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The Risks Of Having Allergies

Cigarette Smoke Allergies

According to research, smoking can aggravate allergies. This is most especially true to individuals suffering from cigarette smoke allergy. Cigarettes contain highly irritating and toxic substances. An individual suffering from a smoke allergy is more sensitive to smoke than others. Most people think that cigarette smoke can only harm the smoker himself. What they do not know is that people around smokers are also harmed. The risks of obtaining allergic complications increase with the exposure to secondhand smoke. These complications include sinusitis and bronchitis. This is because of the toxic chemicals found in cigarettes which are considered irritants. Hay Fever Allergies Facts An allergy like hay fever is caused by pollens. The time of recurrence is the factor the separates the two types of allergic rhinitis. The seasonal type can happen in specific times of the year, whereas the other type occurs all year round. The type of reaction will determine the difference between hay fever and nonallergic rhinitis. When people acquire hay fever during spring, the reactions may be due to tree pollens. During summer, allergic reactions may be caused by grass and weed pollens. Spores and weeds may greatly affect sensitive people during late March until November. People with year-long hay fever may react to some indoor allergens. Animal dander or the tiny skin flakes that animals shed, as well as dust mites and feathers can be found in heavy materials such as beddings, carpeting and the likes. Mold, a common allergen, can be found in bathrooms and basements. Food Allergy There is a great chance that everyone may acquire food allergies and food intolerances. Some people are not aware that they have allergies. They

are just left wondering why they are experiencing unwanted allergic reactions.

There is one out of three people who claims either they have acquired food allergy or a family member is suspected to have food allergy that is why they tend to modify their diet. Among other types of allergies, food allergies have affected approximately 5% on children. About 4% of the teen and adult populations are diagnosed of having allergies to food. Moreover, people are often mistaken with the difference of food allergies and food intolerances. This affects the difference of clinically diagnosed food allergy and the public perception of the problem. Food allergy happens when a person ingests a certain type of allergen and the antibodies in the immune system release histamines that cause the allergic reactions to take place. The immune system works in the triggering of food allergy symptoms. This is not applicable for food intolerance even though some of its symptoms are similar with that of food allergies. For example, if a person is allergic to milk, he experiences adverse reactions due to the ingestion of milk. On the other hand, a person who is lactose intolerant experiences the inability to digest or absorb milk. Insect Sting Allergy Guide An oral antihistamine is used to reduce itching, swelling and hives. An example of antihistamine is Benadryl. To reduce the pain, a pain reliever may be taken. An ice pack may also be used to reduce local inflammation. Medications such as corticosteroids are used to decrease swelling and inflammation. Insect stings can cause a severe allergic reaction affecting the entire body. This severe allergic reaction is often termed as anaphylaxis. Bees, fire ants, yellow jackets, hornets, and wasps are common insects that can cause allergic reaction. When stung, remove of the stinger as soon as possible. Removal of the stinger is the top priority when an individual is stung. Pollen Allergy Overview There are specific times in a year when seasonal plants release more pollen grains than usual. Pollen grains are carried by the wind. However, not all of them are successful in fertilizing other plants. There are times when pollen goes into peoples throats and noses, which may trigger pollen allergy. This condition is also referred to as hay fever.

Pollen allergy belongs to the list of popular allergies in the world. It is easy to prevent exposure to visible allergens (i.e. animals, food, medicines). It is possible to avoid dusts and insects as well. You will have a hard time avoiding airborne pollen inside the house even if the windows are always down. If you wish to figure out a little more about Allergy Symptoms, don't hesitate to browse the authors site.

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