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Across: atravesar

Amber: ambar Application forms: formularios de solicitud Apply for: solicitar

Heavy/light: pesado/ligero

Implement: poner en prctica

Ink: tinta Ivory: marfil

Be able to: ser capaz

Brush: pincel Bulky: voluminoso

Jagged/smooth: dentado/suave
Just a little: un poco ms

Lacquer: laca
Length: longitud Lower: hacia abajo

Camera angle: ngulo de la cmara

Canvas: lienzo Carbing: tallado Cauvas: tela Clay: arcilla Close: cerca Coarse: aspero Concave/convex: concavo/convexo Concrete: hormign Conical: conico Copper: cobre Crosswise/lengthwise: transversal/longitudinal Curved/straight line: lnea curva/recta Charcoal: carbon Chisel: cincel

Middle: centro Narrow: estrecho

Navy: azul marino Not actually touching it: sin llegar a tocarla Nudes: desnudo

Oval: valo Pale: plido

Palette: paleta Parallel: paralelo Plaster: yeso Porous: poroso

Rib: costilla
Rough/smooth: aspero/suave Rubber: goma

Dye: tinta Empty/filled: vacio/lleno

Enamel: esmalte Enclosed space: espacio cerrado Esmerald: esmeralda Etching: grabado

Scissors: Tijeras
Shading: sombreado Shape: forma Silhouette: silueta Silver: plata Soft/hard: blando/duro Staples: grapa Stencilling: estarcido Stone: piedra Stucco: estuco

Fabric: tela, tejido

Facial features: rasgos faciales Farward/backward: adelante/atrs From side to side: de lado a lado From top to bottom: de arriba abajo

Gem/stone: piedra
Gesso: yeso Glazing: esmaltado Glue: pegamento Graphite: graffito Grid: cuadrcula

Tape: cinta adhesiva

Thick/thin: grueso/Delgado Turquoise: turquesa

Vast/small: grande/pequeo Wax: cera

Welding: soldadura Width: ancho Wood: Madera

Half way between the two points: a mitad

de camino entre los dos puntos Harsh: aspero

The rule of thirds is a guideline that enables you to show the environment around the most important element in the photograph: la regla de los tercios es una pauta que te permite mostrar el entorno que rodea al elemento visual ms importante de la fotografa. If you move the camera angle lower into the left, you will be able to show a little more context: si mueves el ngulo de la cmara hacia abajo y hacia la izquierda, podrs mostrar un poco ms de contexto. Notice that the subjects eyes are in the center of the grid: fijate en que los ojos del sujeto se encuentran en el centro de la cuadricula. The horizontal format is more suitable for this type of work: el formato horizontal es ms adecuado para este tipo de trabajo. The horizon line is a bit blurred: la lnea del horizonte se va algo borrosa. This oval is just a little wider from side to side tahn from top to bottom: este ovalo es un poco mas ancho de lado a lado que de arriba abajo. Erase the curved line: borren la lnea curva. This straight line goes right across the middle: esta linea recta justo atraviesa el centro. From top to bottom: de arriba abajo. Draw a line thats half way between the two points: tracen una linea que este a mitad de camino entre los dos puntos. Its close to this line but not actually touching it: esta cerca de esta linea pero sin llegar a tocarla

Describing paints

Degree of likeness: Realistic, figurative/representational, abstract/non-representational. Styles and periods: gothic, renaissance, baroque, classic, romantic, realistic, impressionistic, expressionistic, cubist. Media: watercolor, oil, acrylic, pastel, gouache (acuarela) Subject matter: self-portrait (autorretrato), portrait, landscape/seascape (paisaje/paisaje marino), still-life (naturaleza muerta, bodegon) Color: bright, dull (mate), cool (frio), pure, mixed, opaque, translucent, transparent. Light: bright, luminous, dim (oscuro), subdned (suave), dark Perspective: depth (profundidad), flat (llano), vanishing point (punto de fuga), horizon line. Appraisal (valoracion): superb (magnifico), masterpiece (obra maestra), striking (llamativo), appalling (espantoso), outrangeous (monstruoso) Composition: symmetrical/asymmetrical, convergent/divergent, simple/complex, harmonious/disharmonious/chaotic, rhythm, pattern (patron, modelo) Emotional reaction: disquieting, anguish, fear (miedo), disgust, calming, relaxing, happiness.
Lugares: At the top Higher up On the left, to the left of the man In the middle Further to the right (mas a la derecha) At the bottom In the lower (en la parte inferior) Farward (adelante) Backwards (hacia atras) Downward upwards Further down (ms abajo) In the foreground (en primer plano) In the background Around (alrededor de) Through (a traves de) Across Into

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