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Shirley Lin 9/18/11

How does geography affect peoples lives and the societies they live in?Geography affects peoples lives and the societies they live in by determining the societies characteristics and how people live. For example if you live in an area with certain geographic features, your economy may bend a certain way, or your food source may different from if you were to live in an area with different geographic features. VOCABULARY Geography: the study of earths physical features, resources, climate, population, etc. Geological features Archipelago- a chain of islands Bay- a body of water formed on an indentation of the shoreline Canyon- a deep valley with steep sides (usually with a stream flowing through it.) Cape- a piece of land that extends into a body of water Channel- a narrow body of water that connects two larger bodies of water. Delta- a low watery land at the mouth of a river. It is formed by silt, sand, and small rocks that flow downstream and are deposited at the delta. Desert- an arid region because of lack of rainfall Estuary- where a river meets the sea or ocean Forest- a semi-flat area abundant in trees Glacier- a slow moving river of ice Gulf- part of an ocean partially surrounded by land Island- land completely surrounded with water Isthmus- a strip of land connecting 2 larger landmasses. Lake- large body of water completely surrounded by land Mountain- tall natural place on earth Mesa- a landform with a flat top and steep sides. Oasis- fertile land area in a desert Ocean- large body of saltwater that surrounds a continent Plain- flat land (not many trees) Peninsula- an area of land almost completely surrounded by water. Plateau- large flat area of land higher than the surrounding land. River- flowing body of water that usually empties into the ocean. Savanna- plan with coarse grass and scattered tree growth and seasonal rainfall Sea- a large body of salty water that can be partially or completely surrounded by land. Steppe- an extensive plain without trees. Strait- narrow body of water connecting two larger bodies of water. Tundra- vast plain in the arctic region. Valley- low place between mountains Volcano- mountainous vent in the earth that is crust Wetland- often wet (swamp) Continents- North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Antarctica Natural Resources- a natural wealth of a country consisting of land, forest, mineral deposits, etc. Climate- general weather (over a long period of time) Weather- daily thing Longitude- parallel to the Prime Meridian Latitude- Parallel to the equator Key/Legend- tells you what things mean on a map Equator- divides the earth into East and West Hemisphere Prime Meridian- divides the earth into its North and South Hemispheres Hemispheres- half of earth Scale- helps you tell the distance between places on a map.

FIVE THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY Location: Where a place is on a map, and how it relates to other locations. (Relative Location; Absolute Location) Place: Geographic and human features that describe the area. Movement: the movement of people, goods, and ideas in an area. Region: Physical, social, cultural or economic similarities. Human Environment Interaction: Humans adapt, modify, and depend on their environmen REGION East Asia MODERN COUNTRIES China Japan N/S Korea Vietnam Thailand Laos Indonesia Malaysia India Pakistn Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh Russia Mongolia Kazakhstan Afganistn Irn, Iraq Morocco Israel Turkey Kenya Nigeria Somalia DP of Congo Poland Slovakia Lithuania Croatia Spain France Italy Germany United Kingdom Sweden Canada Mexico U.S. Peru Argentina Mexico Australia, New Zealand Papua New Guinea MAJOR RIVERS Huang He Chang Jiang Yalu River Mekong River Irrawaddy River LANDFORMS& CLIMATES Mount Fuji Gobi Desert Tibetan Plateau Ring of Fire (Volcanoes)

Southeast Asia

South Asia

Ganges River Indus River Brahmaputra River

Himalayas Hindu Kush Khyber Pass

Central Asia

Volga River

Middle East

Tigris River Euphrates River Nile River

Gobi Desert Ural Mountains Baikal Lake Zagros Mountains Arabian Desert Sahara Desert

Sub Saharan Africa

Congo River Niger River Zambezi River

Eastern Europe

Danube River

Lake Victoria Kalahari Desert Tropical rainforest Great Rift Valley Mount Kilimanjaro Caucasus Mountains Carpathian Mountains

Western Europe

Rhine River Rhone River Elbe River

Alps Pyrenees


Latin America


Mississippi River Missouri River Rio Grande River St. Lawrence River Amazon River Rio de la plata Paran Darling River Murray River

Rocky Mountains Sierra Madre Mountains Canadian Shield Amazon Rainforest Andes Mountains Pampas Outback Barrier Reef Great Dividing Range

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