: No,he isn't.He is hovinga meeting personnel manager,


oGrum]nff Ir In u5ffi-Ttrue rle.

:rs Section)

Read postcard puttheverbs brackets the and in intothecorrect tense.

at then make as up 12 Look thepictures, in pairs many sentences possible each using as for one prepositionsplace, in theexample. of as
(See Suggested Answers Section)

I"'I '

nends /

A The table infront thesofa. is of The lamp onthewall, to theflowers. is next

jomoico.Thehotel2) is (be) mognificent. It's very hot here.We3) are getting (get) o great un! The kids 4) ore hoving (have) o greot time. They5) spend(spend) most ofthe doy by the seo. Nght now they5) ore building(build) o sandcastle. g) lohn,7) hosgone(go) fishingwithTim.They go (go) ftshingalmostevery doy. We 9) haven done t (notldo) much sightseeing yet, but tomorrow we I0) ore going(go) on a tip round the islond.We I I) are looking forwardto (took forword te it We 12) ore coming(come) bockon ISth AugusL Hopeyou ore OK Seeyou soon. Love, Suson

you? r) omwriting t (write)to you from

o muslc

rday. In

Fillingoneto, beento beenin. or

Tony has gone to the post office to buy some stamps. He'llbe backsoon. Louise never has beento Spain before. I haven'tseen Mike all week. He'sbeen in New Yorkon business. It'sthe first time that l've beento this restauranr but l'll definitely comingbackagain. be I thought MissStephens in her office.Do you was knowwhereshe's goneto? you beento the new cinema Have yet? Sorry couldn'tcallyou backearlier. beenin a I l,ve meeting afternoon. all We'vebeento.,lim's twicesince movedin. flat he

Use English of
. Error Correction

2 3

out word sentence. 13 Cross theincorrect ineach

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 James Ed workedherefor morethan a year. has Thebookshop overtherenearffithe bakery. is | believe what she@{says. She hasbeen)e6living Londonfor the lasttwo in years. We haven't beento that restaurant $r<{a long for trme. Laura is ffi visiting her grandparents the at weekend. Sally found a beautifulnew flat ye( has What areyou!q doingtomorrownight?

uith the with the

6 7


]nul &m tJ5*

. Word Formation Word Transformations Kev
has Study examples. each In case second the sentence the a similar meaning the firstsentence. to
-al: (nation--+national) -ic: (artist--+artistic) -ous: (fame--+famous) -y: (thirst--+thirsty) JY: (daY'+ iqilYl -+ -ful: (peace peaceful) -less: (hope--+hopeless) -ive: (effect--+effective) Evehasn'tfound a new flat yet. looking Eveis still lookingfor a new flat. Paulstartedworking heretwo years ago. Paulhas been working here for two yea6. been | havenevervisitedGermany before.

The iuffixes -ful, -lessand -ive can be addedto both nounsandverbs form adiectives. to

from the adjective thewordin bold. 14 Form correct

It'sa largeindustrial in the north city of the country. I didn'tlikethe food,I thoughtit was a bit too salty. Sam always buys the local weekly newspaper. Jane is such an energetic person. she's always running around doing something. Following healthydiet and getting a plenty of exercise the best way to is loseweight. He really wantedto buythe carbut it wasroo expensrve. Jumpinginto the riverto savethe younggirlwas sucha heroic thing to oo. 8 White-water rafting may be dangerous. but it is also very exciting. 9 youngwoman. Shewas a beautiful INDUSTRY

*'' ::* -:;:",",#T:r:, :::3 seen

I haven'tseenher for morethan a month

your room? 5 Whendid you redecorate living your living a90 How long ago did you redecorate


"n*:1,":,Til;iffil\i,".0, uno l*i""

the including word in bold.Do not change the meaning the original of sentence.

with the 1 5 Complete sentences two to fivewords,



Jason stillwritingthat report. is finished Jason still hasn't finishedwriting that reportyet. Shemovedto New Yorkfour yearsago. living She hasbeenlivingin New Yorkfor four years. I lastphoned a couple weeksago. Joe of for I haven'tphonedJoefor a coupleof weeks. Whendid you movehouse? ago How longago did you movehouse? ltalian years five ago. Cathystarted learning been Cathy has been learningltalianfor five years. getsto work on time. Tomalways late Tom is neverlate for work. I haven't talkedto him for a week. lt'sa weeksince talkedto him. I since Monday. tidiedher roomsince Shehasn't last Shelasttidiedher roomon Monday.


10 The dentistpromised that the whole procedure would be completely painless. 11 in He'sa successful lawyer.Everyone town knowshim.


to 12 lt's pointless arguewith him. He always doeswhat he wants anyway.


' CpenCloze
has )ntence Read text belowandthinkof the the nord whichbestfits eachspace. Use mly oneword in eachspace. There an is (0) example at the beginning.

. Multiple Choice Cloze the then the A,B,C Dwhich or 17 Read textbelow, circle answer best each fits space. (0)at thebeginning. There anexample is

House prices,0) iike taxes, very rarely go down, so if you find 1 ) . . . . . . . . . i n a p o s i t i o n h e r ey o u n e e dm o r el i v i n g p a c eZ ) . . . . . . . . . . . .. w s , renovating. Many families nowadays findingthat their homesare are too 3) ........... Whetherthey 4) . a secondbathroom,more s t o r a g e p a c e r a n e x t r ab e d r o o ma l o t o f p e o p l e r e 5 ) . . . . . . . . . t o s o , a .. renovate theirhomes instead buying of something bigger. The6) ........... thistrendare,for the mostpart,financial. cost for The of buyinga new homeand the problems movinghouseare enough of to makeanybody think twice beforedeciding relocate.Renovating to y a l l o w s o u t o s t a yi n y o u ro w n n e i g h b o u r h o o d d i n y o u r 7 ) . . . . . . . . . . . an homewhilemakingit morepractical comfortable livein. and to Although it is tempting to 8) and do the renovations yourself, is always good ideato 9) it a a professional. There will be thingsyou haven'tthought about or just might not be awareof, suchas supporting government structures, zoningregulations, how or theserenovations mightaffectany 10) ........... you changes mightwant to make. A professional alsobe ableto helpyou work within your will budgetand advise you 11) insurance requirements. Anotheradvantage renovating that whilethe work is goingon of is you can upgrade your plumbing and electricalconnectionsas 1 2 ) . . . .. . . . a sa d d i n gn s u l a t i o nt.' sa l s o g o o dt i m et o 1 3 ) . . . . . . . .a.i . . i l a . r conditioning, central heating a homesecurity or system. So,whetheryou want a 'home office',a 'grannyflat, or just more storage space, 14) a good lookaround your house, solution the m i g h tb e 1 5 ). . . . . . . . .y . u i n t h e f a c e . .o


r two yea6-

Frank Lloyd Wright 0) hos designed rnusualand eye-catching buildings, but

n a month. e your living

;"i', ffi-l :,T:ilililJ J fi,',,fi::il "*ii"ff ffi ffi:"# :;i#:l*l[i ? ; ffi : ff #::J:il:[,Tfff l':;iJt
yearsold, it is even more amazing. At fdl into the stream below. However; the b a lot safer6) than it looks.The large Cabs securely are anchored the hillside, to 8) overthe water,it is in no danger as eachfloor of the buildinghas supportsystem.The front door of the b set back 10)from the outer wall. As asvisitors walk throughthis door,they a balconyin the far corner12) that offers view of the waterfall. ground The l 3 ) a l s o c o n t a i n sa d i n i n g a r e a a n d


e words, ge the

';'"tT Tffi ; :ill',":lH: ff :l

). Jew York o. r a couple

::#:,"'il' :*:.:: ::J:ij:"ijJ;

is envv the iii,llii,l; i,lrrinswater

rovehouse? ;ago.
^ I t+^li-^ r(dilot l j

.k. tohim. )y. on Monday.

O A SUCn C @ tite 1 A oneself B themselves O 2 @ consider B t h i n k C 3 A cosy B spacious C 4 A nave B buy C 5 A t h i n k i n g @ choosing C 6 @ reasons B m e a n i n g s C 7 A real B new @ 8 A make ttv C @ e @ hire B rent C 1 0 A pasr C @ future 1 1@ o n B t o C 1 2 A rong B much C 1 3 A input C @ install 1 4 A make B try C 1 5 A seerng C @ staring

D s o D your D d o @ cramped @ need D needing D findings own D only find D attempt buy D borrow old D added over D for soon @ well build D fix d o @ take punching D falling

a s yourself remember expensive use wanting purposes


2{2 e,e%*
P a sS i m p l e t
We usethe past simple:
o o


or in at time (stated implied) the past.TinaarrivedinViennalastweek. for an actionthat occurred a definite for actions that happened immediately afterone anotherin the past.Heleftthehouse,wolkedtothestationand caught the5:05trainto Wrexham. when lwasyounger. for habitsor stateswhich are now finished. Iworkedfor Morton's Shelived/usedtoliveinJohannesburg. we usedto. Note:ln this lastcase canalsousethe expression

The time expressions usedwith the past simple: etc yesterday, etc, three days/weeks then, when, How long ago ...?,lastnighVweek/month/year/Friday/October a g o ,i n 1 9 9 9e t c

Past Continuous
We usethe pastcontinuous: or when the actionstarted time in the past.We don't mention for an actionwhichwas in progress a stated at ready work. for finisned. 8 o'clockthis At morning was getting I for actioninterrupted We usethe pastcontinuous the it. for an actionwhichwas in progress when another l r t f w i a ) a c t i o n n p r o g r e s(so r g e r c t i o na n dt h e p a s ts i m p l eo r t h e a c t i o n h i c hi n t e r r u p t eid ( s h o r t ea c t i o n )I h e y werewalkingto thestationwhentheysawtheaccident. playing the garden whiletheirmother was children were in actionsin the past. The for two or moresimultaneous trimmingthehedges. t o d e s c r i b e t h e a t m o s p h e r e , s e t t i n g e t c a n d t o g i v e b a c k g r o u n d i n f o r m a t i Wn t e n ls t o r y .u p t f o u n d o h oa w ke in while JohnandSarah was thesun was shining thetemperature risingfast.Lizwasmakingbreakfast thekitchen and weredrinkingcoffee thebalcony. on The time expressions usedwith the past continuous: etc while,when,as,all morning/evening/day/week

t r

Past Perfect
We use the past perfect: . pastactionor beforea statedtime in the past.Wehadfinished for an actionwhichhappened before another dinner thetimetheyarrived. by f o r a n a c t i o n w h i c h f i n i s h e d i n t h e p a s t a n d w h o s e r e s u l t w a s v i s i b l e a t a l a t e r p o i n tHn th a d ja s tt. i e hep us a arrivedhomefromworksohe wasstillwearing shirtand tie. qt normal first. had for a general situationin the past.Everything seemed

The time expressions usedwith the past perfect: just,for,since, etc when,by the time,never after,already, till/until, before,


: ;- j ', ,t'", t) _'

Past Perfect Contin uous

We usethe past perfectcontinuous: '


to put emphasis the duration an actionwhichstarted on of and finished the past,before in another actionor statedtime in the past,usually with for or since.I hadbeen waitingfor halfan hour beforethebus came. for an actionwhichlasted sometime in the pastand whoseresult for wasvisible the past.Shehadbeen in swimming andherhairwas stillwet.

Note:with the verbs live,work, teachand feel we can usethe pastperfect the pastperfect or continuous with no difference meaning. hadtaught/had in He beenteaching the school morethantwenty at for years. Thetime expressions usedwith the past perfectcontinuous: for,since, how Iong,before, untiletc

lJsed to
We use usedto + infinitiveto refer to past habits or states. I n s u c h a s e u s e dt o c a nb e r e p l a c eb y t h e p a s ts i m p l e i t h n o c h a n g en m e a n i n g . c s d w i When was youngetI used go to Wales holiday I to year. on every When wasyounger,wentto Wales holiday I I year. on every Note: r Foran actionthat happened a definite at time in the past,we usethe pastsimple, usedto not I wentto Wales month.(NOT last @)

person, Foreach Tony, Steve Sally, Lyn, and complete each the sentences the timeexpressions of using given. Use each expression once' only (see suqqested Answers Section)
. at the time o since was a youngboy he . b y t h e t i m e h e w a s3 0 . a b o u ts i xm o n t h s q o a a b c d I firstmet Tony... H ew a sw o r k i n g n a n l t a l i a n e s t a u r a n t i r H eh a dd r e a m e o f b e i n g c h e f. . . d a H e p l a n n e do o p e nh i so w n r e s t a u r a n t t

Y::: : $t]1 : r i::6

^*--.*"3 i; ; ;iii-iil;;.i;;"1;G--; i&;;J;t-"

. I a t a b o u t8 o ' c l o c k. a l l d a y a S t e v e r a s h e h i sc a ri n t oa w a l l . . . c d b H ew a sd r i v i n g o m e. . . h c The roads wereverydangerous because had it b e e ns n o w i n g . . . d H es a i dh e d i d n ' tr e a l i sh o w s l i p p e riy w a s . . . e t . when shewasyounger. for hours . a couple timesa week r lastweek of a I s a wS a l l y t t h e g y m . . . a b S h e a i d h eh a db e e n o i n g . . s s g . c Sheusedto be veryactive ... d lt was goodto seeherand we talked

. by the time shearrived. for ages . a c o u p l e f d a y s g o o u n t i l9 o ' c l o c k o a L y na n d I a r r a n g etd g o t o t h e c i n e m a. . o . b W e h a d b e e nt a l k i n ga b o u ts e e i n g h e l a t e s t t E t h a n a w k e i l m. . . H f c U n f o r t u n a t e lh e rb u sd i d n ' ta r r i v e. . y, . d T h ef i l mh a da l r e a ds t a r t e d. . y .



em *%w
pasttenseofthe verbs brackets. in Fillin the correct yesterdaY? 1 A : Whatdidyoudo (you/do) (play) with squash Pete. B : I played (you/speak) Kate? to 2 A'. Didyouspeak (sleep) whenI called B : No,she wassleeping
didn'tshe? tiredyesterday, 3 A: Suelookedreally (study) nightfor all B: Yes, had beenstudying she the exam. Phil? 4 A : Whendid you meet(you/meet) B : A coupleof yearsago, we hadn't lived(not/ live)hereverylongat the time. 5 A : Wereyou (you/be)ill lastweek? bad coldall week. I B : Yes, had(have)a really Tomgot that job. happy 6 A : l'm really (look)for ages. B : I know he had beenlooking 7 A : Why were you late? B : Oh, Jennywas still getting(stilliget)readyat 9 o'clock. 8 A : Were you still watching (you/still/watch)the filmatll o'clock? (finish) then. by B: No. it had finished


the Underline correctword. 1 We had jg_Vlately finished eating when arrived. 2 Were you watching the French film on earlier/before? 3 He had beenworkingthere since/fortwo and halfvears. 4 She had already/yetwritten the letter when

her. called was 5 Thecompany ry,lgly/beforehand run thegovernment. unljlyet lastweek. 6 Theteamhadn'tlosta game
7 Shelatelytecen,llymovedto London. 8 We had never/everbeenthere before. living homewith his at 9 Hewas always/still thistime lastvear. 10 He made dinner after/following he got


fius iililh 4ri

work. from 6 and to below ask answer Use prompts the questions,intheexample. may your You use as ownideas well' as (see secti Answers suggested

about the Complete sentences yourself.

(See Answers Section) Suggested

1 2 3 4 5

Two monthsago,while| ... When I was a youngchild,| .. | m D u r i n g y l a s th o l i d a y ,. . . | On my firstdayat school, ... after | ... LastSaturday.

into pier Ferry The lntercity qashed the lastnight, puttheverbs thelist in and Look thepicture at whateach to continuous descibe intothepast person doing thetime, intheexample. as at was . . . look. climb read hold. work. search
(See Section) Answers Suggested

to the rainstart drive Munich pullover to stop when rainstarted? the were A: Whot youdoing Munich. B: Iwosdrivingto A: Whotdidyoudo? for B: I pulled andwoited it tostop. over
the storm hit - watch TV/living room shutters happened drinka cup of coffee/in the accident - run outside help to caf6

Ferry When lntercity the pier, intothe Mr crashed at was lohnson looking the woter.

arrived - wait outside the President flag Palace Presidential - wave/my the fire brokeout - work/inmv office- run
emergency exit happened read a book the earthquake table under.the


t they :n TV anda ren he run by veek.

Look thepictures theprompts, make at and then upsentences past using tenses, intheexample. as
(See Suggested Answers Section)

Puttheverbs brackets thecorrect in past into tense.

1 WhileI was putting(put) the children bed,the to p h o n er a n g( r i n g ) . 2 She was nervous because she had been waiting (wait) a weekto hearif she had got (get)the job. 3 Yesterday,was (be) at the bus stop when a friend I drove(drive)by and offered(offer) me a lift. 4 We saw (see)the film lastweekend, but I djdn't (not/enjoy) at all! enjoy it 5 | hadn't seen (not/see) her since she moved (move)to her new flat. 6 Where were you (you/be) last night? | was standing (stand) outside the theatre for two hours ! 7 | knew (know) she had beencrying(cry)because her eyes were red. 8 After he had worked (work) as a waiter in an Italian restaurant ten years quit hisjob and for he (open)a coffee opened shop.

Eve/de newspa perVh dad/leave/for Iiver er work Eve delivering was newspapers herdadIeftforwork. when 'llhile Eve delivering was newspapers, dadleftforwork. her As was Eve delivering newspapers,dadleftforwork. her

)aren6 nome

Tony/work/h slsterkallhrm is

Compare the pictures. What did peopleuseto have in the past?What do we havenowadays? Usethe

prompts the pictures make and to sentences, in as the example. r electricityclothes furniture computers . o . r decorations e teleohones
(See Suggested Answers Section)

Thegirls/row/the boys/play rugby

- watt

Steve/shop/Saralprepa inner nd reld close/ a Fee/in e the

People use hove didn't to electricity past.They tohave in the used oil lamps. Nowadays, have we electricity.


Whatdid you useto do/didn't to do during use yoursummer holiday year? last Choose fromthe listandmake sentences. canuseyourown up You ideas. r getup late . spend timewithyourfriends ' go swimming sunbathe read ' ' books . eatoutat restaurants (See A^s lusedtogetuplate. Suggested :'-'S:: :-

run td - hide

Em ma/planVa tree/her dad/bui ld/thefence


]nur emm%ffi
(0). as tense, intheexample the 11 Circle correct in columru of the 12 Match two halves thesentences them by sentencesjoining make A andB.Then, becausel when/while/so/osor the using words
(See Sect: Answers Suggested

on was Il-? Jane working thecomputer skiing been ETf-lI haven't in living Cuba been lrTel Hehas a to wastrying bake cake Efil stre lBldl ttookmyumbrella ro too loTrl we were tired go our
B a the ovencaughtfire. pizza. in b we stayed and ordered c d e

d T i mw a s m a k i n g i n n e r . l i t l o o k e di k ei t w a sg o i n gt o r a i n 6 months. o I w a s1 8y e a r s l d .

of Use English
it better, was and therewasn'ta cloudin the sky.Even and holidays | 2) the firstday of the summer year,on the first day of forwardto it for weeks.Every . | t h e h o l i d a y s 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t.o. t h e b e a c hw i t h m y and therewas no rush.For friends, that was later but e . .. l t h e t i m eb e i n g j u s t4 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .t.h.e c h a n c t o h a v e th . .f a l i ei n .A f t e rl g o t u p a n da sl 5 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . c.o . f e e , e s A t e l e p h o n r a n g .l t w a s m y f r i e n d m y , h e6 ) . . . . . . . . .. . e that the weatherwas goingto be bad that afternoon. it it though because was sucha We 7) to perfectday, so we arranged meet an hour later. just as I left the housea huge blackcloud However, l a 8 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .o . . t h e h o r i z o n n d f i v em i n u t e sa t e ri t .n . , e . t 9 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . w i.t.h r a i n l c o u l d n 'b e l i e vm y l u c k t h e .. . c w e a t h e 1 0 ) . . . . . . . . .... . . . f a n t a s t ia l l m o n t ha n dt h e n r it on that dayof all days, rained

. Key Word Transformations

sentence the case second In the Study examples. each to meaning thefirstsentence. has similar a

six Johnjoinedthe company monthsago. Johnhasbeenworking for the company has for sixmonths. Dad would take us to the When we were children, parkon Sunday afternoons. Dad used to take us to the park on used 5unday afternoons, when we were children. it last When I went to France summer, was the first time I hadeverbeenabroad. I had never been abroad until I went to never last France summer. we How longis it since went to the cinema? Whendid we last go to the cinema? last to I didn'tcallher untilI hadspoken Steve. to I spoke StevebeforeI calledher. before before. beento that restaurant I had never lt was the first time I had been to that first

C usedto be 0 Awas being @was ,| C h a ds h o n e @ w a ss h i n i n g B s h o n e C 2 A looked @ h a d b e e nl o o k i n g w a s l o o k i n g B w a sg o i n g 3 A h a dg o n e Qwent enjoying been C had 4 A hadenjoyed @enjoyed C b e e nm a k i n g h a dm a d e 5 @ w a sm a k i n g B h a d 6 A was hearing B heard @hadheard C 7 @didnt believe B weren'tbelieving hadn'tbelieved B 8 A was appearing had appeared @appeared t poured @waspouring C usedo pour 9 A had C w a sb e i n g B was 1 0 @had been


w$rgmlllff ,I
columns them $e/ rsSectior 13 Complete sentences two to fiveworos, the with including wordsin bold.Do not change the the meaning the original of sentence. 1 David started studying two years here ago. been David beenstudying has herefor two
years. 2 W e d i d n ' t leavethe houseuntil everybody was ready. before We waited until everyone was ready before left the house we WhenJason wasyounger workedin Newyork. he used Jason usedto work in New york when he wasyounger. We had never beento that cinema before. time lt was the first time we had been to t h a tc i n e m a . Rose hasn'tpaidher rentyet. still Rose hasn'tpaidher rent. still Whendid you leave school? since How long is it since you left school? l'd never seensucha close race. ever lt wasthe closest raceI had everseen. It'sthreeyears since went awayon holiday. I have I haven't been away on holidayfor threeyears. It was the first time she had given a speechin public. never )mpany to the ark on were he first /ent to 1 He hadalways P( wantedto be a singer. 2 Laura had beenworkingtherefor a couple years of Shehad nevergivena speech public in before.

am u%*---T---

8 JohnwasworkingveryhardE4 at thar :,-e 9 | 5a4; left the buildingafter everybody ese -,: gone. 1 0 The kitchenwas being redecorated yesteroa_. j( afternoon.

. Word Formation

agalnst,preventtng (antibacterial) two (bilingual) with, together,mutual(co-educational) between,among (inte rconti nental) wrongly,badly,not (misinformed) one (monolingual) many (multicultural)

the adjective thewordin bold. from 15 Form correct

After the earthquake,the government asked helpfrom for the international community. NATIONAL I t i sa ( n ) i a n n u a l v e n t h e l di n b e , ANNUAL May and November eachyear. They built a new monorail RAIL throughthe centreof town. Natasha was wearinga bright m u l t i c o l o u r eu m p e r . jd COLOURED Makeyourself clearso that you canavoid misunderstanding. D E R S T A N D I N G any UN Therunners sprinted around the track in a(n) anti-clockwise CLOCKWISE direction. Hethanked everybody said and that they had all been very co-operative. OPERATIVE The governmenthas decided to start a(n) anti-smoking SMOKING c a m p a i g nt o m a k e p e o p l e aware of the danger of smoking. Most collegenewsletters are published biweekly. WEEKLY 1 0 The Mayor has been accused o f m i s u s e f p u b l i cu n d s . o f USE

. Error Correction
out word sentence. 14 Cross theincorrect in each

We were trying to be quiet because Sarahwas asleep. @i@ 4 I haven't ffir boughtanynew CDsrecently. 5 t rD(O usedto go there when I was younger. 6 We were hungry we hd decided phonefor a so to otzza. They movedto the countryside $(e three years ago.

:o that -/


1|lilf $remm%ffi
Cloze Open
15 Read text belowandthinkofthe the Use word whichbestfits eachspace. isan space.There onlyoneword in each (0) example at the beginning.

e M u l t i o lC h o i c C l o z e e

< 3

1 7 Readthe text below,thencirclethe answerA,B,Cor D (0) example at the

There an is space. bestfits each


lhe riqhl move Makinq
experience. 0) Movinghouse lsan upsetting you move you are 1) not only leaving When your home but you are also leavingyour surroundings familiar friends, neighbourhood, and, 2) in some cases, your family. You The 3) shouldbe well organized. best way to listsof thingsyou do this is 4) by makinglists: want to keep,sellor throw 5) away,and lists of thingsyou haveto do. suchas 6) have/get your utilities off. cut 7) As difficult as movingis for you, it isjust and as bad, 8) if not worse,for your children pets. lt is a 9) lot harder for them to why they haveto moveand they understand 10)do not know what to expect.11)lt is a good idea to take them to their new before you move and show neighbourhood t h e m t h e i rn e w h o m e . 12) When you first moveinto your new home, make an effort to 13)get to know your your childrento and encourage neighbours home. Once you new classmates bring their you will feel havestarted14)to makefriends, more 15)at home and, beforeyou know it, you'll havefound anotherplacethat you will behind! be sadto leave


Southem "Coco"Chanel wasborn in Saumur, 0) Gabrielle She up Franceand was 1) ........... in a Frenchorphanage. ruled over 2l dress designer ........... becamean innovative At high fashionfor almostsix decades. age 30 she Parisian shirts quickly addedsweaters' a 3) ........... tiny hat shop and Withinfive yearsher simpleand comfortable and accessories. women. wealthy of the attracted 4) ........... influential designs and the change ........... confining 5) wasa refreshing Herstyle petticoats the time. of with corsets and longdresses tight-fitting jersey dresses,bell-bottom trousers,trench She 6) and the classic"littleblackdress". sweaters coats,turtleneck as Costumejewellery well as bobbed hair are also credited include Chanel accessories Chanel.Traditional 7) ........... pearlsand gold chains,quilted multiplestrands8) ........... pumpsin ivorywith blacktoes.At the and handbags sling-back people. The 3,500 10) Chanel ........... of 9) ........... her career, a business, a empire11)........... fashionhouse,a textile jewellery where workshop, and perfumelaboratories costume . ChanelNo. 5 was 12).......'." Chanel the famousperfume another in retiredin 1938but 13)........... 1954to introduce ........... be one to 14) suit.Today, Chanel the classic, cardigan in 15) of the most prestigious ........... the world of fashion, and fragrances, cosmetics.

0@was l Agrown 2 A which

3Astarted 4@attention 5Ainto @from Bshaped 6Aformed B by 7 Afor SAabout @of 9 A top @ height'. 10@employed B worked 11 @ included B embraced Bimagined 12 Aforged B reviewed 13@returned 14 A persists @continues B kinds 15 A types

B is B raised B whom Bbegan B affection

C have C lived @who CrePlacec C aid Cwith



@ brought

D D @introduced D D @to D Cfor D C head D C used D C grouPed D @created D restored C C maintains D D @ names

opened assistance for ann of across point bossed

revised replaced proceeds forms

&$rgmnffl em

(Units Revision 1-2)

the item. rr Dwhich 18 Circle correct beginning.
A never B yet A yet B still C sometimes ever

1 | . . . . . . . . .w h a t y o u m e a n b u t t h e r e m u s r o e a n . easier way to dealwith the situation. A am seeing C haveseen see D havebeenseeing @ hasn'tfoundanything. A looks C haslooked B is looking @ hasbeenlooking

C already befor"

Southern age. She rled over e 30 she lrs, shirts mfortable / women. iningand 'thetime. s, trench ;k dress". credited ; include ;, quilted es.At the ople.The a siness, es where . Chanel r anolher ,o oe one I fashion,

1 5 5 h ew a s h a v i n g i n n e r . . . . . . .h e rh u s b a n c a l l e d d . . d A since @ when B while D after 1 6 H o w l o n g. . . . . . . . .o u b e e nw a i t i n g o r t h e b u s ? y f A are C were D witl @ have

3 A t t h i st i m e l a s ty e a rt,h e y . . . . . . . .i.n L i v e r p o o l . . A hadstudied C study D arestudying @ werestudying 4 I n t h o s ed a y sh e u s u a l l y. . . . . . . . . c o l l e g eb u t o n . to , that occasion took the bus. he

in word. 19 Fill themissing

just as I was leaving 1 Thismorning, the house, the telephone rang. 2 When Paulwas younger, usedto playrugbyfor he the countyteam. 3 4 How long haveyou beenworkingin the caf6? Last month they travelledto prague for the weekend.

A iswalking B walks 5 A smallstream runs village. A across B over


C waswalking O walked .....the middle f the . o @ through D among

M y h o u s ei s o n W e s t R o a d ,. . . . . . . . .t.h e f o o t b a l l

grouno. @ opposite B along

5 She had been jogging in the park so she was exhausted. 6 7 8 | didn't see Sam at the gym, he must have left beforewe arrived. | haven't heard from her since she left the company. Shewasn'thungry because hadalready she eaten. announced theirengagement. 10 Hewas driving work when he ranout of petrol. to 11 Are you comingwith us tonight? 12 Have you everbeento France? 13 Theirproduction increases every day. 14 Thejourneyhad beenverypleasant until a woman sittingbehindme started shout. to 15 lt'sa monthsince sheleft for ltaly. 1 6 W h a th a v e o u b e e nd o i n ga l l m o r n i n g ? y 17 | was bakinga piewhileTomwas setting table. the 18 He hasonlytravelled boat once. by just repaired roof. 19 Theyhave the 20 ls Marystillworkingfor BTXMotors?

C over D against

7 W h e r e. . . . . . . .o.n h o l i d a ya s ty e a r ? . l A wereyou going you go O OiA B haveyou been D did you usedto go 8 Recently, .......... the gym everynight after we to work. A went Q havebeengoing B weregoing D had gone delivered parcel a A already B yet

be brought whose opened assrstance for annou of across pornT bossed revised replaced proceeds forms

9 Theywaited until everyone had arrivedbeforethey

C before @ still

children. A know B wereknowing

Q haveknown D usedto know

N o b o d yh a s . . . . . . . . .t.o l d m e t h e t r u t h a b o u t t h e accident. A never @ ever B still D yet

't2 H eh a sb e e n s t u d y i n g r e n c h. . . . . . . . .9 9 9 . F . 1
A from @ since C i n D just


6'n LJ%ffi
Tenses Future
i F u t u r e S i m p l e ( w i l l +b a r e n f i n i t i v e ) We usethe futuresimple: . think,bel.ieve, the or using verbs believe imagine, on based whatwe think, about for predictions thefuture, perhaps, Ih sure probably, elc. certainly, etc, sure, afraid, andtheadverbs be be etc, expect theexpressions job. getthe Bitlwitl milk. We'verunoutof l'tlgotothesupermarketandgetsome. of made for decisions at the moment speaking. my essay? help Willyou mewith history and hopes offers. requests, threats, warnings, for promises, i d e f cn iw i l y h a p p e n i n t h e f u t u r e a n d w h i c h w e c aB etn w nl tl r o l . i h te l n' cobe foractions.events.situationswhi years in August. old five


. . .

I 5 eq o r n q o *.,ir" a"ioinsto,
. . r t o f o r p l a n si,n t e n t t o no r a m b i t i o nfs r t h e f u t u r e . ' m g o i n g t o g o t o l n d i a o n e d a y ' s goingtovisitherfriendsinLondonnextweekend' to decided do in the nearfuture.Nickyrs we actions havealready will that when thereis evidence something what we know,especially predictions based what we canseeor on day. lt's to in isn't happen.There a cloud thesky. going bea beautifut

usedwith the future simpleand be going to: Timeexpressions etc etc, tonight,soon,nextweek/month/year/summer in a week/month the tomorrow, dayaftertomorrow,

t F U t u f e C O n t i n U O U S ( w i l l b e + p r e s e np a r t i c i p l e ) We usethe future continuous: . . . at whichwill be in progress a statedfuturetime. l'mgoingonholidaytospain,Thistimenextweekt'llbe for actions lyingin thesun. nl. of or happen the futureasthe result a routine arrangeme lwilt beplaying in whichwill definitely ior actions morning. with tennis Andytomorrow plans forthe nearfuture.Willyoubedrivingtothepartytonight?Would aboutsomeone's when we askpolitely yoube able give a lift? me to

participle) have past + FUtUrePerfect (will

We usethe future perfect: . by in will for an actionwhich will be finishedbeforea statedfuture lime. They havearrived London 5 o'clock.

used Timeexpressions with the futureperfect: by before, bythen, thetime,until/till by,

6o'clock, Shewill nothavefinishedthereportuntil/till sentences: Note: until/till are only usedin negative (NOTttttillti#G7) 0. h S e witI have finished the report by 6.3


&$rulnmm Ier sm*%r

FUIUrePerfect COntinuOUS have (win participte) been present +
We usethe future perfectcontinuous: ' t o e m p h a s i s e t h e d u r a t i o n o f a n a c t i o n u p t o a c e r t a i n t i m e i n t h e Bu tJ u e . , h e w al v e b e e n t e a c h i n g i n f y urne hi l thisschool fifteen for years.

Note: . Thefutureperfect continuous usedwith by ... for. is

Time clauses
With time clauses usethe present we simpleor presentperfectbut NOTfutureforms. We usewordsand expressions aswhile, before,after,until/till,as,when, whenever, such once,as soon as,as long as, by the time,etctointroducetimec|auses.Bythetimehearrives,itwillbedark,(NoT:@11agi'12'.'1 We alsousethe present simpleand presentperfectbut NOTfutureformsafterwordsand expressions as such unless, suppose/supposing, case,elc.If shewantsmoreinformation,tell if, in hertocalt (NOT#ffi+...) me. We usefuture formswith: - when - when it is usedas a questionword.whenwillyoube seeing Mike next? - iflwhether- afterexpressions whichshowuncertainty, ignorance, suchas I don't know, I doubt. I etc, wonder, l'm not sure,etc. I doubtwhether willcometoniqht. she

Type Conditionals 0/'l

' Type conditionals usedto express general O are a truth or a scientific fact.Theyareformedby an if-clause (hypothesis) simple] and a main clause [tfWhen+ Present simple]. Ipresent lfMhen youheatwatertol00aC, boils. it ' Type1 conditionals usedto express realor veryprobable are a situation the present future.Theyare in or formed by an if-claus llf + presentsimple/present e continuous/present perfect/present perfect continuouslanda main clause might/must/should/couldpresentbareinfinitive]. wehave ffuture/imperative/can/may/ + tf enough money, will/con/may/might/should/could on holiday we go next month. Whenthe hypothesis comes before the mainclause, separate we them with a comma. Whenthe mainclause c o m e s b e f o r e t h e i f - c l a u s e , t h e n w e d o n o t u s e a c o m m a t o s e pta re m l f y o u a r e t h e l m,a y j o i n y o u m a y h a t e. re l. join you if you arethere.


a. Putthe verbs brackets the correct in into tense to describe future. the

b . Whichtenseform was usedin part a to talk

about: timetables/programmes ( Present Simple l ) actionswhich will have finishedbeforea stated futuretime Future (5) Perfect a f i x e d r r a n g e m e n t t h e n e a rf u t u r eb e g o i n gt o a in (3) an actionwhich will be in progress a stated at f u t u r e i m e F u t u r e o n t i n u o u(s ) 2 t C prediction based what we know Future -: : on S (4)


" : * o r r o w n i g h tm y f r i e n d o p h i es c o m i n g o v i s i tm e . H e r S i t ''' r 1) arrives (arrive) sixo'clock at and since 2) will stillbe | -'<ing(still/work) that time, we 3) are gojng to meet at r"reet) the city centreat seven. surethat we 4) will in l'm '.: (have) d i n n e r t G i a n n i ' b e c a u sw e a l w a y s e e mt o a s e s * - : u p t h e r e .B y t h e t i m e w e h a v ef i n i s h e d a t i n gI g u e s s e t . : S o p h i e ) w i l l h a v ep e r s u a d e(d e r s u a d em e t o t a k e p ) 5 i : ' t o t h e c i n e m a e c a u ste e r e ' s f i l m t h a t s h ew a n r sr o b h a



4 tense form. the Underline correct
We will start the meeting as soon i ^rrives/willarrive. 2 | expect we are being/rryll!-@ there houror so. 3 lf you need/willneedany morehelp,just ask 4 )oyce won't be able to come unlessshe finished/willhave finished her essav. 'l

Completeeachexchangeby filling in will or be goingto. 1 A: What areyou doingthisafternoon? B: I am going to meet Jessfor a coffee.Would you liketo come? my 2 A: Didyou remember book? I B: Oh no, sorry. will giveit to you tomorrow. 3 A: We haven'tgot any bread. B: OK,I will go and get a loaf. 4 isn't medicine, she? A: Mel is studying B: Yes,she is going to be a doctor when she finishes college.

you able 5 | doubtwhether are/ygil!-@ to find it you youdon'taskherto draw a map.

6 Do you think you'll seeKeithwhen you 919/will at work?

5 A: What are(you)going to wear to the partyz my B: I don't know,probably blackdress. 5 A: lt's verycold today,isn't it? B: Yes, sureit is golngto snow. l'm 7 A'. It turnsout that I cancomeafterall. then. I B : Oh excellent,will seeyou on Friday

into in Puttheverbs brackets the futuresimple, as ot futureperfecf,in the futurecontinuous examples.

1 a By Monday morning, Kelly will have (write) her History essay. b Kellycan't come with us on SundaY

(write) herHistory essay. shewillbewriting

2 a l'm sure we will win (win) the match afternoon. b lf we do, then we will havewon (win) our five games. Hewill be working(work)all dayon Saturda; By Januaryhe will haveworked (work) for threevears.

8 A : I don't want to missthe start of the play. B : It's OK. lf we leavenow we will be there on time: 9 A : Watchoutl You will burn yourself. the B : Oh, I didn't realise ovenwasstillon. into town? 1 0 A : ls Suedriving B : Yes,l'm sureshe will give you a lift if you ask ner.

3 a b

is a. Dr Saunders the headof the politics Lookat the at department a smallcollege. for whichshowshisarrangements the calendar as then makeup sentences, nextfew months, in the example. (See Section) Answers Suggested 17th June July5th 27th
havea meetingwith other in lecturers the department fly to New York for a conference finishwriting articlefor Politics

(clean) housebe the Shewill havecleaned arrive. and Sally Jack (clean)for ages b Shewill be cleaning it's reallyuntidy. lf Angelacan get sometime off work, we for fly (fly) to Paris the weekend. lf Angela gets timg off work, at this time Friday will be flying(fly) to Paris. we

5 a b

Do you think we will finish(finish)the today? b Definitely, if we work hard we will (finish)it by three o' clock. finished

Today leavefor climbingholidayin the August20th LakeDistrict 12th . host dinnerpartyto welcome new students

item the Choose correct A, B,Cor D.

1 | d o n ' tk n o ww h e nh e . . . . . . . . . . A comes @ iscoming come D willhave B will come C is goingto study @ will havebeen

in lecturersthe with He's having meeting theother a l7th. on deportment June yourown calendar the nextfew for b. Now make months, tell the class. and (Ss'own answers)

A is studying B will study


nother k Bob. e has ]d it i' ruillbe

3 l ' v eg o t p l a n s o r t h i sw e e k e n d|.. . . . . . . .t.o D u b l i n . f . A w i l lb e g o i n g C willgo B g o @ amgoinq 4 Y o uc a n ' tg o o u t i n t h i sw e a t h e r . o u. . . . . . . .a.c o l d Y .

Putthe verbsin brackets the correct into tense.

@ willcatch B catch

C arecatching D aregoingto catch

B yt h i st i m e n e x tm o n t h ,h e . . . . . . . . i n t h i sa r e af o r .. ren years. @ will havebeenliving C will live B will be living D lives C a n y o u h e l p m e t i d y t h e l i v i n gr o o m ?J i l l. . . . . . . . . .

over evening. this @ iscoming B comes


C will come D is goingto come

H e . . . . . . . . h.i sp r o j e cb y M o n d a y . . t A finishes C will be finishing B is finishing @ will havefinished l t h i n k | . . . . . . . . . . p a r t yn e x tw e e k e n dW h o s h a l lI a . invite? A am having C have B am to have @ willhave A w i l lr a i n @ is goingto rain C will haverained D rains

1 0 W e m u s tf i n i s h a c k i n g . e . . . . . . . . e.a r l y o m o r r o w p W . t

before lcauSe ve \,\, ne on

mornrn9. A leave @ areleaving

C will leave D aregoingto leave

7 a. lmagine is NewYear's Writedown five it Eve. resolutions the coming for year.
(See Suggested Answers Section)

Usean appropriate future tenseto completethe sentences that Anna might actuallysay,as in the examples. 1 Shehears weatherreportpredicting a sunshine. "lr5 goingto bea beautiful day.:' 2 Her friendsayshe feelshot. "t'llopen awindow." 3 Herboss asksherwhen shewill finish the reoort. "lwill havet finisheby5 o'clock." i d 4 Sheis catching 8 o'clock the trainto Manchesrer. "My trainleaves 8 o'clock." at 5 She has arranged have lunch with her friend to Amy tomorrowafternoon. "Amyand I arehaving lunch tomorrow " afternoon. 6 Someone asks about herplans the weekend. her for "At thistime on Saturday, be visiting friends l'll my " at therrcottage. Sheis goingto the cinema but she is lateand she isworried that she'llmiss startof the film. the "Bythe time I get there, filmwill have the sta.te:." Someone asksher how longshe hasbeenlivingin London. " B y n e x tA u g u s t l w i l l h a v eb e e n: , . . 2 ' - : ' : - - ' , " for threeyears.

going save I'm to money. b. In pairs, to guess other's try each resolutions.
(5s'own answers) going cutdown sweets? A:Areyou to on & No. etc


em u%w
tense. in 10 Fill thecorrect
12 the by sentences matching items complete Form as below, in the examPle. correctly, a lJftil tf youanswer question tomorrow lTTgltt it rains work before lSEl t'ttgo to the market her tt shepasses exams, lZfbl lETfI Yougeta 10%discount will l6Tll Joan getyoua ticket lTThl ue can'tsleep in lETd tf youthrowsomething theai1 I a b c d e f g h enough. if I getup early in she go to college September. will her if yougive themoneY. to gravity it down Earth. brings back yougettwo polnts. if youpayin cash. will thegame becancelled. in coffee theafternoon. if hedrinks rm writing to tell you all aboutmy plansfor the t l'm summer. very excitedl think it 1)willbe(be) the everl best summer | This July, 2) amtravelling As (travell to Mexico. soon (receive)this ds | 3) receive to | month'spaY check, 4) amgoing and t Sl am book(book) nry tickets new going buy(also/buyl some to also | nopefully, 6) willhave clothes. summer moneyleft over to buy a (have) enough I newcameraas well, because am sure I things 7) wrllsee(see) lots of interesting duringmy trip. (have a big | On 4th August,8) am having ) it party at my house, because is my 3oth birthday. lt 9) will be (be) great, with lots of brilliant music (cone)! and tasty f ood.t hopeyou 10)willcome (say) well,l've gota lot to do,so | 11)'llsay write(write)againwhen t goodbyeor now.| 12)'ll f to (get backl from Mexico tell you all 13)get back 13


points' gettwo correctly,you a lfyouanswer question plans the for and is a. Rick ambitious ismaking he that he says will at Look the things future. doneby the timehe is35will have be doingor as Make sentences, in the examPle. (See Sectior Answers Suggested . r_..-.-. o work a senior manager as company fora large o becomemulti-millionaire a o mdrry girlfriend, Sarah his o live a large house in ofLondon suburbs inthe . buy yacht a
o joinanexclusive club golf

' ,'uo,

o earn a year t1,000,000

company. for manager aIarge as l'llbeworking a senior what describing youwill five b. Write sentences time. in done willbedoing tenyears' or have

the items A 1 4 Matchthe itemsin Column with Type in 0 correct

in 11 Fill if or unless.
you Youwill catcha coldunless weara warm coat ro0ay. 2 lf it's niceandwarm,we will go for a picnic. 5 Unlessshe works harder,she won't pass the exams. Johnto the partyif I seehim 4 I will invite she she to 5 l'm not goingto speak her unless says is sorry.

to B Column in order make as sentences, in the example. conditional Sectior (See Answers Suggested A Column
C o l u m nB

lTTtl boilwater ETfl addfourandtwo paint and lSTe mixblue yellow I in ETaI putwater thefreezer in ice lETclleave cream thesun in drop brick water a lGTdl

a b c d e f

ice it becomes it evaporates it melts it sinks yougetgreen yougetsix

it 1- b lfyouboilwater, eva7orates.


w$rnmln[] sm m%
the using 0 1 15 Complete sentences Type orType (Suggested conditionals. Answers)
1 lf you haven'tgot enoughmoney, you won't be able o go on holiday t . 2 l f y o us e eC a r l at,e l lh e rt o p h o n e e . m 3 We'llmiss the planeif you don't hurry. 4 lcemeltsif you leave in the sun. it 5 lf the weatheris good,we'll go on a picnic. 6 They will be having a party if they get good grades. 4 lf we leave rightaway, cangiveyou a lift. I provided I can give you a lift providedwe leave right away. He has arranged leavework at four o'clock to tomorrowafternoon. is He is leaving work at four o'clock tomorrowafternoon.

5 Take coatwith you,it might be coldlater. a case Takea coat with you in caseit is cold later.

Use English of
. Key Word Transformations
SUrdy examples. eachcase, second the In the sentence itlts similar a meaning the firstsentence. to
My parents saidI couldgo to the partybut I hadto be h o m eb y m i d n i g h t . long My parents saidI couldgo to the partyas long as I was homeby midnight. 2 Take your mobilephonewith you. I might needto call you later. case Takeyour mobilephonewith you in caseI need to call you later. 3 Mum wili be homesoon,so we'd bettercleanup this

. Error Correction
out word sentence. 17 Cross theincorrect ineach
1 l'm goingto moveinto my new flat !h nextweek. 2 Take someextramoneyin !h<caseyou needit. 3 Unless you do your homework, you will b6 be in trouble. goingto stayin, in case parents call. 4 She's her Wd 5 lf you drop a coin in water,it Wifisinks. 6 Before D4{leave, want to change shirt. we I my 7 By the end of the week, I will haveSi@ started mynewJob. 8 As long as you Wit bring it backtonight,you can borrowthe car. 9 Thistime nextmonth,I will h&(be relaxing the on oeacn. 10 | wonder whether Helenwill lD(e come to the picnic tomorrow.


We'd better clean up this mess because mum is going to be home soon.


4 Youcanborrowmy dictionary tonightbut I will needit backtomorrowmorning. provided You can borrow my dictionarytonight providedyou give it backto me tomorrow mornrng. 5 lf you don't studyharder, won't pass exam. you the unless Youwon't pass examunless you study the

. Word Formation

-ed: interest interested - i n g : fasci nate- fasci nating - a b l e : accept acceptable - i b l e : sense sensible -

will ime.

the adjective thewordin bold. from 18 Form correct

16 Completethe sentences with two to five words, including words in bold. Do not changethe the meaningof the originalsentence. 1 lf you don't tell us what the problemis, then we c a n ' th e l py o u . unless We can't help you unless you tell us w h a t t h e p r o b l e ms . i 2 | canlendyou the moneybut you mustgiveit back to me by the weekend. long I canlendyou the money longasyou as giveit backto me by the weekend. He'snot a good teacher. lessons His areverybonng. BORE Art experts argueabout how valuable VALUE t h e p a i n t i n gs . i I couldhearthe excited voices the of EXCITE c h i l d r e p l a y i n gn t h e p a r k . n i Bill will take care of it hp's vpnr dependable. DEPEND 5 Theisland accessible boat. is by ACCESS 6 T h a tw a sa r e a l l yr i g h t e n i n g f FRIGHTEN experiencel Did you know that Mr Jackson a is retiredpoliceofficer? RETIRE


s tce

'een (


lilur $rsm
' Open Cloze

. Multiple hoice loze C C 20 Read textbelow A, the then circle answer B,Cor Dwhich the (0) best each fits There anexample at thebeginning. is space.

Read text belowandthinkof the the word whichbestfits eachspace. Use There an is onlyoneword in each space. (0) example at the beginning.


many peopleto conjureup imagesof a tropical paradisewith coconut palms, white sandy beaches, the beautiful and blue sea. Tahiti the is 'l) largest island in French Polynesia,groupof a 1 1 8 i s l a n d sn t h e S o u t hP a c i f i c c e a nw h i c h i O from 2) all overthe world. attractsvisitors There never badtime 3) to visitTahiti, is a but most tourists come between June 4) and whenthe weatheris slightly cooler and October, drier 5) than it is duringthe rest of the year.An excellent reasonfor visitingduring July is the month-long Heiva Tahiti i festival which includes music, dancing and sporting competitions. Another event 6) which the whole of French gets very excited 7) about is the Polynesia HawaikiNui canoe race,which 8) takes place each November.Up to sixty six-man teams compete in th,e racewhich visitsfour different islands alonga course that is morethan 116 km 9) long. Most tourists havesomethingmore relaxing in 10) mind, and they can enjoy shoppingin stylish boutiquesand traditionalmarkets or w a l k i n g n dc l i m b i n gn t h e v o l c a n im o u n t a i n s . i c a However 11) is hardly it surprising the main that ,are'to peop]e travel to, Frenth,Folynesia reasons relax on the amazing beaches or to take 12) part in water.spor:ts.rscuba diving,''lu:rfing and sailingare very popular in this part'r13) of the world. Whatever your reasons 14) for you are boundto be charmed comingto Tahiti by thisstunning island and its uniquemixture of French and SouthPacific Most tourists cultures. find that, ione visit is never'enough and are, drawn back to FrenchPolynesia time and tS) t i m ea g a i n .

tnunever beforeand abroad 'uu o) travel people more of sorts exotic ii"r" days


l]"11,:'.r'.*''""'1;"131 '""'"X :?ilJT: ::'Hilil:"'"'l,llf l:Xflid::ilr:.t#:l"l;r;;;"lil,T:

{orall thinss some thatis memorable wlll travvq "":,"]:1;';;"1*,"* "vrre--' are going' they
they the right4) "' " " "'

ti'.nu ry:lTjli[:[,] n""" i*""0" uno "

on vou 'g*:;xm:J ::i"Ji#""IT# ;"^*:*'""'wi'ih suffer travellers

ose1l t'nat :- ;;;;t areas'only drink vour trip. The 7) '" niOn-"ri1X not is food poi""^'"n' Thisincludes from though, or sterilised' J;;;;'i;t waterthat 8) """"""' ' ':t:1":;""";1, food that is teeth'Whenit 9) """' never ez avoid salads' and "ut'any hot' n"o'.L"t"*' 'utn"' tnan 10) """"""' t"*;l;;;;Jt' undercooked "'

0"":::.t:TI"y}Ht^"$: '" 5) destination l'1. ^:;t:: l{your

.'?,i."'-;'igg;3:,ilil'L ffi; ;;ilr:,, {4

o"lii'nn"' risk'

Y":'-":1r ;:J ;il; a*uf "+l*':"T:,illT:i'ffi;ilx rn homeil?5 "u," ffi ;Hffi ff;"" ::t^"il::l,illT#:

o"lI"J:? :T *" n"oo"" Accidents don'tleave "nvwhere' 11i:l::11 so

'"n"-:f':,?1";'1" .'."^^: 'rz, you 12) tg) vou chirdren, """"; '. .t: *u,"ning the kids i.i.'.""' " " children, Ol

I;-"TJi:Ji: dav,ffi; horroav wfel ;ililff :ili;;;;) ll t'lithe1"";: Another ;ffi: stavinoolls;#;''1 ;;i., of;:weara.hat rimes. and slowly
strongesT'vvrrEr''"sun is at its strongest'.-,


factor 1". rioht orotectionfacto +r,arinht pn risht 15) sunscreen """"""'the

;," outside,

0 A a g o 1 A trip 2 @ However 3 A b y 4 A causes 5 A away 6@off 7 A more 8 A have 9 A does 10 A frying 11 A mind tz @ need 13 A through 14 @ middle 15 A to

@ before
B B B B travel Because to grounds off up many nas comeS baking rea50n must during centre

C since Q visit C Whereas

Q ror
C C C C C C motives along t o much had has

D D D D @ D D @ D D D @ D D D @


@ @

@ pipins
C brain C require

C medium C for

yet holiday Despite o f reasons u p down most having goes smoking sense can for average with

s0tum|n[] !l ln
Circle correct the item.
1 O i l . . . . . . . .o.n w a t e r . . A is floating B hasbeenfloating 2 1 4 W i l ly o u . . . . . . . .y.o u rc a rt o n i g h t ? . A haveused C used be using D use @ 1 5 T h ef i l m . . . . . . . .a.t 6 o ' c l o c k . . A will start C is starting D will be starting @ starts me. A when B unless C hasfloated @ floats

| .......... Joe's oncebefore. to flat A onlygo only @ frave been B am onlygoing going D have been only

D as longas

3 S h e. . . . . . . . p.l a y i n g o m p u t eg a m e s . . c r A is loving @ toves B hasloved D hasbeenloving

1 7 O h d e a r|. . . . . . . . . h.i sn a m e . . A willforget C had forgotten haveforgotten D forgotten @ A since B during C through

il n u *

E m i l yr e m e m b e r s. . . . . . . . Ben at the party last . month. C haveseen @ seeing B to see D seen

@ tor

at il b

@ drove B wasdriving

C had driven D drives

1 9 H e . . . . . . . .o.f b u y i n g s e c o n d - h a n d r . . a ca A thinks istfrintinq Q B w i l lt h i n k D w i l lb e t h i n k i n g

6 T h e y . . . . . . . . . .f o r a b o u t t w e n t y m i n u t e sw h e n Murphyscored firstgoal. the A played playing been @ naO B wereplaying D used play to 7 H ew o n ' t h a v e o m e. . . . . . . .s.i xo ' c l o c k . c . A when C until B while @ before


Fillin missing the word.

1 Don't callme on Sunday becausewill be studying I for my exam. 2 | wonder iflwhetherJohn will be at the party tonight. 3 We are going to the cinematonight. Why don't you comewith us? 4 By the end of this month, l'll havebeenworking herefor two years. 5 Will you be able to help me paint my apartment thisweekend? 6 Thistime nextweek,we will be flyingto Madrid. 7 Pick me up at 7pm, I will have finished my homework then. by 8 We arehaving lunchwith Colintoday. 9 | won't be goingawayon holiday this year.I can't afford it. 10 | can'tbelieve that my Dadwill be 72 years this old year. 1'l She's always forgettingto turn her computeroff. 12 How longhaveyou knownPamfor? '13 | canseeyourhouse from here. 14 By the time they calledwe had alreadyarrived nome. 15 WhenI was a studentI usedto work as a waiter.

8 W h e nl w a s a c h i l dw e . . . . . . . .s.w i m m i n g v e r y a y . , . e d A weregoing C h a dg o n e D had beengoing @ usedto go A arefinishing B finish l0

@ willfinish D have finished

D i d y o u k n o w t h a t H a n n a h . . . . . . . . .f.o r t y n e x t October? A is goingto be @ will be B will havebeen D hasbeen

1 1 l f s h es e e s a r k ,s h e . . . . . . . .h.i mt h e g o o dn e w s . M . A tells C is telling D w i l lb e t e l l i n g @ willtell 1 2 | d o n ' tt h i n kw e ' l l b e a b l et o l i f t i t . . . . . . . . s.o m e o n e .

else helps us. A i f B when

A until B as soonas

@ unless D because Q when D i f


effi *%ffi
Forms the infinitive of


Present Present Cont. Perfect PerfectCont.

ACTIVE (to) repair (to) be repairing

/ + n \ hrrurvrLo r a n r i r o d |
\r v/

i/+n\ ho rane irod

(to) havebeenrepaired

(to) havebeenrepairing

are to of Theverbtenses corresponding the tenses the infinitive as follows Verb Tenses lnfinitive

(he present simple visits) to visit (hewill visit) futuresimple (he present continuous isvisiting) to be visiting (he futurecontinuous will be visiting) (he pastsimple visited) (he present perfect hasvisited) to havevisited (he pastperfect hadvisited) (he futureperfect will havevisited) (he pastcontinuous was visiting) (he present perfect continuous hasbeenvisiting) to havebeenvisiting (he pastperfect continuous had beenvisiting) (he futureperfect continuous will havebeenvisiting) or Thepresentinfinitiverefers the present future. to (active) I expect findoutmyexamresults to soon. (passive) lJniversity. I hopeto beoccepted Leeds at to at Thepresentcontinuous infinitiverefers an actionhappening the time of speaking. at Dave appears be studying the moment. to the that the actionof the infinitive happened before action to Theperfectinfinitiverefers the past.lt shows of the verb. (active) theirhomework. The boys claimto hqvefinished finished.(passive) Theirhomework appears havebeen to the of to Theperfectcontinuous infinitiverefers the past.lt emphasises duration the actionof the infinitive the which happened before actionof the verb.Heseemstohovebeenworkingconstantlyforthelastcoupleof weeks. suchas infinitiveareusedwith modalverbsand verbs Note:the perfectinfinitiveandthe perfectcontinuous seem,claim,expect,believe, and appear. Theto-infinitiveis used: o . . to cxnrpqq nrrrnnsp Carlwenttotheshoptobuysomebread. (agree, refuse,etc). Sheishopingtogeta verbs expect,hope,plan,promise, aftercertain appear,decide, promotion. (happy,sad,glad,etc);express willingness/unwillingness feelings/emotions afteradjectives whichdescribe (clever, (willing,eager,reluctantetc);referto a person's luckyand character kind etc)and the adjectives fortunate. lwasvery luckyto win therace.

t !




&$rummnr Ir t{'3"*3r:1re
' ' ' . ' ' Note:with adjectives referto character canalsousean impersonal that we construction. It waskindof you to giveJohna lift. aftercertain nounsand pronouns (something, anyoneetc)to showthat something necessary possible. is or Was there anyonethere helpyou? to after too/enough. Vanessatooimpatient waitin a queue. is to Mikeisn't enough vote. old to to talk about an unexpected eventusually with only.I got home onlyto find that hadforgotten keys. I my with it + be + adjective/noun. ltwasdifficulttosolvetheproblem. afterbe + first/second/next/last etc.5he wasthelastpersontofinishtheexam. afterverbs and expressions asask,learn,explain, such decide. find out, want. want to know etc when thev are followedby a question word. 5heexp lainedwhatwehadto do. BUT: wonder why is followed a clause (NOT infinitive) by an /wonder why she didn't tell us. afterwould like,would prefer, would love etc.to express specific a preference lwould loveto visitlndiaoneday. in the expressions tell you the truth, to be honest,to sum up, to beginwith etc. to Tobehonest, rather qo. l'd not

' '

'lote: if two to-infinitives linked and or or, the to of the second are by infinitive be omitte Shepromisedtocall can d. and tellmewhatwashappening. Theinfinitivewithout to ts used: . ' after modalverbs.Greg play thepiano. can after the verbslet, make,see,hear,and feel. Herboss made her workovertime. BUI we usethe to-infinitiveafterbe made,be heard,be seenetc (passive form).She wasmadetowork overtime. Note:when see,hearand watch arefollowed an -ing form thereis no chanqe the passive. by in HesawmetalkingtoAnna.- I wosseentalkingto Anna. after had better and would rather. We had better leavesoon. Helpcan be followed eitherthe to-infinitiveor the infinitivewithout to. She by helped (to) me paintmyflat.

. '

-ing Form
Forms the -ing form of PASSIVE Present Perfect visiting having isited v

9e:t9. ::t::9:
h a v i n g e e nv i s i t e d b

a a

-ing form refers the present future.Hehateswalkingtowork.Hehatesbeingvisitedonsundays. Thepresent to or -ing form shows Theperfect that the actionof the -ing form happened before actionof the verb.We can the -ing form instead the perfect usethe simple -ing form with no change meaning.sheadmittedvisiting/ of in hovingvisited Jamie,

The-ing form is used: I as a noun.Swimmingisagreatwaytogetfit (admit,appreciate, aftercertain verbs avoid,confess, continue, deny,fancy,go (foractivities), imagine, mind, miss,quit, save,suggest, practise, prevent) consider, Jackwantstoquitsmoking. afterlove,like,enjoy,prefer,dislike, hate to express general preference. Tomhatesworkingatthebank. BUI for a specific preference (woutd prefer/woutd we usea to-infin itive.t'd love come. like/would love) to


The-ing form is used: . . . . .

ffi?tr$ r;}%{fi

after expressions as be busy,it's no use,it's (no) good, it's (not) worth, what's the use of, can't help, such point in, can't stand, have difficulty (in), have trouble elc.I am busy writinga report. there's no a after spend,waste, or lose(time, money, etc).Wewosted lot of timefixingthecomputer. afterverbs such and expressions as look forward to, be usedto, in additionto, objectto. prefer(doingsth to sth else).Heisn'tusedto livingalone. after prepositions. Elaineisscaredofflying. an action.lheardSamantha after the verbshear,listen to, notice, see,watch, and feel to describe incomplete (l part of theconversation). talkingon thephone. onlyheard the BUT: usethe infinitive without to with hear,listen to, notice, see,watch, and feel to describe we (l heardthewhole . tel! story) complete action.I heardSamantha thestory.

Difference meaningbetweenthe to-infinitive in and the -ing form: in verbs Some cantake eitherthe to-infinitiveor the -ing form but with a change meaning. = forget+ to-infinitive not remember Heforgotto buy milk. forget+ -ingform = not recall I'll neverforgetvisitingEgypt. = remember to-infinitive not forget + Didyourememberto Lucy? call remember -ingform = recall + I remember herebefore. coming = mean to-infinitive intendto + meantto upset her. Henever mean+ -ingform= involve Being firefighter a means takingrisks. = regret to-infinitive be sorry (normally + to usedin the present simple with verbs suchassay,tell, inform) cut I regret informyou thatyourphonehasbeen off. to -ingform= feel sorryabout + regret Heisgoingto regret selling record his collection.

Use . W e u s e t h e c o m p a r a t i v e o r m t o c o m p a r e w o p e o p l e , h i n g s ,p l a c e s e t c . W e u s u a l l y s e t h a n w i t h , f t t u comparative adjectives. Mary is younger thanJane. o We usethe superlative in form to compare one person/thing/etc with more than one person/thing/etc the adjectives. usein with the superlative We whenwe talk about samegroup.We usethe ... oflin with superlative places. It's the mostexpensive necklace the shop, (NOTd+ke+hp) in Spelling . Withone-syllable form. adjectives ending -e, we add-r in the comparative -st in the superlative in and nice-nicer-nicest . W i t h o n e - s y l l a b la d j e c t i v e sn d i n gi n a v o w e l + a c o n s o n a n tw e d o u b l e h e l a s tc o n s o n a n t n d a d d - e r l , t a e e est. thin - thinner- thinnest o W i t h t w o - s y l l a b l e d j e c t i v e s d i n g n - l y o r - y , w e c h a n g eh e - y t o i a n d a d d - e r / - e s t . en i t a easy-easier-easiest


,,ffigffiffirguur ,T3 y".j,r5#2


Adjective ^dji;;;;' ;:::::':3*-::::: "" :::::-::...::;:::::::.:-:,:::::y:.:..'":^,^,."-:.-|,--^^""""-':")::y.:.--'::':-|^

-1;;"w,h{;;'t]' .compa ive S u p e r l a t i v e rat

*^- *'t

biS big I small , ,rnutt ! noisy {

bigger , t h e b i g g e s t| | l r r e g u l a r bigger 'the biggest llnregular smaller :the ,rn'Jt"r lthes;test forris smallest forms noisier


the noisiestI
tne mOst

good I Sooa iuo Oao ] little


longer a9j. ectrves


manv :

better )etter worse *orr" vorse less tmore gt"


be_aqtif-ul beautiful ,

. T"n



j 'n":::l

I the best l , 1 theworst i f the least i' the most ; the mOSt I the most q

We useadjectives theircomparative superlative or and formsto makecomparisons.

Adjectives . . . . very + adjective (emphasises adjective). Georgeisaverygoodstudent. as + adjective as ( to showthat two people thingsaresimilar someway.In negative + or in sentences use we not as/so ... as).I'msure Brian asclever Polly. is as less+ adjective than (expresses difference + the between two people things. or Theopposite more ... of than). The sequel less was successful theoriginal. than the least+ adjective oflin (compares person thing to two or morepeople thingsin the same + one or or group.The oppositeof most ... oflin). lt's least the expensive restaurant thecity. in

Comparatives . (expresses degree difference much/a lotlfar/a little/a biVslightly/even comparative + the of betweentwo peopleor things)AnneismuchyoungerthanSteve. Riding motorbike a lotmoredangerous a is thandriving car.- She a - lt waso bit more wosfar happierwhenshe part time.- t think it's littlewarmerthan it was onlyworked yesterday. o expensive than t thoughtit wouldbe.- She that thesecond said examwasslightly easier than the first one.- Since his operation, hasbeen he walking evenmoreslowly. BUT:many more + uncountablenoun. Iom atemonymorebiscuitsthan Paul. comparative comparative + shows that something increasing decreasing is or We seem startloterand laterevery to day. (shows the + comparative the + comparative ..., that two thingschange together that one thing depends or on another thing) Thelongerthejourneywenton,themorebeautifulthescenery became.

. .

Superlatives . (emphasises difference by far + the + superlative the between one person thing andtwo or morepeople or or thingsin the samegroup)Heisby for thebest player theteam. in

FairlyQuite RatherPrettv
o o o

a + fairly This a fairlycheap is you dress l'm sure canfindsomething but cheaper. quite a/an = enoughThis quitea cheap is dress.You should it. buy q u i t e+ a d j e c t i v es u c ha s h o r r i b l e ,i d i c u l o u b r i l l i a n t , m a z i n g ,x t r a o r d i n a i m,p o s s i b lte , e ,c e r t a i ne t c ( = s r s, a e ry ru , completely, totally)Getting finished 5 o'clock quiteimpossible. this by is rather+ a(n)or a rather(= morethan usual/wanted She'sgotrathera/arathergoodpointsayingso. etc) rather+ comparative form + than He3 rothertallerthonI expected. a pretty (quitecommonin everyday English) gota pretty He's nasty on his cut arm.

a a o


T n n - F nrnvr ur v lhl n Lr lvv . or necessary wanted.We usetoo is that something morethan enough, lt meaning. shows too nasa negarrve in the followingways: cold . too * ,Oj"itiu"lrOu"rU + to-infinitive lt is-too formeto swim. ,, . too... for somebody/something Thiscoffeeistoostrongforme. fishtolivein. . too... for somebody/somethingto-infinitive Thelakeistoopollutedfor +
rt -l-. . .aL -! --


nounsin the plural. nounsand too + manywith countable We alsousetoo + muchwith uncountable -There toomany cors theroad' on are in is There too muchrubbish thebin' to is we not But: Beforeadiectives followedby a noun or adverbs, useonly too. Terry too short ptaybasketbatl. (NOTtee+ueh+her+) . We as that thereisjust as muchof something iswantedor needed. lt meaning. shows Enoughhasa positive ways: useeiough in the following . adjective/adverb enough+ to-infinitive ltiswarmenoughtoswim. + ltisn'twarmenoughtoswim. meaning) + BUT: not + adjective/adverb enough+ to-infinitive(negative . enough+ noun + to-infinitive l'vegotenoughtimetohaveacoffee'

formof the verbin brackets Fillin the correct -infinitive -ingform), in the examples. (to as or
(learn)ltalian. classes /ecrn to 1 He goesto evening can a language helpyou to get a job 2 Learning(learn) (buy) eggswhen I was at 3 Oh no! I forgot to buy the supermarket. to is The government determined solve(solve) problems facingthe of the environmental some area. (cook)at hometo eatingout cooking 5 Danprefers if no 6 There's point in buying(buy)a computer you arenot goingto useit. 7 They have decidedto decorate(decorate)the r livingoom. pool. love 8 Thechildren going(go)to the swimming (tell)Alice hadsaid. what Sean telling 9 | regret and 10 Hydroelectricity wind turbinescan be usedto (provide) friendly energy. provide environmentally

tc that CD sothat we canlisten brought Heather to. broughtthat CD for usto listen Heather


coulddo it. Everyone was 3 Theexercise easy. to enoughfor everyone c: was Theexercise easy 4 its driveso quickly, dangerous. shouldn't Kevin to for It'sdangerous Kevin driveso quickly. t f w l ' m s t i l l a i t i n g o r T i n a o c a l lm e .

s s 5 T i n a a i d h ew o u l dc a l lm e b u t l ' m s t i l lw a i t i n g

form the Write correct of theverbin brackets.

(watch)TV at the weekends. 1 I likewatching 2 3 4 5 6 t l ' d l i k et o g o ( g o )t o t h e c i n e m ao n i g h t . (meet)David Beckham. forgetmeeting l'll never Don'tforgetto lock(lock)the door. (leave) so school early. leaving He regrets | regret to inform (inform) you that you haver: for beenaccepted the job. 7 (visit) Paris? visiting Do you remember me to Remember call(call) tonight. She stoppedworking (work) when she was sitrc'-

using the Rewrite sentences for,asintheexample.

thiswork todaY. 1 I mustfinish important for meto finishthisworktoday. lt's

8 9

five. '10 Hestopped fix(fix)the puncture. to


&$rumlnuf &{3*%
4 Look pictures in pairs at and make dialogues, up as intheexample. (See Suggested Answers Section)
5 | had better

Complete tableby fillingin the adjectives, the comparatives superlatives,in the example. and as

Wddecide/give/youljob that be/fa ntastic/when/ you like mey'start?


i ' taller tallest 3i expensive moreexpenstve mostexpensive i 4 easy easier easresr I q I inforociinn moreinte,restingmostInterestlng 6 srmple srmpler simplest rate later latest qood good 8 better best f i 9' big bigger brggest i ! 0l bad worse i worst i ."-.J-.-.*.,--**,.-*",*-_*._"^*i.*._"_"_"_*..:-"*-*2 tall

. s:r.p,"?'"?Jty:_" ." i " l:n::Hly:l "i., "ngi:":li::""._J t brisht '1 arignter

X ! b,ignrctt

Putthe adjectives brackets the comparative in into or superlative form,adding necessary any words.
1 A : Theweather's beautiful today,isn'tit? B : Yes,they said on the radio that it was lhe hoftest(hot) ofthe yearso far day 2 A I think l'd prefer black the skirt. B : I k n o wb u t t h i so n e i sc h e a p e(rc h e a p ) . 3 A : Thefilm lasted morethan threehoursl for B : Yes, it was much longer than (long) | expected. 4 A Chrisisthe bestplayer the team,isn'the? on B : Actually,think Steve evenbetter(good). I is 5 A : Markisveryclever, isn'the? B : Yes, he's the most intelligent(intelligent) personI know. 6 A: We havea lot of work to do at the moment. B: Thisis always busiest (busy) the time of year. 7 A: I wasverysurprised when I met Maggie. B: Why? Did you think she would be younger (young)? 8 A: lt'sabouta two-hourdrive. B: Really? thought it was much farther (far) I awaythan that. 9 A: Didyou readthat book? B: Yes, it was excellent, the most interesting (interest) thing I havereadfor ages. 10 A: Are you goingto the hairdresser's today? B: No.I phoned, the earliest (early) but appointment they had was at two o'clock and I haveto be at work at one.

;ten to lL :o. it. leto c:

you look/forward to/go/ partytonight? YeVcan't waiVsee/old friends again

rous. /.
^i+i^n otLI r9.

Match phrasesColumn to those Column the in A in Bto make complete sentences, make then similar sentences thephrasesColumn andyour using in A
own ideas. A
( 5 s ' o w na n s w e r s ) B g o i n gt o S p a i nh i ss u m m e r . t watching movies. old
li<a : anmnr rfar

l ' mt h i n k i n g b o u t a

to go awayfor the weekend. beingin crowded places.

Use phrases make sentences the to up about

1 lr:n't haln

( 5 s ' o w na n s w e r s )

l'm not usedto


q r Write the correctform of the comparativeor with superlativeand then completethe sentences your own ideas. (difficult)school isthemostdifficulf 1 | find that Maths subject. (frightening) 2 In my opinionthe most frightening of animal all isthe shark' I 3 Thebest(good)holiday everhadwas rnJamalca' (healthy) than fastfood' arehealthier 4 Salads a pilot is a more interesting 5 l'm suretnat being job (interesting) than beingan accountant' (funny)film I haveseen 6 | think that isthe funniest i n a l o n gt i m e . 7 Pollution is the biggest (big) environmental problemfacingrnYcountry' (expensive) than silver' 8 Goldis moreexpensive (happy)personI know' is the happiest 9 John 10 I would say that cheetahsare faster (fast) than tigers.

to and below theprompts the 10 Use information abit, monyor asin much, using up make sentences theexamples' (see section) Answers Suggested

Delaysper week: CabinCrew Perflight:

be/old Airwlyl is Tropicona a bit olderthonTrans-European Air fly/far flies Tropicona muchfurtherthonTrans-European Air

a I a a a

Airways. aircrafVold haveaccidenVadverb flylinteresting Places planeVreliable service/good


w$rnrxrtl*f Iea xmu%r

. Key Word Transformations
ut lt cou: I bus; i:, e s h e ' lw l fairly/quite thaeasier I couldn't move the washing because was so heavy. it too The washingmachine was too heavy for me to moveby myself. I wanted to get two tickets for the concert but I couldonlyaffordone. enough I didn't haveenough money for two ticketsfor the concert. I always worry about my familywhen I go away on a business trio. help I can't help worrying about my family when I go awayon a business trip. l'm really excited about startinguniversity. fonrqard l'm reallylooking forward to starting university. I could never be happy working in a fast food restaurant. hate I would hate to work in a fast food reSraurant. I alwaysget depressed when I see peopletreating animals cruelly. without I can't see people treating animals cruellywithout getting depressed. My fatherinsists that I waterthe plants Saturdays. on makes My fathermakesme water on Saturdays. I * I haveneverhad sucha tasty mealbefore. best Thisisthe best mealI haveeverhad. )

!:udythe examples. each In case second the sentence has : similar meaning thefirstsentence. to


l ' m g l a dI d o n ' tl i v ei n a c o l dc o u n t r y . hate I would hateto livein a coldcountry. C h r i s o u l dr a t h e r o t g o t o t h e c i n e m ao n i g h t . w n t feel Chris doesn't feel like going to the c i n e m ao n i g h t . t My parents won't let me watchTV until I finishmy nomeworK. make My parents makeme do my homework beforethey let me watchTV. 8 | havenevermet anyonewho cooksas badlyas yourbrother does. worst Your brotheris the worst cook I have evermet. 9 Whenever eat snails, remember first trip to I I my Pa ris. w i t h o u t I c a n ' te a t s n a i l s i t h o u tr e m e m b e r i n g w my firsttrip to paris. 10 Thecakewas too smallso not everyone a piece. got enough There wasn'tenough cakefor everyone to havea piece. 11 lt was difficultto persuade Robertto take the course. difficulty I had difficultypersuading Robertto takethe course. 12 Jane's isasold as Lisa's. car same L i s a 'c a ri st h e s a m e g ea s. . l a n e ' s . s a

new car

' WordFormation

broad- broaden p o p u l a-r p o p u l a r i s e false- falsify rich- enrich

'f,4 Complete sentences two to fivewords, the with including wordin bold. notchange the Do the meaning theoriginal of sentence.
1 I can'taffordto buythoseboots. expensive Those bootsaretoo expensive me for to buy. 2 lt's not her fault that she'slazy as her mother always doeseverything her. for help S h ec a n ' t h e l pb e i n gl a z yb e c a u s h e r e motheralways doeseverything her. for 3 Please remindme to callthe plumber tomorrow. forget Don't let me forgetto callthe plumber tomorrow. 4 | can'twait to meetyour brother. forward l'm lookingforward to meetingyour brother.

the verb the 1 5 Form correct from wordin bold.

1 T h e t e a c h e rs h o u l d s i m p l i f yt h e information so that everybody u n d e r s t a n dts i . 2 These trousers too long,l'll have are t o s h o r t e nh e m . t g 3 T h e y r ep l a n n i n t o m o d e r n i ste e a h factory and buy new machinery. 4 They boiledthe water in order to purifyit. 5 I t h i n ky o u s h o u l d n l a r g e o m eo f e s the photographs. 6 The councilhas decidedto widen the mainroadinto the citvrentre SIMPLE

;sthe rc':rl ) now. I one! on ho :*l' _ome5.




*%w em
. OpenCloze of think the and the 15 Read textbelow Use space, each best which fits word is There an space' one only wordin each
(0) example at the beginning.

. M ultiple Cloze Choice

A, thencircle answer B, the 1 7 Read text belowspace. thean example C,or D (0)at the is There fitseach whichbest beginning.

Wreelie Bins
Once0) upona ttme, bins were large,heavy, metal objectswhich were difficultto lift and of carry.They were 1) mad"e one long metal sheet,joined along its longestedge, with a one Theyhad two handles, metalbase. circular would useto lift them and of whichdustmen 2) showinglittle swingthem onto their shoulders, werror carefor hygiene, for their own physical being. available, As soon 3) as plasticbins became 4) over from the old metal ones' these took b an w T h e y e r es i m i l airn a p p e a r a n c e dw e i g h t , u t However, were harder5) to damageor dent. for theywerenot suitable beingmadeof plastic, as hot waste,6) suchas ashes, thesedestroyed theirinteriors. bin In manypartsof the world,the standard bin' 7) has now been replaced by the wheelie plasticboxeson Theseare large, rectangular, lid with a hinged and a barwhichallows wheels, the bin to 8) be pushedor pulledalong.Most wheeliebins are black, but some are green, to brown or red. Theyare designed be just as as soacious the old bins, 9) as well as being t e a s t e r o m o v e a r o u n da n d 1 0 ) l e s sl i k e l yt o Many local councilsinsistthat causeinjuries. bins are left at the side of the road for one carrying of and collection, for manypeople, t t h e o l d b i n s 1 1 ) f r o mt h e b a c kg a r d e n o t h e serious was enoughto cause front of the house d muscle amage. a No matter 12) how well-designed bin may there will alwaysbe problems' be, however, and can also be Wheeliebins are unattractive up and down steps' difficult to manoeuvre What 13) is more, if you are unfortunate in to enough dropsomething the bottomof one of them, you will havea hard time getting it 14)out again,as the bins are about four feet they are certainlya step tall. Nevertheless, one giveus hopethat, perhaps day, 15) up, and bin' trulytrouble-free a will someone design

ManY beings? by fascinated these enormous that they are, and In creatures. recentyears,whale watchinghas wantto experience popular, moreand morepeople as
with relationship whales' a thatthey aredeveloping 1) '...'.....

out sailing a longwayfromshore, involves watching Whale are watchers whale many As waters. a result, 2) very .......... not or stomachs trying to fall upset their about worrying to on 3) Most look actually forwhales. ofthem ......'... a guide keep them of of out .......... fortheflash a finor a glimpse a tailto let to look.
therewill not alwaysbe whalesto see, and even5) "" However,

will watchers notice that is there no6) .......... thewhale are, into water and home areso7) .......... inthesea, 8) '....'.... the even to for thattheycanbe hard people 9) .......... whenone be guide A them. competent willusually ,een pointed ..........to 10)
r find at least one, though, and it has to be said that a whale in

sight. is 11) atural ..........a wonderful display will watcher be 121 whale lucky The ""..."'to a spectacular will whales 13)""""" intotheair as atergymnastics, occasionally, with at theiraudience theirtails.Theyoftenspoutjets of watchers whale make acts the 14).......... air.These generally closer them and their though triphasbeen15).....'.... hasbrought mammals. strange huge, these
0 A clever 1 A private

@ intelligent
B individual B uneven B a5sume eye B though B agreemenl B to Q' b l e n d B looK B to B prace

z @ rough 3 A trust
4 A e a r


e c e c
c c c

c c c

smart own
i:nnod J"vv-'

D bright @ personal coarse believe elbow whether contract

rely arm

6 A promise 7 A in S A m i x

D D D D AS guarantee D

o @ spot
1 0 A 11 A 12 A 13 A t+ @ 15 @

i n home +" ^ - + ^ ^ Lt EO tgu given B swim fall B across into worthwhile B useful

o e

with @r, comblne D loin D glance watcn D for out D location habitat D entertained c shown C climb @ t"o D througn C up c wasted D sensible


$rgmil$f .n '
(Units Revision 1-4)
Circle the correctitem. 'l Y o um u s t. . . . . . . .t.o t h e p a r t y . . A coming C to come D to coming @ come 1 4 W e ' db e t t e r a i t . . . . . . . . i.t. s t o p s a i n i n g w r A before until @ B for D while 1 5 J a m e s. . . . . . . b.a c kb y T u e s d a y . . . A i s @ willbe B hasbeen D will havebeen '16 H ef a i l e d. . . . . . . . . i sn e w b o s s . h C to impressing @ to impress B impressing D in impressing 1 7 l t ' s. . . . . . . .t.h a na w e e ks i n c e s p o k e o J i m . . I t A over more @ B rather D much 1 8 T h i s a gi s . . . . . . . . h.e a v yo r J o h n . b . f A enough C so B much @ too 1 9 S h e a sm a d e . . . . . . .l.a t e . w . . A stay @ tostay B staying D having stayed 2 0 D o n ' tg o . . . . . . . .y.o u rn a m e sc a l l e d . . i

2 S h a lw e s t o p o n t h e w a y t h e r e . . . . . . . .s.o m e t h i n g l . to eat? A getting @ to get B get D havegot 3 Y o u ' db e t t e r. . . . . . . . i t w i t h M r s H a r r i a n d f i n do u t .. s the details. A discussing C to discuss discuss D havediscussed @ 4 I e n j o y . . . . . . .t.o w o r k i n t h e m o r n i n g . . . C to walk @ walking B walk D bewalking

5 5 h ew e n t o n a d i e t. . . . . . . .s.o m e e i g h t . . w A losing to lose @ B lose D having lost 6 l w a n t e d. . . . . . . . L.a u r a e f o r e h el e f t . . b s A seeing @ to see B see D to seeing

@ until B after

C as soonas D yet


Fill the missing in word.

1 Shehaslearned usethe computer. to 2 He was really happy to engagement. 3 Tonyhasbeenworkinghardall day. 4 The riveristoo polluted swim in. to 5 6 7 8 Heasked whether/if they hadto go. lt's a bit colderthan it was yesterday. Peter as determined James. is as hear about Jo,s

7 lt's a shame Lisa couldn't come, I was looking f o r w a r d . . . . . . . h.e r . . . A meeting C to meet B meet @ to meeting 8 W e s h o u l dl e t G a r y . . . . . . . . . . what time we are meetrng. A knowing C to know B to knowing @ know 9 B o bi sv e r y o r r i e d b o u t. . . . . . . .t h e e x a m . w a c to fail @ taiting B fail C having failed l0 l r e g r e t . . . . . . . . .o u t h a t the restaurant y. will not openthisevening. A informing @ to inform B inform D to haveinformed

5am is by far the beststudentin the class. 9 Thefurtherwe walked, moretiredwe became. the 10 There too manyfactories this part of town. are in 11 Thelonger telephone the call,the moreyou pay. 12 l'm sureyou cando betterthan this. 13 She didn't get the job becauseshe wasn,t experienced enough. 1 4 I t ' sb e e nr a i n i n g l l m o r n i n g . a 1 5 Sheisn'tusedto workinglate. 't6 you washed dishes? Have the 1 7 Shewas having lunchat 12 o'clock yesterday. 1 8 Take umbrella caseit rains. an in 1 9 Didyou go to work yesterday? 2 0 It was coldyesterday todayis evencolder but



1 1 W h a t ' s h e . . . . . . . . b.o r i n g i l my o u ' v e e e n ? t . f s A much most @ B more D less

12 D o n ' t e l lA n n . . . . . . . .s. h ea s k s . .
A as longas @ unless C provided D if

1 3 H e ' sa t e. . . . . . . .u . u a l . l .s
A much B like C so @ ut


Modal Verbs
ability She playtheviola. con He's ableto writepoems. possibility (repeated She could/was obleto play theviola. action- ability the past) in from theburninghotel. Wewereoble to escape (single action)


(90% certain) She still at schooL can be he certain;it's possible Hecouldhqvedrowned.(Luckily didn't.) be late.(5Oo/o She could shewill be late) she it's certain; possible Annmoyhovegotlost.(Perhaps is lost.) Sam moybesleeping.(50oh that he issleeping) he might hovesoldhlscar (Perhaps has Theymight needsomehelp.(40o/ocertain; Tom perhaps s o l di t . ) they needsomehelp) tt woslikely that thestarhaddisappeared. will It is likelythqt Tom cometomorrow. The star wastikelyto havedisappeared. Tomis likelyto cometomorrow. Shewill be 20 next month.(100% certain; prediction) (Shehasprobably haveleftbynow. should They should arrive tonight. (90o/o certain; She left.) his Heought to haverecorded new CDby now. (Hehasprobably recorded it.) l'm musthovebeen seriously (positive; i//. She s u r e h ew a s . ) s (negative;l'm They can't hove beenabroad. suretheyweren't.) (negative;I They couldn'thovebeenmarried. don't think theywere married.) They weren't ollowed to/couldn't enter the country. the eeuld) She ollowedto see files.(not: was

futureonly;it's probable) certain;he Heoughtto beat worknow.(90o/o will probably at work) be mustknowthat.(90% certain- positive; logicalassumptions You l'm sureyou know that) can't haveso manypets.(negative;l'm She sureshehasn't) Theycouldn'tbe at home now. (negative;I don't think they'reat homenow) permrssron You con/can't open your book (giving or permission; informal) refusing , CoutdI go out? (more polite; asking for permission) givingpermission) You maygoout.(formal; Might I make a phonecall?(more formal; for asking permission) makea phonecall. Ih afraidyou con't/mustn't (informal; permission) refusing (formal; phones. Passengers not usemobile moy - written notice) permission refusing (l I mustpaythebilltomorrow. sayso) necessity (necessity coming They wear uniforms. hoveto from outside speaker) the (informal) gotto catch train. He's the Thecarneeds servicing. Thecarneedsto be OR (lt's necessary) serviced. Shedoesn'thave to/doesn'tneed to/needn't of typeit now.(lt isn't necessary absence necessity) You ought to dropthema line.(lt's necessary)

I hodto paythebillon Friday.(l obligedto) was They to wearuniforms theprivate at school. hod Hehad to catchthetrain. Thecarneeded OR servicing. Thecarneededto (it beserviced. was necessary) (lt She didnt haveto/didnt needto workovertime. and wasn'tnecessary herto work overtime for shedidn't.- absence necessity) of (lt You neednthavemademe a cake. wasn't necessary makeme a cake,but you did.) to


b ,N ffiffmrere#g ,i1
advice You shouldbe morecareful. (generaladvice;I you) advise You ought to brush your teeth every day. (l advise you; mostpeople believe this) We hadbetter cancel trip. this (lt'sa good idea; advice a specific on situation) Shallweborrowmoney fromthe bank? (asking for advice) You couldat least meknow. let Heshouldtryagain. She ought to beon time. I muststudy (l harder needto; I sayso) I have to studyharder. (l'm obliged to; my teachers so) say Weoughtto exercise (lt'sthe right thing daily. to do, but we don't always it.) do CanI borrowyour (informal) book? CouldI borrow yourbook?(polite) May Ihavethebookwhen finishit?(formal) you Mightlturn up theradio? (veryformal) Willyou helpmewiththisexercise? friendly) (very you mind not smoking here? (potite) in Ygy]!! Conlhelpyouwiththehouseworki (informal) Sholl prepare I snadsforthepicnici(informal) Would you likeme to mow thelawnfor vou? Shollwego to thetheatre? Wecanalways catcha laterbus. Wecouldgo to thebeach theweekend. at You con't make overseas calls, (you arent allowed to) You mustn't photographs. s forbidden) (it take You may not parkhere. ormat (f All motorists mustobserve Uigt;iay GA; the People ought to smoke.(lt's rightthing not the to do, but people don't always it.) do Youshouldhave beenmorecareful. (but you weren't) He ought to have given her a llft. (but he didn't) It would have beenbetterif we had cancelled thetrip.(but didn't) we

: ctigation

You couldat least hovelet meknow. Heshould havetried (but he didn,t) again. Sheought to have beenon time.(ft was the rightthingto do, but shedidn,rdo it.) I hod to study harder. I hod to studyharder. We oughtto hovegiven moremoney charity. (lt to yglle rightthingto do, but we didn,tdo it.)





You couldhaveused car my They couldn't make overseascalts (firey weren'tallowed to.)


All employees to signnewcontracts. had She ought to havetakenherparents' (t advice. w a st h e r i g h tt h i n gt o d o , b u t s h ed i d n , t o d it.)

Needn't- Didn't needto - Needn,thave don't haveto/don'tneedto/ needn't present + (it infinitive is not necessary the present future)youdon,t have in or to/don'tneedto/needn'twakeupearlytomorrow. lt'ssunday.(lt not necessary wake up ...) is to didn'tneedto/didn'thaveto + present (it infinitive was not necessary the pastand we may not know if the in actionhappened not.) she or didn'tneedto/didn'thave wake early to up yesterday. sunday.(lt tt was wasn,tnecessary for herto wake up early and we don,t know if shedid or not.) needn't bareperfect + (we know that sth happened the pastalthoughit was not infinitive in necessary.) You needn't hoveleftsoearly night.(you last did, althoughit was not necessary.)


muststudya lot. She mustbestudying. Present Continuous She She may/mightbestudying. lnfinitive She can'thavestudied. 5hecan'thavestudied. Perfect mayhavebeen studying, Continuous She mayhavebeen studying. lnfinitive She

l'm sure studies lot. she a Perhaps willstudya lot. she I'msure isstudying. she Perhaps will bestudying she l'm sure didn'tstudy. she I'msure hasn't she studied. l'm sure hadn'tstudied, she Perhaps wasstudying. she Perhaps hasbeen she studying.

Tags Question
usedto confirmif the statement true or not, is tags areshortquestions the end of statements at Question o ve e su T h e y r ef o r m e d i t h t h e m o d a o r a u x i l i a r y r bf r o mt h e m a i ns e n t e n ca n dt h e a p p r o p r i a t e b j e c t a w l pronoun. question A oositive statement are with aren'tyou? takesa negative tag. You coming us, qt:icmtrnt A ncnative qUestion Hecan'tspeakEnglish,canhe? takesa positive lag. pronoun. Whenthereis no auxiliary modalverb,we usedo/doesor did + subject or music, doeshe? Helen worksfor lnfotec, doesn't she? Felix doesn'tIike classical of suchas rarely, never, hardly, seldom,we usea Whenthe statement contains negatlve a adverb frequency positive uesti lag. Sh neve wotches does q TV, she? on e r Thonrrpstinn nf someverbs/expressionS t:n< areformeddifferently. party, I om invitedto the aren'tl? (imperative) Leave qlone, will havea picnic, shallwe? me will/won'tyou?Don't tellanyone, you?Let's left, There some in thefridge, is ice isn'tthere? There a few biscuits aren'tthere? are money, don'tyou? He hasgota motorbike, hasn't BtJT haveenough he? You This is/ThotisJane's isn'tit? bag,
' ' - " J - -

. . r

Note: . Whenyou aresureof-*e answer yourvoicegoesdown in the question tag. agreement, and expect Hehas lived hasnihe? abroad, . When you are not sureof the answer, your voicegoesup in the questio rag.You n do don't eatmeat, yotu?

needn't hoveto, in the example. mustn't, can't, con, or as Complete dialogues fillingin must, the by
1 A : D o I n e e dt o b u ya t i c k e ti n a d v a n c e ? i B : N o ,y o uc a n b u y n et h e r e , f y o u l i k e . o 2 A I haven't eatenanything day. all You B : Really? mustbe starving. 5 you seen this noteI got fromAlex?| c. A Have readanyof it. s B : O h ,I k n o w .H i sh a n d w r i t i nig a w f u l ,i s n ' ti : A So,we'll meetat the stationat sixo'clock. forgetto callAdamtc = B : OK,fine.You mustn't him knowwhat timewe'rearriving. is A I t ' sa s h a m e e d i d n ' tb o o kt h a t h o l i d a y , w it? B : Y e sh r r t t h e r e ' sn "o"t"hvi n ow e c a n d o a b o - . ' ' ' now,l'm afraid.

l t 3 A : A r ey o uw o r k i n g a t ea g a i n o n i g h t ? B : Yes we have to finish the project by the weeKeno. 4 A . W o u l dy o u l i k em e t o c o o kd i n n e t o n i g h t ? r y o u n e e d n ' t o t h a t . l ' l l m a k es o m e t h i n g B : Oh d when I get back.


wfirntnilflt Ib \i%#-T e{3


8 A : You look happy. What did the doctorsay? B : Oh, he said my knee is much better and I n e e d n ' g o b a c ka n ds e eh i ma g a i n . t

Do you thinkthat'sPaul's sister? B : No, it can't be. He saidshewould be in Rome thisweek.


1 0 A : l sJ a n e o m ey e t ? h B: No, she must still be at work. She saio sne would be latetoday.

Underline correct the modal verb.

1 Shesaidshecouldn't/can'tcomeyesterday because she had already made plansto go out with her srster. 2 We can't/mustn'thaverun out of milk, I bought s o m e h i sm o r n l n g . t 3 We needto/shouldhaveinvited Craig the party. to 4 Louise isn't upstairs.She can/must have left already. 5 | wonderwhy Hannah didn't cometo work today. Maybeone of us may/should and checkthat call she's lright. a 6 We must/3qigh'! finishall the work by 10.30.l,m not sureyet. 7 We needn't/oughtn't to leave right away, we haveplentyof time. 8 l'm afraidyou can't/mustn't speak Mr Lambert to at the moment,he'sin a meeting. 9 | can'tdo my History homework. you thinkyou Do could/should helpme? 10 You mustn't/needn't him aboutthe party. tell We want it to be a surprise.

The doctorsaidI can't/mustn'teat too much red meat.advice got He's a terrible toothache. really He should/could go to the dentist. advice I mustn'Vmiqht go out tonight, if I finish this project. possibility 6 You musVought to eat at leastthree pieces of fruit eachday.advice 7 You mustn't/shouldn't forget to pay the phone billtoday. necessity You4g/ought to wear a helmetwhen you ride a motorbike, against law not to. obligation it's the You might/mayborrowmy new earrings, long as a sy o ud o n ' tl o s e h e m .p e r m i s s i o n t 1 0 You shouldn't/can't haveeatenso manysweets No wonderyou'vegot stomach ache!criticism

Fillin needn't have/didn't need andthe correct to formof the verbin brackets complete to the sentences.
Luckily didn't need to do (do) all of the work I againbecausehad a backup copyon disk. I It turned out that I needn'thavecalled(call)Jo because had already lan told herthe news. I needn't have bought (buy) more milk because M u m h a da l r e a d b o u g h t o m e . y s She didn't need to dress(dress) smartlyfor the party, shewore herjeans. so J o h n n e e d n ' th a v eg o n e ( g o ) i n t o t h e b a n k ,h e couldhaveclosed account his overthe ohone. They (walk)to the supermarket didn'tneedto walk qave because Simon them a lift.

3 4

Wheremight you seeeachof the following signs? Write sentences explainwhat eachone means, to as in the example. (See Suggested Answers Section)

t O

1 (lna pork)- You playballgames thisarea. mustn't in Underline correctmodalverb,then explainits the u5e. Excuse will/couldyou tell me how to get to me, Oxford please? Street, request 2 You needn't/shouldn't pick up the children from school, leaving J'm work earlytodayso I can do it. absence necessitv of 1

Use can,canT,hoveto, donthavetoand needn't the with prompts below ask to questions and answer public about using transportyour in country. can You use your ownideas.
(See Suggested Answers Section) . buy a ticketto travelon the bus/train . buy a monthly travelpass r travelfreeif you areover65 . e a t o r d r i n ki n t h e v e h i c l e o buytickets advance in A: DoI haveto buya ticketto travel thetrainor bus? on B: Yes,you Can etc do. 1...


&m w%*
Lookat the photographs usethe prompts and to makeup sentences.using mustn't needn't. musf, or
(See Suggested Answers Section) . buy a ticket r throw litter over the side . makea reservation You mustbuya ticket you before geton the tonight? 2 A : Shall go to the cinema we won't. B : a Sorry, we c @ S o r r yl , a n ' t .


3 A : Couldyou postthis for me whileyou'reout? B : a N o ta t a l l .

problem. @ ruo
4 A: CanI talk to you for a moment? you will. B: a Yes, @ Certainly.

. havetoo much luggage . checkin r takeyourluggage on board

5 A: Wouldyou pickRonup tomorrow? B : a O f c o u r s ew o u l d . I I o f c o u r s ew i l l . @ 6 A: Will you tapethat film for me tonight? e : @ t ' d b e h a p p yo . t b Yes,I may.

question in tags. 10 Fill thecorrect

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 go Let's for a walk,shall we? goesout on a week night,doeshe? He rarely Shelives nearme, doesn't she? Thisisyour newipaper, isn'tit? yourhomework, haveyou? You haven't finished Thechildren veryquiettoday, aie aren'tthey? He is a goodcook,isn'the? got a CD player, You haven't haveyou? Tonyloves ltalian food. doesn't he? Youwill cometo the party, won't you?

. takeyourreceipt o forgetyour PIN numoer . haveyourlD with you

Look thepictures make many at and as assumptions aspossible,intheexamples. as

(See Suggested Answers Section)

Hemight lateforan be appointment. Hecan't onholiday. be Hecould on hiswayhome. be

useoI tngilsn ' Error Correction

out word sentence. 11 Cross theinconect in each
. 1 | mustIgo to the bankat lunchtime get sorne to . money. junk food. 2 Youshould stopeating N 3 Theydidn't havehd to work because wastheir it day off. your phone 4 | wasn't ft able to call you because was engageo. 5 Don't let me forget, I DruS have to phone my parents tonight. 6 | t6 usedto be ableto playthe pianowhen I wa younger. 7 He didn't needto b*q 61".nthe kitchenbecause Rick had already doneit. 8 NeedI X go with them? 9 We don't @g6t haveto go if you don't want to. 1 0 They might haveX caughtthe train if Joan had beenready time. on

l .

Choose conect the answer.

1 A: Do you thinkyou couldhelpme with this? B:"@ Of course. b Yes.I needto.


b &$rglntnflr Ie xmm%r
' WordFormation
used with
de-: dis-: in-: if-: im-: ir-; non-: un-: deactivate,decode disadvantage,disinfect independent,indecisive (before l) illogical (beforem and p) impossible (before r) irresixible non-smokelnon-toxic unfafiuntidy verbs verbs,adjectives,

. Key Word Transformations

Study examples. each the In case second the sentence has a similar meaning the firstsentence. to

adjectives, nouns adjectives, nouns adjectives. nouns adjectives, nouns adjectives, nouns adjectives, adverbs a n on o u n s

Youcan'tget a driving licence you are under17. if must You must be 17 or overto get a driving licence. . 2 lt s a good ideato brushyour teeth after everymeal.


You should brush your teeth after every meal.

3 There's possibility Jimwill be at the party. a that might Jimmight be at the party. 5 Having respect your parents the right thing to for is do. ought You ought to have respectfor your parents. 6 Do I needto get a visa visitthe USA? to necessary ls it necessary get a visato visit the to

Complete sentences a word formedfrom the with the word in bold.

Luckily, house the was unoccupied OCCUPIED when the firebrokeout. It was a relaxed, informal occasion. FORMAL You must keep on working with him no matter how much you disagree. AGREE lf you defrost the turkey, we will FROST cookit tonight. He was sure that what they were doingwas illegal, he decided so to LEGAL callthe police. He haswritten ten novels well as as a number non-fiction of boors. FICTION I havea meeting 5.30,it's really at inconvenient becauseI normally CONVENIENT finish work at 3:00 o'clock on Fridays. Don't be so impatient! Thebuswill PATIENT be herein a minute. Matt was veryunlucky and missed LUCKY the goal.I thoughthe wasthe best player overall. Theyrun a non-profit organisation PROFIT whichhelps homeless the in London. What he was sayingwas totally irrelevant the maintopic of the to RELEVANT meeting. You mustn't disobeythe law or OBEY you'llget into trouble.

2 3


Completethe sentences with two to five words, including the word in bold. Do not changethe meaningof the originalsentence. 1 l'm surethat Frank missed train. the have Frank musthavemissed train. the 2 lt was not necrissary usto book a table because for the restaurant never is busyon Mondaynights. have Therestaurant never is busyon Monday nights,so we didn't have to DooKa table. 3 lt is forbidden students talk to one another to to durinqheexam. t ' must Students must not talk to one another duringhe exam. t , 4 Youshould somedetails get from theirwebsite. ought You ought to get more detailsfrom theirwebsite. 5 Robin mustbe here,hiscaris stillin the carpark. certain I am certain Robinis here,hiscar is still in the carpark. 6 Needlcall to confirmmy booking? necessary rt necessary call to confirm my ls to booking? 7 My doctoradvised to stayin bed. me should My doctortold me that I should stayin bed. 8 lt is possible I will be ableto helpyou. that might I t h i n kI m i g h tb e a b l et o h e l py o u .




&m m%ffi
' OpenCloze the and of 14 Read textbelow think the word which fitseach best space. Use only wordineach one space. There an is (0) example at thebeginning.
Don't be SAD Most of us,at sometime or 0) another, suffer from the 'winterblues'. the daysget shorter As and cooler, find ourselves we feelingtired and w e t e n d 1 ) t o e a t m o r et h a n w e s h o u l d . t i s l perfectly natural,our internalbiological clocks a r e s i m p l y e a c t i n go t h e c h a n g e sn s u n l i g h t r t i patterns. only solution to carry2) on and The is try to makethe bestof things3) by waitingfor s p rn g . i Some people,however, find the 'winter 4) blues' overwhelming. They have little or no interest5) in work, school,family or friends. They are tired all the time, 6) no matter how much sleep they get, and they crave (potatoes, carbohydrates bread,spaghetti, etc). Theyalsoexperience feelings despair, of misery and hopelessness. Theseare symptoms the of disease known as SADor Seasonal 7) Affective Disorder. The cure 8) is a logicalone. Sufferers need exposure bright light. For mild formsof the to d i s e a s e i m p l ys p e n d i n g o r e 9 ) t i m e o u t s i d e s m u s u a l l yh e l p s t o r e l i e v et h e s y m p t o m s b u t , serious SADsufferers need 10)a moreeffective professionals, treatment. According medical to t h e r e c o m m e n d etd e a t m e n t1 1 ) f o r S A D i s r exposure, from 30 minutes two hoursdaily, to s t o a ' l i g h tb o x ' .T h i sb o x p r o d u c ea b r i g h tl i g h t w h i c h i s s i m i l a r o b e i n go u t s i d e n a c l o u d y t o winter'sday in Alaska. The patient 12) has to allowthe light to makecontactwith their eyes as research shown that it is the effect of has l i g h t o n t h e e y e s , a t h e r1 3 ) t h a no n t h e s k i n , r which reduces SADsymptoms. Exercise also can helprelieve symptoms depression. of L u c k i l y , h o u g h , m o s t 1 4 )o f u s s i m p l y t e x p e r i e n ca m i l d f o r m o f t h e d i s e a s e . t h i s e In case, an effective cure includes anything 1 5 )f r o ma C a r i b b e ah o l i d a yo a g r e a t v e n i n g n t, e with friends. out Curry, nowadays, becoming is English known as a 0) traditional f o o d . I n f a c t , i t i s 1 ) . . . . . . . . . . .e . s i etro f i n d a n I n d i a n e s t a u r a n t .a r than a fishand chipshopin most largecities and towns in the UK. The reasons are obvious,curriesare tasty, whereastraditional English food 2) sometimes quite bland. What few be p e o p l e n o w ,3 ) . . . . . . . . . . .,. .i s t h a t m o s t o f t h e h e r b sa n d s p i c e s k properties. usedto makecurryhavemedical G a r l i a n do n i o n s a v e e e nu s e d ) c h 4 b t h o u s a n do f y e a r s s to help lower cholesterol blood pressure treat infections. and and Turmeric acid aidsdigestion, actsas an antiseptic and supposedly properties. hasanti-cancer Coriander, used5) the ancient Esyptians flavour to wine, is known to easemisraine :l:::Tl, I e 5 . iledudLt G i n g e r s 6 ) . . . . . . . . . . .k . o w n f o r . i t sa b i l i t y o s u p p r e sn a u s e a i .n t s and reduce fever. When usedtopically alsoactsas an effective it . 7 ) . . . . . . . . . . . .C h i l li sa l s o a m o u s sa t o p i c ap a i nr e l i e v e rsw e l la s l f a a b e i n ga b l et o s t o p b l e e d i n 8 ) . . . . . . . . . . a.p p l i e do a c u t . l t a l s o g . . t helps the body produce endorphins which cause feelingsof pleasure. Cloves are usefulfor preserving food and they are also a ( n ) ) . . . . . . . . . . .i . . g r e d i e nn t o p i c ap a i nr e l i e v e r s e d y d e n t i s t s . 9 n it l us b But, be warned,beforeyou go rushingto your spicerack to 1 0 ) . . . . . y o u ra c h e a n dp a i n s a k e u r e h a ty o u 1 1 ). . . . . . . .. s m t s w h a t y o u a r ed o i n g .M o s to f t h e s e p i c e c a n h a v ea 1 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . s s e f f e c ti f y o u u s et o o m u c h .l t i s a l s o1 3 ) . . . . . . . . . .t.o. f i n d o u t w h a t . r t h e ys h o u l d e i n . F o re x a m p l e ,u t t i n g r a wc h i l lp e p p e a n d form b c a i r u b b i n gt i n t o a n o p e n 1 4 ) i c o u l db e 1 5 ) . . a sw e l l a sh a r m f u l .


. Multiple hoice loze C C the then the A, 1 5 Read textbelow, circle answer B,Cor Dwhicl' (0) best thespace, intheexample. isanexample fits as There atthebeginning.

0 1 2 3


accepted. B quite @ i s B s o B

+@for 5Awith

B @

6 A m u c h B 7 @ painkiller B 8 A while @ 9 A first B 10 A solve B 11 A think B 12 A positive B 13 @ important B 14 A injury B 1s A hurtful @

usual @traditional D cultural often Cvery Dseldom would C could @can fortunately C nevertheless however @ in Csince Dduring by Cfor Dfrom highly C very @well stopper Creducer Ddestroye. when C as Dwhether importantC usual @main fix D mend @cure consider C learn @kno* unknown @negative D minimal needed Dsignificant Cadvised hurt C sprain @wound painful C helpful Dawful


Ib . 0romlnol In use-TRevision(Unitsl-5)
Circle correct the item.
'l He hasworkedwith hisfather......he left school. A when @ since C before D while | . . . . . . . .t.o t h e p a r t yb u t I d i d n ' ts t a yl o n gb e c a u sIe . wastired. A amgoing C had beengoing B was going @ went l t . . . . . . . . .h e a v i l y l l w e e k a n d t h e r o a d sa r e w e t . a and slippery. A had rained been raining @ fras B i sr a i n i n g D rains W h a tt i m ed i dJ o h n ' sl i g h t. . . . . . . .y.e s t e r d a y ? f . 1 4 P u p i | s . . . . . .i .n t.h e c o r r i d o r s . . . A don't haveto run @ mustn'trun B n e e d n 'r u n t t D n e e d n 'b e r u n n i n g 1 5 . . . . . . . . y.o u t e l l m e h o w t o g e t t o t h e s t a t i o n r o m . f here,please? A Shall @ Could C Shoutd D May 1 6 T h e r e. . . . . . . . . . e a n e l e c t i o nh i s y e a r , u t l ' m n o t b t b

A must

@ might

C ought

D should

1 7 W e c o u l d. . . . . . . . t o t h e t h e a t r eb u t i t w a s r a i n i n g .. , heavily. Ago Q havegone B begoing D havebeengoing 1 8 L e a v e e a l o n e . . . . . . . .y.o u ? m , . A shall @ will C do

D have

@ land B belanding

C landed D was landing

1 9 T h a th o u s e. . . . . . .f.3 0 . 0 0 0 n 1 9 9 8 . . . i B will cost C hascost D costs @ cost 2 0 T h em a t c h i l l h a v e i n i s h e . . . . . . . . s.i x . w f d . A when B after D since @ OV

H e p u t t h e l a d d e u p . . . . . . . .t.h e w a l l . r . A to D between @ against C from B yt h i st i m e n e x ty e a r| . . . . . . . . p,a y i n go r m y c a r . . f A havefinished @ will havefinished C amfinishing D am goingto be finishing


Fill themissing in word.

1 Do I needto do my homeworknow? Shecan'tbe ill. I saw herjust fiveminutes ago.

7 l f h e h a se n o u g hm o n e y h e . . . , . . . . . . n h o l i d a yn , o i the summer. A goes @willso B istogo gone D willhave A willfinish @ finishes C i sf i n i s h i n g D will havefinished

3 The coffeeistoo hot for me to drink. 4 We aren'tgoingto the cinema tonight,arewe? 5 Thewater isn't hot enoughyet. 6 Will you be comingto the partyon Saturday? 7 He is the most interesting man l've evermet. 8 You mustn'tsmokein here.lt's not allowed. 9 l'll be homeearlyunless busis late. the 10 When lwas a child,we usedto go to Spain every SUmmer. 1 1 J a n e o u l d a v eh e l p e d s ,b u t s h ed i d n ' t . c h u 12 He is usedto workingon Saturdays. 13 Let's playsquash, shall we? '14 The band had beenplaying an hour when the for lights went out. 1 5 D o n ' tp h o n e t 6 : 0 0 .l ' l lb e h a v i n g p i a n o e s s o n . a a l 16 We were not allowed take photos. to 17 Tcmrarely drives work, doeshe? to 18 How old will littleMarybe in March? 19 Was Sharon ableto readand write when shewas fiveyearsold? 20 Whenwe Were younger usedto go sailing we every weekend.

9 W h e n I w a s a t s c h o o l , r e a l l y a t e d . . . . . . . . .f.o r I h

exams. A study B to study

C usedto study @ studying

O h n o ! | f o r g o t . . . . . . . . .t.h o s el e t t e r s h e n I w a s w our. A posting @to post B post D to haveposted S o l d i e r s . . . . . . . .o . e y o r d e r sf r o m t h e i r s u p e r i o r .b officers. A can B might O haveto D ought to

12 Y o u . . . . . . . . . .t o t h e s u p e r m a r k e a t e r ,l ' l l g o lt
tomorrowmorning. go @ needn't B didn't haveto go C needn'thavegone D needed go to

1 3 T h a t . . . . . . . . . .h a v e b e e n H a r r y ' s a r y o u s a w c
yesterday. is blue,not green. His A needn't C mightn't couldn't D shouldn't @


Passive The
Form Verb/Tense Present simple continuous Present Past simple continuous Past simple Future perfect Present Pastperfect Futureperfect infinitive Present infinitive Perfect -ing form Modals




are blocks built by his and blocks. Houses office and buildshouses office His company compqny. is A newhospital beingbuilt. They buildinga newhos7itaL are werebuilt in the 1950s. These houses in houses the 1950s. built these They was The supermarket beingbuilt when when werebuildingthesupermarket They theyranout of money. the across river. will They builda bridge cinema. hovebuilt a bigger They they before They built halfofthe houses had laidthephonecables. will They havebuilt it by theendof theyear. in can They buildan extension theirback qarden. at terminal Theymusthavebuilt thesecond theairportbynow. themfrombuildinga wantto prevent They newroad. Hall. Thev shouldbuilda newTown theyranout of moneY. the will A bridae be built across river. has A bigger cinema beenbuilt. had Halfof the houses beenbuilt before phonecables. theylaid the tt will havebeenbuilt by theendof theyear can An extension be built in theirback qarden. at terminal theairportmust The second builtbynow. havebeen a wantto prevent newroadfrom They beingbuilt. Hall A newTown shouldbe built.

. o

are continuous not past and continuous futureperfect futurecontinuous, perfect perfect continuous, Thepresent normally in thepassive. used by that happen things whenwe talkabout speech ofthe verbto be in everyday to the Wecanuse verb get instead (lnsteadhewas iniured ') .. playing of rugby. hewas y.He when or accident unexpectedl gotinjured

We usethe passive: . from or unimportant obvious the context. are who do the action unknown, or whenthe person people (We it.) Hiswalletwasstolen.don'tknowwho stole (11 ri who isrepaing it.) mportant repoired. isuni The isbeing car police them.) arrested isobvious Thecriminalshovebeenorrested.(lt that the articles, newspaper headlines, who than itself moreimportant the person/people do it, asin news is whenthe action processes, etc.ThegallerywillbeopenedtothepubliconJulyTth'(formalnotice) instructions, notices, advertisements, formal event to or for taking responsibility an action whenwe refer an unpleasant andwe do not want whenwe wantto avoid past. in the made have Mistakes been to saywho or what isto blame.

Changingfrom the activeto the passive:

a a a

sentence. the becomes subjectin the passive the object of the activesentences form. into tense changes a passive but in thesame verb theactive remains by with introduced the preposition or isomitted. andiseither the becomes agent, sentence of thesubject the active


& a*%#: $rnrgtffi$r &'{z



Thephotographs Subject

Onlytransitive (verbs verbs that take an object) canbe changed into the passive. t:.r!r,:r:*,:rating theftat.(transitive verb) --+ The is beingredecoratedJackie. ftat by BU|:Jackielivesonthethird,floor(intransitiveverb)-nopassiveform.@a]<ie. Note: some transitive u.tot be, exist,seem,fit, suit, resemble, lack,etc) cannotbe changedinto the 1111": passive. hasa red mper.(NOT Rick ju A+@*bfrk) by + agent is usedto saywho or what carries an action. out with + instrument/materiar/ingredient is used,o ,.u *r...i ,r,eagentused. Theagent can be omitted when the subjectis they,he, som"on"trorrao-ay, propt",one, etc. -l Somebody cleanedthe has car. The hqs car been cleqned. Theagentis not omittedwhen it is a specific important or person, when it is essential the meaning or to of the sentence'The novelwaswrittenby charles Dickens. measures to be New are introduced the by loca!council. wien we want to find out who or what performed action, an tr.t"p.rri". qrestion form is who/what ... by? Whowasthepicture paintedby? With verbs whichcantaketwo objects suchas bring.tell, send,show teach,promise, buy,sell,read,offer; give,lend,etc,we canform two different passive sJntences. Emity thechildren story.(active) totd a The children weretolda story Emily.(passive, usual) by more A storywostoldto thechitdren Emily.(passive, usual) jess by lf in an active sentence, preposition a follows verb,then it is placed a immediately afterthe verbin the passive. Chris threw thebart into theair. + The wasthrow, into tne uy cnris. bail a-n Theverbs hear,help,seeand makearefollowed the bareiniinitiu" by in the activebut by the to-infinitivein the passive. The.teacher ma.dethestudents workvery hard. -) The students weremadeto work very hordby theteacher be allowed to in the passive. tetthechildren up late.+ she stay The children wereallowed stayup to ,:becomes

pasta was The sauce made Tony. was by / It made trni ,o*"r"r, ri"^ ri,, with ilio*

' '


Relative Clauses
Relative clauses introduced are with eithera relativepronounor a relative adverb. Relative Pronouns

1 2 '

who(m)/that to refer to people.Tina,who isHelen,s sisteLgot BA last her summer. which/thatto referto things.rnepln*i,rn,ronrorrdeskismine. y l o t : w i t h p e o p l e ' a n i m a l s a n d o b j e c t s t o s h o w p o s s e s s i o n ( i n s t e a d o f a p o s s e s s i v e aB jo b ,twv e )s e d ec i ho . fatherisa lawyetgotpromotedlastmonth.


|nur am*%ffi
(who) Itold clause. 5he3 thegirl Who, which and that can be omittedwhenthey arethe objectof the relative (whocan'tbeomitted) you about.BUT She's doctor who lives door. next the Whom is always usedinstead clause. Whom can be usedinstead who when it isthe objectof the relative of last speaking night. That\themanto whomI was of who or that after a preposition. The next Who, which, or that are not omittedwhen they are the subjectof a relativeclause. manwholives door isa doctor. car Whose is neveromitted. She's girl whose I bought. the Relative Adverbs We use: 1 2 3 year(when/that) wentto South Africa. was the we when/that to referto a time (when/that can be omitted). That West England. The he is of where to referto places. townwhere lives in theNorth (why) did this still reason he is not why to givea reason, usually after the word reason(why can be omitted).The clear.
- t




Relative Clauses ldentifyingand Non-ldentifying . lt gives essential the meaning the mainsentence. is to of necessary information, An identifying relative clause (why). not put in commas with who, that, whose,where,when or the reason and is introduced of Hannah wouldbefinein a couple days. The doctorwho treated said she gives and to of A non-identifying relative clause extrainformation is not essential the meaning the main with who, whom, which,whose,where or when. sentence. is put in commas lt and is introduced gave an The doctor,whowasveryfriendly, Hannah injection.


in in a. Fill the gaps thetable.

I Active

5 W h e n I s p o k et o h i m t h i s m o r n i n gh e : '
ren:irinn tho n:rdcn fgp6g.

i ."".". ."""."."..".P":::iy'.
islare stored

Present simple


being written i cont. 1 is/are writing , islare iPresent simple iPast i arrested j *"r" arrested i

6 Yesterday took the bus to work beca--.: she h e rc a rw a sb e i n g e p a i r e d . r writtenby Harry and Sara7 Thereportis being 8 Duringthe last year,two new supermarke. of havebeenbuilt in the centre town.

v.9:/y:t9 T"il ::l-:-" . .- .1 **"*"--*--"9.lv-' s- l* lgp.qr:9.i ll' ---"-"*""i** ts-p:in YysF:t i i-- "-'
perfect r i Ptesent has/have built beenbuilt ! i has/have

Fillin byor with,asin the example.

1 The salad dressingis made rrnfh olive oil a': vinegar. 2 Thecarwas beingfixedby a friendof ours. 3 Thetreewas cut down with a chainsaw. the are 4 On Saturday afternoons streets filledw-.' shooners. author. 5 Thatbookwaswrittenby my favourite w n 6 A l l o f t h i st r o u b l e a sc a u s e d v S a l l v 'is t e r f e r i n c b

i11::::tl' -i. - v-il . -i ::1"*.-*l:v,:l:d 9:ll"::""l

verb forms from the table b. Usethe appropriate to completethe sentences. 1 The companysfores information about all its customers comouter. on tomorrow. 2 Theparcel be delivered will 3 Thepolice arrested manfor burglary, the 4 He iswritinqa letterto Annaat the moment.


|6 " Gtflln]nt|] 1{1 L}%re

a. Read passage put the verbs the and intothe passive correct tense.

A : H a v e h e yf i n i s h e b u i l d i n gh e n e w c i n e m a t d t yet? B: Yes, heard I that iVopen/the mayornextweek Y e s I h e a r dh a t i t w i l l b e o p e n e d y t h e m a y o r , t b nextweek. A: Didyou write that report? B: No, I think iVwrite/Fiona No, I think it waswrittenby Fiona. 6 A : Why wereyou late? B : My flighVdelay/by badweather the My flightwas delayed badweather. by 7 A Have you got yourcar backyet? B : No, iVstill/not repair No, it stillhasn'tbeenrepaired.

'trr1modern ! rmpic ames G "T) ,vere held(hold)in Athens r 1896. They2) wereorganised organise) the International by Olympic l:mmittee,which3) was founded (found)two years e.lier by the Frenchman Baron Pierre Coubertin. de At i-e firstgames, athletes fromjust 13 countries were 4) -, ted (invite) to take partin 42 events. Since then,the 5-'nmer games havebeenhosted (host)by a different 5) ::l every (except four years duringthe WorldWars) and :eir popularity grownand grown. The2000 Games has in Sydney, Australia, which6) wereattended (attend)by morethan 10,000 athletes from almost200 countries, werethouqht 7) (think)to havebeenthe biggest and the bestyet. lt 8) is hoped(hope) that the eventwill be evenmore successful the years come. in to

8 A : Have you finished yourflat? decorating B : No, but iVfinish/by end of the month the No,but it will be finished the endof the month, by 9 A C a nI b o r r o w o u rb l u ej u m p e r ? y B : Sorry, iVwash/at moment but the Sorry, it is beingwashed the moment. but at

1 0 A : H o wo l d i st h i sp i c t u r e ? B : l V p a i n V m o t h a n 1 0 0y e a r s g o re a It was painted morethan 100years ago

5 b. Askandanswer questions, in the example. as A: Where thefirst were modern )lympic Games held? B: They held Athens. ...? etc. were in Who Using prompts, the writesentences the passive, in asin theexample.

Rewrite following passage the passive the in form.

(s susgestel ee l.::.:,j'_.:*:":_:ilfi,*il__

The policearrested localman DavidRowe,last night,after the armedrobbery the petrolstationon GeorgeStreet. of TheycaughtRowerunningaway from the sceneand they found that he was carrying morethan f2000 in cash. They later officiallycharged him with the robbery.A police spokesman announced that Rowewill appearin courr nexr m o n t h .l f h e i sf o u n dg u i l t yt,h e j u d g ec o u l d e n t e n ch i mt o s e up to ten years prison. in

Rewrite newspaper the headlines complete as sentences, in the example. as (See Suggested Answers Section) to Investigation be held into tragiccoachcrash
r q w , " r * - - : - " . - * + @ r n t d s 4 d @ @ s d s l % @

A W h a ta r et h e c h i l d r e d o i n g ? n B : They/teach/Engl ish They beingtaughtEnglish. are A : That's really a nicedress. B : Thanks, iVgive/to for my birthday me Thanks, was givento me for my birthday. it A : Do you fancygoingout for dinner tonight? B : SorryI can't. l/invite/to party a Sorry, can't. I havebeeninvitedto a party. I

Uerdici not reached by iury in the case Waterman

@ " " J 4 e e . - # 4 @ @ '

Extrafundingfor hospitals announced Health by Minister

k " 4 M t r b & b u * m


Ottz-o+ysrRlKE vE H*g , To Fy TRAIM oo,uro,

*'*r*rr*****r***r*,q*,,*,*,',' o,*t*,***,'.'*iJrljl*,

Aninvestigation beheld thetragic will into coach crash.


6 iGruInlnul
in rewrite the following sentences the lf possible, passive. (See Section) Suggested Answers in 1 Julie lives Barcelona. Can't put intothepassive be to 2 Theychose Paul be the new team captaln. Paul chosen bethenewteamcaptain. was to 3 4 5 6 of the Theyhaveclosed roadbecause the floods. Theyhavetwo sonsand a daughter. delivered letterjust beforewe left. the Thepostman Thatold shirtdoesn'tfit me anvmore.

up at and 10 Look thepictures make asmany using sentences aspossible relatives.

(SeeSuggested Answers


then say whether or not Fif in who, whichor whose, l the relativepronoun can be omitted, as in the examples. 'l 2 3 4 5 6 7 in That'sthe woman whosedaughter.works the (connot omitted) bank. be Mary is the personvvho wanted to speakto. (con I

beomitted) That'sthe book which I wanted to borrow from you.(canbe omitted) (canrrot ls Markthe boywho hasgot a motorbike? be omitted) is Mr Johnson the man whosehouseis on top of (cannot omitted) the hill. be whichI boughtlastweek.(can These the shoes are

@'@l d r
lantern ,;k



be omitted) of is who is in charge the project. Jamie the person (cannot omitted) be 8 lsn't ClaireWintersthe woman whose brother (cannotbe omitted) workswith Steve? the who won the tenniscompetition, 9 Bob's person not Will.(cannot omitted) be to 10 Thatsthe school whichthe boysused go to. (can be omitted)

we is which keep apet. as Agoldfish a smallfish 11 the item. Circle correct

1 Do you know the man newsagent's? B whose A which 2

@ who

Then usethe Matchthe itemsin the two columns. correct relativepronoun, who, whoseorwhich,to

sentences. make complete up

(SeeSuggested Answers Section)

Neil said that there's a film on at the we might enjoy. B who C whose which @

is lTlTl a doctor someone lrre J2Tc-l tigerisan anrmal is lSlel This Peter n 1416-l kettleissomething lBlJl creg isthe mechanic

a fixedour car b is usedto boilwater c canbe found in -{ lndia.

3 What's the name of that comedian showyou werewatchinglastnight? C whom A who's @ whose 4 essays were due the The students, day, wereall workingin the library. C who B that @ whose

the d cures sick. you e sister met yesterday.

y. t . 5 T h i si s M i s sW a l t e r s . . . . . . . . . . .o u s p o k e o o n phone. C who's A which @ whom 6 The new washingr:nachine

rnras rrpnr ehp:n

| -d

is who the A doctor someone cures sick.

she bo C who

A where

@ which


&$rnmfll$r : {"2 I*}!n

Jse English of
' WordFormation

. Error Correction
out word sentence. 13 Cross theincorrect in each
Theirhouse{was broken into lastweek. Amanda t(o was invited the partyby Jane. to He is saidffi to be veryrich. She's had S(n her haircur,hasn,t she? Thereportis stillbeing typedat the moment. ffi I }( agreed with everything theyweresaying. That's manwho{works in the supermarket. the Joyce, whosedaughter lives nextdoor, {works in the hospital. 9 Thatvfth is the girlwho boughtRob,s house. 1 0 S h ew a ss e e n { t a l k i n g . t oB e nl a s tn i g h t . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

more, better (outperform) to a great extenl (overreact) afler (post-graduate) before (pre-school) again (rewrite) semi-: half (semi-detached) q rh-. under,less(sub-zero) super-: big, more (supermarket) .rnder-: not enough(underpaid) lver-: rost-:

. Key WordTransformations


Complete each the sentences a word of with formedfromthe word in bold.

'l He outplayed everybody in the else tournament won easily. and 2 The seatshad been arranged a in semi-circle facingthe front of the room. 3 Thefilmwas in French with English subtitles. 4 The garden had been neglected and wasveryovergrown. 5 You mustn't underestimate how difficult is goingto be. it 6 Theirhousewas destroyed the by earlhquake theyaredetermined but to rebuild it. 7 ln a post-match interview,the coach tried to explain why his team had played badly. so 8 Before you put in the chicken, preheat ovento 190"C. the becoming superstar. a '1 0 | overslept was latefor school. and BUILD MATCH GROWN ESTIMATE T|TLE CIRCLE PLAY

Studythe examples. eachcasethe second In sentence has a similarmeaningto the first sentence. [ 1 They let me leave early becauseI had a dentil appotntment. allowed I was allowedto leaveearlybecause had I a dentalappointment. 2 The government suggested has that we shouldtry to conserve water. by It has been suggested the government by that we shouldtry to conserve water. 3 Most people believethat the Olympic Games nerp promote worldpeace. believed The OlympicGamesare believedto help promoteworld peace. We got a qualified plumber install new shower. to our had We had our new shower installed bv q u a l i f i ep l u m b e r . d Someone stolehercarlastniqht Hercarwas stolenlastniqht.

6 They will replacethe broken window tomorrow morning. be The broken window will be replaced tomorrowmorning.


9 She had always dreamed of

7 Theyare expecting Royal the coupleto arriveback in E n g l a no n S u n d a m o r n i n g . d y expected The Royalcoupleare expectedto arrive b a c ki n E n g l a n o n S u n d a m o r n i n g . d y 8 lf I don't finishthe reportby Friday,won,t be ableto I go awaythisweekend. finished tf this report isn,t finished by Friday, I


]nul &m ils*

with the 1 4 Complete sentences two to
1 , ' 1 - 1 . . ^ ^ ilTlnttr(" nntae- ( l toze t\/il

including wordin bold. the fivewords, ofthe Do not change meaning the original sentence.
She has to finish her essayby next Monday. finished Heressay to be finished has by nextMonday. Theylet me take the day off yesterday. allowed I was allowedto take the day off yesterday. was People believe that the traincrash c a u s e d y a s i g n afla i l u r e . b that the train believed lt is believed crash'was caused a signal by failure. 4 Thev delivered her new furniture yesterday. was Her new furniture was yesterday. delivered The mechanic the garageserviced at our car. by had We had our car serviced the mechanic the garage. at A national newspaperhas reported is that the minister goingto resign. lt has been reported by a by national newspaper that the minister is going to resign. It is expected that Barcelona win will the match. to Barcelonais expected to win the match. The police to carryout a thorough are investigation. is A thoroughinvestigation be to be carried out by the police. The local councilhas suggested that the policeshouldimposeheavyfines for dangerous driving. lt has been suggestedby by the local councilthat the policeshouldimposeheavy finesfor dangerous driving.

the A, the 1 5 Read textbelowthencircle answer B,Cor D (0)

There an example at the beginningis bestfitsthe space.


Going abroad has never easier.Today,thanks 0) to ( UK'sPet Travel Scheme you can safelyand easily your pet with you when

travel to many
countries and to a nu of long haul desti

1 ). . . . . . . . . . . .A.u s.t r a l i a . .. Firstof New Zealand.

your pet needs to have

m i c r o c h2p . . . . . . . . . ... . . i)
means that a small .f a a b o u t h e 3 ) . . . . . . . . . .o . . o f r i c e i, s i n s e r t e4 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . d l o o s e k i n 5 ) . . . . . . . . . . t. h.e b a c k s . has the neck.The microchip a . c o d e o n i t w h i c h i s 6 ) . . . . . . . . . . .t.o 7) animal and is used for identification and vaccinati lnformation aboutthe animal suchas name,age,breed on along8) details about the owner,are 9) ............. details, computer. The next step is to have your pet vacci central p 1 0 ) . . . . . . . . . .r.a . i e s .h e na f t e ra f o l l o w - u b l o o d1 1 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .b T or will and your pet can set off with Certificate passport be issued doesn't come cheap. with Of course,this new convenience e t h e p r o c e d u ra m o u n t i n t o f 2 0 0 . 1 2 ). . . . . . . . . . c.o s to f g . . , 1 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . .w h e n c o m p a r e dt o t h e o l d w a y . a q u 1 4 ) . . . . . . . . . . .o.f s i x m o n t h sa t a c o s t o f f 2 , 0 0 0 , i t i s certainly . d 1 5 ) . . . . . . . . .i n t h e r i g h t i r e c t i o n .

C with 0 A for @to l A c o u n t i n g B t o g e t h e r plus C B installed C built-in z @ tittea B larqeness 3 Aamount @ size 4 A t o into C beside @ B o n 5 A i n Out B i n d i v i d u a l only C 6@unique 7 A reasons B intentions C functions c b v 8 A to @with B d e p o s i t e d reserved C 9@stored lOAto @ a g a r n s r C for e 1 1 A e x a m i n a t i o nrB s e a r c h@ test C added tz @ total B sum l 3 A W h e r e a s B D e s o i t e @ However
14@period 15 A pace B time B stride
! )LO9E

D of @ including D fixed D range D by D by D >ot I lE

@ purposes

for collected through

C walk

complete Even stretch @ step


&$rnlt|lngr 8m w%
' Open Cloze
Read text belowandthinkof the wordwhich the bestfits each space. onlyoneword in each Use space. (0) There an example at the beginning. is

(Units Revision 1-6)

the item. 17 Circle correct
1 H e . . . . . . . .for.that phonecallsince o'clock .. 5 A waits hasbeenwaiting @ B iswaiting D willwait 2 lf I hearfromJoey, .. . . . . . . .o uk n o w . | y A am letting C will be letting B let @ willlet o H i sp r e v i o ujs b w a sj u s t . . . . . . . . . .w.e l l p a i da s t h e . one he hasnow. A not B more C slightly @ .t There's point in no how you feel, because she's interested not C explained @ explaining B explain D to explain lwouldlove A own @ to own .... my own restaurant day. one C owning D to be owning

bs " r:*ft!
one recent survey,more 3) than one million UK searchfor jobs through the Internet 4) every In response to this demand, 5) thousands new of offering to match job hunters to suitable have6) been launched. the job-seeker, For sitesare very convenient. Thereis no more hunting a listof thousands advertisements find the of to ttey are looking for. They can simply 8) get rid of advertisements being specific9) in their by details. they do not wish to accepta salary of lf 10)

,T:1. ":[,[,T:.i': i Tlffi T..:,ll; ":Ti

ff::',.11J:;":l';lJ': Ji,[ t JT J""l""|I ff T:'#:1""": *:iff :;l i;J I;l 1':"i, ?ffi ill: "1:
no interestto them. The Internetalso allowsthe to sendtheirCVsto a number different of places quickly. Theycan 14)then/also up-to-the-minute get about which jobs are still available. next So, you are 15)on the lookout for that excitingnew a ; g e t o n l i n e n dg e t a h e a d !

5 h e . . . . . . . . . . . . married. She was wearing a wedding ing. r A c o u l d B needn't@ must D can't W e . . . . . . . . . .t.o g o t o b e d s o o n .W e ' v eg o t a v e r y . busydaytomorrow. A should @ ought C must D can 8 H e . . . . . . . . . .g.e t t h e r e i n t i m e ; i t d e p e n d s n t h e . o traffic. C ouqht D need @ m i g h t B must

9 T h el e a k a sf i x e d. . . . . . . . . .a .p l u m b e r . w . A with B for D to OnV 1 0 H e c a n ' t c o m e b e c a u s en e . . . overtime every nightthisweek. to worK

A makes made @ isbeing 18 Fillin the missing word.

C i sm a k i n g D is made

1 Chinese spokenin Taiwan. is 2 Have you been invitedto the party? 3 She will have been working here for twenty-five years when she retires. 4 That's house the whereI grew up. 5 The demonstrators want to stop the law from being passed. 6 This is Peter Jameswho is the new comouter technician. 7 He has been studying night. He must be exhausted. 8 lt isthoughtthat he will be the nextpresidenr. 9 Thesauce was madewith freshherbs. 10 Thepriceof computers expected rise. is to
r* L*--*,1


ffiffiffiFU%*: 1 i{7
Causative form
. r . r We usehave + object + past participleto saythat we havearranged someone do something us. The for to for pastparticiple a passive has meaning. Shehodherhoircutatthenewhairdresser's(She herown hair.) didn'tcut and of Questions negations the verbhaveareformedwith do/does(present simple) did (pastsimple). or Didyou hovethecarpets cleoned week? last We alsousehave somethingdone to talk about an unpleasant experience somebody that had. When Kate was (= in town,she herbog stolen. her bag was stolen) hod Wecan usetheverbgetinsteadof havein informal conversation. getthephotographsdevelopedwhenlgo I'll into town. Regularactive form Present Simple Present Continuous PastSimple PastContinuous FutureSimple He fixes his bike He is fixing hisbike. He fixed hisbike. Hewas fixing hisbike. Hewill fix hisbike. Hewill be fixing hisbike. He hasfixed hisbike. He has beenfixing hisbrke. He had fixed hisbike. He had beenfixing hisbike. Heshould hisbike. fix It'sworth fixing his bike. Causative form He has hisbikefixed. He is havinghisbikefixed. He had hisbikefixed. Hewas havinghisbikefixed. Hewill havehisbikefixed. Hewill be havinghisbikefixed. He has had his bike fixed. He hasbeen havinghisbikefixed. He had had his bike fixed He had been havinghisbikefixed. Heshouldhavehisbikefixed. It'sworth having his bike fixed.

Future Continuous
PresentPerfect PresentPerfectContinuous Past Perfect PastPerfectContinuous Infinitive -ing form

Reported Speech
We usedirectspeech quote someone's to exactwords.We enclose their words in inverted commas. "tlivein Highfield Road," said.or Eve Eve said,"ttivein Highfield Road." We usereported speech reportthe exactmeaning what someone to of said,but not in the exact words.We do not useinverted pronouns, possessive commas. Personal pronouns adjectives possessive and change according the meaningof the sentence. to EvesaidthatshelivesinHighfieldRoad. We can reportsomeone's wordsa long time after they were said(out-of-date reporting)or a short time after (up-to-datereporting). they were said

- ll S a y - T eA s k
Saycan be usedboth in directand reportedspeech. is usedwith or without a personal lt object.When it is personal usedwith a objectit is always followedby to (saidto him).In reportedspeech is not followedby say an objectpronoun, it canbe followed that. but by "l'mtired," said. OR "l'mtired," soidto me. Direct: she she Reported: She (that) she tired. said was Tellcan be usedboth in directand reported speech. is always lt followed a personal by object(toldhim). Direct: "l come fromNewcastle," toldme. Gary Reported: Gary methat he comes told from Newcastle. Ask is usedin directquestions. is alsousedin reportedquestions lt and requests. "Where yougoing?" asked Direct: are he me. "Hurry she up," said. Reported: Heasked where me lwasgoing. She asked to hurry us up.


{a'u,3':x* ffrmm!}*lf *9t*3

Expressions with say,tell and ask. used


good morning/afternoon something/nothing. a prayer, few words,etc hello, etc, so, a the truth, a lie,a story. secret, joke,the time,the difference, from another, a a one somebody one'sname, somebody way,somebody someone's the so, fortune, etc a question, favour, price, a the aftersomebody, time,around, something/somebody, the for eti

In reportedspeech: r Tenses change follows: as

" I walk to workevery day.' Present Simple

" l am going to the cinema. " Present Continuous " l have finished my homework. " PresentPerfect "|boughttheirnewCD." " l was playingfootball 12 o' clock. " at PastContinuous " l w i l l g o a n d b u ys o m eb r e a d . " (will) FutureSimple

** -+ -+ **}

He said(that)he walked to work everyday. PastSimple He said(that)he was going to the cinema. PastContinuous Hesaid(that)he had finishedhishomework.

(that) bought/had he bought theiinewaD.

PastSimpleor PastPerfect Hesaidthat he was playing/had beenplayingfootball 12 at o'clock. PastContinuous PastPerfect or Continuous Hesaidthat he would go and buysomebread. (would) Conditional


Thepastperfect and pastperfect continuous not change reported do in speech. . Some wordsand time expressions change according the meaning the sentence. to of here- there,come+ go today, tonight+ that day,that night + yesterday the day before, the previousday + then, at that/the time/moment,immediately now two daysago + two days before lastmonth + the month before,the previousmonth thisweek+ that week tomorrow- the nexVfollowing day nextmonth+ the month afteq the following month Somemodalverbs alsochange, follows: as w i l l- w o u l d * can(ability) could,can (futurereference) could/wouldbe ableto m a yr m i g h t s h a l- s h o u l d l -+ must(obligation) 6urY1't"O ,o + needn't needn't/didn't needto/didn't haveto

4 4 -

t t )

&m m%w
you Use prompts say.what cando at each the to of the businesses. (See Suggested Answers Section)


Lookat the pictures make and usrng sentences form,asin the example. causative
(See Suggested Answers

' RomaPizzs
Beoutiful ftclian Fcsta and pirra

Top s$ist ct lcw prkes

We'll dewlop yer holidcy snapswhilc ya,r *ait

We crn irrstcll locks. reetnify lights, burylcr olqrn*.



;-;; .-.." '

They/photograph/take They havtng are taken. theirphotograph


OPEN 7 DA)/S A \^,EEK 7 1 nizza/dalior





2 She/order/take 3 Shdteeth/check 4 He/trousers/a lter

form, Rewrite sentences thecausative as the using intheexample,

1 Someone goingto paintour house is tomorrow patnted Wearegotngto haveourhouse tomorrow. . 2 We areinstalling heating thiswinter. central this We arehaving central heating installed wint:r 3 T h eh a i r d r e s sc u t m y h a i rt h i sm o r n i n g . er this I had my haircut (bythe hairdresser) mornir; 4 Theywill deliver furniture Friday. our on We will haveour furniture on delivered Friday. t 5 T h ep l u m b eirs f i x i n g h e s i n ki n t h e k i t c h e n . I amArVe having sinkin the kitchen the fixedmu, are theolumber).

You havea ptzza can del:ered(bythem). 2 hai/cut 3 photographs/ develop 4 new burglar install alarm/ 5 leaflets/print 6 carlrepair

form, Rewrite sentences the causative as the using intheexample. '

1 Hiscar is serviced twice a year. Hehoshiscarserviced twiceo year. 2 Herjacketis beingdrycleaned the moment. at 3 Theirnew gasfirewas installed month. last phonewasstolen 4 My mobile lastnight. 5 Thedoctorchecked bloodpressure. his 6 Dida professional decorate theirhouse them? for

(See Suggested Answers Section)

Complete sentences thecausative. the using

1 Ann'shairistoo long.Sheis goingto haveherhan cut. in 2 Theywantedto havea marquee their gardem. put Theyhada marquee up in theirgarden. photographs to 3 We still haven't takenour holiday be developed.We haven't had our holical photographs yet. developed


G $rum|nff Il
Johnisat the optician's. is He having eyes his checked. You need to arrange for someone repairyour roof. to You should have your.roof repaired. Mary's purse was stolen yesterday. Mary had her pursestolenyesterday. Tony's nose was broken during the match.Tonyhad his nose broken duringthe match. The painteris paintingBen's bedroom.Ben is havinghis painted. bedroom

ln u5c---T---

Report what the doctorsaidto the patient, in the example. as

Complete sentences the by fillingin the correct formof say,tell, ask, in the or as example.
Alison roldme that she was goingon holiday nextweek. Neil's going into town, he asked we wantedanything if fromthe shops. lf you seeCaroltell her that Harry was looking for her earlier. Did Anna or Chris say anything aboutwhat theyare doingtonight? The boss told John that we have finish reporttoday. to the Davesaidthat we shouldn't wait for him becausehe mightbe a bit late. He asked her where she would liketo go for dinner. I must remember to asK someone what time rne exam starts.I don't want to be late. Didshetellyouwhy shedidn't go to the partylastnight? Tina alwayssaysthat she is g o i n gt o q u i t h e rj o b a n d g o back to college, but I don't know if sheeverwill.

1 2 3 4 5 6

the asked Patienttositdown' She happened happened/had (the patient)how the accident Sheasked arm' his/her couldmove Sheaskedif he/she shedidn'tthink it wasbroKen' Shesaid be should takenjustto be sure. Shesaidan X-ray broken,it would haveto be put tn a casr' Shesaidthat if it was

(A-F) the sentences Matchthe speech (1-6). bubbles to Then,rewrite themasreported speech complete sentences, in the example. to the as

ihavebooked tabD a forsix.

Wheredid you


him at the station, I asked whattimehis so [FTt I t was meeting him troin arrived. sohis I eTZl fhe boywasmisbehaving, mumtoldhimto go to hisroom aenhadan exam following so he said hadro study the day, he KTT] that night. new skirt,so she askedher whereshe ITTII .lanereallylikedTina's boughVhad bought it. [nTEl ff," rentwasdue,soTimsaidhewouldgo andpayit the nextda,l,. out so he a [Dl6l Wewereall going to dinner, Jimsaid hadbooked :abe for six.


1 lGtujll]nilf
t vmm%ffi
Joworks a clothes in shop. Read questions the that a customer herandturnthem reported asked into questions,intheexample. as
(See Suggested Answers Section) "Do you havethis shirt in a smaller " size? $

the into as speech, 1 1 Change directspeech reported in the example.

t t

1 The customer if thetiewent asked withhis shirt. 5


"Whattime do you close Saturdays? " on

'l'ooked srea'l : ::T:Jli*':"il"',sh'l

4 ( S h es a i d t h a t ) t w a si m p o r t e dt a l i a n i l k . i l s

each in direct speech, as 10 Rewrite of thesentences intheexarnple.

1 2 3 Hesaidthat he wouldcallme the nextdav. 'l willcallyou tomorrow." Shesaidthat shecouldsoeak ltalian. " l c a ns p e a kt a l i a n . " l He saidthat he needed go to the supermarket to laterthat day. "l needto go to the supermarket today." later Shesaidthat she had seenthat film the orevious

: tr".','.::::::

: ;::r,

I l s eo f FY " o l i s h -" n-' . Error Correction

out word sentence. 12 Cross theincorrect ineach
He is havingM his house decoratedat t't moment. Her appointment was two hoursago, so she r,,' ,,- ,/ , havehad b)K ner harrcut by now. I don't want to cook tonight.Why don't we ha',': something lDd deliveredU . \ . 2 I am having eyesffiested at the optician's my th: afternoon. 5 Shegot her new furniture E(delivered yesterdai 6 Shedidn't havethe house{cleaned by the maic 7 Nina said she had a spareticket for th: Xthat concert. 8 Emma asked)(where weregoingto meet. we 9 He askedX r" what I was doing later tha: evenrng. 1 0 She said she was starting her new job { th: followino week. 1

" l s a wt h a t f i l ml a s t e e k . " w Heasked I wouldgivehim a lift to work. if "Canyou giveme a lift to work?" Shesaidthat I shouldgo backtherethe following mornrng. "Youshould comebackheretomorrowmorning." When I saw him yesterday, saidthat he wasn't he workingtoday. " l ' m n o t w o r k i n go m o r r o w . " t Sheasked whetherI was goingawaythe following weekend. "Areyou goingawaynextweekend?" He asked whetherwe had played football the day before. "Did you playfootball yesterday?" '10 Sheasked shecouldborrowsomemoney. if "CanI borrowsomemoney?"


7 a$rcmlllflr 1...
-h -il, -o)

. Key Word Transformations

Study examples. each the In case second the has sentence asimilar meaning the firstsentence. to

Stuart said,"l think that I canfix it. " could S t u a r t a i d ( t h a t )h e r l c , : ' : s fix it. 7

-= -- . -

1 Theyarranged a caketo be madefor Joe's for birthday\ party. had They had a cake made for Joe'sbirthday party. 8

" l l l g o a n d p i c kC l a i r e p f r o mt h e s t a t i o n , h 1 a ' < " u said. would M a r k s a i dt h a t h e w o ; l d g o : - : Claire fromthe station. up " Paul said," I was on holiday France week. in last previous Paul wee< saidthat duringthe previous he was/had beenon holiday France. in

2 At the moment, theirkitchen beingpainted. is having Theyare having their kitchen painted at the moment. 3 Whichhairdresser's you go to lastweek? did get Wheredid you get yourhaircut lastweek? 4 Pamsaid, "l'm going to the theatrewith Sarahnext " week. was Pamtold me that she was going to the theatrewith Sarah following the week. 5 6 should "Whereshall go tonight? Paul " we asked. Paul asked where we shouldgo that night.

. WordFormation

"lt's hot in here,"shesaid."Will you open a window, " Mike? asked Shesaidthat it was hot in there and asked Mike to open a window.

governor, verb + er/orlar (teacher, lior) verb/noun/adjective ist (typist, motorist,specialist) + verb + ant/ent (assistont, correspondent) noun + anlian (Americon, Italion,historion) verb + ee (licensee, referee)

each with 14 Complete of thesentences a word formed thewordin bold. from

1 The photographer told everyone PHOTOGRAPH to smile while he took the picture. Spain attracts hundreds of year. thousands tourists of every Didtheyevercatchthe burglar who brokeinto yourflat? All employees the company of are entitledto four weeks paid holiday eachyear. 5 The winning contestant receives a f 5000prize. He isa verytalented actorand his latest film was a greatsuccess. She'sa studentat St. Andrew's College. He'sverycreeitive he'salways and wantedto be an artist. Her managetold her that she r would haveto do someovertime thisweek. 1 0 The town has about 70,000 inhabitants. TOUR BURGLE EMPLOY


Completethe sentences with two to five words, including the word in bold. Do not changethe meaningof the originalsentence. 1 Julian arranged one of the secretaries type for to that letter. had .lulianhad that lettertyped by one of the secretaries. 2 Our new sofa didn't fit in the car,so it is beinq delivered week. next getting Our new sofadidn'tfit in the car,so we aregettingit delivered week. next He took his car to the garagetoday so that it couldbe fixed. having He is havinghiscar fixedat the garage today. " l st h e m a t c h n T Vt o n i g h t ? " a i dR i c k . o s whether Rickasked whetherthe matchwas on ry that night. 5 "You should do your homeworkafter dinner," T o m ' s u ms a i d o h i m . m t told T o m ' s u mt o l d h i m t h a t h e s h o u l d o m d hishomework afterdinner.




; {i
. O p e nC l o z e

rft$r :}5t:
. V l u l t i p lC h o i c e l o z e e C the then the A, 16 Read textbelow, circle answer B,Cor Dwhich (0) best thespace. fits There anexample at thebeginning. is

the and ofthe 1 5 Read textbelow think word which fitseach best space. Use only wordin each one space. There an is (0) example at thebeginning.

Ftur>hc.$ftE>p &
What do live frogs, underwear poached eggsand cappuccino have all 0) ln common? The answeris they are a l l i t e m st a k e n 1 ) . . . . . . .a v e r yl o n g l i s : . of objectsthat can be bought fror v e n d i n g m a c h i n e sM o s t o f u s a . : . familiar 2)........ more tradition; machines sellsoft drinks, that chocolar: bars or stamps,but believe or no: it there aren't too many itemsyou can: 3 ) . . . . . . .nv e n d i n m a c h i n e s . i. g V e n d i n g a c h i n eu s e dt o b e a l o t m o r e p o p u l a r ) . . . . . . . . u n d a . m s 4 S shopping, hr convenience 24 storesand fast food restaurants enterec o u r 5 ) . . . . . . .. T h e r e e r ee v e nm a c h i n eis t h e 1 9 5 0 ' sh a t s o l db r e a c w n t e g g sa n d o t h e rs t a p l e o o d i t e m s 6 ) . . . . . . . .i , . J a p a n e n d i n g a c h i n e f . n v, m a r e s t i l l a s p o p u l a r7 ) . . . . . . . .e v e r .T h e y e v e n h a v e f u l l y a u t o m a t e : c o n v e n i e n c eo r e s h e r ec u s t o m e rc o m ei n , w r i t e 8 ) . . . . . . .t.h e c o c : st w s n u m b e r so f t h e p r o d u c t s h e y w a n t a n d p u n c h t h e m 9 ) . . . . . . . .= t computer the front of the store.A robotic'bucket'then collects at a "l the items you want and putsthem into bagsfor youl l n E u r o p a n dt h e U S , o o k e do o dv e n d i n g a c h i n e1 0 ) . . . . . . . . c : e c f m s to q u i t ec o m m o n T h e ' f r y o n t h e s p o t 'c h i p m a c h i n em i c r oh a m b u r g e . , l1 a n dp i z z a i s p e n s ews r ep a r t i c u l a r1y ). . . . . . .w i t h u n i v e r s i sy u d e r = d re tt \ a n d i n a m u s e m e n tr c a d e s . a T o d a y , e s t i l lf i n dv e n d i n g a c h i n ei s b u sa n dt r a i n12 ) . . . . . . .a n c w m n . h o t e l a n d h o s p i t al o b b i e sb u t u n f o r t u n a t e l u , u a l l y u e 1 3 ). . . . , ys d t e c h n i c a li f f i c u l t i ea n y t h i n g o r ec o m p l i c a t e d ) . . . . . . . . s o f td r i n kd s, m 14 a t a c a no r a p a c k eo f b i s c u i tis u s u a l la b i t 1 5 ). . . . . . .a d i s a p p o i n t m e n : s y .
\1,. , ", i. ,,,r{..r,,,, " r..,,,

@ ffi

rorvour F::Tif:::.:iTjffl:ii: hearth?

the localnewsagent. However, recent 1) a study by a British researcher shownthat, in some has

o u y l r l g anewspaper d llew IrOm ffi:J#:,il'ii,,,, J u 5 t buylns s p a t p e r rrom E F $ s t & . 5 u p e l I I l d l K e { .u l

rffiT:fiH w*ffj"*ffii"**ilt ffid*-#f,,:'"'*

;;r#i;tr# i::'i; H ]j:H#i"l:'ir
they were shopping and they were interviewed

stressfu*hat it ;ff?il:Ji.on:l:" :l ffinffi'

il:J:: ilil":ffi:5"]::X J'il[::' fI 5':

" ?;: H::1'"*: :"li",e in :i,x;": i?i res, s

fr:l::il :t'-",,m**.t ;nxffi

' 0"": pressure and

*tt .#;"JiTTi.,Jlli -*+ :: " ;::l'T;; ::{:: }tii: "ll} ::r'ffil
'o* men reallv like don't ffi:T:|t:,?,'n ;:til::' ,'n.unn"


B o n @in C through @ frot B i n C a s : @ rino B search C view + @ before B after C when 5 A homes B k i t c h e n s @ tives 6 A Despite B Whereas @ However 7 A than C for @ ut a @ down B u p C i n 9 A through B with @ into 10 A would B were C use 11 A favourite B approved @ p o p u l a r 12 A routes B stops ! ProlE) t3@ to B b y C o f 1 4 A a s B like @ ttran '15 A for C more @or

0 A with l A u p 2 A t o

D t o D out @ with D ask D while D lifestyle: D Even D how D over D b v @ used D liked @ station.' D for D except D like

(Units Revision 'l-Z)

the item. 17 Circle correct
I was soaking wet because | ............ as backfrom the shops started pourwith rain. it to A walk C hadwalked D hadbeenwalking @ w a sw a l k i n g A whether B if

$tumlnilf & sm
15 He had the carpetcleaned that mornrng and it looked good as new. as A has @ trao B have D is having 16 | didn't hearyou A to come B havecome homelastnight. @ come D coming

C when @ unless

3 They eatingby the time we arrive. will havefinished C arefinishing @ B w i l lf i n i s h D had finished 4 | r e g r e t o t . . . . . . . . . .C.a t h yw h e n s h ew a s i n t o w n n . lastweek. A see @ seeing B to see D to be seeing He hasdecided A buy @ to buy Please A shall a new computer. C buying D to buying

1 7 H e . . . . . . . . . . . . m e t h a t I s h o u l d a l lb a c ki n a n h o u r . to c A asked said @ B expressed D told 1 8 Y o u . . . . . . . . . . .f.o r g e t w h a t h e t o l d y o u . l t , s v e r y

important. @ mustn't B needn't

C don't haveto D oughtn't

y 1 9 H a v e o u d e c i d e w h e r e. . . . . . . . . .t.h i ss u m m e r ? d . A g o C to going B begoing @ togo 20 Thedetective thoughtto ............ mystery. is the havesolved C be solving @ B solved D havebeensolving

6 7

I borrowthat new CD ofyours? B must @ can D should

O h , y o u . . . . . . . . . .h a v ef e d t h e d o g , I g a v e h i m . something earlier. A mustn't C couldn't B oughtn't @ needn't to be armed and C had believed D believed

in word. 18 Fill thecorrect

1 | usedto go to Portugal every summer when I was young. 2 Thisnovelis less successful the lastone. than 3 You had betterleavebeforeit rains. 4 lt'sworth gettinga new swimsuit summer. this ,

8 The escaped prisoner oangerous. A believes @ is believed

9 T h es a u c e a s m a d e. . . . . . . . . .c h e e s a n dc r e a m . w .. e B by C for D to @with 10 George, father owns the localgarage,rs training become mechanic. to a A who's @ whose C that D which 1 1 A n n a. . . . . . . . . . . . a t t h e f i l ms t a r t s t 9 o . c l o c k . th a

5 The train will have arrivedby the time we get there.

9 lf I haveenoughmoney,l'll buya new car.

7 Thechildren wereallowed join in the party. to They a l l h a da g r e a t i m e . 8 Thatisthe stadium whereI won the gold medal. 9 By September, will havebeenworkingherefor he fiveyears.

@ said B told
12 Excuse me, could you please? A say B tell

C asked D asked me what the time is C .asked @ tettme

10 Hesaidthat he wouldgo to the banklater. 11 We are looking forwardto our summer holiday 12 Let's havedinner, shall we? 13 He asked if I was from Egypt. me 14 We'replaying tennistomorrowunless rains. it 15 He had hishairdyedyesterday.

1 3 T h e y . . . . . . . . . . . . e w e d d i n gi n v i t a t i o np r i n t e d a s t th s l

A have B arehaving 14 He said that he


@ rrao
D havehad in Belfast the followino C had been @ would be

A hasbeen B willbe


. .,. :

Requests, etc Reported Commands, Suggestions

instructions we usean appropriate etc, introductory verb To reportcommands, requests, suggestions, -ing form or a that-clause. the Introductory verbs usedwith the to-infinitive, are

Introductory verb
+ to infinitive agree * claim demand offer * promtse refuse * threaten

Directspeech "l'llhelpyou with thedecorating." "lknew nothing aboutit." "l wantto speak themanager." to you?" "Wouldyou meto carrythose bagsfor like give "l'tl youthe money backtomorrow." "No, won'tapologise her." I to "Behave you yourself I'llsend to bed." or

Reportedspeech Heagreed helpmewith thedecorating. to Heclaimedto knownothingaboutit. Hedemonded speokto themanager. to Heoffered carrythebagsfor me. to Hepromised givemethemoney backthe day. next to Herefused opologise her. to to Hethreotened sendmeto bedif I didn'tbehave to mvself. Headvised to applyfor thejob, me Heallowedme to go out with myfriends. Heasked to givehima lift to work, me Hebegged to helphim. me in Hecommsnded themto put theirhands theair. Heencouraged to enterthecompetition. me Heforbademe to go to theparty. Heinvitedme to go overfor dinnerthefollowing night. Heordered to go anddo it immediately. me Hereminded to watertheflowers. me Hewarnedmenot to touchtheoven.

+ sb + to-infinitive advise allow asK beg command

qr rLUur ogc

forbid invite order * remind * warn + -ing form accuse of sb * admit(to) apologise for * boastabouVof * complain sb) (to oflabout * deny * insist on * suggest + that clause explain informsb

"You should applyfor thatjob." "You go out withyourfriends." can "Could givemea lift to work?" you please, haveto helpme." you "Please, "Putyour hands theair" in "You should enterthecompetition." "You go cannot to theparty.' 'Will come you for nightT" over dinner tomorrow "Go do it at once!" and "Don't forgetto watertheflowers." "Be don'ttouchtheoven." careful, "She stolethemoney." "Yes, rokethewindow." Ib "l'msorry haven't I finished work." this player theteam." "l'mthebest in "lhavea terrible headache." "ldidnt takeyourkeys." "lam goingto pay thebill." "Why tomorrow" don'twego to thebeach good "l like lessons her she's because a very teocher." 'Theflightwillbedelayed halfan hour." by

Heaccused of stealingthemoney. her Headmitted (to) breaking/havingbrokenthe window. Heopologised not hovingfinished work, for the player the Heboasted about/ofbeingthebest in teom. (to Hecomploined me)of/dbouthovinga terrible headache. Hedeniedtaking/having taken my keys. Heinsisted payingthebill. on going to thebeach nextday. Hesuggested the Heexploined because she that he Iikedherlessons goodteacher. wasa very Heinformedus that the flight wouldbe delayed byhalfan hour,

* The verbs marked anasterisk also followed a that-clause reported with can be by in speech He claimed heknew thot nothinq about it. etc


Some/Any/No 5ome,any and no are usedwith uncountable nounsand pluralcountable nouns.(somewoter, potatoes) some r Someand its compounds (somebody, someone, something, somewhere, are normally etc) usedin affirmative sentences. get some lwill bread. wants give He you something. to some and its compoundsare also used in interrogative sentenceswhen we expect a positiveanswer;for example when we makean offer or request.This place very is noisy, would liketo go somewhere you quieter? Any and its compounds (anybody, anyone, anything, anywhere, are usually etc) usedin interrogative sentences. anyone while Did call lwqsout? Not any is usedin negative sentences. Thereisntanycoffee left. Any and its compounds alsobe usedwith negative can wordssuchas without, never,rarely. Ihaveneverbeen anywherelike that before. r Whenany and its compounds usedin affirmative are sentences thereis a difference meaning. in Wecanmeet anytimeyoulike. doesn,tmatterwhat time) (it Anyone could thatjob. (it doesn,tmatterwho) do ' No and its compounds usedinstead not are of any in negative sentences. (= She nothinq. Shedidn'tsayanything.) said Therewasnobodythere. (= There wasn,tanybodythere.) Note:We usea singular verbwith compounds some,any and no.There nothinq cando. of is we

Each/Every Each and everyare usedwith singular countable nouns.we normally eachwhen we referto two people use or things,and everywhen we referto three or more peopleor things.thado bogin eochhand. Everyroom the'hotel in has en suite an bathroom. ' ' ' ' pronouns everyone, everybody, everything and the adverb everywhere usedin affirmative, are ]n" interrogative and negative sentences, arefoilowed a singular and by verb. we normally everywhen we arethinkingof peopre thingstogether; group, use or in a to meanall, everyone, etc. Weposted leaflet a through everydoorin the street. we useeveryto show how often somethinghappens. go to scotland we everysummer. buses The leave everyfive minutes. we useeveryBUTNoT eachwith wordsand expressions as almost,nearly, such practically without and exception Wewroteto practicolly every organisation couldthinkof asking help. we for

A few/Few - A little/Little A few and few areusedwith pluralcountable nouns.A little and little areusedwith uncountable nouns. ' A few means not many but enough.Thereareofewoppresleft,wouldyoulikeone? r Few meanshardly any, almost none, and can be usedwith very for emphasis. There (very) are few ploces for you.ng people go in thevillage. to r A little meansnot much but enough. There iso little you mitkteft, don't need buy today. to any -lir"iiroltitttetrafficatthat ' Little means hardlyany,almostnone,and can be used*i,h u"ryior.ron# timeof nioht.




A lot oflLotsof - Much - Many l i A l o t o f a n dl o t so f a r eu s e d i t h b o t h p l u r ac o u n t a b la n d u n c o u n t a b n o u n sT h e y r en o r m a l lu s e d n w e le . a y affirmative The sentences. of is omitted when a lot/lots are not followedby a noun. Werethereolot/lotsof peopleat the meeting? therewerelots. Yes Much and manyare usually usedin negative and interrogative sentences. Much is usedwith uncountable nounsand many is usedwith pluralcountable nouns.Didyougetmanybirthdaycords? Thereisn'tmuchwqter

How much and how many areusedin questions and negations. e amount- Howmuchsugorhavewegotleft? How much + uncountable noun How many + countablenoun + number - Howmanypeople coming the are to party? Too much is usedwith uncountable nouns.lt hasa negative meaning and shows that thereis moreof mitkinthistea. something than iswantedor needed. Thereistoomuch Too many is usedwith pluralcountable nouns.lt hasthe samenegative meaning too much.|mverytired. as l'vehad toomany lote nightsthisweek We usemany/much/some/any/mosV(a) few/(a) little/several/one/two + of followedby the/thaVthis/ etc group.Mostof these/those then a nounwhen talkingabouta specific and thepeopleattherestourontordered (people general) pasta.(the people the restaurant) at BUT Mostpeoplelikepasfa. in

r . r

Match columns make the to sentences. (See Suggested Answers Section)

' rf,o tor.no.,r ||re LedLr re I

7 8

Her parents '


-' ..^-i.o.l e u i;' ;r;;"1;;';'l;;; r u r m o n e y . p r u r rl 5 i e d r| i l rr g d r u i . to send the studentsto allowed rne neaqma5rer.

l t w i l l b e v e r yd a n g e r o u " ! s Hewarnedme that it would be verydangerous " N o ,I d i d n ' tb r e a k h e g l a s s . " t H e d e n i e d a v i n q r o k e nh e q l a s s . h b t

, Carl

t - : i rhey


- " ' " *i 'a r r a n'g e m e n t s h e r s e l f . t i threatened . him to get moreexercise.

g t a d v i s e d t . m a k i na l l o f h e

Rewrite following the sentences in reported speer using appropriate an introductory asinthe verb,
example. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ( S e e u g g e s t e dn s w e r S e c l: ' S A s

i ,"t"n

theYcould i { I to do whatever ' rl:,q?:::l t:i:i:.d-:: ls:e --" - I -.i.-* ...

i thov rnrrld I

i oor*.0 about.

e herto go to theparty'

I ' tn dn rnrh:tavor r

" N o ,l w o n ' t h e l p o ua n ym o r e . " y Herefused helpmeanymore, to "lt would be a good ideafor you to join a gym "Don't forgetit's Dawn's birthday Friday." on "Wouldyou likea lift to the station, tomorrowl "lt was Mikewho brokethe computer. " "You'renot allowed watchthat film. lt's not to " s u i t a b lf o r c h i l d r e n . e "We'rehaving dinnerpartyon Saturday. Wor.: a y o u a n d P a u l i k et o c o m e ? " " D o y o u k n o ww h e r e h e n e a r e s t a n ki s ? " t b " l t w a s n ' tm e w h o a t ea l lo f t h e b i s c u i t" . s " l i n s i stth a t y o u r e f u n d h e m o n e y m m e d i a t e l y t i



Fillin the correctform of the reportingverbsfrom the list. . refuse. apologise . explarn. suggest for . Warn . deny . Offer . aCCUSe 1 2 "Wouldyou likeme to helpyou with youressay? " Sheoffered helpme with my essay. to " S h a lw e g o t o t h e c o n c e ro n F r i d a n i g h t ? " l t y H es u g g e s t eg o i n gt o t h e c o n c e ro n F r i d a y d t night. " l'm sorryI didn'tcometo the party. " Sheapologised not coming the party. for to "Youwerespeeding.

3 4

Fillin o/anor some.

1 s o m em i l k 2 a chip ? s o m p n n l er r i r e e i 4 5 somefruit a burger 6 7 8 9 10 somerice anegg sometea a potato some paghetti s

H e a c c u s em e o f s p e e d i n g . d 5 " No, I won't do it." Sherefused do it. to 6 | was latefor work becausemissed bus. I the H ee x n l a i n etd a t h e h a db e e nl a t ef o r w o r k h b e c a u sh e h a dm i s s e t h e b u s . e d


c$rgml||$r an
Write C(for countable)U(foruncountable) or next to each thenouns. of Then, them make use to up sentences, theexample. asin
(See Suggested Answers Section) cheesesandwichC; yogurt U; sugar U; pear C; oregano mussel flourU; ketchup grapefruit U; C; U; C; omelette C l'd likea cheese juice, sandwich a glass orange and please. of 3 A: Do you think we invitedtoo many peopleto the party? B: Maybe. There isn'tmuchroomin here. 4 A: We'vegot a few potatoes, shallI makesome chipsT 6'. I don't think you'llbe ableto, there's verylittle oil left.

Fillinis,ore, or some. a(n)

| want to buysomenew clothes weekenq. this Arethereanypotatoes left? Broccoli verygood for you. is | was hopingyou couldgiveme somelnformatron. He is looking a new flat. for Theysaythat the firsttwo weeksof the course are the mostdifficult. 7 Wouldyou likea glass water? of 8 Accommodation London vervexoensive. in is 1 2 3 4 5 6

5 A : We haven't got muchtime you know. B : I know just give me a few minutes and l'll be ready. doesn'tmatterif we'rea littlelate. lt

Replace words boldwithafew,alittle, the in very few,or very little.

1 lt's beentwo or three weekssinceI spoketo Carol. a few 2 3 lt'sa serious problem there's but not muchwe can do about it, l'm afraid. verylittle Most of the guestshad left but therewere still a coupleof people standing aroundchatting. few a

What yousee thepicture? can in Which things are countable which and uncountable?
(Ss'own answers)

4 They had made a lot of food but onlv a small amount of it was eaten. little a 5 Shespeaks fluentFrench some ltalian. little and a 5 Hardlyany students studyLatinand ancient Greek at schoolthesedays. veryfew 7 There's small amount of stew left; would you a liketo finishit? a little 8 Not manypeople wouldargue with you aboutthat. veryfew

the filling or 10 Complete sentences ineach every.

Ron must be veryfit. Practically everytime I walk pastthe gym,I seehim in there. Eachof us was askedto stand up and introduce ourselves the group. to

(countable) Thereanapple. is (uncountable) Theresome is spaghetti. etc Complete dialogues fillingin some, the by any, many,much,(o) little,(a)few. 1 A: Have gotanymore juice? we orange B: Yes thinkthere's little/some I a left. 2 A: Arethereanytickets for the Friday left night performance? B: Yes, we have few left.Howmanv sir. a would youlike?

Pennyand her sisterget on very well with each other. Trainsto the town centre leave every twenty mrnutes. Theyarea verygood team.Theyhavewon almost gamethey've every played season. this lan couldn'tdecide whetherto havethe icecream or the chocolate cake,so he tried a little bit of eachof them.



questions, 13 Askandanswer (See asin the examples. Answers :'-' Sect Suggested
. .. a:....

foods. different showing at a. Look the pictures a Usethe promptsandseverol, lotof,no, not a not a many, much, few, little,to makeup in the examples. as sentences, (See Answers Section) Suggested r r beans tomatoes r r pasta. apples strawberries . . r potatoes icecream. raspberriesbroccoli . . . . . souo chocolatescake. biscuits lentils milk . . salad crisps orange . juice

t4l E :


you 1 A: Did buy many eggs? B: No,justafew.

2 A: Didyoubuy much coffee? B: No,justalittle.

of Use English
(See Section) Answers Suggested any A: Are there tomatoes? etc there a B: Yes, are fewtomatoes.

ask again, in pairs and then Look thepictures at questions,intheexample. as answers

. Key Transformations Word

sentence the In Study examples. eachcase second the hasa similar meaning the firstsentence. to

asin compounds, the in any, 12 Fill some, noor their example. for somebodv/someone 1 Wewerelostsowe asked
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 directions. we Have got any morepasta? there's cakeleft. no l'm afraid when you'reat the Will you get somelambchops supermarket? I ls thereanything cando to help? find for | looked overthe house it, but I couldn't all it anywhere. their I Andy and Jim must haveleft already.called flat but nobody/no answered. one Theyknewnothingaboutit until it wastoo late. hot and to We are determined go somewhere this sunny our holidays year. for | lovethat song,l've neverheardanythinglike it before.


" " Don'tforgetto buy a birthday cardfor Phil, Amy \ saidto me. card r"r'"0"0 O"'y remindedme to buy a birthday

for Phil. "Get out of the car!" the policeman at shouted them. policeman to get out orderedthem ordered The of the car. " 3 Bensaid," OK,I will walkthe dog today. agreed Benagreedto walk the dog that day. 4 Thereis verylittle breadleft. is There hardlyany breadleft. hardly 5 | lookedin the bag but therewasn'tanything it. in nothing I lookedin the bag but there was nothing 6 , \ ln tt. likes that actorand shehasseenall of his Shereally fllms. that actorand shehasseen likes Shereally every hisfilms. evervone of I


w$rcnnlff &,{3 LJ
"'o **'-

i=:: ,




Complete sentences two to fivewords, the with including word in bold.Do not change the the meaning the original of sentence. 1 "l'mnotgoing lend anymore you to money,', Jack
told Rob. refused Jack refusedto lend Rob any more money. Chloe said, " l ' m a f r a i di t ' s m y fault that we're " late. that Chloeexplained that it was her fault that theywerelate.

He has a very good j o b a n d he earns ots oi X money. 10 Do you think there is too hD(vmuch garlicin tris sauce?

t \

t 1

::-l - i

' WordFormation

_ 1

-ship: (added nounsthat referto people) to refers

to the state, experience skill of these or people (citizenship, friendship) -hood: (added nounsthat referto people) to refers to the states, conditions periods time in or of which sth is experienced . (boyhood,manhood) -ment: (addedto verbs)refersto the process of m a k i n go r d o i n g s t h , o r t h e r e s u l to f t h i s process (enjoyment, punishment) -ness: (addedto adjectives)refersto the state or qualitydescribed the adjective (carelessness, by rudeness)

"YesEve, you cango and watchthe film," herdad told her. allowed Eve's allowed to go andwatch dad her thefilm. "Yes,I'vegot a lot of work to do this week,,,he s ad . i admitted He admittedhavinga lot of work to do that weeL. Shehad nowhere staythat night. to anywhere Shedidn't haveanywhere staythat to night. The exam was very difficult and most of the students failed. very The exam was very difficult and very few of the students passed. "Don't forgetto callJim,"Annesaidto me. r e m i n d e d A n n er e m i n d e m e t o c a l lJ i m . d We onlyhavea verysmallamountof cheese left. little We haveverylittlecheese left.

the noun the 16 Form correct from wordin bold.

" ,1'-n.'4":

1 Neil is an old childhoodfriend of his. When she told us what had happened, all just staredat her we inamazement.



. Error Correction out word sentence. 1 5 Cross theincorrect in each

1 Dawnwarned}{ us that it was probably goingto rainlaterthat day. 2 Hethreatened tffi to callthe police theydidn,t if q t u r nt h e m u s i c o w n . 3 Hesuggested the ftgoing shopping nextday. 4 Jilldenied p( having caused accident. the 5 Will you buy some { rice when you go to the shops? 6 There'sa pQ little coffee left. Would you like a n o t h ec u p ? r 7 | was sureit was the right room but therewas ffi nobody there. 8 She loves that singerand she'sgot everyo)Q CD he'severmade.

e 3 4

Claire nd Helen rein partnership a a together.

:. ?*

It's very difficult to find full-time employment that field. in 5 Sheis suffering from a serious illness and it's going to take her a long time to recover. Over lastfew years, the therehasbeen a decrease homeownership the in in UK,with morepeople choosing rent to rather thanbuy. He's very young to face the responsibilrties of fatherhood. When we first visited the we were very impressed by friendliness the locals. of




i -


: :-_ -/


ffiur &3%*
. OpenCloze of and the 17 Read textbelow think the Use space, which fitseach best word There an is space. one only wordineach (0) thebeginning. example at . Multiple hoice loze C C A, the then the 18 Read textbelow, circle answer B,Cor Dwhich (0) There anexample at thebeginning. is fits best thespace. #X *ru&ffis"% '%&w&*w qw


your health? Looking fora way to improve 0) Adding greentea 1) to your diet may be the answer.In recent studies,green tea 2) has confirming proved be beneficial our health, to to at least4,000 yearsof medicalpracticein 3) 4) Asia.lt is the second most commondrink in t h e w o r l d a n d c o u l d a l s o b e 5 )t h e m o s t you can take 6) to protect valuable substance haveshownthat your generalhealth. Studies people who drinkgreentea havea lowerrisk 7) 8) of sufferingfrom many diseases, such as green Furthermore, cancerand heart disease. yourappetite. also lt fillingand curbs tea is very 9) aidsin breaking down bodyfat and lowering h i g h b l o o d s u g a r l e v e l s .O t h e r a d v a n t a g e s of includethe prevention virusesand tooth 10)in order to reap the full decay.However, protective tea,you 11) haveto of benefits green tea drinkat least5-10cupsa day.Green extract for tablets also12)on the market thosewho are to want to get their dailydose,without having d r i n k s o 1 3 )m a n y c u p s .G r e e nt e a i s s u r et o to make14)a difference your eatinghabitsand overall health. So, why 15)not have a cup today?

h Bananas ave become Britain. 0 ) m o s tp o p u l a rf r u i t . l t i s h a r d . s surprising ince this brigl^: yellow tropicalfruit has s: t m u c h o 1 ). . . . . . . . l t t a s t e . it sweet and delicious, . a . 2) .......with vitamins -: : 3 as di sv e r y ) . . .. . . . : n mineral a d i g e s t .B a n a n a s l s o c o n t a i n' 4) fibre,whichgive' sugars combined ........ of mixture threedifferent They are enjoyedb, your systeman instantburst 5) ........energy. t a , m a n yw o r l d c l a s s t h l e t e sw h o u s e t h e m t o 6 ) . . . . . . . . h e i r e n e r q , c s. l e v e l u p d u r i n g o m p e t i t i o n7 ) . . . . . . .f.a c t ,t h e ya r eo f t e nt a k e no n : : s or tennis stars eaten': by snack leading Courtfor a mid-game Centre golfers them arou': carry Even famous footballers. 8) ........ half-time b . m a 9) t t o e a td u r i n gh e i rg a m e B a n a n a s . . . . . . . . a k e g r e a t r e a k f a s t : ' ':' , i a s n a c kf o r s t u d e n t s s t h e y a r e 1 0 ) . . . . . . . . n p o t a s s i u mv i t a l What's more, it's not only humansw-: concentration. improving o t s H . t 1 1 ) . . . . . .e n j o y h e b e n e f i t s . o r s er a i n e r u s eb a n a n ats b o o s t - : you can see, banar:. As athletes. 12)... . of their four-legged w v e W e 1 3 ) . . . . . . . f o r v e r y o n e . e c a n a l l i n c r e a so u r d a i l y i t a l i t y i t h t - = o o y g f h e l po f t h i su n i q u er u i t .S i m p l s l i c i n a b a n a n a n 1 4 ). . . . . . . . f c on eatingone with our lunchor just snacking c-* cereal, breakfast l s 1 5 ) . . . .. t h e d a yc a nh e l pu s k e e po u r e n e r g ye v e l h i g h .

ffiffmmmmw ffiWffiy



0 A much 1 A give 2@packed 3 A simple 4 A to 5@of 6 A match T A T o S A w i t h 9@also l0Awealthy 11 Amight 12 A effect '13 A do 14@top 15 A while

D best C manY (p) most D bring B take @offer D top B complete C full C c o m f o r t a b l eD g e n t l e @easy D bY B of @with D out C with B in C catch B take @keeP C F o r B O n @ t n D a s C f o r @ O V D thouq' B however C besides ChealthY @rich Dwoulc Cmust @can B competition@ performanceD challe-ry C help B make @at" D throu;C cover B over D before B after @during Bfull


Elgmlnilt .N U S I
(Units Revision 1-B)
14 | havenever met ............ smartas herbefore. as

Circle correct the item.

1 H o wl o n g. . . . . . . . . .d i dy o u l e a v e n i v e r s i t y ? .. u uSo B when C before D earlier @ 2 l a m g o i n g o b e da ss o o n st h e f i l m. . . . . . . . . .. . . t a A finished @ tinistres B is finishing D willfinish t h a nJ u l i e . C tallest D astatl

@ anyone B everyone 't5 There are

A few @

C noone D nobody biscuits left. Helpyourself. afew C little D alittte

1 6 It's going to be a huge party. They have invited practically they know A somebody C nobody B anybody @ everybody 1 7 H e . . . . . . . . . .u . t o t a k et h e t r a i nb e c a u ste e t r a f f i c .s h wasverybad. A offered C forbade advised D suggested @ 18 My boss weeK. @ asked B said me to work on Saturday this C insisted D explained

3 J a n e u s tb e s l i g h t l y m A tall @ tatter 4 I'm too tired A g o @ toqo

out tonight. C going D for going

In the end he to go to the library because he foundallthe information that he wantedon the web. A needhave B needn,t C need @ didn,tneed

6 l ' m s u r eh e . . . . . . . . . .h.a v et o l d u s i f h e h a d k n o w n . anything. A must B can @ would D ougnT 7 T h e i rh o u s e . . . . . . . . .m. o r et h a n a h u n d r e d e a r s . . y ago. A h a db u i l t @ w a sb u i t t B i sb u i l d i n g D w a sb u i l d i n g 3 The thieves place. shortlyafter the robberytook

19 Anna is very stressedShe saysshe has thingso do. t A verymany @ too many B verymuch D too much 2 0 A . . . . . . . . . .o f m y f r i e n d s o w w o r k i n L o n d o n . .. n A each B many @ lot D all


Fill themissing in word.

I was getting ready for work when the doorbell rang.

C havebeenarrested @ werearrested B arebeing arrested D will be arrested A f t e r b e i n gg i v e nt h e a w a r d , h e a c t o r . . . . . . . . . .a . t . few words. A told C requested said D tatked @

2 He hasbeenworkingherefor morethan 15 years. 3 I can'tbelieve Markwill be 30 nextApril. that 4 I offeredto givemy sistera lift to the airportlater 5 Thecarwas stolenfrom rightoutside house. his 6 Laura asked iflwhether was comingor not me Jim 7 He had hishousepainted a professional. by 8 I trustAlex.l'm surehe wastellingthe truth. 9 There's littleorange juiceleft in the carton. very We
needto buysome.


H e . . . . . . . . . .a n e x t r a e to f k e y s u t a f t e rB i l lm o v e d .. s c in. A has C hasbeenhaving B is having @ fraA

1 1 H e . . . . . . . . . . . . a t h e w o u l dc a l lh e rb a c kl a t e r . th A offered C asked promised D refused @

't0 She apologised forgettingmy birthday. for 1 1 The saucewas veryspicy. think I put too mucn I
chillipowderin it.

1 2 He boasted
@ about l'vegot A lot

winninghistennismatch. B on C for D to of thingsto do today. B many @ tots D much

1 2 l'm afraidthereisn'tanyspaghetti left. 1 3 Sheclaimed havefinished reportalready. to the 1 4 How rnuchdid yournew shoes cost? 1 5 Shewas carrying suitcase eachhand. a in

1 3 l'm not sureif I will havetime to meet you later.



2 Type and3 Conditionals

. to whicharecontrary factsin situations imaginary (unrealpresent)are usedto express Type2 conditionals in or in to happen the present future.We can usewere for all persons are and,therefore, unlikely the present, you ...to giveadvice. lf we the if-clause. canalsousethe structure I were M a i nC l a u s e + would/could/might presentbareinfinitive I early, couldget frontrowseats.tf twent to theboxoffice newsqa7er. wouldbuy today's . lf it wosn'tso lqte,wecouldgo on a picnic. If I wereyou,I

to whicharecontrary factsin the situations imaginary (unrealpast)areusedto express Type3 conditionals or regrets criticism' past.Theyarealsousedto express lf-clause -"tt Main Clause would/could/might + perfect bare infinitive

....-.,........-... 1 .--....

, lf + past perfecVpastperfect continuous

he earlier. If he hod beenwotchingthenews, wouldhaveknownabout : tf wehod known,we wouldhavetokenshelter '', theaccident. to the We canomit if and invert word orderin formalEnglish form type 1, 2 and 3 conditionals. avoided. couldhavebeen the morecareful, accident Hodhe been from one typeof an by wherethe contextpermits, combining if - clause can MixedConditionals be used, from another. with a mainclause conditional


lf - clause

Main clause
*-,.!. - --:1,



last r" ^i"ahis flisht nisht,

typ" 2: lf he was richer,

:::::. !.::. : \-_ - y.P::.::-*-l:9-?-:::* ^


Type1: he will takethe firstone this morning the Type3: he wouldn'thaveneeded loan. now. be at university Type2: shewould

v v t > tt c > r a We can usewish/if only to express wish.



^**^^*^ v";;;;;;;-;^*^"1- ........_...-. ,

t t*ithlwerefamous.(but l'm not) 1. twishlwerefamous.(but not) l'm (but I don't) Woods. tf only t ployedgolflikeTiger withyou.(butl'm not) coming I wishI were wasn'tcomingwith us.(but she is) | If onlyPenny

-u';^**^' ,
| to say that we would like

t1 wichliinnlv+ past t wish/if only + na<t 1 -r--^-^r^ r---r continuous simple/past^ - r i . 1

in to I something be different I the present

about regret to express ldidn't) wish/ifonly+past perfect I t*itntnoagonetotheconcertwiththem.(but whichhappened something If onlylhadlearnedtoplaytheguitarwhenlwasyounger.; in or didn't happen the past (but I didn't) | --"-"--"-*-*l--

* wish/ifonly+rubjeci

on lwish you wouldcometo lessons time. If onlyitwould sto7raining.


to express: o politeimperative . a desire a situation or for to person's behaviour cnange


- $rgl|lrfigl 1{-z
: , 1"" r--1 : \. r--'

o A f t e r t h e s u b j e c t p r o n o u n s l a n d w e , w e c a n u s e c o u l d i n s t e a d o f w o wlid . w e c o u l d g o t o g e t h e r , t u sh Notes: . lf only is moreemphatic than wish . We can usewere instead was after wish and if only. of

Had Better/Would Rather

Had better (= it would be goodto) is usedto givestrongor urgentadvice. Had better refers onlyto the present or future. ' had better + bare infinitive -l immediate futureYou had better buytheticketstonight.

Would rather (= would preferto) expresses preference. When the subjectof would rqtherisalsothe subjectof the following verb,we usethe following constructions: t ' ' would rather + presentbare infinitive --+ presenVfuture I'drathergotothecinematomorrowafternoon. woufd rather+ perfectbare infinitivg + pdst- t'dratherhavegonetothemuseumwithTom. wouf d rather + bare infinitive + than (+ bare infinitive) - I'drothergo to theconcert you than (go) with with Doug.

Whenthe subject would ratheris different of from the subject the following of verb,we usethe following constructions: ' ' would rather + past tense - present/future l'd rather Johnfinished articlebefore leaves. the he would rather + past perfect '+ past- I'd rather hodarrived thetheatre we at earlier because missed start we the of theplay.

. .,

Match items column with those column the in A in B to make sentences, in the example. as
A a b c d e f B he wouldcomewith us I couldlearna foreign language. we couldvisither more often. theywould find a biggerflat. I wouldapplyfor thal job. you mightstillcatch t h et r a i n .

2 3 4

1 lf I wereyou, 2 l f N e i ld i d n ' t \ to work tonight, 3 lf you left right 1l away, ) 4 l f E m m a i d n ' tl i v e d so far away, '1 5 lf I had more free ttme, ? .,1 6 lf they had more money,

7 8

"2 | -e lf lwereyou,lwouldapplyforthatjob. 10 , , 3-f,4-c,5-b,6-d Putthe verbs brackets the correct in into tense, as in the example. 1 lf we hadenough money, could (go)to the we go cinema.

lf I had known it was your birthday, would have I bought(buy)you a present. lf I were you, I would write (write) a letter of complaint the company. to lf I hadn't got stuck in traffic, I wouldn,t have (noVmiss) train. missed the lf we had beeninvited the wedding, would to we havegone(go). lf you didn't haveto work on Saturdays, could we yourparents visit(visit) moreoften. lf I were an architect, coulddesign(design)my I own house. lf you hadstudied you harder, wouldn'thavefailec (not/fail)yourexams. lf you had told him the truth, he would la."e forgiven(forgive)you. lf we had a garden,we could grow (grow) o:: own vegetables.


to then usethe prompts write Lookat the pictures, sentences. type2 or type3 conditional (See Section) Answers Suggested


golCaribbean island W h a tw o u l dy o u d o i f y o u . . .

my invite/all friends

weight? 1 wantedto lose I weight, wouldstartgoingto thegyr" to lf I wanted lose diet.et: I weight, wouldeata healthy lf I wanted lose to 2 won the lottery? holiday? 3 hadtwo week's to 4 moved a new house?

questions whatyou about ask Inpairs, andanswer as situations,in of would ineach thefollowing do theexample. '

(See SectrcAnswers Suggested

illegally/not Frank/park get parking ticket

be havea laptop/not Julie/not from home able/work

favourite singer 1 you/meeVyour singr! A: Whatwouldyoudo if you metyourfavourite I favourite singer, wouldaskhim/herFw B: lf t met my an autogra7h. 2 you/win/two tickets to watch your local footbal team your centre/open/near house 3 a new sports party fancydress 4 your friends/have/a

town the circus/visiVyour match v to you/havea choice/go a basketball concert music classical

studyhard/not Jennifer/not graduate from university notes/ Stanley/read not failltest

3 using 2 the Complete sentences type ortype asin conditionals, theexample.

haveboug': 1 lf I had been givena pay rise,I could newcar. 2 lf I wasn'tso tired,I would go to the cinema we 3 lf it wassnowing, couldgo skiing. I 4 lf I was goingon holiday,wouldgo to Paris job, she could rent a 5 lf Lucyhad a better 6 7 8 9 10 flat. I lf you had calledme earlier, would havec: with you we lf we hadseenHarry, would havetold hirr lf I wereyou,I wouldtakethe train. lf you had readthat book,you couldansw" questions. his lf Markhadn'tbroken leg,he would have-: on holiday.

using up and Look thepictures make sentences at up Then as theprompts, intheexample. make extra using ownideas' for situation, your sentences each
(SeeSuggested Section) Answers

house buy/new


$rglttiltffr w v}%
Look the pictures complete wishes. at and the Then make mixed conditionalsentences the using prompts, in the example. as
(See Suggested Answers Section) My friends should ave h arflved. I shouldn't q h a v e u i tm y job. 5 | can'taffordto buy a motorbike. 6 My fatherwon't let me drivehisnew car. 7 | forgotto sendmy sister birthday a caro. 8 I lostmy gold bracelet. 9 Read the story below and rewrite it usingtype 3 conditional sentences, in the example. as (See Suggested Answers Section)




I t w a sS a t u r d am o r n i n g n d M r sJ e n k i nh a dt o y a s go to the supermarket buy the weekly to groceries. carparkwas full,so sheparked The on the street.The supermarket was so crowded t h a t i t t o o k h e ro v e ra n h o u rt o d o h e rs h o p p i n g . When she got to the cashier, realised she that she had left her pursein the car,so shecouldn't payfor her groceries. went to the carto get She her pursebut the streetwas emptyand her car had disappeared. called She the police report to that her car had beenstolen. The police told her that her car had beentowed awaybecause she h a dp a r k e dt i n a n o - p a r k i nz o n e . e rh u s b a n d i g H had to go down to the policestationand pay the fineso that shecouldget hercarback.

I should have studied the for

If thecarpark hadn't been she full, wouldn't parked have on thestreet. Fillin the correct verbform,asin the exampte.
I would rather the plumber came (come) tomorrow,because don't want to wait around I for him today. I would ratheryou hadn't gone (noVgo)to that partyyesterday. I think he would rather not have watched (novwatch) the film. He didn't seemto enjoy it much. l ' d r a t h e rp i a y ( p l a y ) - t e n n its a n g o s w i m m i n g h nextweekend. I would rather they had tried (try) to fix the computer themselves beforethey askedme to do rt. 6 I would rather you caught(catch) latertrain. a 7 Wouldyou ratherI called (call)you or sentyou a text message? 8 . l'd rather wait (wait)for Sarah than go on without her.

1 noVbe/bored now lwish my friends arrived.lf friends arrived had my had I wouldn't bored be now. 2 3 4 5 6 noVbe/so tired now noVneed to/lookfor another one now be ableto/answer questions the noVhave/this hugecreditcardbill noVstill work/on it now
. .,.\o_t..-n=-:.:.:__

'_ *""n***+iil{6t**a,..^r..*d*isitri.*iiffi..sr.-

Rewrite sentences wishes saywhich the as and onesare regretsand whichareunrealsituations, as in the examples. (See Suggested Answers Section) 1 I didn't study French school. at I wishhadstudied I (regret) French school. at 2 I haven't a CDplayer. got (unreal lwishI hada CD player. situation) 3 I leftmyumbrella thebus. on 4 | don'tknowhowto use computer. a


and bubbles, use then 1 1 Lookat the pictures speech yourown ideas make sentences, in the as to up example. (See Suggested Answers Section)


questions would rather the using 12 Answer following as ,,,because your and ownideas, intheexample.

(See Answers Section) Suggested

to 1 Yourfriends goingon holiday a Greekisland are your parents haveofferedto but the sameweek takeyou to Paris with them. I becauseloverelaxing Iwouldrathergo with my friends on thebeach. 2 Yourbrotheris goingto rent a videofor you both to film. watch.Hesuggests either comedy a horror a or 3 ask lt is your birthdayand your parents you if you to wouldprefer somenew clothes a membership a or gym You are a bit short of moneyand your bossasks you to work overtimeon Fridaybut you had plannedto go to the cinemawith your already bestfriendthat night.

I hatehaving to weara school uniform.

. : ish didnthave wear I to a I didn't have school uniform.lf uniform,l towear school o couldwear jeansto my school.

4 to I have attend lectures theyare but so boring.

can'tdecide whetherto go to a club 5 Yourfriends tomorrownightor out for a mealat a restaurant.

Use English of
. Error Correction
word sentence. out 13 Cross theincorrect ineach
t 1 l ' d r a t h e ! o g o s w i m m i n gh a ns a i l i n g . r to 2 lf I didn't haveso muchhomework do, I go out tonight. could!s lf I were you, I would lDre talk to my manager aboutit. to 4 I prefer fisending e-mails writingletters youbad called him now. 5 l'd rather 6 | wish you would bare pay more attention in class. I 7 lf I hadn'tlad goneto the party, w o u l d n ' th a v e e t C o l i n . m 8 lf I ba\ won the lottery,I would travel around world. the 9 | wish it would be stop raining. 10 lf you hadn'therr workedso hard,you yourexams. wouldn'thavepassed you you 11 Unless driveslowly, mayMhave an accident. . 1 2 l w i s h I h a dh d m o r e m o n e yT h e nI couldafforda holiday. you br'rtalkedless. 13 l'd rather your 14 Woulditlet be OK if I borrowed pen? detective. 15 You'dbetterlo hirea private

I missed bus the t h i sm o r n i n g .

is stilltalking

g &$gullllllol
9T3 *%{:

. Key Word Transformations

In Studythe examples. eachcasethe secondsentence hasa similarmeaningto the first sentence.

rgnore rgnorance correspond correspondence - collection collect reduce reduction examine examination

,regretnot goingto the party. t 1 | really wish I wish I had gone to the party. 2 What a pityyou didn'tget that job. only lf only you had got that job. 3 | likeplaying football betterthanwatching on W. it than l'd rather play football than watch it on TV.

noun the the 14 Form correct from wordin bold.

1 There werea few people standing the aroundoutside mainentrance to thebuilding. 2 She has been working for the organisationfor more than ten years. 3 Theygot in the car and droveoff in the direction the town centre. of 4 5 We expected largeattendance a at the liveconcert. Moira felt great affection for her brother. 6 A c o m b i n a t i oo f g o o dl u c ka n ds k i l l n h e l p e d i mt o w i n t h e g a m e . h 7 The decorators tried to cause little as disturbanceto the oeoole who workedin the building possible. as 8 Theelectrician checked connection C O N N E C T the the between two cables. 9 Getting stuck in a traffic jam has become everyday an occurrence since I started driving. 'l 0 The government will need to take actionto dealwith thiscrisis. 1 1 The manager told her secretary she wantedno interference from anyone INTERFERE t duringhe meeting. ACT OCCUR \ \ DISTURB COMBINE AFFECT DIRECT ATTEND ORGANISE ENTER

My fatherdoesn't want meto go out on a school night. rather My fatherwould ratherI didn't go out o n a s c h o on i g h t . l

5 | likeltalian food morethan Chinese. prefer I preferltalianfood to Chinese food. 6 | don't fancygoingout tonight,let'sstayat home. rather l'd prefer stayat homeratherthan to go out tonight. 7 | t h i n ky o us h o u l do o kf o r a n o t h ejro b . l were lf I were you, I would look for another job. 8 | don't havethe time to go to nightschool. would lf I had the time, I would go to night school. 9 We didn't haveenoughmoney we couldn'tbuy so the house. could lf we had hadenoughmoney, could we havebought the house. 10 My husband started own business his when he lost h i sj o b . hadn't lf my husband hadn't lost hisjob, he his wouldn'thavestarted own business. l /

the with 1 5 Complete sentences two to fivewords, including wordin bold. notchange the Do the meaning theoriginal of sentence.
I likescience fictionfilmsmorethan horrorfilms. prefer preferscience I fiction films to horror films. I can't open my own restaurant because don't I haveenoughmoney. would lf I had enoughmoney,I would ope" my own restaurant.

'12 The burglars disguised themselves to

avoiddetection. DETECT


]nur &m *%w

I He was drivingtoo fast so he got a speeding ticket. lf he hadn't been driving been too fast, he wouldn't have got a speeding ticket. lt would be a good ideato sellthat old motorbike and buya car. were lf I were you, I would sell e t h a t o l d m o t o r b i k a n db u y a car.

. Multiple hoice loze C C A, the the then 16 Read textbelow, circle answer B,Cor Dwhicf" (0)at thebeginning. fits There anexample is best thespace.
For some peopleflying is a Sure'r terrifying experience. even those of us 0) w''il . quite enjoy this for-' 1 ) . . . . . . . . . t r a v ec o u d ... l :o neverbe convinced t jump out of arl 10,000 fed aeroplane grouni above the However. this is what choose thousands skvdivers of to do everyday, and what's mo'e, it a try. 2) should someof them claimthat everyone t S o d o y o u 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . r . s h i n g o w a r d st h e g r o u n da t o v e r o " e .u pieceof clo:tt on and fifty kmsan hourwhile relying a square hundred s t o 4 ) . . . . . . . . . . y.o u b a c kd o w nt o E a r t h a f e l y ? . . j f .o t l f 5 ) . . . . . . . . . . .y . , u h a v e w o o p t i o n so r y o u rf i r s t u m p . T h ef i r s ti s: l ' 6 . m a k e a t a n d e mj u m p , w h e r e y o u w i l l b e s t r a p p e d ) . . . . . . . . . . . a.r Howeve' instructor and the two of you will makethe jump together. abouttakirS 7) if you are serious the second option is usually g o t o g r o u n d c h o o 9,) . . .. . . . . . . y o y s l t po . 8 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .s h e r t H e r e o uw i l l will learnhow to safelyget in and out of the plane,how to packn parachute be and how to steerit. Thenyour first jump will usually a y o u ro w n b u t y o u rp a r a c h u : = s t a t i cl i n ej u m p .Y o uj u m p 1 0 ) Thosemight seemlir: after a coupleof seconds. opensautomatically tr t t h e l o n g e s ta n d s c a r i e s s e c o n d so f y o u r l i f e , 1 1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . e you get whefeeling enthusiasts it is all worth it for the incredible say y e y o u s e et h a t p a r a c h u to p e nu p a b o v e o u .a n d t h e e v e n1 2 ). . . . .. . t that you get when you arrivesafe amazingfeelingof achievement onejump s lt's back13) solidground. true that for mostpeople 1 . n e v e e n o u g h n db e f o r e 4 ). . . . . . . . . . y.o uw o n ' t t h i n kt h e r ei sa n y t h i ' ; r a payi'; moneyand freeweekends aboutspending yourspare all strange j u m pj u s to n em o r e i m e . t .. o t o 1 5 ). . . . . . . . . .t.h e c h a n c te 0 A whom 1@of 2 A make 3 A think 4 A put 5 A only 6 @to 7 A advised 8 A along 9 A while 10 A by 11 A despite 12 @more 13 A at 14 A many 15@have B which B for @qive B expect B turn B not B by C C C C what to have want @who D by D go @tancy D give @to D up D expecte: D off @where D to @Out D bigger D in D far D give

to 5 I couldn'tdrivemy children school yesterday my down. because car'broke lf my car hadn't broken could my down,I couldhavedriven yesterday. children school to 5 I can'taffordto go awaythissummer. only lf only I couldaffordto go awaythis summer. Can 7 l'vegot a lot to do this afternoon. we meettomorrowmorninginstead? rather l'd prefer meettomorrow to m o r n i n gr a t h e r t h a n t h i s afternoon. I What a pity I couldn't go to my cousin's wedding. wish I wish I couldhavegoneto m y c o u s i n 'w e d d i n g . s

9 | like listeningto rock music, not country and western. listen rockmusic to than l'd rather thancountry western. and getsupsetwhen I leave early. 10 My boss rather My boss would rather I didn't leave early. 11 We want to playtennis,but we can't b e c a u sie i s r a i n i n g . t lf it wasn't raining, we was t c o u l dp l a y e n n i s . 1 2 O h n o l I f o r g o tt o c a l lA l e x . to had I wish I had remembered callAlex. h 1 3 | w i s hF i o n a a dt o l d m e t h a t h e r s e l f . I would rather Fiona had would told me that herself. 14 | wish I had kept in touch with Caroi and Vicky. in regret I really regretnot keeping touchwith Carol and Vicky.

I i l

@Orinq C this C with @recommended C wanted B down Orp B after C before C for @on B furthermore C besides B better C though B to Oon C much @tong C make B do

g $runtntur
Onon fla-za

the 1 7 Read text belowandthinkof the wordwhich bestfitseach space. onlyonewordin each Use (0) space. There an example at the beginning. is

T h i s i m e n e x tw e e <. ' , . t A fly B willfly Sorry,I nevermeant t r a c ko f t i m e . A b e @ tobe We expect who got the p"omo: C hearingn @ to hear B hear J e n n yst h e g i r l i engageto Will. d A who @ who's C which D r,".,r^cse C l a i r i s m a d e . . . . . . . . .e .r y o n gh o u r s . e v. l A work @ to work B working D to be working S h e . . . . . . . . .t.h a t s h e w a s g o i n gt o L o n d o n n . o busineshe following eek. ts w A asked C asked me B told re @ toto H e c a n ' t c o m e b e c a u s e e . . . . . . . . . .h i s n e w h . f u r n i t u r e e l i v e r es o m e i m et h i sa f t e r n o o n . d d t A has C h a sb e e nh a v i n g B h a sh a d @ i sh a v i n g It was a greatparty!Practically I know was there. A somebody C nobody B anybody @ everybody 1 0 H e . . . . . . . . t h.a tt h e c a rb e l o n g etd h i m .. o claimed C refused @ B demanded D ordered

ESSEr*TlAt*S for Sutdoon Suruiuat

As city life becomesmore and 0) more stressful, is not surprising it that many people want to get 1 ) a w a yf r o m r t a l l .T h i sh a sm e a n t y a l a r g e n c r e a sie t h e p o p u l a r i to f i n actrvities uch 2) as hiking and s c l i m b i n g . U n f o r t u n a t e l yt h o u g h , being away from civilisatlon its has dangers,as 3) well as its rewards, especially those who have little for experiencewith the great outdoors. Beforeyou head off the beatentrack, you s h o u l db e a w a r eo f t h e r i s k s n d h a v et h e r i g h t a e q u i p m e n t i t h y o u , i n 4 ) c a s e a n y t h i n gd o e s g o w ,vron.g O b v i o u s w h a t y o u n e e dw i l l d e p e n d ) o n w h e r ey o u ly 5 are going and the details your trip. However, of there are >omeessentials that you should neverforget 6) to pack. l a v i n ga c o m p a sa n d a m a p i s c l e a r l v e r yi m p o r t a n tY o u s y , 7 ) w i l l n e v e r i n d y o u rd e s t i n a t i oin y o u a r ew a l k i n g o u n d f f r : n d r o u n d8 ) i n c i r c l e sf. y o u d o g e t l o s ta n d h a v e o s p e n d l t : night outside,having matches(kept in a waterproof : c n t a i n e ra n d s o m ef i r e l i g h t e ra n m a k el i f ea l o t 9 ) m o r e ) c :onfortable.A good fire will keepyou warm and can also :e used to cook food. On the subject10)of food, you ' r o u l d a l w a y sa k em o r e1 1 )t h a ny o u w i l l n e e d . t ' sa l w a y s t l Jetter to carry some food home with you than to run 1 2 )o u t a t a c r u c i am o m e n t S o m e u r v i v a lx p e r t s u g g e s t l . s e :rat you shouldeventake dog biscuits someother food or : 1 a t y o u r e a l l yd o n ' t l i k e 1 3 )s o t h a t y o u w i l l o n l y b e ::mpted to eat it in a realemergency. O t h e r i m p o r t a n tt h i n g s t o h a v e w i t h y o u i n t h e . ' , i l d e r n ea rs a b a s i c i r s t1 4 )a i d k i t a n d e x t r ac l o t h i n gA s e f . j,viss-army knife is also usefulfor all sorts of different :'rings. Onceyou haveall of theseessentials packed safely : r e r es h o u l d e 1 5 )l i t t l e t o p p i n g o uf r o mh e a d i n g f f i n t o y b s o :.e unknown.
-.;....11'' --!.. d.;; ..rd-;-""

in word. 19 Fill themissing

Last year we ;sed to play football every Frida, afternoon. L o o ka t t h o s eb l a c kc l o u d sl,' m s u r ei t ' s g o i n gt o r ai n . l ' d r a t h e y o u h a dt o l d m e e a r l i e r . r George, who wantsto be a lawyer, studying is law at Bristol University. Thatphotograph takenby my grandmother. was S h ee x p l a i n etd a t i t w o u l dt a k es o m et i m e , a n d h go that we should backthe nextday. L a u r a c c u s eh i m o f l y i n g . a d l f o n l yy o u h a dt o l d m e e a r l i e r ,w o u l dh a v e o m e I c withyou. W e h a v et o c a l l C h r i sa n d t e l l m e e t i n go n i g h t . t I w o u l d h a v et a k e nt h e t r a l ni '
^ n O d or n e + .r- a;T. .T^r ca s g^ o ^ ^ g I o : = r ff - , w L-,--J +l-^

7 8

(n s R e v i s i oU n i t 1 - 9 )
the item. 18 Circle correct
1 H ew a sh o t a n dt h i r s t y e c a u sh e . . . . . . .f.o r a r u n b e A w a sg o i n g h a db e e n @ B went D havebeen 10




w$rnltl]|lffr a'ffi
r Time when,whenever, assoonas,while,before, as, until/till, after,since,etc Johnsaidthathewouldcall usassoonas hefinishes work. Exception except(for), apart from, etc Everybody thereexcept Janet was going meet was for who to uslater. Relatives who, whom, whose,which, what, thar Thaft thecD that I borrowed Atex. from r Listingpoints/events To begin: initially, first,at first,firstly, starVbegin to with, firstof all,etc Fhstly, thanked he everybody coming. for To continue: secondly, afterthis/that, second, afterwards, then,next,etc Next, addtheonions garlicto the and mixture. To conclude: finally, lastly. the end.at last,eventually, Eventually, arived backhome. in etc we Summarising in conclusion, summary, sum up, on the whore, in ail,artogether, short, in to ail in etc ln conclusion, eatinga healthy balanced is the best to avoid this diet way problem.

- All/None - Either Both/Neither

o ' Both refers two people, to thingsor groups. hasa positive lt meaning and is followed a plural by verb. Johnwentto themeeting. steve wentto themeeting, too. Bothmen wentto the meeting.

"nn", or plural verbin the affirmative. Sheiladoesn'tknowwheretogo.Anndoesn'tknowwheretogo,either.Neitherof the girlsknow/knows where go. to
' t:t:" tor. than two people, thingsor groups. hasa positive lt meaning and is followed a plural by verb lll l:. Attof the childrenwere excited goingon thetrip. about Both/Allcango afterthe verbto be or afteran auxiliary verb but before the main verb. They both/all are very happy. They haveall/bothpassed exam.but rheybothtraveiled coach. the by whole is usedwith singular countable nouns. we usea/the/this/my + whole + noun. whole is not used etc with uncountable nouns. She thewholecake. She all of the coke ate / ate ghe spent (NOTfus@++he+hele ef her monry.) allof hermoney. All + day/morning/week/year = the whole + day/morning/week/year etc etc. He3 been working hardoll morning/the whole morning. Noneof refers two or morepeople, to groups thingsand hasa negative or meaning. is usedwith nounsor lt o b j e c t p r o n o u n s a n d i s f o l l o w e d b y e i t h e r a s i n g u l a r o r a p le r b .l i a s k e d a trtt n e - p e : o p t e a t t h e b u s s t o p b u t v ura o noneof themknewwherethetheatre was. Eitherrefers two people, to thingsor groups and is followed a singular by countable noun.However, the e i t h e r o f+ p l u r a ln o u n p h r a s e s t r u c t u r e c a n b e f o l l o w e d b y e i t h e r a s i n g u l a r o r p l u r a l verb.Theblueshirtisfine. Thewhiteshirt fine,too.Eithershirtisfine. Either the shirts is / of is/are fine. Eithercan alsobe usedat the end of a negative sentence. have "l neverbeen ltaly.,,l,ve to never been, either.,, ' Both ... and is followedby a pluralverb. Both Chris James in scotland. and live Neither'.'.nor/Either or take eithera singular plural .'. or u"ro,i"p*nJrg on tl-'"subject whichfollows nor/or ' EitherNeil Kateisgoingto drivemeto the station. or EitherNeil hisparents goingto drivemeto thestation. or are

n3yn theneither + plural of phrase noun structure o" roilo*"J Ln ou :ou?talle ,How1ver,

Neitherrefers two people, to thingsor groups and hasa negative meaning. is followed a singular lt by

. ,,.nr,.r






&m w%w
by Completethe sentences using the future perfect as simple or the futurepertect continuous, in the example. 1 By the end of the year, I will havebeenworking (work) herefor eight years. (finish) writing that report 2 Petewill havefinished i n h a l fa n h o u r . he Bythe time Gregretires, will havebeenrunning (run)the business morethan thirtyyears. for 4 lf we don't hurry,the concertwill have started (start)by the time we get there. 5 | won't be able to drive to work tomorrow the won't havefixed morningbecause mechanic (not/fix)the caruntilthe afternoon. 6 There's point in phoning her now. She will no haveleft (already/leave). already 3 B yt h et i m ew e . . . . . . . . .t.h .i s , t w i l lb e l u n c h t i m e . . i A will havefinished B willfinish


@ rinisrr
that this time next week you It's hardto believe around ustralia. A A will havebeentravelling @ w i l lb et r a v e l l i n g C travel o . . I t ' sg e t t i n g o l di n h e r e | . . . . . . . . . .t.h e h e a t i n g n . c A will haveput @ willput C will be putting 7 | hopethe weather A, is going to improve B w i l li m p r o v e @ will haveimproved by the time we leave.

Matchthe columns makecompletesentences. to B A ay May, she will have a untiltomorrow llTbl been living Manchester in saidthey b for fiveyears. l2TaI rfre workmen won'thave finished l:ltll t'm sure he will have c all day.
rrrritton tho o<<arr

t . l ' m a f r a i dI . . . . . . . . . . a. c h a n c e o r e a dt h i s u n t i l tomorrow A amnot having @ won't have C won't be having

Underline correctitem. the 1 | will havecleaned the mess up Etore./untilMum getsback. 2 BllBy then the end of the month, he will have for beenteaching threeyears. all 3 Shewill haveprepared of the food bylbv the the guests arrive. lme the 4 The mechanic that he won't havefinished said repai gq!!!since tomorrow. rs is 5 Theessay due tomorrow,but I don't think I wil haveevenstartedit by !he1/the time. 6 We will have been travellingfor three months until/bvthe time we get to Thailand.

I Saturday,will be lTTcl trtext working

d by now.

yourpartner youwillhave what done by: Tell

(5s'own answers) . 8pmtonight . noon tomorrow . nextMonday

eaten By 8pn tonight,lwillhave mydinner. for I will havebeenat school four Bynoontomorrow, hours. lwill all By Monday, havespent mymoney, next

Circle correct the tense. he here 1 By the end of the month, ............ for years. three A willlive B willbeliving been living @ willhave ............7:30 tomorrow morning. 2 Mytrain at leaves @ B willbeleaving been leaving C willhave are heavy; 3 These bags very rs? upstai h @ willyou elp youbehelping B will C willyouhave helped mecarry them

the tense. Underline correct

A The play 1)starts/will start at 8pm so we 2)gi! meeVare meeting you outside the theatre at 7:45pm. lf we 3) are noVwill not be there by going to find 7:55pm,go in and we 4) ygi!-[!4Q/are you when we 5) will arrive/4{p. for B Thanksfor babysitting us tonight;we 1) will it. appreciate/4preg.iglg | 2) have left/will have left some moneyon the kitchencounterso you Please don't let the kids can orderoizzafordinner. watch TV until they 3) have finished/willfinish We theirhomework. 4) will be/arebackby 11.


IU .0totlltllur
i r - ' ) f

C W e l c o m eo t h e G o l d e n a n d s o t e l .I h o p ey o u t S H 1) haveenjoyed/will eniovyourstaywith us.Your room2) will be/jgonthe fifth floorwith an ocean view.The bus into town 3) will stop/glgp5outside the hoteland you can buy your busticketsat the reception desk.lf you 4) will need/neeg[ anything, pleasedo not hesitate ask me or any other to member our staff. of

Rewrite sentences the .lsrlnel using both.".orm, nor, either or,asin the examo or ,,,
l)ee:-l::i.:: : .-

1 F r a n w o r k s n a b a n k T o m , , ' , c ' r-; . : . - ' k i . Both FrankondTom workina ban<. 2 3


Choose the correctitem. you listened thosetwo CDsyet? A: Have to B : N o ,I h a v e n 'h a da c h a n c eo l i s t e no . . . . . t t t of them yet a atl b neither @ either 2 A: Clivehasgot two cars, hasn'the? B: Yes,but he bought of them second nan0. a either c all @ Oottr 3 A: Thatshopsells of niceclothes. lots B : Y e s b u t . . . . . . . . . .o f t h e ma r ev e r ye x p e n s i v e . , .. a both c nerrner @ all 4 A: Shehasgot threebrothers, hasn't she? B: Yes. of them livenearby, though. b Neither c All @ t"lone

Debbie washthe caror elsePan',', will C a r lh a s n ' t e a dt h a t b o o k .R e b e c ch a s -: - : . : . r a either. 4 Johnboughtthat newspaper, maybe or Steve c. o 5 J u l i a nsg o i n gt o t h e p a r t y B o bi sg o i n gt o o . . i 6 Keith hasn't got a computer. Max hasn't got a computer erther.

the word. 10 Underline correct

'l 2 3 4 5 6 Either/Neil@ Simonnor Kellyhad seenthe film before. Shedecorated all/y4fglg the house herself. by | asked everybody but p4g/no of the people therehadseenLouise that day. As soonasthe guests arrived, each/every them of was shownto theirseat. l've been to that restaurant twice before and all/bo!! timesthe food was excellent. We're really busy at the moment; l've been workingovertime everv/all thisweek. day

5 A : A r eD a n n y n d M i c h a e l o m i n g o n i g h t ? a c t B: No, o f t h e mc o u l dm a k ei t . a either b both @ neither

at below Make many as 11 Look thepictures sentences canusing prompts provided asyou the andboth, neither, none. oll,

parents 6 A: What your do do? B : . . . . . . . . . .f.t.h e m r e e a c h e r s . o a t b. Al c @ eottr I Underline correct the word.


(See 5uggested Answers Section) t have/briefcase;indoors;3 inlpark;4 use/laptop; 2 phone; 6 have/jacket; have/coffee; 5 use/mobile 7 8 wear/hat

I can't speakFrench all, whereas/despite at my sister speaks fluently. it Theydecided go for a walk, even though/lg to s p i t eo f t h e r a i n . S a r ah a s n ' tg o t a T V a n d s h e h a s n ' tg o t a C D player neither/eithel I hate travellingby boat because alwaysget I seasick. Besides/However, I can'tswim. In spite oflAllhgggb_hecould playthe guitarvery w e l lh e d e c i d e d o t t o b e c o m e m u s i c i a n . n a 6 B o t h / E i t h e ri ma n dS a mw e r eb o r ni n C a n a d a . J 7 The salesassistant was rude. F,ur'lheIlnqle/Even though, he refused callthe manager. to In additionto/ In spiteof beingstubborn, was he lazy. you can borrow my car.However/Yet,I Of course needit backby 8 o'clock tonight. 1 0 I lovethrillers, desnite/in additionto the fact that giveme nightmares. theyalways




1 Neither norMark Perry have/hasbriefcase. a 12 Join sentences the wordsin brackets, the using as in the examples. 1 Thebookisvery wellwritten. isalso lt very funny. (which) The book which very written, also funny, is well is very 2 The shirtwas expensive. decided buy t He to (although) anyway. Although shirtwasexpensive,decided bu1, the .t he to anyway. (so) 3 She very was tired. wentto bed. She She very was tired, she wenttc :,:e so :
1 , 11

aru m%ffi
Colin is tall with dark hair.Hissisteris short and (whereas) blond. i h C o l i ni s t a l l w i t h d a r k h a i r ,w h e r e a s i s s i s t e r s s h o r ta n d b l o n d . H e f i n i s h e de a t i n g . H e d i d t h e w a s h i n g u p (assoon as) up. he eating, didthe washing Assoonashe finished (then) Philwrote a letter.He postedit. it. then he posted wrote a letter, Phil lot to do today.I haveto speakto Mr I havea (for instance) Wilson about hisorder. to I for I havealotto do today, instancehave speak t o M r W i l s o n b o u th i so r d e r . a 8 Paultook out a notebook.He could make some (so that) notes. so Paultook out a notebook that he could make somenoteS. verywell.We stilllostthe match. 9 We played (eventhough) verywell,we still lostthe though we played Even match. 10 Jim took the bus into town. He was gotng (because) shopping. he Jimtook the bus into town because was going shopprng. 4 13 with two to five words, the sentences Complete t t h e w o r d i n b o l d .D o n o t c h a n g e h e including meaning f the originalsentence. o b" 1 Anne'sambitionis to open her own restaurant the time sheis thirty. A n n e h o p e ss h ew i l l h a v eo p e n e dh e ' will by own restaurant the time sheisthirty 2 ten ago this month. to He moved Portugal years By the end of this month he will hav: been for beenin Portugal ten years. to she Despite beingshortof money, decided bu; the new dress. eve' to Shedecided buy the new dress even thoughshewas shortof money. that you are You can go to the party provided bymidnight. home Shecango to the partyas lonqasshe . long h o m eb y m i d n i g h t . he because 5 We couldn'thearwhat he was saying too qutetly. spoke He spokeso quietly(that)we couldn': so hearwhat he was saYing. 6 7 Hedrankthe wholebottleof water himself. H ed r a n k l lo f t h e w a t e rh i m s e l f . a all Joe that CD, or maybe | think that Lukeborrowed did. L o I t h i n kt h a t e i t h e r u k e r J o eb o r r o w e either thatcD. didn't learnto swimuntilshewastwenty. Emily t: Emily was twenty when she learned when swim.



Use English of
. Key Transformations Word
has sentence In Studythe examples. eachcasethe second meaning the firstsentence. to a similar 8 / I t \ workinghereat the end of Junelastyear.\ Hestarted By the end of June,he will have been been working herefor one year.

2 Our teachersaid that she will mark the examsthis week. have Our teachersaid that she will have markedthe examsby the end of the

. Error Correction
sentence. word out 14 Cross theincorrect in each
1 | doubt that Robwill havewokenup{yet. at 2 Theywill haveb{n arrived the hotelby the tin': it getsdark. they}(l arrive. 3 Shewill haveleft before 4 lt was such{hot weatherthat we went to th: 5 6 oeacn. t h n N e i t h eC l a i r e o r S u s a n a d{ r e a d h e b o o k . r whereas t(t I prefe' cooking, Marinareally enjoys to eat out. 7 Brianand Carol both went to see the play bu: neither{enjoyed it verymuch.

his 3 Since car brokedown,Samhadto walkto work. his because Sam had to walk to work because car broke down. to he 4 ,Although wastired,he decided go for a run. ln spite of the fact that he was tired, spite to he decided go for a run. doesn't food and Christine doesn't likeChinese 5 Laura l i k ei t e i t h e r . likesChinese nor Neither Laura Christine nor food. 6 Shewaswritingthat reportall day. Shespentthe whole day writing that whole
1 A 1 \


$rulTlffillf w,4 J %
By the end of July,I will havebeen{ workingherefor two years. Despiteffi tfre fact that it was the middle of August, the weather was coldand wet. 1 0 I'm sureshe will understand why you didn't go, provided (tfrat you explain what happened.

. M ultiple Choice Cloze

the then the A, 15 Read textbelow, circle answer B,Cor Dwhich best thespace. fits (0) There anexample at thebeginning. is

. Word Formation

combines with adjectives to describe something being donein the manner described the by (quickly, ppily) adjective ha -ward(s): combines with nouns and adverbs directionto describe of the direction whichsomething in is movingor facing.(downward(s), westward(s))


1 5 Formthe correctadverbfrom the word

in bold. 1 He took a couple of steps backward(s)to allow the BACK others get through. to 2 She was upset because she felt that they had been very badly treated. BAD 3 Theywere movingeastward(s) EAST in the direction the coast. of 4 Paul was a muchbetterplayer andwon the gameeasily. EASY 5 He spokevery clearly that CLEAR so everyonewould understand him. 6 We decided headhomeward HOME to as soon as we saw the approaching storm.

rain is blowing sideways past your front window, then you 1 ) . . . . . . . . b e t t e rc a r e f ullt. c o u l d e a n h a ta t o r n a d osh e a d i ny o u r be m t i g 2 ) . . . . . . . . .T h e f i r s ts i g nt h a t a t o r n a d o s c o m i n g s t h e f o r m a t i o n i i 3 ) . . . . . . .a t h u n d e r s t o r mn t h e b e g i n n i ntg e r e ' a n e e r i e t i l l n e s s . I. h s s as the pressure sucked is away. Theair is stilland calmand no birdor insect sounds ........ heard. 4) be Cumulonimbus clouds buildin towers, 5) ........as supercells, and the normalafternoon thundershowers t b e g i n o t a k e6 ) . . . . . . .a n i n c r e d i bee e r g yl.f y o uw a t c h h e h o r i z o n . ln t you'll see a revolving columnof clouds, calleda funnel,heading 7 ) . . . . . . .t.h e e a r t h . W h e ni t c o n n e c t8 ) . . . . . . .t.h e g r o u n dt,h e h e a t s feeds centre the 9) ....the funnel anda tornado born. Thesafest is p l a c e1 0 ) . . . . . . .y o u t o b e i s u n d e r g r o u no r i n a n o p e n d i t c h . . d Tornadoes destroy everything 11).. .....theirpathand have power the to 12)........ people, up trees,bridges, carsand evenhouses.The scariest thingabouttornadoes that you haveminutes, hours is not to react. We now havewarning timesof up 13)........ twentyminutes 14)........ betterradar to detectors. With oldermethods reporting of tornadoes, werelucky have we to two minutes 15)........ to cover.

A sometimes B @ h a d B A direction B @ o f B A must \9) A called B A u p B A away B A b y @ e@of B 1 0 A o f B 1 1 A u p B 12 A make @ 13@ to B 14 A because B 15 A make @

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

never would route b v can named off u p with t o a t rhrough pick for a s take

@ c C C C @ C C C C

ever did path with could known i n across for i n

D always D need

@ *uv
D for D might D reported

@ ror @in
C C C C take againsl since hide

@on @ towards D across D u p D t o D across D turn D a t @ oue D draw


. OoenCloze which the and of 17 Read textbelow think theword fits space. only wordin each Use one best each (0) There anexample at thebeginning. is space.
4 Doug, d a u g h t e rn ^ a < i ^ < r h n n l r n r i t h E m m al,i v e sn o u r s t r e e t . i A who B that C which @ whose t whilethe bus is Y o u . . . . . , . . . .d i s t u r b h e driver .. moving. @ m u s t n ' t B c o u l d n ' tC haven'tD needn't


. m The sauce was made . . . . . . . . f l.o u r , i l k a n d cheese. B for Aby C up @ with

newestmuseumand Modern is London's a d i s p l a0 ) o f m o d e r n r t .l t s i t s1 ) o n y 2) of the River Thames is linked to St. and 3) on side ; Cathedral the opposite of the river by the 4) Millennium The TateModerncollection is bridge. ed in a massive formerpower plant which 5) was ;formedinto the new museumby Swissarchitects at andPierre Meuron, the 6) costof 134 de to wasdesigned building ds.Thismagnificent of London the UKin the 2 1st 8) century and is lt has sjze the museum veryimpressive. 84 galleries of and by aysabout600 paintings sculptures, a wide Thereare 9) to variety artists from Matisse Mondrian. of to 10) artists occasionally, or, alsorooms dedicated to single glass of roofsso that the w-orks art f Z)can ne built-witn The Tate Modernmay under naturalsunlight. greatest modern galleries art me 13)oneof the world's New Museum Modern of will standalongside York's 14)to nd Paris's Pompidou Centre.lt is expected a two million visitors yearand is sureto become a partof 15)the art lover's to London visit I don't know who the letterwas from but it in Rome. posted A is @ wasposted posted B is beingposted D wasbeing timeto helpus. H e . . . . . . . me that he didn'thave .... toto B said C spoke D asked @ 5 h e . . . . . ..... .h e r h a i r d y e d a t t h e h a i r d r e s s e r ' s tomorrow A has C h a sb e e nh a v i n g B had @ i sh a v ' n g l 1 0 I n e r et s.. .. . . . . . . . .o f f e ee f t .W o u l dy o ul i k ea n o t h e r c cup? @ a little B afew C little D few

I I I I I t ( ( ( ( (

1 1 l f l w e r ey o u ,l . . . . . . . . d.e m a n d n a p o l o g y . . . a may D might A must @ would C i 1 2 H ew o u l d n ' th a v em a d et h a t m i s t a k ef h e . . . . . . . . . moreexperienced. A w o u l db e c nasoeen were B i s

c c c c c

e fi


word. in 19 Fill themissing

1 | was listening the newson the radiowhen Tony to arfveo. 2 | am goingto London nextweekfor a conference. his 3 Thatmustbe Paul, recognise caranywhere. l'd 4 A new cinema beingopenedin the town centre is nextmonth. 5 Heoffered giveus a discount we paidin cash. to if 6 lf only I had gone to the concertwith them; it s o u n d si k ei t w a sb r i l l i a n t . l 7 lf I had known that shewantedto come,I would haveboughta ticketfor her. who is a the for 8 We all ordered steakexcept Sarah, vegetarian. l 9 N e i t h eT o mn o r M a r yc a ns p e a kt a l i a n . r 10 Theywill havearrived the airportb'ynow. at

fi fi fl ft fc fc fc fr

the item. 1 8 Circle correct were and wet 1 lt ............morning theroads all and
slrppery. A rains B i sr a i n i n g 2

g g( gr

ht l c

h ttc

t^. I tc ht

raining @ naabeen D willrain

| . . . . . . . . .y . . ui f w e d e c i d t o g o o u t t o n i g h t . .o e A call C a mc a l l i n g D w i l lb e c a l l i n g @ w i l lc a l l in the

hr hc

hl KE kn
t^, to)

3 At the weekend we went mountarns A hike @ r'ittng D to hiking B to hike



t^tEc tel

l^+ rc L


lrregular Verbs
be oear beat Decome






bite blow oreaK bring build burn burst buy can carcn cnoose come cost cut oeal dig oo oream drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find flee flv forbid

3-:-e :a::li

i . : ,

forgive freeze get grve go grow nang nave hear hide hit hold hurt Keep know tay lead rearn leave lend let

oeen born(e) beat beaten pecame become began Degun bit bitten olew blown broke broken brought brought built built b u r n t( b u r n e d ) b u r n t( b u r n e d ) burst burst bought bought couto (been ableto) caught caught chose chosen came come cost cost cut cut dealt dealt dug oug did done dreamt(dreamed) dreamt(dreamed) drank drunk drove driven ate eaten fell fallen fed fed felt felt fought fought found found fled fled flew flown forbade forbidden forgot forgotten forgave forgiven froze frozen got gor gave given went gone grew grown h u n g( h a n g e d ) h u n g( h a n g e d ) had had heard nearo hid hidden hit hit held held hurt hurt Kept kept knew known laid laid led led learnt(learned) learnt(learned) left left lent tenr ret let

lre light lose make mean meet pay

read nde nng rise run say 5ee seek sell send set sew snaKe shine snoot show shut sing sit sleep smell speak s p eIr

lay lir lost made meant met paid put read rode rang rose ran sa id

sought soto sent set sewed


lain lit lost made meanr met paid put read ridden rung risen run said Seen sought sold sent set

snone shot showed shut sang


shaken shone shot shown shut sung


)Pr Edu

spring stand steal stick sttng stink strike


slept smelt(smelled) spoKe spelt(spelled) spenr split spread sprang stood stole stuck stung stank struck

slept smelt(smelled) spoKen spelt(spelled) spent split spread sprung stood stolen stuck stung stunk struck

sweep swim taKe teach tear tell think throw understand wake wear win write

swept swam took taught tore told thought threw understood



ta ken taught rorn told thought thrown understood


wore won wrote

worn won written




Answers Section Suggested is 1: Unit MyHome myCastle

Exercise (p. a) 1a table Thereis a kitchen A The kitchenis verybig and airy. chairsin the centre. lt has a sink, a cooker,a and a Thereis alsoa dishwasher refrigerator cupboards. and kettleand a cabinet. There a sofa,an is and roomisspacious bright. B Theliving Thereis alsoa a armchair, coffeetableand a bookcase. a a television, lamp,a picture, rug and a largefireplace. lt C The masterbedroomis big and comfortable. has a Thereis a table,a deskand a chair. wardrobe, dressing bed. a alsoa lamp,a picture. rug and a four-poster a lt is D Thebathroom verysmallbut pretty. hasa bathtub, and a toilet. basln 2 Exercise (p. 4) getsstressed He 2 My fatheris a verycalmperson. rarely or angry. She alwaysworries 3 My friend Cindy is very anxious. abouteverything. to She 4 My motherisverytalkative. likes chata lot. willingto He 5 My cousinis very adventurous. is always and try new things. take risks thinksof new ideas She is 6 My sister verycreative. always and isveryartistic. very He brotherisveryaggressive. getsangry 7 My friend's easilY. I happyand in a good mood. 8 I am cheerful.am always Exercise (p. 4) 4 Sheets towelsarestoredin the linencupboard. and basket. are Dirtyclothes storedin the laundry are Biscuits sugar storedin the larder. and are Clean clothes storedin the wardrobe. is Crockery storedin the sideboard. . 7 Exercise (p. 5) A HouseA is private. A and House is spacious well-maintained. A House is comfortable. House is isolated. A fuel House hasexpensive bills. A A House is far from the shops transport. A House hasno public B B House haslow fuel bills. to House is close the shops. B H o u s e h a sa i rc o n d i t i o n i n g . B system. B House hasa security House is fullyfurnished. B to House is expensive rent. B area. in House is located a noisy B H o u s e i sv e r ys m a l l . B A: B: A: B: E x e r c i s1 2 ( p . 6 ) e to appeals me. Thatnew jacketreally time he eats. every from indigestion Danny suffers Janhasa fear of heights by He convinced of hishonesty tellingthe truth. me was absentfrom the finaltest. Debbie the was accused stealing car. of Gerald proposal. of Everyone approved the new building in Mostchildren believe magic. but she wouldn't give him chance He beggedfor a second one. t3b Exercise (p. 6) B A: B: A: B: B Wheredo you think picture wastaken? Inside house. a to the Canyou describe picture me? The man is Yes,I can seetwo peoplein the picture. a carrying box and the womanis opening box.The a room looks empty.They are just moving into the house. you evermovedhouse? Have Yes,I have. Didyou likemovinghouse? t N o ,I d i d n ' t .l t w a s h a r dw o r ka n dv e r y i r i n g .


Exercise (p. 8) 16b r A: Excuse couldyou tell me how to get to the Park me, Hotel? Streetand go past the B: Of course. alongJames Go to Stadium the traffic stop sign.Go pastthe Sports lights. A: Yes, got that. l've Go turn left at the trafficlights. alongParkway B: Then, Youwill seethe ParkHotelon the right:lt's Avenue. from Gino'sPizza. across y A: Thank ou. A: Excuse me. could you tell me how to get to the hospital. B: Yes, of course.Go up Long Streetto the traffic and go alongMills lights. Turnleft at the trafficlights Street. Then, turn rightinto Treetop Street. A: Yes, got that. I've Avenue. Streetto Parkway B: Then.go along Treetop and Avenue of The hospital on the corner Parkway is from the Newsagent. Street.lt's across Treetop y A: Thank ou. r me, could you tell me how to get to the A: Excuse Frontidre caf6? Go Street. pastthe traffic B: Of course. alongGreen Go
l i d h fr< q t! | ^ n n 2 , J



f50 Larg with mic Sec non imm




t^ Traat^n


that. A: Yes,l've-got

lf yo may Situ bed buil atmc wint wasr spec a n oI mon Forn


Suggested Answers Section

B: Then, turn right into TreetopStreet. Go along Treetop Streetand the Fronti6re caf6 is on the left. It'sat the corner Treetop of Street and MillsStreet. y A: Thank ou. E x e r c i s1 9 b( p . 9 ) e 1 A-aflatforrent B - a house/property sale for C - a used washer/dryer sale for 2 A -someone looking for a flat in a newspaper or magazine B - s o m e o n el o o k i n g o r p r o p e r t y r a l u x u r i o uh o m e f o s on the Internet C -someonereading noticeboardwho is looking a a for washer/dryer 3 A-informal B-formal C - informal 4 A - l o c a t i o n , s i z e ,f u r n i s h i n g s ,e s c r i p t i o n ,p p l i a n c e s , d a security system, gas central heating, good for professionals, non-smoker, bus routes and local s h o p sa v a i l a b li e m e d i a t e l y , m just come on the market, B - location, size,valuable. traditional, completely renovated, atmosphere, ocean view privacy,swimming pool, gardens,various rooms, balconies two-bedroomed and guestcottage C -make, modelof washer/dryer, used,good condition, price, after6pm call Exercise (p. 9) 20b For rent f 5 0 0 p e rc a l e n d a r o n t h ,M i t c h a mN o r t hL o n d o n . m , groundfloorstudioflat, partially Large furnished, self-contained with bathroomand spacious livingarea.Kitchenette fridge, has microwave, washing machine,dishwasher and gas cooker. Security system gascentral and heating. Suitable professional, for non-smoker. Closeto bus routes and local shops.Available immediately. E x e r c i s2 1 ( p . 9 ) e Internet l f y o u n e e ds o m e w h e rte l i v ea n d d o n ' t m i n ds h a r i n qt,h i s o perfect maybe the place you. for Situatedon a lovelytree-linedstreet, this spacious twobedroomed flat is locatedin a traditionalstone 2-storey b u i l d i n gT h e f l a t i s f u l l y f u r n i s h e d n d h a s a b r i g h t ,a i r y . a atmosphere. also has gas centralheatingfor those cold lt winter nights. lt is equippedwith a brand new cooker, washing machineand dishwasher. The bedroorns have a spectacular view of the park and it is close the university to and busto the town centre. Thisgem of a flat is only f280 a '1 monthand is available please. April st. No smokers F o rm o r ei n f o r m a t i oc a l lR o b e rJ o h n s o a t 0 1 8 6 5 - 55 6 8 8 n t n 1 E x e r c i s8 ( p . 1 1 ) e lf my pursewas stolen,l'd feel very angry because I wouldn'thaveany money. lf my favourite aunt was ill, l'd feel worriedbecause I loveherverymuch. lf my parents boughtme a new car,l'd feelveryexcited becausedon't havea car rightnow. I lf someone knowtold evervone I that I was a liar.l'd feel upsetbecause wouldn'tbe true. it lf a colleague praised work, l'd feel very satisfied my becauseliketo do my best. I lf I werestuckin trafficfor an hour,l'd feelveryirritated b e c a u sIe o n ' tl i k ew a i t i n g n q u e u e s . d i lf I didn't get the job I wanted, t'd feel depressec becausewould haveto startlookinq anothe.ore I for Exercise (p. 10) 3 J i m g e t su p e a r l y n t h e m o r n i n gH e s t a r t s o r k a t 4 a m . H e l . w turns on the ovensand prepares dough.Jim bakesthe the b r e a da n d t h e n h e h a s l u n c ha t 8 a m .J i m f i n i s h ew o r k a t s 1om. Billygetsup late. He hasbreakfast 1 pm. Hepractises at with other musicians and writes musical arrangements. Billy performs stage.He startswork at 9pm and finishes on work at 3am. Classified sectionof newspaper Forrent- Flatto share f280 pcm,close university. to Lgetwo-bedroomed flat, f/f, s/c with bathroom,and view of park.Kitchenette cooker, has w/m, d/w. Security system and GCH. Suit student n/s. Closeto bus routesto the town centre. Available April 1st.ContactRobert Johnson 01865at 5 15 6 8 8 Cafeteria noticeboard Flatto share Large, two-bedroomed fullyfurnished flat, with GCH,cooker, washingmachine and dishwasher. Greatview of park.Close to university bus to town centre.Non-smoker. and Available A p r i l1 s t .f 2 8 0 a m o n t h . C a l lR o b e r ta f t e r7 p m 0 1 8 6 5 - 5 1 5 6 8 8 :

Unit While 2: there's there's life, hope

Exercise (p. 10) 1 This personis old with short white hair and a white moustache. also has bushv evebrowsand he is He wearing glasses. Thisperson a youngadultwith hazel is eyes and full lips. She has a round face and medium-lenqth straiqhtred hair.


Answers Section Suggested

E x e r c i s1 1 ( p . 1 2 ) e . . . . A hundred years ago, people used to travel by Theydidn't useto travelby plane steamboat. years They ago. peopleu5edto pay in cash. A hundred didn't useto payby creditcard. years A hundred ago, peopleusedto readbooks.They didn't useto surfthe Internet. years ago,peopleusedto go to the theatre. A hundred Theydidn't useto go to the cinema. let A: Beforewe get down to business, me make the .lanet 5haw. I'd like to introduce introductions. of StevenPhilips. Stevenis the ManagingDirector ITClnternational. B : It's goodto meetyou at last,Mr Philips. C : Please, me Steven. call And Steven Philips,this is Janet Shaq Design Computers. Consultant IPAC at L : It'sa pleasure meetyou. May I callyou Janet? to B : Please do.
e A :

Exercise (p. 12) t3b wastaken? Wheredo you thinkthe picture party. lt was taken at a birthday to the Canyou describe picture me? lt shows a young man holdinga birthdaycake with He candles. is givingit to anotheryoung man who is There alsoother are holding redbook.lt is hisbirthday. a people the picture and laughing. in who aresmiling it A: How do you think the young man whosebirthday is, feels? veryhappyand maybe evena littlesurprised. B: He looks like this in your their birthdays A: Do peoplecelebrate country? get B: Yes,they do. Family and friends togetherand there has is lotsof food and music and everyone a greattime. A: B: A: B: Exercise (p. 13) 14c A Billchanged lifestyle his because spentall of histime he working and didn't have any time to spendwith his he family.I feel he made a good decision because can he spendmoretime with his family, can relaxand he is he doingsomething enjoys. because manypeoplewanted Jeanchangedher lifestyle to pay her to make clothesfor them. Eventhough she took a riskquittingherjob and startingherown business. to everything seems be workingout well for her. her Ann changed her lifestyle because job wasn't very careers.think it I rewarding and shewantedto change wasa big stepfor Ann to go backto school and become Sheis muchhappier now and enjoys work. her a nurse. her because hadjust finished she Sallychanged lifestyle there After living university wantedto work abroad. and for a while she decided stay because to she likedthe paceof lifeandthe weather. think it was a good I slower and for decision Sallybecause she feelsmore positive content. he Stewart changedhis lifestyle because felt it was time to follow hisdream.I feel he was verybraveand he took coming true. a big risk,but hisdreamis slowly

sit Please down. Goodafternoon. y B: Thank ou. let we get down to business, me makethe A : Before Neil l'd Rachel Barker, liketo introduce introductions. at Advec Mitchell.Neil is the MarketingManager Marketing. B : It's goodto meetyou at last,Mr Mitchell. C : Please, me Neil. call Nutritionist this is Rachel Barker, A : And Neil Mitchell, at Nutricom. C: lt's a pleasure meetyou. May I callyou Rachel? to B: Please do.


Exercise (p. 15) 19 JRR Tolkien Date of birth/death, what he is famous for: 1892 - 1973, ngs famouswriter, wrote The obbit andTh Lo of theRi H e rd Familybackgroundand childhood:born in South Africa, f a m i l ym o v e dt o E n g l a n dn 1 8 9 6 ,g r e w u p i n B i r m i n g h a m . i studied English Language Literature OxfordUniversity and at Careerand achievements: worked on the Oxford English published Dictionarybecameprofessor Oxford University, at first book TheHobbitin 1937, publishedTheLordof theRings b e t w e e n 9 5 4a n d 1 9 5 5 1 Death, commentsand feelingsabout him: died in 1973, published Tolkien's other works after his son Christopher Hobbitand The father died, creatorof a magicalworld in The Lordof theRings Exercise (p. 15) 20 I could write about JRRTolkien. will includeinformation I about his date of birth/deathand what he was famousfor. I education. will alsoinclude familybackground, his childhood, I career and achievements. Finally,will write about his death I and anycomments feelings haveabouthim. or Exercise (p. 15) 21 1 He was born in SouthAfricabut his familymovedback to Englanin 1896. d where he studied 2 Tolkienwent to Oxford University English Language Literature. and

Er Er




ol Th


I (

t \



tSb Exercise (p. 14) . A: Goodafternoon. Please down. sit b : In a n K o u . v

td Ari


ggested Su Answers Section

3 He servedin the BritishArmy after he worked on the OxfordEnglish Dictionary. 4 Hewrote manyshortstories althoughhe is most famous for The Lord ofthe Rinos. Exercise (p. 15) 22a Para1 - | am goingto write aboutJRR Tolkien. was born He in 1892.He died in 1973.He is famousfor writing The Hobbit andThe Lord oftheRings. Para2-He was born in South Africa. He grew up in Birmingham. went to OxfordUniversity. He Para3 - Heworkedon the OxfordEnglish Dictionary also and as a professor OxfordUniversity. mainjob was at His as a writer.He published TheHobbit 1937andlhe in LordoftheRings between1954and 1955. Para4- He died in 1973.He was a verytalented writer and the creator a maoical of world. Exercise 22b (p.'15) JRRTolkien was born in 1892 and died in 1973. He is famous hisbooksTheHobbitandTheLordof for theRings. He was born in South Africa but his family moved to E n g l a n dn 1 8 9 6 . H e g r e w u p i n B i r m i n g h a mn d s t u d i e d i a English Language Literature OxfordUniversity. and at Heworkedon the OxfordEnglish Dictionary became and a professor OxfordUniversity. published first book lhe at He his Hobbit,in 1937. He publishedTheLordof the Rings between 1954and 1955.Hewrote manyothershortstories. JRRTolkien died in 1973. His son Christopher published Tolkien's other works after his father died. He was a very talented writerwho will always remembered youngand be by old alike as the creatorof a maqicalworld in The Hobbitand The Lordof the Rings.

Exercise (p.20) 12b

o A : Excuse me. Do you sellstamps?

Yes,we do. Wherearethey for? I'd liketo sendsomepostcards America. to How manydo you need? Letme see... five,I think. That'llbe two pounds, prease. Oh, I'veonlygot a ten poundnote. No problem. I'vegot plentyof change. That'seight poundsfor you and five stamps. A : Thankyou verymuch. B : You'rewelcome.Havea niceday. . A : Excuse Do you sellstamps? me. B : Yes.we do. Wherearethey for? A : I'd liketo sendsomepostcards Australia. to B : How manydo you need? A : L e tm e s e e. . .e i g h t , t h i n k . I R . That'll threepounds, please. be A : Oh, l'veonlygot a fifty poundnote. B : No problem. got plentyof change. I've That'sfortypounds you and eightstamps. seven for A : Thank you verymuch. B : You'rewelcome.Havea nicedav.

B: A: B: A: B: A; B:

Exercise (p.20) 13b

A A : Whereisthe man? B : He is at the airport. think he'swaitingfor hisflight I to be called. A : How do you know? B : I canseean aeroplane the background. in A: Wheredo you think he is going? B : It lookslikehe might be goingon a business trip. A: How do you know? B : He has his laptopcomputerwith him. lt lookslike he'sworking. A: How do you think he feels? B : I think he probably feelsanxious about his business meetino. A: What would you do if you were waiting for your flight to be called? B : I would havea coffeeand reada book or magazine. B A : What arethe peoplein the picturedoing? B : Themanseems be puttingluggage the boot of to in the car. A: Wherearethey going? B : Theymight be goingon holiday a shorttrip. or A: How do you know? B : Theyare both dressed casual in clothes. A: How arethey related? B : Theyseem be married. to A : Wheredo you think they are? B : I think they areoutside their home. A: How do theyfeel?

Unit 3:Travel Broadens Mind the

Exercise (p. 16) 2b 2 Thesnow-capped mountains Alaska breathtaking. in are 3 The Virgin lslands have the most beautifulunspoiled beaches. 4 There manyexpensive are shops Paris. in 5 Theancient ruinsin Rhodes fascinating. are 6 Youcanfind manybeautiful handmade souvenirs York. in Exercise (p. 18) 9 I was verysure of my answerbeforeI told him. Thetheatreis situated in the heartof the city. I hope to hearfrom them soon. I don't know anything about nuclear energy. Are you familiar wlth Picasso's work?


B: Thewoman lookshappyto be goingaway. A: How do you feelwhen you go awayon holiday? B: I always feel happyand excited when I go awayon holiday. C A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: Wherearethe people the picture? in Theyareby the sea,probably a restaurant. in What arethey doing? T h e y r ee a t i n g n dt a l k i n g . a a How arethey related? I think they area family. What time of yearis it? l t ' ss u m m e r . How do you know? lt's a beautifulsunny day and they are wearing summer clothes. What do you thinkthey aregoingto do next? Well,theycouldgo sailing maybe or evenswimming. W h a tw o u l dy o u d o o n a s u n n y a yi n s u m m e r ? d I would meetwith my friends and go to the beach.

The MilwaukeeNativeAmericanIndian Festival held is every year for three days in September. is held in lt Milwaukee, USA, celebrate to Indian culture. It takesmonthsto prepare festival. the Dance teamsfrom practise competein the Pow Wow all over the country to dancecontest.Craftsmen maketraditional itemsto display and a week beforethe festival stalls put up and the the are
fnnd i< nranrrorl

Thecelebrations at 4 pm and thereis lotsto seeand start do. You can see a traditionalIndian villageand watch craftsmen carve totem poles. You can learnhow to do tribal I n d i a n a n c i n g n d s a m p l e r a d i t i o n a l a t i v e i s h e s u c ha s d a t n d cornbreadand buffaloburgers. The MilwaukeeNativeAmericanIndian Festival fun, is entertaining and educational. a wonderfulway to learn lt's about NativeAmericanculture and celebrate the end of SUmmer. E x e r c i s1 6 ( p . 2 1 ) e year, Every this amazing cultural festival enjoyed people is by in the city of Lafayette, Louisiana. festival beenheld The has a n n u a l l y t t h e e n d o f A p r i ls i n c e1 9 8 6 .l t i s k n o w n b y i t s a French name,Festival lnternational Louisiane, de because the French speaking culture and history Southwest of Louisiana is celebratedat the festival. Musiciansfrom France,the Caribbean, Africa and the Americas invitedto perform are outdoorconcerts aroundLafayette. all Stalls selling food and arts and craftsare set up all overthe city duringthe weeklongcelebrations. E x e r c i s1 8 a( p . 2 1 ) e Para1 -The festival called is Hamilton Winterfest. is heldin lt Hamilton, Ontario.Canada. is heldeveryyearfor lt threedaysat the beginning February celebrate of to the fun you can haveduringwinter. Para2 - Preparations take several months and include games, arranging games, celebrity hockey contests, dances preparing and food. you can attend a Pancake Para3 -At the festival Breakfast with the Winterfest Mascots, take part in a Family Snow Sculpture SnowmanBuilding or Contest,go on a sleighride and watch manydifferent sporting events. Para4 -Winterfestis a greatfamily-oriented festival. lots lt's of fun and entertaining. the best way to beat lt's thosemid-winter blues. E x e r c i s1 8 b( p . 2 1 ) e The HamiltonWinterfestis a fantasticannual winter festival. is heldat the beginning February threedays lt of for to celebrate fun you can haveduringwinter.When I was the younger, usedto go almosteveryyear. we Preparations several start monthsbefore festival. the Many peoplework hard to organise various games, the contests,


Exercise (p. 21) 14b The writer liked the festival. saysthat the Milwaukee He Festival truly an amazingevent. He sayshe was lucky is enough attendthe festival therewas plenty seeand to and to do. He alsosays was a greatopportunity, entertaining, it fun, educational and a wonderful way to learn about Native American culture and celebrate end of summer. the Exercise (p.21) 14c Thewriter uses the present tenseto talk about and describe the festival year. because happens it every Thewriter uses the past tenseto talk about and describe what he actually did and experienced the festival. at Exercise (p. 21) 15b Para1 - Milwaukee NativeAmerican IndianFestival; held in Milwaukee,USA; every year for three days in September; celebrate Indian culture Para2- prepare months;danceteamsfrom all overthe for country practiseto compete in Pow Wow dance contest; craftsmen maketraditional itemsto display; week before festival - stalls out uo and food orepareo - celebrations Para3 start 4pm; lots to see and do traditionalIndian village.craftsmencarve totem poles, learnhow to do tribalIndian dancing, sample traditionalnative dishes:corn bread and buffalo burgers Para4-fun, entertaining, educational; wonderful way to learnabout NativeAmerican culture: celebrate end of summer

a fc






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Pic ret


Suggested Answers Sectio^

and dances. Volunteers work for monthsmakingsurethat guests booked, celebrity prizes donated, are are enoughfood is prepared that all the festival and areas ready are Thelasttime I went to Winterfest,hada greattime.I had I a delicious Pancake Breakfast with the Winterfest Mascots. I watchedbeautiful and humorous scenes beingcreated the in Family SnowSculpture Contest. brotherand I eventook My oart in the SnowmanBuildingContest.Unfortunately, we didn't win. lt was excitingto watch the celebrity hockey gameand meetsomeof my heroes faceto face.On the last n i g h tw e w e n t o n a w o n d e r f us l e i g h i d et h r o u g h h e p a r k . l r t Hamilton Winterfest entertaining a lot of fun. lt is a is and greatopportunity spendtime with the familyand the best to wav everto beatthosemid-winter blues. PictureB looksvery safe and peaceful, whereaspictureA looks dangerous noisy. and Exercise (p.24) 9a What do you think the picture shows? 1) lt lookslikethey'reclearing forest. a Wheredo you 2) think the picture wastaken? C e n t r aA m e r i c a . l How doesthe picture makeyou feel? Well,3) it makes feelsadand angry. me W h y d o y o ut h i n kt h i si s h a p p e n i n g ? It might4) be to clearlandto buildhouses to usethe or treesto makepaperproducts. A : W h a t d o y o ut h i n kn e e d so b e d o n e ? t B : I think 5) we needto makeeveryone moreawareof the problem and protest against companies are the that d o i n gt h i s . Exercise (p. 2a) 9b o A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: W h a td o y o ut h i n kt h e p i c t u r e h o w s ? s lt lookslikea recycling for glass. area Wheredo you think the picture wastaken? O u t s i d e s u p e r m a r k o r g l a s se c y c l i np l a n t . a et r g How doesthe picture makeyou feel? l t m a k e s e f e e lg l a dt h a t s o m e o n est r y i n g o h e l p . m i t W h a td o y o ut h i n kn e e d so b e d o n e ? t I t h i n ke v e r y o ns h o u l d e p a r a ta n d r e c y c la l lt h e i r e s e e qlass Droducts. A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:

Unit Earth Dearer Gold 4: is than

Exercise 1 (p.22)
global acid fossil solar -snergy crisis e n o a n g e r e o qnaatac czone rayer cil spills Exercise @.23) a P r c t u rA - W e s h o u l d n 'lte a v eh e l i g h t s n a l l t h e t i m e .W e e t o should switchoff lights when leaving room. a )ictureC - We shouldn'tuseour carsevervdav.We should :akepublic transport. )ictureD - We shouldn'tleave the sprinklers all day.We on s h o u l d s ea h a n d - h e lh o s e . u d Exercise (p.23) 7 -le was foundguilty of shoplifting. )anny is hopeless doingcrossword puzzles. at TheChildren's Centre in needof a new waterboiler. is V r W i l s o n i l l b e c o n t r i b u t i n go t h e C h i l d r e n C e n t r e . w t 's Vr Wilsonwill be providingthe Centre with enoughmoney :o buythe boiler. 5 a mi s n ' tc a p a b l e f l o o k i n g f t e rt h e t w i n sb y h i m s e l f . o a ,Vemustprotectthe rainforest from deforestation. Exercise (p. 2a) 8 )icture shows busytown whereas A picture showsa quiet a B 'arm in the country. -here a r eb u i l d i n gis b o t h p i c t u r e s . n picture the countryside n B looksclean and healthy, however r picture the town is probably A dirtyand unhealthy. )ictureA looksvery stressful whereaspictureB looksvery 'elaxing. warmrng rain fuels power

W h a td o y o ut h i n kt h e p i c t u r e h o w s ? s l t s h o w s f a m i l yo o k i n g t a p e a c o c k . a l a W h e r e o y o ut h i n kt h e p i c t u r e a st a k e n ? d w O n a f a r mo r a t t h e z o o . How doesthe picture makeyou feel? Well, it makesme feel happythat the children can see a peacock closebut a little sad that it is in up captrvrty. A : W h a t d o y o ut h i n kn e e d so b e d o n e ? t B : We need to make sure that animalsare not endangered their naturalhabitats in and that those animals whicharein captivity takencareof properly. are Exercise (p.26) 12b r A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: C a nI h e l py o u ,m a d a m ? Y e s I ' m a f r a i d y c a t h a sg o n em i s s i n g . , m What kindof cat is it? She'sa tabby.She'sgot brown and blackfur and greeneyes. Hassheevergonemissing before? N o .I ' m v e r y o r r i e d . w Letme makea note of yourdetails y Thank ou. Wasshewearing collar? a

A: B: A: B: A: B:


Answers Section Suggested

got and one Yes, she's a blue withhername address
on tT. please? yournameandtelephone number A: CanI have etc B : Yes. nameis... My
e A :

3 I would alsotell Fionato checkon the lnternetbecause and flatsonline. manypeople advertise homes Exercise @.27) tab - largesections with houses/ checkclassified advertisements at flats;what is available the moment contact an estate agent - list of placesin desiredarea; affordable orices Exercise (p.27) 15 lf I were you, I would go to the policeright away.Thatway you can report your driving licenceand your credit cards missing. you everthoughtof goingto Asia? example,heard I For Have place visitand quitecheap. to that Chinais a wonderful That rightaway. Thebestthing you cando is reportit missing way no one elsecan useit. Exercise (p.27) 16 lf I were you, I'd take it for a long walk every Thatway it won't want to run morning and evening. around muchduringthe day. so 3 a lf I were you, l'd moveinto a housewith a garden. your puppyoutside during Thatway you couldleave 2 b 4 c the day. School. lf I were you, I'd take it to Dog Obedience Thatway you won't haveto trainit yourself.

B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B;

A: My B: Yes. nameis... Exercise (p. 26) 13b

C a nI h e l py o u ,m a d a m ? Yes, afraidmy dog hasgonemissing. l'm What kindof dog is it? He's a poodle.He's got white fur and big brown eyes. before? Hashe evergonemissing N o .I ' m v e r y w o r r i e d . Letme makea noteof yourdetails. y Thank ou. Washe wearing collar? a Yes, he's got a brown one with his name and on address it. please? yournameandtelephone number CanI have etc

B; A B: A: B: A: B: A: .

Hello.Gary.Could I have a quick word with you, olease? the Sure. anything matter? ls l've been meaningto speakto you Well, actually, makes. aboutthe noise vourmotorbike Noise? it too loud? ls Well. yes. lt is, as a matter of fact. lt wakes me up every morning. it I Oh, I am sorry. didn't realise was that loud. with the engine. Maybeit's a problem Sorry havebeena nuisance. to Oh,OK.l'll get it fixed. Gary. Don'tworryaboutit. Thanks,


Exercise (p.27) 17a advice Para - friendhasgot a new puppy;needs 1 - make sure you take it for long walks in the Para2 and make won't run around and evening; morning duringthe day a,'mess Para - buy a toy bone;won't chewon the furniture 3 when it's older School Para - cansendit to Obedience 4 Exercise (p.27) 17b DearLisa. It was great to hear from you. I am so happythat you I finallyboughta puppy. Petsarewonderful. can understand the puppyalone,but why you'reso worriedabout leaving that maybe can makea few suggestions will help. I lf I were you, I would make sureto take it for long walks That way, it won't run everymorningand everyevening. the during day. and makea mess around muchin the house so Another good idea, is to buy it a toy bone. That way, it or won't chewon the furniture yourshoes. when it getsa littleolderyou Remember, I hopethis helps. That way,you won't School. can take it to Dog Obedience haveto train it yourself. me know how thingsturn out. lf Let please you needanything call. else, Goodluck, Sarah

Could I havea quickword with you, A: Hello,Susan. please? the B: Sure. anything matter? ls l've been meaningto speakto you A: Well, actually, your kidsare making. aboutthe noise Are B: Noise? theytoo loud? A: Well, yes.Theyare, as a matter of fact. We can't think. hearourselves theywerethat loud. I B: Oh, I am sorry. didn't realise that'sthe problem. the shouting and screaming A: lt's to B: Oh, OK. l'll tell them to be quiet.Sorry havebeen a nuisance. Susan. A: Don'tworryaboutit. Thanks,

Exercise (p.27) 14a 1 informal writingto a friend in advertisements Londonpapers they 2 checkclassified with housesand flats for rent; see have large sections is available the moment;contactestateagentat what officesall over London;list of placesin areayou wan| priceyou can afford


Suggested Answers Section

Unit5.Early Bed to ...
E x e r c i s1 a ( p . 2 8 ) e B C D E F Bettyhas/is suffering from a headache iack hasa fever. L a u r a a sa s p r a i n ea n k l e . h d Max hascut hisfinger. Steveis suffering from a soreback. E x e r c i s1 1 c( p . 3 1 ) e 1 In a magazine newspaper. or 2 I think the writerwantedto showthat sometimes there is hopeevenin difficult situations. 3 TheGift of Noise E x e r c i s1 3 b( p . 3 2 ) e . R : H e l l oC e n t r aC l i n i cC a nI h e l py o u ? . l . P: Yes, l'd like to make an appointmentto see Dr Barret, please. R: Tuesday 4pm ls the first appointment at available. Otherwise, thereis nextFriday 9am. at P: The sooner the better, please.Book me in for Tuesday this is possible. if R: What's yournameand address, please? P : . . .e t c R: Right.See you on Tuesday 4pm. pleaselet us at know if you decide cancel appointment. to the P : I w i i l .T h a n k o uv e r ym u c h . y R : H e l l oC e n t r aC l i n i cC a nI h e l py o u ? . l . P: Yes, I d like to make an appointmentto see Dr Sandford, please. Thursday 2pm is the first appointment at available. Otherwise, thereis nextWednesday 11am. at The sooner the better. please.Book me in for Thursday this is possible. if R : What's yournameand address, please? P : . . .e t c R : Right.Seeyou on Thursday 2pm. please us at let know ifyou decide cancel appointment. to the P : I w i l l .T h a n k o uv e r ym u c h . y A: Have you everbeento the gym? B: Yes, have./No,haven't. I I

Exercise (p. 28) 1b


B lf Bettyhasa headache, should she take an aspirin. c lf Jackhasa fever, shouldstayin bed. he D lf Laura a sprained has ankle, shouldput an ice-pack she on rt. E lf Max hascut hisfinger, shouldput a plaster it. he on F lf Steve suffering jd is from a soreback,he shou lie down and rest. Exercise (p.28) 2 A stethoscope usedto listen a person,s is to chesr. A syringe usedto giveinjections. is A thermometer usedto take a person,s is temperature. Exercise (p. 28) 3 I usually wakeup at 7:30am. First, washmy faceand then I I brushmy teeth. I eat breakfast then I meet my friends and and we take the bus to school. get to schoolat g:3Oam. I I havelunchat 1pm. After school, lmeet my friends and we take the bus home. I get home at 4pm and then I do my homework.I usuallyeat dinner at 6pm. After dinner;I sometimes watchW or a video. usually to bedat 9:30pm. I go E x e r c i s1 0 b ( p . 3 0 ) e . A : Where's littleboy? the B : Heseems be at the dentist. to A: What'swrongwith him? B : I'm not sure.He could havea toothache maybe or he'sjust having check-up. a A : What isthe dentistdoing? B : Well,it lookslikehe'sshowing the little boy a piece of equipment. W h y d o y o ut h i n kh e ' sd o i n gt h a t ? I thlnk he's trying to make the little boy feel less nervouS. you everbeennervous the dentist? Have at B : Yes,I have./No, haven't I
o A :

Exercise (p. 33) 15b To:All Department Managers From: r Jacobs, anager M m Date:1OJune,20.. Subject: Budget Meeting . . . Please advised be that therewill be a budgetmeeting on Monday t 8am. a Everyone mustattendand be on time. Coffee and doughnuts be served the meerrng. will at



Wherearethe men? B : Theyseemto be at the gym. A : How do you know? B : I canseeequipment the picture in and alsofrom the way theyaredressed. What do you think they aretalkingabout? I'm not sure. Theycouldbe talkingabouttheirworko u t o r w e i g h tt r a i n i n g .

Exercise (p. 33) 16 Patricia, e o . r o a t c i n e m a i t h S h e i l a , a c kb y 1 0 p m w b borrowedyour red scarf carkeysin firstdrawerof yourdesk James called, mightcomeby,will callbacklate. sandwiches fridge in
l - . -

Answers Section Suggested

E x e r c i s1 7 a( p . 3 3 ) e 1 memoto all staffmembers note to secretary e-mailto supervisor 2 memo - formal, factual writtento all employees note - informal- point form to secretary e-mail- semi-formalto supervisor time,date,location, food and 3 memo - purpose party, of can drinks served, contribution be made note - in a meeting,call cateringcompany, arrange meet|ng for details, e-mail- reason writing.time, date,location, remarks closing 17b Exercise (p. 33) Memo To:All Employees From:Peter Harrison, supervisor asst Date:5 August,20.. Pa Subject:Retirement rty o Please advised partywill be that Jim Singer's retirement 1 be held at the RoyalHotelon Saturday,5 Augustat 8pm. . A light buffetdinnerand drinks will be served. o Contributions Mr Singer's present to retirement can be givento myself MaryJones. or Please RSVP MaryJones ext.346. to at Note Mary . . . in budgetmeeting callcatering company meeting tomorrowat 11am for arrange Thanks, Peter e-mail DearRoger, Hope you're havinga wonderfultime. I just wanted to retirement inform you that all the detailsfor Jim Singer's partyhavebeenarranged. 15 The partywill be held at the Royal Hotelon Saturday, Augustat 8pm. I havemadearrangements a light buffet for dinnerand drinks be served. to presentcan be Contributions Mr Singer's to retirement givento MaryJones myself. or Enjoy restof your holiday. the Seeyou next Monday, Peter

Unit Better than 6: Safe Sorrv

Exercise (p. 3a) 1 In the kitchen: blender, microwave, cooker, refrigerator, electric kettle,toaster. B C D E F G H I J A microwave usedto heaVcook is food. A cookeris usedto cook food. A telephone usedto talk tolcommunicate with people. is or A calculator usedto add, muitiply, is subtract divide numbers. A refrigerator usedto keepfood cold. is An electric kettle is usedto boil water. An electric to with. razoris'used shave A vacuum and rugs. cleaner usedto clean is carpets A toasteris usedto toast bread.

Exercise (p. 34) 3 2 A computer got a mouse, screen a keyboard. has a and 3 An iron has got a plug, a cord and a temperature control. 4 A camera got a lens, cover has and a shutter. a 5 A kettlehasgot a lid,a handle and a spout. 6 A refrigerator got a door,shelves drawers. has and 7 A blender got a switch, lid and blades. has a Exercise (p. 36) 10 Danis nervous about hisinterview Friday. on Suehasbeenmarriedto Jimfor fifteenyears. Thechildren laughedat the clownbecause wasveryfunny. all he Shewas notoriousfor beingthe firstfemale bankrobber. Samwon first prizein the contestso he didn't haveto pay for the football tickets. Don't forget"'to keeptrack of allyourexpenses I canpayyou. so I wouldn'tworry about the weatherif I were you. lt's going to be a niceday. Exercise tb (p. 36) t A A : B: A: B: Wheredo you think the picture was taken? I thinkthe picture wastakenat an ATM machine. the Canyou describe picture? I can see peoplein the picture. Thereis a woman with white hair putting her card into the ATM The machine. othbrpeople waitingin the queue. are What do you think the womanis goingto do? Shemight makea withdrawal deposit. or Shemight a l s op a ya b i l l . How often do you usethe ATM machine? I usually the ATM machine use oncea week. What do you usethe ATMmachine for? to I usually the ATM machine withdrawmoney use o r p a ym y b i l l s .




B A:

A: B: A: B:






Suggested Answers Section

B A : Wheredo you think the picture taken? was B : I think the picture takenin a kitchen. was A: Canyou describe picture? the B : I canseea womanand a littlegirl.Thereisa mixerin
the pictureand the little girl is holdinga wooden spoonin the mixingbowl. How do you think they arerelated? I think the woman isthe littlegirl'smother. What do you thinkthey aredoing? It lookslikethe motheris showinq the littleqirl how to makesomething. W h a tc o u l d h e yb e m a k i n g ? t Theycouldbe making cakeor biscuits. a How often do you bakea cakeor makebiscuits? l d o n ' t m a k eb i s c u i tb u t l d o b a k ea c a k eo n c ei n a s while. B: A: B: A: B: Thatwould be great. Thereyou are,sir.You re readyto go Wonderful. Thanks everso much. Don't mentionit! Drive safelyl l w i l l .G o o d b y e l

A: B: A: B:

Exercise (p. 39) 19b First,put your card into the machine. Then, type in your p e r s o n aild e n t i f i c a t i on u m b e r . h e n t h e , m e n u ' s c r e e n n W appears, choose option 'withdrawcash'. the Next,the screen will ask you how much you want to withdraw.press the arrow keyon the sideof the screen nextto the amountyou need. Then, the screenwill ask you if you want another 'No' transaction Yes/No'. Choose and the screen tell you will to take your card. Finally, the machine will give you your money and a withdrawalslip showing a record of your transaction.

B: A: B:

Exercise @.37) 1a

a The writer'spurpose was to show that environmentally Exercise (p. 39) 20b friendly carscan be built. First, turn on the compurer. b bicycles, metro,public transport, rickshary gondolas, etc Then,connect camera the comouter. the to c (Ss'own answers) Next,clickthe camera iconon the computer screen. Select'download'. E x e r c i s1 6 b( p . 3 8 ) e Finally, the picture a file. save in A: Good evening, officer. just found this briefcase tne I on pavement outside station. the Exercise (p. 39) 21a B: Ah. Let'shavea look inside. dear.There,s Oh nothing 1 first,then, next,afterthat, finally with the person's nameand address, evena wallet. not 2 imperative. present simple A: Well, there'sa palmtopcomputerin it. I'm sure the ownerwill be looking it. for Exercise (p. 39) 21b B: So,you'vesearched contents, the haveyou? First, find a subject. A : W e l l ,I h a da q u i c kl o o k ,b u t I d i d n ' tt o u c ha n v t h i n q l Makesurethe lighVsun in the rightposition. is B: Ah, here's nameon a business a card. Then,lookthroughthe viewfinder. A: Great.Do you need... etc Lineup yoursubject. Next,adjustthe zoom lensso you can seeyour subjectclearly. A: Good evening, officer. just found this handbag the I on Wait until the (flash)light shows green in the viewfinder pavement nearthe busstop. window. B: Ah. Let'shavea look inside. dear.There,s Oh nothing Holdthe camera steady. with the person's nameand address. identification No at press shutterbuttonall the wav. Finally, the

A: Well.there's somejewellery it. l'm surethe ownerwill in be looking it. for B : So,you'vesearched contents, the haveyou? W e l l ,I h a da q u i c kl o o k ,b u t I d i d n ' tt o u c ha n y t h i n g l B : Ah,here's name n anenvelope. a o Great.Do you need... etc

Unit Penny 7: Wise, Pound Foolish

Exercise (p. 0) 1a A B C D shoeshop butcher's clothing hop s baker's

Exercise (p.38) 17b

B: A: B: A: Goodmorning, What can I do for you? sir. Couldyou check oil, please? the Of course. What'sthe problem? I t h i n ki t m i g h tn e e dc h a n g i n g . H m m . . . Y e s .y o u ' r e r i g h t . l f y o u h a v et i m e . l ' l l just change for you rightnow. it

E optician's F furniture shop G jeweller's

Exercise (p. a0) 1b - trainers/shoes A B - meat C - clothes


Answers Section Suggested

D E F c goods baked lenses eyeglasses, contact furniture jewellery
Wherearethey? B : Theymightbe at an outdoormarket. How do you know? and they are wearing B : They are lookingat scarves
f hair crrnnla<sa<

Zb Exercise (p.40)
washingpowder- supermarket usedto wash clothes - electrical machine shopor department storewashing usedto wash clothes high/lowfat milk - supermarket drink it or use it in recipes some hairspray/gelsupermarket hairdresser- to stylehair or used silkscarfltie department storeor boutiquewearthem (accessories) ice/roller skates- sportinggoodsstore or ddp6rtment - usedto playsports/exercise store game - computer computer/board storeor department store- usedfor entertainment bottled/mineral water - supermarket cornershopsor

A How do they feel? B : Theylook happyand relaxed. Theyaresmiling. What arethey goingto do next? B ; Theymight continue with their shopping maybe or go to lunch. What canyou seein the picture? I canseepeople an outdoormarket. at What season it? is lt lookslikeit s autumnor winter. How do you know? jackets, Somepeople wearing are capsand scarves. people buying? What couldthe be Theymight be buyingfruit or vegetables. What arethey goingto do next? Theymight be going home or they might do some m o r es h o p p i n g . you everbeento an outdoormarket? A: Have B: Yes, have./No,haven't. I I A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:

Eie A:
B; A: B: A: B; A: B: A: B:

3 4
5 6 7

drinkit. 8 personal/laptop computer- computerstoreor electronics shop- usedfor entertainment work and - department pierced/clip-on 9 earrings storeor jewellery - wearthem in yourears(accessories) storeor boutique jacket- clothing 10 linen/leather storeor department store Exercise 17b @. aa) or boutique wear it Exercise (p. al) 6b A ... socks andtrainers. jeans, B Frediswearing checked a shirt, bootsand a cap. C Stanleyis wearing a black suit, a striped shirt and 9rasses. greentrousers D Nancyis wearinga tight white T-shirt, and boots. yellowcottondress E Julieiswearing short-sleeved, a with white collar, socks, sandals a hat. and Exercise @. a2) 11 Janisverydedicatedto her career. Apartfrom Tim.no one objected the new class to schedule. grandmother gaveher that painting Her and shewould hate to part with it. Don't forget to wear sunscreen protect yourselffrom the to su . n Sally takesgreatpridein her musical abilities. It was a sunnydayand it never occurred Susan takean to to umbrella. LittleTim was delightedwith the new puppy his parents b o u g h th i m . was verypleasedwith hisexamresults. George Exercise (p. a2) 13b . A: What canyou seein the picture? B: I canseetwo womenin the picture.

Exer 1

o Customer: liketo applyfor a loan,please. l'd Bank Clerk:Riqht.l'll need some detailsbeforeI can process yourapplication. Customer: I see. Oh, What do you need, then? B a n kC l e r k :l ' l l n e e dt o s e e a f o r m o f l D a n d a b a n k statement. Customer:OK. I've got my driving licenceand last month'sbankstatement. B a n k l e r kT h a t ' s i n e .l ' l lj u s tm a k ea c o p yo f t h e m . C : f Customer: you needanyotherinformation? Do payslips. BankClerk: Yes, needyourthreemostrecent I Customer: I'vegot thosehere. Oh, BankClerk:Great. Well,your loanshouldbe grantedin abouttwo weeks. We'llcallyou assoonas it's approved. you. Customer: Thank r Customer:I d like to apply for a secondmortgage, prease. B a n kC l e r k :R i g h t .l ' l l n e e ds o m edetails before I can process yourapplication. Customer: I see. Oh, What do you need, then? BankClerk:l'll needto see a form of lD and your tax statement. Customer: l'vegot my driving OK. licence lastyear's and tax statement. BankClerk: That's fine.l'lljust makea copyof them. Customer: you needanyotherinformation? Do BankClerk:Yes,I need a documentshowingproof of ownership the house. of

I \ t 2 t r

3 L


4 t \ b ir 5 l a


Para1 Paras i Para4


Hav was a fr togethe Firs had pr openor had bot


Suggested Answers Section

Customer: l'vegot that here. Oh, Bank Clerk: Great. Well, your mortgageshould be approved about fifteendays. in We'llcallyou as soonas it's ready. Customer: you. Thank Exercise 18b (p. ) Next,my parents gaveme a long,thin boxto open.When I opened it, I was surprised find a computerkeyboard to i n s i d e . ' B u l d o n ' t h a v e c o m p u t e r . h a ta m l s u p p o s e t o t, a W d do with it?' I asked, puzzled. 'You have a computernowl' my brother and parents 'surprise!'lwas shouted. so excited and happy. veryown My computer! have bestbrother I the and parents the world. in

A: I'd like to withdrawtwenty poundsfrom my account, please. Certainly, Do you haveyourbankbookwith you? sir. Oh, no. I'veforgottenmy bankbookat home. Well,do you havea form of photo lD? Erm... Letme see... Oh,yes.l'vegot my passport here. That'sfine.Now,if you couldjust fill out thiswithdrawal slip. OK.Do I signhere? That'sright.And here's twentypounds and yourreceipt. O h ,t h a n k s . Thank you,sir. Exercise @. a5) 21 1 | decided pay the bill while my guestwas makinga to phone all. c While my guestwas makinga phonecall,I decided to p a yt h e b i l l . 2 He Iaughed and told me to wait for him when he heard my problem. When he heardmy problem, laughed he and told me to wait for him. 3 Luckily, shops the werestillopen,so I took the bus into town andwent backto the shoo. 4 Mr Lewis was veryrelieved that I had found his briefcase because creditcards his and personal identification were inside. 5 | gaveit to my daughter and shesaidit was what she,d always wanted. Exercise (p. 45) 23a
fr rltr urE0,

UnitB.You Whatvou Eat Are

Exercise (p.46) 1a meat & poultry:eggs, steak, mince, turkey dairyp.roducts: milk,cheese, yogurt fish:seabass, salmon steak shellfish: crab fruit: grapes, pineapple, orange apple, peach strawberries, vegetables: cauliflower, pepper, tomatoes, corn other: bread, nuts,pasta, chocolate Exercise (p. a6) 1b meat & poultry:lambchops, veal,duck dairy products:butter,icecream,cottagecheese fish:tuna,cod,trout shellfish: prawns, lobster, clams fruit: bananas. cherries, watermelon vegetables: peas, broccoli, cucumbers other: biscuits, rice,mayonnaise Exercise (p. 47) 2a B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A; B: A: B: A: B: A: B: How do you likeyourfishcooked? I preferit fried. Do you?| don't. I prefer grilled fish. How do you likeyoursteakcooked? I preferit grilled. Do you?| don't. I preferit fried. How do you likeyourpotatoes cooked? I prefer them fried. Do you?| don't. I prefer them roasted. How do you likeyour ricecooked? I preferit fried. Do you?| don't. I preferit boiled. How do you likeyoureggscooked? I prefer them boiled. Do you?| don't. I prefer them scrambled.

fiffi ml|r

- The storyis about a wonderful surprise. took lt place few years a ago at Christmas. Paras 2-3 - First,we had dinner. Next, we opened our presents. climax The wasthe present got. I - In the end, I received wonderful Para 4 present. felt a I veryhappyand excited. havethe best brother I and parents the world. in Para1 Exercise (p. a5) 23b you everhada really Have wonderful surprise? Well,I have. lt wasa few years ago at Christmas. wholefamily The was getting together celebrate, dinnerand openour presents. to eat First, all sat down to a delicious we dinnerthat my mother lhadprepared.As soon as dinner was over,we decidedto openour presents. first present My was from my brother.He hndboughtme a lovely scarf with matching gloves.


Exercise (p. 47) 5a A : Goodafternoon. May I takeyourorder? please. likethe peasoup,followed the salmon B : Yes, l'd by steak with riceand greenbeans. A : And what wouldyou likefor dessert? B : I t h i n kl ' l lt r y t h e a p p l e i e . p




Answers Section Suggested

A: Goodafternoon. May I takeyourorder? I B: Yes,please. d like the chef'ssalad,followedby the wlth bakedpotatoand broccoli. steak A: And what wouldyou likefor dessert? B: I think I ll try the chocolate cake. Exercise (p. 47) Sb 1 tortillachips and dip - salty, spicy - sweet 2 chocolate cake 3 steak with baked potato and broccoli- juicy, creamy, salty 4 applepie- sweet 5 icecream- sweet,creamy Bolognese garlic bread- spicy, salty 6 spaghetti and with riceand greenbeans juicy, sour 7 salmon steak 8 chef's salad salty 9 peasoup- salty Exercise @. a7) 7 from a terrible cold. He hasjust recovered Please replyto Mrs Millsassoonasyou can. M i l ki s r i c hi n c a l c i u m . J a ni s r e a d yf o r t h e c a m p i n gr i p . S h eh a sa l l t h e e q u i p m e n t t in the car. Please refrainfrom makingnoise the library. in E x e r c i ste b ( p . 4 8 ) 0 . A : Wheredo you thinkthe picture wastaken? B : I think the picture was takenin a fast food restaurant. it? Canyou describe people the picture. B : There three are in Onewoman is handing two plates food to the othertwo people. of What arethey goingto eat? andthe B : Themanisgoingto eat a hot dog and chips, goingto eat a chicken womanis burgerand chips How often do you eat in fast food restaurants? oncea week. B : I eat in fast food restaurants What food do you usually eat? a B : I u s u a l le a ta h a m b u r g e rn dc h i p s . y . A: B: A: B: wastaken? Wheredo you think the picture wastakenin the kitchen a house. of Theoicture you describe it? Can There a womanandtwo children the picture. is in The little boy is rollingout somedough.The little girl is watching him.Themotheristelling him how to do it. W h a td o y o ut h i n kt h e ya r em a k i n g ? Well,they mightbe making biscuits, maybe or rolling out dough for a pieor pizza. you everrolled Have out dough? Yes, have./No,haven't. I I Whenwas the lasttime you madebiscuits? The lasttime I madebiscuits was ....etc Exercise (p. 50) lab A: Hello, Cathy's Caterers. How can I helpyou? B: Oh, hello.I'd liketo book your services my parents' for golden party. anniversary A : Whenwill you be holding party? the B : On the 30th May. for A : Tha|s fine.We don't haveany other bookings that day.Now,how manyguests be attending? will We've B : Around100.I think.Theguests be of allages. will hireda bandso therewill be lotsof dancing. A : Sounds theywon't want to sit down and eat. like B : Oh, no. A stand-up buffetmealiswhat I had in mind. I'll OK,l'm surewe cancomeup with something special. sendyou a menu today and then you can pop in next weekto discuss details. the g r e a tT h a n k s . . B: That's E x e r c i s1 5 a( p . 5 1 ) e Paragraph - reason writing- badservice 1 for Paragraph - first reason staff rude/notvery helpful 2 - second Paragraph reason waitedin queue, then sentto 3 a n o t h eo u e u e r Paragraph - third reason cashier 4 madea mistake didn't apologise/rude/u nfriendly - conclusion very upset - nevershop there Paragraph 5 again Exercise1c (p. 49) 1 Kathy'scareeras a model made her conditionworse the because other girlswere eventhinnerand it made her feel terrible.This just made her diet more. lt seemsthat magazines and advertising also had a negativeeffect on youngpeople to want to Kathy. Sheseems feelthat it makes the try and stayfashionably without takinginto account thin o d a n g e rts t h e i rh e a l t h . Theadvice would giveto thosesuffering I from anorexia is to go to their doctor and get some help. lt is far more important be healthy to than to try and liveup to an imagein a magazine. Exercise (p. 50) 13b A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: Goodafternoon. What can I get you? l ' d l i k eh a l fa k i l oo f m i n c ep l e a s e . , you are.Anything Halfa kilo.Here else? Yes. haveyou got any lambchops? just this morning. Yes. These werebroughtin fresh Oh. lovely. CouldI havea kilo,please? Of course. Oh, and two kilosof steak. l st h a t a l l ? Yes, think so. I That'llbe f.10.40, then. please. you are.Thankyou verymuch. Here

Exerc 1 2 I 3 t 4 t 5 i

Exerc ' t l

2 t 3 A

d 4 l 5 t e


Para1 Paras l


DearS t h a di n F beenil TI When whicht Tc theap beenfr AI The for reputa staff in and fu yourre

A: B: A: B: A: B:



You ne You ne


ggested Su Answers Section

E x e r c i s1 5 b( p . 5 1 ) e 1 | would liketo makea formalcomplaint about .. / l a m writingto express angerat my 2 To makemattersworse, 3 I'm sureyou can understand I was not veryhappy that with the servicereceived wiil not be shopping ... I and in lt would be a good ideato improve your.../suggest | that you improve your... in the future Exercise (p. 51) 16b 1 | mustexpress greatdissatisfaction .., my with 2 | strongly recommend you improve that yourstandards. 3 All in all, the whole experiencewas thoroughly disappointing. 4 | muststatethat the service unacceptable. was 5 | strongly recommend improve you yourservice, elseI or can assureyou that I will be taking my business elsewhere. Exercise (p. 51) 18 Para1 Paras2-4 to complain aboutthe food saladnot fresh/dirt lettuceleaves on applepiestale/waiter claimed freshly made steak tough and chewy/brought another steak just as bad as firstone retrain kitchen staffin food preparation/ apology and full refund You needa skateboard go skateboarding. to You needa bat and a ballto plavbaseball. Exercise (p. 53) 5b 2 You haveto be patient playgolf. to 3 Youhaveto be determined go mountain to climbinq. 4 You haveto be ambitious playbasketball. to Exercise (p. 53) 6 It'stypicalof Sara to come.Shenever not does. parents Jan's wereverysatisfied with hergrades. l'm short of moneyat the moment.I can't comeon holidays with you. Thisis the storethat specialises sports in equipment. We wereall shocked the newsthat he had disapoeared. at Exercise (p. 54) 11 1 Leave a phonemessage l,m not home. me if 2 Themanager presented prize Bobfor bestathlete a to of the year. 3 Before every ballgame,we hearthe national anthem. 4 | boughta CD with the latest smash-hit tunes. 5 We were amazed the magictrickshe performed at for us. The RoseBowl is one of the most famoussportrng events America. in Exercise (p. 54) 13b . Dear 5ir/Madam. I am writingto express dissatisfaction the mealI my with hadin yourrestaurant week. last Firstly, salad the was not fresh.The vegetables not had beenwashed properly I founddirt on the lettucereaves. and Then,I was givena steakwhich was tough and chewy. When I complained, waiter brought me anothersteak the whichwasjust as bad asthe firstone. To make mattersworse.when I finallyordereddessert, the applepiewasstaleand dry.Thewaiterclaimed that it had beenfreshly madethat morning. All in all,thiswasa completely disappointing expenence. Thefood was unacceptable a restaurant from with yourgood reputation. stronglyrecommend I you retrainyour kitchen naff in properfood preparation.am expecting apotogy I an and full refund.I can assure you that I will not be eatinqin yourrestaurant the future. in Yours faithfully, A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: What isthe person the picture in doing? S h ei ss k i i n g . How do you thinkshefeels? I think shefeelshappyand determined. you everskied? Have Yes, have./ I haven't. I No, What sports you Iike? do I l i k ep l a y i n ge n n i s . t What arethe people the picture in doing? Theyarewhite-water rafting. How do you think they feel? I think they feelexcited and maybe scared. Haveyou everbeenwhite-waterrafting? Yes, have./No,haven,t. I I What sports you like? do I likeplaying footbail.


ia E

Exercise (p. 55) 14c 1 Tonylikeshis hobbybecause likesfindingthingsand he it gives him hoursof enjoyment. 2 5 s ' o w na n s w e r s 3 collecting different objects: matchboxes,sungtasses, paperclips, thimbles, rocks, etc; dowsing: looking water using y shaped for a roo; recording bird/animal sounds, etc

Unit Every to hisTaste Man

Exercise (p. 52) 3 Youneeda racquet and a shuttlecock playbadminton to Youneedclubs and a ballto playgolf.


Answers Section Suggested

Exercise 16b (p. 56) o A: B: A: B: A: to Now,then.What seems be the problem? it. I My anklehurtsterribly.think I'vesprained you.You might be right. Hmm ... let'shavea lookat ls it a badsprain? to We can't be sure until we get it X-rayed make sure it's not broken.l'll ask the nurseto take you Exercise 20b (p. 57) 1 The policeman that the boyswere luckyto be alive said verybravely. andthat they had behaved 2 The fire-fightersaid that the flre could have been preventedand that people should be much more careful. 3 Mrs Willissaidthat she was verygratefulto the police for alltheir helpand that they had beenwonderful. 4 MissCartersaidthat she thought shewould neversee a hercat again, andthat shewantedto givethe children reward. was worth a 5 Lady Hamiltonsaid that the necklace qlad it was found in one fortuneand that shewas verv orece. 6 The policeman said that those men belongedbehind amount an barsand that they had caused unbelievable of damage. Exercise (p.57) Z2a Burglars Arrested Last at Clever - Burglars the in werearrested the alleybehind Para1 shop. electronics Information how the of of Para2-3 - Names the burglars. of incident happened. History the burglars. Para4 - oolicecomments Exercise 22b (p.57) at Burglars Arrested Last Clever in Twoveryclever burglars werearrested the earlyhoursof the morning.The incident occurredin the alley behind Electronics Shop,in SouthStreet. Pearson's 3p, SamMurphy,28, and Joe Harris, had just finished pounddworth electronics of a of loading van with thousands by when theyweresurrounded policemen. equipment and into electronics The two men had been breaking jewellery months. shopsin the ForestCity area for several disarming They had continuously eluded policeby cleverly getaway and changing vehicles. alarms said Captain of department that theyhad Green the police on the burglars' trail for sometime now and that they been had onlybeenwaitingfor the rightmomentto catchthem in the act.

down to the X-rayroom now. afterthat? And what will happen B: Oh, alright. A: Well,then you'llcomebackhereand l'll wrap it for you. you doctor. B: OK.Thank . to A: NoW then.What seems be the problem? it. I B: My wristhurtsterribly.think I'vefractured you.Yes. thinkyou're I A: Hmmm... let'shavea lookat right. B: ls it a bad fracture? l'll A: We can't be sureuntil we get it X-rayed. askthe you down to the X-rayroom now. nurseto take And what will happen afterthat? B: Oh, alright. A : W e l l ,t h e n y o u ' l lc o m e b a c kh e r ea n d l ' l l p u t y o u r wrist in plaster you. for you doctor. B: OK.Thank


Youn lsMa

I can'

My pl I d lik

Exerc A: B: A: B: A; B:

\ l \i

tZb Exercise (p. 56) in We're interested joiningthe gym. Can you tell A: Hello. uswhat we haveto do, please? B: Well, you pay a joining fee and then there is an monthlyfee. additional A: And what doesthat include? the. including pooland to B: Daily access all the equipment, jacuzzi. cost? A: And how muchdoesthe membership Why don't you havea look and B: lt's all in this brochure. think aboutit? A: Thankyou,that'sa good idea.Bythe way,do you have trainers? fitness for but B: We do havetrainers, thereis an extracharge the sessions. You can read about that in the training too. brochure. you for yourhelp. Thank A: Great. 20a Exercise (p. 57) 'The minibuswas movingat almosttwice the legalspeed who the limit,'saida passer-by witnessed accident. The street lightingin the area is not up to standard. in expectmore accidents future if they don't council should a at commented policeman the scene. makeimprovements,' 'He is making quickrecovery Riverton a at CountyHospital,' a hospital spokesman said. 'The

I F 1 h fi A: lB: Y





A \ A
B \i\ H

c ! \


Exerc A: B: A; B: A: B: A: B:

10. the Unit Soread News

Exercise (p. 58) 1b in earthquake LA? A: Didyou hearaboutthe massive B : N o ,w h a t h a p p e n e d ? A: The paper says that twenty people are feared missing dead. or




Suggested Answers Section

3 A: B: A: 4 A: Didyou hearaboutthe floodsin the Southern US? No,what happened? The papersays that the roadshaveturned into rivers. you hear about the volcano erupting on Did Montserrat? B: No,what happened? A: The paper saysthat local residents were forced to abandon their homes.

Exercise (p.62) 16b

A: B: A: B: A: B: A: Hello. returning l'm thesevideos. Right.Oh dear.They're bit overdue. a I know.lwas ill and forgotaboutthem. Well,you'llhaveto paya smallfine. Alright.How muchdo lowe? Letme see.Twovideos that'll be f6. ... OK. Hereyou are. And I'd like to take this video our, please.

Exercise (p. 58) 5


I t

Youmustn'tworry about Ben.He'llbe fine at camp. ls Markcapable fixingthe dripping of tap? I can'tget usedto wakingup so earlyfor my newjob. My plane ticketisvalid for sixmonths. I'd liketo exchange this redsweater the blueone,please. for Exercise1b (p. 50) 1 Wherewasthe picture taken? lt lookslikeit wastakenin a field/in the countrvside. What canyou seein the picture? I can seea lot of tall grass and it is on fire. How did the firestart? lt might havebeenstartedby a careless person./ might lt havebeenstartedby a farmerwho wanted to clearhis field. A: Haveyou everseen/experienced likethis one? a fire B: Yes,I have./No, haven't. I Exercise (p.60) 12a tent, jugglers, clowns, acrobats, elephants, tigers,lions, tight rope,music, etc Exercise (p.60) 12b A Who arethe Ringling Bros. and B_arnuni Bailey? and Do they haveanimals the show? in B What doesCirque Soleil du mean? How manyperformers doesit have? C Whereisthe BigAppleCircus held? What type of showsdo they have? D What is Circus Ethiopia about? Wheredid it start? Exercise (p. 62) 15b A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: Excuse Do you haveany crossword me. puzzlebooks? No, I'm sorry. We'vesoldout. Oh, dear.I knew I shouldhavebought one yesterday. Well,there are crosswords someof the magazines. in Oh, really? take a magazine, l'll then. Certainly, Whichone wouldyou like? sir. Oh, Take Breakwtll fine. a be you are,then.That's60 pence, Here please. A: B: A: B: A: B:

B : Right. Thisone is due backin a week. you. A: Thank Exercise 18b (p. 63) whichtakesplace - isset in in Thisthrilling book is about- Thebooktellsthe storyof Themagicbegins Thestorybegins The book is well-written- lt is beautifully written Don't miss chance read- I highlyrecommend the to Exercise (p.63) 19b 2 3 4 5 6 GhostTraina superb is thriller. highlyrecommend I it. Chain Fools a nicecomedy. of is Seeit if you can. StarWars a brilliant is science fictionfilm. Don,tmissifl TheStoryof a pleasant Usis romance. it if you can. See FearCityis unexciting an horrorfilm.Wait for the video.

Exercise (p. 63) 20a The title of the film is Spider-Man. TobeyMaguire plays the heroof the story.lt is an action-adventure film. lt is set in New york. - The storybeginsby showinghow peterparkergets Para2 hissuperpowers. The leading characters peter are Parker6pider-Man, Mary Jane and the Green Goblin. The most important pointsof the storyare Petertrying to deal with his new powersand how he usesthem to save New york from the Green Para3 Para4 Goblin. The film is well cast.lt hasexciting special effects. lt was exciting. enjoyable and funny. I would definitely recommend it. Para1 -

Exercise 20b (p. 63) Spider-Man the latest comic book superheroto be is brought to life on the big screen.This excitingactionadventure film is set in New YorkCity.SpiderMonwas directed by SamRaimi and starsTobeyMaguireas peterparkerApiderMan. When schoolboy, Peter Parkeris bitten by a genetically modifiedspiderand hislife changes forever. Not only doeshb strength and eyesight improve dramatically, but he soon discovers that he can cllmb walls and shoot webs fiom hb wrists. lt isn't long before Peter becomesSpider-Manand decidesto use his new powers to fight crime and sare lrlerrr Yorkfrom the evilGreenGoblin-


Answers Suggested Section

The film is verywell cast.Maguireis perfectas the hero and Willem Dafoe makesan excellent villain.The special effectsare brilliant. especially scenes the where Spiderman swingseffortlessly betweenNew York'sskyscrapers. Thefilmwasexciting funny, it and and I wouldrecommend to anyone, eventhosewho aren'tfansof the original comic. lf you're lookingfor somethinglight. fast and funny this then this isthe film for you. weekend, B : Yes,he is. 5 A : l s P a u p i c k i n g p h i sc a rf r o mt h e g a r a g e t 1 3 : 0 0 ? l u a B : No, he isn't.He'spicking hiscar from the garage up on Wednesday morning. 6 A : ls Paul the seeing dentist 14:00? at B : No, he isn't.He is goingto the doctor. 7 A : l s P a u r e a d i n g i se - m a ia t 1 5 : 0 0 ? l h l B : N o ,h e i s n ' t .H e i s r e a d i n g i se - m a ia t 1 0 : 0 0 . h l 8 A : ls Paul meeting with the design department 16:00? at B : Yes,he is. 9 A : l sP a up l a y i n g q u a s w i t h J e r r y t 1 7 : 0 0 ? l s h a B: No,he isn't.He is playing squash with Ralph 17:00 at E x e r c i s1 2 ( p . 6 9 ) e A Thecushions on the sofa. are Theflowers on the table. are Thecandles above fireplace. are the Thetableis opposite fireplace. the Thecurtains behind sofa. the are Thesofa is in front of the window. etc B Thepicture on the wall nextto the cabinet is Thecandles on the table. are Thefruit is between candles. the Theplantis on the cabinet. Thecabinet behind table. is the Thechairs around are the table. Thetableis opposite French the windows. etc

3 4 5


Grammar Unit 1
Exercise (p. 67) 3 2-e 3-a 4-f 5-c 6- b He hasbeengoingto Cornwall he every summer since was a young ooy. partylastmonth. I haven't seenyou since Paul's lt hasbeenraining hours. for We haveonlybeenwaitingfor a few minutes. Diane hasn't visited since got her newjob. us she

Exer 2

Exercise (p. 67) 5 B: A: B: A: ... put down carpets? No,they haven't. Have they moved theirfurniture? Yes, they have. Have they unpacked crockery? the No,they haven't.

t t

t 3

Exercise (p. 68) 7 A: B: A: B: A: B: How doesPaul feel? He feelshappybecause hasjust graduated. he How doesMaryfeel? Shefeelsboredbecause hasnothingto do. she How do Bettyand Ann feel? Theyfeel relaxed. think they are watchinga film and I
^-+i^^ ^^^-^,^ EOril r9 PUPLVT I r.

t t I E

Grammar Unit2
Exercise (p. 73) 1 'l a ... a b o u ts i xm o n t h s g o . a b . . .a t t h e t i m e . c ... since was a youngboy. he d . . . b y t h e t i m e h e w a s3 0 . 2 a b c d 3 a b c d . . .a c o u p l e f d a y s g o . o a ... for ages. . . .u n t i l9 o ' c l o c k . ... by the time shearrived. ...yesterday. . . .a t a b o u t8 o ' c l o c k . . . .a l ld a y . ... until it wastoo late.

4 t B A B

5 A B

A: How doesTonyfeel? B: He feels tired.I think he hasbeenwaitingfor someone. Exercise (p. 68) 8 playing guitaron Fridays. practise I usually the I often playbaseball with my friends. go I rarely shopping. to in I always listen music the evening. go I never skateboarding Exercise (p. 68) 9 the new winter merchandise 2 A: ls Paulinspecting at 10:00? B: No, he isn't. He is inspecting the new winter merchandise Tuesday on afternoon. position 3 A: ls Paulinterviewing for applicants the sales a t 11: 0 0 ? B: Yes, is. he 4 A: ls Paulhaving lunchwith hiswife and mother-in-law a t 12 : 0 0 ?

B 6

B Exerc


4 a...lastweek. b ... a couple timesa week. of c ...when shewasyounger. d ... for hours. Exercise (p.74) 3 1 ...was playing football, felland brokemy arm. I 2 ... usedto go to my grandmother's house every summer.

Ar t

ru A: St


3 . . .w e n t t o E g y p a n ds a wt h e p y r a m i d s . t 4 ... wasso nervous that my motherhadto comewith me. 5 . . . h a df i n i s h e d o i n gm y c h o r e sI,w e n tt o t h e c i n e m a . E x e r c i sa @ . 7 a ) e . Whenthe lntercity Ferry crashed the pier,MrsSmith into w a sc l i m b i n gh e s t a i r s . t Whenthe Intercity Ferry crashed the pier, into Sheila was holding book. a When the Intercity Ferrycrashed into the pier,a man wasworkingon hislaptopcomputer. Whenthe Intercity Ferry crashed into the pier,Mr Smith was searching hisbriefcase. in Whenthe Intercity Ferry crashed the pier, into .loyce was reading newspaper. a

E m m aw a s p l a n t i n g t r e e w h i l e h e r d a d w a s b u i l d i n q a the fence. W h i l eE m m a a s p l a n t i n g t r e e ,h e r d a d w a s b u i l d i n g w a the fence. A s E m m aw a s p l a n t i n g t r e e ,h e r d a d w a s b u i l d i n g a a fence. Exercise (p. 75) 9

. . . r

Exercise (p.7a) 6 2 A: What wereyou doingwhen the stormhit? B: I waswatching in the livingroom. TV 4 . . W h a td i d y o u d o ? B: I got up and closed shutters. the 3 A: B: A: B: 4 A: B: A: B: 5 A: B: A: B: What wereyou doingwhen the accident happened? I was drinking cup of coffeein a caf6. a W h a td i d y o u d o ? I r a no u t s i d eo h e l p . t What wereyou doingwhen the president arrived? palace. I waswaitingoutside presidential the What did you do? l w a v e dm y f l a g . What wereyou doingwhen the firebrokeout? I wasworkingin my office. What did you do? I ranto the emergency exit.

People didn't use to have ready-made clothesin the past. Theyusedto maketheir clothes. Nowadays, havereadywe madeclothes. People didn't useto havemuch furniturein the past.They usedto haveonly a few pieces. Nowadays, havea lot of we furniture. People didn't useto havecomputers the past.Theyusedto in havebooksand newspapers. Nowadays, havecompurers. we Peopleused to have a lot of decorations the oast in Nowadays, don't havemanydecorations. we People didn't useto havetelephones the past.Theyused in to havetelegraphs they usedto write letters. and Nowadays, we havetelephones. Exercise (p. 75) 10 year. Last duringmy summer holiday, I usedto get up late. I usedto spend time with my friends. I usedo go swimming. t I usedto sunbathe. I usedto readbooks. I didn't useto eat out at restaurants. E x e r c i s1 2 ( p . 7 6 ) e 1 Janewas working on the computerwhile/as Tim was making inner. d 2 | haven't beenskiing since was 18 years I old. 3 H e h a sb e e nl i v i n gn C u b af o r 6 m o n t h s . i 4 Shewas trying to bake a cakewhen the oven caught fire. 5 | took my umbrella because lookedlikeit was gongto it r ai n . 6 We were too tired to go out, so we stayedin and pizza. ordered

6 A: What were you doing when the earthquake happened? B: I was reading book. a A : W h a td i d y o u d o ? B : I h i du n d e r h e t a b l e . t Exercise (p.75) 7 Tony wasworkingwhen hissister called him. WhileTony wasworking,hissister called him. As Tony wasworking,hissister called him. Thegirls wererowingwhilethe boyswereplaying rugby. While the girls were rowing, the boys were playing rugDy. As the girls wererowing, the boyswereplaying rugby. Steve was shopping whileSandra was preparing dinner. WhileSteve wasshopping, 5andra was preparing dinner. As Steve wasshopping, preparing Sandra was dinner.

Grammar Unit3
Exercise (p. 82) 3a
a a

. .

Heisgoingto fly to NewYorkfor a conference July5th. on He will havefinished writing an articlefor politicsToday magazine July by 27th. He is going to leavefor a climbing holiday the Lake in District August2Oth. on He will be hostinga dinner party to welcome new students September2th. on 1


Suggested Answers Section

Exercise (p. 83) Za I'm goingto studymore. l'm goingto tidy my roommoreoften. / m gotng to risrt my grandparents more orten. l ' m g o i n gt o l e a r n o s p e a k r e n c h . t F goingto try not to fight with my sister. etc I'm Exercise (p.84) t3a . . . . . . lwill become multi-millionaire. a I will marrymy girlfriend, Sarah. I w i l l b e l i v i n g n a l a r g e o u s en t h e s u b u r b o f L o n d o n i h i s I w i l l b u ya y a c h t . I will join an exclusive club. golf I w i l l b e e a r n i n g 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0a y e a r . f 0 Exercise (p. 101) 6 B: ... buy a monthly travelpass? A: Yes vorrcan Can I travelfreeif I am over65?


B. tVeyoucan?.Can eator dnnkon thebus/tran? /

A: No,you can't.Do I haveto buyticketsin advance? B: No,you don't have buyticketsin advance. to Exercise (p. 102) 7 On the ferry o You mustn'tthrow litteroverthe side. o You needn'tmakea reservation. At the airport . You mustn'thave too muchluggage. . You mustcheckin. . You needn't takeyourluggage board. on At the ATM . You musttakeyourreceipt. . You mustn'tforgetyour PINnumber.
r Vnr r noadn'i h:rra

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Exercise (p.84) 1 2 - f lf you add four and two, you get six. 3 - e lf you mix blueand yellowpaint,you get green. 4 - a lf you put water in the freezer, becomes it ice. 5 - c lf you leave creamin the sun,it melts. ice 6 - d lf you dropa brickin water,it sinks.

Exe 3 4 5 6

. , c u rl D w i t h y o u .

Exercise (p. 102) 8

Grammar Unit4
Exercise (p. 93) A B: ... I haveagreed do someovertime to tonight.

B Shemusthavegraduated. Shecouldhavegot a law degree. Shecan't be at work. C Shemustbe on a diet. Shemusthavelosta lot of weight. Shecouldn'tbe eatingverymuch.


3 4 5

B A: We havedecided giveyou the job. to B: That'sfantastic! Whenwouldyou likeme to start? C A: Are you looking forward to going to the party tonight? B: Yes, lcan't wait to seemy old friends again. Exercise (p.9a) 10 r . . r Trans-European's aircraft are a bit older than Air Tropicana's aircraft. Trans-European accidents has more frequently than Air Tropicana. Air Tropicana to manymore interesting flies places than
Trrn<-Fr rrnnorn


Grammar Unit6
Exercise (p. 109) 3b B: ... Who organised firstmodernOlympic the aames? A: They were organisedby the International Olympic Committee. Who founded the IOC? B: lt was founded BaronPierre Coubertin. by de How many countries wereinvited the firstgames? to A: Only 13 countries were invitedto the first games. How often have the summer games been hosted by a different since city then? B: Thesummer games havebeenhosted a different by city every four years,except during the World Wars. How many athletesattendedthe 2000 games in Sydney. Australia? A: The 2000 gamesin Sydney, Australia were attendedby 10,000athletes. What did people think aboutthe 2000 games? Theywere thought to havebeen the biggestand the bestyet.What is hopedfor the years come? to A : It is hopedthat the games will be evenmoresuccessful in the years come. to

planes Trans-European's are muchmorereliable than Air Tropicana's. o Trans-European's service is a bit better than Air Tropicana's.


\ H

Grammar Unit5
Exercise (p. 101) 3 2 (outside officebuilding) You mustn'twalk on the an grass. 3 (in a blockof flats) Youcan't keeppetsin yourflat. (at a hospital) You mustn'tenterthe building. 4

I t t r


Suggested Answers Section

Exercise (p. 109) 5 Local man David Rowe was arrestedlast night after the armed robberyof the petrol station on GeorgeStreet.Rowe was caughtrunningawayfrom the scene and he was found to be carryingmore than f2,000 in cash. He was later officially chargedwith the robbery. was announced It that Rowe will appear courtnextmonth.lf he is foundguilty, in he couldbe sentenced up to ten years prison. to in Exercise (p. 109) 6 o A verdict has not been reachedby the jury in the Waterman case. o Extra fundingfor hospitals announced the Health was by Minister. r A one-day strike will be heldby traindrivers. Exercise (p. 110) 7 3 4 5 6 Theroadhasbeenclosed because ofthe floods. lt can'tbe put into the passive. just The letterwas delivered beforewe left. lt can'tbe put into the pasSive.

Grammar Unit7
E x e r c i s1 ( p . 1 1 6 ) e 2 3 4 5 6 Youcan haveyourhaircut (bythe barber). (by Youcan havephotographs developed them). Youcan havea new burglar (by alarminstalled them). (by Youcan haveleaflets printed them). (by Youcan haveyourcar repaired them).

Exercise (p. 116) 2 2 3 4 5 6 Sheis having jacketdry cleaned the moment. her at Theyhad a new gasfire installed month. last | had my mobilephonestolenlastnight. He had hisbloodpressure checked the doctor. by Didthey havetheir house decorated a professional? by

Exercise (p. 116) 3 2 Sheis having ordertaken. her 3 Sheis having teeth checked. her 4 He is having trousers his altered. Exercise (p. 118) 9 He askedif therewas a fitting roomwherehe couldtry it on. Heasked how muchit cost. He asked he couldpayby creditcard. if He asked theywould be openthe following if day. Heasked what time they closed Saturdays. on

Exercise (p. 110) 9 2 3 4 5 T h et i g e ri sa n a n i m aw h i c hc a nb e f o u n di n I n d i a . l Thisis Peter you met yesterday. whosesister A kettleissomething which is usedto boilwater. Gregisthe mechanic who fixedour ear.

Exercise (p. 110) 10

3 4 5 6


.1 4





B An alarmclockis somethinq which we useto wake us up inthe morning. That's alarmclockwhichJohnbrokeyesterday. the A carpenter someone is who makes furniture. Exercise (p. 12a) 1 He'sthe carpenter whosewife is a teacher. 1 The teacherthreatened send the studentsto the to Flippers thingswhichhelpus swimfaster. are neadmaster. These the flippers are which Mum boughtme. 2 Her parents allowedher to go to the party. Binoculars thingswhich help us seethingsthat are are 3 Carlboasted aboutearning lot of money. a far away. 4 Theypromised do whatever to they couldto help. Those the binoculars are whoselenses broken. are 5 Helen insistedon making all of the arrangements A chef issomeone who cooks a living. for herself. Markisthe chefwho makes that wonderful cheesecake. 6 Thedoctoradvised to oet moreexercise. him A lanternis something which we useto help us see in thedark. Exercise (p. 12a) 3 We havea lantern whichburnskerosene home. at 2 He advised to join a gym. me A fan is something whichwe useto keepus Cool. 3 He reminded that it was Dawn's me birthday Friday. on That's fan that auntTeresa the gaveme for my birthday. 4 He offeredto take me to the stationthe next dav. A trumpet is an instrumentwhich is played by a 5 Heaccused Mikeof breaking computer. the musician. 6 He forbade us to watch the film because wasn't it Sam has a trumpet which was owned by a famous suitable children for musician. 7 He invited to go to a dinnerpartyon Saturday. us J A doctoris someone who helps curethe sick. 8 He asked wherethe nearest me bankwas. Gregis the doctorwho hasan officein PortStreet 9 He denied eatingall of the biscuits. 10 He insisted gettinga refundimmediately. on

Grammar UnitB


Suggested Answers Section

Exercise (p. 125) 5 please? CouldI havesomeyogurtwith honey, I needsomesugarfrom the supermarket. I had two pearsfor lunchtoday. lsthereanyoregano left? We orderedmussels the new seafoodrestaurant. at Helen usedthreecupsof flourto makethe cake. Wouldyou likesomeketchup yourburger? on How manygrapefruit wouldyou like? We madethreecheese omelettes lunch. for Exercise 1a (p. 126) 1 Thereare a lot of strawberries. There aren'tmanybeans. Thereare a few tomatoes. Thereare no potatoes. There a littleicecream. is There no raspberries, are There isn'tmuchbroccoli. There a littlesoup. is Thereare several chocolates. There no cake. is There a few biscuits. are There no lentils. are l n e r er sn o m r l K . There no salad. is There no crisps. are juice. There a littleorange is Exercise 1b (p. 126) 1 B : . . . l st h e r ea n ys a l a d ? A: No,thereis no salad. thereanystrawberries? Are B: Yes,there are a lot of strawberries. there any orange ls juice? A: Yes,there is a little orangejuice.ls ther:e pasta? any B: Yes,there is a lot of pasta.ls there any icecream? A: Yes, there is a little icecream. Are there any beans? B: Yes,there are a few beans, there any soup? ls A: Yes.there is a little soup.ls there any broccoli? B: Yes,there is a little broccoli. there any biscuits? Are A: Yes,there are a few biscuits. there any chocolates? Are B: Yes, therearea lot of chocolates. Exercise (p. 126) 13 3 A: B: 4 A: B: 5 A: B: 6 A: B: 7 A: B: Didyou buy manypeppers? No,just a few. Didyou buy manylemons? No,just a few. Didyou buy manyonions? No,just a few. Didyou buy muchsteak? No,just a little. Didyou buy muchmilk? No,just a little. 8 A : Didyou buy muchgarlic? B : No,just a little.

Grammar Unit9
Exercise (p. 132) 3 2 lf Frank hadnltparked illegally, would not havegot a he parking ticket. 3 lf Juliedidn't havea laptop,she would not be ableto work from home. 4 lf Jennifer had not studiedhard. she would not have graduated from university. 5 lf Stanley had readhis notes,he would not havefailed the test. Exercise @. 132) a 1 lf I wanted to loseweight. I would stop eatingsweets. lf I wantedto loseweight,I wouldstartexercising. 2 lf I won the lottery, would buy a new house. I lf I won the lottery,I would go on a trip aroundthe world. lf I won the lottery,I would buy a new car. lf I won the lottery, would buy all my friends presents. I 3 lf I had two week'sholiday, would go to a Caribbean I lsland. lf I hadtwo week'sholiday,wouldspendit relaxing. I lf I had two week's holiday, I would visit my grandparents. lf I hadtwo week'sholiday,would renta cottage the I by sea. 4 lf I movedto a new house, would inviteall my friends I for a party. lf I moved a new house, would buy a dog. to I lf I moved a new house, would buy new furniture. to I lf I moved to a new house, I would install air conditioning. Exercise (p. 132) 5 . 2 A: What would you do if you won two ticketsto watch your localfootball team? B: lf I won two ticketsto watch my localfootballteam, I wouldtake my dad to the gamewith me. 3 A: What would you do if a new sportscentreopened nearyou.r house? B: lf a new sportscentre opened near my house,I would get a membership. 4 A: What would you do if your friendswere havinga party? fancydress B: lf my friends party, would werehaving fancydress a I buy a new suiVdress. 5 A : W h a t w o u l dy o u d o i f t h e c i r c u s v i s i t e d y o u r t o w n ? B: lf the circus visited town, I would take my niece my and nephew seeit. to


4 5


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Exe 2


Suggested Answers Section

6 A: What wouldyou do if you hada choice goingto a of basketball matchor a classicat musicconcert? B: lf I had a choice goingto a basketball of matchor a classical music concert,I would go to a classical music concert. Exercise (p.133) 7 2 | wishI had goneto bed earlier night. last lf I had gone to bed earlier last night, iwouldn,t be so tired now. 3 | wishI hadn'tquit myjob. lf I hadn't quit my job, I wouldn't need to look for another one now. 4 | wish I had studiedfor the test. lf I had studiedfor the test. I would be ablero answer the questions. 5 | wish I had beenmoresensible. l f l h a a b e e nm o r es e n s i b l ew o u l d n ' t h a v et h i s h u o e l. creditcardbill. 6 | wish I had startedthis reportearlier. l f l h a d s t a r t e dt h i s r e p o r te a r l i e rl;w o u l d n ' t s t i l l b e workingon it now. Exercise (p. 133) 8 I wish I hadn'tmissed busthis morning. the lf I hadn't missed the bus this morning.I would have beenon time for the meeting. I wish Mum wasn'tstilltalkingon the phone. lf Mum wasn't still talking on the phone, she could makeme somebiscuits Exercise (p. Ba) 12 2 | would ratherwatch a comedybecause don't like I horrorfilms. 3 | would ratherget somenew clothes becausedon,t like I exercising. 4 | would ratherwork overtimeon Fridaybecause really I needthe money. 5 | would rathergo out for a mealat a restaurant because I went to a clublastweek.

Grammar Unit10
Exercise (p. la1) 9 2 3 4 5 6 Either Debbie pamwill washthe car. or Neither Carlnor Rebecca haVhave readthat book. Either Johnor Steve boughtthat newspaper. BothJulian and Bobaregoingto the party. NeitherKeithnor Max haVhave a computer. got

3 I wish I hadn'tleft my umbrella the bus.kegret) on 4 I wish I knew how to usea computer. (unreal situation) 5 I wish I could afford to buy a motorbike.(unreal rqt ilr
situation) I wish my fatherwould let me drivehis new car.(unreal situation) 7 | wish I hadn't forgotten to send my sistera birthday card.(regret) 8 | wish I hadn'tlostmy gold bracelet. (regret) Exercise (p. 133) 9 ... lf the supermarket hadn't been so crowded,it wouldn,t havetakenheroveran hourto do hershopping. shehadn,t lf left her pursein the car;shecould havepaid for her groceries. She went to the car to get her purse but the street was emptyand her car had disappeared. called She the police to reportthat hercarhad beenstolen. Thepolice told herthat if she hadn't parkedit in a no-parking zone,her car wouldn't havebeentowed away.lf her husband hadn'tgonedown to the policestationand paid the fine, she wouldn't haveoot hercar back. Exercise (p. 134) 11

E x e r c i s1 1 ( p . 1 a 1 ) e 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Noneof them are indoors. Neither Perry Mark is/are the park. nor in All of them areusing laptop. a Neither Rachel perry nor iVareusing mobilepnone. a Both Rachel and Perry havea jacket. NeitherRachel perryhas/have coffee. nor a Neither Rachel Mark islare nor wearinq hat. a


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2 | wish I didn't haveto attendboringlectures. lf ldidn't haveto attend boringlectures, lcould go to the beach with my friends. 3 | wish I didn't havelotsof work. lf I didn't havelotsof work, I couldtake mv children to the zoo.


pescripts Ta
1 UNIT - Listening
you Loan Officer:NoW I understand want to take out a loan forthe details of with us.First all,I needto get a few personal form.Yourfull name? aoolication JohnMichaels. Michaels, -/ohn: Single? And you'remarried? LoanOfficer: John:l'm married. Mr Right. And youroccupation, Michaels? LoanOfficer: l'm John:Yes, a surveyor. Loan Officer:Now who is your employer? in Construction, BrookStreet. John:lwork for Leeds Loan Officer:How long haveyou beenwith them? John:Letme seenow ... um ... four and a half,no, fiveyears altogether. please, Michaels? Mr salary And yourannual LoanOfficer: f34,000 per annum. John: Loan Officer:Right.Now we'll needa copyof your latesttax return.You'vegot that with you? Good. Do you haveany time? at other loans the present o a m o r t g a g e n m y h o m e .O h , a n d t h e r e ' s John:Well,lhave my creditcardbillof course. Loan Officer:ls your mortgageand creditcardwith us?Yes? (sound on Good.l'll just bringup your details the computer. are of computerkeys)Mmm, good. All repayments up to purpose this new loan? of is date.Now.What exactly the to on John:I'm planning addingan extension the house an porch. and an enclosed extrabedroom Haveyou been to the councilfor planning Loan Officer: yet? permission in John: Yes.Everything's order. Now it's just a matter of and gettingthe loanapproved we cango ahead. All right. Now, I need to know what type of Loan Officer: loan you want. You have a few options.Do you want to your current mortgage or take out a separate increase personal loanperhaps? loanwould be bestin this case. ,/ohn:I think a personal Loan Officer:The interestrate is sllghtlyhigher,but your how much do you Exactly can repayments be more flexible. n e e dM r M i c h a e l s ? l'll John: l'll needf48,000.Thatshouldallow for everything. keep will hopefully That be doing a lot of the work myself. down. the costs Loan Officer: Working from your current mortgage planfor your repayment a we'll repayments, organise suitable to seems be in Right,everything personal loan application. . a o r d e rT h a t ' s l l I n e e da t t h i ss t a g e l f y o u ' l ls i g nh e r e . . .a n d . h e r e . . . T h a n ky o u , w e ' l l g e t b a c kt o y o u a b o u t t h e l o a n ' s in approval aboutten days. Speaker 1 for assistant I When I was younger, worked as a magician's loveddoingit, I ships. really We four years. workedon cruise w b u t I g a v ei t u p w h e n I g o t m a r r i e dI.d i d m i s s o r k t h o u g h , to set up on my own. Now, l'm a children's and so I decided I entertainer. havea one-hourshow that I do for children's partiesand I make a good living.I still wear my sparkly costumes, but now I do the tricks myselfinsteadof just t l M a s s i s t i n g . a k i n gc h i l d r e na u g ha n d s e e i n gh e i rI i t t l ef a c e s makesthis the most light up with wonderand amazement job rewarding in the world. 2 Speaker In to what I wanted do whenI leftcollege. the end I wasn'tsure firm, I got a job in an accountancy justto makeendsmeetand, six yearslater,l'm still in the samejob. I don't find it very to. that l'm suited foundanything challenging, I stillhaven't but untilI find but I hopeI won't be in thisjob forever, I can'tleave there I I anotherpositionbecause needthe security. suppose job on like mustbe a lot of people me,doinga boring for years to just because can'tthinkof anything better do. they end, Speaker 3 I alwaysknew what I wanted to do, so after I left schoolI After that I was to went to university do a BScin Optometry. optician a a traineefor a while and then I became qualified and movedto a differentfirm where I was madea partner after five years.I see about 15 patientsa day and I spend their eyes, about half an hour with eachpatient.I examine I for prescribe lenses and screen eye diseases.like working there is so much variety. best because with contac!lenses from and whichonesI prescribe There so manyto choose are depends the shapeof the eye,how rnuchtheywiil be used on I and the patient'srequirements. reallyenjoy my work lt and requires and precision I get to meetlotsof people. skill 4 Speaker person and that'sprobably and creative l'm a veryambitious so why I loveworking in advertising much. l've worked for many different companiesover the years to get the Now I am to experience I needed work my way up the ladder. for campaigns advertising and coordinate Director a Creative lt's companies. hard work, but it well-knowninternational and I For alsohasits perks. instance,get to travelextensively people. lwork about 12 hoursa day, meet lotsof interesting I and it that keeps interesting exciting. talk but it'sthe variety photographers illustrators, and work with models, to clients, and I evenfind and watch showreels look throughportfolios just starting out. I really who are to time to giveadvice others else. everdoinganything lovemyjob and I can't imagine

2 UNIT - Listening


Speaker 5 As a childI hatedsports and l'd do anything get out of pE. to Thatallchanged thoughwhenI hada baby. put on quitea bit I of weightso lwent to a gymto get backintoshape. Soon lwas hooked and I wasgoingevery and doingaerobics, I lost day too. weight and my body became verytoned.Then,when the gym expanded, aerobics my instructor askedif l'had thougnt aoout becoming instructor an myself why I didn'tget qualified I and so couldtake oversomeof the extraclasses. I decided do it and to I haven'tlookedbacksince. Now. I adoremy job. I get a great feeling seeing students slimand fit. l've madea lot of my get friends and my self-confidence improved, has too.

,4: Well, if you'd like to wait for a moment,I can find anotherroomfor you. B; I don't know.l'm really not happyabout this. I think l'd rathergo somewhere else. A: I'm afraid you'll find that everywhere already is bookedup, sir.lt'sa busytimeof year. lcan giveyou a roomhereif you wouldjust wait for a few minutes. B; Well,alright, then. I suppose haveno otherchoice. I 5 Woman l'd plannedto do lots of walkingon my holiday, but I spentmost of the time reading my hotel room.lt was in freezingand wet and I couldn't bring myselfto go outside!lt poured down every single day.I didn,tevengo out to eat becausewould havegot absolutely I soaked; I just orderedfood from room service!lt was a bit of a disappointing experience, tell you! I can



UNIT - Listening 3

1 A: So,how wasyourcruise? you havea lovely Did time? B: Well, no, not really.John was struck down with something minutewe left the port. He spentthe the e n t i r e r i p i n o u rc a b i n . t A; Oh dear. Thepoorthing. 8; I know.lt was a shame him really. couldn,t for He eat anythingfor the first couple of days.lt was really awful. A; I suppose he'sjust not cut out for a life on the ocean waves!

UNIT - Listening 4
Monday Don't forgetthat nextweek is GreenWeek herein Barford. and there are plentyof activities keepyou busyand help to cleanup the localenvironment. startthe programme We on Monday, with a trip to the localrecycling centre. you can Here see how all your household waste can be shreddedup, melted down, and turned into useful materials. Almost anything be usedagain, can andwe hopethat thisoutingwill encourage more of you to stop throwing away valuable rubbish! There limitedplaces are available thistrip, so sign for up now at the TownHal.. Tuesday On Tuesday, are invitingeveryone leavetheir carsat we to homeand get on theirbikes. Seehow easy isto get around it on Barford's cyclepathsand give the environment break a from all thosedangerous exhaust fumes. Carswill be banned from the town centrefor the day and we're hopingthat, oncepeople realise how muchbettertravelling bikecanbe by for our healthand our planet,they will think twice before gettingbehind wheels theircarsin future. the of Wednesday Go back to schoolon Wednesday with an afternoonof environmental educationat the Town Hall. We are lucky judy enoughto haveenvironmentalist Walters joiningus to give us informationon how to make our homes more environmentally friendly. Judywill be givingus tipson how to conserve energyin our homesin order to savemoneyand helpour planetat the sametime. Shewill alsobe explaining how running 'green'house a can be easy and fun, too.





A; Excuse l'vejust arrived the flight from Madrid me. on and my bag isn'there. 8.' I see.Have you checked the baggage at carousel? A: Of course. beenwaitingthere for an hour,but it l've hasn'tcomethrough.Do you think it couldhavebeen put on the wrongflight? 8.' lt's possible. you couldgiveme yourticket,l,llcheck lf on the computer you. for A: Oh, I reallyhope it hasn'tgone somewhere else.lt,s got everythingneedin it. I Man I couldn'tbelieve I got therein plentyof time - or so I it. thought- boughtmy ticketandwaitedon the platform. I stoodtherefor twenty minutes and then I started get to worried. I was the only personthere, and it,s usually prettybusyat that time of day.I kept checking warcn my and staring down the lineto seeif it was coming. ThenI askedat the information desk,because thought there I maybe a problem the lineor something, theytold on and me the timetable had changed! mean.theyshouldreally | tell people aboutthingslikethat, shouldn't they? A: l'm terribly sorry, Thecomputer sir. must havemadea mistake. B; Well,it'ssimply not good enough. booked I this room weeksago, and now you tell me that you'vegivenit to someone else.



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Thursday is Thursday New Life Day and we are hopingthat as many t t p e o p l e s p o s s i b l w i l l j o i n i n o u r c a m p a i g no r e p l a c eh e e a many trees which have been cut down in BarfordForest. Bringa spadeand a pair of bootsand help to put new life Centrehavekindly Garden Thompson's backinto the forest. youngtreesfor GreenWeek,and we donatedone hundred the forestand the local to thesebetween areplanning divide parksto bring a touch of green into the area and give backto nature. something Friday as It's time to get your handsdirty againon Friday, we are looking for volunteersto help us improve the area Thisareahas becomepollutedin Barford Lake. surrounding recentyears, a resultof touristsand localsusingit as a as and all soot.We aimto clear the litterfromthe lakeside oicnic drag the water to removeall the rubbishwhich has been our thrown in. Hopefully effortswill encourage thoughtlessly people treatour natural with morecare. beauty spots to used are lnterviewer:And what kind of surqerv thesedevices for? operations complicated but mainly Dr Huntley:Oh, all kinds, suchas heartor brainsurgery. lnterviewer: And how exactlydo they make the surgeons' job easier? of the Dr Huntley:I suppose mainadvantage thesemachines madeby the surgeon. down movements isthat theycanscale if For example, he wants the roboticarm to move half a he centimetre, can move the remote control joystickfive and the computerwill scalethe movement centimetres, can movements be made that veryprecise down.Thismeans easily and. more importantly, ouickly,which makes the muchsafer. operation "So,apart from making it safer,how Interviewer:Amazing. in will robotsurgeons affectsurgery the future? else Dr Huntley: Well, they will allow doctorsto perform much to they make it possible because surgery, more complicated that one Thereis a chance scale. operateon a microscopic and that cells, day,we will be ableto operateon individual w o u l db e w o n d e r f u l . machines, Theysoundlike fantastic Goodness! Interviewer: we but arethereanydrawbacks shouldknow about? Dr Huntley:No, I don't think so. The only problemis that in haveto learn new skillsand new movements surgeons order to work with the robots,but that shouldn'tbe too difficult. it's lnterviewer: Dr Huntley, beenwonderfulto haveyou on you for we'verun out of time.Thank the show,but l'm afraid j o i n i n g st o d a y . u Dr Huntley: lt was greatto be here. And nextweek,we will be talkingto ... [fade] lnterviewer:

Lisa aDl mor time t h es Adat Lisa u5er reco a n dI Adar t al k i Lisa: can' unde Adan we'll
cail a

trave imag Lisa:t

UNIT5 - Listening
out may soundlikesomething Robotsurgeons Interviewer: to they are beginning fictionmovie,but in fact of a science nearyou. Herein the studiois Dr Stuart operate a hospital at roomsof the future. Huntley tell us all aboutthe operating to f u t, D r H u n t l e y h a n k so rj o i n i n g s . to Dr Huntley: lt's a pleasure be here. being are ls lnterviewer: it true that robot surgeons already usedin somehospitals? here and in the Dr Huntley: Yes.A handfulof surgeons Theyarethe are UnitedStates makinguseof thesemachines. technology. in latest advance medical are lnterviewer:And what exactly they usedfor? Dr Huntley: Well, they enable doctors to carry out very by and safely, usingremote accurately surgery complicated control. operateon patients Interviewer:So the robotsdon't actually o n t h e i ro w n ? Dr Huntley: Oh, no, no, of course not. No, artificial a uses that hasn'tdeveloped far yetl Thesurgeon intelligence what to do. The fact that to computer tell the robotsexactly the robotscarryout the actualtasksjust meansthat very than if precise can movements be made much more quickly t h e yw e r em a d eb y h a n d . Interviewer:I see.So,what do the robotslook like? but they are Dr Huntley:Well, they look a bit like cranes, table. roboticarmswhich hang over the operating actually On the ends of thesearms are tools to grip smallobjects, with a light up for needles stitching wounds,and a camera on the which showsthe surgeon areabeingoperated inside the body.

neve differ< 5ee. Adar situa usa: I Adam comp Lisa:I

5 UNIT - Listening
Adam:Oh no! lisa: What'sthe matter? Every Adam: ljust can'tget to gripswith this new computer. time I useit it goeswrong. you'renot usingit properly. lisa; Well,perhaps Adam: Hm. Maybenot. l'm just not cut out for all this new technology. Well,you'llhaveto get usedto it. lt'snot going lisa: Oh dear. to go away. Adam: I know. lt's just going to get worse.What will I do | by is when everything controlled computers?won't survive! are Youwill! Don'tforgetthat a lot of thingsalready run lisa; and you don't even notice. In the future, by computers, and will everything be much moreconvenient you'llwonder without computers. how you eversurvived every my Adam: Hm. I don't know.l'll haveto upgrade skills gettingjobs will be the year.The only peoplewho will be and people who canuseallthe new technology, that certainly won'tbemel

lntervt to hal who is joinin

Sally: : lntervi oays.r shoul Sally: thesec are u5 compa lnterui compa Sally:V know. I numbe service your b; before I n m yo


you,llget a job. And you,llbe Lisa:Oh,don't be so negative. ableto work from home usingyour computer. There,ll no be more9 to 5 days, because you,llbe ableto work to yourown timetable. You'llevenbe ableto do several differenttobsat the sametime,so you'llearnmoremoney. Adam: Huh! You makeit soundso easy. trsa:Well, I think it will be. All our appliances be more will user-friendly things like TVs and videoswill havevoice and recognition, you canjust tell them what to showor recoro so andyou won't haveto press buttons. any Adam: Good. I hate buttons.But I think t,ll feel a bit daft talkingto my video. Irsa:I don't seewhy.you'realways shouting it when you at can't programme it properly.Honestly,Adam, I don,t understand you'reso negative why aboutthe future. Adam: Well, I suppose scares it me. When I readabout how we'llbe wearing clothes whichcanmonitor heartbeats our and call an ambulance anything if happens us, or now soace to travel will become common air travel, just panic. can,t as as I I imagine how I will fit in in a worldlikea science fiction film. Lisa: Oh, Adam. lt'll still be the sameworld, and people will neverreallychange.We'll just have to learnto do things differently our lives be betterin so manyways.you,ll and will see. Adam: Hm. I suppose just have makethe bestof a scary l'll to situation. llsa; That'smore like it. Adam: Lisa ... will you show me how to use this awful computer? Lrsa: Haha!Of course willl I Interviewer:Right.Now,you mentioned beforethat it is easy to get a credit card. lsn,t that a bit dangerous some for peopleT Sally:Hmm, yes.lt can be verytemptingto applyfor a credit cardif you areshortof money, which is why so manypeople run up huge debts on their cards and get Into senous financial difficulties. There people are who seethe "buy now. pay later" ideaas a sort of escape route_ a way of getting what they want without having spend',real', to money. This of course,is not the case.When the bills land on the doormat,manypeople not havethe moneyto paythem, do so they put it off until the next month, or the next. This means that they end up beingcharged fortunein interest. a lnterviewer: Yes, that is a problem. you think that credit Do cardcoinpanies shouldbe morecareful aboutwho they qive cards to? Sally: Well, in an ideal world, that is exactlywhat would happen. Unfortunately. though,it is not in theirinterest do to that. Credit card companies make their money from the peoplewho have trouble payingoff their bills,and who struggle keepup with their interest to people payments. who can afford to pay everything off monthly are simply not profitable. lnterviewer: Oh dearl So they are happyto let lesswell_off people havecreditcards? Sally: course. Of Debtis big business. Interviewer:So, how can we beat the creditcardcompanies and usea creditcardto our own advantaqe? Sally: Well, credit cardsare very usefulfor those moments when you'renot carrying cashwith you.Theyalsoallow any peopleto pay for large purchases over a period of time, instead havingto saveup for monthsbeforebuyingthat of new washingmachine computer. or However, advice my to anyone who is considering gettinga creditcardis this:always keepa note of everything charge your card.Thereis you to nothingworsethan gettinga bill at the end of the monthfor much morethan you expected. Also,try to pay off your bill everymonth. Puttingit off will only meanthat you haveto payinterest, that canbe an expensive and business. Interviewer: Sally, been great to haveyou here,but l,m it's afraid we'verun out of time.Thanks all vouradvice. for Sally: Any time. lnterviewer: Next week on Shopper's Guide, we will be t a l k i n g b o u t. . . l f a d e ] a

UNIT - Listening 7
lnterviewer:Today Shopper's on Guide,we are luckyenough to havein the studiowith us financial consultant Sally Herd, who is goingto talk to us aboutcreditcards. Sally, thanksfor j o i n i n g st h i sa f t e r n o o n . u Sally:lt's my pleasure. lnterviewer:Now,just about everyone a creditcardthese has days.It seems that there is no rule about who shouldand s h o u l d n 'h a v e n e . t o Sally: That'strue. lt is extremelyeasyto get a credit card thesedays. fact,the minutesomeone In turnseighteen, they are usually bombarded with offers from credit card companies. Interviewer:Perhaps you could tell us how to choosewhich company use? to Sally:Well,always I think it'sa good ideato stickto what you know. lf you havehad an account with a certainbank for a numberof years, example, for and you are happywith their services, I wouldsuggest then that you get a creditcardfrom your bank, rather than a companyyou have never used before. Well-established banksare usually the most reliable, i n m yo p i n i o n .

UNIT - Listening 8
Interviewer: Well, today on World of Science, have Dr we Stevens, who is workingon genetically engineered food, in the studiowith us.Dr Stevens, goodto haveyou with us. it,s Dr Stevens: a pleasure be here. lt's to lnterviewer: Now, I understandthat you are in favour of genetically modified foods?




Dr Stevens:Yes,that's right. I believethat they can be genes, or a in useful manyways.Byaltering plant's extremely genes a plant,we can helpthat plantto to by addingcertain by and fight disease protectit from beingattacked insects. lnterviewer:Yes,l've heardthat arounda quarterof the corn grown in the United States now has been genetically the plant which makes an to engineered produce insecticide poisonous caterpillars. to attackcorn and cause That'sright. Caterpillars Dr Stevens: plantsto die, which of coursemeansa loss of profit for g a f a r m e r sB ya l t e r i n g s i n g l e e n ei n t h e c o r n ,w e c a ne n s u r e . the attacking cornwill die. that anycaterpillar in Hmm. I can seehow it couldsolveproblems Interviewer: die term if caterpillars whentheytry to eat the corn. the short problems the longterm? in this cause doesn't However, What do you mean? Dr Stevens: die, Well, if all the caterpillars there will be no lnterviewer: they help because butterflies and the world needs butterflies, there are to spreadseedsfrom plants and flowers.Also, and which eat caterpillars, they would go animals several p s c ri h u n g r y f a l lt h e c a t e r p i l l ad se .T h i s o u l dc a u s e r o b l e ma l l i t h e w a y u p t h e f o o dc h a i n . Dr Stevens:I see your point, yes. Of coursethere are nobodyhaseversaidthere engineering, to drawbacks genetic weren't.What l'm trying to point out, though, is that the the outweigh disadvantages. advantages In lnterviewer: youropinion. in Yes, my opinion. Dr Stevens: you so But lnterviewer: the onlyadvantages havementioned and improve genetic can engineering kill insects far are that incomes. farmers' it Well.of course can do much morethan that. Dr Stevens: morecorn, meansthat the farmercan produce Killing insects then more people on. lf cropsare increased, wheat and so morefood,we as canbe fed. lt'sassimple that. By producing people the developing world and put in canfeedthe starving forever. an end to famine givenus all a you'vecertainly Well,Dr Stevens, Interviewer: we've run out of time lot to think about. Unfortunately, today,but we hopeyou will join us againsoon.And now, it's time to go to the newsdeskfor an updateon ... in innocentpasser-by the street below. I guessthat's why is base-jumping illegal in the States now. lf I was still but l'd competing, haveto go to Europe, l'm too old now,so kids. lt l'll leave to the 2 Speaker (female mid 20s) of testingand riskiest l'd sayfreedivingis the mostphysically - and l'm not just saying I that becausedo sports all extreme on goingas low asyou can underwater it itl Basically,means just one breathof air and without the help of any special and a maskl apartfrom a wetsuit,flippers divingequipment it's The reason saidto be more suitedto women is because diverssuffera lot of pain and women havea higherpain s b y T t h r e s h o l d .h ep a i ni s a c t u a l lc a u s e d y y o u rl u n g s h r i n k i n g ribsin your ribsbending. evensuffered few cracked a I and to We the beginning. haveto trainour bodies copewith this who havehad heart but kindof distortion, I stillknow people not and burst eardrums, to mentionthe blackouts attacks, ! odd drowning 3 Speaker (male- 20sl30s) snowboarding of a is Skysurfing really combination skydiving, so and gymnastics, you haveto be good at all three to be and from skydiving just is at successful it. Skysurfing different j o p l a i no l d p a r a c h u t i nb e c a u sy o u ' r e u m p i n g u t o f a p l a n e g e to attached your feet, and duringfreefall with a skateboard which stunts, you haveabout a minuteto performacrobatic with comesin. The only realdanger is wherethe gymnastics you jump with somebody else.I was jumping is skysurfing if who was filming my stuntsfor a once with a cameraman He commercial. got too closeat one point and we almost and if because you hit heads You haveto be careful collided. you might not wake up in time to unconscious, are knocked o p e ny o u rc h u t e ! Speaker4(male-40s) for l've been ice-climbing over ten yearsnow and l'd been that. I before for and mountaineering rock-climbing ten years p r e f e r c e - c l i m b i nh o u g h- i t ' sm u c hm o r eo f a t h r i l l !A l o t tg i are think ice-climbers and rock-climbers of mountaineers oneslike me who preferto go solo- that is, nuts,especially without a rope or a climbingmate. Don't forget l'd been for climbing a long time beforeI tried it. l'd climbedEverest and livedto tell the tale. Most peopleneed a team mate, at they can trust,because the end of the day your someone life is in their handsand vice versa- there'sno room for requires much so because ice-climbing lt's mistakes. probably are and experience skillthat so few climbers everkilled- if they didn't know what they were doing,they wouldn't be d o i n gi t !


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UNIT - Listening 9
1 Speaker (male- mid 50s- American) backin I Well,likea lot of people, firststartedbase-jumping off the 70s with a bunchof othersparachuting Californian that towers, bridges, on ThenI moved to highbuildings, cliffs. i o t k i n do f t h i n g .M o s tp e o p l eh i n kj u m p i n g f f a t a l ib u i l d i n gs out of a plane, but in fact, it's the safer than leaping n s T o p p o s i t e . h i n ka b o u ti t - t a l l b u i l d i n ga r eu s u a l l iy t h e c i t y so centre, when you'recomingdown you haveto makesure y o u d o n ' t h i t a n y t h i n g i k e a n o t h e rb u i l d i n ga r i v e ro r a n , l

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Speaker5 l'vetrieda lot of extreme sports, but, in my opinion,nothing can beat white water rafting.lt's so thrillingto be thrown about by crashing water, bouncingoff rocksand rushing down fast-flowing rivers. is risky, course, lt of and you needto work togetheras a team if you don't want to be overturned or smashed againstthe rocks.That'swhy I only ever go raftingwith people know really I well.you needto be ableto perfectly, trust eachotherand to know that communicate to everyone pulling is theirweight. never seenanything it. lf you ask me like Policeman: Thankyou, Mr Jackson, you'vebeena great help. Wouldyou be prepared cometo the policestationto make to a statement we needany moreinformation? if Mr Jackson: course,of course. Of That would be no trouble a t a l l .S h a lIl g i v ey o u m y p h o n en u m b e r ? Policeman Yes,please. : Mr Jackson: Right.lt's 555793.You can call me any U m e before 9pm. l'm always happy helpthe police to force. Policeman: Well, we do appreciate that, Mr Jackson. Thank you.


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UNIT - Listening 10
Policeman:Now, I understand you witnessedthe accident, sir? Mr Jackson: That'sright. I saw everything. was terriblel lt Policeman:I expect it was, sir. Could I take your name, please? Mr Jackson: course.lt's Jackson. Of Arthur Jackson. live at I 37 VineStreet. Policeman:Right. And what do you do for a living, Mr Jackson? Mr Jackson: an accountant. I'm Policeman: see.Can you tell me whereyou were when the I accident occurred? Mr Jackson:I certainlycan. I was on the corner of Millfield Roadthere, postingsome letters.I enjoy the walk from my houseto the letter box usually, but today it wasn,t very oleasant all. at Policeman: can imagine. you were facingthe roadwhen I So, the accident occurred? Mr Jackson:Absolutely.told you. I saw everything. I Policeman: Well,couldyou tell me what exactly you saw? Mr Jackson: yes.I saw the tour bus there, pullingout of Oh the publiccarpark.I remember wondering wherethe tourists were from. We get so manyhereand | Policeman: you saw the tour bus,and then ... Yes, Mr Jackson:Ahem. Yes. Then I saw the red car there, speeding round the corner. was going everso fast and I lt thought to myselfanyonegoing that fast is headingfor trouble, so Policeman: What happened next, Mr Jackson? Mr lackson: Well, you can see what happened. The red car crashed into the tour bus- it didn't havetime to stop,you see.The driverwasn't even looking.lf you ask me, racing alonglikethat Policeman:Thank you, Mr Jackson.Did anything happen after that? Mr Jackson: yes.After that camethe most shocking Oh part. The drivergot out of the red car and startedshoutingat the bus driver; if it was all the bus driver's as fault,when anyone with eyesin their headcouldseeit wasn't. lt was terrible,l've

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