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Astral Travel

The Ultimate Adventure What if you could leave your body and travel about this world and others completely unhindered by your physical form? What if you could live your life completely sure that your soul would exist beyond your physical death?
What if this ability was something that anyone could learn how to enjoy? What if this ability could not only be enjoyed but also could teach us about the true nature of our selves and our existence? Astral travel, Astral Projection, Out Of Body Experiences and Near Death Experiences have been reported for thousands of years and by cultures throughout the globe, with surprising similarities. People from all walks

of life have recounted stories of leaving their bodies. Many report that this experience has changed their life forever. In this report, I will use the term Astral Travel. To clarify, all of the terms above refer to the separation of the conscious from the physical with differing results. For instance, a Near Death Experience is an Out of Body Experience that happens at the time of death. Astral Travel is what Astral Projection becomes when you begin to journey away from the body. Im going to tell you the story of my own experiences with Astral travelling and what I have learned so far. Ive been researching the phenomena for some time now as well as practising the art most days. Ive also studied a course and spoken to pretty much everyone I can about it! I can now successfully leave my body around 85% of the times that I try. For some reason, there are some physical places that I simply dont have as much success in but Im starting to think that this may be due to some energy disturbance in the location. These places account

for the missing 15%! There is a lot of information on the internet about Astral Travelling. Some of which seems very good, some is conflictive and some is just plain scary! Ive taken on-board methods from various sites and other information sources and I will include a reference section at the end of the document to give you an idea of where my information has come from. I have to admit that this subject has become a minor obsession for me. The reason being, if there is one psychic ability that I would like ev-

eryone on the planet to experience, its this. I think that it is relatively straightforward to learn, safe and, above all, utterly convincing. Recently, my Grandmother has been very ill. She is in her late eighties and knows that her time in this life is coming to a close. She lives some distance from me now but I used to live with her as a child so feel very close to her. She also seemed a very spiritual person and would often say that When her time was up it was up that the angels would take her and she would be happy to go. However, as with many of us, as her time is approaching, I was really saddened to hear that she is now terrified of death. So much so, in fact, that Ive been told she is scared to close her eyes in case she doesnt wake up. She is questioning the existence of the after-life and is starting to fear that, once she passes over, she will never see her loved-ones again. I guess that this is not unusual. In fact, a friend who works caring for people at the end of their lives, has told me that this is usually the case. That as death approaches, many of us, despite previously held beliefs become very frightened of death. This is understandable. After all, our natural instinct to survive creates a will to stay alive and a healthy avoidance of death. But I also believe that this fear, so terrifying to those on the brink of the last unknown adventure, comes from the fact that spiritual or religious beliefs, no matter how staunchly held throughout life, are simply beliefs. We have faith that our souls will exist after our physical bodies die but we have no direct experience that proves this to us. I believe, in fact scratch that I KNOW that experiencing Astral Travel is an utterly convincing experience. You can read all you like and believe all you like about the nature of your soul but there is nothing like direct experience. As some of you may know, I work as a psychic artist and channel my art, receiving visions both auditory and

visually. However, I would describe this as very much a mind-centred experience. Astral Travel is very different. It is a very physical experience with very physical sensations and experiences.

at night and simply dont remember it in the morning. If this is the case, why complicate what is a natural part of life as a human being? I use a simple method and it works for me. From the research that Ive done, I would feel confident to say that I think this is similar to methods used successfully by many others. I have had several episodes of spontaneous Astral Travelling and associated phenomena throughout my life but the last time I awoke to find myself flying around my bedroom and observing my own sleeping body, I made the decision to properly learn how to control the ability.

not dangerous and it wont harm you if you are disturbed but it makes it easier to relax if you know you are going to be left alone. Alsoyoure your physical body is disturbed whilst you are out you will find yourself straight back into your physical form and if this happens suddenly, it can give you a little jolt. Its also very frustrating, as getting out is the most challenging part of Astral Travel. Once you are out, the last thing you want is some sudden noise dropping you back into your body before you have had a chance to have some fun!

is best. Once comfortable, I close my eyes and I start to four-fold breathe. Breathe in for four, hold the breath for four, breathe out for four, hold for four. At first this can seem very slow and quite difficult but the more you focus on it, the more natural it will feel. Focussing on maintaining this breathing rhythm is also a great way of beginning to clear your thoughts and quiet your internal dialouge. Keep your breathing this way until you begin to feel very relaxed and very still. You will find other thoughts entering your head and you may be distracted by them but just keep pulling your mind back to focussing on you four-fold breathing. I often focus my internal vision onto my third eye as well, just between your eyebrows. When I feel sufficiently relaxed and mind-still I do two visualisations for cleansing and protection. When I began to practice Astral Travelling, I didnt do these but I had one negative experience that gave me rather a fright so, according to the well-established Astral Travel expert, Steve G Jones, who has written an excellent course on the subject, I followed his advice and incorporated these visualisations into my preparation. I havent had any negative issues since so I keep them up! Im not great at visualisations, so I do these quickly and simply. The first one is to cleanse. I visualise myself walking through a beautiful forest. I come to a clearing and there is a giant glass tube there. There is a door in the tube and I get inside of it. I can see the bright sun overhead and it tips over and pours sunlight into the tube. I see this as tiny gold, dancing beads. As the tube fills up with the sun beads, they cover my entire body until they are over my head. I then breathe the beads in. I imagine they are cleansing my entire body. As I breathe out, the beads flow out of my fingers toes and orifices. I breathe in again, and exhale them through my body. I imagine that whilst they are inside me, they are absorbing all negativity, doubt or fear. As I breathe them

out, they take these negative feelings with them. I imagine that when they come out, they are slightly darker in colour as they have absorbed any badness from within me. When I have done this for a few minutes, it actually helps with the breathing focus too, I imagine that the bottom of the tube opens and all the beads pour out onto the forest floor and are absorbed by the ground. I step out of the tube. I look up at the sun and a beam of pure white light comes from the sun and focusses on my solar plexus, right in the middle of my chest. This is the protection ritual. I feel the pure, white light from the sun filling my entire body, leaving my hands like streams of lightening and growing within me until my entire body is glowing white. It then spreads from my body and fills my surroundings, growing stronger and stronger. I also imagine this white light filling my bedroom and then my entire house, to protect my physical surroundings. Some people argue that this sort of protection is unnecessary and some people swear by it. All I know is that I did have one negative experience whilst travelling when I didnt protect and I havent had any problems since incorporating it. There are many entities in the astral planes and not all of them are positive and whilst I dont believe that you can be physically harmed by them, they have the potential to scare you. Using the white light gives you power to deter any entity that may wish to scare you. It also gives you confidence. After my negative experience, I got quite a fright and I found it very difficult to Astral Travel for a little while as that fear was stopping me from being able to relax. Moving on once I have got my breathing under control, cleansed and protected I move on to the next part of my preparation which is chakra cleansing and activation. Again, this is something I read about whilst researching different methods, tried and found that it did seem to enhance my own experiences. To chakra cleanse, I focus on each chakra in turn, starting with the base

So Astral Travel, as well as being an enjoyable experience and often one which can be used as a fantastic learning tool can also bring a huge relief to us. Not just concerning our own impending physical deaths but also bringing comfort when we think of our loved-ones that have passed on already or those that are ill and will pass before us.

Im a trained hypnotherapist and often meditate. Both the hypnotic state and the stillness state of meditation are very closely linked to the condition needed for successful Astral Travel. The conditions needed are complete relaxation, stillness of the mind and a change in the level of conscious. Like meditation, some people find it easier in the evening, some the afternoon and some in the morning. For me, the morning is the best time from Astral Travelling. When I go to bed, my mind is usually very busy and I often have trouble going to sleep. During the day, again, Im always rushing around. When I first wake up in the morning, I love that feeling of complete relaxation. The bed always seems to be the right temperature and Im sleepy and comfortable. My room has a black out blind to block out light and where I live is very quiet so Im quite likely to be undisturbed. I actually have a sevenyear-old daughter who is naturally noisy and usually early-rising too so I usually practice Astral Travelling when she is staying away with her Dad. Its important that you are not disturbed and its as quiet as possible - another reason that I think early morning is a good time. Unplug your phone and turn off your mobile or anything else that is likely to make a sudden noise and disturb you. Its

Therefore, if this is a skill that can be readily learned and mastered shouldnt everyone try it? Its become an ambition of mine to encourage as many people as possible to learn how to Astral Travel. Im not exaggerating when I say that, its my belief, that if enough people experienced this, it could literally change the world.
Ive read several books on the subject and literally spent hundreds of hours researching online. Some of the books were good and some were dreadful! The biggest issue that I have with a lot of the material Ive read is that it makes Astral Travelling sound so complicated. In fact, one book in particular that I read recommended three weeks of complicated daily rituals before even attempting Astral Travel! Most agree that we all spontaneously leave our bodies

So, the scene is set, so to speak. Its early morning, my house is quiet, my room is dark and my phones and alarm clocks are definitely switched off sometimes I will put on my electric blanket as Ive found that I find it difficult to Astral Travel is Im cold. Im comfortable and Im warm and Im totally relaxed having just woken up. I also find that I have most success if Im lying with my head pointing north. This is a technique recommended by the world-renowned authority on the subject, Robert Monroe. I was surprised to hear it but when I looked in hindsight at the places Id been when Id had the most successful Astral Travel experiences, they all appeared to be when my head was pointing north, so I stick to the formula! I lie on my back, legs together and hands by my sides and make sure that my head and neck are comfortable. I suffered a severe neck injury last year which still causes me problems so this part is important for me. I usually find a single, flat pillow

chakra in my groin area, which I visualise as a red spinning ball. Then I move to the sacral, around my belly button and imagine this as an orange spinning ball. So on up to the solar plexus, a yellow ball; the heart a green/pink ball; the throat, a blue ball; third eye, a violet ball and finally the crown chakra over the top of my head which I see as a golden spinning ball. When I have visualised all these chakras as cleared and moving well, I visualise energy running from the base chakra up my spine and all the way up to the crown chakra like a fountain of white light.

body asleep, mind awake. Its where most people have the problems and finally give up trying because there is a certain knack to it which takes some people quite a bit of practice. The way that I find successful is to simply keep clearing the mind and focus on keeping thoughts and internal dialogue still. The state is actually called hypnagogia. As you lay, mind still and body relaxed, your mind will start to dream slightly. You may see colours, pictures or hear sounds. It is easy to get distracted at this point and simply follow one of these mini dreams, in which case you will probably simply fall asleep and lose conscious awareness. The trick is to keep pulling your focus back from the dreams. After doing this for a while, and believe me it does get easier the more you practice. You will find that you are in a state of hypnagogia, in other words you are on the borderline of sleep but with full conscious awareness.

the bed, off the side and floated up rather than hitting the bedroom floor. Whichever method you use, and you can use a combination if you wish. What should happen is the encouragement of the separation of the astral body. Also, the more often you do this, the easier is becomes to accomplish, as if the sticky velcro holding your physical body to your astral body gets looser with frequent use! When you start to feel the separation, it is a very physical feeling. Most people, including myself report feeling intense vibrations, a bit like pins and needles, in whatever part of the body is separating. Some people report that these are very, very strong vibrations whilst others report a more minor sensation. My own vibrations feel like the shivers you get when you listen to a good song or see something that touches your heart on television. I really enjoy the feeling but some people, especially at first, find it a little disturbing. I believe this is because it is an extremely physical sensation. Some people will often find that their heart rate feel like is is getting faster, although in reality it isnt. This can feel a little scary. Other common feelings and sensations are vertigo, falling, spinning and loud noises. One report I read stated that the noises the man in question heard were as loud as a freight train running right through his bedroom. Thankfully, I havent heard anything quite as loud. I often hear a buzzing noise, like the sound a street lamp makes when it is first switched on. I also heard my bedside table vibrating loudly once but this has not happened again! One of the most common questions that people ask when they are planning to learn how to Astral Travel, is, What happens if I cant get back to my body? Believe me, when you start to Astral Travel, the problem is not that you cant get back to your body, its actually managing to stay out of it for any length of time! Any disturbance of your physical body will result in your astral body returning immediately. It also seems at

first that even thinking about returning to your body will make it happen. When I started to Astral Travel, the first thing that I used to do after the separation was to turn over and look at my physical body. Often the shock of seeing yourself from outside of yourself is also going to send you straight back in!

when your physical body dies. So, what to do now that you can separate your conscious from your physical? Well, the world is literally your oyster! Most new travellers are most comfortable simply exploring their immediate location at first but as your confidence grows, you can explore outside, your street, your town or literally anywhere of your choosing. It took me months to get out of my bedroom! As you have no physical constraints whilst travelling, you are not restricted by physical location. If you wish to visit a place on the other side of the globe or even on another planet you may do so. More advanced travellers have reported travelling both backwards and forwards in time. It is also possible to visit people, and to meet with people who have passed onto the other side. The possibilities are endless!

The more often you practice the separation and the more often you travel, the easier you should find it to stay outside of your body for long enough to have some fun!
Dont worry about not being able to find your way back to your body as you are attached via a silver cord that metaphysically ties your astral body to your physical body. Some travellers can see this cord and some cant. Personally, I cant see it but I know that it is there. This cord will stretch as far as you want it to go, even if you decide to visit the moon! The only time this cord is severed is

My final advice is to spend time mastering the separation and then you have a new world or worlds to explore. Practice is the key, personally I find that practising at the same time of day and following the same routine is successful. It seems that my body is now aware that when Im in bed in the morning and I start my fourfold breathing technique, it knows what to do and the process is becoming easier and easier.

If all these stages that I practice seem complicated or long-winded, trust me they arent. Im not all that good at visualising and I dont spend a huge amount of time on each stage. I know them off by heart now so I just run through them as part of my routine. You may find that once you have fully relaxed, you dont need to focus on maintaining the four-fold breathing technique anymore. Your breathing may have stabilised at a natural slow and relaxed rhythm and thats fine. After completing the visualisation, its now time to begin trying to separate the conscious from the physical body. The ideal state of conscious to do this is in the borderline between wakefulness and sleep. That time when you are almost dozing and dreams are beginning to filter through from you mind by you are also aware and consious of what is happening. Some people call it

When you are able to recognise this state, its time to separate your astral body from your physical.
The method that I use most often is the rope-climbing technique. Again, this is taken directly from work by Robert Monroe. I imagine a rope descending from my bedroom ceiling and then I imagine grabbing it with my hands and climbing up. I imagine the feeling of the rope in my hands and imagine the sensation of rising. I dont imagine that this is my astral body I imagine that this is my real body. A variation on this method is to imagine climbing up a ladder or reaching out for something in your room, something that you cannot physically reach, and imagine yourself pulling yourself out using this object as your anchor. Another method that I have used successfully is simply to imagine that you are getting lighter and lighter and simply floating upwards. Another method that I used recently was to simply imagine myself rolling out of my body. I then rolled across

If you have enjoyed this report, please share it with your friends. If you have any questions, or would like to tell me about your experiences in the astral planes, please contact me at naomi@astralangels.com or visit my facebook page www.facebook.com/myastralangels

Thank you for reading this and happy travelling... Naomi Walker Further reading:

Journeys out of the body - Robert Monroe www.theartofastralprojection.com www.astralbob.com

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